Ievads - · 2016-01-14 · Ievads...


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Daþâdâs pasaules malâs sabiedrîba arvien vairâk atbalsta noturîgu jebilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu, lîdzsvarotâku pieeju, kas reizç ar parastajiem ekonomiskajiemapsvçrumiem ievçro arî sociâlos un vides apsvçrumus (intereses). Vârdam«augðana» ir divas nozîmes — paplaðinâðanâs un attîstîba. Paplaðinâties nozîmçkïût lielâkam, attîstîties nozîmç kïût labâkam. Ir daudz attîstîbas iespçju, kampaplaðinâðanâs nav vajadzîga.

Ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas principi nav nekas jauns un tos jau lietojam ikdienâ, taèune plânveidîgi un sistemâtiski. Mçs izmantojam vietçjos resursus un iespçjas,rûpçjamies par tîru dzeramo ûdeni un notekûdeòu attîrîðanu, par kultûras tradîcijusaglabâðanu, par veselîbas aizsardzîbu u.tml. Taèu ir vçl tik daudz iespçju mûsudzîves vidi veidot kvalitatîvâku, padarît vairâk, izmantojot mazâk resursu un lietojottos ilgâk, vairâk izmantojot mûsu prasmes nekâ krâjumus, esot pieticîgâkiem mate-riâlajâs prasîbâs, bet tomçr prasot labâku vidi un labâku dzîves kvalitâti.

Cilvçki, vçsture un viss ðajâ vietâ notikuðais ir izveidojis kaut ko ïoti îpaðu, unvçlme to saglabât ir dalâma ar ikvienu.

Ilgtspçjîga attîstîba — tâs ir novada dabas bagâtîbas un kultûrvçsturiskâsvçrtîbas, tradîcijas, lokâlpatriotisms, patstâvîba un konkurçtspçja, tâ ir saimnieciskaun atbildîga attieksme pret visu apkârt notiekoðo un lietu kopsakarîbu zinâðana.Galu galâ — tâ ir veselîga un kvalitatîva dzîvesvide.

Ilgtspçjîgâ attîstîbâ cilvçks ir mçríis, ne lîdzeklis vai skrûvîte biznesâ. Ilgtspçjîgaattîstîba prasa vçrtîbu orientâciju uz paðpilnveidi, ne patçriòu.

An increasing number of people in different parts of the world support stable orsustainable development that also considers social and environmental interestsalong with the usual economic considerations. In sustainable development a personis an objective not simply a screw in business. It requires value orientation towardsself — improvement, not consumption.

We use local resources and possibilities, care for clean drinking water and se-wage systems, for preservation of cultural traditions, health protection etc. But thereare a lot more possibilities to improve the quality of our lives, to do more by usingless resources for a longer period of time, putting more stress on our skills ratherthan our stocks, to be more modest in our material demands, but require a betterenvironment and higher quality of life.

The word «growth» has two meanings — expansion and development. To ex-pand means to become bigger, to develop — to become better. There are many de-velopment possibilities that do not require expansion.

Sustainable development means the importance of regional nature and culturalheritage, traditions and identity, competitiveness and economic independence, eco-nomical and responsible attitude to the activities around, as well as awareness ofinterconnection of things. After all it means — healthy and qualitative living envi-ronment.

Mçríis, uzdevumiObjective, tasks

Projekts «Zaïais novads - 21» jeb «Lîvu zaïâ piekraste - 21» ir ES LIFE pro-grammas lîdzfinansçts projekts ar mçría teritoriju paðos Kurzemes ziemeïos, ietve-rot Kolkas, Dundagas un Rojas pagastus — projekta partnerus, taèu nenovelkotrobeþas labu ieceru îstenoðanai.

LIFE programma ir vienîgâ ES finanðu lîdzdalîba, kas pilnîbâ veltîta tikai videspolitikai un tâs îstenoðanai. LIFE finansç jaunievedumus, kas dod konkrçtus re-zultâtus un ievieð vides aizsardzîbas prasîbas ekonomikâ, sociâlajâ jomâ, kultûrasdzîvç, jebkura veida zemes lietoðanâ. Programma paredz sekmçt cieðas saiknesstarp izpçti un lieti derîgâ plaðu pielietojumu.

Projekta mçríis ir veicinât ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu Ziemeïkurzemç, radotpriekðnoteikumus daþâda veida negatîvas ietekmes un tuvredzîgas saimniekoðanasmazinâðanai un novçrðanai. Tas attiecas ne tikai uz novada dabas vidi, bet arî uz so-ciâlo vidi, ekonomiku, kultûru un citâm savstarpçji cieði saistîtâm mûsu dzîves jomâm.

Projekta îstermiòa mçríis: izveidot Agenda-21 plânoðanas, ievieðanas unuzraudzîbas sistçmu Ziemeïkurzemes piekrastç.

Vide — tas ir viss, kas mums apkârt, un to varam veidot paði, plânojotkonkrçtas rîcîbas. Vârds ilgtspçja nozîmç visas dzîves norises tvert savstarpçjâ ie-tekmç, sadarbîbâ, vienâ veselumâ. Citiem vârdiem — ikvienâ nopietnâ darbîbâ vaiprojektâ jâbût ietvertiem ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas priekðnoteikumiem.

Projekta iesniedzçjs: Dundagas pagasta padomeProjekta partneri:• Kolkas pagasta padome• Rojas pagasta padome• Latvijas Universitâtes Vides zinâtnes un pârvaldîbas institûts• S/o «Lîvõd Ît» («Lîvu savienîba»)• VÎALKT «Lîvõd Rânda» («Lîbieðu krasts»)Projekta periods: 03/09/2001 — 03/09/2004Projekta ilgums: 36 mçneðiProjekta finansçjums (eiro):EK: 216 055Dalîbnieki: 481 898 (234 482)Kopâ: 697 953 (450 537)


Jûras piekraste pie Kolkas. Seaside at Kolka. Foto/Photo: S. Akuraters

Projekta «Zaïais novads-21» teritorija. Territory of the Project «Livonian Green CoastalRegion-21»

Jûras piekraste Mazirbç. Seaside at Mazirbe. Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

Project «Livonian Green Coastal Region - 21» has been conducted with fi-nancial participation of the EU LIFE programme and its target territory is the north ofKurzeme including Kolka, Dundaga and Roja Municipalities, but without clearly setborders for the implementation of good ideas.

LIFE programme is the only financial participation of the EU dedicated comple-tely to environmental policy and its implementation. LIFE provides funding for inno-vations that ensure certain results and introduce environmental protection standardsinto economics, social sphere, cultural life and any kind of land utilisation.

Project objective is to facilitate sustainable development in North Kurzeme cre-ating preconditions for reducing and eliminating any kind of negative impact andshortsighted economical activities. It does not refer only to the natural environmentof the region, but also to the social environment, economics, culture and other clo-sely linked spheres of our lives.

Project short-term objective: to create Agenda-21 planning, implementation andsupervision system along the coast of North Kurzeme.

Beneficiary of the project: Dundaga MunicipalityPartners:• Kolka Municipality• Roja Municipality• Institute for Environmental Science and Management, University of Latvia• Livonian Union• Livonian CoastProject period: 03/09/2001 — 03/09/2004Project continuation: 36 monthsProject resources (euro):EK: 216 055Participants: 481 898 (234 482)Together: 697 953 (450 537)

Aktivitâtes un risinâmâs problçmasActivities and problems to be solved

Projekta pieteikums tika sagatavots, lai risinâtu virkni problçmu, kas navzaudçjuðas nozîmi arî ðodien:

• maz uzmanîbas pievçrð ilgtspçjîbas principu ievieðanai ikvienâ nozarç,• ðajâ jomâ trûkst informâcijas un izpratnes, ir maz izglîtoðanâs iespçju,• vâji attîstîta sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîba, trûkst motivâcijas lîdzdarboties,• vietçjo (atbildîgo) organizâciju sadarbîbas trûkuma dçï tiek pieòemti

ilgtspçjîbas principiem neatbilstoði lçmumi, kuru îstenoðana (savukârt) radanegatîvu ietekmi uz vidi,

• nav kompensâcijas mehânisma, lai atlîdzinâtu ar vides pârvaldîbu saistîtusekonomiskâs darbîbas ierobeþojumus, tâdçï nepiecieðams pastiprinâti pie-saistît lîdzekïus ar daþâdu projektu palîdzîbu,

• uzòçmçjiem un citiem iedzîvotâjiem trûkst motivâcijas ilgtspçjîgai rîcîbai,maz ir pozitîvo paraugu, tâdçï bieþi netiek lietoti risinâjumi, kas uzkrâtulielâku kapitâlu nâkotnei,

• trûkst organizâcijas, kas pievçrstu uzmanîbu piekrastes integrçtai unilgtspçjîgai attîstîbai kopumâ.

