IOOF December 2010


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Triple Links Bulletin December 2010

Happy Holidays! 1

Grand Master’s Message


President’s Message 3

President’s Visit to Golden Rule

Tournament of Roses Parade

Membership Seminar


Changes to Address List

I and You


In Memoriam

Jewel Presentation

Famous Odd Fellows

Grand Master’s Project



To support in friendship,

love and truth

To inform. To educate.

To entertain. To inspire.


with kindness and understanding and in keeping with the GOLDEN

RULE will always make us BE ALL WE CAN BE! WHAT ELSE

DO WE NEED? Remember what Christmas is really about.

My wish is for each and everyone to have a MEERY CHRISTMAS


Ernestine Whipple, Grand Master

''As we enter the Holiday Sea-

son in December, I wish each and

everyone Season's Greetings and

Best Wishes for a Happy and Pros-

perous New Year as we Follow the

Beacon of Odd Fellowship into the

future together, Fraternally yours

in F. L. & T.,''

George L. Glover III, Sovereign

Grand Master


'My wish for each of you is to be SECURE in

our teachings, PATIENT in our direction, and

have FAITH in our vision for the coming

year. May you all have a holiday season to

remember. In Friendship, Love and Truth.''

Vickie J, Beaver, I.A.R.A. President

Hi Everyone,

This will likely be my last message before Christmas. I would like to wish everyone a safe

and happy holiday and a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

This is the time not only to remember those who are sick and shut-in, but also those who

may be sad or lonely, or just needing a big hug.

Personally, my travels are much less but weather permitting I hope to visit those we do not

often see, so if you have someone in mind who might appreciate a visit, please let me

know. Since my last message I have attended District # 15 in Inverness. What a great visit

that was with excellent buffet dinner and friendship. I had the honour to present Brother Rae McCallum with

his PDDGM jewel.

Some members have been faithful for over 50 years. What a testimony to our Order for that dedication.

Congratulations to all who have been 50+ years in all branches of our Order.

I regret that I was unable to be in Shawville for their social district meeting and banquet. I know I missed great

fellowship. I hope I may make a spring visit to these Lodges in the spring.

The brunch at Unity Odd Fellows Lodge # 8 on October 31st was great fun. I even won a prize for the adult

most original costume.

There was a good turnout for the Rebekah Assembly President Joy Royea in Sutton. Sister Liz conducted a

fine meeting and added a bit of humour in putting a priest collar on the chaplain, Brother Everett.

I wish to thank you all for making my visitations so very special and for all courtesies extended to me, my

Marshall, officers and supporters. All the best to the Rebekah Assembly and Sister Joy Royea. Keep positive

and happy.

Both my daughter Dorothy and I are doing better and we pray all will be fine.. Thank you all for your

concerns, calls, cards and e-mails. It is all appreciated.

''May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children's children. May you be

poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. may you know nothing but happiness. May a

song fill your heart every step of the way.''

Love to all of you. In Friendship, Love and Truth,

Ernestine Whipple, Grand Master

Grand Master’s Message

Page 2


President’s Message Sisters and Brothers,

My visitations are nearly complete with just the District Meeting of District # 1 left to

attend. My visitation to Golden Rule # 20 was well attended and the rooster is just

gorgeous. Thank you so much. You are a small group, like many of the lodges now, but

you are still going strong. You do not necessarily need a large group to make up a happy

and productive lodge. Keep up the good work.

I would like to thank all of the lodges for all courtesies that were extended to myself and

my officers at my visitations. Your friendly faces and warm embraces were much appreciated.

The Christmas Bazaar was a great success. We had 30 tables of vendors selling cooking, knitting, sewing,

knick knacks, books and so much more. Sisters Laura Burnham, Shirley Vaughan and Virginia Clifford kept

the canteen running smoothly. Each vendor happily donated an item for a door prize and Sister Marilyn

Mahannah sold tickets to all who came. After all the expenses were paid we raised $737.25 for the President’s

Projects. Thank you to all the members that donated to the canteen and those who came and worked for the

day and especially to those who came and made purchases.

As of yet I have had no reports from the rest of the Executive Officers and DDP’s as to their fundraising

efforts. Any plans yet?

Many of you have probably heard that on November 2nd we had a fire at our motel. 8 of the suites had

extensive damage and the remaining 8 suites suffered smoke and water damage. Thankfully no one was

injured but it will take some time before we are back up and running again. It looks like our winter vacation

will be put on hold again this year.

I am pleased that so many members returned the questionnaires to me but at the same time saddened that no

members of Adina Lodge were interested in filling out the questionnaire. This is your Assembly and as such,

every member has a say in the way it is to be run.

Where has the year gone. We are half way through our year and so little has been accomplished. Hopefully the

next 6 months will be more productive. I have been informed by our Secretary that there is no Assembly

Business to take care of at this time and so I would like to extend my sincere wishes to all of the membership

for a safe and joyous holiday season. Merry Christmas and every happiness in the New Year. To all of the

lodges that close for January and February - Keep safe and see you in the spring.

Yours in F. L. & T.

