ISS Informer September 2014




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The Informer

Kristian Eggerton has a harmonious start to the school year

2 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

From the Director:And another year is underway at the International School of Stavanger. Many things are the same, but so many are different—some new employees, some improvements to the facilities, many new ideas and lots of great new students. While we graduated out a bigger senior class in June than we welcomed students into Kindergarten, we have flexible plans and we have once again been able to provide the warm “Welcome to ISS” to new and returning students that has been a part of this school from long ago. And just as the school routines have swung quickly back into action, so has our Parent Association gotten very busy very quickly. They have already launched a number of successful activities and are poised to continue their role of providing wonderful support to the school. We are very grateful to them for the wonderfully positive atmosphere they promote. As a special message to all the new families who have chosen ISS, let us help you in any way to make the transition as smooth as possible to the school. Don’t be shy about asking questions. And that offer of help extends far beyond the first month of school—I’ve lived here a long time, but I still come up with questions. Just as I always appreciate having someone take the time to satisfy my curiosity, I welcome you to make use of the resources we have available to you. We are working hard to assist all these new students to transition smoothly into their new school environment and the process is always fascinating to watch. With some children, it seems to happen nearly overnight and for others the process will take some months. Neither approach on the part of a new student to “bond” with their new school is better than the other and it also often happens that even within families, brothers and sisters will react differently. If you have concerns, our counselors, teachers and principals are here to be of assistance to you. And as I write about ISS welcoming new families, I will mention that our Admissions Office continues to process new students planning on sending their children to ISS. As a special point, I will mention that we have just received the green light from the Stavanger Kommune Barnehagen/Pre-School Office that our application to expand our Pre-School 3 and Pre-School 4 classes up to a total of 90 students. So if you know anyone who is seeking a spot for their 3 or 4 year old child please encourage them to contact for a tour. Later in this issue you will see the fine results from our International Baccalaureate and IGCSE examinations. We are proud of their efforts and proud of all our graduating seniors whether they earned IB diplomas or IB certificates. Batting practice

Cricket is tricky ....

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·


Like this ...?

A wonderful cover drive!!!!

We had two students who received a perfect score of 45 points and two more who scored 44 points. But we are equally proud of those who produced lower scores as well. ISS is committed to the idea that the IB diploma is the best pre-university preparation available and whether a student earns the requisite points to receive the coveted IB diploma or not, they will find their university experience to be enhanced by the hard work and engagement in their studies they encountered during their final years at ISS.

Examinations Coordinator Lynn Park’s message will also highlight the strong IGCSE results that students earned as well. Fully 34.6% of our students earned either an “A” or an “A*” on their IGCSE exams. Results like those only happen through hard work by both students and teachers. Congratulations all! Another annual event that happens each September is that the ISS Board of Trustees makes its decision on the official tuition rate for the following school year. The 2014-2015 tuition rate has been again been set at NOK 205,000. This is the same Category 1 tuition, (which is what most of students are billed at), as it was last year. (The Category 2 fees for the next three years were announced last February.) A year ago there was a substantial increase to the Category 1 tuition, but through careful and consistent monitoring of the budget plus controlling expenses, the Board voted to not increase the Category 1 tuition. The Board’s allegiance to the commitment of providing the resources for an excellent quality educational experience for our students continues to be as strong as ever. Following this article, you can see an overview of the school’s finances for the 2014-2015 school year. ISS, a non-profit foundation, operates within an approved annual budget for each school year. Our school budgeting year goes from July 1 to June 30. The school’s accounts are annually audited by EY (Ernst & Young, Norway). As is typical for most fee-charging schools, the major income is from tuition payments and the major expenditures are for employee compensations. The pie charts attached will indicate how the school’s approved budget allocates funds on both expenditures and income. The total budget on the expenditure side is NOK 126 million, with the lion’s share of it, as in nearly all schools, going toward compensations, which is NOK 103 million.

The approved budget includes a negative result predicted at NOK 2,8 million, which we hope we can reduce to a zero balance by June, 2015 through additional students joining the school during the year plus a reduction on some of our predicted expenses.

4 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

For the past years, we have worked hard toward “paying back” our reserves from what was used in the most recent construction. Due to the careful monitoring of the 2013-2014 budget year, we are delighted to share that we have now fully repaid the school’s reserves for the construction of the middle school corridor and the extension of the primary school corridor and adding the new gym and Early Childhood/Primary School library.

Through the combination of school funds plus the generous funding assistance from Stavanger, Sola, Sandnes and Randaberg Kommunes plus the County of Rogaland, it was not necessary for ISS to take out any costly bank loans on the construction. So the school is fortunate not to have to pay loan interest. It is a wonderful tribute to all involved that the school can provide such outstanding facilities within the boundaries of prudent financial planning The financial charts in this Informer will also be placed on Edline should you wish to refer to them at a later date. Our Financial Manager, Linn Åsheim, and I are also always happy to explain any questions that may come up.

Although it seems strange to bring up the 2015-2016 school year this early, it won’t be long before we are officially approving the next year’s school calendar. I invite anyone who has some ideas for the 2015-2016 school calendar they would like considered to send it in writing to my e-mail address by the end of September.

There are a few constraints that we have to keep in mind, including the number of days included, our longstanding practice of using the same October and February/March holidays as they use in Stavanger kommune, and following Norwegian public holidays. But we do have some latitude on some other aspects, and we are always happy to invite ideas for consideration.

Congratulations to 11th grade student, Erlend Meling, who traveled to Slovenia during the summer as a member of the Norwegian national baseball team to take part in the European Baseball Championships. Erlend was by far the youngest member of the team and the only member of the Stavanger Baseball Club to make the national team. Well done, Erlend—what a great experience for you!

There is a wealth of information to be found on the upcoming Informer pages so enjoy keeping up to date with life at ISS. I would like to end this section with a poem that I shared in the first Informer several years ago. It is as timely today and helps, I believe, to set a fine tone for the upcoming months of working together on our school goals together. . . as a reminder,

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

they are Learning—Well-being—Community.

Be Alive

Think Freely. Smile often.

Tell those you love that you do.

Rediscover old friends. Make new ones.

Hope. Grow. Give. Give in.

Pick some daisies. Share them.

Keep a promise. Laugh heartily.

Reach out. Let someone in.

Hug a kid. Slow down.

See a sunrise. Listen to rain.

Trust life. Have faith. Enjoy.

Make some mistakes. Learn from them.

