Infectious Neurology - · CT should be obtained prior to LP\ ... •Hemiparesis...


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Infectious Neurology Alison Ruiz PA-C

Case Presentation

S 48 y/o F presents to the ER with c/o headache and fever for the past two days. States started with head pain and then patient developed fever max today of 103.0. c/o rigors. Positive Nausea. No V/D. Headache is diffuse. No photophobia. No previous hx of headaches. Pt states she had a sinus infection 3 weeks ago and finished a two week course of antibiotics about 4 days ago.



S Sinusitis


S None


S Sinus infections: siblings

S Asthma mother

S DM father


S Nonsmoker

S No alcohol use

Physical Exam

S Vitals: T 98.0, P 87, R 18, BP 90/58, Pulse ox 99%


S Neck: positive nuccal rigidity

S Lungs; CTA bilat. No W/R/R

S CV RRR S1S2. No murmurs

S Abd: soft NT ND NABS. No HSM. No CVAT

S Ext: No C/C/E

S Neuro: positive Brudzinski sign, negative Kernigs sign

S No focal neuro deficits

Presentation Notes
Brudzinski’s-Severe neck stiffness causes a patient's hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed Kernigs-Severe stiffness of the hamstrings causes an inability to straighten the leg when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees.

Differential Diagnosis

S Meningitis S Bacterial

S Viral

S Encephalitis

S Brain abscess

S Hemorrhage

Classic presentation and PE Findings

S Classic s/s

S Fever, stiff neck, headache and altered mental status

S Seizures

S Kernigs

S Brudzinskis

Presentation Notes
Seizures may occurs in up to a ¼ of the cases of bacterial meninigitis Brudzinski- flexion of the hips and knees in response to passive flexion of the neck Kernigs- contraction of the hamstrings in response to knee extension while hip is flexed

Diagnostic testing


S WBC 20000

S Otherwise normal



S Blood cultures

S Pending

S Urinalysis


S Urine culture

S Pending


S Negative

S CT scan



S WBC 2000mm3

S %Polymorphnuclear cells 90%

S Glucose 15 mg/dL

S Protein 400 mg/dL

S Gram stain positive

S Cytology negative

Presentation Notes
CT should be obtained prior to LP Why? To avoid risk of brain herniation from a space occupying lesion What does this LP indicated Protein elevatedopening pressure elevated WBC elevated Glucose normal


S Meningitis S Likely Bacterial based on LP results

Understanding LP Normal Parameters

Bacterial Viral Neoplastic Fungal

Opening pressures <170 mm CSF

>300mm <300mm 200mm 300mm

WBC <5 monomuclear

>1000/mm3 <1000/mm3 <500/mm3 <500/mm3

% poly-morphonuclear cells 0

>80% 1%-50% 1%-50%


Glucose >40 mg/dL

<40mg/dL >40mg/dL <40mg/dL <40mg/dL

Protein <50mg/dL

>200mg/dL <200mg/dL >200mg/dL >200mg/dL

Gram stain negative

Positive Negative Negative Negative

Cytology negative

Negative Negative Positive Positive

Presentation Notes
Glucose elevated in Viral Protein is normal in viral Gram stain positive in bacterial WBC elevated in bacterial Opening pressure is elevated in bacterial Increased polymophonuclear cells in bacterial

CT scan

S When and Why? S Altered mental status S Deteriorating Level of

Consciousness S Focal neuro deficit S Seizure S Papilledema S Immunocompromised state S Malignancy S Hx of stroke, focal infection, tumor S Concern for mass S Age >60 y/o


S Antibiotic ASAP!!!! S Presumptive bacterial meningitis and

should not be delayed for neuro imaging or LP

S IV dexamethasone S 0.15mg/kg in peds S 10mg in adults S Found to improve outcomes in pt’s

with bacterial meningitis

S Admission

S What antibiotic do you use for empiric treatment in ED?

