I.uL-pu:-trl fiurti from tss ertb-aicw-9 Oiai. tl.r. j,,.ictb.. ftr o eT.Qier., G--I a i owa 4tij;...


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vtus ?Acino ,

(toinmercialUt rfcalUBt



gbbfrfiscr IhKvtry satu relay Mottling. . tklAl)Kh At

Dululii, iwiifti JrIfc.l.a "iiWrHiM. .IM m Yeaar. 'mm - , . .- - Hai v U

.jj lakMflftlM .l0 Y o,r.. fiimnnr V 4k --A toV timtK Ui frli-


MlM,pic-tMrMvreier4- -d y prt f in

"" aNaf wauoim. ofwc'

ID-- l.t

.! IW'. W 7 11 l II Jl !l A All IJo. t w 1 nil t M 4 u; w

1 1 i tm ". aweuk tOrJ NS-- I l.n( I tu i M A It ut I

tr a" w paaOOiBit, a :r u, ; TTy Y y fr J . I M C iW ItoWWiiMM l ii... i Ui t KM t U IU J W )

. j 9 Ui ( M !(.' !,( X 1 l U; WMtp1ut(i --t-t!'

v-- .c f I r.-a.- .o, j i wlMHM i H ft, yM .1

C "flf" A tfc.W aoja j ,uiv ouJt uw vgi w v

K'luniB...,, J t (tm M Uu ou Mi 0 W 04 I'M; WkJ CViuiuu iv ut MW WMM I4l WJ fV Biwuta rrJ, jrfo rj yw fur. MoJ

flaxi AS fasetitciiU t ji u cLri;4 Mt4ijr. sV.

HBOOK AND JOD PRINTING. ; I I r I4vcrtimi mitotic io t - ura I'i-t-4


HTtl,lrt-- i DO.iev eitw wm1 PV'HLl.tH-- l' UKKKLV b ( OIK OOI.I.4 Mb lfc:u l- -y M tii ru nW4 Osirdr (ur mmhi MiuAftjki;!.) no- IVj HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MAKCll --21, lstis. (Itcjr ali U (y, i4 U-- sj- umi . ru--

y i Car i (II.. XII. tawx UU. iv U fi4 '

THS ?AcxncCommercial Advertiser.

Out ll-n-l Curmpoudrucr.sukU tu irc Sx-ii.F- c.

1 WxM t-- frm.?T'twt Sw --4r k4iin uiJrcl.

n J'V- -' ther ia a hT n.UiiiT") j.a -- eU csai bouuiin tn. afrr

jii- - wLUju6 - coj r. tie tlw por iut ai'li h ul

fjC-Ja-x. I tjij. al si! mrnin- - tNrr hs.1brf--- tf -w- -a rtpU tin blue

-- n. ul SJts w-- r- .EiJe 1 Li wpinwa X Ulm -- : rwr cwm.iuu that

u-f- bit-- i Nn air.hfri y. u.irrr. c

& . . u ' fiik aiii 4.a ru fjc wn!. r . y .: i i

. ., , :I" . . ,S ---n. Cir-

A- - Lwi out C)

f-- wn ebifoo? tlu wxtd alun : lewautjT te-.ta.- il cm s tew 3turnoj; --aJ dvC

rVr OCA-U- S p- -J bj t--e cvVirt!lo aadCkkLu inw T W. F. Coqst, tu

Lcii.ju. sai the whereon tu.:.i be cflL W bil ausr-- Ij a Luior

'U a tlw ta ta-- i rspijly..j . , .

- ,T '

e . . ,r,h;i- - cijc. ahe a-- vle izas nout --a hour-a- .Jtt8 iL n.i we w-- nt aure. 5.. Jti4 .trerr u w, rI. than if e

kI b---s 4riti fter w Urn-- -h fet3 t her ;

tnKT :e of prti.FrwB eias ritta ba-a-

l-- ia.5!tf of the sea shore

t f--en. fope xait!eii ta the WQuJeJ wmaiiw of

m Ig.if Uawcai-M- k Numemcut hni-- werey-'- on --le "'n.a pMcarse,' nJ Svr up towxr-- i

tie ne of w jiLw3'I, tuphes sni trmVjiws Tictirr- -l in Tbe cattle ranch

i - eiAIlBsr- - f Mr. Prrr--S woe cs-tft- ic-i

- Tiee wxritrr a m.C rttsrwqae p .i-ta--.'a l te wer be hiH--fitrac r i rest 9. In lam tiia tw btmra we

. . -CS --- - Wh W

itene.! t tie buoy l.w.t oar Ut s- -.. ,

ai.i I aS --a o;-- n r.-.t-l. Te rf :

mCktl ax b-- T bii xrpofi tfee R--wk bamXc

C Ja-ai-ni? taw aprae ep die. Jbe ki--(

ft. Tir e reruuua ni ccriu tu -- -la r' Vrutir iarfit be the -- ! aJ LasL-- x te '

fey zie---ra ao-o- at C? ro. A rCt of.i

LW to te ah-r- ?, bus vtls roan '

kr-- a jieen al the iuaio T M infwjt!ti.C ard tTjrwa ttltSnp-- n --be tix41. t

h aaa iarjjf o tte tl:e petIe gtzheriag trrm ',

H roar s sha b4M--. liwa the fcrua.1

tic-- tLey" une. 6i.re. Cit aixl rx ...rie. ;

Aii aUi ( a bra--e- rit acf-- l. "

!- -" .rf" ertotle wa .Irifen l'--. bi6 tf"aifxi a-a- ;jT to taia Ueoa .jo UaL ;

afr.t --Wl- rrr,. acl ase in aet j'om.u--Jf ia Cfce wr, ea ttx..n rt

Srat amt aiuna aad gp-r- ar ir ti Cha j

Kiuasaioi. ami e harvU--I out C.r the rf anel '

lateua-- j- liaa aati F--ta .Maa-- A rutcarrr a-B- "!

at benoaeii oer JCaui. ! Lt ap iLia-A- -s w-ti- i

tiriiwawe' i.w. The aua eteat t-- f dies iie )

trskS iTun t r!-- la te we thae uu.! '

v Zuh ar-n- oil ie uTtIe is t t Juapzjci e ec ' -- .

A teili i6 of iIIna-- mrii th taati'al ;

the nrt .,f ILte.i; ce Lvn.1

nf the prc a orf we vimW the tn.v,a-- e j

wi--e Ztjs lt.t ctnof nIr firuo hi e4tmatus. it ICJutli p.r., rd tm a Saa a tt '

X--ort f nrtee. F.iHj nu: ia tit :rwu.Ae .Lt elaii a--t ':in o-- rr the wat. ere :

'.a Lai a aa.1 af . .! thar ELtu t

" un lu. ;!. a :14 n t 15.ia.a r uwr int.'Tin a. wr-a.-.

Tie a.hr ae an.l ha.'oje. the. ..if-- - a a sa-- 5 Tcute .teibraau. l on s .nwa-iOT- i

iSt i,Lcuia. Tl eteamer wae.row.ai ,

i c.ia.tti--' re .f rr rutit. fTui-- . ar--l f... - 1w. t-- w-- wk: .- -t a -. .r 1 . .. .' T 1 IT I

- M..-.fc-. ia .i. l.t ijjm ,... w.-- as .,. w-- re on LtjaM. attrarter! !

E-j..- r.. k .--. e . :? I


tU C,.eer-a- a Hawaii. Xi a mixl 'w4S w h ealleii ia tlue Statue a mnrrt

ririt-- al inJTueae pre-a-el n.i tieauf the rnai'-n-o a. an.1 maatt tiiiainooe rrrt- -

JWtif of mCtii-atlni- j .frink w.te freei- - Iruhiherf. I

Jey anneti to erv,y it n-- .r5 than IHe ji.yriort"aerj r the hanrj of the nia;ht. Bat they '

v ii.tMxi artier tl er.pnriAt in:!.tnr of th '-- rwl llar. oI at aa early boar nwirtt oi ,

fee pnr... a.ri) otrearf.T ti.f or ptlewi ftatWit, like eaiwl3t in a hrt, oMiviim t. th

'f nacurr, ami wa were l"fc in i

Uiete,.! K.ha ryvtot arvi were wU '

we enaone!, wJien 3L.irj Ka rv--e out- -'

--tij, with. if y liter.on .i.ve f uvw, aieeof aUvua that th trv!e-- --jwl wae --tt i

WTP---4; rit--l tr IU rvl. f; uA in '

'a . . f"-- a sxvt airtirt r.e?rtty. M.tnna ly. rvt at--

"7 rrt in eU i!ran til. The cirtoraJorW hory. We at J w.k ?

oaz an Aer--ju' ivl ouwie te (4ewin rnh i

JLtaaa Kea.l RtVva.f - ft tf a e tf " a 1 -

'4 riava, -- , .1 a- - r' ' 1f- -r .:T cae pa,. ae ita be r-- eepe.

AatU tnv. .ifat te. ilf'ot ;a ..''"" 5m--o tmn tHe l-- p.

j--, ha, .e.frter7 T--il.II y.k, j. t)M pner4e of 'He btef ;

ae die ar.a--a ,ee mlUI ae. m.rme--. Kvk !

a- -t,.--.j -t--, haea I

'! wta f- - IwW er-af- Uwaakarl vte tite re 1 awl jpree f rhe J5er, j


tea m m - . . ....r Mi JH " aa.1 na f Prta

te-o- eat s Mnar tae fct of ttre.fJ ", "- -t - eMft hark --- ya oa.trK '! a4J pl n-- ee fe frifwrt rx- -.-


r --- te ertahrd ;;fVa bar,tktt3tS rtie ef-r- -ial nr-- .e.

. xC, a Wv e,ft: ---- --.

ewt arannrl tbe e'Rin trake,. U lai i ffce re: ft fheKev eerre

tTh bjr .i meuu bvriM vu iittt

TVt lwr 'tr u4 r,.ii; Lul

' Th cKrlu of ho'u r"l- - jroJ'v Juu Uvl Mil '

vtur pmr to tvO Jto blu Jv. ,

; l.i gigoiM baa rvWl In

Clcvir l it bcr t'.iubcr fviw' irw ;' .Va4 Site yJ fr;Di bi-- ai.-Vt:-c tbrvn

W hr punt t, tb brvw

tf M.-4- --. 'rr the yrnU?ib la mil ir it owbM l!w ache's my:A Xvk.-o- I wt it tihw ib k.Js uf h-- eu.f

H"br bvM ntiv-- v- La l Li vfl2 njw inm, t mwimriA f ji-

- c im itunu ( Uaw,I - P- -- p"7. -:-utuitt-4


, . ,r

P.Jr tji Fmici ! Ftvoi -- 1u h--i bibtllf fU;t bannf wi'w w fwr

IiC jiMMr.-- . --rtb u-t- ciiine;... . . . .

Sr-- vi ui muiutiliii La lsclSc7i ntl l biiT uf uu uujid Kvue,Aoi tbr cvid brow o .fvt-t- a puritjr,31 jr utiu ausr 'r li nifiiiii.t sl yte fjrvb

tr--a jnrui,i 5vr s Utter urUA "' fcr --" ni

T- - iCvrt rjb JrA pirit-bum- g. th.u cv.c.-- a rvri.-ilt:.-; up.

.uL-pu:-trl fiurti from tss ertb-aicw- 9 Oiai.

.tl.r .ictb.j,, ftr o eT .Qier.,. G-- I a i owa 4tij ;Xbe f-t-urs r--t- vuies b--ci.

j.i joai. fcCereJ, jrnt ui-J- lo cl-- j!.

Aai ea it be ? As will on wirl Teep.And tbva wilt mr th c &in on biirbAbu tbe iuri; ie ocmf eh ft beaendiAad. uu- - buck, tie o d-v-

leia ,

la er-trs- b'ala teaanr; rilat nlt"-

- wr7 - pirtt-a- if. . I

,tkr iwn Iwa --- "-' P;f4 a aMikJ. ;

...AaX be aa ai--rs lnr u a s s sceao. .

Aa l'coa it be. tbt - of tb,ata? 3a,, t

.j-- .-: b-- mry.

woj tbe aa.1 seiie cUy '

jur- - jf, K'x Ae .il-a- . --e,;- Tamp t

xt ,i rnTa ts f -

2f.j. .j tier L a Poeur ;

Wae a-- tl. iaianita-i- e. iiaueae Law- -.r

la apirtt-n-Ht enttn a tbe ',Ia bmers tinje al-ea2--' aaa efface. a


A aruni iea c a x --" a 5;ir Gt. !

Juul i---tea b-- 'Jn- -'t Lrka- aaj-Trr- r!


Jutn vvrr. La Pax. I

." f

. JUlilTItSS tL--X.


-i. r :r. t. iDtMv

"'" Ii. na-..- -. B.i... tiarra afraea.

C. - B t RTu .lartl.fer, ,

mm Urn mm trrt. e mmmr trees ,;j A . imnana .iw ly i

eo. iti'racu.i Mir.u. a. conlaert .aad rat-e- la IrTTaaatt. .

Ceeaee mf ' e4 Mrrrkaal t treat.U ly

1UU IX JOXK.1,mSMtt 4a4 C --- ',

tH 4is t. a ciyg.mj 4 Imv. w-- 4wt AiMe e Faeiria T m

4i4 1

Til. C. IIKtt fc.Ujnl ra-i- ;I Srtaaat,

SUA t'a-- f irrrl. If. '.V fRTII.

Dealer la aerl JJrriAa"ie.HlLft. flttmaU ..ti.i -- vv --- r--rr at ike Vwt

a , iaii g ).aaa. ill tn S.a of -- ain ee eaMl. .A ly



(.wjRCE t. ItttVVSi.ar la Krd4. "ar:att Lamter, slarlea, j

fjonrt, fUm U. JS'atU, PtU. ft- -. .

At '" r e ---. r.nn.. y

.. . ,.. !

c a. aar -LKWSiRa A. PICKVI- -. i

ere la ItaW a- -d RH4lar VUtHm Fart Hirret. Ifrr tTTrK' A CO, , , w '

- Hoeotx IX, iy luff. J.LP.FOIL'S RITaftl.

Dealer la Wlas Sairlls 1 Prtr. Ii

sua fl-w- ele. Irk. r, r.tit.r.rt. I

Dealer la Drj fceads Hllst, Jtf.,ST 4 F.rt fr..f. . '

x .Laa. . iit(WtUKRk Al.f.F.T, I

H.i?iJI aad fe--l-- lae aerrkaatST Lt', H. f. If j


4f.r.X.i.r:iRTWRIUIIT, '

f4W1.u. nj-a- -t aad trl hl.?l.t Iceat,v Hmmmtmtm.....Oak. ,rt-" H. ii st.Krri.it ;o,

Oa.ril f.aiaJ-fU- a Iftatt,sa lleeetale. IF


AFtf-- fi AC II I ' K,-w- rtei--Tf elt Jttall Dfaier fa Ceaeril

aad '' . . m,a ter ft.

Tiir. wr.waPApr.K Kt onoa.f aHlUHed Wral Ie I Waeatlaa l.aeeaara.

af re wt botb..,..m at f in--r. Pr 1 J a f m

Vk-- A U r---

rr . jf rN.r--

xv. x. i.s rr.fataerferaed IV-- W Itafdeare, f efl.e y, neraaalra4

TeVa, sad irrlrauetal latai.aa.aM,y, farl tel. ....

f . I-- Rll IMRrtBi feaeJJ.r a. I Hfteet, aad

nl.rt le r.a.ral 1'ff tde,-.- n- ,t a f ." - --a,.., t,

r.Ha. rrot o WmimIf

c. rrrc rri.r m.. - , . . .,. Dealer ia Staaf. aae nj i'ry t.

lee. RW4 aed ie. "d Ta-- k.. otlaea.' . . .t e .lfe f .oar.j , , 1.1 a -

; f.FII,l.r. 4-- HtSRff f.r.nret a4 tnr a.a.ff,

. e.r ren4. -t,- --. - --v.iiV7 ft

tK. J. U I I SMI r II.

tM. V. II. Hit lltKDt,IktlM,

V'wiki w4 tul uJ kKKBl atrvl, UuUulit, U I.4: 4--t

Jill McUKKU, M. I..O lew .' Iv. K eutiu' lf4 mhi 4 KmH

Mt.Kl suv. lt t4 ixikw.

wik uvip tiv it u t. u , i uuu 4 w r. u-

:. lluk'KM i N, l.Cwsar liml4 A kui , um rwtiU.. 0 If- "

ft. Jl'll..

... 1. Ul fr'fr I M. !.!..lft)itU aaj sitrtrvi,Otftc (uhI IUw.Wv, ilia llu. I'm I trvt. 14 If


Pfejtlclja, Sarerea ! Irceacbrir. ,

t'ti uwil C. . a .!h lanuidr l.rxrwiu. tl IjJUII It. IVttV.

lir) la:ir..HI OaBo af the Kauk id ' A Co. Mlmi

.. ,

II t:KV TIlUMrsON. i

Alters) aiJ Caaaiier at Law.O Hi mi fUrt, t'Pil Um Cwart Uoiuw, up ataira. i

N ij i


",n, V"i ft"!1WU1 praotw, m il lh 1U will:- -! W Circuit t..ri iti Kiu. . Va. anj IUaI. J

ml ut .t!x ut ;W lUud vNi

imJl'.t c'vi.' t't tivu-- ( 1!mu-!- . v4 'tif Sirtrt. j


-- rertr;, FeeJ Store and Ba'atr),Curocrat --n aad lurt Mrvvtt. K nululu. II. I. iii 1

j K O. II ALU A. SON.lapertrrt asi D-I-

rrs la Hard are, Pry im, i

rtumt. 0..'. ij Urir" ' .4reS4i. "

Curoer f'urt .ioU uu l. lir

M..ttRIXB4l.MCO- - j

laipertrn aa rktrAle Dealr la iAbloakle I

tiatbiar. IU-- v ti?, Beou aa4 Sh.Ajxd gfiry vamty f &m:arn'i Saprriur FurnUIiiof Ouila

Scent Irartty occuy.e.1 by W. A. Aidricb,am jiHtr i o ri. irfi h. ay

Clll'XG IIOOV. i

w . . j r-- r-l..7... '4f at (or Uw Pmokxa aod A aoula sor--r PlaotaUcaa la-- j

porter of rt aikt ocn--r icin --t a.t rort ra UouUaod-Blia- aio rinHa-ai- uv rVodace. I

la wu te Stere. Xe 9t. fcxlew King.4T4 ly ,

A.S.CLUillOK. j

Dealer la Ceaer- -l l!r-AS-i- se, Fire-aro-ef Stare, i

Corarr Keakeaaae mm 4 Qarea Sta '

luro iuivi at. a.)Alan. B--til ckMi.4m t at?. IT. 3tT t I FTmlm-- a


. X. FL.IT.'ER..Canfl-n- ra hJa mid fcna.naw ia th Sreeroof boiMioff.

kaakaeaaa Strtrl. j

CBiiuuai ittrnr ra--r4 by oeerTuo-- a of tttm asa aod ataraa aau litt-r- nt aceaivty a.ijaauxl to the i

rti n-r-- lar unini etfoo teflaa ea rlt i-r- t? ut aa I qia-trm- t i

giairf u-- r-a .u. a.i.-- at aaJ! iwiawu veaU744 k4 ai4 br ii. Ir


11 C. V 4T-RM- 4.V A. CO. .

CtaaWll Jlrrthaat. .