Projektâ plânotâs aktivitâtes:1. Starptautiska konference par piekrastes ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu2. Pieredzes apmaiòa un apmâcîba vienâ no ES zaïajiem reìioniem3. Apaïâ galda foruma izveide4. Piekrastes Agenda-21 pastâvçðanas principu un sistçmas izveide5. Novada Agenda-21 centra kâ juridiskas organizâcijas nodibinâðana6. Centra telpu atjaunoðana, izmantojot ekotehnoloìijas7. Ziemeïkurzemes piekrastes ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas konsultatîvâs padomes izveide8. Agenda-21 attîstîbas process ar plaðu sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîbu9. Labâko demonstrâciju projektu atlase

10. Demonstrâciju projektu îstenoðana11. Mazie demonstrâciju projekti ideju un pieredzes izplatîðanai: bukleti,

citi periodiski izdevumi, interneta mâjas lapa, datu bankas u.c.12. Rîcîbu plânoðana Agenda-21 centra turpmâkai pastâvçðanai un attîstîbai

Lai izpildîtu projektâ paredzçto, visâ tâ norises laikâ darbojâs projektauzraudzîbas padome (pa vienam pârstâvim no katras dalîborganizâcijas), kuraspieòemtos lçmumus îstenoja projekta izpildstruktûra. Notika arî plânoðanas seminâriar sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîbu un plaða iedzîvotâju aptauja, tika uzsâkta iedzîvotâju Apaïâgalda foruma un Ziemeïkurzemes ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas konsultatîvâs padomesdarbîba. Rosinoðas pârmaiòas sagaidîja vairâki objekti, kurus saucam paruzskatâmas rîcîbas jeb demonstrâciju objektiem katrâ no pagastiem. Izveidota arîsabiedriska organizâcija «Ziemeïkurzemes «AGENDA-21» centrs», kam jâturpinaiesâktais arî pçc LIFE projekta noslçguma. Rezultâtu izplatîðanu, pieredzes apmaiòuun mijiedarbîbu ar sabiedrîbu nodroðina daþâdi informatîvi izdevumi, internetamâjas lapa un projekta vçstnesis Uz zaïa zara.


Projekta dalîbnieki Dânijas «Zaïajâ reìionâ». Project team in Denmark’s «Green Region».

Seminârs par ekotûrisma attîstîbu Ziemeïkurzemç. Seminar on ecotourism development inNorth Kurzeme. Foto/Photo: A. Pûliòa

Daþi no projekta laikâ izdotajiem bukletiem. Information booklets on demonstration places«The Green Castle» and «Kolka — the old Livonian Village».

Galvenâs aktivitâtesLai paðiem iedzîvotâjiem bûtu lielâka teikðana un iespçja realizçt savus centie-

nus, projekts uzsâcis iedzîvotâju Apaïâ galda forumu (AGF). Foruma uzdevums —kopîgi vienojoties, pieòemt lçmumus par visdaþâdâkajiem attîstîbas jautâjumiem,veidot savu darba kârtîbu un kopîgi strâdât, lai to îstenotu. Iedzîvotâju lîdzdalîba irviens no ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas stûrakmeòiem.

AGF piedâvâ :• lielâkas iespçjas iedzîvotâju lîdzdalîbai lçmumu pieòemðanâ,• lçmumu pieòemðanu, balstoties uz ilgtspçjîbas principiem,• jaunu sadarbîbas formu un prasmju veidoðanu,• sabiedrîbas ierosmju noveðanu lîdz îstenoðanai,• vides apziòas un motivâcijas veidoðanu,• iniciatîvas grupu veidoðanu.

Aptaujas mçríis bija noskaidrot iedzîvotâju viedokïus ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbasjautâjumâ, izzinât ieceres un idejas, saistot tâs ar vietçjo AGENDA-21. Ar aptaujaspalîdzîbu iedzîvotâji tika vienlaicîgi informçti par ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu.

Sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîba ir viena no bûtiskâkajâm LA - 21 procesa sastâvdaïâm,tâdçï svarîgi bija noskaidrot:

• iedzîvotâju vçlmi un motivâciju lîdzdarboties tâlredzîgâkâ saimniekoðanâ,• cik iedzîvotâji paði jûtas atbildîgi,• vai tic, ka paðvaldîba spçs veidot ðâdu attîstîbu,• vai domâ, ka ar savu aktivitâti un nostâju var kaut ko mainît,• vai tas, ko cilvçki vçlas, saskan ar virzîbu uz ilgtspçjîbu.

Ar Zaïâ novada ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas konsultatîvâs padomes (IAKP) starp-niecîbu cenðamies tuvinât lçmçjvaras pârstâvjus, uzòçmçjus u.c., lai pârdomâti unlietderîgi izmantotu vietçjos resursus un iespçjas, kâ arî sadarbotos ar nacionâloIAKP.

Padome ir informatîva, konsultatîva un koordinçjoða institûcija, kuras mçríis irsekmçt ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas principu iedzîvinâðanu, veicinot arî sabiedrîbas

lîdzdalîbu. Bûtiskâkais uzdevums — saskaòot daþâdu sektoru darbîbu, saredzçtZiemeïkurzemes unikâlâs iespçjas Latvijas un Eiropas kontekstâ, mâcîties sadarbo-ties tâlejoðu mçríu vârdâ. IAKP konsultâcijas nepiecieðamas arî ZA - 21 centraturpmâkai attîstîbai.

Ar vairâku demonstrâciju jeb uzskatâmas rîcîbas objektu palîdzîbu katrâ pa-gastâ veidotas jaunas iespçjas un finansiâli atbalstîta Zaïâ novada attîstîba, lietojotneierastas, rosinoðas pieejas, atbalstot aktîvus novada cilvçkus, lietojot cilvçkiemun videi labvçlîgâkas tehnoloìijas un metodes bûvniecîbâ, notekûdeòu attîrîðanâ uncitur.

Prasîbas demonstrâciju projektu sagatavoðanai un apstiprinâðanai pirmkârtsaistîtas ar ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas èetriem pamatprincipiem:

• dabas aizsardzîba un attîstîba — projektam jâbût videi draudzîgam, resursus taupoðam, izvçloties labâkâs iespçjamâs tehnoloìijas,izmantojot videi draudzîgus materiâlus,

• ekonomiskais izdevîgums — vietçjie resursi (dabas, cilvçku, kultûrvidesu.c.) jâizmanto lietderîgi un efektîvi (vienlaikus aizsargâjot vidi un sekmçjotteritorijas ekonomisko attîstîbu),

• sociâlais taisnîgums — jâòem vçrâ ne tikai tûristu, bet, pirmkârt, tieðivietçjo iedzîvotâju intereses, jârespektç gan profesionâlo, gan daþâdu sociâlogrupu vajadzîbas un intereses, jârada jaunas darbavietas,

• kultûrvides mantojums — kultûrobjektu, garîgâ mantojuma, kultûrvidestradîciju u.tml. izzinâðana, atjaunoðana un izmantoðana vietçjai attîstîbai.


Project application was prepared to solve a range of problems that have not losttheir importance up to this day:

• Environmental interests are not taken into account during the developmentplanning of the municipalities

• There is lack of information, education and understanding in the field• Weakly developed public participation, lack of motivation for the participation• Many decisions and activities in different spheres are not properly done be-

cause of the lack of tight co-operative work that leads to negative impact onthe environment


Iedzîvotâju lîdzdalîba apaïâ galda forumâ Dundagâ. Public participation in Round — tableForum at Dundaga. Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

Ekoskolas laikâ Kolkâ veiktâs aptaujas prezentâcija. Presentation of Public opinion pollduring Eco-school at Kolka. Foto/Photo: A. Ûdre

Demonstrâciju objekts «Pûrciema Baltâ kâpa» Rojas pagastâ. Demonstration Object «TheWhite Dune» at Purciems, Roja Municipality. Foto/Photo: V. Vilnîtis

• There is lack of the compensation mechanism to compensate the restrictionsof economical activity caused by environmental supervision.

• Entrepreneurs and other inhabitants lack motivation for long-term activities,having very few positive examples. Consequently, solutions that ensure sa-ving larger financial capital for the future are often not used.