Presentation Notes
Need to give steroids in the first 12-24 hours for them to be effective. Usually administer for 4 days in adults

Empiric Treatment of Meningitis

Age Potential Pathogens Empiric Treatment

18-50 yrs Strep pneumo, N. meningitidis

Ceftriaxone 2g IV + Vancomycin, 15mg/kg (Rifampin if concern for resistance to strep pneumo)

>50 yrs S. pneumo, N. meningitidis, Listeria monocytogenes, aerobic gram neg bacilli

Ceftriaxone 2g IV + Ampicillin 2g IV + Vancomycin 15/mg/kg Rifampin if concern for resistance to strep pneumo)

Presentation Notes
eisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae together cause 80% of bacterial meningitis cases.

Viral Meningitis

S Viruses include S Non-polio enteroviruses,

mumps, CMV, HSV, lympocytic chriomeningitis, adenovirus, HIV

S Distinguished from bacterial or other causes based on LP results S May be overlap of findings

between bac and viral initially S May be predominate

amount of neutrophils present in the first 24 hours

Management in Viral meningitis Admission with empiric antibiotic therapy until culture results return

OR discharge from the ED with follow up in 24 hours.

If known HSV-2 meningitis With neurologic deficits (urinary retention, weakness)

Treat with Acyclovir 10mg/kg IV q 8 h

Viral Encephalitis

S Infection of the brain parenchyma, distinguished from viral meningitis in which the infectious agent is in the subarachnoid space

S Clinically distinct neurologic abnormalities not seen in meningitis

Presentation Notes
Encephalitis in the parenchyma Suggestion of meninigitis on CT shows in the subarachnoid space

Arbovirus or Rabies Encephalitis

Presentation Notes
Arbovirus (spread by ticks and mosquitos) and Rabies spread by animal bite are the entry portals for encephalitis

Impaired Immune System

HZV Encephalitis CMV Encephalitis

Clinical Presentation

S New psychiatric symptoms

S Cognitive deficits S Aphasia, amnestic syndrome, acute confusional states

S Seizures

S Movement disorders

S Often pt will also have meningeal signs and have a coexisting meningitis

S HZV, Epstein-Barr or CMV will often present with findings outside of the CNS as well S i.e HSM, LAD

Diagnostic Imaging

MRI or CT •MRI is more sensitive •Use CT when MRI is not available •Excludes other potential lesions, such as brain abscess •Shows findings highly suggestive of HSV encephalitis • Involvement of the medial temporal and inferior frontal grey matter

EEG •HSV encephalitis shows a almost pathognomic wave •Will not be done in the ER

LP • Is the best way from the ED to diagnose •Viral cultures

Presentation Notes
Shows- CT invovlement of the medial temporal and inf forntal grey matter, EEG pathognomic wave, LP (best way for ER to diagnosis) in combo with viral cultures

Differential Diagnosis

• Meningitis, SAH • Severe headache

• Brain abscess, bacterial meninigitis • Fever and headaches

• Brain abscess, bacterial endocarditis, encephalomyelitis • If parenchymal features are present

• Lyme disease, TB, fungal and neoplastic meningitis • Less fulminant meningeal signs

Presentation Notes
Parenchymal features-seizures, New psychiatric symptoms Cognitive deficits Aphasia, amnestic syndrome, acute confusional states Seizures Movement disorders

Encephalitis Treatment

S HSV and possibly HZV S Acyclovir 10mg/kg IV q8h

S CMV S Gancyclovir 5mg/kg IV q12h

S Outcome is dependent on the neurologic condition at the time of antiviral therapy initiation S Pt’s in coma prior to therapy

tend to do poorly

S Diagnosis needs to be made in timely fashion

Intracranial Abscess

Three Routes to Transmit Infection the Brain


• Otogenic abscesses

• Most common in sinogenic and odontogenic abscesses

• From hematogenous spread • Usually include anaerobic and microaerophilic


• Typical pathogesn due to direct implantation

• From neurosurgical procedures

Clinical Presentation

S Rarely appear acutely ill

S Fever in 50% of the patients

S Neck stiffness fewer than 50%

S Hemiparesis and seizure 1/3 of the time

S Increased ICP S Causes vomiting, confusion, obtundation

Focal Neuro Signs

• Frontal lobes • Hemiparesis

• Temporal lobes • Visual fields deficits or aphasia

• Cerebellum • Limb incoordination and


CT brain with contrast One or several thin, smoothly contoured rings of enhancement surrounding a low density center and surrounded by white matter edema