Av I tt ncia pt u h uvir a of th TuiBa Wet by J

tw i--, F -m--r - --u- xzei- -. mi.u-u--ra. ,! a uw prvcu.nof of frbt .

U. Ro.uo.it. e Co 5e-B- Urd

m .1 H

J. C. a Co , Sa fr-nrl- ao.

4 IF I

BI'IIOF fc CO-- Baaker. j

0-- Ut ia U e- -t fsraer af Hikeet Cleek.

Lrae R.n of Rehao(.aT km r,rUiLir.tiu. Zn FraneUcea -- ii a otiaiwuMiircti a C- - Sw fork.

" UwtkiUti, - Jr Inrt,T.aai-- v Jiiuiit C. . nvt.uaica-fa- - ! iMam, aanoa. Lnw.to .

; W.11 ra--n p.f. l.r',ri lrct-!- . baiapair, otwl I

au4 elvtl. aaa. be ly

T II TO, . IM V I :a.f ' Jtmntm. t,rrm A-- f )

Iataertr aad faaial-l- - Htrrbast,.fleer rva

f Li.nrrj.r the i.tvrnpin. vxttw.HwmiTr.nn, '!I F.ra Fmuf Kaal.aman and Qna JUwta.I ly

M KAI'l.rC.SFfX aad f aanniislaa irtat,

fiff ar.cb K. P. A l.to.. - ,4 VHK MTHKKT, II O It ft i. V I. U .

ra. ar ra,)a mnt t. I;. . 1 - r F-- e.r A Co.

tr.eoi. Vt-- alke A Alk--n.

. C. L. Rh.r'.. A f. R Y. Al..., ra'i. 45 ly

AI.I.KX A COXU'Ar,A. a aaiaae, llAeail,

W.H wtm-- e tS fir-r- t Mr).a'-I- . and ithippiftf Nnfineaat tb" M prt. Kra tby ar. yr.r"1 lo 'ornlfh

(M ,l(flhrM"l Kawa.ha PnfaUa. andA.r .iti aa are r r.nredby h4 .). al tb

iVrVat ivte arwt f the an.t raaaM term." Iro fs--r oof I xt. 22 a aa cl4 Ifa.e- - e. eri a f. a. itiri,,. a. a. (ck.ii.

f:4TI.K4k lOOKK,f aiparl.rt and Oatral Mtrthsatt,

Kief ffMlli the ft't C'lkeel.AlA't. A'iF.1 1 FOR

Jirwif.uhrM-- 1 lifWbW a ilvm'l V.-Mn- J.

Ts)a Fnvan Wtaal Lr-- loanranee Cnmpanr,TS R"bia nr r.Tr.f,yl n.iiTlo Mam ra t viatj.TV H. -.- ..a- M.l'a. Mal.

ori. nr! inn., K. " If-

aea fa. e. a. r. iitn.f. fiMrwr.K at in.famaiUa aad Shlaplar Mt rt fcaal,

If.w.l.l . (laba. II. I.Iirifi

OF tfce fletw m e f l.-- .f nlw I'nek.l I. lee.trim r

far k. Maah... AVelltrbe Sc Hette I'l-et- ef !

4'irvTFar tfce Fer.bxe. ait 4 eM.af l.laiae I'reite.e.

nr.rr.ti T'Imi M Fj - Fr.r... n.e.aa. - t a--

i 1 ll'r t, Fi. '

a a .-- . 1

f.aia vfi.o.T tim F ( a- - Fro"'1.r

A MTTr.F. ffiti: i.irjHTrrt

KfMrOHI5aV15 Off-- rr-

CABTLFi t COOK.Aa w Imrt Only DoTrnAr'a Keroaen Oil.As w Kirn Only Prjtnf'i Keroane Oil,S1) we Vp the t Downer's Kertne Oil

fmaarlrd lefa . Mnrfcef.AVf Wf tff f.

DOW.M.It'S l.lrtmEi; OH.e il r rn .f - M-tt- l et

TirERMOMr.fFRBr.e r r. r r.tt Ft f hhh rnoi ioCt 4--. ! F.fr-f.r:-- .f tnfe te I.I'IO fajrh.

f if i ami vrr


r Ktui i fttntii.tMt.... a aBaa &...1 .VV-4..-"i "m"bi,,. ug;;..'

MIHI. I.NM'K t.M'K IMiliriinnvI'VHUtltt, rillCIUHT ) IIIKlM Hi:,

WALK lit - AUI.kN.



iilrxiiKiisiui:n ui:rs oi tukI. hil'Mi1,,U.tlw.iilliM4loliiii.iUI,..M- -


Cargo. Freight and Treasure. ;

ixmiiuiV.. um u. ... i h- - iu..h., ii,Ks.i,.,.. . If II IIMKriLI4 TO


- -I I.. . .t... .7.



ai'tvliUvO An.t !.. Ih. stHiia t.u.i.)r , l.a ir.vi lu j

alvrw ir lh I'ubllc. lU.I Ihrjr u r'ra. lu lur! It I K I N I' U A . V K I'OI.K IKfi

M CrtiiM tuj Tivatui , Ui flinu all r( ul ll.cmMki.

II IIAC- -I LLU ft I'D.Uutavlulii. Af.l 4 1104. 411 ly



'v- - tvay, irw luik, j


tiik r;TKi stuks cishltv ixsi:- -R A I'K COMIM X V .

V (S ItiuiPwiT, N a w Yum.!t,,K MKHrNKI IIAVINU UKK.X

A i K N T Ut U al. n.u.--l r...n.ai..r., jrr.rl to af0icaU.4M f. r Ut K IMiL H J.WKi . tv.y tHM -- aucvxaa ia uuiMiraiklca iu the lu.lury ulil"Aaufiw."

TuUu P. lu-ii- t'JSUALTl' Vl t J.VCK la Uiwn'y Mutual Acvi.lrtit iVnipiny in Aairrica.

ioi ly M. U. BKCKWITH.!

HAM II I' K; II. 11 It K l F. X t

FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.r-- lM)EKsi(iXKI), Anutaui u.e .imiwr..CT.ar t.i inture ri.ka arnlnut Br in andauuui II J..luiu. or ao.-l- .IU..W...

.MKLCHCKd A CI).n.o.sla 0eU.l7. 644 ly


. m . . . . k. t r ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . .r 'ii c a .i.'r.ii.-.iu.ii-ji-, .iuc.. i on i nr.E Coniiny. Iiavo rcrotly rwrirl imitrurt'ons t rr--4ocv tl.e lLaurul lmuiuui ca iKuue ami lirii.k UuiLUih: and onMenrhandtae aloc- -.l thwni. ami are now prepared to Uauv poli- -cx--a oa nure farunl l irma t!ao hrrvmdire- -

K.ka taken wo Huikiioira Jlvrhimry, c.. on air I lanta-- ;

twof. Jl.MO.N. (iKEfcN 4 Co..M-l-y Airenta.



National Insurance Company,J i i in ii

OS- - Mouomer, Street, m-u- r California,

ii arixk ixst R iTTK -- r ii-i- i-, cr-- J

i r. tui,o.i..,.,, Proiiis "' "tt.rr uijetaof Manoa insurance, to and Irom alt iu the world, iuland

aktMARI5B RISKS oa Cnaater Also, on Freight, Carro, Ac , j

'w tna a. I m - '.land porta In.ur-- .! axainat. i

. UR- - lXSCr- ANO iapoo BoMinr. Mrrcl.andiae, I'urnitu.a.a j- -

noota. reaacto 10 rue. aou tcir vargoea, ai4 otner tnsormoict ropiij.


La--e pramptlj at!jatrd aad paid la Inltr. States--aid tola.

. w,Lf AM pERr- -, . enU

D. W. C. TlloMPdU.e Yke-rrilro-

a. W. V4liilS trr-t- r. i

AMOS KTKii, . Xlarino OtBrer.'

tieirie ttwumii I

A I KKRT IlIP.ni rr k.., J.w A. ImNi)I.R R l ,


!. R. Particular aitenll' to Fire loauranco on licllina. !

Chareb-- a, F.raiure. to j

C UHEWKR A. A iralh !

SOS HnffMllula i

PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANYOf San Francisco, California, !

I alCanh Capital, $1,000,000. '


JOXATIIt?t IIL.NT, l'reaidei.UII. II. MI'iKUlW Agn.t.A. i. R UToS..'. rVeieUry.C. A. LATK.e Mar.ne rVcrWary.

. . . . . . .m mw m at iia .a. m- i i iiiiic.m al Ai'uu of U.i. vaiiaiif am K'liaml to in.urr nika I

On Cargo. Commissions and Profits ! i


lo nU "tw In tl,e Ferrl.M e leler-lale- ej

fraale. UiU iaaua

Fire and Marine Time PoliciesrowrW, ri.ka .m pi.blie It.ill.l Inar. Fn.fi. i.ih. Hu..a,Farnlfnr. ard !' la (, and t Hull! of Veela i4rating llin A X

A.e yrmnjMif iiiljunlnl mul In 11 ..,;.N. Il P Jla furni'lHul at mn wiilait Ilia dlay of f"r-'rl'-

app-- atkma . San FraBeli.r.l. irf premium add particular. a.ply lo

S7 Ir I: I . 1 1 1 1' ft Co. Armla.


R. LOVE & RROTHERS. Proprietors,ItffANi: FT K I.T. fl.

Mf.lMI'XlTxii NAVY IIUKAP,III.IT.on band and made tn ot-lr- .

A!'", Il'i''-r- . H"itn ami Iluttrr I'rnrlrrt,JK-- -T M"l CARM. e. .

. II IF II K K A It It KM 4 K S'.lt rm tr nMlra.F4MILT SRK4I, a.ad of the Fl r. bakl dally and

aleaya on lii'ljr. H.RHOtrn MtF.AOOF tiif. RF.nr ninurr.Mj ly

"1 80 7. 1 8 0 7. 1 807.

1 808. 1808.ratiiR avii.i. nr. Fit v- .-I prl Ih. i OMIHII F 41 I. All SI HI nt toeupply

hal.lil will


Rent Quality Firewood !

At a l. Run ai anr oilier Pwt In the Ma.nlinn !tnd.nrtiI.lr a tiARnrrr,

50 Rm Kimirtt'i Pa,Hlt.fa


iroiin nitwon.jr rr 11 11 va



t I'inl en-- f

JErrHEY'O PORTEni'fit rt'l'l f"li'.

I nicit tin 1, oiiiirit.rti t


I OEOItaK LEONARD,: ,lluulu,,urv, , , l(NI , ui: u( Mll


ii ...i ii r ii ii. .a . ..i. ... ii ... imohiuiiisi ill an iuuiiognuvii an uga.Mill If

It . . A V II ic i: v s ,MACHINIST,

l't .. 17 jh.ib U, ...if' ll,.,J,Jtt,r.M.m.u. .1,,1.1,.,.,(";fJ,J K ttxl.lll.IUK, Imii, IIUI.I, Nl ( MkI,II,.,Ii,vi", 1"V,.',I",', M."'c' i""1 """" " r'4.

vi Hi';.

1 f A V ATT AM ROAP VflT7VC' Iiiiiiiiwi wwi wm., ,

IU Vt...I I.I.I AM II. IIIIII1IV. Ml I. !..- -

liVIMJ II KI'ICI V Kll A I..I UU K A 0 fl I.L

au.l ! .ullU . villi Ilia b 1 rlUn, llrawu huiIVY kllfi HI! A I'. A I J--

A7VI OU!:i urns ur II iiuullllr l.i ull.I". H.-- ii.i n 1 cum- - lyt rai.i.-.t- . fkxl ly


ri'.IIK I'UOIMtlKTOH OP TIIK A III It ICWork. U rrMrvil lo.i..lv lit ulnn, .! ul- -

l i r ill. II.-I- k.i quM.l, V K I.I.O V SUA!'.Mll-'- l MAl H I w il ) o liuml.Tua lluMk,T r.iit miu i... .rukuii.



Catholic Church Premises. Honolulu, IJ

ft. MtuMi 1,111.1,1 nr.nii-i- !n KL frutu fan I

!a - !

a- --l Ut!i a ew Stark or JIatf rials,i

lie is prtjmrrtl to lirjui'ir

WATCHES, CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXESSI'S With inui)tn-- a and ilUpntch. ' ly

V. KISCIIUIl,Cabinet Makrran.l trrtiicti I'uliiilirr. ll.ill Street, tirar tha

lruf hOr il J . t Suiilli Co. 686 ly

B"ML" ''t at a

t 1 TWUPfle AftTTl A T A 9TfT) CTT " T. .

Son KaaJiutnanu St., Honolulu, II. I.

IS a L K 'ff T ,15 Od t and Shoe Maker.SfI

Iloicl St.. HouoIiiIm. l4606 ly

.3 AS. A. IlUKaHC--- ,. -jCvVrl-- R AND CAU.E-K- a

Continvet the butintstAt his Old Stand on the Esplanade.

A wo" do"e -. "d onle 'proniplijr attended lo,699 CaaRCrs Modkrate. ly

.7. 1. .21: -- ,1 ' RT X L PAe VJr'.rV C"cS?AAll KINDS of SADDLERY.

Curritvi Triiiiniiwj Done with Xeatnesa and Lis- -ptJdu AU Orders promptly atlttuhd U.

C'ararr mi Far Iltrl Sr-r-t- a. lell.493 ly .....aa k aa. aj ajaa m aaa ffaa aaa aa p aa aa awa a at arrA-- lr IW DtlAww rUUIlUni

TIIK rXDKRSICXEl) WOCI.D RErX ,uU, Ulf(- -, lhe pui.no that ho ia prr,rl to canand flnimh all kiuda ol bnui aud corupoaitioo work eilhVAX and at rea..na'.ie rat-- ..

IT All kinda of ship and plaiilauou eort on abort

IT Comuntly oa hai.J, hoic CooiH.r of the fol!oinc.4, 1. 1, 11, 9 and 4. Al, oil eup and gauf;e cacka.

".UW A. llUfCtK,M 1 King atreeL.

r.iT. 5am'l Nott.jJOHN NOTT & CQ.,

m iihi t v ran e tr; aa a fnaa asvt'l I I'lk ataae 11.111 III.--,'I'l 15 ri.KiM'KK I ..uni nu ina 1 iiniic iiiai lliey R wv prv .rci i iumi.ii wi iuit. ofnpprr Work, couaiatinc in part of mum, araiaa rasa, soachi a rasa, wohh, rip, etc., etc.

A!asn hand, a fall avmrtmrut of Tin h are,W hlch Un y offer tor aale at the loerat market price.

t. fcixna or arraiaisu boxc with aiATScaa axd marATca.Ord- -r fmra thr oll.r Inland, ill nret with attention.SlMtpoa KaahiiciaaaHl.loneil4.rabnre Flilner'a. 6tn Sot


CAN UK KOfXO AT TIIK. r lio,, on HOT VI. STRKET, nrar thafr " ;. ;i"rn wi it. "? 1 j j"' All wirk entrut-i- l lo Mr. NOIIKA will !

vT s aolH. ,Ih nr.lw., BU,t dUralrh. and' at the loemt raiea. 000 ly

; LA IS la aV !.,Cavt aud Shoe MaVrrs and Dealers la Leather and

Mi or liodinxs$trtil. btt. Swunvi ami M'lmuikni St.t.

Fi: 1 r nl-- te fini Iheeouiilry ...iM-ile- d aud winillylirndMl to on lhe moaO-eaaniuilil- ternia. ta4 ly. ... '

"C.E.Williams, i

Maitafdrtaifr, lutperlfr and Dealer la rarnttareOl fj-r- V.ei'i-tiiioi-

Furniture WareriNHn on Frt alreet, opiKielle It. V. Morgan"Family Markeli XVnrkahnpat the old Kami,

Hotel .irvrt. nvar Fl.P. .frdera from ntlir l.lan.la promptly attendeil tn. IMS-l- F

Oa W. NORTON V Co.,coo ri: ics axd AiifeEi.s,


First Door nbove the Custom-hous- e,


Hawatwlw. II. t. Ml ly

aluti .T.rre aainar iaa tariraa.Furniture made anl repaired at prlceo. S8 ly 'ROBERT NEWCOMD t CO.,

itooi4.ui ih;ics.Merchaiil Pirerl, ciaitfi Pil. r'a Home,

rtnla mn4 Ornnmrnlal HlwHInai erenlr. at hortt ii'ii ire and mKoiiai'l tn- - ly

HOOT AND SHOE MAKER,Cfll Kins Klrtri. Prnl(f the rtethfl.

WL llnnMn. II. 1.

I' . II. aV fa. K I fa 1:1.1.1; .t"3 Tltiamltha nml rittmheta

Vh- -j .etrert. nrt M ft iff FroVF? and I FAP TITFal-- ar. m band Jnhl In, of a kl-- d. alin li-- d n. .Illy

II . r 1 a c 11 k u .Mrrrliaal Tailor.

F-- Hrr, bcpoait O.M Fln', Halt Mwnrtntn, H. IMJ It

A Ol 1IOOI4N.fftllltan If TH ll f TO tlPRI aftsTXAI "fli 11F AI'I'IH MI H'ii'R, m t.e tlr o lhe frar.

Inrlfed eiam'we rnt .vk Ji- -. reld, ehlrb ernhraceaart k n t, tt-- m nln!.ii? ."titr.f m K.j a'

Al", rrrhla rTnlrt In the Hne rf l'ff!-- ee-- m l M IIUPV.

'rriliuiii.' Almtiiinc.iimrMf rAMTTTi ai.m an ic. fce..Ar F e

ais 1m II. M TtlHT-F- T.

i.itr.ivMi:n r iilahhs.ii!iu:fiMP.xrni.ixu --.n I "VtT.ntf the nij anrhnOred. rorra

(tier l,M art Paren.r t aie y M M HintMl.t


.i:v sioiti;.flbl" UI'K.N kv:il, II. M IjiM) kl lll tr. ;

!! lie.. Ii. ucl liatcM (V

Ladies' and Children's Roots and Shoes,IfltV ;OIIIIS, tl.OTIII ;, e.f

U tfAi.fc t lif Al' uv ;

th ikii Jis liAVie 4 c.-- r r1 1 V V M a.. i j 9 - I

UY tt tj itA1-- Yi(IN..

E. O. HALL & a ONJlhT IU:( Kl VKIf A IXI.I. Ak.nlVK u

CiiootlM iii (heir F.ine.AT

Pi'loou to iHitit tlo Tlmow.UJ4 unit IS A CALL. St

ii:u hvni:.N, fikku homton.Ci ti. lAUtCS. hllOViCl.S, OO'fM AXK

llautlinl Aaca, l.rub llurf,: Lt.il.tr

Ilarora Oil, Oi bow,Hue- - llauaira,

Cut au.l Ciiucb Nail.!