Joy Royea, President

Rebekah Assembly of Quebec

President Joy Royea visited Golden Rule Rebekah Lodge #20

on November 5th, 2010. RA Marshal Sylvia Lefebvre, RA

Warden Helen Fitchett and others from Bishopton, Richmond,

Hatley, Windsor and Sherbrooke were present. We also had the

pleasure of having Grand Master Ernestine Whipple, Deputy

Grand Master Tom Barton and Grand Marshal Arnold

Mackeage. Thanks extended to GM Ernestine Whipple for

playing the piano and helping to serve tea and cake. We hope

everyone had a good time.

Submitted by NG Helen Fitchett

Tournament of Roses Parade

On Saturday, November 27th a membership seminar

was held at the Unity # 8 Odd Fellows hall in

Waterville from 10AM to 3PM with a break for

lunch. I.A.R.A. Representative Gloria Green hosted

the round table discussion about membership. A

Video, ''Voices of Vision'' a documentary on the

Independent Order of Odd Fellows and its

involvement in helping others was shown. D.

Teasdale, assistant manager of the Community radio

station CJMQ was the invited guest who spoke about

partnership and community involvement with local

organizations and the community radio station.

Only 15 members from 4 Odd Fellow Lodges and 3

Rebekah Lodges were present for the membership

seminar. Where were you?

President’s Visit to Golden Rule #20

The colourful Odd Fellows and Rebekahs floral float will

appear in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena,

California on New Years Day. The 2011 Parade theme is

''Building Dreams, Friendships and Memories''

''Underwater Fantasy'' is the theme of the Odd Fellows and

Rebekahs float and is a coral reef surrounded with colourful

fish of many sizes, a large eel and large turtle. Sovereign

Grand Master George Glover III will be riding on the

fraternal float. Watch for it on TV on New Years Day.

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows holds a record of

having a float in the Tournament of Roses Parade longer

than any other fraternal or service organization. The first

float appeared in 1908, 1909, 1910 and since 1955 the Odd

Fellows and Rebekahs floral float has continuously been

represented. The 2009 float: Going to the Fair



Membership Seminar

Page 4

Rebekah Assembly Officers

SECRETARY Gloria Green , box 637, 447 Main st. Shawville, QC., J0X2Y0 819-647-3427

Change of Lodge Secretaries

PRINCESS #4 Diane Barton 479 Brunelle St., Sherbrooke QC., J1R9B6 819-569-0452

VICTORIA # 19 Sadie Talbot, 240 Principale st., Warden QC., J0E2M0 450-539-0612

Correction or Change of Address / Email Address

Sherley Provis 541 Gouin st., Richmond, QC. J0B2H0 819-826-1856

Susan Lawrence 1072 ,LOT 19 Knowlton road, West Brome, Quebec, J0E2P0 450-263-6505

Marilyn & Bruce Adams proper email address:

Joyce Copping proper email address:

Theta Rho Girls Club

DOVE #3 PRESIDENT--------- Jamie Bowbrick



Rebekah Assembly Secretary

e-mail address on e-mail address list (remove)

Changes to 2009-2010 Address List


I and You

Do you realize the word ''I'' is always capitalized while the word ''you'' is not. Why is this I asked myself,

when you is more important than I.

Yes, you Brothers and Sisters are the backbone of this fraternal organization. You will work together in

harmony to strengthen the bonds of this fraternity. You will support our charitable programs by your hard

work, dedication, love and friendship. You are the ones who will make this a success.

Let is change ''you'' and ''I'' into ''our''. Our chin was made for keeping up, our hands for holding on, our upper

lip for keeping firm when all our luck seems gone. Our head was made for holding high, our heels for digging


With this kind of anatomy we are in the race to win. With the strong links of Friendship, Love and Truth to

support us, we shall strive with pride to promote Odd Fellowship.

(Arkansas Rebekah News)

In Memoriam

Sister Peggy (Magraget) Eastman passed away

November 30 in Sherbrooke, Quebec. A Rebekah

service was held Friday December 3 at 7:15pm at

Cass Funeral Home in Richmond QC. Sister Peggy

was a member of Olive Branch #9. In lieu of flowers,

donations to the Wales Home Foundation or to the

Heart and Stroke Foundation would be greatly

appreciated by the family.

Grand Master’s


Kidney Disease and Organ Transplant Research


$200 Knowlton Lodge # 28

$ 50 Alexandra Lodge # 59

$250 Unity Lodge # 8

$200 Beaver Lodge # 6

$ 91 Shawville lodge #40

$93.05 Odd Fellows District #15

$ 25 Pioneer Lodge # 7

$909.05 TOTAL

Famous Odd Fellows

Sir John A. Macdonald. First

Prime Minister of Canada

1867 from 1873 and 1878 - 1891.

He was a dominant figure of the

Canadian Confederation. Born in

Glasgow Scotland on January 11,

1815 and died in Ottawa, Canada

on June 6, 1891. He was a

member of the Independent Order

of Odd Fellows.

Jewel Presentation

In November 2010, Sister Diane Barton presented her

son, Brother Gregory Barton, with Brother Jim

Barton’s Odd Fellows Past Grand pin. Brother Greg

was Noble Grand of Unity Lodge #8 for the

2009—2010 term.