Presentation Notes
MRI is also sensitive

Other Diagnostic Testing

S Blood analysis, LP, EEG are nonspecific

S Obtain blood cultures! S Will guide management

Differential Diagnosis

• May have sudden onset with focal neuro deficits

• May have prominent fever, stiff neck and confusion

• May mimic the imaging finding of brain abscess


Empiric Treatment Presumed Source Empiric Therapy


Cefotaxime 2g IV + metronidazole 500mg IV


Cefotaxime 2g IV +metronidazole 500mg IV

Penetrating trauma/neurosurg procedure

Vancomycin 15mg/kg IV +Ceftazidime 2g IV


Cefotaxime 2g IV + metronidazole 500mg IV

No obvious source Cefotaxime 2g IV + metronidazole 500mg IV

Presentation Notes
Aminoglycosides, macrolides and 1st generation cephalosporins are not effective treatment for brain abscesses

Case Presentation

S 28 y/o hispanic male presents to the ER. Speaks only Spanish. Translator states patient has had mild head pain for the past few weeks. He does not typically get headaches so he decided to get it checked out. He came to the emergency room because he doesn’t have a doctor. Pain has not kept patient from working. He denies other symptoms. Used Tylenol twice for the pain without relief. No visual changes. No vomiting, photophobia. Unsure if he has had fever. Positive chills, sweats.

S Moved to Chicago from Mexico 6 months ago


S PMH S denies

S PSH S none

S FH S doesn’t know

S SH S drinks alcohol 5-6 drinks 3 times per week S Nonsmoker

Physical Exam

S Vitals: 99.0 po, R 18, P 78, BP 140/89, Pulse Ox 100%


S Neck supple full rom.

S Lungs; CTA bilat. NO W/R/R

S CV RRR s1s2. NO murmurs

S Abd; soft NT ND NABS

S Ext: no C/C/E

S Neuro: No focal neuro deficits, CN II-XII grossly intact, Muscle strength 5/5 UE and LE bilat. DTR patellar tendon 2+ bilat, brachioradialis 2+ bilat, achilles 2+, triceps 2+ bilat. Pronator Drift WNL, Finger to nose WNL

S Gait normal

Differential Diagnosis

S Migraine/Tension Headache

S Infection S Meningitis, encephalitis

S Abscess

S Tumor

Diagnostic Tests

S CBC S WBC 14,000 with left shift S Hgb 11

S BMG S Glucose 180, otherwise normal


S Would you do CT?

Presentation Notes
Why would you scan---new onset headache. No hx of migraines or frequent headaches. This patient is likely not to have good follow up. Headache lasting 3 weeks. Possible infectious based on low grad temperature and chills. Left shift-A "left shift" is a phrase used to note that there are a high number of young, immature white blood cells present. Most commonly, this means that there is an infection or inflammation present and the bone marrow is producing more WBCs and releasing them into the blood before they are fully mature.

CT Brain Findings:

Strong ring enhancing lesion with surrounding edema

No mass effect

What is the diagnosis?

S CNS Toxoplasmosis


S Acquired from ingestion of uncooked meat and from handling cat feces which carries parasite Toxoplasma gondii

S Immune compromised patients

S Fevers, headache, seizures and focal neuro deficits


S Combination of Sulfadiazine (sulfonamide) +

Pyrimethamine (for protozoal infections)

S Addition of folinic acid S prevents megloblastic anemia


S Tintinalli 1172-1178

S Adams 1101