Planned activities:• International Conference for Sustainable Coastal Development• Case study visit to EU Green Region• Round-table Forum establishment• Working out rules and system for the functioning of Agenda 21 Centre• Regional Agenda 21 Centre foundation as a legal organisation• Agenda 21 Centre building renovation, using eco-technologies• Establishment of Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of North Kur-

zeme Coastal Region• Coastal Region Agenda 21 development process by wide involvement of regi-

onal society• Choice of the best demonstration projects• Implementation of the demonstration projects• Small demonstration and dissemination: booklets, project newspaper, web

page, data banks, etc.• Action planning for the Coastal Region Agenda 21 Centre future development

and maintenance

To implement the envisaged activities, Supervision Council worked during thewhole project making decisions that were carried out by the Executive body of theproject. There were planning seminars with public participation, a large survey, theactivities of the Public Round-table Forum and the Consulting council of North Kur-zeme sustainable development were started. Several objects in each municipality fa-

ced stimulating changes. We call them the objects of visual activity or demonstrati-on objects. P/O «North-Kurzeme AGENDA-21 Centre» has also been created andshould continue the work after the conclusion of LIFE project. Distribution of the re-sults, exchange of experience and public interaction have been provided by differentpublications, web page, and the project leaflet «On Green Branch».

Main activitiesThe project has started Public Round-table Forum to provide the inhabitants

with bigger decision making power and possibilities to carry out their ideas. The taskof the forum — to make decisions about a wide variety of development questionsbased on common agreement, to create a common agenda and work together tocarry it out. Public participation is one of the corner stones of sustainable develop-ment.

RTF offers:• bigger public participation possibilities in decision making process,• decision making based on the principles of sustainability,• working on new co-operation forms and skills,• implementation of public ideas,• creation of environmental awareness and motivation,• formation of initiative groups.

The aim of the survey was to clarify the public opinion on sustainable develop-ment, to find out about the suggestions and ideas connecting them with the localAGENDA-21 or creation of sustainable development. During the survey people werealso informed about the idea of sustainable development.

Public participation is one of the most important parts of LA - 21 processes the-refore it was important to clarify:

• willingness and motivation of the inhabitants to participate in farsighted eco-nomical activities

• public sense of responsibility• trust in the local government to be able to ensure the development• the idea of being able to change something with everyone’s individual activi-

ty and attitude• co-ordination of public wishes with the idea of sustainability

With the mediation of the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development (AC)we try to bring together the members of legislative body, entrepreneurs, and othersto utilise the local resources and possibilities deliberately and usefully as well as toco-operate with the national AC.

AC is an informative, consulting and co-ordinating institution. Its objective is tofacilitate the implementation of the principles of sustainable development with pu-blic participation. The most important task of AC is to co-ordinate the activities ofdifferent sections, to see the unique possibilities of North Kurzeme within the contextof Latvia and Europe, to learn to co-operate in the name of far-reaching aims. Fur-


Starptautiska konference par piekrastes ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu Rudç. International Conferencefor Sustainable Coastal Development at Rude, Roja Municipality. Foto/Photo: F. Ballnus

Pieredzes apmaiòa Dânijas «Zaïajâ reìionâ». Case study visit at Denmark`s «Green Region».Foto/Photo: A. Pûliòa

Demonstrâciju objekta «Informâcijas zîmes Koðraga zvejnieku ciemâ» atklâðana.Demonstration object «Information Signs in the Fishermen`s Village Kosrags», KolkaMunicipality. Foto/Photo: D. Kârkluvalks

ther development of «North Kurzeme AGENDA-21 Centre» also requires consultati-ons of AC.

With the help of several Demonstration objects new possibilities have beencreated in each municipality along with the financial support for the development ofthe Green Coastal Region using unusual approaches, supporting active people in theregion, using environmentally-friendly technologies and methods in construction, se-wage cleaning etc.

Requirements to prepare and confirm the demonstration projects are connectedwith the 4 basic principles of sustainable development:

• Nature protection and development — the project has to be environmental-ly-friendly, saving natural resources, choosing the best possible technologies,using environmentally-friendly materials.

• Economical profitability — local resources (natural, human, cultural, etc.)must be utilised usefully and efficiently (protecting environment and facilita-ting economic development of the territory).

• Social justice — we must first consider the interests of local people alongwith the tourists, respect the needs and interests of professional and socialgroups, create new working places.

• Cultural heritage — finding out about cultural objects, intellectual heritage,cultural traditions, etc., their renewal and usage for the benefit of the localdevelopment.

Skaidrojumi un saîsinâjumiAbbreviations

Paskaidrojumi:Ilgtspçjîga attîstîba — attîstîba, kas nodroðina paðreizçjo vajadzîbu

apmierinâðanu, neradot draudus nâkamo paaudþu vajadzîbâm.Rîcîbas programma — saskaòotu un secîgu uzdevumu kopums, kas jâîsteno

noteiktâ laika periodâ, lai veicinâtu noteiktu mçríu sasniegðanu.Agenda (lat.val.) — darba kârtîba, rîcîbas programma.Local Agenda-21 jeb vietçjâ ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas rîcîbas programma 21.gad-

simtam. Vienoðanâs par ðâdu programmu izstrâdi un îstenoðanu ikvienâ vietçjâpaðvaldîbâ tika panâkta ANO valstu konferencç Riodeþaneiro 1992.gadâ. 2002.gadâpasaule vçrtçja desmit gados paveikto, valstu lîderiem atkal satiekoties Dienvidâfri-kas galvaspilsçtâ Johannesburgâ.

Demonstrâciju projekti — paraugprojekti jeb uzskatâmas rîcîbas projekti, arkuru palîdzîbu reklamç kâdas netradicionâlas, lîdz ðim nelietotas vai maz lietotasiespçjas, tehnoloìijas, rîcîbas, ko turpmâk varçtu lietot daudz plaðâk mûsu dzîvesvides uzlaboðanai.

Forums — plaða pârstâvju sanâksme (Sveðvârdu vârdnîca/Dr.Psihol. J.Bal-dunèika red. — R.: Jumava,1999.- 234. lpp.). Apaïâ galda forums — organizâcija,kas ietver pârstâvjus no visâm vietçjâm atbildîgajâm, iesaistîtajâm institûcijâm unintereðu grupâm. Tâ ir pastâvîgi funkcionçjoða organizâcija ar savu nolikumu unîpaðu kârtîbas rulli.

Attîstîba — sabiedrîbai labvçlîgs dabas vides, kultûrvides, sociâlâs vides unsaimnieciskâs darbîbas virzîbas process jeb paðreizçjâs situâcijas pârmaiòas vçla-majâ virzienâ.

Vîzija — nâkotnes redzçjums jeb vçlamâ un iespçjamâ nâkotnç sasniedzamâsituâcija, tçls.

Indikators — (lat. indicator — râdîtâjs) sistçmas elements, kas kontrolçjamâprocesa gaitu vai novçrojamâ objekta stâvokli attçlo çrti uztveramâ formâ.

Saîsinâjumi:ES — Eiropas SavienîbaZA-21 — sabiedriskâ organizâcija «Ziemeïkurzemes «AGENDA-21» centrs»AGF — iedzîvotâju Apaïâ galda forumsIA — ilgtspçjîga attîstîbaIAKP — Ziemeïkurzemes ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas konsultatîvâ padomeLA-21 — Local Agenda-21 jeb vietçjâ Agenda-21ANO — Apvienoto Nâciju OrganizâcijaS/O — sabiedriska organizâcijaDaudzas problçmas un risinâjumi, kas minçti Riodeþaneiro konferencç (skat.

paskaidrojumus), savas saknes rod tieði vietçjâs aktivitâtçs.Agenda-21 ir process, kurâ vietçjâs paðvaldîbas strâdâ partnerattiecîbâs ar vi-

siem vietçjâs sabiedrîbas sektoriem, lai izstrâdâtu darbîbas plânus un rîkotos,domâjot par to, ka mûsu bçrniem un nâkamajâm paaudzçm jâdod iespçja dzîvot ve-selîgâ pasaulç. Pasaulç jau vairâk nekâ 2000 paðvaldîbas no aptuveni 70 daþâdâmvalstîm ir iesaistîtas ðajâ procesâ.

Ideâlâ gadîjumâ AGENDA-21 ir kârtîba, kad ikviens cilvçks domâ par katra savaspertâ soïa sekâm (ìimenç, mâjâ, skolâ, zemnieku saimniecîbâ, pagastâ), un, cikvien iespçjams, cenðas mazinât atstâto pçdu nospiedumu smagumu. Tâdçjâdi ïau-jot videi, kurâ dzîvojam, un lîdz ar to arî sev paðiem elpot vieglâk un priecîgâk.

Vietçjâ Agenda-21 ir galvenais instruments ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbasîstenoðanâ.

