Introduction of research snippets


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Introduction of research snippets

Information overload is becoming an increasingly com-

mon and recognized problem. Busy clinicians and

dermatological scientists find it increasingly difficult to

keep up with significant advances in dermatology

throughout the wide range of dermatological journals

lining our library walls. Most of us probably cope by

focusing on a few favourite �tried and tested� journals that

we regularly read, but may feel incapable of keeping on

top of the volume of literature that constantly bombards

us. This, however, has the potential disadvantage of

missing clinically important or scientifically stimulating

papers in journals that we may not traditionally read.

In an attempt to bring high quality, accurate and

relevant information to a different readership, the

Editors of the British Journal of Dermatology and the

Journal of Investigative Dermatology have decided to

interact and produce �snippets� designed to bring the

clinical implications of selected scientific papers from

each other’s journal. It is hoped that this collaborative

exercise will help the readers of both journals to

capture some material, at least, that they may not

otherwise read.

Starting in this month’s BJD we are publishing

snippet articles, which will also appear in the JID. We

believe that this is an important step in harnessing

important clinical information and bringing it to those

that matter most.

Each month we will be approaching the authors of

selected papers and asking them to write short snippets

of around 50–100 words summarizing why their paper

is important and including up to one photograph

which best illustrates this.

We hope you enjoy reading them … and, of course,

the rest of the BJD!

Robin Graham-brown


David J Eedy

Assistant Editor

John Caulfield

Editorial Manager

British Journal of Dermatology 2003; 149: 1.

� 2003 British Association of Dermatologists 1