T"l W I

..t. I..su 3 w.w.lapp. j

.J ;


II. li. lilac's Fhotoraplilc Gallery !


IS XOW OHK.V A.NU I'RKI'ARKII TOtaka FIKT'MiK A HHS of any aite Io tl.e lia.T Sir La aavoa thk Mo.t It aoa.aL Ta. , ?

COri lNO AND EM.AKG1XC Aoom ia t--abeat oianwr. rFor Sale Card of the IIaa.iao Kiuga, Qoeeaa, C--

kfa andotl.cr notai.le pertona.

Alio- -A full aaaoruMDt of LIRGE AND SMALL.I'K A M tS, for hale at Low I'm?-- .

Srti ly H. L. CUA2K.

C. E. WILLIAMS,Vhffor? WOUL.I IOST(?J -- .f?k

i ijaR'ja rrfecuuiiy anoour.ee to r.i. Xmx rfncoda and tbe pubLe tLat be rfl rt


Ware Xlooms, Port 3t.vHIS ENTIRE STOCK OF

IniiiortGd' I?iiriiitiaX"o

COST PRICES FOR CASH!See' Advertisement in another Colnma.

The object ia to redoee hta erry larr aLork In order to boilda near and more ootoaaodlcas Wareboase oa the ail of teold ooe.


4 4 B U K IS A IV K HOUSE,"Zoloa, EaaTt.AdL-F1XAX- K

II. STAN LY, Proprietor.r


Is now Open for the Reception of Visitor.7 Parties ri.itinr. Koioa can aleaya be accommodated ariUl

boaxd at thia establUoeut on rcasti able tern a.

Table SupjilieJ teith the best the Jlarktt ojfivL?.Horse ran be obtained of the proprietor by Uxee desmta of

njoyiog the many Sne drirea ia the rtoiiy. CIS ly

.OIICE.. .

a THE CXnKRSIOXKD II A VINO PfR.U44obaal tbeAhuuaaaof KALI ALlAM'L Kb am. Uad al iMaul, hereby brbid all persona from treapaaaning npoa j

tbe atae, and from cattle, gwa ta. atMep or oUMe at.v. or jwood from any part of the aamo witlxiuA noUce, B-- der paaa of 'proaecution acaxding to lae. 1

CAXirEKLL f TCRTOM.Lahaina, Feb. 1$, 1SV. 6U In


IliiKMt. rate, rootle, and ia every reap aret' I ' adapted 1. a la.ly ' oae. hile arr. abeetlllyeara. Inquire of (HWIn) J. U Kl0IlARtOV.

Tbe Honolulu Iron Works Company, IJAYft ON 1IAM - r

C4UT llOXKS OK ALL. SIZES. AND ARKto aril at very redm'ed rao.

a IVhL. ..Lin 1 .!.. n. n.. .m I . .y.l .1rente per lb., and by the SmH at a cenia pre lb. COO am .

zzrz rttzzrllOMMA'LLI IIJUM UK UN iU.vIl .lMa ar a.i a a a a. . . . . . aa .a aa a 1 a


Machinery, Sugar Hills. Steam Engines.. CKN ntiriG AL ACIIINKK.

Alao, Hotlera, Cootera and Fhee Iron nrk, and all kmdeI1RAF9 AX1 IRON C.5TlXrtS.

A large Pip'ng, KN. T, Ka TaN'ea andIVrke, Hheet Iron, R.Mbf llate. Bar Imn, iVntHftMral Wirea,India itu'tber I'afkiug, anil erery deavripiton of M.chinetalaay. en band.

lire at Variel) ef Mat Maerj en kaad H far Salt Law.;T ty HOXOI.fl.r TRV WORKS .V.

PIANOS!And Other Musical Instruments,

TI'XKD AM KKIMIRKI)nr .'iiiain rirnnv if me rnrirn

I.faaona t;iren on rinni aad t.aitar. I

Pet tt reTerrnoa iven. tV'T ly

IV 13 O O O 1 JS


lrr Idtilio mid II. V. .Ilurimy,ROl.tS OF PK5T tjVAUTT,

Chinese White Matting,4 rive:. or


rirrvRF 5Tif tiiax havk rF.RFTriRR prf!;

Fine RibVons Rinl BUck Meilno, Shoes,

IS t- -. ArOSC fc AIMIVCR.

rmiiilv llililra.a n i t. iMtnTMKST u himkhit. !

APIK f .r M.Midny nr Wed,iaj IV ertt, and at rea s

l otion lain Tor Snir.tn 4.irtWr. orI nr. r.r P" ltnd tnt Oina. 1V. Tt esri.

nil 1m n. M. WHITS FT.- !

rmo(r litdelllilo Inkkmirmr i.tsp. to nr. urn1.inR tet IrA tr .

(Ml lrJ M W1UTTFV.

II I L o , 11 , I ,

Sugar and VloUscIIIIJI'IOMIIIO I IV 4SI) riiK Vi MC IVa.y .wiii -.--t rotrr. .jr

SAMUEL C. WILDER.r ojC bnce.


O NO ME A PLANTATIONiSuy- -r and Molaaae Vrop ISQ8f

IX oa M4UU IX--K. AirauU.


11 ia muu a iiu, 4-- w

Waikupu Plantation,II. (Jr avvll. fraarktaf,. ' '

SUGAR AND MOLAfiSESI7WO.M Tills l'L4KT4TIO FOR 44UCa. to tuw to auU iwcl. ipvlrltWI; titAt. C MiEAjr, Aswat.


- to C--a-e ia. IVkr -C. EltEWEK ft Co , afTt-- ta.


aW la quaout tea to auit fcyWT a CAfTXI S tWIE


VEW t'ROPXOlV COMl&'G 1ST.A a . tor felc a--

OOiSa c ir-- R a c, e-- ot.

SUOAR AND MOLASSES!fTAWAIIAK Sl'GARMILUCreFollISS,a tor aaie la ajoaeti--et to aajl mf


HAWAIIAN niCE!CaaUe aad Extra.

For Eaie ia qurtitiea 4a a- -it bj A. . CLBOBCEX.ly MUL

HAWAIIAN LEATHER!gale aad Saddle Leat-e- r, aad Tax--r- Cast fUt

For SaJe try . . .SS ly A. CLEGHORV. Areot '

; rOTicE. --


) i paea- -t the a ore tiiait Urtert

Ba-e- ry. a.t iafonuah FanOiee eh tbe bt-e- . af

Beef, Hattoa. Pork, Posltry. Xgpt, dc.. ALSO . .

ea b--aS el Mad efJ. BOTH.

S. B. Aa tbe CaxHe are a" aji freab traaa te y.inna tepahhe ein be aapplied e te beat. CIS la.


'KiBf Suw eapotiu-- Bew. 631 IfFORT ST., FAMILY MARKET.'

E. II. BOYD.ceot Meau trrea Han Verdi. Po--- f,' T, Tereta

Arc, furnlabrd ta order. 14 ly


wow LaiTd fnoiSir. Idaho and Bark D. C, orray


"FtesAi trabni FVer, '

" " ''leh Omuaeal,Coarae Baaaiay. Fie Hoantoy, .,

"faike Sveaa,Onion ,arie. '

T'reet.-ei'- a Choootaje, rnai-n- Oil. "

Carry rVa-de- Soda, ,1 ,- Ouoa, CarraaJa, a

CalUo-D- ia Crfea (Swa,'Ivaaret Oieew.

Aaat, TaMc rVaAa.Cxnt

Caitf.eoia nam,CaJifomia ftama.

Vtraa a4 Oats,Cfre, 3ira , Tar, -- t -

(Xidttc CnrTtira,. .. Eaeeoc Letaofv,

CalA. Gh A'rrm, rf$f paa. Wrba,Aaaocteal JeDea, 4a a a,

Alaanoil.rrenra MMnt, -

Waloata, IVean Xanx, Fi?bf,F atonal Read lo oaaea aad V! v "

Water kAWab- - CracVera,

i If o

Pr Bark " Wilhelm," from London, -Keft R. rVAah.

Krajrrll ISft-- y Pali, to boe.,FAote IVrrmtHk ia tfra and Jara,

le Patrite, kt and r boxeo,I eaoe fopwloi CaatlNr rViaa.


Family Grocery Anel Fee Storesn W t l. S A RTl.ttTTi

Book which sho ttl le ia Evtry Libmty

ABREWV f hktiomriCotosib inort r.ooo nswATtsx

rmfb ittort, andat.ao

a. Krtrjrt-W- " Veeaaary, tad (Y reaofiarfr1Taare af Weterlrt, FXYtrto,

H tioriMU Aiitrevp.. vwmd tn wv

f.tXre JvS w. M. wtt::Y.

77.it VryfvnKe rv-r- b ofrf(rrvf fa Is'hvti vfMean. TRl."XWt ft N Ttrrnoater Tlar. .

At t.r tn Ar Irt-A- - ofMe- -r. rUrtNF a T , (in ft. :

Ao inR aAl.:.WtanH RaaYlttt ttd rMa frt Ftrai;, gdjrr.


; J





i '




I ;


r ttl

vi '

i:kf -



















adrir--a ky tk kark rar. fir- .- Ua Fraariaro, ara tort Ik wraihrr 1 UW7 er rat. Tka pf--T r-r-

' U FkHO aa iavioaj " --rfrnatj witk U,iU alaw P"--""

. : Fttla, aamU aak--a

- Bka, very St a.

Tie OMUiwrrria! reporter rd" lb ihmanla t'aisa fir tke

stat of twrtitj-fu- ar boar, they down with In-


- -- siwral asarseta ib af prWa k -r--tt--r blj ara kii.m w furT threateninz a West India hurricane,

MtrW. of wnMan,Wi araerai aeav 7 aaa ... ,

ZI sartor urweh aa scivat hmi Can. lira nni.M ka wmlim Oraat'a ar marmg at Tie, tac a at1 Ana knn CiHmi Mh auhl Ale. Ceases U l

I m tth aa tmimer Cll.a rflrM fl jeHjrfurytUor ia kw .La f!17 -

IIMr-U- iW k--C La l M f Ila a. a wttoaoa caamc la pnra rwrv e, to a, auta

- .. BuaBiaaAT.- a- aH rralta ar m, jiil iur asaarv Uar aaia at Urrna apjra

(.saa aaaaw) at aatW T Eaalam enwavrrtra mew cawapar,

mi MMC 9 riVt I rat kaa fartW arfee4 In pr,AaMrcBBW(aUiHiaaiOt SajlakWr Tkrra

aJiM aaavy akipaaaaaa tnut Aaalatta. Oiia aunxirratHy ' Taa ctcapavaa af Cam Bait kaa ladnmi sarilil h ar ljt tm asa-- ft Casaal Aarric.

Uidalaariliaf Miiarrai. Taa a cm mi

coat aU. a wm na 4 ta peter. aad artawaia brtwara iha raiarraak aVCa ara hiwtt. eaaam frtalTHnn at 1 I T fL Tna V( Jfca carf.af taa t'mt &r?Ht vaa aeTrr4 at aaetliaa, ba IK (rraarr

ndwoa-a-a .tUfa liri imm rtcaa wr lamlwf.arwyUwMrm. rjiraalaHaaJanaa JJ ataaa&tici .0can taofaaiaat aava at TiTM Jul Caara aarat urm

Tba N Tark U market, up ta Tea. Ut,ahMd d charvg.

aiiara taiBaa; I --1aary ia at p.aaa fantataaa Lat- -

.Uat 1411. ' v

Taa Chiaa .1 n n i 'J (jraaf BrpmMc daickwaa aaHrv-Ce-

m bw Mas Ffaaoacs XarHk M)t, kas ant aaOnl mp K

ft (4a, aaai bar aVtakanl by ta arrhral aftte ranamaBtaJ ataaawr Ctwl'ia'n. which a tarn aaja acaualliata, awing a W aai( a ry baarjr earj f 1,7 J lucak

a atalva! laat aatltag aarla ar aw bkiag frtgaf fimaa

BM Fraacia to IhmgWmg at !! rf kw tfnn U f3 40 fkaa. Taa ab aaav M MaeMMlray A Co.a ba, waa c- -'

pvcterf taaavaad Bta aMacb kara as -

Taa aW Ckavcvr.af ua, Craaa Km rrtaciara, witkcargo uf t,4J baavkral. la rapntkat tara aniiad at

Fkbroafj fat, iat Ing tk tiaiaajt la WI Aaa. Ti ia- awaaflia aoicfcaat aataaai rrt.

'' ' LOCAL COMMLHCIJUavaakw ara or cigkt whairrsaor atAj rd arrttat tikim

' waak kaaa knaa Ika aark Cmmut Craaa Vmm t'saariacu, aaj aBppa akt (pa Jjakr fka Mrf ) Tk Caaaa kringa a kiS

' aafga,, rt-r-- -t ahirgka, CaraVtgv, aalrau.kraad, Ac, aalaaa at JK.i Wka wM Kaaa kara alia aW-aar- k,

kat viM a4 pmkakla ka bll aTt- -r ike awaaarr &.wU:kMaa4aatnlUaa'AarU.. TVa A. r. Waaa aihw aa) WaJnaoIay ( TraacUco,aaba) a tail carga af angaf. amta rcanary. ' a aill rclura

aa aa a anaaikhr, a aa a aaal far Inact ar llaaaaarg.TV tarmj mmtrt koa tntcrC-nn-l witk Ifca rrgoiarily uf aar

"m iiih, aaaat af thick ka k akacnt Ikry ar (jot warfca.OI4 aatlnra, ka ka fc.Uk la tb awa, pcrOict a ckaaga Okattar ar anaraa akoat tka Zitk af March.. Sa aMitwA pautatkly laaaa ba aaa fraarwa kB taa raiuxa

afuwirfavaa. AprBX - '.'Tka akaliog kark iVa Brane, IIaaulkw,arTirr4 at Lakaioa

aaaaualar. "tk At karraia aO. amaa Caliaaaa Caaat.

..v - Hfctlaa Alalia.Foe !. VrKlrara, Thar lay mlra Kaci Tec ka SU Ik A 4t m Maiay.Turn Mas Paaacieco far klako, April XI.

poiiT or uoiiolulu. h.J a. ' ' a aL. aV. aa - w. - w

ARRirAUH.. i . I. ' . fJ t14 rVhr Kala Craar. fraa 8cm. . .1A arks aaa ParaM. Marcaaot, frota Hawaii.1 Aat !l bark bTSia. lUlaaa, M kola sperm.It Aa k katk Aarurav Avctlac, rtaan .

la fehr Natua Memit. Laaiiarrt, (ruua KaoaL!"' . kjf Haaaiei. , ." 1MnkfcaL14 Afar Ea St., rowvra, frnm JtauL' " '

" Aat wk knrk faaiiOa. Joora, bhta perm.14 An ak back Naotitata. Sm Uh, )4w kbia arat.1J AJa.barh Astta-- . Biiiana. MObkla spcrak15 Aat, bark Csawt, AkttuU, 11 i AaJS ta Au 'ranriaa.U Haar wk kk llae Hawaii, Ileppmtraturai lilt bkta an.I Mekr Marv EUea. West, knaa MaaA., W arhr Maaonkawai, AMnwe, trvm MaaLl Ao wk ship M3o,IUae, clean.

J SVcAe Artiaa, UaaVy. fraat lUwatt. . i. tkeHrtar k ilaaaa. McUregnr. froaa Hawaii. .

PEPlRTl'KKs. .

XaT. I A rVSr MarCU, BvrrUl, Hawaii.1 4 Abb wk aark TrUant, Ruan, la craiae.It An) vk bark Awn, Areiine, In rnuae.

t k.; Saae Kikaaaa, Mea-ww- fcw Wkaawatd rnrta. ,X .IS Satar Matt-- , A.kiaaa. knaa Malakak - .itIS rVkr Hokab-fc- ?. ftw Maui.. 4 .4 at wk burk .VaatJu, Mmkk. h cmiaa. -

IT Aaawa barb Haiaaway. ta crawe.ISca kt.ma, I aibn. toe kUaat. . .

rT Va Kaaa Law, Caaaa, fcar Maai. -IT Vkr LUto, .

IS Vtsak bark 'jraiaii, tbUJa, U croiaa. ,.' A a br Koaa faakat. ktareaaat, fas Hawatt. -

IS ftrbr Laka, t Kaaai.Aa wk skip Mtka, llawea, to craiae.


- - - I

fa Mas Faaactaco Per Coaarl, Marck IS--.

baak knCkS,Bk4'.,..N t Utrra, raaea. ........ so I

HiuaJa. A...- - 17 iHUoraWb-a- . . !

Braatt. ak4. .......... axs Paaaawa.caara..kraa. aar ...... SO Pair, fees............ 3o I

Barwpa. caaw... ...... Pbtona, raw a. .......... ' a i

Vrae-kara-, Uoa.. ....... w Paper, eaaea. 4 :

iaataa.ttta.a..ji, . kua p.sara. Peg.,....--- !

Piaar. pra .Iks Skfraamra. sfcea .. tlKjfilaar- -, sks ... S tHraw kaeai. caara ....Lax kUa. ........ .. 100 ftalmiai. skga. ....... UlakVcaars ....... .. IJ "tri-l.rra- . .........

ki'S... .. ' 1 enatiaaery. Vrc,... 1bfatting. 0a...... .. " So T.a. U.a..... I

Nala. Ivr . C7' vtitsbkm. skga.....aarks ....... . W are, k(a..... , ti

I f CXP0Kfi r j

lZ:slW::"Tt?Z IUUiea,jj!raaa4ra. 1 tu Sugar, kwW7 tta, pkm. Tju i

""-- - --....a 'Mao. fraiwi.. ................. AAjiaH 41 I

- -j

ra Wiiraitt Paara Pr Kiiaaea. March 1 Mra P N I

Maasa, Mrs C H JM,Cap J Make, It laa, Mai tiraraaaa7Muwc M kikirt. Maw Araw! Wuwwt. Mm. II)aT"- - 7T'S JtT-- !: T. ' r""m " " fMaallla, W II aVaiiay. U B Bafcawut, 11 Ixckinaiia IS cakta

,f.o,-c- . Ps.ae PCavet. k- -- Mar,JrcaCp ItTsTa

an, it w Mcciuaa. a kaak,.P Marriavai waa,w7.kJklw,rrwa.ialaai.n,- -

Poa Passe -- Pr ft. W. Ha, March Is C P I

--- VT aa ia, arca a--A V Pial!

Paaw Ca.ar aa Cat. s.r ak aWiiuber. Marek 13 Lap !

Cabs, Laia iaiaalra. Budaif Caattlbs Bnaarta Usnla A I


Nana avav la lka4ala. March 141k, at M. ArairrwaTeatoarary tathaUrsi. by Uat kU. U. Masias, Mr. Juha NeiUs Miaa Cliaa atury.aU af Ilka city.

DIED.--zz j

laatwas la Marek ITtk. Mr. Mara T. Cakt- - .