Explore the unknown. Celebrate life!

By Jan Michelsen I wish all of you a positive and productive future. Thank you for entrusting your children to us and welcome to a new school year.


Dr. Linda DuevelDirector


6 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

SCHOOL  FINANCES  2014-­‐15  Interna7onal  School  of  Stavanger  is  a  non-­‐profit  en7ty,  which  operates  within  an  approved  annual  budget  for  the  school  year.  Our  school  budge7ng  year  goes  from  July  1  to  June  30  and  our  fiscal  year  runs  January  1  to  December  31.  The  school  accounts  are  annually  audited  by  Ernst  &  Young,  Norway.  Approximately  91%  of  ISS  revenue  comes  from  tui7on,  6%  from  grants,  and  2%  from  fees.  The  remaining  comes  from  bank  interest  and  other  miscellaneous  income.  Compensa7on  is  82%  of  the  school  expenses,  10%  opera7ng  expenses,  4  %  educa7onal  opera7ng  and  4%  for  capital  expenditure.  


Michael Popinchalk, Associate Director, Commission on American and International Schools Abroad New England Association of Schools and Colleges

presents the ISS employees with the NEASC re-accreditation plaque

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

Dear Parents & Students,

Welcome to the academic year 2014– 2015,

As the school approaches the end of the first month it is great to see the energy and enthusiasm that both students and staff bring into to the buildings at the beginning of each school year. Whether they are catching up with ’old’ friends or welcoming new ones, the energy generated in the building is exciting to watch.

Before going on to outline some of the areas that we are seeking to develop over the course of this year, it would be remiss of me not to congratulate our IGCSE students on their results with 89.9% of students achieving A* through C grades and also our IB diploma students who as a group achieved a 32 point average score. There were also some ’stellar’ individual scores with two of our students receiving 45 points, the maximum score possible, another two students received 44 points and a fifth student achieved 41 points.

What is particularly gratified is that 4 of the 5 students have been long term students at ISS. As you may be aware, ISS does not select students out of examinations because they find them academically challenging and we are equally proud of our students who overcome difficulties in order to fulfill their potential and achieve the IB Diploma or the criteria for studiekompetanse in Norway. Our congratulations goes to all of them.

In August of last year I was able to share with you the progress that was being made with our CIS (Council of International Schools) and NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges re-accreditation process. At that time we were seeking to finalize our self-study and were preparing for the CIS/NEASC team visit that was due to take place in April of 2014.

The primary function of the Visiting Team was to assist ISS by providing an objective assessment of the conclusions of the self-study and articulate specific

recommendations for school improvement.

In April of 2014 visiting team members visited classrooms, other work places and campus facilities. They examined documentation compiled by the school, and spoke with students, parents, members of the administration, faculty, support staff, and the Board of Trustees.

During their week at ISS they were able to examine all aspects of the school in the light of the self-study findings, ISS’s Guiding Statements and unique demography, and the Standards for Accreditation focusing on student learning and well-being.

At the end of the last academic year I was happy to share with you that we received confirmation from both CIS and NEASC that ISS had been re-accredited by both organizations. So as we begin the 2014-2015 academic year, what are our next steps as a school?

As we begin the 2014-2015 academic year we start to review all the recommendations made in each section of the accreditation reports and pull them together within the school strategic and operational planning process. This process has been structured under our values, namely; Learning, Well-being, Community, Infrastructure and Resources and Governance and Leadership and over the course of this year I will seek to provide you an overview of how we are developing and progressing in these areas through subsequent Informer articles.

As part of the re-accreditation process we are also required to give feedback to the accrediting agencies on the status of our response to the recommendations after two years and then again in five years when we prepare for a five year visit and report.

The re-accreditation process has been an empowering one as it truly helps us to recognise all the great things we do, but also provides us with the opportunity to grow and develop.

Can I take this opportunity to wish you all a fantastic academic year at ISS.

With kind regards,


Gareth L Jones (B.Ed Hons, MBA)Deputy Director

International School of Stavangeremail:

From the Deputy Director

8 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

The Counselors’

Greetings ISS High School Families!

By the time you read this, school will have been in session for a month. In the High School Counseling Office we are delighted to see how proactive our students have been in talking to us about course and schedule changes as well as in adjusting to the new school year. By now, we hope all our students have settled in to new routines, challenging schedules, and exciting extracurricular activities.

We especially commend the class of 2015 for an excellent start to the year. Many have already turned in a first draft of their IB Extended Essays and we have already met with many individuals to discuss their plans for the future.

In our first senior seminars we have reflected on the year ahead and now we are well into planning for the next exhilarating chapter of their lives. Twenty students have already set up accounts for their UK university applications and those who are applying to other destinations have already begun to review university requirements and ISS application deadlines. We also heard some enlightening reflections from one of last year’s graduates. Senior year can be an emotional roller coaster, but if you remain active and in the moment and keep your goals in sight, it can be a momentous and satisfying year.

For all of our students and families, please be sure to work together to organize your school activities, athletic commitments, CAS activities and school-sponsored trips while staying abreast of your studies.

Seniors, take particular notice of university application due dates and standardized entrance exam registration deadlines.

Grade 11, we will be working with you with Naviance Family Connections and we encourage you to use it as your one stop resource for career and university planning. We have no doubt that Naviance will serve you well as you continue to navigate the university application process.

The secret to success in high school is simple: prudent academic planning, self-advocacy, and extracurricular involvement. The stress and pressure that coincides with college preparedness can also lead to some beautiful character building. Don t be afraid to ask questions, rely on your support systems, and be there for one another. High school only comes once, and to thrive within the supportive walls of ISS is a gift. Make this year your own.

The Counseling Calendar of Events for the fall semester includes the following to date:

TESTING The following tests will be administered at ISS. There are a limited number of tests for each exam and they are available on a first come/first served basis. The dates for the tests are as follows:

PSAT/ NMSQTSaturday, October 18, 2014 at 7:45 am

Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Qualifying Test administration for 10th and 11th graders: This test is useful both as practice for the SAT and as a predictor of SAT scores. For 11th graders, the PSAT/NMSQT also serves as a basis for awarding some merit scholarships. Taking the test will gain students access to a college and career search tool to aid them in their postsecondary plans.

To register for this exam, sign up on the clipboard outside of the Counseling Office, transfer 100 NOK to the ISS account number 3201 09 31567, and mark “PSAT Test Fee, STUDENT NAME,” by September 8, 2014.