Abbreviations:EU — the European UnionLA - 21 Centre — public organization «North-Kurzeme AGENDA-21 Centre»RTF — Public Round-table ForumSD — sustainable developmentAC — Advisory Council for Sustainable DevelopmentLA-21 — Local Agenda-21UN — the United NationsP/O — public organization


Demonstrâciju objekts «Tûristu apkalpoðanas centrs Kolkasragâ». Demonstration object«Tourist Service Centre at the Cape of Kolka», Kolka Municipality. Foto/Photo: J. Dambîtis

Velotûrsima marðruts «Kolkas aplis». Bicycle route «Kolka circle». Foto/Photo: S. Akuraters



Projekta rezultâtu kopsavilkumsStarptautiska konference par piekrastes ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu un pieredzes apmaiòa — apmâcîba ES Zaïajâ paðvaldîbâ

Pasâkums Mçríis, vispârçjie ieguvumi Konkrçti rezultâti un citi râdîtâji

Konference «Ilgtspçjîga piekrastesattîstîba Latvijâ un citâs Baltijasjûras valstîs» Rojas pagasta Rudç

Lielâko piekrastes problçmu atpazîðana, izpratne parLA - 21 procesa bûtiskâm sastâvdaïâm, citu valstupieredzes izpçte

•Piedalîjâs ap 50 dalîbnieku•Nolasîti 20 referâti, strâdâts darba grupâs•Dalîbnieku aptaujas rezultâti par piekrastes problçmâm•Turpmâkâ sadarbîba un jauni projekti

Pieredzes apmaiòa vienâ no ESZaïajiem reìioniem — Storstro-mas paðvaldîbâ Dânijâ

Iegûta pieredze par veiksmîgu LA - 21 sagatavoðanuun îstenoðanu, iepazîstoties gan ar Zaïâs skolasdarbîbu, videi draudzîgu bçrnudârzu, veselîbas cen-tru, uzòçmçjdarbîbas tîklu, ekotûrisma kempingu unLA - 21 centru

•Dânijas pieredzi apguva 12 Ziemeïkurzemes pârstâvji•Apmeklçti un iepazîti pavisam 7 daþâdi objekti vai nozares un to dalîba LA - 21

procesâ•Iegûta daudzpusîga informâcija, metodika un secinâjumi par 12 gadu pieredzi•Iegûti partneri turpmâkai sadarbîbai

Apaïâ galda foruma izveide un Agenda - 21 attîstîbas process ar plaðu sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîbu

Pasâkums Mçríis, vispârçjie ieguvumi Konkrçti rezultâti un citi râdîtâji

Seminâri «Iedzîvotâju lîdzdalîbailgtspçjîgâ attîstîbâ»

•Daþâdu nozaru vietçjo speciâlistu pieredzes,zinâðanu, ieteikumu izmantoðana IA veidoðanâ no-vadâ

•Dalîbnieku izglîtoðana par IA

•Seminâros piedalîjâs ap 50 cilvçku no 20 daþâdâm mçrígrupâm•Veikta problçmu analîze•Noteiktas vçlamâs rîcîbas•Izveidots IA indikatoru saraksts

Ekoskola Iesaistît skolçnus novada attîstîbas plânoðanâ, vei-cinât sadarbîbu starp reìiona skolâm, informçt parprojektu «Zaïais novads-21», sekmçt skolçnu inici-atîvu un aktivitâti, audzinot viòos lepnumu par savunovadu

•Piedalîjâs 45 skolçni un 9 skolotâji no Kolkas, Rojas un Dundagas skolâm•Skolçni tika sagatavoti iedzîvotâju aptaujai•Notika darbs daþâdâs ievirzçs (vizuâlâs mâkslas, kokapstrâdes, dabas izpçtes

un lîbieðu valodas)

Iedzîvotâju aptauja Izzinâtas iedzîvotâju vajadzîbas, ieceres un idejas,rçíinoties ar tâm IA veidoðanâ novadâ. Ar aptaujaspalîdzîbu iedzîvotâji tika informçti arî par IApriekðrocîbâm.

•Sagatavotas aptaujas anketas ar 40 jautâjumiem par pagasta un Ziemeïkur-zemes attîstîbu un respondenta paða attieksmi pret daþâdiem jautâjumiem

•Aptaujâti ap 120 iedzîvotâjiem Kolkas, Dundagas un Rojas pagastos

Ideju konkurss«Domâts — darîts!»

Apzinât sabiedrîbas ierosmes par to, kâ vislabâk vei-dot t.s. lielos demonstrâciju objektus. Tâtad — kâtos sakopt un kâ tajos attîstît sabiedrîbai vçrtîgudarbîbu

Konkurss par trîs lielo uzskatâmas rîcîbas objektu attîstîbu, t.i., par Lîvukultûrvçsturisko centru Mazirbç, par Dundagas Zaïo pili un Pûrciema Balto kâpu

Iedzîvotâju Apaïâ galda forums Iedzîvotâju aktivizçðana un lîdzdalîba vietçjaiattîstîbai, iespçja realizçt paðu idejas un centienus.

Sasaukti divi AGF mçríu un uzdevumu noteikðanai, konkrçtu darbîbas virzienuatlasei un darba grupu izveidoðanai

AGF darba grupas Darbs pie konkrçtiem jautâjumiem, rîcîba forumâ no-lemtâ îstenoðanai

AGF starplaikos darbojas ðâdas darba grupas:•Dabas un kultûrvides objektu sakopðanas•Bioloìiskâs lauksaimniecîbas•Ekotûrisma•Jaunieðu brîvâ laika un nodarbinâtîbas

Daþâdi seminâri Iedzîvotâju informçðana, izglîtoðana, plânoðana unsadarbîba gan ekotûrisma attîstîbai, gan kultûrvidessakopðanai, ekotehnoloìiju apguvei, dabas videsestçtisko izpausmju izzinâðanai, vides skaidroðanai,konkrçtu objektu sakopðanai, arî par ûdens nozîmi unvidei draudzîgiem mazgâðanas lîdzekïiem, par laukuuzòçmçju iespçjâm Eiropas Savienîbâ u.c. jautâju-miem

Notikuði ðâdi seminâri (dalîbnieku skaits):•Ekotûrisma attîstîbai «Kolkas aplis» (21)•Cilvçks — Daba — Kompozîcija (16)•Par Baltâs kâpas attîstîbu (48)•Kultûras vçsture un kultûras tûrisms (38)•Ekotûrisma prakse un sadarbîbas tîkls (27)•Starptautiskâ vides diena jeb ûdens nozîme cilvçka dzîvç (50)•Lauku uzòçmçju iespçjas ES (21)•Par lîdzekïu piesaisti meþu attîstîbai (10)

Ziemeïkurzemes AGENDA - 21 centra izveide

Pasâkums Mçríis, vispârçjie ieguvumi Konkrçti rezultâti un citi râdîtâji

Statûtu izstrâde Sagatavoti statûti organizâcijas reìistrâcijai unturpmâkai darbîbai

•Statûti pieòemti dibinâðanas kopsapulcç 2002.g. 20.decembrî•Organizâcijas dibinâtâji ir ES LIFE projekta partneri

Organizâcijas reìistrâcija Centrs iegûst juridiskas personas statusu un tiesîbas Reìistrçta 22.01.2003. LR Uzòçmumu reìistrâ kâ sabiedriskâ organizâcijaZiemeïkurzemes AGENDA - 21 centrs

Centra izveide Dundagas pagastaVîdales skolâ

Sagatavots tehniskais projekts çkas rekonstrukcijai,izmantojot cilvçkam un videi draudzîgus materiâlusun risinâjumus

Sagatavots tehniskais projekts çkas rekonstrukcijas 1. kârtai, realizçta daïa pro-jekta


Summary of project resultsInternational Conference on Sustainable Coastal Development and Experience Exchange — training in EU Green Municipality

Activity Aim, General Benefits Specific Results and Other Data

Conference «Sustainable CoastalDevelopment in Latvia and OtherBaltic States» in Rude, Roja Muni-cipality.

Recognition of the biggest coastal problems, under-standing of the essential parts of the LA - 21 proces-ses, studying the experience of other states.

•50 participants•20 reports presented, workshops•Results of participant surveys on coastal problems•Further co-operation and new projects

Study visit to one of the EU GreenRegions — Storstrom Municipali-ty, Denmark

Obtained experience about successful preparationand implementation of LA - 21, learning about thework of Green School, an environmentally friendlykindergarten, health centre, entrepreneurship net-work, eco-tourism campsite and LA - 21 Centre.

•12 participants from North Kurzeme•7 different objects visited and their participation in the LA - 21 processes stu-

died•Many-sided information gathered including methods and conclusions about 12

year experience•Partners found for further co-operation.

Formation of Public Round-table Forum and Development Process of Agenda - 21 with Wide Public Participation

Activity Aim, General Benefits Specific Results and Other Data

Seminars «Public Participation inSustainable Development»

•Use of experience, knowledge, suggestions of diffe-rent local specialists in the process of SD work inthe region

•Participant training about SD

•50 people from 20 different target groups participated in the seminars•Problem analysis performed•Advisable activities stated•List of SD indicators created.