, a aanaa al aatlawa. agwj 4J vasra-aak- aw a Aartraw f

Mow. XT sestek sua aisae aasars bkraaa j


TnaSrosawAU This vessel has beet, ia tb bao.1 j

of the painters the past week, and owing ta the stormy i

. . . V 1 V 'wwjuwr aaa ao wi n visiiet oy so many aa sow :

would have beea. bad the weather been pleas-

ant, ffha was built ia France for the Rebels, thenseat to Scockhalat. where she received her arnavaient.which eoanists ot three Armstrong gans, one of 800 ;

lha. caliber and tU otUrsf7& li--v. which are sail ;

tab. auula oaly by the British Caov.romeat for its i

wa ase. The vessel rs very strongly built, and has :

two now erful eo fines, which can be worked senar-- I

Rcx Exce'leney C. d. Varigny

M.qt.;u- -. reaa aausually thWkfew TW stronr w'ia.b to the

Bttta aaats all to bat Isdw ttray .to stirk to th HL ,


Commercial Advertiser.


Noh t tlio 3IoniltiircuniIicationri

Fur nearlr tour or aince the 21Ut of Feb--' ; retired Toluntarily, Gen. Grant would baretlia trad wula ha blown a far ael-- muied duties as head of the Department,

docn in our croup. They hare not been J md int rim, hit cummiw-iu- o not hating been re--

lull eainet attract




ao strati as to ta destructive of reopertj, butthe constant raiaa auJ squall have furnished very

I anpleaaAut weather. Last Yi fJnwUy night, alter a

but fortunAtelY did no tery great damage. Thetorn, still continue, and maj hate cauad .cci-Wn-

to hipi.tng not rrportej as jet.The bark CoatT ha.1 a fioe run down from &in

Francisco, matins the passage in 11 d-- j. andLour..- - H.r beat !.,'. run was 27--- , miles, and .heaerased 1W md throo-ho- ut the trip, maaingnearly a atraieht track from port to port. The.



distance run was Z,J) milea. t . . " . .... i carry out lus purTHjxe in or Ue will orTLeforeizn news on next page will be tounl .

intended to do WCungrt,u,tere.tu,s. The of 1'resiJent Joux--os promises to be Ike moat important that has 'J force, if tlaMigh thu rs nuthonta-fxurre- .l

in America for aome time, and being the jdenied, Congred grounds

first of impeachment of a President that has im reach men t. Roevjlutions to this effect, whichever occurred, will estaUiah a precedent as to the will be 1 in another Column, were preparedmuileof conducting future State trials. j on the 2Sth February, and adopted a very

Nut nlj have the LesiJature of Maine, Penn-- , rote of 12G against 47. It will be seenjhania and other Northern Slates enJorsed I that the ten clargcs refer wholly ta the Stanton

impeichment ot President Joussox, but several of ! care, occurring tn the 21st and of February,Con cations of the Soathern incla ling ! aJJjtional article was presented by General- OH Yh-tfnn.- have the same Jlary- - j Butler, relating to K.me of the Pw ident'a Lin- -

Lind takes the oppualte staiwl, and threatens to armher militia in support of the President.

On our fourth pae we insert the resolutions nowbefore Congress, rcfcrrel to last week, proposing areciprocity treatj with Cans. la. and the contem--pLtted purclktae of ISritish Columbia. No actionbarn en them, is it likely to be at present.They mar be taken simply as an expression of thepopular miud on subject. The following, whichoccurred Feb. 2oth, Is all we find relating to them: !

Taa (gatimtl rifatMua aafctag ra to if rrrryWaanraala mfmtm tr tke actmailno sf Bntiak Curombia aa aaart mi taa LaxrS arrra takca truat the Bar. and after aaaaata Uarim, vaicfc laatval lr iww tHi.f aarr an huor, ItkiVvaale, at V i r. a., a'J rtwl wiikut cuuticg k a vute.

Alabam t, the fint Southern Slate which has coro-pli- ed

with the recobstructivn of Congress, huspresentel her new Constitution and applied fur

Her request will prcbabljr be granteJ.an election cf State ami Congressional of&rs or-

dered, and her Senators and nrprt-sentatiTe- s ad-

mitted at the present sesrori of Congress. I

Under date of February 23, we have the announce- -ment thU Pruaaia has concluded a treaty with theUnited States, in which she engages to recognize the :

principle of a perfect transfer of by nato-r&IizAli- on,

thus terminAting the antiquated rule,once a subject, always a subject." In this matter

Prussia, through her liberal-minde- d sUtesuan, Bts-XAAC-K,

baa taken the lead of European nations, anddeserves all the credit. It will not be many yearsbefore other foreign powers will follow her example,and forever after establish aa aa international law,that any native may change his allegiance and be-

come, at his own option, a citizen or subject of anyether country.-- The principle involved, which ispurely an American 1 lea, is so 'clearly' right, thatthe arguments In hs support carry conviction every-where. The views of an FnglLih paper on the sub-

ject will be fuund on our fourth page.If tha telegraphic news is reliable, the Jh itish

forces in Abyssinia have succeeded in gainingof the captives, whose recovery was the great

object of the expedition to that country.. Whetherthey will be satisfied what has been accom-plisbe- d,

as make aa eCbrt to puusdi King Theodore,as he most richly deserves, remains to be seen.

fEai4 tntBT has retired from the British Cabinet,

owing doubtless to his illness, and Disaaeu has beenctxMK--n Premier in his place Although a .Tory inprinciple, be fs among ihe fflost conservative or lib-

eral of his party. If we are not mistaken he is acommoner, without 'or rank, who has rai.-te- d

himself to his present pusition solely by his ability ortact. -

The steamer Idaho is 1 to. have left SanFrancisi-- o on the ICth instant, and if so, will be duenext Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Herbest trip down wag in January, arriving here on tlie1 lib. in 10 davs and 2 hours. As the trades bate9 -

been very strong and in , btr favor, is likely tomake as gotl a trip this She will be elevenday out at 12 o'clock on Friday, atvl ougtit U come. . . .- 1i i 1 i .iiu some niitc uoruig tua u.iy. atie wiu ormg uiv

York mails of Feb. 10th and 20th, and SuaFrnci-- o of March UlLw

Our San Francisco eorrespvmlent states that Grx.McCook left Xew Tork on 2"th of lebruvry Ifso, he Wonll arrive at Sab 1 ranciVo on the llh ofMarch, two days after th Ioauo's arrival there.He waa not expected to Lere till the MayitnuMir, but owing ta e of (Jen. Smni maydeem it liest to mum to his jrt by the first vessel.

The steamer Kuacka will not suaka her asual triplr on Thursday for

Koloa atfi Walraea, KauaL We would a;rin urce. . ... . i -- .um umewn w wr nrr vw;ii a men ui me lour porta

on that I1aj1 Il.uaalei, Waiiora, - Ktk aivj Na--sl"ppirig a fw Louts for freight and pas--

STMrvrr at ersrh place.

" v. been saggotol that aa occasion! tnparvaajHawaii woui.1 be aa aceotaiucUtiou to the traveling '... !

.teamer-- s reguUr servka. For inatanee. the week j

eermaH.ing May 11th she has to clean boilers. Letker urt oo the 1 lib. on a trio around that IaUud. t!.,. , s ...fucning si rrrry yri-tip- u F,ri, ki returning to i

Honolulu on the 21 or 24th. The great thing is toaecomnoJjliomt uch

as poasible. Dal these occasional trij-- s aught to bewell Sjlvcrtisel several weeks beforehand, so thatthose living near the ports to be visited may maketheir amngements to suit her arrival.

We would call attention to the sale of furniture atthe residence of Mrs. 11. F. Snow, in Hutel street,which takes ptaoe on Wedcesday next. The assr.r- t-

meat is one cf the largest and best that has beenV"y I r .:,--,

The missionary MoBsiso Sr ta, will sail torthe Marquesas on ThurLty next, in charge of Cap--t;n Tengstrvm, late master cf the schooner SumDirgp.


liun-liitic-iit- .

Tli Iark Votnrt lring more faro.-abl- e newsregarding the j liticnl situation at Washiugion,ami has dirTHed wliatever fears may have lt n

(J tbe Wi,niJl ,.vicvM, let PresidentJ()hnt-j- n B,-u-

U to fmv out hituq.sH, set k t-- involve the onintry in civil

i vvar. That be contemplated a course, tlrere



taaft i ififrri-M- I ,iuf itk aL.fTnfM liTtltnt li.i.tvJ. . ...

betvey. i

We statr-- 1 List week tlmt Mr. ma le ':

ml-lak-s in Im4, at this lime, front the i

.riT.cv. or rather tn.:'Trw. Ij1 ganie-- l its

w 1,ttIe ro,'ra du't arM ,f tU "M! :On the passage oat only one engine has been ased.l U"fure the nate wh,, h ha ,lv.xlUt this with her sail has given her a speed of ten j

kawts aa hoar. . Her best speed, both engines, is j itjxU into Court b try tl IVe-idc- nU A briefkaats, aa--1 ska caa U turned around as if rest- - j history of the whole case may not be without

lag ea a pivot. This gives her a great advantage ia j interest to nur readers.aa wncnrtt V.. whrther with a woadea or , Al tft 0je Ii Unt removed bis a.1

veaat-- L Sue is evblently one of the moatpowarful anrt tWtest war vessels anoat. We wn-ler-- ! vtary ar, 3Ir. Stanton, and aptuintcd Gen.stand she wll sail fhr Yokohama on Taealay or Wed-- tirant SiTetary md interim. Suiitoti acfjuitxTd

ar,kr t r j3fT dir,5t I in the eluuige, and U-T-r- Grant took t lsvrgeofla aoonj aa rxeaTU-- nt npurtuaity tW sending sredst, . . .'aavata. ar aay arurs forego Is or nriw.ss that deirime-nt- . Tbrs removal was made in io-at- ty

t desmsl frou tKere. latL.n of tl Tenure of t.ftT Pill. nw.d by the

I As Ilia was







driving iovt. atrfiet n $aWwily tftnrbfxDf U ,'n aotblrf it uVr!a,I u re.n- -hi. earrUg. rua iato by a CeWtial Jehu, who wasiatsut aa testing the qualities of his swift steed. The tate lbe ntrJ' h,u rlraaimaP. j hi cn the 14th uf Jaory. ben rein-aa- rtUg got ea.Kht la the wheel of the earriag,

was hroksa. To rat: eve the boras frora safler-- jMtr,1 C,m- - r'nat rrt,r,1' tbough ll-- Utter ljd

tag ha was killed oa tb spt. and his rider taiea n rcctyriUMsi by both branches of CViprt-- p asta thwrttlian koorw. j Mj I Vfarttueiit, during his ioeuiu- -

Cjr Lave thepast wka aaurkt blow

aat ssa. aiaare






had Decri miiUtrd, h'us joint In tfic

01 tot gained, arid the law and authority of

longrw fairlj indicated. Nothing further .uiJI by his reUitiing the oflice, exoei.it

t involve the and his Ciihiitet in deeterand the whole country in the l.it-ti- nt

rarthtan warfare imasinatle. here-ru-arr,

weeks,with his War



defianceand livingunusual! trhd

event neoearj-- .

has ample for


of bystrong


the Sutes. Andone thing.

















vr.I-ni- l Imt twin-- . mil! in full force, and he niicht'

Lave 1 IJJt i4-rh- till March 4tb, 18G9, when'the President a term of office legally expires.

' J lad Stanton retired, the President could notlave ajiuinted any other person to tlie War I)e--irtinent, aa the Senate clearly ewea the key

.Ul j. aftg in . anj Grant being

' t,,e acknowledged bead, neither Gen. Thomaa orany one obnolioUB tLe couu Lave

. token puffcerftolf wiU;out ita airoval, no moretI--n Suuifcjn wioD

, .,- - . , i.:.i.t: haTin-r- . on the 21st of Februarv. undertaken to

guage ur-o-d in his famous " swinging round thecircle ' tour in l?Vi.

If convicted uf or, it will be on tlattcrarted removal of Stanton in violation of tltenor of office law, us n- - ne of his official acts priorto that were so illegally gross as to sustain anycharges of

The L'nited States Senate, connoting of 52members, is the tribunal befure which the President is to be tried. It rcsulrcs it.--l- f into a Courtof Impeachment, tuid during its Fctxdon is presidedover by Oiiof Justico Clmc. Tlie IVesidcnt issummoned to apjar at tlie Ixir and lcar t!echarges, evidence and argumetits. But we lelicveit ha Ijcen decided, lie cannot le "ubfnded frombis office during the tri.il. In otln--r wonb, untilfouixl guilty of the elmrges he will net as Pni-den- t.

Thcie was an attempt made, early in thisrcttdon, to enact a law declaring the President tobe buf jtrxle-- l from oflice, in ctuw or his being ixn

reached. The law, from borne cause, was notjossed

The trial was to have begun on tlie Cth ofMarch, on which day President Johnson wouldbe summoned lcfore the Senate. Our advices areonly to the 5th, so that we liave yet to learn whatcourse be decided to pursue ; wliethcr to apearin persuu, or by proxy ; or be may decide to resignLis oflice and caiie tho odium of a U ial.

In this event, or in case be U found guilty, theVice PresMent of tlie l'nited States, II. F. Wade,of Ohio, bevomea Proident for the remainder oftlie term. Mr. Wudc. is the residing-oilic- er

of tlie Senate, and one of the mt reliable of thellepuhlicnn rty, n niau of much experience,with good judgment mid self piOcetion. We seebis naino mentioned as a candicate for the VicePresidency in connection with Gen. Grant. : l

Had lreeidcnt Juhnsou been able to persuadeany General to come forward to his assistance, be

would not have hesitated to cull out the military.Hut iu this he will Cod himself without his hor-t- ,

and being very unpopular, he will have to quietlysuccumb to the will of the as shown inCmgrew, and abide their decree.

An impeachment of the Preaident is an unfor-

tunate national calamity, but it is not tlie worst

tiling tint might happen. In this Stanton affair,Jo'iiisoti lias aliow n" himself worthy of iuieach-mou-t,

and will irulably 1 fouud guilty. IbidStanton reignct, prolwbly no event would haveooTarred to jar-ven-t die Preyittect continuing inotfice till the clone of his term, and the nationtiet red theoliuiu ofau impeachment trial. I The isnow reiooveu, ioreign nations win iiiui 11 mis-chievti- us

president ran le put irtitufnlticc even morequietly than a robeliioii of oiie-tliir- d of tlie SluUwcan le sulrdued, ainl without disarranging one ofthe wlwels of the vast machinery of tlie Govern-ment. Ami it will prove to the world the su a-priority of the Kcpublijiu firm of Governiiicutover a monarchical, winch ct.mpelrJ a ja-oi.-

le toendure its ruler, however unfitted lie may le forhis itiun, as tlx hintory of Kuroij and SotithAmenta uffords numeriMis instances.

Can It I to Ho?letters from Ililo, received last Sunday, state

that on the arrival of the United States ShipI.ACKAWAXX at tliat port, Cajitain IIetnolds re-

ceived an official notice from Lieut. GovernorLtman, foroidding the jietty officers and seamenof the thip to have liberty on shore. It isalso stated that orders went up requestingtire offitt-r- s of His Majesty's Government to ex-

tend no courtesies to the ship or her oiucer3while in ort. We give the rcrt as it oomeain tl e letters received, though r are loth to be--

ieve that it will bo fully sustained by the factsTIial " Ut M""K

w J tUt neither! Keynvlds, bis officers, nor men had beenJ. .1..,U, an --nt 1 wV . in-- tlt thr.o 1 o

ommanuer maue a naaty cum uu mo .nucncuuConsul of the ort, on bis arrival

This act is evidently in violation of the treatywith the 1'nited States, which dorlarrs that theprivilege of frequenting the porta ol Ililo, Keala-kck- ua

and Ilanalci, iu aldition to those of Luhai-n- a

ami Honolulu, is not only guaranteed to allrnercliant and whaling vessels but is also guar-anteed to all the public armed vessels of the Uni-

ted States. See Art. VII.a

The French Treaty is even more explicit :

Aar. 15. The vessels of war, steam vessels be-

longing to the State, the packet boats engaged in thepostal service, and tbe French whaling vessels, shallhave free access to tbe Hawaiian ports of llaualei,Honolulu. Lahaina, Kawaihae, Kealakekua, andKoloa ; they shall have liberty to stay there to makereptirs. and to rtfrttk thtir crtu ; they may alsoproceed from port to another of said ports of the Ha-waiian Inlands, with tlie view of there procuring fret--

provisions."Any ols-tructb-ai to tlie full fieedoia or lilerty

of tlie Imu Latranna at Ililo, if issued, Las beenin direct violation of treaty stipulations. It isunderstood that tlie order was issued from theDepartment of the Interior; but it is hardly us--sible it omld have lecn done without the jointconcurrence of the Miuittry.

No little indignation was felt here on the receipt of the news from Ililo, and few could creditits truth. Ibid it been a French vessel of warwhich received such treatment, we sliould prola-bl- y

have smelt powder ere this. But tlie policyof tlie American Government itas eter been totrt-.- it ours as an infant nation, and to Tcar its fol-

lies as attributable to ignorance rather than mal-ie- e.

If. however, Ir. llatchi?.n is aiming to feev far be can 4iicved in insultinz the damn

Yankees" as lie call them, be will find there i ajint Wyond whieh it is imprudent to go, andwliere kirbearanrr ceitsra to c virtue. It

looks as if the affairs of tlie Interiorpnrtmcnt might 1 rlaced in hands that would :

conduct them with ni'vre pnilence. and more to J

the credit of tlie Hawaiian Kingdom. !

I'rolatblr lien. M.Kk andCnntain Ken..lare fully "sjble of pn-a-rvi-

ng tla- - hotr of their !

ouiitry trout aueti insults m tins wmM oyprar t- -

-. und Amerraiw can snf--l-v efitrtit its selth-- -

lucnt t- - their hand, however iadi-pun- t tl y intjur.iliyni.in ict-i- .

The lteelproclty Treuty,Up to March 5th, the latest telegraphic date

brought by the Comet t no action lad beentaken on tlie treaty by the Senate, and it canhardly be expected that it will be acted on untilthe impeachment question is decided, which willconsume several weeks probably. AU reports,however, concur that the prospects were very goodlor its paseage through the Senate by a two-thir- ds

vote, whenever it may be brought up.The resolution introduced into the lower house

by Mr. Allison, which will be found among ourmiscelkmcous telegraphic news, lias no specialiuijKjrtanoe or weight. It simply reiterates whatwas before understood, that no treaty made bythe Senate, can change the revenue witlrout tlieConcurrence of tlie House of Representatives. Theresolution appears to hare passed nem con., andwithout debate, which was perfectly right, as itsimply endorses a constitutional provision, whichwas unanimously acknowledged to Ikj binding. Itsproposal by Mr. Allison simply shows that hemay be opposed to it; but it is hardly possiblethat a uieueure which may pass the Senate by atwo-thir- ds vote, ill find less than a majority inthe lower hou-- e.