The SAT Reasoning, SAT Subject, and ACT tests are standardized tests utilized by U.S. universities as part of the admissions process. As each university has its own requirements as to which test(s) they will accept be sure to check their websites to determine which tests to take. Many universities will accept either the SAT Reasoning test or ACT.

SAT Reasoning & Subject Test Dates Registration Deadline

Saturday, November 8, 2014 October 9th, 2014Saturday, December 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 Saturday, May 2, 2015 . . . . . . . . April 6, 2015

12th graders - If you plan to enter a U.S. university in the fall 2015 and the SAT is a requirement then you must take it this first semester. If you took it last spring and would like to try to improve your score, you can take it this autumn as well.

11th graders - You should take this exam on May 2, 2015 if you have plans to study in North America. This exam measures verbal, mathematical reasoning ability and writing skills.

For any of the dates, register at

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

The Counselors’

SAT Subject Tests - Scholastic Aptitude Subject Test:

Check the specific requirements of the universities to which you are applying to see if they require the SAT Subject tests. During one test date students may take up to three one-hour subject tests that measure both knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge in specific subject areas. They are administered on the same dates as the SAT I; however, the foreign language with listening exam is only offered in November (check for availability).

You cannot take both the SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject tests on the same testing date.

Check for specific test subjects and to register for the tests.

ACT - American College Test with Writing

ACT Test Dates Registration DeadlinesSaturday, September 13, 2014. . .August 8, 2014 Saturday, April 18, 2015 March 13, 2015

The ACT test assesses students’ abilities in four academic areas - English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science Reasoning. Writing is offered as an option that we strongly recommend you register for; this is the Writing Plus option. Public colleges and some private colleges in the US Midwest, West and South commonly request the ACT, but most will accept either the SAT or the ACT. Check for specific requirements on individual college websites.

12th graders - If you plan to enter a U.S. university in autumn 2015 and the ACT is a requirement, then you must take it this first semester. If you took it last spring and would like to try to improve your score, you can take it this fall as well.

11th graders – You may wish to take this test in April

You may register at

TO ALL OUR CURRENT 12TH GRADE STUDENTS AND PARENTSSenior Seminar started on Friday, August 18th and will be held during the third block on Mondays.

Students have already begun to set up individual appointments with the counselors to discuss their plans for next year. Please see Mrs. Brown or Ms. Jetabut to

set up an appointment if you have not yet done so…time is of the essence!

If you are applying through the UCAS system for Oxford, Cambridge, or a law, dental, medical, or veterinary science program your UCAS application must be completed by September 15, 2014.

If you are applying through the UCAS system for Oxford, Cambridge, a dental, medical, or veterinary science program, or a law course remember to sign up to take any necessary entrance exams (UKCAT, LNAT, BMAT etc.). These are not offered at ISS so check the university requirements and register with the examining body.

If you are applying Early Decision or Early Action to a college or university in the United States, please submit a copy of your application to the Counseling Office by October 1st. If the Early application deadline is before October 15, please see your counselor to discuss when to turn in your materials.

All other university applications are due by November 14th to guarantee timely submission prior to the Christmas break. Students are encouraged to complete and turn in their materials before the due date so that they can be processed sooner.

TO ALL OUR CURRENT 12th GRADE STUDENTSPlease be advised that if you wish to make a change to an IB course at this late stage we do need to consult with your parents as well. Please set up an appointment with Ms. Park to discuss any IB course changes.

TO ALL OUR CURRENT 1 1TH GRADE STUDENTS AND PARENTSRemember that any IB course or level change needs to be discussed with parents, the counselor and teachers and the proper form must be submitted to the Counseling Office by Wednesday, September 10th.

Any student who is considering applying to a North American college or university is strongly encouraged to sign up for and take the PSAT exam in October and at least one session of the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test during second semester this year.

10 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

The Counselors’

TO ALL OUR CURRENT 9TH AND 10TH GRADE STUDENTS AND PARENTSAll course change requests for electives for the first semester are completed. Remember that now is the time to practice and perfect your academic skills while developing new interests through electives and extracurricular activities. Do not be afraid to try something new! You may surprise yourself…

To all students – have a fantastic start to the fall semester! We cannot wait to get to know each and every one of you. We look forward to an exciting journey with you this year as we learn, grow, and flourish…together. Mrs. Brown Ms. JetabutCheryl Brown June JetabutHigh School Counselor High School 51 55 43 62 51 55 43 13

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

12 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

News from the IbDp/IGCSe CoordinatorInternational School of Stavanger: IB results May 2014

This year, 49 graduating students took International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations, taking the full Diploma Programme of 6 subjects (3 Higher and 3 Standard), the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS (Creativity, Action, Service).

In order to obtain the Diploma, students must gain at least 24 points and fulfil a range of other conditions defined by IB. This year, 78% of these students achieved the full Diploma.

The highest score achieved by our students who took all the Diploma examinations was the maximum 45 points out of 45 possible points which was achieved by two of our graduates!

Two more students achieved 44 points. This is a fantastic result.

In total, five students achieved over 40 points out of the maximum of 45. For those students who achieved the Diploma, the mean total score was 32 points.

IB examinations are scored on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest), and our students who achieved the Diploma in May had a mean score of 5.04 in each of their subjects. These are excellent results! Any candidate who does not achieve the full Diploma receives results documentation indicating their performance in each subject.

May 2014 has again produced some fine results, in a year when again the overwhelming majority of our

graduating seniors participated in the full Diploma Programme.

ISS has a policy of encouraging all students to consider stretching themselves by working towards the full IB Diploma, and does not select students for the programme. Despite the policy of open access, ISS averages compare very favourably with the world averages in most subject areas.

Both the students and their teachers are to be congratulated on this achievement. At ISS, the IB Diploma has become the normal programme for almost all of our graduating seniors, and we are proud of our open access policy. Even if students do not achieve the full Diploma, just missing the point requirements, the experience of following the programme is very valuable. For some students, it is particularly important to achieve the results to earn ‘studiekompetanse’ which allows them to access Norwegian universities and funding from Statens Lånekasse for university study anywhere in the world.

A small number of students chose to re-take subjects to improve their scores, and I am happy to report that graduates who re-took examinations this May did increase their grades, allowing them to move on to the next phase of their education. I congratulate all our IB students on their results.

The chart below shows a summary of the IB results from ISS over the last five years compared with world averages.