Eco-school To involve students in the regional development plan-ning, encourage the co-operation among the schoolsin the region, inform about the LIFE project, facilitatestudent initiative and activity, teaching them beingproud of their region.

•45 students and 9 teachers participated from Kolka, Roja and Dundaga schools•Students prepared for making opinion polls•Work in different subjects (art, woodwork, nature studies, the Livonian langua-


Public opinion poll Needs, plans and ideas of the local population foundout and considered in the process of creating SD inthe region. People informed about the advantages ofSD with the help of the poll.

•A questionnaire of 40 questions prepared about the development of North Kur-zeme and the attitude of the respondents to different questions

•120 people questioned in Kolka, Dundaga and Roja Municipalities

Contest of ideas «Thought andDone!»

Public ideas collected on how to make big demon-stration objects, how to keep them in order and deve-lop public activity around them.

Contest on the development of three big demonstration objects — Livonian Cul-tural Centre in Mazirbe, Dundaga Green Castle and Purciems White Dune

Public Round-table Forum Encouraging public activity and participation in thelocal development, a chance to fulfil their own ideasand aspirations.

Two RTF summoned to state the aims and tasks, to select specific work directi-ons and to form workshops

RTF workshops Work on specific questions, activities to accomplishthe tasks stated in the Forum.

The following workshops work during the intervals between the RTF:•Tidying the objects of natural and cultural value,•Ecological farming,•Eco-tourism,•Free time and employment of young people.

Different seminars Public information, education, planning, and co-ope-ration for the development of eco-tourism, tidying thecultural environment, studying the eco-technologies,learning about the aesthetics of natural environment,environmental interpretation, and renewal of specificobjects, the importance of water and environmental-ly-friendly household chemicals, the possibilities ofthe country entrepreneurs in the EU and other sub-jects.

The following seminars have taken place (number of participants):•For the development of eco-tourism «Kolka Circle» (21)•«Person — Nature — Composition» (16)•On the development of the White Dune (48)•Cultural history and cultural tourism (38)•Eco-tourism practice and co-operation network (27)•International Environment Day or the importance of water in human life (50)•Possibilities of rural businesses in the EU (21)•Investment attraction to the forest development (10)

Formation of North Kurzeme AGENDA - 21 Centre

Activity Aim, General Benefits Specific Results and Other Data

Working on statutes Statutes prepared for the registration and further ac-tivities of the organisation.

•Statutes passed in the foundation meeting on December 2, 2002.•The founders of the organisation are the EU LIFE project partners

Registration of the organisation The centre obtains the status and rights of a juridicalperson

Registered on January 22, 2003 in the Company Register of the Republic of Latviaas a public organisation North Kurzeme Agenda - 21 Centre

Establishing the centre in VidaleSchool, Dundaga Municipality

Technical project of the building is prepared for thereconstruction using environmentally-friendly materi-als and developments

Technical project of the building has been prepared for the first stage of the re-construction, part of the project completed.


Projekta rezultâtu kopsavilkumsIlgtspçjîgas attîstîbas uzskatâmas rîcîbas demonstrâciju objekti

Pasâkums Mçríis, vispârçjie ieguvumi Konkrçti rezultâti un citi râdîtâji

Dundagas pagastâZaïâ pils

Izveidot Dundagas viduslaiku pili par vienu no Ziemeïkur-zemes ekotûrisma atbalsta punktiem, iekârtojot pilî tel-pas pastâvîgâm ekspozîcijâm, izstâdçm un daþâdiempasâkumiem vides izglîtîbai un IA popularizçðanai.

Veikti daþâdi remontdarbi, tai skaitâ ierîkotas telpas pastâvîgai ekspozîcijai, at-jaunots jumts, iegâdâts aprîkojums, labiekârtota apkârtne, veidota reklâma un vi-des skaidroðanas pasâkumi

Dundagas pagastâKubalu skola — ilgtspçjîga sa-biedrîbas izglîtîbas iestâde

Valsts mçroga nozîmîgâs çkas un tâs vçsturiskâs at-pazîstamîbas uzturçðana un sabiedriskâ lietojumaiespçju paplaðinâðana, padarot novada kultûrvçsturesmateriâlus plaði pieejamus pçtniecîbai un izglîtîbai.

•Ievçrojot vçsturisko iekðtelpu dalîjumu, izbûvçta daudzfunkcionâla telpa no-vadpçtnieciskajam darbam un izglîtojoðiem pasâkumiem

•Restaurçti logi, saglabâjot atbilstîbu vçsturiskajam veidolam•Izbûvçta kanalizâcijas sistçma, novçrðot gruntsûdeòu virsçjo slâòu piesâròoðanu.

Dundagas pagastâZaïâ novada ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbascentrs Vîdalç (ZiemeïkurzemesAGENDA - 21 centrs)

Mçríis — izveidot bâzi ZA - 21 centra darbîbaibijuðajâ Vîdales skolas çkâ un tâs apkârtnç, veidojotto par reìionâlu IA centru

•Sagatavota un daïçji realizçta çkas rekonstrukcijas projekta 1.kârta•Sagatavots projekta pieteikums ES finanðu lîdzekïu piesaistei turpmâkai centra


Kolkas pagastâLîvu kultûrvçsturiskais centrsMazirbç

Lîvu tautas nama pârtapðana par daudzveidîgi izman-tojamu un sabiedrîbai plaði pieejamu centru, izveidojotlîvu piekrastes kultûras muzeju, iekârtojot literatûraskrâtuvi, tûrisma informâcijas centru, organizçjotdaþâdus pasâkumus un starptautiskus svçtkus.

Sakârtota nama infrastruktûra: atjaunots jumts, fasâde, laboti logi, veikts pirmâun otrâ stâva telpu remonts, ierîkota ûdensapgâde un kanalizâcija, siltumapgâde,nomainîta elektroinstalâcija un veikti citi darbi

Kolkas pagastâKolka — senais lîvu ciems jebLîvu savienîbas Kolkas informâci-jas centra projekts

Lîvu centrâ tiek veidota tûristiem pievilcîga vide, po-pularizçjot lîbieðu kultûras vçrtîbas un tûrisma pakal-pojumu sniegðanâ iesaistot vietçjos iedzîvotâjus.

Izremontçtas telpas, iegâdâts aprîkojums un birojtehnika, atjaunota centra vi-zuâlâ informâcija, sagatavots un daïçji realizçts apkârtnes labiekârtoðanas pro-jekts, izdots buklets

Kolkas pagastâInformâcijas zîmes valsts kultûraspiemineklî Koðraga zvejniekuciemâ

Pievçrst sabiedrîbas uzmanîbu valsts nozîmespilsçtbûvniecîbas piemineklim.

Izgatavots un uzstâdîts informatîvs stends, ceïa zîme un mâju plâksnîtes.

Kolkas pagastâEkotûrisma praksesdemonstrçðana Vaidç

Sabiedrîbas vides apziòas veidoðana un ekotehno-loìiju pielietoðana sadzîvç vienâ no tûristu ie-cienîtâkajâm vietâm Talsu rajonâ

Uzstâdîtas dalîtâs savâkðanas tualetes un izdots informatîvs buklets

Kolkas pagastâTûristu apkalpoðanas centrs Kol-kasragâ

Pasargât teritoriju no pârlieku lielas slodzes, organizçttûristu plûsmu, kâ arî informçt tûristus par raga uni-kalitâti un apkârtnes vçrtîbâm.

Izveidots tûristu apkalpes centrs Kolkas ragâ ar informâcijas punktu, velosipçdunovietni, ekotualetçm, vides izziòas takâm.

Rojas pagastâBaltâ kâpa jeb jûras piekrastesaizsargjoslas ilgtspçjîga attîstîba

Kompleksa uzskatâmas rîcîbas demonstrâcija jûraspiekrastes aizsargjoslâ: veikti pasâkumi dabas unkultûrvçsturiskâs vides aizsardzîbai, krasta joslasstâvokïa kontrolei, aizsargjoslas plânojumam, izglîtîbai,tûrisma attîstîbai un sociâlâs aprûpes pilnveidoðanai.

•Veikts Baltâs kâpas teritorijas labiekârtojums•Izveidots materiâls par piekrastes vçsturi un ìeoloìiskajiem apstâkïiem•Izstrâdâts plânojums piekrastes zonas attîstîbai•Mazâs ostas piemçroðana tûrisma vajadzîbâm•Izveidots jauna tipa sociâlâs aprûpes centrs

Rojas pagastâReìionâlais konferenèu unizglîtîbas centrs Rudç

Sakârtot centra konferenèu zâli, samazinot enerìijaspatçriòu, palielinot konkurçtspçju un nodroðinotstarptautisku un reìionâlu pasâkumu pilnvçrtîgu nori-si.