The San Francisco Times of March 7th has thefollow ing comments on the above :

The Rtxii-ROCiT- llEsoLirriox. The passage hythe House of the resolution declaring that the trtaity-maki- ng

power has no right to authorize the impor-tation of foreign products except at such rates an thetariti' laws may prescribe, bodes ill to the SandwichIslands treaty. We are inclined to think that thepoint made by the House is well taken, through here-tofore no serious objection has been made to the con-clusion of reciprocity treaties by the President andSeuate, and treaties are constantly made which con-tain money stipulations, necessitating appropriationswhich must be concurred in by the House. Thereare two causes which have probably resulted inbringing about this assertion of authority on the partof the lluu.-t- e the jealousy which has been arousedby Mr. Seward's apparent deposition to "go italone" iu the treaty-maki- ng business, and the res-tiven- cs

of tlie West under the present high tariiCNew England wants reciprocity with Canada muchworse than we want reciprocity with the SandwichIsIuikIs ; but i he Western people, who would not beparticularly benefitted by either arrangement, declarethat tbey will not consent to ' protection at the cen-tre and free trade around the edges of the republic,"and that if any section wants relief from the hightarilf, it niut be willing to extend that relief to thewhole country. We believe this is poor policy. Re-

ciprocity treaties will probably lead ns to absolutefive trade quicker than anything else, as one will

J beget a desire for another ; and when it is seen howadvantageous is the partial removal of the rest no-tions upon commerce, the people will begiu to appreciate what an inestimable blessing a total removal oftbose restrictions wcuM be.


Sax Fbancisco, March 3, 18C3.Chingcnble spells of weather, alternate dust and

rain, brilliantand fashionsble parties (among them tlie" Hawthorne " by the old amateur dramatic club ofthat name, and the " Verein," an elegant masquer-ade, by a German organization,) excellent publicentertainments, with fires and alarms iu great pro-

fusion, have marked the month of February.Berlprorlty.

Tlie passage by the House of Representatives of aresolution to the effect " tliat the treaty-maki- ng

power cannot autltorize the. importation of foreignproducts, except as the tariff Jaws may prescribe,"will, it is feared, seriously mar the prospects of thetreaty with the Islands. The very great agitation inWashington upon national topics (commented uponat length iu another port of this letter) has no doubtprevented the attention to, and consideration of, thisto us, as well as to you, important matter, and cannot fail to cause a feeling "of deep regvef to all con-

cerned. - . ' . -- . ,

- Important Politlral Sews. 'A great excitement prevails in political circles,

recent events in Washington having caused a markedsensation creating a deep feeling of anxiety, evenmore, of dread, and giving rise to profouud solicitudein rcgird tc the action of Congns, and the proba-

ble results therefrom. The facts, briefly given bythe telegraph, my be stated thus :. The President,disregarding the Tenure-of-Offi- ce Bill, enacted byCongress," and a btw of the land until decided other-ai- se

by the Suprume Court, appointed as Secretaryof War, Get-fi-

ul Lorenzo Thomas (not the gallantGeneral 11., who distinguished himself in the South-west during the rebellion, but a suspected Copiicr-hca- d,

attached to the War Iepartuiuut,) ignoring thereinstatement of Stanton by the Seuate, and thusrendering impeachment inevitable --this charge alonebeing a sufficient cause for conviction. Therefore,upon the 21th of Feoruary, after deliberate consider-ation, the. House vote! to impeach Andrew Johnson,and measure to thnt effect were at once instituted.Li case of Mr. Johnson's suspension, lieu. F. Wade,President cf the Senate a thoroughly consistent,able and outspoken man, prominent as a candidateiu lb for the itcpullican jioiuiru-tio- n for Pi evident,defeated by Mr. Liucolu becomes tx ojjicio President of the United States. Rumors of armed resist-ance to Congress have reached us, rebels in Mary-la- nl

having made preparations, but as Gen. Grantand the entire army are at- - its command, the loyalLegislature cf the country need have no fear. Hav-

ing thusabriv!ly alluded to our topics, Icau only add that Union men are determined to sup-

port Congress without one disscntiugvoice or falttr-iu- g

step, rallying as only the just wbo fer nil canrally, and confident in the triumph of a righteouscause.

The Jsbasea-Gra- nt Imkrojlls.We have receive 1 overland the President's letters

in full, in which Gen. Grant is unjustly accused offalsehood and insubordination charges prompted bya desire to injure him before the country, and ruinhis pnwpects for tlie Presidency. The ingenuity ofthe calumniators of Grant was taxed to the utmost,and the base attempt to compromise his reputation inreulity produced a contrary effect, and has endearedhim still more to the loyal masses who have entireconfidence in his ability to clear himself of the odiumfali: tiers are en letvoring to fasten upon him whohave the greatest faith Jin his honor and veracitywho will never believe that he is actuated but by thepurest motives and most sincere patriotism. Thebase conspiracies formed by his country's foes can-

not for an instant tarnish his fair fame. During hislong public career no charge of treachery or deceithas ever been preferred against him, much less beensubstantiated, ami loyal men will not believe the pro-

testations of his enemies now. The current opinionis, that Grant is the intended victim of a plot to dis--obey the laws of Congress, which ignominiously fail-- j

ed, and upon a misunderstanding between the Pres-

ident and himself these charges have been founded. ;

This is the first conspiracy devised to injure the !

great General, and we may reasonably anticipate a i

rapid succession of them in the future, for every dis--honorable subterfuge will be used to turn the current i

of popular favor be is so steadily gaining. Theclamor for his elevation to the Presidency is hearty !

and universal more so than ever before inspired byany public favorite since the days of Washington.

" Grand Army af tbe Eepaklic.

Promiueut before tlie country, from its faithfulallegiance to Congress in the struggle now progress- - j

ing, this great organization proudly standi. It is j

comijcd exclusively of men who have served in the j

Union Army, and numbers nearly one million mem- - j

bers. All honor to this patriot band, whose effurts j

in the great rebellion for the perpetuation of our in- -stitutious, tbe exaltation of the national character, i

and our lasting glory and fame as a people, will everbe gratefully remembered by honest American hearts ,

now that the Mruggles in the field are over, handed j

together f-- r protection and advancement, they stand ;

forth in their strength, champions for the supremacy '

of the Government, and determined to sutain thebiws.

Hark Twain.It is tier illy known that the celebrated humor-Priva- te

Miles O'Reilly, waa tierted by a large

majority to a lucrative political office in the State ofNew Y'ork, owing bis popularity to the witty pro-

ductions of his pen. Our California humorist, MarkTwain, seems likely to follow in his footsteps, havingbeen spoken of in connection with the position ofGovernment Agent for investigating the mining af-

fairs of this coast, rice J. Ross Browne, who aspiresto the dignity of a Ministership to China. Markstill in the Eastern States, generally at Washingtoncontinues to write for the Alto, with considerablesuccess.

Loss sf the American Theatre.This celebrated place of amusement, renowned by

the performances of some of the brightest stars In thetheatrical constellation, and the scene cf many his-

trionic triumphs the oldest a3 well as tlie largesttheatre in San Francisco was totally destroyed byfire on the 15th of February. Of late years, princi-pally on account of its location, the American hasnot been frequently used for public exhibitions, nev-ertheless the ls is a severe one, and will be keenlyfelt. The opinion prevails that the fire was tlie workof incendiaries.

The Yesemlte Lvnd Grant BillHas passed both the Assembly and Senate of thisState, over the Governor's veto. It recommendsthat a large tract of land in the great valley be pre-sented to two pioneers, whose efforts and services en-title them to such emolument. The bill now goesbefore the Congress of the United States, to whichbody the recommendation for the grant is made, butit is considered doubtful whether the action of ourLegislature will be sustained.

HatklDgtoa!. EIrth-Da- y.

Tlie anniversary of the birth-da- y of our great andjustly beloved patriot was allowed to pass withoutany marked demonstrations a military parade con-

stituting the only effort to commemorate the day.The troops located in this city made a fine display,and were reviewed by Governor Haight and Staff.In the evening a large concourse of mechanics formeda process-j- n in honor of the passage of the eight-ho- ur

law by onr Legislature, which was a highly credit-able affair.

Death sf Bear Admiral Bell.The Grtat Republic arrived on the ICth ult , and

brought the painful news of the death of Rear Ad-

miral Bell, who was drowned on the 11th of January,while attempting to cross the bar at Osaka, Japan.His eminent and prolonged services to his country,the endearing qualities and exalted character forwhich he was distinguished, the sad circumstances ofhis death, far from relatives and friends and thegenial surroundings cf home, invest the calamitywith peculiar sadness, eliciting the deepest sympathyfrom the public at large.

Prrssnal.Mr. lbtrnum W. Field, whose acquaintances are

legion, and whose name at least is familiar to a num-ber of your readers, arrived by the Great Republic,from Japan, looking remarkably well, and appar-ently in excellent spirits. Mr. Field's many friendswill be pleased to learn that he will probably remainin San Francisco for some time.

Gen. McCook left New York for Sun Francisco onthe steamer of February 20th, and may be expectedhere curly in March. Yours, &c, Pkucax.

A Few Llaea ft-.t- Mr. Slick.Mister Editor : It is sumtime since I took up miGelott" to rite you a letter, but I feel konstrained

now; having a thot, and with the poet I bleive " Hastthou a thot upon thy brain, catch it whilst thou canst."I hev been lookin on tu the struggle wich hez been goinon here between yu and yure party and the ministry,until I kant look on euy longer, so I am bound tu hermi say.

It seems to me ez tho things wut goin from bad tuwus, and wus tu wusser. I bed hoped that theslight on pleasantness, wich commenced when LordNettleship arrived, wood subside when be left on hiamission tu set " Soapy Sam" strate on " igh Church"matters, but it seems his sting was left behind. Whatwith Victory's Bishop and Uukle Sums fitin ship,things hez got mixed. :

From mi stand point the fite on the part uv the min-

isters seems tu be pretty muchly carried or by thatInkubus what runs the Intery Department, while onthe other side there seems tu be a pcrmiskuous sprink-li- n

of Unkle Sams boys, and now and then a boldBritin. ' Bi the way wot that Britiu rote about thevotin kinder riled old Inkubus, and wen he bed hissay I thot I should a died a lafin tu see the Britinpitch and snort. I kinder thot ez the fite wasn't hia'n,particularly, and his house was kinder brittle, he bedbetter not go tu pitchin at ana.1

A grate deal hez bin sed abeout the Filadelfi letter,and, after read in it, 1 cum tu tbe same conclusion ezmi friend the poet, that, " there is no error so crook-

ed, but it hath in it some lines of truth." I don'tthink it was a cute tiling tu rite sich a letter; but, ez .

it was writtin, let's revoo it, makin side notes ez wego along.

The riter in the letter sod our Suverin a uz a can-

nibal. This . nz not the correct thing. Note. LudNettleship sed in Ait letter tliat he should hev ta showour Suverin up " ez a defaltlr " ef he didn't payhis little bill for fixius he never had. Tu mi thinkin,Nettleship is ahead as a blagard..

Tbe riter sez that our Suverin was the furst revo-lushun- ist

in the Kingdom. Sum people differ in opin-

ion ez tu wot a revolushunist is. I hev an opinion,but, unlike the bold Britiu, I don't feel called upontu express it. Nufced.

The riter sez that sum thot the Constitushunwouldn't hev beeu trubbied ef it hadn't hev bin furthe rebellion. This court is uv that opinion. How-suuiev- er,

all the crownud beds played thar little game,but I hev n't heard uv anyone makin four times bi it.

The letter sez that our Suverin is afraid that hiseople will turn abeout and upset him and his o.

Not ef I know them, they aint upsetists,and they'll stand most enything in a Coustitushunalway.

Hie riter sez thet Mr. Wily's suekees-so- r is Mistertie Yareeny, a French adventurer, and a waif fromCaliforny. He hez got dredfully mixed up. TheFrench waifest from Californy was Mister CharlesCrowsneer witheout a de "-ur- prefix. I du takeexecpshuns tu this portion uv the letter ; it made midemocratic blood bile tu heer an American makeslurrin remarks abeout wot a man tcuz ; I take menas they it. Duz it make eny difference ef Andy John-son hez served corktails at tu bits a glass, neow thathe's Chief Magistrate uv the " land uv the free andhum uv tlie brave ? " Not a difference, in mi opin-

ion, unless he puts on airs and looks deownards onhis old customers. Note. A misshun tu China (tuget notes uv travel fur th Gazette) will amply

me fur settin this matter stratc.The Ministers don't like the Filadelfi letter, and

wouldn't hev published sich a scandal us thing. Well,perhaps they wood n't ? They admit thet sum peoplehere hev the loosest idces as tu the rite uv free speech,and a free press ; and I agree with them eggzactly,after readin the last Gazelle, where it calls a man a

purformer uv low tricks " and " vulgar pleasan-tries," aud winds up by call in him by the eudearinnames uv chcai, swindler, and liar. This is ratherloosely. When a Britiu sex " Long live the King,"he is stiled a hqiocrit. Nice nnme thet fur a man uvfamily. Ef enyone wants tu suit these Ministers, andperhaps get an orfice, he must put on airs; walk witha cain ; take snuff ; get up a coolness with his oldfriends ; cotton tu somebody in authority ; make apractis uv cussin yure paper ; board with Sir Henry,or sum other hi orfisbul ; draw sum body into mal-i- i

an expression hostil tu the powers thet bee, and carryit tu old Inkubus ; or better, get sum innocent friendtu rite his opinion intu a private letter and then showit, in fact, du eny and all mean things thet willmake iiiui blush when he luks into his lookin-glas- s.

The fact is, matters and things abeout the Guvern- -ment is gettin so mean that I will give mi opinion astu heow tu set them strate.

In mi readin I hev seen sumthin like this :u A Liiixdom is a ant of Cmilics ; aoU a family a aaiall king

timu ;And I lie gnvrrument of whole or rl diflVrt-t- h in nothing but

eitent,Tliis is pretty much mi idee, and after musin oa it aUttle, I pictured in mi mind's i this Kingdom ez afamily our Suverin the father, and the Ministry themother. (Forgive me, mothers, fur this simerlee.)Tlie mother is god din abeout town lietenin to scandalajrenMt the father's only kindly, liberal uncle, andgettin up a coldness bi lyin abeout him. When fathercuius hum uv a night, tired, the vixen pours intu hisear all the scandal she lies heard, and pisins his mindftwenit his only friend, and he, good easy ou1, le-- j

L'eves thenC rather thai hev a seen." The shrew takes

care thet no honest, plane-spok- en person gets tu the

paternal ear, lest they should tell uv the disgraceful

flirtation (a mild way tu put it) carried on with Mr.

Bull and Mr. Crappo. The mother goes on wasting

the substance uv the family with her favorites, behai

vinin an unseemly way with rum sellers and offia

holders, until all good children are skandalized at herconduct, and some are bold enuf tu denounce her,and advise the father tu tare up the konstitushun

(kon tract I meen.) that bound her tu him; and call

his children abeout him and enter intu a na contract

with a decent woman. Then the children will hearno gossip or skandal. and prevent hart Irarnins and

bickerins with furrin relashuns, treatin all with re-

spect and equality ; thusly will the father bee re-

spected none will dare treat him ex Lud Nettleship

and the Filadelfi man did. 'The family funds will behusbanded, and when disbursements are necessary,they will be made for no other purpose or feelin thanthet the greatest good should be dun to the greatestnumber. So mote it be, - Sam Slick.

p. S. I heard from Washington lastly abeout ourtreaty. I tell yu' our Y'ankee friends are cute; aftertoolin Mister Harris along, and usin up all his munny,with the hopes thet Andy and the Senit wood givehim a treaty, up jumps sura smart feller in theHouse of Reps and heds off the hole matter by a littlerezolushun, wich disgusted Mister Harris and Gen-

eral Mak Kuk. I hearn that Mak Kuk is cumin backwith a flee intu lus ear. That Rep., when he gets ourlecshun noos aud the way old Inkubus treated ourfitin Bhip, he'll her plenty ut material tu back bislittle rezolushun up with. -

Quick Timc Letters are now frequently receivedin San Francisco fourteen days from New Y'ork, bythe overland railroad and stage route.

4By July the

time will be reduced to about twelve days. Goods or-

dered, from New York by the Idaho, which left hereDecember 10th, were landed here on the 20th ofMarch just one hundred days.

Consulate of the United States of America,Lahais, Hawaiian Itlands, March 20, 1S68.

Proposals lor Exchange.Pay hie la Gal.

FOR THE EXCHANGE OPPROPOSAL for the quartet ending March Slat,(parable in GoMX will te reoeived at this until January1, '. UAS PERKINS.

C13 2t C. & Consul,

L Lm TORBERT, akLumber Dealer.

Office North west corner of Qaeen and Fart Etreets, Honolala.611 It

THOMAS SPEXCER,Ship Chandler, Dealer In General Merchandise, Island

Predate, .r, and ConimlsslsB Merchant. .

.Br raw's Bar. Ilila. S. I..Will keep consutnUy on hand an extensive assortment of every

description of froads required by ship and others.Tlie highest price rivea for Island Prod ace.

JO" Money advanced fur Bills of Exchange at reasonable rates.- SIT ly -

' iOTICE. .

71R. C. II. ROSE WILL ATTEM) TO MYX'M. BL'SINASS during say absence from the Island.

K. P. ADAMS.Honolulu, March 17, 1668 617 1m

7--7TO LET, '

THE PREMISES RECENTLY OC- -inied by Alex. Campbell. Esq.. near the residence of

llou. J. li, opposite the Palace Urooudt oa King street. Ap-p- ly

at the Saddlery Store ot Mr. J. P. 11 tUHfcS. 617 8t



"" ' "'. "

617 3t '. Address If." Advertiser Office.



CAPITAL 2.000.000Accumulated and Invested Ekid, 2,510,139riviIK ITXIJ ERSICXED HAVE BEEN AP--

POINTED A UK NTS lor tbe Sandwich lslaids,and areauthorised to Insure against Kire npoa favorable terns.

Risks taken iu any part of I lie Island on Wooden Buildinrs,ami Merchandise stored (herein. Dwelling Houses and Furni-ture, liraber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes wrunder repair. 617 ly Eb. 11 JFFaCHLAEUEK a CO,

'SAN. FRANCISCO ... ; ! . I


B . appoitited stems for the San Francisco Board of I'nder- -aritcra. representingThe California Insurance Company,The Merchants Mutaal Marine Insurance,The Pacific Insnrance Company,The California Lloyds, andThe .Home .Mutual Insurance Company.

B-- lenve to inform M.tsters of Vessel snd tbe public rrorr-all- y

that all losses sustained on VESSELS and CARGOES,insured by either sf tbe above Companies arainat perils af tnaess snd oth. r ris.ks, at or near the Sandwich Islands, will have

to be verified by tliem.617 3ui - HACKFELD ; Co.

, . PER i COMET.-- .


California Bran,Golden Gate Family Floor, qr sacss. "

' Golden' Oate Baker's Extra Flour, br sacks'"'" Asst Flavoring Extracts,

New California Onions, ' '

New California Hams,Kew Pacific Codfish.

, New California Smoked Beef,Boxes Vermicelli,

Boxes Msccaroni,For s;le .iw at

n. E. MclNTTRK if BUON. C Goods delivered to'all ptarta of tbe city free of charge

617 4t :

Spring Styles! Spring-Style- s !

