It stops…… Then it goes….. Then it stops…… Then it goes…


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It stops……

Then it goes…..

Then it stops……

Then it goes….

All traffic starts in a big jumbled mess, and winds up travelling through one lane, kind of following a triangle shape!


Order of Operations problems also start in a big jumbled mess.

You have to stop, fix things, then go. Then you have to stop, fix things, then

go. And repeat. And repeat. Until you’re out of the traffic jam (YAY).

Parentheses ()


Multiplication or Division

Addition or Subtraction

20 ÷ (3 + 7) - 7

62 – 3 ● 18 - 4

16 ÷ 4 + 8 ● 3 - 4

32 + (9 – 2) ● 2 ÷ 7

14 + 5 ● 1011 – 12 ÷ 4

12 – 2 ÷ (2 + 8) ● 4

36 – 12 ÷ 3 ● 6 – 40 + 62