Year Number of graduating


Total number of

IB candidates

Full Diploma candidates*

ISS totals (% Diploma

candidates achieving Diploma)

ISS averages (Mean

Diploma score)

World averages (%

achieving Diploma)

World averages (Mean

Diploma score)

May 2010

47 45 43 39 (90.7%) 33 78.06% 29.55

May 2011

47 46 41 36 (87.8%) 32 77.75% 29.61

May 2012

53 51 50 45 (90.0%)

31 78.16% 29.83

May 2013

68 66 65 55 (84.6%) After re-takes

32 78.54% 29.81

May 2014

52 51 49 38 (77.5%) 32 Not yet on IB website


* students who took examinations in six subjects + ToK + EE + CAS.

Lynn ParkIBDP Co-ordinator

27th August 2014

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

News from the IbDp/IGCSe Coordinator

This year 47 students from ISS took one or more International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE) examinations, including some students who chose to re-take examinations where they had not achieved the grade that they wished last year.

IGCSE are graded from A* to G (with A* - C normally accepted as ‘pass’ grades by British universities). A U grade (unclassified) is given if for some reason students do not produce sufficient work of an adequate standard to be awarded a grade on a particular examination.

ISS does not select those students who may take

the IGCSE. The decision to enter for IGCSE examinations is a personal one, made by the student and parent, depending on the student’s educational background and future plans.

This year a total of 44 of our 10th grade students chose to take IGCSE examinations, and for those that do so, the final grades are extremely important (especially if they go on to apply to British universities through the UCAS system).

The results for the 10th grade students are indicated in the chart below, and show a comparison with results over the last five years.

These are another extremely strong set of IGCSE results, with our 10th grade students achieving A* - C in 89.9% of the examinations. The total percentage of A and A* grades achieved by ISS 10th grade students this year was 34.6%

Although Cambridge has not published overall data for IGCSE examinations in 2014, the comparative figures for GCSE results in the UK for 2014 are A*-C grades achieved in 68.8% of examinations, and A*-A in 21.3% of the total examinations.


IGCSE grades at ISS compare very favourably with the GCSE data from all UK schools and I congratulate all our IGCSE students with their results and wish them well in their future studies.

Lynn ParkIGCSE Co-ordinator

27th August 2014

International School of Stavanger: IGCSE results 2014

Grade IGCSE 2014

IGCSE 2013

IGCSE 2012

IGCSE 2011

IGCSE 2010

A* 12.2% 21.0% 13.5% 14.3% 14.5% A 22.4% 29.0% 27.0% 26.0% 31.7% B 36.6% 22.7% 27.0% 32.2% 24.7% C 18.7% 11.8% 16.9% 18.5% 15.1% D 8.9% 8.9% 10.8% 5.1% 9.7% E 1.2% 4.3% 3.4% 2.4% 2.2% F 0.0% 0.3% 0.7% 1.5% 1.6% G 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% U 0.0% 2.0% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0%

A* - C 89.9% 84.5% 84.4% 91.0% 86.0% Total students

entered 47

(10th grade 44) 55


53 38

14 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

News from the IbDp/IGCSe Coordinator

This year, seventeen lucky 12th graders from ISS attended the ‘University Day’ at ONS 2014.

They joined university students from Stavanger and other parts of the world to hear a series of inspiring speakers telling us of their experiences in the energy industry. The morning was ably hosted by Sindre Rhrich (Project Coordinator XT Subsea Services, GE Oil & Gas) who introduced all the speakers and asked questions on behalf of the audience.

Among the presentations were: ‘My way into the oil and gas industry’ by Håkon Fjellestad (Trainee at Aker Solutions MMO) who described how he was currently exploring a variety of different jobs within the industry, before deciding on a specific career pathway, and in contrast a presentation entitled ‘How did I get the best job in the world?’ by Hege Kverneland, Corporate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at National Oilwell Varco. Hege entertained the students with a lively account of her career pathway from leaving school to work in the family business building agricultural machinery, via

education at NTH (now NTNU in Trondheim), through a variety of roles to her current position.

All the speakers seemed to agree on a number of points – that career pathways are seldom what you expect, that you should approach your job (and your life outside!) with energy and enthusiasm, and that you keep learning throughout your life!

After the formal presentations, the ISS students took their ‘grab-and-go’ lunch and dispersed to explore the ONS exhibition. According to the ONS website, there were 1250 exhibitors and approximately 90 000 visitors – so there was certainly a lot to see and learn about in the crowded exhibition halls.

It was a great opportunity for our students, and I certainly thoroughly enjoyed the day!


University Day at ONS 2014

Ready to explore!

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

News from the IbDp/IGCSe Coordinator

Minctat. Namusdanima illenis exerspe volupietur? At the ONS 2014 Exhibition

16 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

H i g h S c h o o l N E W S

It is with sincere enthusiasm that I welcome all our High School students and families to the 2014-2015 academic year.

I would like to extend a special welcome to the Grade 9 class and the additional 20 new students who joined the High School this year.

As we start a new academic year, I would like to stress that we all share a common goal in helping our students, your child(ren), realize their full potential. Essentially, in school everyone shares a defined space and a common purpose. In school, people come together frequently and know what it is that they have to accomplish. However, we share a lot more than this.

It is obvious upon minimal reflection that successful schools are a joint enterprise between students, parents and teachers. More so in international schools, the allegory of the school as a community can provide a healing metaphor for many of our students and families. International school communities are well placed to build in the heart a feeling for, and a knowledge of,

human interdependence. This was the major theme we focus on during our opening assembly of the year. Welcoming, connecting and respecting were values that were presented. These concepts are central to the concept of community and global citizenship and are seen less and less as innovative and experimental and more and more as indispensable.

As we start a new academic year, it can be difficult to look forward with total accuracy; however, as reflected in the school’s mission, we cherish these values of community and effective global citizenship. Furthermore, our graduates from ISS will hopefully claim that an education at ISS is more than just an education of the intellect but also an education of the heart and soul.

It has been a busy summer for us here at school as we worked to have everything ready when students return in August. We are very fortunate to have so many staff members who work hard each and every day to provide the best experience for all students.

Besides the normal summer cleaning that occurs, we

How to draw a farm ....

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

H i g h S c h o o l N E W S H i g h S c h o o l N E W S

have brightened up our corridors and rolled out new furniture in some of our classrooms. There has also been a change with our timetable for Grades 11 & 12 with the addition of an extra lesson over a four week rotation for all higher level subjects.