Just.Kt ceivnl per " Comrt,"



Hcady-Iad- c Clothing? !

FURNISHING COODS,Ileitis, Caps, afcc, &c,


At (Zreutlr Reduced Pricea.I1VM.IX & BROS..

611 Merchant street.

Adiiiiiiislrator's SaleOF

In Koua, Island of Hawaii.fY VIRTtE OF AN ORDER OF THEMM Supivroe Court of the Hawaiian Islsndu,

WILL RE SOLD AT PUR I.IC AUCTIONla front of the fosrt Ilonsr, Honolala,

On "Wednesday, the 15th day of April, 1868,At 12 o'clock noon,


IN KONA, ISLAND OF HAWAII,Belonging to the Estate of Preston Cummin?, deceased.

AU that portion of the TWO LANDS OF WAIPrSACLA ANDKILOA, manka of the npn-- r Govrrnn ent Road, consisting ofsoout Three Hundred sn 1 Hfly Acres, beinn a portion of theland described In Koyal Patent No. 867. rrsnied to PrestonCumminirs. This land adj tins the Lsnd of Kealakekua. is wellsuited for praxinc purposes, and tlie lower portion 1 rood po-tato land. The upper pt ni.n is well wooded, the whole form-ing a desirable investment. For further particulars apply to

J. W. A I'STl.V. Administrator6" l Of theEslste of Prrtton Cumminys.

Rare Works on Sugar.TF.RY DlFFiri LTTO PROCl RE. HERE

or elsewhere : ,

1 Copy Wray's Practical Sugar Planter illustrated,1 Copy Porter's Nature and Properties of 8agar Cane,1 Cu-- Kerr's Cultivation of Sugar Cane,Stewart's Sorghum, and its Products, including anew method

of makinr Suiar,Hedges' Sorgho, (tiving the best methods of constructing

Mills and Sorghum Pans.ALSO

Sinclair's Cole of Health and Longevity617 lm For side by U. M. WHITNET.


irv.:-- - TOP Bl'llGY : one 8urM-ri.t- r riitnm.ni.1. ..uvvIII v . t. Ar . n w I v.iitfu.D l..

U To lie seer, at Dt"NCANS, on Kins; street, and for saleky C. U RICHARDS a CO..611 lm Or, WM. DINCAN.

Tlie Staamer

--OL XT JEJ, Leaves on Thursday, March 26th, '

For Koloa aud lVaiiuea UanAnd on Monday, March 20th, ft Windward Pom.

lima Lkl."

. WALKER a Ai is' J617 It A teats.

Tlio Stoaxuor



ifomlay, Ifarcli 3(Hh, I 2fonday, April fviMonday, April , , Cth. j JowJay. Ajn-i- l j-- Jt

Jorrdfiy. April ; l3ih. j Monday . Jay O I

Laying t the Week ctmmeBrlir. !Bay.llt,Monday, May - 18rA, Mnhdtry,' JuneMonday, May - . 25ih. J JowW June ,7'JfoaJcty, June 5 lf. 1 -

AT 4, P. M. PRECISELY, TOCCHWQ ATLAHAINA - i i i ' ; ! : U . J


'.; KAILUA, : .


i AJiD LEAVINGKecdakeJrua. Wednesdtiy, td-o- noon,Kailua, Wednesday evenings.Kawaihae and Mahukona, Thursday afternoon.

Arriving back st Honolulu Satarday ssaraia-- a.

ICT Passengers will be landed at Makot's Landing.

On Thnrsday, June 25th, 1868, "


Koloa and Waliuen, Kauai,At half-pa- st 6 r. a,

Arriving back oa Satordsy, tka r"617 WALKER a ALLia. Ares Is.

Regular IispateH. L,inepoR -



TII1 have Imairdlate Dbpatrfc far tbe asm PartFor Freight or passage, having superior accoavaodalians tor

cabin and steerage passengers, spply ta617 ... C BREWER Agents.

For Bremen or Hamburg.'THE HAWAIIAN CtJPPER, :

y- - wood;.". It JACOBS MASTER,Will he Dispatched for either sf the ahavt Parti,

Imaxdiotely on her return from San Frsndsco,

And Sail on or ; about the 15th of . May.For freight or passage, having superior Cabia srroaiauilk

sions, apply to 1616 am H. HACKrELl Cs.



4' The A 1 Arsi. Cllasxr Sltlai

.;. PERKINS. - MASTER,Will have Quick Dispatch for the above Pert

Having a targs part of tier cargo already engaged. Furfreight or passage apply to C BHEWKR A CO.616 . .u . I l i . Market Wharf.'

,!"' JVcw:''15icc'Ii'llV' ' ":;!Hi" ": lii - . '


at the suadiessc wad of Queen street, below the nae Charca, ftis now reany to ilull and Polish PaJdy. and Grind Cora. IHorse feed of all kinds ground to order. - r - ?

raaar ana fjorn wanted.i ' Apply - : : : i :'. JOHM MITCHKLL.

610 2m AtUwMiU.- -


Vc v --md ITIost Desirable







Heavy Blue Drills and CI uc Cottons.



All Waal. Silk aaal Waal. .


3-- 4, 7 8 and 4-- 1 Wide,

And Yarioaa Qualitiea and Pricea,"

4- -4, 6-- KM and 11-- 4

t. ...

Cottons. Fine &Mediumi .

At Prices to Suit the Times.



lad Warranted Equal ta the Best la this Market.

BOILED. LINSEED OIL,In 6 Galioa Cans, fruca Euglxod,

Pure White Lead and ZincIn 5 fti Cant, from England.


In 6 Gallon Cms, ex STREN.



S CARD MATCHES, to be Sold Cheap.


Shelf Hardware at Low Prices.


Filled at as gooil rates as if purchased per'soaaSy


and atteitdetl to promptly. ' ' ',

616 lm ' --..


t i11



Of WXDSX3DAY. : : : MASCH 25th.. - AT 1 OXtKTC A. M., -



Entire Valuable Household Forcitare--CuMif m "or

Haes Walatf PaHar Set, eoasBlete.

Bliielt WlnA Hair Ctata Son,puss. W llr tint .BlsB W sinot Parlor thnlra.H&tl Wslont tin. Caolr. 4mm cover,blauk W eiuwl Cnw 'an, Cd Taol,

. . WlxMot, ami Ottnmmn.fclrsnn fhin Caf.IM A-- Ck.. Brnaael Carpetta.pte rt',nO I Poi D"" A alter n.nnlit.

aiffiur aa an a. IlkaM so. Adckrra,rn.ta Var, Svl TM, Knrmlnr.Cw Kar4 ami Men. Km SioVonorti,Viae Walont lalraiiua Innine Tabt.C'Hin Wwtm 1 MaeOMi kat fo4 eraVr,T- - Ba. 'X 1"B Carp-tl- u,

,. to. 1 w " Pi"r",

Tln I'MMui tnaua Chaira,

Flae SUL TSalaat CkaaiWr ra rail a re,ftn-f- c Waton rJnloa4. ttafble-to-p Bora.

' WwMtawt OmwKf . Kr earf Aacsr. aMtaiaa) tA art eaasperW.Alva WaHKU. lvuj ant fin Botmi, otaA u4

laoa Jtjrror.

SpleatDo Large Kaa WararaW, very caaif lefr.Ilalwc-an-r Vsrlmnr. C"nne CaMnrt,Hair uraa. Hair am Peata? Pillow,T ito Lin i. Blank. Qam,T.rt ouojpo. Bedstead.toiUie kVo Bedetaa.1 witA Al Pillows od "Msttraaa- -

a vary MMChinas Curtain. IUlilui( Tab,Beaual Deaa, UorWn .i,. I, 9 aililoa of lnwr P Ha ami Oanlm Tmm, and ttm

Caoie Plana us ptCrclry aat Dlalax War,

W4e Granite tHaoer Seta, ,Ik.iw tUMWT "Ww.UohI Ba aatf (1K aara) T rta,

a tarn aaanrtmant af Tmrm, Ooelat, WU OUai ra. fTaWCumn. C"V t rwa, aart th lanwl aaaavtaMoa

4 K,ira raroMara, iMf, --,

ft' I, Urlm nna anI T o'a ruiowa aaa vaps aww.

AT U O'CLOCKOat CaUleria Banta Plaaa, Baaafraaj

a Lao

CurrUi j JJom. Om4 0Uil Uur.

U L CJ I li i n sal i: !

0I FEIDA7, : : : : : 2IABCH 27th,'' At ! iTokicfe. A. At hlnlUMB,'


t tub; dtork s the isdebsicv.i a.

, Good English Floor Oil Cloth,S Isaf. I'M, Post, aa4 13 fast WUU.


' Notice to Whalers.A r.i.ti flnnnlv rx Qlnra r!lfttrlTtr.ff'J x w -- .w -- or

.r-.-r.-u k lfstaB lru:iw I

2) UIO Banata far Capo, esparto by Am Cosset.

Wilt ka B4l a. re-r-y Law Rabeo.raja jon.t TnoL WATKBUOCSC

Sperm and Whale Oilrr tub: cihk. ihrrkl ok c.allox.r Wtil ao al reltscaa tbrm. byU u C L. JUCIUB.DB A CO.

. .Cotton and Hemp Canvai, -

SIMBKRs AT LOWtR RATESALL bare beo tm Ittnt aaarket ia yoara. Ap-

ply early (1B f C. L. KICUAKM A CO. -

LUr-HBER-! LUMBER!Just Received and for Sale,



' Wal' Cedar Shlasle.,Latbt a.d Tickett.

hxkee Planed North-we- st Boards,Sorfaee Planed North-we- st Plank.

- ' liaaUll.MitaMelbr Uoadioa;, A Ac1 Also, Received' per " SyTen,"

.'t t , " . " AM IXTOICK Of'--


Door. Window mid Blind !i

Wi: HAVS OH HAHD "IAO slars Wroacht so4 Cut Xaila. Wbite LeaJ, Zioe Paint.

ie4 LbriorA Oil, ArM TrprrH.r. Csjoi A tfoaaar Varnlab.CaaeA Varauah, a4 a eariety of

Paints in Oil and Water.A KW AXI- -

Select Assortment , of Wall Paper!1 - .

' ALSO ,

Window Glass, Sheet Lead, Paint and Wallisrusues,


13riilioi'4' HnnluTirc.Etuuil JjimJr. Jl1el hinnlfsr rickds,

Jun.. Lttttlr, r are.- LEW ER At DICK BOX.

.14 it . r iet. km aoA Merebant Sta.

just ni:ci:iVKD!BY EXPRESS

Fno.M is' izyr York :Per Comet and Steamer Idaho.

TaJeTiiRi.. iib:r he axd wise."B A Dr. Hbwul,

Sail H.oa o's WarAWhittkrr's rent on le ISracb, plain and

bittwr's tane Baal. plo'O sort g ilt,' AreM Want In L ilm.

treorn Virtun'a Jloavtans of lb Prince Canaan.rrul Arae,a s Trare la bnulJ aaU Ibo Aasaaoa-Ih-s

Coiiln's siiut'rtol Afrie .Ba f buna's Anoni. LaoO.rVtyrrs Him Plyavttl, Pnlplt.Kkkne exnn Knttonky. by Mby.bobio Roan too tHrkkr, ay Kosby,lliatnr, of the Atlonlie TtrTl.k.Mas MthAosh'a Italorbral oeel,0pllaet, MCb4b

siivllaa; awl poper.Tke L'.ttoaa. b, Aaioer.Boos tt.y k ternibrr.Mr. Wyayar.r W.rt.by rUlaaeo Leo,b--ol onri Bar, Utar wit. basse and aoeeJoaea of tbe Bar.A4oatareo of Itonarl lUlta.Chrlovwrary. or Lsoavs on tae Coawo Kiarloaa af CbriotLast Vbniattbr f Krw(, by Xrullope,Bno Inrt't Lsnit .f Tbor.Breath!., of a Art er Life.I CanyWe ImlMxk the Ormt. sola, eoapieta.Ma InWi Cnk B, arr rtiwa,M.ot Brnrnrr'eCoa Bb.MeaaVs altar of lie rpi,TenoTOwt'B ptvaie. complras.LmlWiu' waw. thrro sola, aoasphrte, .Ut.

of MlooM kaealrr.TTW TBOiJny of Ih t.ro-- Pueta.Qirrtmu,, 1,. rrai, hy Ptrr llenoro.Lbaa. a oeel.by 'Miila.rrn. ant hi Mm.bis Uwkin I a Vear. a nuVeeffiirM at ba Beiag.Hrpoei-U- t Di son's Jlea Anmrs.Boe p Bake rnvmry. ami Kw lo keep It.Aannal al rcota Dacoeery, fcsteat iaaac,Jbellol L.aTnenn,Baavs t.Kial nod ruM Wurhip,Crone 4 Uy. nrwe !beooadMkb,TaarrToo Phe.. by Onto,aan.ua of tae bVpal.oc,

bs riar' Uuulr.ao's Jtanaol of EntftUb Lltrralare.

fwbe' faaMMas M- -n U M'idrra Tiasra,The Am Uaehaa.)- .-

4ua's tndrut and Mnlrra Grorre, X role.Hasoeir, p.k.( ri(irvrrr's book, new editioa,Joot'a Pby.icsl t.Mrxrimr,"eot's Botane. a new ana full eilUioo.

tee's Pairy B.k.f1" otaat Tan. 1st and Zl parts.

. i's oilrartorfra freacfe Oraasaar.Carolina ttarra.

ta Araa,,frs Last of tko Baroca.Our0uo,by WaUla,"tb aona.

Jke laenliiaky LryrnJ,. 1 oaax.r elUna Irst Bonk, now edition,"""'. blaaaal. lock, gat,C'Tl, "b. gilt.J Jban s PrtsMrs, 1m, zd and 3d Readers,e hlftr taar.Ibewjanli, Aeset,

,mx" , Toileea of tbe Sea.1X0 1 T1KILTT Of THE LITEST X0VELS--


11. m. wsmmr.

w Layer RaUins,"-A- D BARTER HOtrt. tXv. vuD. .ornate-- . I. HAHIVrTT.sa Orr ami m4 tt.

1 Galw Iwat-jnA- best Tspojce,, I CB lI-a- a fr Ina Tlamr.

Taaakatfa ar avry ana! Bar Caally acakiaaa.al ail tmlk a4 mrm, ts K. W. wL rr aaW byI laa ! BAB.TLCIT.

' IRA RICHARDSON1.Iaprtr aa4 DaUr la BtsSas aa4 Cat!raraa

i araUhlarCarr t'tt mm4 Hrrtknt Slrtttt,


J. FERRT.I)alr la Carral 3IrrtBaaU,

rm CP ROOF STOKE,Corner of Ilufd ami JV'wtitN Strrtts, Honolulu, JL J.

retail EaCaUlfcaatat Saaaaa Strtrt.I Ab U rrmr Slorr. y

JOIIX THUS. U'lTEKIIUlNK,Iprtr:aa4 Dealer la Ceaeral Hrrtkaa!ie

UULLU Av CUHShip Chiadlenaad CaaiBilvJai Mertkant,

Qmttm Strut.ParUraWMtaBtioai paid c tfc arcLaM ao4 Hit af Haaraiiaa

rwlac.fcafara kjr araMalno la

Mcaarm. C. A. WntUaa A Co- - Mrar. C. Bmrr A Co..Mcarra. Caacl A t', . )nm II. Harkfcld A Co..Mcaara. If. C Watersaa... Mcaara.C. U Rlchanl A Ca.

aia It

lO 1 I;iy.H Irom Itonton !EX- - SYREN.

JJITJt '(). I M4CKEUEUUalfbbM. Mraa Tork. .

Quarter UXa. MtM Prk.B1T bU. DrWU AtT-- l anau.

English Dairy Cheese, small very good,

0f Cor Starch.rmum A MmtUT Taaat tVwilrr.

rmbt'i Kal Cbocnlalr,M.V arra)' 07brra 0,

UcMorra's CHtrn 1 tb.SacMarray'a K.rfr S !.dleJWarraj'a Lutaur 1 lb,

f a TaMa Salt witaJ aoara.frmh Table Adc 3i lb asa.frrah BaJawMa 3 H liM.Imt Balaaa 1 lla.Lswia tiharfelnaw 1 VJV Jr.Lrwla Ohrrtia 'Aalf f.ia jar.

faraaJab (Ail. SATIDGK.

X. B. Car, Sackrrel aad Prk at Retail.

A small quantity of Bran,A sranll qaaatity of Ilambotdt lottoa.

for 'aaW by 'l SAM. ATttOC

AdiiiinUtrator'xi IVotice.thk matter"op tiis: eotate ofIv ku Royal llitfbtMM 'ktoria K. Kaabanwaa. dWar4.

or m ambf una by ti-t- ao4s.roal. sor aMuau.froor of UM aAoea a iai estAl. lo all bersooa otr In piosotea. of any of i!o ml propa-- tr rVr(ii ( to auki eota. bykraoe or oibJialan- aat looVMoA trrrt, or asajr brmftrr

mai InoWotMt lo stM hum fee ro or sabre toil awrtaMa.Ihot oil ao,aeota aan bo aoto to ibo wmlrnti 0-- 4. o bo toaory aorborSK:t a4 oasoo-er- t M srcvieo ao4 niWt I besaa aoil rmip) therefor. A II mrm b.r44ro ioaoymorr so tri mi apoo. or to any m la artrro Uh.ee' es--nth, aa, kmh or auiifM ml ol nuw, or --it part orporeel tbrreof. JJH. O. tMlM.

boo AdmlnMrolor sf Estate ef T. K. Kaajboaaaoax.noaobahs. Marrb la. .1. boi

rio.i:i:u oii.iaus mm;.tub: priiLH? are nr.REBr

ootisW Ibu a ui; OP I bl olllaw MaMulxl. to ran 00 the Vallry Kua4, an4asi In Use Beach at Wkikl. la tbe arasoo.

Stand Corner of Fort and King Streets.Leaeea "4a4 U Tailry at 7 A. SI.Lraers at 1 JO A. 31. .Lraees Mo4 tar V.IVy at B A. M.Lraera Braise f. Panaboo. at S.3 A. U.Lraees tam! A Vallry at It A. U.Leaeva Brklce al A. M.Lraees Msnd (r Vallry at 1 P. M.Lrarea Rrhlireat 1 20 P. M. 'Lemeea ftui pr Pnaobou at 2 30 P. M.

. Leaaea HrkJaw as Vallry t 3 a0 P. 1. JLrarea IHtvd kr Vallry at b P. M.Leaves Bridge at S.W P. M.

Ticket, for Traalrat Pawarer. 25 eeat. each, ar,.,-- - Elht Ticket for $1. . 3n .- j. ....'-- - - - .:....

XT Rfalar poao-rifrr- s will be Ukea at rwiared ralre 00 appltralioalo CP. WABl),

614 In Proprietor.


p s n LATE AIIHIVALS.'PER STEAMKIt IDAHO.t'HL'AL St'I'PLV OF FLUL'R. isj bf.OCR ojaarter tacka.

