Igniting 21st century learning ® ® One-to-One Institute Leadership Training Presented by: Dr....


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Igniting 21st century learning ®


One-to-One Institute Leadership Training

Presented by:

Dr. Michael GielniakDirector of Programs & Development

Apache Junction Public SchoolsJuly 27, 2010

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®Purposes of Session

• Provide support to Apache Junction’s leadership team: vision, planning, development and launch of one to one program

• Define critical leadership lessons learned, best practices and templates for program success

• Provide forum for questioning, discussing, reflecting and ongoing networking

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Needed: A Roadmap

• Shared Vision

• Strategic action plan

• Personnel roles, responsibilities

• Embedded professional learning

• Communications

• Timelines

• Benchmarks

• Evaluation (monitoring/adjusting)

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®The One-to-One Apache Junction Project….

IS an EDUCATION initiative; NOT a ‘Laptop for Kids’ program

transforms the learning environment from teacher-centered to student-centered, leading to:

• Enhanced student engagement & achievement

• Improved access to educational opportunities for all

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Technology alone will not

facilitate the perceptual shift necessary to reform schools and prepare our students for their future. Technology is an important tool, but if the tool is only used in traditional ways, transformation will not take place.

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© One-to-One Institute & Intel

“The top performing school systems recognize that the only way to improve outcomes is to improve instruction….”

How the World’s Best-

Performing School Systems Com out on Top:

McKinney & Company, 2007

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Learning in the 21st Century Leading to a more effective pedagogical model

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Instructional Approach 1

• Teacher as content expert

• Focus on subject mastery

• Students organized in rows

• All students engage is same tasks

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®Instructional Approach 1 in the 1:1 Environment

• Students use laptop for word processing

• Students use informational websites as a primary resource

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Instructional Approach 2

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Instructional Approach 2

• Teacher as facilitator of learning

• “Just in Time” direct instruction

• Technology enables self-direction and pacing

• Classroom environment is flexible

• Students engaged in a variety of individualized and collaborative tasks

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Transitioning to Instructional Approach 2

Key questions

1.What beliefs do students, teachers, administration, parents in your community have about learning and teaching?

2. Who holds the power to make decisions about learning and teaching in your school and in your classroom?

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Instructional Approach 3

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Instructional Approach 3

• Teacher as advisor

• True mobile learning (classroom is not always necessary)

• Students in control of: What they learn How they learn When they learn Where they learn

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The Learning Continuum


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®Apache Junction’s Mission & Non-Negotiable Goals

• Individually write down why the district is moving to 1:1

• Work in teams to identify non-negotiable goals for 2010-2011

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Keys to Success in One-to-One Teaching

and Learning

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Igniting 21st century learning ®

®Activity: Where and How…….?

• Does your school engage these practices as related to district reform goals?

• Does your department/offices support schools in engaging these practices as related to district reform goals?

Create visual representation to present to whole group

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1. Planning

• Well designed plan for implementation & sustainabilityo Participants: Principals, Teachers,

Technology Coordinators & Curriculum Directors (along with parents, students, local community members)

o Vision, mission, goals, milestones, resources, roles, responsibilities, monitoring, evaluation

o Develop a shared vision!

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2. Leadership• Full principalprincipal support &


o Ongoing PD for leading school reform

o Scheduled team meetingso Observationso Communicationso Leading second order change in

schoolso Digital Funding Integration Tools


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3. Tech Prep & Support

• A solid technology infrastructure and maintenance/service plan

o Connectivity and access pointso Support policies and procedureso Charging and storingo On-Site presence by Tech. personnelo Developing ability of teachers and

students to troubleshoot

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®4. Professional Learning and Development

• Regularly scheduled for administrators, teachers and tech personnel

o Coaching/Mentoring Modelo Changing the classroom cultureo Focus on curricular integrationo Dedicated time & resources


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5. Communications

• Sharing information with key audienceso Internal – Teachers, Librarians,

Students, Custodial, Bus Drivers, Tech Support, Curriculum Director, Board Members, Support Staff

o External – Parents/Guardians, Local Media, Legislators, Businesses

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6. Policies

• Policies and procedures guided by instructional goals and documented

o Board assurance agreemento Student acceptable useo Remain flexible – you may learn

some things that influence you to move policies in a different direction

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7. Assistance

• Seek help from others

o Demonstration Siteso Lead Teacherso SuperCoacheso Regional Supporto Research other program ‘lessons

learned’o Vendor partnero Other districts/states

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8. Expectation Management

• On average, the research says that it takes 3-5 years for teachers to effectively and seamlessly integrate technology and instruction

• Student achievement will not increase as a result of having 24/7 technology

• Student achievement will increase, over time, when an adopted curriculum and instructional program is integrated with 24/7 technology

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Facilitating Change


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TimePatienceEvolutionary vs. RevolutionaryHard WorkCooperationBeing mindful that this is second-order change in schools! (McREL 2005)Consistent and open communication

Change of this magnitude takes:

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9. Program Evaluation

• An objective, outside research organization is needed to provide consistent and focused results relative to program goals

• Need to be accountable and responsible for reaching benchmarks, adjusting program as needed

• Need to build sustainable models

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®Systemic Reform vs. Innovation Retrofit

• What other initiatives

is the district/school currently working on?