Summers in school also inevitably mean exam results. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our students who received their IB and IGCSE results. Ms Park, in her article, has provided a synopsis of the results. Two students were awarded the maximum 45 points something only a quarter of one percent of the student body achieve worldwide. It is fantastic that so many of our students have achieved such good results and we wish our 2014 graduates the best of luck in their future endeavours.

And finally, I would like to welcome all High School parents to the Open House that will take place on Thursday 11 September at 18:00 in the Theatre.

Please note that for parents who have children taking band or choir there will be a short presentation at 17:45 in the music room.

During Open House we attempt to give you some understanding of the schedule that your children follow by creating a “mini-sessions” schedule that basically walks you through two of their days in a single night. Since we run a block schedule of four classes per day, with classes repeating every other day, this gives most of you a complete, or almost complete, look at your child’s schedule. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with your child’s schedule.

More information will be communicated about Open House early next week.

Dr. Liam BrowneHigh School Principal

For some people ONS is about oil and curling...

Welcome to

Open House!

18 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Middle School News and Events

Welcome to the Middle School!

I would like to welcome back to all returning Middle School families and extend a warm welcome to all Middle School families who are new to Norway and/or ISS. I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday - it’s hard to believe that we have been back for nearly four weeks already. I suspect that your children are glad to be back too (although I’m not sure they will admit that, of course).

The school year has begun! From this end, I believe your son or daughter has had a smooth start to the year. All students are now busy with their new schedules for the school year and getting to know all their new teachers.

I mentioned at our first assembly of the school year, that ISS is a community and the MS is only a small piece of that whole community, so it is important that our students understand that the hallways, corridors are busy and we need to be respectful of others. As always we continue with our theme of ‘Respect’ in the Middle School this year – respect for each other, ourselves and respect for our facilities.


In homeroom, the main focus has been on the ’settling in’ process. Some students have been issued with an agenda (for organizational purposes) and they all have an individual locker (for book, binders etc.). All students should now have a lock (with combination) on their locker. Students should keep their locker locked at all times during the day. We will also have ’surprise’ locker check days....just to make sure that no undesirable items are lost in the back somewhere! Our homeroom theme for August is, not surprisingly, entitled ‘Organization and Time Management’ and students will be involved in discussions and activities related to this theme. In addition, we will also focus on note-taking skills and study skills in September,

6th grade iPads

All 6th grade students have been issued with their school iPad.. They will keep this device in school for the time being. This will also help students with their organization

Middle School - here I come!

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

Middle School News and Events Middle School News and Events

But Middle School is a lot of work!!

Middle School Activities

Middle School students are encouraged to participate in some of the activities on offer within the Middle School, but I would also encourage caution. It is very tempting for a Middle School student to want to get involved in every activity that is on offer!

Please work together with the Middle School teachers in helping your son/daughter to understand the importance of making wise choices!

Here are some examples of activities for Quarter 1:

MS Student Council – 2014/2015

Middle School students in grades 7 and 8 were encouraged to campaign for a position on the executive committee of the Middle School Student Council (StuCo).

There are six positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Service Learning Coordinator and Creative Director.

Student Council is responsible for organizing many of the Middle School events throughout the year as

well as showing leadership and helping all students to think of others. Students who wanted to be part of the executive committee have already campaigned and their campaign culminated in some wonderful individual speeches on September 2nd.

All Middle School students listened very respectfully to all the speeches and then cast their vote.

Congratulations to the following students:

President: Emma Turner, 8th GradeVice President: Hal Munro, 7th GradeSecretary: Helen White, 8th GradeTreasurer: Ali Md Nazeri, 8th GradeCreative Director: Atashi Chatterjee, 8th GradeService Learning Coordinator: Nolan Anthony, 8th Grade

In addition to the four executive committee members, there will be nine homeroom representatives. Sixth grade students are encouraged to participate in Student Council as a homeroom representative.

MS Lego Mindstorms/RoboticsTakes place on Wednesdays after school from 3:30-5:30 in room 108.

20 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Middle School News and Events Sports Teams

Boys’ Football/Soccer

Training takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15:30 until 17:00. Open to all boys in grades 6 and 7.8th Grade Football

Training on Tuesday and Thursday from 15; 30-17;30

Girls’ Volleyball

Training takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15:30 until 17:00. Open to all girls in grades 6, 7 and 8.


Open to boys and girls in grade 6, 7 and 8. Training takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 15:30 until 17:00

Please check the Edline or contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Jeff Bakke for all details of games, locations and times.

Middle School Work Space

Open to any Middle School student who would like to get their homework completed before going home!

Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00. Contact Mr. Randall or Ms. Newberry for more information.

Middle School Houses

The middle school will have three houses this year and each house is made up of an equal number of students from grades 6, 7 and 8 which encourages cross- grade level communication and interaction. During each quarter, students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, community and service projects in order to gain house points. Students will vote for their new house names next week.

MS BBQ – Friday 29th August

This was the first Middle School event of the year!

Thanks to our Middle School Liaisons, and their team of helpers for the superb organization of this event. The Middle School students had a fantastic time – and the weather was kind to us!. The MS is a busy place and we have many activities and events planned for the year. I will keep you informed!

Middle School Open House – Thursday, 4th September at 18:30.

I hope to see you at our Open House tomorrow night - Thursday 4th September starting at 18:30 in the theatre. You will all have the chance to meet the teachers and hear some of the exciting things going on in all subjects. If you are not able to attend, please contact the Middle School Office and we can send you an information pack. 6th and 7th grade parents will also be able to attend sessions on the upcoming outdoor education weeks. Of course, you will be receiving more information as the departure date approaches.

Middle School Newsletters

I send out weekly Middle School updates by email (every Friday) to all Middle School families. You should have received three of them by now. Please let me know if you have not received them and I can update my email mailing list.

Once again, welcome to a new school year! Hopefully, you will find this advance information helpful when planning your busy family lives! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/suggestions or concerns.

Carol WallaceMiddle School Principal

The ice-bucket challenge was accepted ... and resulted in ....

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

Middle School News and Events Middle School News and Events

..a wet start of the school year for Middle School teachers!!

Smile! and the world smiles back ....

I wonder what this school year brings......

Amused bystanders

Cautiously optimistic... Well......

Not at all sure this is such a big deal..

Can’t be anything but good!!

22 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Welcome to a wonderful new school year.