Konferenèu dalîbnieku darba apstâkïu uzlaboðanai veikta:•Konferenèu zâles apkures rekonstrukcija•Ventilâcijas rekonstrukcija•Aprîkojuma iegâde konferenèu zâlei•Informatîva bukleta izdoðana

Ziemeïkurzemes IA konsultatîvâs padomes izveide un rîcîbas plânoðana ZA-21 centra turpmâkai pastâvçðanai un attîstîbai

Pasâkums Mçríis, vispârçjie ieguvumi Konkrçti rezultâti un citi râdîtâji

Priekðlikumi sekmîgai LA-21 pro-cesa uzsâkðanai un attîstîbaipaðvaldîbâs

Sagatavots plaðs pârskats un analîze par IA Latvijâun pasaulç, par projekta «Zaïais novads - 21» norisi.

Pielikums ZA-21 attîstîbas programmai

ZA-21 attîstîbas programma Plâns turpmâkai darbîbai pçc LIFE projekta noslçgu-ma

Sagatavoti konkrçti priekðlikumi ZA-21 turpmâkai darbîbai, òemot vçrâ LIFE pro-jekta rezultâtus un IAP priekðlikumus

Ziemeïkurzemes ilgtspçjîgasattîstîbas konsultatîvâ padome

Saskaòot daþâdu sektoru lçmumus IA principuiedzîvinâðanai, konsultçt ZA-21 darbîbu.

Sagatavots nolikums, izveidots sastâvs un sasauktas divas paplaðinâtâs pado-mes sçdes

Projekti turpmâkai attîstîbai Sagatavoti jauni projekti un piesaistîts finansçjums IAsekmçðanai daþâdâs jomâs: vides apziòasveidoðanai, novada ekoskolas darbîbai, ekotûrismaattîstîbai, raksturîgu kultûrvides elementu kopðanaiun ZA - 21 attîstîbai

Jauni projekti un idejas turpmâkai IA sekmçðanai:•Ziemeïkurzemes Zaïâ novada Ekoskola,•Par mazo ekotehnoloìiju demonstrçðanu ZA-21 centrâ Vîdalç•Par lîvu kultûrvides kopðanu amatniecîbâ•Dundagas ceplis — keramikas darbnîcas atjaunoðanai•Par ekotûrisma attîstîbu, u.c.


Summary of project resultsDemonstration Objects of Sustainable Development

Activity Aim, General Benefits Specific Results and Other Data

Dundaga MunicipalityThe Green Castle

To transform the medieval castle in Dundaga into oneof the support centres of North Kurzeme eco-tourismarranging premises for constant exhibitions and diffe-rent environmental study and SD promotion activities.

Different repair works completed including the premises for a constant exhibition,the roof replaced, equipment purchased, territory improved, promotional and en-vironmental study activities organised.

Dundaga MunicipalityKubalu School — sustainableeducational institution.

Preserving the historical recognition of the building ofnational importance, extending its public use possibi-lities and making the materials of regional historyand culture accessible for research and education.

•Multi-functional room for regional studies and educational activities constructedpreserving the historical planning of the premises

•Windows renovated preserving their historical shape•Sewerage system built preventing the pollution of the upper ground-waters

Dundaga MunicipalitySustainable Development Centre ofthe Green Coastal Region in Vidale(North Kurzeme Agenda - 21 Centre)

Objective — to create basis for the further activitiesof the LA-21 Centre in the building of former VidaleSchool and the territory, transforming it into the regi-onal SD Centre.

•Prepared and partly implemented the first stage of the building reconstruction•Project proposal prepared for attracting the EU investments for the further de-

velopment of the Centre

Kolka MunicipalityLivonian Cultural Centre in Mazirbe

To transform the Livonian House into a multi-functio-nal centre accessible for the public by creating Cultu-ral Museum of the Livonian Coast, arranging a libra-ry, tourism information centre, organising differentactivities and international festivals.

Infrastructure of the building set, the roof and facade renovated, windows repai-red, premises redecorated, water supply, sewerage and heating installed, wiringchanged and other works completed.

Kolka MunicipalityKolka — the old Livonian villageor the project of the Livonian Uni-on Kolka Information Centre.

To form an attractive environment for tourists in theLivonian Centre promoting the values of the Livonianculture and involving the local people in tourism ser-vice.

Premises renovated, equipment and office supplies purchased, the visual infor-mation renewed, the project of the territorial improvement prepared and partlycompleted, a booklet published.

Kolka MunicipalityInformation signs in the nationalcultural monument — fishermen’svillage Kosrags.

To attract the public attention to a national monu-ment of town building.

An information stand, road signs and house tablets made and set up.

Kolka MunicipalityDemonstration of eco-tourismpractice in Vaide

Formation of public environmental awareness anduse of eco-technologies in everyday life in one of themost popular tourism objects in Talsi District.

Toilets of divided collection have been set up and information booklet published.

Kolka MunicipalityTourist Service Centre at the Capeof Kolka

To protect the territory from the increasing load, toorganise the flow of tourists and to inform themabout the unique status of the Cape and the valuesof the surroundings.

Tourist service centre created at the cape of Kolka with an information post, bicy-cle stand, eco-toilets, and environmental study paths.

Roja MunicipalityThe White Dune or sustainable de-velopment of the coastal protectedzone.

Complex demonstration in the coastal protected zone:activities performed to protect the natural and cultu-ral environment, to control the coast condition, towork out the protected zone planning, for education,tourism development and social aid improvement.

•Territorial improvement of the White Dune completed•A material on the history and geological conditions of the coast created•Development plan for the coastal zone worked out•Adaptation of the small port for the tourism needs•A new type of social care centre opened

Roja MunicipalityRegional Conference and Educati-on Centre in Rude

To arrange the conference hall of the centre reducingthe energy consumption, increasing competitivenessand ensuring the process of international and regio-nal activities there.

To improve the working conditions of conference members:•The heating of the conference hall reconstructed•Ventilation reconstructed•Equipment for the conference hall purchased•Information booklet published

Formation of North Kurzeme Advisory Council of SD and Action Planning for Further Existence and Development of LA - 21 Centre

Activity Aim, General Benefits Specific Results and Other Data

Suggestions for a successful startand development of LA - 21 pro-cesses in the municipalities.

Review and analysis prepared about SD in Latvia, inthe world and the activities of the project «Green Re-gion - 21».

Supplement to the LA - 21 Centre development programme.

LA - 21 Centre Development Pro-gramme

A plan of further activities after the completion of theLIFE project.

Specific suggestions prepared for the further work of LA - 21 Centre consideringthe results of the LIFE project and the suggestions of the AC.

North Kurzeme Advisory Council ofSustainable Development

To co-ordinate the decisions of different sectors inorder to implement the principles of SD, to consultthe activities of LA - 21 Centre.

Regulations prepared, staff formed, 2 open Council meetings organised.

Further development projects. New projects prepared and investments attracted forfacilitating SD in different areas: creating environ-mental awareness, activities of the regionaleco-school, development of eco-tourism, preservingthe typical elements of cultural environment and thedevelopment of LA - 21 Centre.

New projects and ideas for the further facilitating of SD:•Eco-school of North Kurzeme Green Coastal Region•On the demonstration of the small eco-technologies in the LA - 21 Centre in Vidale•On preserving the Livonian cultural environment in craft•Dundaga brick-kiln — for the renovation of the ceramics workshop•On the development of eco-tourism, and other projects


Projekta rezultâtu kopsavilkums

Summary of project resultsIdeju un pieredzes izplatîðana

Pasâkums Mçríis, vispârçjie ieguvumi Konkrçti rezultâti un citi râdîtâji

Projekta vçstnesis «Uz zaïa zara» Iedzîvotâju informçðanai un izglîtoðanai. Izdoti pavisam 5 vçstneði, kuros:•Atspoguïota projekta norise•Rakstîts par interesantiem novada cilvçkiem•Sniegta informâcija par AGF, uzskatâmas rîcîbas objektiem, ekotûrisma ele-

mentiem u.c.

Mâjas lapa Visplaðâkâs iespçjas projekta norises un rezultâtuatspoguïoðanai un IA popularizçðanai.