• How can teaching and learning be redesigned to seemlessly integrate all of these initiatives, and 1:1?

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®Architectural Changes Needed

Changing mental models to personalize learning

Reconsider:– Facilities– Seat time– Calendar– Curriculum– Course configurations– Instructional resources

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®Willingness to let go of outdated, entrenched past practices will…

• Cost avoid• Recoup resources/funds for short and

long term ed. tech planning– Web-based vs. textbook resources, etc.

• Help lead to systemic change

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®High Quality & Robust Professional Learning

• System-wide

• Ongoing

• Consistently planned, scheduled, engaged

• Network with professional community-state, country and world-wide

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1:1 Implementation

The Planning Process

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Essential Planning Elements

• Financial Planning

• Capacity Building

• Program Evaluation and Assessment

• Infrastructure Planning

• Professional Development

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Financial Planning

Resource Redeployment

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Network Status• Speed• Utilization • Reliability

Guest network access• Administrative network• Instructional network• Other networks

District provision for community access

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Technology Staffing• Network administration• Building & district level support• Software installation & updates• Device help desk• Webmaster• Break-fix

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Instructional Application Software

Administrative Application Software

‗ Number‗ Type‗ Cost‗ Staffing

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Student related systems• Single login• Single point of data acquisition• Access permissions

Staff and parent access protocols

Document management system

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®Processes: Management Information Systems




Data warehouse





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Student Educational Plans




– Interface with scheduling system– Semester/annual course projection– Staff demographics vs. course


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Dynamic Technology Planning Program (DTPP)

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Overview of Home PageThe Functionality Sources

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Your District’s Input

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• Develop a vision achievement funding plan– Resource redeployment– Operating funds– Bond funds– Parent/student funds– Outside funds

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Guidelines & Checklists

Infrastructure and Implementation

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Building Capacity

• Create a professional development plan

• Plan and create timeline for building level training

(principal, teachers, and tech support)

• Plan for lead teacher training

• Plan for community presentations

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Program Evaluation

• Create a program assessment plan and timeline

• Create program goals

1) Collect baseline data

2) Develop assessment protocol and tools

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Infrastructure Planning

• Create an implementation timeline

1) Wireless network testing

2) Bandwidth capacity testing in pilot class

• Plan for securing signed AUPs

• Plan for the distribution of devices to students

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Implementation Guidelines

• Implement fully in at least one classroom

• Train at least two teachers initially• Train at least one trainer (lead

teacher) in each building prior to full building implementation

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1:1 Implementation Checklist

• Identification of a district one-to-one program committee and meeting schedule

• District leadership planning session (Superintendent, Curriculum Director, Principal, technology director, teacher leaders)

• Plan and create timeline for building the appropriate infrastructure

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®Infrastructure Checklist: Building Level

• Computing device for each student in the classroom

• Plan and provide onsite technical support

• Develop relationship with vendor(s)

• Provide one extra device for every 10 laptops (replacements for service)

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®Infrastructure Checklist: Building Level (continued)

• Provide a charging cart for each classroom

• Provide two battery packs for each laptop

• Plan and provide accidental damage and theft insurance for all computing devices

• Provide laptop for each teacher involved

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®Infrastructure Checklist: District• Dedicated server space sufficient to

handle the capacity of the program. • All students and teachers should have

their own folder on this network server.• Enough access points to ensure

wireless connectivity for all students in the one-to-one learning space at the same time.

• An appropriate firewall, virus protection and content filter.

• Sufficient technology personnel to support the one-to-one program.

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®Infrastructure Checklist: District (continued)

• An established relationship with the device vendor and teacher access to their help desk and other support.

• A support plan that facilitates quick response to repairs and other technical questions that is easily communicated to teachers in the program.

• Appropriate device preparation that includes a good image, adjustment of all settings, a device identification method, and loading and testing all program software.

• Appropriate damage and theft insurance.

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Closure and Next Steps

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Join Your Online Community


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Scheduling and Logistics

Kate Kennedy

Program Coordinator


(517) 335-0449