I send a special welcome to the children joining ISS this August. You have had to learn new routines and get to know new classmates and teachers. This can be overwhelming at times, so if you have questions or need some assistance, feel free to ask any teacher, principal or office staff.

We welcome new ISS faculty. Teaching in Grade 4 are Ms Ceri Britton and in Grade 5 Ms Helen Brian. We welcome as well Ms Noreen Perks who will teach children in their Choir classes on Fridays.

After orientation to ISS from the start of August, the teachers are now feeling like a part of the team and we appreciate all the energy and enthusiasm they bring to the rest of the staff.

You have had a chance to meet teachers at Meet the Teacher Day at the start of school and at Open House on 27 August.

There are many events coming up to get a view of how your child is doing in school.

“Share in Our Learning” is a chance for you to attend one class of the school day so you can get a feel for your child s work day. Each grade level has a separate day, and you are very welcome to attend. During the school year, there are also assemblies in the theatre where children show us what they have been learning,

and the first is with our Grade 2 classes on 23 October.

Student-teacher-parent conferences are coming up on 9 November and 27 March.

Share in Our Learning has been a part of our way to connect home and school for many years. It is similar to your children coming to your workplace. The tempo changes and there are a few more interests in the room.

However, being in the same place where your children work and watching them can give you an understanding of how you can support that learning when you come home.

You will see how children attend to their work and how your child manages resources. Habits that enhance learning can be reinforced when you know what your children are expected to do and can do at school.

Here are dates to mark on your calendar.

Grade Level Date and time Grade 3 Tuesday, 9 September, 08:30 – 09:15Grade 4 Tuesday, 9 September, 14:30 – 15:15Grade 5 Wednesday,10 September, 08:30 - 09:15Grade 2 Tuesday, 16 September, 08:30 – 09:15

Mathematics in real life

Primary School News

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

How can I respect myself, others and the environment?

This is throughline we use that helps us guide our actions and reactions. Children who use appropriate language, even when unsupervised, show respect for themselves. Children who offer a kind word, empathy or understanding for another child’s frustration and assertively tell someone to stop rather than lashing back physically or calling names show respect toward others. Children who make wise choices of materials to use or reuse and avoid waste and littering show respect toward our common environment.

It is a great deal to ask of children finding their place in the world socially, but each of our actions can be a lesson to guide our path. Complimenting and correcting an action is important for adults to help children find that path we expect of our citizens of the world.

Children are getting involved in many activities in school, after school and on weekends. I am pleased to see so many children signing up for drama, dance on Friday afternoons, volleyball on Mondays and Tuesdays, soccer/football on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings and many of the other activities offered by the school, parents or in the greater community.

It is wonderful to see you at these and other events.

Have a wonderful school year!

Len Duevel, PhDPrimary School Principal

We puzzled him together!

Primary School News

24 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Early Childhood

It has been a successful first few weeks for our Early Childhood (Preschool- Grade One) students. All of our young learners are transitioning into the ISS school environment. Routines are being established and classroom communities are developing. The children are exploring a variety of spaces, activities as well as getting to know each other.

A big ‘Thank You’ goes to all of you who attended our “Open House” session(s). It was wonderful to meet each of you.

You have all had an opportunity to meet teachers at the “Meet the Teacher Day.”

I encourage you to attend our “Share in Our Learning” sessions where you are invited to attend the first 45 minutes of the school day 8:30-9:15. This will allow you to get glimpse into your child’s day at school. Each grade level has a separate day for you to attend.

Here are the “Share in our Learning” dates to mark on your calendar.

Grade Level Date Time Kindergarten . . . . . .11 September . . . . 8:30-9:15Grade One . . . . . . . .15 September . . . . 8:30-9:15Preschool 3 &4 . . . . .2 October . . . . . . 8:30-9:15

It is my pleasure to be part of the ISS community in the role as Early Childhood Principal. I originally come from Vancouver Island Canada. My husband, Dr. Jack Raven, (Early Childhood & Primary School Counselor), and I have been living and working in international schools for the past 19 years. We began in the field of international education as classroom teachers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Over 10 years, we studied and grew professionally leaving the school in administrative roles. From Jeddah, we moved to Beijing, China where we continued to work in administrative roles, study and professionally grow for another 8 years.

I have chosen early childhood education as the focus of the next steps in my career because I believe it is a vital time in a child’s intellectual, emotional and social development. Early childhood (3 years to 7 years) is a crucial period. It is during these years that children gain a sense of self and learn to associate this identity with the people around them. This is a foundational stage that equips young learners with the experiences, skills and aptitudes needed to reach their fullest potential as learners. This is the time for the lasting development of “learning to learn” for each child.

I believe that purposeful early childhood education is critical for a life of success in the 21st century. I have chosen this as my career because I am passionate about our youngest learners and enthusiastic about making a difference in the lives of children. These young people are capable learners and represent our future. They deserve our best.

Please feel free to stop by my office anytime you have a concern, question or just want to say Hello. If I do not meet you before, I look forward to meeting you at the “Great Big Back-to School Social” 12 September.

Have a magnificent school year!

Warm Smiles,

Early Childhood

Jill RavenEarly Childhood Principal

Happy memories from last school year

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood

Recess is also a time for learning ...

Mud is good ...

My favourite hat..... .. and mine!

My favourite hat AND sunglasses Not YET hat-season in Stavanger, but this is MY favourite

More mud is even better.....

26 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Library News!Welcome to the new school year Did you know that the library is available to ISS staff, students, and families? As part of the ISS community you are welcome to check out books, movies, and magazines from both of our libraries. From making our databases more efficient to rearranging our libraries, this fall we are working on making our libraries more user friendly for the ENTIRE school community. We ask for some patience during this time but despite a bit of dust and a bit of dishevelment, you are always welcome! MS/HS Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00-15:45 (3:45) Friday 8:00-15:30 (3:30) EC/PS Hours Monday-Thursday 8:20-15:45 (3:45) Friday 8:20-15:30 (3:30) You are welcome to come in throughout the day. We do work with classes and may not be able to assist you immediately but after you have created an account with us, you may use the red clipboard to check out books if we are unavailable. If needed, we will be happy to work on scheduling a different time to meet with you. Checking Out Materials We have over 20,000 materials in our libraries. If you are interested in using the library to check out materials you may create a family account. Each family may have 10 materials checked out at a time. Family accounts do not include materials from a student's school accounts. Books and magazines can be checked out for 2 weeks and movies can be checked out for 1 week. Please note, the entire ISS movie collection is found in the MS/HS library and can only be checked out with assistance from the librarians. Destiny-Library Management System The library uses Destiny to manage its collection. You may access our online catalog here:

• • Select a library • Click Catalog Tab • Start searching!

