International Peace-keeping Organizations April 2013


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International Peace-keeping Organizations

April 2013

The League of Nations 1920-1945

Called for by President Woodrow Wilson in 1917

Formed at the end of World War I Based in Geneva, Switzerland

The League of Nations

First members joined in 1920 Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil,

Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, El Salvador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Persia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia

Who do you notice is missing?

The League of Nations 1920-1945

Structure An Assembly of all members A Council, made up of five permanent members and four

rotating members An International Court of Justice

Conflict Resolution The League could call on the countries in dispute to sit down

and discuss the problem in an orderly & peaceful manner. This would be done in the League’s Assembly (essentially the

League’s parliament) which would listen to disputes and come to a decision on how to proceed.

If one nation was seen to be the offender, the League could introduce verbal sanctions - warning an aggressor nation that she would need to leave another nation's territory or face the consequences.

If the states in dispute failed to listen to the Assembly’s decision, the League could introduce economic sanctions.

If this failed, the League could introduce physical sanctions.

The League of Nations 1920-1945

Problems Lack of financial support Inability to enforce decisions Uninvolved Nations Military actions by member nations

Successes Humanitarian support Health & Disease Concerns

The United Nations 1945 - Present

Began with the Atlantic Charter in 1941 All countries should have a democratic

government. All countries would engage in trade

freely with one another. All countries would share in world

prosperity. All countries would seek to reduce their


The United Nations

United Nations Declaration in 1942 Britain, U.S., Soviet Russia & China were four

of the twenty-six nations who signed the Atlantic Charter

Voting Arrangements agreed upon by Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin in Yalta in 1945

The U.N. Charter was decided in San Francisco in April 1945

June 25, 1945 – Member nations signed the Charter and the United Nations was established

The U.N. Structure

General Assembly Security Council

Five permanent members (U.S., Russia, Great Britain, China & France)

Six appointed members Economic & Social Council International Court of Justice

Fifteen members Secretariat

Secretary General Administrative Staff

U.N. Successes & Failures

The Korean War 1950-1953 Congo Crisis 1960-1964 American/Security Council Dominance Power Blocs within the General Assembly

The Developing Nations (125 states) The Non-Aligned Movement (99 states - mostly

Asian and African who avoid joining military alliances)

The Islamic Conference (41 states) The African group (50 states) The Latin American group (33 states) The Western European group (22 states) The Arab group (21 states)

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