IH Conference 2009 Changing Perspectives Gerard McLoughlin International House, Barcelona Barcelona,...


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IH Conference 2009     

Changing Perspectives  

Gerard McLoughlinInternational House, Barcelona


Barcelona, February 7th , 2009

• Big Boy. Rapero, 19 años• "Deseo que el mensaje del rap se aproxime a los

jóvenes para concienciar y progresar juntos en un futuro mejor. Estas ideas constructivas harán mis sueños realidad". El rap es un estilo proscrito. Big Boy y la veintena de sus compañeros están condenados a la clandestinidad y las autoridades tratan de desprestigiarles

• Sami Mosayevi. Artista, 27 años

• "Me gustaría retomar mis alas y sentirme libre para viajar a cualquier lugar del mundo, sin pertenecer a ninguna parte. Querría probarlo todo". Las aficiones o la vocación de uno también chocan a menudo con el muro de las prohibiciones.

• Naser. Futbolista, 24 años

• "Mi vida es el fútbol y mi sueño sería jugar en la liga profesional en Europa". El 70% de la población iraní tiene menos de 30 años.

• Why does she write her music?

• Who influenced her and why?

• Who does she like in current music?

• What problem are they talking about?

• Who influenced him and why?

• What is ‘make it right’?

• A bidding war and a row over ethics: how the octuplets story turned sour

• Neighbours of octuplets mother Nayda Guiterrez claims she is single and works in a fertility clinic

• 7 Babies, Then (Surprise!) Another for Good Luck

• Octuplets' mom was hoping for 'just one more girl,' grandmother says

1. How do octuplets happen?

2. What are the risks - and how likely are the babies to survive?

3. What has happened to other octuplets?

4. Can the mother breastfeed them all?

5. How much will it cost to raise them?

6. Can they all go for a walk together?

7. How many nappies will they get through?

8. And, finally, what about the sibling rivalry?

• At 4:25pm on 29 Jan 2009, DI_Wyman wrote:

• "Tell us, why do YOU Blog..?

• Because it is fun, I get to 'meet' lots of interesting and amusing people.I can chat with like minded peeps. I can be silly if I want to and then join in a serious discussion.....I can stay in touch with my son in Melbourne and at the same time join in the fun with our mutual blogging friends.

• At 3:39pm on 29 Jan 2009, Big Sister wrote:• What's your blog alias, by the way?• At 3:51pm on 29 Jan 2009, Lady_Sue wrote:• "I blog THEREFORE I am". • At 4:11pm on 29 Jan 2009, RachelG wrote:• I only blog here. I'm still not really sure what a

blog is, but I suspect this isn't a proper one. I fb too. I use the same alias everywhere and it isn't really an alias. In the days before the blog I used to shout at the radio and that made my children think I was mad. Now I blog and they still think I'm mad - but in a more modern way ;-)

• At 4:32pm on 29 Jan 2009, Happyhomeworker wrote:

• I started blogging because I wanted to do something more to promote my business and push it up the google rankings (other search engines are available). But as I got into it I found I really enjoy both writing and reading other blogs. Good feedback from my customers encouraged me.





Bibliography:iTalk, McLoughlin, Durrant, Vidal, McGraw-Hill

Useful websites:http://video.nytimes.com/video/playlist/world/middle-east/1194811622215/index.html#1194833904700













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