Hint: To look at materials in a different library, change location on the drop down menu when you are in the catalog tab. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you! Best, Library Staff Emily Douglas, MS/HS Librarian (

Erik Jordheim, Early Childhood/Primary Librarian (

Liz Bannister, Library Assistant (

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

Parent Association News

International Festival 2014Saturday - 15. November

11th ISS Parent Association

Organized by the Parent’s Association (PA), the International Festivalis the PA’s main annual fundraiser. Please volunteer and help raismoney to support the PA programs and activities offered at ISS.

We need your help!

Don’t delay - volunteer today

Help the PA and our children byvolunteering:

Find more info at the kiosk or contact the

- Help organize and create your Country Food

- Help and coordinate an Activity Booth

- Help with decorations

- Sell Passport, Food and Raffle Tickets

Celebrate & share your nation andraise funds for the PA

The PA International Festival is a day for ISS families to share a taste of their home nations while sampling the flavors and traditions of

other nations represented at the ISS.

28 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Parent Association News

ISS Parent Association

Upcoming activities

Friday, September 12 Great Big Back to School Social Fun for the whole family - Cafeteria & outdoors 18:00 - 20:30 RSVP by Friday September 5th at:

Friday, September 26 Parents Walk to Iron Age Carvings Meet at ISS Lobby 8:30 am 8:30 - 11:00 (aprox)

Sunday, October 26 FUN RUN by ISS PA (volunteers needed) Fun for the whole family - ISS Track 14:00 - 17:00

Tuesday, October 28 Parents Walk to Dalsnuten Meet at ISS Lobby 8:30, carpool to Dalsnuten 8:30 - 12:30 (aprox)

Saturday, November 15 ISS PA International Festival Fundraiser and fun for the whole family at ISS 13:00 - 16:00

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

Parent Association News

First PA Fun Run this school year!

SUNDAY, October 26, 2014

Schedule of events:

2:00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400m (trAck: ≤10 yrs .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 NOk

2:10pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 mile (iss prOperty) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 NOk

2:30pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5km (tO stOkkA lAke) (& 10km?) . . . . . . . . .100 NOk

All races will start on the ISS track

Each competitor will receive a Participant Ribbon. Treats & refreshments will be available

in the finish area.

Pre-registration and number pickup in the ISS lobby, Wed., Thurs., Fri.,

October 15, 16, 17, from 3:00 – 3:30pm

Sponsored by the Parent Association

Training HeroRats to detect landmines

Volunteers Needed !!!Contact PA Athletic Liaison Tracey Angelopoulos:

30 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

•••• Madlakrossen 7, 4042 Hafrsfjord

Stavanger GIBSON

PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Tel: (0044) 7989 398 435


Clinical Psychology - UK and Norway Accredited with over 20 years experience.

Adult and Occupational Health Psychology Services.

Talk to someone who can help.

Contact: Dr Linda Gibson

Accepted provider for BUPA Health Insurance. • f

Norwegian & UK Certified Clinical Psychologist Promoting Healthy Business • Adult & Occupational Health Psychology


Tel.: 407 25 296

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

psychOlOgist : Dr . glOriA stAutlAND Private-Practice Psychologist office in Sola offering psychological Services to individuals, couples

and families. Long experience in treating expat families.

AmericAN-trAiNeD cliNcAl psychOlOgist (DOctOrAte-level) . Licensed in Norway as a Specialist since 2006

• Long experience in Norwegian Public Health Care (Stavanger University Hospital since 2000)• Broad expertise in treatment of personal crisis/loss and conflict resolution• Short waiting time• Evening appointments available • No referral from Physician required• Services available in English or Norwegian• Office located centrally in Sola, close to Forus, Stavanger and Sandnes with ample free parking.

Dr. glOriA stAutlANDSoltunveien 1, Sola (SR-bank building, 3rd floor, entrance C)

Telephone: 415 66 885

Member of the American Psychological Association since 1997and the Norwegian Psychological Association since 2000

Moving SaleLivingroom




bedroom furnishings

for sale!

Contact: Sigbjørn Vassvåg 920 55 884Myklabergastien 9


32 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

upcakesreativeC by Lisa

For specific pricing on your event and more information contact Lisa:

EMAIL / / 405 56 961

Are you looking for unique and special cupcakes

for your next event?

cupcake “cakes” available too!

How am I different?My entire cupcake (minus the wrapper!) is

edible - I do not use non-edible decorations. I’ve used marshmallows, chocolate, and candy

to name a few things.

I also don’t use marzipan or fondant in my cupcakes. I believe the taste of pure icing and

other sweets is better.

Why choose me?

I personalize my cupcakes based on your needs and your event. The possibilities for

being creative are endless!

Do you have a birthday party, baby shower, or holiday party coming up?

How about a cupcake decorating party for your next

event? Or a cupcake “cake”?

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

34 · THE INFORMER 3 September 2014

Editor: Liv Nærland Høie Phone: +47 51 55 43 22 E-mail:

The Informer is issued on the ISS web-page:

Go to “News” and then to “Informer” and current issue.

To have CLASSIFIED ADS published in The Informer, please e-mail: editor reserves the right to edit ads to fit the space requested by you.

Prices: Companies1 Private persons2

ISS Teachers/Students and their parents3*

Full page (260 x 180mm) NOK 2400 NOK 1200 NOK 600

1/2 page (130 x 180 mm): NOK 1200,- NOK 600,- NOK 300,-

1/4 page (125 x 88 mm): NOK 800,- NOK 400,- NOK 200,-

1/8 page (60 x 88 mm): NOK 400,- NOK 200,- NOK 100,-

1/16 of a page (28,5 x 88 mm): NOK 200,- NOK 100,- NOK 50,-

1. If you run a business/company/activity that makes your living, you are a “company” price-wise. 2. If you have a small activity, a non-profit foundation, organise a charity, advertise your belongings for

sale, insert small personal ads, etc., you are charged a “private person” price.3. *These prices are valid from January 2010

If you do not wish to receive the Informer any more -

or if you have changes to your e-mail address,

please notify Liv N. Høie at 51 55 43 22 or e-mail:

Chef: Jean-Pierre Duc

Lunch MenuIn addition to the daily HOT MEAL and the soup of the day, the cafeteria also offers a vegetarian option for lunch

NB! The symbols Veg and GF means vegetarian and gluten free, respectively.