. L !AI.o. rer.D. C. .Murray,Califoeaia Uase. aod a Ufp aasrxrtment or

Paints ao.1 Paint Oil.Manila Crilire asnrtnl

.- - : tii--s froea 1 to 41 Inehea.

Per Hark Wilbeln.Hebbard's Patent Z.ne Paint.

, Best BoUrd Knglisb Paint Oil,Paint ltna.br.

IS 2i ' Ubltewaah Itrasbrs. Ae Ac


riROM Ml. I T M). 8. JC'ST ARRIVED j

Al ' prr sbip A I at A..1, at grcauy reuaora pnots. j61i Im UULLLs A CO.



ATaV by lol im B.LLkd A CO.


V J r citrd per IUAIIV. Pur sale bybLLM A CO

EXPECTED PEU C03IET.t'Al.lt tTTTxiA HRKAIX CaartCtflKHOP P1I.4 Prad t luWtin. U assorted Crackcis,

BilofwbniWiUbvauidatloa priors byBIB - BtiLLES A CO'J.ITK.T Bl'MIIED. AM PLA IX BtsnED

a ni'ks, aaauricu sses. vm "j1 LMiLLES CO.

Wc(pLaUa Hams, Fresh and New.A KRIVKIl Till lr. IMRECT FROM

1W per m. tr. frouu. - ai oyLLCS A CO.si I ho



Hi u tUiLLKA A CO.

Sauce Pan.ARTEIT7zE, FR ?l LE II rCltKH . aoLLba a co.

iioldcn Cate Mill Flour !

Bakers' Extra, Extra Family and Superfine,la Uaarirr Sacks.

ARE IV RECEIPT OF THE ABOVEWE fmr. by eerry Packet, direct Irons tbeU.lta. and warranted of lb best anility. P- - ,


and f sal si tb

HONOLULU IE0N WORKS,TTirr tat-- ' Mitla. Co.4--t.Ml Bteas Kngioea Eight lo twenty borse poorr. .

Pi, CebtrirnKsl v" fleers. aade at the Work.Two Pair Wrstoo's aake.Pour ftram Boilers Hue and Moltitabolar, new and sec-

ond band.EaM.1 Cast Iron Kettles, from IS lo 30 galls.

Alna.(tatv and at a II rgala.)One Pair Centrifugal ogar iHieers, boilt st Miner's Foon- -

nry. Pan PrrrW!n. fOne BatViek Cart, a. .mm Pmy.

Span of Horse for Sale.WELL IIROKEX IV TO HAR- -

A 0rt rate r-V-N-

rA gt'tlr. stronr and sound.

fWvutfilwlta KM e:RSON.


1 llombarg and .Pranriom, H. CKf LD 4. co.Feb. 21. Ian. tlJ-lai-)

l'uuloti. Saltn a m. a a IV UCAXTITIES TO SCIT.

Cottage Piano for Sale,. XEVPIANO. IMPORTED

en be rehard ebmp. oaR--

ea! l- -l norsBiASi- -.




JOXCS SALT WATER SOAI,Bosaa Cbcaaleal Otira Soap,

KB Na. 1 Mackarrl.Cara mil Uuxi, In Tins,

Qaartar .bis. Tmmttf Clrar fork,liatf bb. faaany Char Pork.

Kf Kaalrra Dried Applrs.lit bbla. Kaatara brie ApptcA.

CaaraBaf,Caaa Tiawla Krlcbap. Caara tammtt fmrorj,

Gaaca Uiagt, Caara Clorrs,Caaca repper tSaooe Plata,

Caara aaoaa Mrat,Casta Bl'k Pepper,

vaara am a iwacEinr, ur( Sisa,Cawa Mason's Blacklor, small aise,

Casia (.uahaoca, t lb. Una,Cases Quahaaft. 1 lb. tins.


The Pamily Grocery and Feed Store.By I. BARTLETT.

STIL.L LATER.Arrived this Day,


1 ASES BEST ISXUL.ISII PIC FRUITS.Caara best Enctlsh Pkktrs,

fcarlM Cbrcar.

Westphalia Sausage, in Tins.Caara Sartllnra, half aa4 qnartrr boa.

Case best Preach CbocuUts.

Lajer Baistna, la hi. and qr. boira.

. PUR HALEAt the Family Grocery and Feed Store,

ei la By I. BART LETT.

One Dollar and a Quarter !


012 lat- - On lbs Esplanade.





IIFb Y 3T O O T S !"


MOSKRlC DEMMS, DlfFrreat Braaas,Aejsrtcaa Ticks,

Stark MIBa Brawa Drill,- Stark BtUU A Brown Cottons,

' Stark Mill B Brova Cottoo, '

Beat Pin Paaily Bi o. Cottons.

, Ossrk Browa Cottons,Wblta Sheeting aaaartcd qaalilfca, .. .', .j !j

Blue Drillings.

Case Cottoo Flannels,

Ilcaey Barlapa,. i Wbit Cotton Thread,

Blue Cottuo Thread5 Paints;'

Caaca Spirit Turpentine, ',

Case Benalne. .

Case beat Fornitnra Varnish,- Case best Damar Varnish.

WIisilcmcnN Stores.Prima Pork,

Assorted Meats,OU Snooks, .

Cask beat New Bedford Bread,

Hemp SaO Pack,Boat Board.

Ilnrcl ivsirc.Keg Nails,

Shovels,II and led Axe

CSroccrics,Case W. K. Lewi Lobster,

Baosaa'C MeaU,

Roaet BeeC.- .

BeW Sonp,

Assorte--I Meals,

Saloon,Urecn Peas,

- Oreeo Corn,Case Plasenlo,

CaatsCaatlA,Case Ckivea,

Case Cr. Tartar.McMarray Oysters,

King ford's Cora Starch.Preston A Uctnlll Teast Powder,

Bdrncu's Extracts,Table SmU.

Powdered and Granulated So gars,SUPERIOR ARTICLE,

14 tb boa Suit Water Soap,

Chemical OUre Loan.Barrel Prime Pork,

Bote Codfish.

Wooden Wsirc, A:c.Barrel Bunrs,

Case Blacking.

Chopping Tray,Ban Brosaea.

Wood Wash Board.Zinc Wash Boards,

Nests Market Baskets,

Covered Oak baskets.Rolling Pma.

W rapping Paper, 11x15,

121, 11x19, lbxSO, llxtt.Keata af fhipplnf Traek.

Jala Tome,Flax Twine,'

Cottoo Twine,

Curt Clocks.

Card Matches.


Agricultural Implements.Iaiprovrd Culllrators with abeel.

Cases Oa Bows. II In. and S in.

Ho Handles,Planters' Hoes 0, 1. 2.

Fairbanks' Platform Scales, Assorted Sizes.

Cases Charcoal Irons.Flax Packing.

Cases Tellow Metal, Kegt Coop. Nails,

Anchor 60 tb. to 1,000 ftn. Chain Cable.

475 Taai SteaBiooAt foal, Casks CaatberlAad Coal.ilJ In

---.. THE PAOiriC

Commercial Advertiser.


'A ISobuc Mabqceiax Mother The atory of the

wiiureof Mr. WhjUon, first officer of the whaleshipCon fttss, aome three or four year ago at Hivaoa..til .nn.t. .1 V. ..... ..1.r. r.1 kluM-tMl- ,.

'it. i itAl7.V4aa JLajUKBU Aa AA'A VIU- - f a0 aavaTr uv t a. iviia i

'Lincoln aunt ont five hundred dollar, to t expended

The sidout's

in reworus lj tbone wbo aareU 3ir. n uaioo sine, in conii-ratiin- . tbe liupeacliuieut roulutiou. prcvi-iDcitle- ot

ia tho reacue, irhich we havo bnt rectntljr iislr r. jiorte.1 ...Ueral, ot,jrbt to be maJe public. There was ajoaiig Marqucsan Chief, who haJ been by a mil when the proposition to iinpoacb was belbrfPeruvian cruiser AnJ sent to the Chiachaa as a labor-- the lloaao.

Ilia wile had a littlo child born Boon after the n Mnmlay the debate was Bjrain taken up andi the resclntion p;isel by a vote 126 to 47.

Abduction of the Chcf ; And when Mr. halon was Steven t.f lVnnylvunia then moved the tV.low-aeiie- d,

bound hand and foot, ready fur the oven which j lug Tvaoliition.s :

waa being heated to cook him, she. moved with pity j h'esolvfd. That a committee of two be appointedfor the fate of the poor sailor, took her darling and ! tobe annnd,at ffji'nntne of the House f all r-- t tlieonly child and placed it in his lap. According to the ynu.n Slate, to imj.each Andrew Johnson. Fresi- -

Miirqucsan usage, thia protects the criminal or per-- ! dent nf the I'nited States, of hiali crimes anl niis-so- n

dem.-ano- r in office, and acquaint the Senate thatunder arrest, so long as it is continued. Thethe llnnsf will in due pn-e- nt particularh.gher the rank of the mother, the more sacred tlie j articlt of impeachment nffaint Mm and make

protection. When tbe Hawaiian muwlonaries arrived, pOGj the same, and that the committee demandthey ursed the mother to conLnue to protect Mr.Whalon this way until they could negotiate a ran-

som with the Chief who held him. Had it not beenfor this brave and noble woman, he would have been

'murdered and cooked by the savage natives beforeany relief arrived. Rev. A. Kaukau, one of the mis-



who saved Mr. Whalou's life, is row livingon Kauai, and is anxious that some testimonial besent to this Chiefess, whose conduct has never beenrewarded, while others who were less worthy, havereceived valuable presents. He has contributed some j

presents out of his small annual salary, to be forward-ed by the " Morning Star," aud if any persons wLshto add to them, we will see that they are forwarded.Any articles of clothing, blankets, knives, axes, orsuch like are prixed by the Marquesans, and the in-

fluence of such a reward for this noble act would befelt throughout that group.

Tub D'wtrict Magistrate of Waimea, Hawaii. G. K.Lindsay, Esq.. who for many years has filled that of-

fice, has eut iu his resignation. We hear also thatlVputy Sheriff Conway has sent in his resignation toSheriff Coney, at Jlilo. GuztUe.

It Li reported that the causs of at least one of theseresignations has been a lack of efficiency or

seconding tbe Government efforts to suppressillicit distillatiou and rum Belling among the nativeson Hawaii. Government has everywhere, in theouter districts, found that some of its officers areeither the promoters of these evils, or fail to use theiriufluence in ckecking them. Rum and awa drinking,particularly on Hawaii, is spreading disease, deathand damnation among the native population, and unless there Is some check, the next census will show a

greater decrease in their number than 9,000 iu sixyears. 11 only upngui and nrm juugea ana ponceand other officers are employed, the evil might soonbe checked there, and m uch of the misery, sicknessAud suffering that ia so common in the remote dis-tricts, checkul. and the general health of the unlivesimproveL Otherwise, the next census will show the !

Jiative population to bo lett than fifty thutuumd. j


Japamxe Bibd. The bark Comet brought from i

San Francisoo a lot of Japanese pheasants, consistingof four cocks and three Lens, a preseut from Mr.Van Heed, the Hawaiian Consul at Kanagawl, who '

forwarded them to San Francisco by the' steamerGreat Republic. Our Consul certainly deserves j

praise for his untiring efforts to cause an interchange '

of the products and birds of the two oouutries. "e i

is anxious to receive Hawaiian seeds and plants, es

pecially specimens of our sugar cane. If any onewill put up a box of choice caxie plants, well-roote- d,

we will see that they are forwarded by the Stonewall,which sails for Japan on Tuesday. Any other plants :


or seeds left to be forwarded will also be sent. We i

may add here that the pheasants received last fallfrom the same gentleman, are doing well, and prom- - j

lse to thrive and breed here.

A Sma.hi Up. The horses of the omnibus, whilestanding in front of the Revere House on Wednesday,became frightened, started off and caught its wheelMr. Dimond's wagon, which hod a horse attached andwaa standing in front of their store. This mixing upof the two vehicles and their horses only added to thefright, and away went the three horses, the omnibusand the wagon pell mell down Fort street, till one of thebones fell and stopped all further progress, the onlydamage received by the omnibus was a broken pole.but the little four wheeled apparatus was left in thecondition that printers, for want of any more appropriate word, term pi.

Sama.no Seeds. The winter crop of seeds of thisfine shade tree is now ripening, and we can supplyall who may desire any of them. A friend has alsoleft with us for distributi on a few seeds of tfie California Pine, Australian Acacia, Japanese Tea seeds,.and laiuelia Jaiionica seeds. Any of which will befurnished gratuitously or sent, on application, to anypart of the group free of charge.

a"2r A whale was captured in San Francisco harbor on the 28th of February, by a boat's crew from

the At S. Perkint. After being killed it was towedto the vicinity of the Potrero, and exhibited to crowds,after which it was 'utken alongside the whaler, cut iuand made about twenty-fiv- e barrels of oil. It was ofthe FMcies known as the Laufornia greys, and hadbeen seen iu the harbor for about A week before itwas captured.


The Omul airived at midnight on Tuesday night,haviutf had a fine passage of II days. She bringsthe Eastern mail ot February 1st, and telegraphicdates to March 5th.

The principal news of interest relates to the im-

peachment of President Johnson, which had keendecided on.

lrrtjrnia of Impeachment.Washington. Feb. 21. The specials are mostly

made up of various rumors which prevail in thecitv. many of them absurd.

The situation this morning appears to be withoutchange. Storie have been circulating, thut thePresident intended to arrest Grant and Stanton,but they are all false. Stanton still remains in tbe

Oilier--. The question iu regard to the positionof General Emery, commanding the district, isfully settled, he called tin General Grunt alterleaving the President. He says he will not obeyany order that don't purMrt to come through theheadquarter of the army, but will first send toheadquarter to ascertain whether the order reatlycame throub Grant, office.

Every precauiiou has been taken to preventforce Leing used to eject Stanton. Grant's bodyguard, composed of veterans, is placed ou duty asguard.

It is not known how Johnson talks with his ownadvisers. His friends wm despondent and sur-prised at the united aetion Congress. Manypoliticians are here, giving the President the. worstpossible advice. Mary laud politicians, especially,strive to make trouble.

It is iifisitivelv known that tbe army is thor--cuizbTv with ('runt, in support of Congress. V es--terday Grant cnused to be transmitted to all head- - j

quarters a copy 01 tue oruer containing uie lawdirecting that all orders to the army must passthrough his headquarters, and making it a highmisdemeanor to obey any other.

In Sundav afternoon the President sent for Col.Wallace, who commands the post ot Washington,and went over the whole ground of authority withhim, but it is understood that Wallace declaredthat he should feel bound to obey the law. and notrecognize anv order except from General Grant.

Attorney General Stanberv, Jerry Black, andCharles O'Connor will defend tbe President beforethe Senate.

Boih the Chicago Hejiublican and Tribune favorimmediate impeachment.

The New York Trihnne declares that hesitationto do so now would be criminal.

Tbe sentiment of the Republican party, so faras ascertained, seems to be unauimous in that di-

rection. The jM.pular members of Congress de-

clare their conviction that the President can beimK'tiched, tried, convicted and removed withinthe next one hundred days. They say that Re-

publicans cannot now avoid the issue which tbe '

President has forced npon them. Having taken j

tbe first step, tbey must .prosecute the w ork toconclusion.

j I'rf friend. ar diswitbfio.l with thenclioii of Gfiicral Tboinas for not inrlanllv as.uru- -








i:iT tbe datii of the office. When he first preseut-th- e

order directing him to aiuiue the pUoe ofStanton, the latter said he wauted time to pack uphis papers, and untjiu-slio- n iMy intended to peace-ably ref !pn the office, but Thorn a said he wouldgive t.ini till the next duj to vacate, aud in themeantime Stau.cn eonuUed with hi friends, and

I drterruimsl not to jk-l- the offl-v- .

Th,i..i.i..nin,.:H.rh!.u ;t;t.i;.j - A a v 4 i a. iiumw iiivii ivc-- t t us-ii- i a

that he iHletiilod to isi either soldiers or marinesto enable Liui to obtain pc.-t-ssi,-i. of the-W- ar OOice.

Uoth the li and Suutun retiredpac-he- ( from all parts of the country- - unking tiiCUlto htaiid firm.

Wasuim.ton. Feb. 2J. The House had under


I prntion of.lho rharfis ar:tint t'u IVfsiilcnt l

j that the Senate take order for tbe appearance ofsaid Andrew Johnson to answer said impeachment.

IJlesoli-td- , That a committee of seven le appointed

j to prepare and report articles of impeachmentacuinsl Andrew Jolinpon. 1 "resident of tbe LnitedStates, with power to send for persons aud papers.and to record and take testimony under oath.

The President sent to the Senate, yeste:rday, alenjt'hy meape. giving hn reasons for the re- -moral nf Stanton, which was read and orderedprinted.

Feb. 25. The President is despondent to-nig-ht

and irritated, because Stanbery made no applica-tion for a writ of quo irarrunlo. He says his posi-tive orders were disobeyed.

General Emory to-da- y refused to detail a guardfor tbe funeral of Major Keller, saying that all thetroops must be kept together in anticipation ofpossible trouble.

Washington'. Feb. 25. At 12 o'clock the Clerkof the House appeared before tbe Senate and readthe resolution of impeachment passed yesterday.It was received in silence. No action taken.

After some other business, and while Mr. Dnviswas speaking, at a quarter-pr.s- t one. Representa-tives Stevens and Pinghain appeared ut the door.A number of members of the House accompaniedthem to witness th proceedings, Tbe doorkeeperannounced a committee from the House, who wererecognized by the presiding officer.

Mr. Stevens then sttid, In oledience to the or-der of the House we appear before you. and in thoname of the House of Representatives, aud of allthe people of the United States, we do impeachAndrew Jonnson, President of the I'nited States,of hirh crimes and misdemeanors in office, and wefurther inform the Senate that the House of Rep-resentatives- will in due time exhibit articlesagainst him. and make good the same, and in theirname we demand that the Senate take order for theappearance of Andrew Johnson to answer said

Washington. Feb. 25. The excitement over theimpeachment has sensibly diminished. Businessat tho War Department is being attended to asusual.

General Thomas has made no further demandfor the records of the War Department. He merelycalled at the office ami Adju taut-General'-s, and alterreceiving the private mails, went home. Greatinterest is manifested concerning tbe result ofThomas' examination before Pie Supreme Court ofthe District

Cruc too, Feb. 25. An immense meeting is beingheld to-nig- to sustain the actiou of Congress inimpeaching the President. " '

AiciT, Maine. Feb. 25. The llotise'of Repre-- iSeniafives passed resolution sustaininz Cowrress inimpeaching the President by a partv vote.

Feb. 28. The World's special savs that vester- -day noon a double guard was placed at tho en-

trances of the War Department, and two commis-- tsioned officers stationed inside the building, hastnight a double line of troops surrounded the de--:partment.

Articles of Impeachment.Washington. Pvb. 2a. The Senate proceeded to

the consideration of its action in relation to impeach-ment. A motion was made to postpone actionuntil all the States are represented, which was lost.The Senate then considered the rules, section bysection, adopted several, and adjourned, pendingdiscussion of the remainder.