•Interneta mâjas lapa (kopð 2002.g.):•Sastâv no 10 nodaïâm, latvieðu un angïu valodâ•Iknedçïas vidçjâ apmeklçtîba: 20 cilvçki

Projekta biïetens Galvenokârt iedzîvotâju, AGF dalîbnieku un arîplaðâkas sabiedrîbas informçðanai un izglîtoðanai parIA mçríiem un uzdevumiem daþâdos lîmeòos unmçrogos: pasaulç, Latvijâ, pagastâ un ikvienâ ìimenç

Izdots informatîvs biïetens «Zaïais novads - 21» 45 lpp. apjomâ

Ekotûrisma rokasgrâmata Plaðas sabiedrîbas informçðanai par ekotûrismaiespçjâm paðvaldîbâs un privâtsektorâ, par Slîteresdabas takâm, vides skaidroðanas nozîmi un ekotûris-ma piemçriem Kolkas pagastâ

Izdota ekotûrisma rokasgrâmata «Ceïosim zaïi!» 80 lpp. apjomâ

Bukleti Izdoti bukleti Kolkas un Mazirbes lîvu centra, Dun-dagas Zaïâs pils, Rudes konferenèu un izglîtîbas cen-tra, arî lîvu kultûrvçstures vçrtîbu atpazîðanai unekotûrisma principu un pieredzes izplatîðanai

Izdoti pavisam 7 bukleti:•«Uz lîvu zemi Kolk⻕«Dun - dang»•Labas ekotûrisma prakses demonstrçðana jeb Vaides ragu kolekcija•Rudes konferenèu centrs•Plagâ loul jeb Lîvu karoga buklets•Lîvod pivâd jeb Lîbieðu svçtki

Daþâdi raksti Informçt plaðu sabiedrîbu par projekta norisi Sagatavoti aptuveni 60 raksti «Talsu Vçstîm», «Bangai», «Dundadzniekam»,«Dienai», «Ceïotpriekam», kâ arî lielâkajâm ziòu aìentûrâm

Distribution of Ideas and Experience

Activity Aim, General Benefits Specific Results and Other Data

Project leaflet «On Green Branch». To inform and educate the local population. 5 leaflets published:•Reflecting the project processes•Informing about interesting people in the region•Providing information about the RTF, demonstration objects, elements of

eco-tourism and others

Web page Extensive possibilities for reflecting the process andresults of the project and promoting SD.

•Web page (since 2002):•Consists of 10 chapters in Latvian and English•Average weekly attendance: 20 people

Project Newsletter To inform and educate the local public, members ofthe RTF and other society about the objectives of SDon different levels and scales: in the world, in Latvia,in the municipality and in each family.

Newsletter «Green Coastal Region - 21» published, amount of 45 pages.

Manual of Eco-tourism To inform the society about the eco-tourism possibili-ties in the municipalities and private sector, aboutthe Slitere nature paths, the importance of environ-mental education, and examples of eco-tourism inKolka Municipality.

Manual of eco-tourism published «Let Us Travel in Green!», amount of 80 pages.

Booklets Booklets for the recognition of the Livonian Centre inKolka and Mazirbe, the Green Castle in Dundaga, theConference and Education Centre in Rude, and thevalues of the Livonian history and culture, the distri-bution of experience and principles of eco-tourism.

7 booklets published:•«To the Livonian Land in Kolka»•«Dun - dang»•Demonstration of Good Eco-tourism Practice or Vaide Horn Collection•Rude Conference Centre•Plagâ loul or the Livonian flag booklet•Lîvõd pivâd or the Livonian Festival•Book of the Livonian culture-history

Different articles To inform the society about the project processes. 60 articles written for the newspapers «Talsu Vçstis«, «Banga», «Dundadznieks»,«Diena», «Ceïotprieks», as well as for the biggest news agencies.

Turpinâjums un attîstîbaContinuation and Development

Ziemeïkurzemes AGENDA-21 centrs (ZA - 21) ir sabiedriska organizâcija, ku-ras mçríis ir veicinât ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu, samazinot daþâdu darbîbu negatîvo ietek-mi uz Ziemeïkurzemes vidi, sekmçjot taupîgu saimniekoðanu, labvçlîgas sociâlâs vi-des veidoðanu, dabas un kultûras vçrtîbu saglabâðanu.

Citiem vârdiem: vides kvalitâtes paaugstinâðana Zaïajâ novadâ (ilgtspçjîgavietçjo resursu, vçrtîbu un iespçju lietoðana) un sadarbîba ar lîdzîgâm organizâcijâmLatvijâ un citviet.

Organizâcija ir atvçrta jaunâm idejâm un projektiem un turpinâs darboties arîpçc LIFE projekta noslçguma. Statûtos paredzçtie organizâcijas uzdevumi:

1. Ilgtspçjîgas pârvaldîbas informâcijas un vides saziòas nodroðinâðana.2. Vides izglîtîbas sekmçðana.3. Vietçja, reìionâla un starptautiska mçroga seminâru, apmâcîbu, darba grupu,

«Apaïâ galda» foruma un ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbas konsultatîvâs padomesorganizçðana un koordinçðana.

4. Agenda-21 plânoðanas, ievieðanas un uzraudzîbas procesa vadîðanaun pârraudzîba.

5. Sabiedrîbas lîdzdalîbas nodroðinâðana.6. Konsultâciju sniegðana.7. Sadarbîba ar vietçjâm skolâm.8. Projektu vadîðana, koordinçðana un dalîba tajos.9. Sadarbîba ar lîdzîgâm organizâcijâm Latvijâ un citâs valstîs.

ZA-21 attîstîbas iespçjas

Lai izzinâtu iedzîvotâju attieksmi, uzklausîtu priekðlikumus, veikta aptauja, rîkotiseminâri, veidots iedzîvotâju Apaïâ galda forums un diskutçts Ilgtspçjîgas attîstîbaskonsultatîvajâ padomç. Jeb, citiem vârdiem, noskaidrots, cik liels ir mûsu kopîgais

potenciâls darboties ilgtspçjîbas virzienâ, cik liela ir vçlme un motivâcija kaut komainît, cik daudz ir ideju un ierosinâjumu.

Projekta teritorijas iedzîvotâji nâkotnç vçlas savu pagastu apdzîvotîbas pieau-gumu ar vairâku paaudþu ìimençm, kurâs ir vismaz trîs bçrni. Cilvçki strâdâs labiatalgotâs darbavietâs, apkârtne bûs sakopta un cilvçki savstarpçji labvçlîgi.

Izglîtîbâ paredz vidusskolas (ìimnâzijas) ar specializâciju (amatniecîbâ,meþsaimniecîbâ, tûrismâ, kultûrâ), darbojas mûzikas un mâkslas skolas, sâkumsko-las, bçrnudârzi, ir tautas universitâte un citas iespçjas turpinât izglîtîbu tepat no-vadâ.

Uzòçmçjdarbîbu iedzîvotâji nâkotnç saista ar mazajiem un vidçjiemuzòçmumiem, nelielâm raþotnçm ar vietçjiem izejmateriâliem, tai skaitâ lauksaim-niecîbâ — ar vidçji lielâm zemnieku saimniecîbâm, pârsvarâ tradicionâlajâ lauk-saimniecîbâ, bet attîstîta arî netradicionâlâ un bioloìiskâ. Tûrisms attîstâms no se-zonâla par visa gada nodarboðanos, visdaþâdâkajâs tâ izpausmçs. Meþsaimniecîbâun kokapstrâdç iedzîvotâji nâkotnç redz valsts un paðvaldîbu pârziòâ esoðus meþusun maksimâlu koksnes pârstrâdi.

Kultûrâ saglabâjas viss jau esoðais un tiek veidoti jauni, novada atpazîstamîbustiprinoði, oriìinâli kultûras pasâkumi.

Sociâlajâ aprûpç darbosies profesionâli mobilie aprûpes dienesti, dienas centri,sociâlâs mâjas u.c.

Dabas vide nedrîkstçtu neko zaudçt no paðreizçjâs kvalitâtes, jâpastâvaizsargâjamâm teritorijâm ar saviem ierobeþojumiem, bet jâdarbojas arî kom-pensâciju mehânismam ekonomisko zaudçjumu segðanai privâtpersonâm, kâ arîsubsîdijâm ainavu veidoðanai, îpaði saudzîga bûs attieksme pret kâpu zonas terito-riju, upju ielejas bûs attîrîtas no piesâròojuma.


Zaïâ novada attîstîbas kartçðana seminârâ Dundagas vidusskolâ. Mapping of North KurzemeAgenda-21 Centre development. Foto/Photo: A. Pûliòa

Dundagas Mâkslas skolas bçrnu izstâde demonstrâciju objektâ «Zaïâ pils». Art schoolstudent`s exposition at the demonstration place Dundaga «Green Castle». Foto/Photo: A. Pûliòa

Demonstrâciju objekts «Ekotûrisma prakses demonstrçðana Vaidç». Demonstration place«Demonstration of Eco-tourism practice in Vaide». Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

Nâkotni iedzîvotâji redz ar interneta pieejamîbu katrâ darbavietâ un mâjâ,izmantojot ðo mûsdienîgo sakaru iespçjas informâcijai, saziòai, sadarbîbai, kassekmç novada ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu.