Every day we serve either a vegetarian option or a vegetarian soup. The soup variety is announced on the on-line menu daily

Issues of the Informer in the school year 2013-2014 are due: 05.09, 30.10. and 11.12. 2013. In 2014: 29.01, 12.03. and 28.05. Deadline is one week before.

septemBer 2014

M 01.09 Risotto with chorizo and parmesan cheeseT 02.09 Pasta with a creamy zuccini sauce (vegetarian)W 03.09 Chicken with soya and sesame marinadeT 04.09 Pytt i panneF 05.09 AMU day - no school for students

M 08.09 Sweet and sour pork with riceT 09.09 Pasta with a Mediterranean tomato and chicken sauceW 10.09 Beef burritosT 11.09 FårikålF 12.09 Fish burger with boat potatoes

M 15.09 Chili con Carne T 16.09 Pasta w/chicken and spinachW 17.09 Wok w/porkT 18.09 Kjøtt & suppe (Norwegian meat soup)F 19.09 Bacalao

M 22.09 Hot dogs and mashed potatoesT 23.09 Maccaroni and cheeseW 24.09 Chicken Tandoori with rice and nan bread T 25.09 Karbonade (Norwegian meatburger) in gravy w/ potatoesF 26.09 Ovenbaked salmon Norwegian styleM 29.09 Chicken wokT 30.09 Pasta w/tomato sauce, ham and vegetables


W 01.10 Beef Chop SueyT 02.10 Norwegian lamb stew (Lammefrikasée)F 03.10 Mediterranean fish stew with couscous

06.10 - 10.10 Autumn break - no school

M 13.10 Emloyee in-service - no school for studentsT 14.10 Chicken Korma w/riceW 15.10. Pasta carbonaraT 16.10 Meatballs with tomato sauce, fried potatoes and tzatzikiF 17.10 Fiskegrateng (= Norwegian gratinated fish stetw w/cole slaw

M 20.10 PizzaT 21.10 Pasta with seafoodW 22.10 Greek chicken T 23.10 Mexican lasagne F 24.10 Breaded cod w/potatoes and vegetables

M 27.10 TacoT 28.10 Maccaroni with chicken cherry tomatoes and spinachW 29.10 Pork curry with couscousT 30.10 Beef Stroganoff with riceF 31.10 Fiskeboller (= Norwegian fishballs w/bechamel and carrots

The menu of the Valhall Cafeteria is regularly updated on the website: - Cafeteria

THE INFORMER 3 September 2014 ·

September 20144 Middle School Open House5 Empoyee AMU Day - no school for students7 All School Walk for Wildlife8-12 TESSA8 - 19 School Photographer9 Grade 3 - Share in Our Learning, 08:309 Grade 4 - Share in Our Learning, 14:3010 Grade 5- Share in Our Learning, 08:30 11 Morning Connections, Cafeteria, 08:4511 High School Open House, 18:0012 PA Back-to-School Social for all families13 Act Testing13-14 Volleyball Tournament Vest Cup16 Grade 2 - Share in Our Learning, 08:3019-20 International Silver Award Trip20 International Beach Clean Up22-26 All School Spirit Week25 College Night29/9-3/10 High School Trip Week 29/9-3/10 6th and 7th Grade Outdoor Education Week

OctOber6-10 Autumn Break13 Employees in-service - no school for students14 Morning Connections, Dr. Michael Thompson, 08:4518 PSAT Testing22 Middle School Recognition Ceremony, 10:3022 Piano Concert for Grades 3-5 and 7, 08:45-09:4523 Grade 2 Assembly, 10:3024 UN Parade by Early Childhood, 09:0024 United Nations Concert, 19:0026 PA Fun Run30-31 High School Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

30/10-1/11 High School Play

NOvember3-4 Middle School Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences5-8 NECIS Soccer/Volleyball Tournament - Amsterdam5-9 IMUN Conference - Lisbon7 Early Childhood and Primary School Student/Pareant/Teacher meetings8 SAT Testing8-17 Spanish Exchange to Barcelona13 Extended Essay Exhibition14 Grade 3 Assembly, 10:3014-15 NECIS Cross-Country, Antwerp14-15 NECIS Cross-Country, Antwerp15 International Festival21 Middle School Activity Night26 Middle School/High School Band Concert 29 StuCo Winter Formal, 19:00

December4 Grade 10 IGCSE Information Afternoon, 15:30

The Informer is published by INterNatIONal SchOOl Of StavaNger

Treskeveien 3NO-4043 STAVANGER


Tel: +47 51 55 43 00 Fax: +47 51 55 43 01


High School Office: +47 51 55 43 43Middle School Office: +47 51 55 43 11

Primary School Office: +47 51 55 43 23

Director: Dr. Linda DuevelDeputy Director: Mr. Gareth JonesHigh School Principal: Dr. Liam BrowneMiddle School Pricipal: Ms. Carol WallacePrimary School Principal: Dr. Len DuevelEarly Childhood Principal: Ms. Jill RavenBusiness Manager: Ms. Linn Åsheim

IB Coordinator: Ms. Lynn ParkHigh School Counselors: Ms. Monchaya (June) Jetabut and Ms. Cheryl BrownMiddle School Counselor: Mr. Matt ArmstrongPrimary School Counselor: Dr. Jack RavenSchool Nurse: Ms. Heather Melhus

The ISS Vision StatementInspire a community of responsible, globally- engaged, empowered learners.

The ISS Mission StatementISS provides an internationally-accredited, engag-ing and challenging English-language education in a supportive, multi-cultural environment where students have the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Our ValuesLearning, Well-being, Community.

The International School of Stavanger (ISS), founded in 1966, is an independent, non-profit Norwegian foundation accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of Interna-tional Schools. The school enrolls students from ages 3 through 18. ISS offers an international university preparatory curriculum that combines the best features of many national educational systems. Both the Inter-national Baccalaureate Diploma programme and the International General Certificate of Secondary Educa-tion external examinations are available to students.

In 2013, the school has an enrollment of nearly 800 students who represent over 50 nationalities, including students from six of the earth’s seven continents.

High School event Middle School event Primary School event All School event

Calendar of Events SchOOl year 2014-2015

Et lab int et est dolum

Louise donated her lovely hair for an unknown girl who needs it more...
