insensitive, thick-skinned



insensitive, thick-skinned. callous. concrete, palpable. tangible. stinging, bitter. acrid. remorse, regret. compunction. subdue, crush. quell. majestic, stately. august. secret, covert, stealthy. clandestine. permanent, unforgettable. indelible. lenient, permissive. indulgent. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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insensitive, thick-skinned


concrete, palpable


stinging, bitter


remorse, regret•compunction

subdue, crush•quell

majestic, stately•august

secret, covert, stealthy


permanent, unforgettable


lenient, permissive


overjoyed, jubilant



unspoken, unexpressed


not to the point


inactive, still•quiescent

cliché, commonplace


forceful, effective


meditate, ponder


renounce, shun, abstain from


habitual, long-standing


stinging, bitter


holocaust, wildfire•conflagration

insensitive, thick-skinned


remorse, regret•compunction

subdue, crush•quell

secret, covert, stealthy


majestic, stately•august

concrete, palpable


permanent, unforgettable


not to the point


overjoyed, jubilant


lenient, permissive



unspoken, unexpressed


inactive, still•quiescent

forceful, effective


cliché, commonplace


holocaust, wildfire•conflagration

meditate, ponder


habitual, long-standing


renounce, shun, abstain from


insensitive, thick-skinned


concrete, palpable


stinging, bitter


remorse, regret•compunction

subdue, crush•quell

majestic, stately•august

secret, covert, stealthy


permanent, unforgettable


lenient, permissive


overjoyed, jubilant



unspoken, unexpressed


not to the point


inactive, still•quiescent

cliché, commonplace


forceful, effective


meditate, ponder


renounce, shun, abstain from


habitual, long-standing


stinging, bitter


holocaust, wildfire•conflagration

insensitive, thick-skinned


remorse, regret•compunction

subdue, crush•quell

secret, covert, stealthy


majestic, stately•august

concrete, palpable


permanent, unforgettable


not to the point


overjoyed, jubilant


lenient, permissive



unspoken, unexpressed


inactive, still•quiescent

forceful, effective


cliché, commonplace


holocaust, wildfire•conflagration

meditate, ponder


habitual, long-standing


renounce, shun, abstain from