Ar dzîves vides kvalitâtes uzlaboðanu pagastâ cilvçki saprot tîrîbu, sakoptîbu,labu dzeramo ûdeni, nepiesâròotus meþus, materiâlo droðîbu, pirktspçjaspalielinâðanos, saturîgus kultûras pasâkumus, kârtîbas ievçroðanu sabiedriskâsvietâs un sadarbîbas veicinâðanu.

Par dzîves vides kvalitâtes uzlaboðanos spriestu pçc atjaunotâm mâjâm,jaunâm darba vietâm, palielinâtâm algâm, tûrisma attîstîbas, demogrâfiskâs si-tuâcijas uzlaboðanâs, attieksmes maiòas, paaugstinâta izglîtîbas un kultûraslîmeòa, asfaltçtiem ceïiem u.tml.

Pagastu attîstîbas mçríus no cilvçku viedokïa varçtu raksturot arî ðâdi:• veselîga pârtika,• veselîga vide,• labs, droðs, patîkams mâjoklis,• darbs, kas apmierina mûsu materiâlâs vajadzîbas, dod saskarsmes iespçjas,

ir interesants,• sabiedriskâ droðîba un kârtîba,• izklaides jeb interesantas brîvâ laika pavadîðanas iespçjas,• iespçja attîstîties personîgi, augt garîgi.No iedzîvotâju nâkotnes redzçjuma, problçmu uzskaitîjuma un ieteiktajiem ri-

sinâjumiem var secinât, ka, lai sekmçtu ilgtspçjîgu novada attîstîbu, Ziemeïkur-zemes AGENDA-21 centram jâveido un jâveicina projekti, kas:

• sekmç jaunieðu palikðanu laukos,• veido jaunas darba vietas,• palîdz nelabvçlîgajâm ìimençm,• novçrð nabadzîbu un sekmç labklâjîbu,• palîdz cilvçkiem noticçt labu pârmaiòu iespçjâm,• atbalsta mazos uzòçmumus un saimniecîbas,

• lauksaimniecîbâ îpaði sekmç bioloìisko metoþu lietoðanu,• veido ekotûrisma elementu arvien lielâku îpatsvaru tûrismâ,• sakopj dabas un kultûrvidi,• ievieð skolu programmâs mâcîbu par ilgtspçjîgu attîstîbu, lai skolçni vairâk

izprastu noriðu un lietu kopsakarîbas, gan savâ apkârtnç, gan pasaulç.

Iedzîvotâju forumâ noteiktie rîcîbu virzieni arî ir viens no ZA - 21 turpmâkajiemuzdevumiem: jauni projekti to îstenoðanai sadarbîbâ ar rîcîbu ierosinâtâjiem un AGFdarba grupâm.

Lai veicinâtu projekta tâlejoðâ mçría piepildîjumu un LA - 21 procesaattîstîbu, nepiecieðams:

• Nodroðinât îpaðas organizâcijas (ZA - 21) pastâvçðanu, kas tâlâk attîstîtuLA - 21 kâ sistçmu un nepârtrauktu procesu.

• Veidot jaunus projektus, kas sekmçtu ilgtspçjîbas principu ievieðanu daþâdâsnozarçs un iedzîvotâju ierosmju îstenoðanu.

• Turpinât iedzîvotâju lîdzdalîbu ar Apaïâ galda foruma palîdzîbu (iedzîvotâjulîdzdalîba kâ neatòemama LA - 21 procesa sastâvdaïa).

• Pilnveidot sadarbîbu ar skolâm.• Attîstît Zaïâ novada IA konsultatîvâs padomes darbîbu (konsultâcijas centra

attîstîbai un sadarbîba starp novada attîstîbu vistieðâk ietekmçjoðâm in-stitûcijâm).

Ilgtspçjîgas jeb noturîgas attîstîbas priekðrocîbas neizpauþas tûlît vai vienâ divosgados, bet ilgâkâ laika posmâ, nodroðinot paðvaldîbas stabilu attîstîbu un izvairotiesno daþâda veida krîzçm.

North Kurzeme AGENDA-21 Centre (LA - 21 Centre) is a public organisation andits objective is to facilitate sustainable development reducing negative impact of diffe-rent activities on the environment of North Kurzeme. It also facilitates economical ma-nagement, creation of favourable social environment and preserving cultural heritage.


Seminârâ par ûdens nozîmi pie Dundagas vecâ ûdenstoròa. Seminar on significance of waterat Dundaga old water-tower. Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

Demonstrâciju objekts «Ziemeïkurzemes Agenda-21 Centrs» Vîdalç. Demonstration object«North Kurzeme Agenda-21 Centre» at Vidale, Dundaga Municipality. Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

Demonstrâcijas objekts «Informâcijas zîmes Koðraga zvejnieku ciemâ». Demonstration object«Information signs in the fisherman`s Village Kosrags». Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

In other words: rise of environmental quality in the Green Coastal Region andco-operation with similar organisations in Latvia and abroad.

The organisation will continue its activities after the conclusion of LIFE project.The tasks of the organisation envisaged in the regulations:

1. Information on sustainable development and environmental communication.2. Promotion of environmental education.3. Organizing local, regional, international seminars, workshops,

meetings, Round-table forum and Advisory Council for sustainable development.4. Leading of the AGENDA-21 planning and implementation process.5. Ensuring of the wide public participation and interest.6. Consultative function.7. Co-operation with local and other schools.8. Management and participation in different projects.9. Co-operation with similar organizations in Latvia and abroad.

LA - 21 Centre Development Possibilities

A survey has been carried out as well as seminars organised to find out the pu-blic attitude, to listen to the suggestions about further activities. Public Round-tableForum has been formed and discussions held in Advisory Council of Sustainable De-velopment.

By the improvement of the environmental quality people understand clean-ness, tidiness, clean drinking water, unpolluted forests, financial safety, growth ofpurchasing capacity, cultural activities, order in public places and co-operation en-couragement.

Tidy and renovated houses, new working places, bigger salaries, tourism deve-

lopment, improving demographic situation, changing attitude to the natural environ-ment, rising educational and cultural level, asphalted streets would all serve as evi-dence for the improving quality of the living environment.

From the public opinion municipality development objectives could be describedas follows:

• healthy food• healthy environment• good, safe, nice homes• job providing for our material needs, communication and interests• public safety and order• entertainment possibilities• personal or mental development possibilities

From the public future vision North Kurzeme AGENDA-21 Centre can concludethat work should be done promoting projects that:

• encourage young people to stay in the country,• create new working places,• help unfavourable families,• prevent poverty and facilitate welfare,• help people believe in positive changes,• support small businesses and farms,• facilitate using biological methods in farming,• in tourism create a growing proportion of ecotourism elements,• keep in order natural and cultural environment,• introduce the subject of sustainable development in school curriculum to

help students understand the interconnections of things in the local area andin the world.

The main directions of further activities stated in the Round-table Forum is oneof the tasks of LA - 21 Centre: new projects, their implementation in co-ordinationwith the initiators and the work groups of the RTF.

In order to facilitate the fulfilment of the project far-reaching objective and thedevelopment of LA - 21 processes the following activities should be carried out:

• To ensure the existence of a special organisation (LA - 21 Centre) that wouldfurther develop LA - 21 as a system and continuous process.

• To work on new projects facilitating the introduction of the principles of sus-tainability in different areas.

• To continue the public participation with the help of the Round-table Forum(public participation as an integral part of the LA-21 process).

• To improve the co-operation with schools.• To develop the work of the Advisory Council of the Green Coastal Region

(consultation for the LA-21 Centre and co-operation with the institutions clo-sely connected to the development of the region).

The advantages of sustainable development cannot be seen in one or two years.It becomes apparent in a longer period of time providing for a stable development ofthe local government and avoiding different crisis.


Vides ministra vizîte projektâ «Zaïais novads-21». Minister of Environment of Latvia attendsthe Project`s executive team at Dundaga Municipality. Foto/Photo: L. Laicâns

Kartes par Ziemeïkurzemes piekrastes veidoðanâs vçsturi un ìeoloìiskajiem apstâkïiem Rojas jûras zvejniecîbas muzejâ. Maps on the history and geological conditions of the North Kurzeme coastat Roja Sea-Fishing Museum, Roja Muncipality. Foto/Photo: D. Kârkluvalks

Ziemeïkurzemes AGENDA-21 centrsPils iela «Lîkâ muiþa», Dundaga, LV-3270

Vîdales skola, Vîdale, LV-3277Telefons: +3713232252, fakss: +3713232253;
