Idea's generation 05 03 2013


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Chris Munro FMP

Task 3 Idea’s Generation

Before I begin with my development I need to refine my idea’s, I need to know how the game will play/work. I need to know what will be included in it, I need to know how it will

look and how I will sound. To help me do this I will be looking at relevent themes and other influence’s such as Games, movies, art, and music .

Firstly I want to know how my game will play. So I played other games that I think can help. I’m looking at gameplay, and mechanics.

After playing a few adeventure/arcade/puzzle games I found that the general conrols are the same with some variations. Mainly the user control the player/ vehicle using the Arrow keys or “W” “A” “S” “D”, to shoot the most common controls were space bar or left mouse click. In puzzle games the convention was to introudce a new problem/mechanic in a new level or exaggerate it.

For example on a game called ‘Probotic’ the first level was simple, turn on the switch to open the exit gate. The next level introduced a ‘pressure switch’ where I had to move a box onto the switch so the exit gate would stay open.

I will defiently be taking this game model into consideration to when designing my game, as I think it will be a great edittion as it will keep the Gamer intrigued.

Chris Munro FMP

I still need to find out, what my game will include, what assets do I need, whats the purpose of the game (is there a story). As I was browsing through pictures of ‘Star Trek (2009)’ I came across the picture above, it gave me an idea, if my game were to include a villian or a least the idea o one it would defiently give it purpose.

My top three Sci-Fi movies all share the same traits; expolsions, lasers and Space ships, my game will diffiently have these.

Seeing as I want my game to be casual, I want the artisict syle to be smooth and calming that technological and futuristic. I compilied what im basing my visual style off into a moodboard.

Chris Munro FMP

I looked at text styles and decided that clean and simple is much beter than heavy graphical styles. I am begining to get a clearer picture of what my overall game will be and look like now theres just one more issue, the sound this is crucail for my game as it will set the environment.

I went onto and searched sci-fi, I listened to a lot of diferent sounds, these are the one’s I liked most.

Chris Munro FMP

1: Assets

1.1: Space Ship- What the user controls

1.2: Meteor - for the user to dodge

1.3: Space Station - For the player to land on to clear the level

1.4: Defence turrets - Shoots at the player

2: Control

2.1: Arrow keys - Easy simple to use

2.2: Space Bar - To shoot

Space Ship


Space Station

Defense turrets


Arrow keys

Space Bar





New game mechanic





Game Idea