In the House, after some preliminary business,Mr. Boutwell, Chairman of the Select Committee onImpeachment, presented articles ot impeachmentagainst tbe President. TJiey consisted of ten arti-cles;; they all commence with the set formalphraseology. The first article lecites the .formersuspension of Stanton. Aug. 12tb, and tbe refusal ofthe Senate to concur in it ; then charges him (thePresident) with high crimes and misdemeanors iuissuing the order for the removal of, Stauton, Feb.2 1st, the Senate being in session. '

Art second recites that the President appointedLorenzo Thomas to be Secretary of War. f interim,without tbe authority of law, tbe Senate being insession.

Art 3d declares that the President, without the .

authority of law, and while the Senate was in ses--sion. did appoint Lorenzo Thomas to be Secretaryof War, tul intrriia, without iu advice and consent,and in violation of the Constitution, no vacancyhaving happened in said office during the recess ofthe Senate, and no vacancy existing at the time.

Art. 4th That the President, unmindful of thehigh duties ot his office, ami of his oath of office,and in violatiou of the Constitution and laws, didunlawfully conspire with Lorenzo Thomas andother persons unknown to the House of Represen- -tatives, with intent, by intimidation and threats, tohiuder and prevent Edward M. Stanton, the dulyappointed Secretary of War. from holding saidoffice, contrary to and iu violatiou of the Constitu-tion of the United States and the provisions of an .

act to define and punish certain conspiracies, ap--proved July 31st. lbui.

Art. 5ih recites as in the previous article, butcharges the President with conspiracy with Thomasand other persons unknown to the House, bv force,to prevent and hinder the execution of the Tennreof Office Act. and in pursuance of said conspiracyattempted to prevent Stanton, being the Secretaryof War, duly appointed aud comniissioned underthe laws, from holding said office.

Art. i"ih That he unlawfully conspired with Lo-renzo Thomas by force to seize the property of theUnited States in the War Department, in violationof both acts above quoted.

Art. 7th is precisely the same as article 5th exceptit omils the words " and other persons unknown tothe House of Representatives."

ArL fib is precisely like article Cth. except thatit only charges him with violation ot the Tenure ofOffice Act. not also the act to define and punishcertain conspiracies.- Art. 9lh charges that with the intent unlawfullyto coutrol the disbursement of moneys appropriatedfor the military service and for the lHpartment ofWar, he did order Lorenzo Thomas to assume tbeduti'-- s of said office in violatiou of the Constitutionaud laws, no vacancy existing and the Senate beingin session etc..

Art. 10th charges that in disregard of tbe Consti-tution and laws duly enacted, the Piesident. asCommander-in-Chie- f, did bring before himself Gen-eral Emory. Commander of the Department ofWashington, and the military lorces thereof, anddid then and there, as such Commander-in-Chief- ,

declare and instruct said Emory that that part ofthe law of the United States. passed March 2d. lb(!7,entitled an Act making appropriations for the sup-port of the army for the year ending June 30th.18(58. and for other purposes, especially the secondsection thereof which provides, among other things,that all orders and instructions relating to militaryoperations issued by the Presideut or Secretary ofWar, shall lie issued through the General of thearmy, and, in case of his iiiauili'.y. through the nextin rank, was unconstitutional and in contraventionof the commission of said Emory, and therefore notbinding on him as an officer in tbe army of the UnitedStates, which said provision of law had been here--tofore duly and legally promulgated by ageneralorder for the government and direction of tbe armyof the Lnited states, as said Andrew Johnson thenand there well knew, with tbe intent to thereby in-

duce said Emory in his official capaeity as Comman-der of the Department of Washington to violate theprovisions of said act. and to take and receive andact upon and obey such orders as he (Andrew John-son) might make and give, and w hich should not beissued through the General of the army of tbeln iled States, according to the provisions of saidact, whereby said Andrew Johnson. President ofthe United States, did then aud there commit andwas trnilty of a high misdemeanor in office ; andthe House of Representatives, by protest, saving tothemselves the liberty of exhibiting at any timehereafter any further articles or further accusationagainst said Andrew Johnson, President of theI'nited States, and also of replying to bis answerswhich he shall make to the articles herein preferredaiMiust him. and Mferinir proof to tbe same andevery part thereof, and lo all and every other arti-cle of accnsaliun or iuineachment which shall be '

exhibited by them, as the case shall require, do de-- J

mailU lll'll rui'l - ou r v. uiiii.-ji- i iiiojr ub mianswer to the high crimes and misdemeauors in of--jlice hereiu charged against htm. and that puch pro-- Ireedings. examinations, trials, and judgments, may

be thereupon had and given as may be agreeableto law and justice.

About forty members hare catered their namesw ith the Speaker as candidates for the floor on "thediscussion of the impeachment articles. The debatewill accordingly, occupy U'n hours, as each speak-er is limited by rule to fifteen minutes. There willbe a session to night for debate. '

Tbe final vote on tbe impeachment articles isfixed for Monday afternoon at four o'clock.

Butler, iu the llouse. oflered the following addi-tional impeachment article :

i That said Andrew Johnson. President of theUnited States, liiimindful of the high duties of his

j office and the dignities and proprieties thereof, andI ot the harmony and courtesies which ought to existI and be a.aintained between the executive and leg--i

islative branches of the Government, and designingto set aside the rijrhtful authority and powers ofCongress and attempt to bring into disgrace, ridt-- jcu!e, contempt, repiouch, and to impair and destroy the regard and respect of all the goo,d peopleot the United Stales for Congress and the legisla-tive power thereof, etc. ; etc.

The House proceeded to vote oa the articles ofimpeachment. Tbe seventh article was strickenout as being almost identical with the fifth. Theremainder were then adopted, one by one, by A

strict party vote in most cases. The House thenelected managers to conduct the impeachment be--:fore the Senate, as agreed upon in caucus, in themanner id ready telegraphed. Tlie House thenadjourned.

New York, March 3. A ToieV specu l saysThere seems to be a determination anions tlie

in tbe Senate to press tbe trial of thePresident to a very speedy close. This is manifestbv the manner in which tbey curtailed debate ontbe rules to govern the Court, and the precedencewhich they gave to all matters pertaining to theimpeachment in the Senate. An idea of the proba-ble length of the trial has not yet been expressed intbe Senate, except by Mr. Williams, of Oregon, wbosaid in debate to-da- y that it could not be completein two or three days, and would probably take lessthan a week. Several have privately expressed theopinion that it would not take two weeks. Mr.Boutwell says the testimony can all be put in in asingle day.

Washington, March 4. In the Senate tbe Chairsubmitted a communication from Chief JusticeChase relative to the rules adopted by tbe Senate,expressing his dissent from tbe view taken by tbeSenate that the Managers can be received or anyact done accept as a Court of Impeachment, but heis willing, if necessary, to be abide by their decis-ion. It was referred to the Committee of Seven.

In tbe Senate, tbe Chair submitted a communica-tion from Chief Justice Chase, giving his views inregard to the manner in w hich tbe impeachmenttrial should proceed. He said he thought it un-questionable that the Senate should act as a Courtof Impeachment. He thought the Court should beorganized before the House presented articles ofimpeachment, and that the Court, and not the Sen-ate, should fix its own rules to govern the trial, andshould issue its summons and process. He quotesfrom the Fnleralist to show why the Constitutionmade tbe Chief Justice tbe presiding officer of theCourt, and thought that immediately after noticefrom the House that articles would be presented,the Senate should have organized itself into aCourt and taken all necessary steps for proceedingwith the trial. He had been informed that tbeSenate had acted upon other principles. As thiscase might be taken as a precedent, he thought ithis duty to present his own views on the subject.

At five minutes past one o'clock, the managerson the part of the House appeared, followed by tbemembers or tbe House, tbe latter ranging them-selves outside the bar of the Senate, The Speakerof tbe House was invited to a seat beside tbe Pres-ident pro fern, and escorted to his seat by SenatorGrimes. Silence having been restored, tbe Chairmanof Wie Committee, Biugham. said :

Mr. President. The manaeers on the part of tbeHouse f Representatives, by order of the House,are ready at tbe bar of the Senate, to present articles of impeachment for the maintenance of the lro- -

peacbmeiit preferred against Andrew Johnson,President of the United States."

Tbe President pro tetn said : " Tbe Sergeont-a- tArms will make proclamation.'' . 14 -

Sergeaot-atrArm- s "Hear yel hear 'ye! Allpersons are ordered to keep silence on pain of im-prisonment while tbe House of Representatives exhibit to the benaie articles of impeachment againstAndrew Johnson. President of the United States."

Bingham then rose and read the articles of im- -leachment, the managers also, standing, with theexception ol elevens. .. -""At a quarter to two tbe reading of the articles

was concluded. and tbe managers and other members of tbe House retired.

Anthony offered an order that, during the pend-ing trial, no person shall be admitted to, tbe galle-ries accept on tickets-issue- d daily by the SergvABt--

S; these not to exceed, the number .toat canbe accommodated with seats, leavfn the passage entirely free. Tickets shall be issued to all foreignlegations, each Senator to be entitled to four tickets, and each member 01 tbe., House to two ; theChief Justice and each Judge of the SupremeCourt, two. . v. The House proceeded to consider the additionalarticles of impeachment "offered yesterday byJenckes, charging the 1 resident with unlawful in-

tent and design to 'exercise and control the command of the army of the United States withoutbeing bound by the laws establishing rules for itsgovernment and regulations for tbe land and navalforce. -.. "v. ' -

' Lawrence desired to offer a resolution directingthe managers of impeachment to present the firstfour articles ajrreed upon by tbe House, and proceed to of the Senate thereon,-And- ,

if they find it necessary, afterward to present tberemainiiifir articles. .!'!Bingham opposed the resolution, and the Houserefused to receive it. . .

Jenckes' additional article was referred lo tbemanu cement of impeachment. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, andproceeded to the Senate Chamber to present thearticles of impeachment.

Until their return the Chairman of the Commit-tee reported that the House bad presented the arti-cles, and been informed by the presiding officerthat tbe Senate would take actiou tbereou.

Chicago, March 5. Before tbe adjournment yes-

terday the Senate resolved to constitute itself aHigh Court of Impeachment at 1 p. m. to-da- to re-

ceive the managers of impeachment from theHouse.

European.Bkrmn, Feb. 23. Hon. George Bancroft, United

States Minister, has signed a treaty with the NorthGerman Bund, by which the latter agrees to fullyrecognize and accord all the rights of exemptionfrom military duty of native Americans, to Ger-

mans naturalized as American citizens, after fiveyears in the United States. . The treaty was signedon the 21'd. -

London--. Feb. 23. William Fester, member forBradford, has given notice that he will, on the 28th,call the attention of the House of Commons to tbestate of the naturalization law and the right of sellexpatriation.

The Lulejjendcnt Bthje. of Saturday, has an edi-

torial on tlie prospects ol - Peace in Europe." Itexpresses . the general feeling of npprehensionwhich prevails, and says the vast military prepara-tions now going on in France are of a characteraud on a scale which lead to the conviction thatthey are designed to meet other purposes thanthose of national defenses.

A tremendous gale prevails on the west coast ofEngland, and Wales. The great break water atHollyhead. a massive stone pier nine thousand feetlong, has been carried away, aisd the lights havedisappeared. No disasters to shipping are reported.

Feb. 23. Farragut met with an en-

thusiastic reception at Venice. He next proceed toMilan and Genoa, and from thence he will proceedto Rome, having accepted an official invitation tovisit those cities.

St. Prrrrnsiu-KG-, Feb. 23. The Russian Admiralcommanding the squadron on duty in the GrecianArchipelago has demanded from the Porte an ex-

plicit explanation ot the report prevalent in Tur-key, and published in a recent issue of the Levantllrrald. to the effect that a vessel of the Russianfleet had offered material aid and comfort to theCretan insurgents. The Porte replied that tbe Sul-

tan has received no sucb charge against any Rus-

sian official. The Turkish Government seizes theopportunity to express its censure of newspaperwriters wbo publish sucb statements.

London. Feb. 25. Earl Derby has resigned thePremiership. His resignation was accepted by theQueen. It is ascertained that Disraeli succeedshim as Prime Minister, retaining his present officeof Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Lord Stanley announced Derby's resignation inthe House of Commons. Gladstone responded,and. with much delicacy, expressed sorrow for tbecause which compelled his resignation.

Bkkmn. Frb. 25. The report that a treaty be-tween the United States and the North GermanConfederation, relative to the rights and privilegesof naturalized American citizens of German birth,of whom military service has heretofore beenclaimed, had been finally signed, is premature; thedetails, however, are fully agreed upon and it isexpected the document will be officially signed onSaturday.

London'. Feb. 2C. The Royal assent has beengiven to the bill for he suspension of habeas cor-pus in Ireland.

G. W. Hunt. Under or the Treasury, isappoint-- ' Chaucellor of the Exchequer.

The Liherte publishes a report that the King ofPrussia was recently thrown from his horse andbadly iujured. . .

All officers of the French army, now absent onui lough. are required to report at their headquart

ers on or before tho 31st diy of March ; all exisj- -iug furloughs to terminato on that day.

London, Feb. 29. In tbe trial of GeneiaJ Nagle,on a charge of Kenianisni, at Slfgr, a raotkirf todelay the trial, by tbe counsel for the defense, wo

. r . . 1 Ti...- A- , j,.r.... .1. .. nMi i... ...... .nmoved to transfer the cose to th Court of QneenVBenclu. Jha cbitf gronud of this motion was thatthere are not six Americans lathe whole city ofSligo. therefore it would be impossible to select av

mixed jury here. -George Francis Train unexpectedly appeared

before jbe Court and volunteered to become anAmerican juryman. His offer was 'declined, and.the Court refused, to transfer the case. And thyre-tipo-n

preceded whb the trial. - i. '

The Times iu an editorial strongly urges theabandonment of the prosecution, saving the point I

of law is, to say the least,' questionable.; Bi wjjc, February "29. The Kiof formally eloped'

the Diet yesterday.- - He congratulated the mem-bers ou the success of their labors, and the effortof the Diet to insure, peace to Europe has been,promptly and prowerfully sustained by the othergreat powers. Confidence, thus restored, will aid'in tbe spiritual aud temporal welfare or tbe nation..

Paris, March I. The contract has been closedbetween the Telegraph Company aud tbe Society.Cable Transatlantic of Paris. '.-'.. '

Fix)RKNtE. March 1. A delegation of working--,men at Genoa recently wailed npon Admiral Far-ragut. and presented an address, saying they wish-ed to do him especial honor as the representativeof a country which sympathizes with the views of-th- e

illustrious patriot AlazzinL .... Vienna, March 2. Admiral TegetbofT has been-appointe-

commander-in-chie- f of the Austrianfleets.

Bkrun, March 2. The Zolvereln Convention as-sembled to-da- Bismarck welcomed the delegatein a brief speech. It is announced that the delib-erations of the Convention will be coufined exclu-sively to commercial subjects. , .' London, March 2. It is reported that Baron

Rothschild is to be raised to a higher rank Id .peer-age. .

Bermn, March 3. Confiscation of estates of the '

ex-Ki- of Hanover have been authorized.London. March 3. It is reported that the United-State- s

bos made a proposition to the Turkish Gov-ernment to build a port at Marnorazza. on the Tur-is-b

Asiatic coast, to be used as a port for vessels ,ofthe American navy. The' Porte decline to grantthe necessary concessions for such ptircbasc.

London, March 3. The trial of General NaglejalSliffO. vesterdav. eoiianmivl tho rlnv in an iirmueeena--ful effort to obtain a mixed jury. .The defense re-newed tlie motion to remove trial to the Court ofQueen's Bench, which was granted. The res nitwill be the trial will be moved to some other place,where a mixed jury can be obtained. . . v

1 LiMEuicx.March 3. Art attempt was made lastnight, it is said, by tbe Fenians to set fire to a largemachine shop. It waa defeated by the exertions ofthe police. ; The incendiaries naed Greek fire, i

Paris, March 3. The visit of Prince Napoleon to '

Germany has no connection with political affairs.Rome, March 3. Cardinal Antonelli is confined

to his palace by serious illness.March 5. Admiral Farragnt arrived

atSpezzia and received a visit from the ItalianMinister of Marine.- - ... . , .... ..

London. March 3. The popular dissatisfactionin Portugal has not subsided. - Dispatches fromLisbon say an effigy of the Queen was burned lastnight by an excited mob.

Tbe present condition of Ireland and the ques-tion of Irish reform will be considered in tbe Houseof Commons on Tuesday next. ,

The Morning post declares that Disraeli becomesPrime Minister less on account ofmerit than becausethere is no one else fit for the place. -

A great meeting of friends of .the. UnitedStateit"was held in London. John Bright wasPreaident, andmade a speech arousing the sympathy of tbe audi-enoef- p;

the American people, by eloquen(alhlbiHto their conduct during, the war of tbe rebellion.Rev. Newman Hall followed, presenting with abil-ity the American side of tbe Alabamd-- controversy.He carried the vast assembly with him. The meet-ing was very enthusiostio and dispersed .'with re-peated cheer? for America.- The oiitborfties' have decided to wtftdniw 'tfcVremainder of the suits- - Against Irishmen indictedfor walkibg in mock fnnerals at Dublin recently.

The'Daily Times has an editorial on the resignati-on-of Minister Adams. It- - says EnglAad willlament his departure." ... -

The I7me says the Minister who succeods Adams'could not have an easier or more, gracious Ltasl&than the settlement of tbe questions concerning therights of naturalized-Citizens.- - . . .

The obligations- - of the now treaty apply withreciprocity to Germans And Americans and allprevious engagements between the two countries inregard to extradition are renewed The treaty . ismade to terminate At the end of ten years. ' '

The Herald'a-Londo- - dispatcb States that; at. simeeting on Tuesday evening John Bright 'spokestrongly in favor of the Government, policy,- aadpower of the American people, and-th- duty ofEngland to. cultivate friendly, relations with them.If the British Government' aad the- - English presswould concur in expressions of hearty good, will,towAPds-- r America, "and pledges ice npport;Anymovement t home, in-eff- orta to effect a prompt,righteous and 'pacific settlement,' all internationaldifferences would be settled, especially those 'con-nected with the Alabama claims. The questionwas put and tbe resolution, was adopted unanintonAtly, amid loud cheers, with every person In the haftstanding.

-. Miscellaneous. - ' '.

February 2fi. Allision offered a resolution de-claring as the sense of the House of Representatives,'that the right to regulate the duties of importationsbelongs to the legislative power of Congress, And itis beyond tbe power of the President And Senate, asthe treaty making power, to authorize importationsof tbe manufactures or products of foreign countries,except at such rates as the tariff may prescribe.

Tbe resolution was adopted without discussion.The resolution is aimed particularly at the treaty

with tbe Sandwich Islands. . 'o.- - - ;. c i i.v.J

New York, Feb. 28. An immense mass meeting-wa- s

held to-nig-ht at Cooper's Institnte, James Gal-latin, presiding. Resolntiops were adopted affirm-ing tbe right of tbe President to remove members ofthe Cabinet, and declaring the attempt to deprivehim of this right, a monstrous perversion of power,deprecating impeachment as tbe last resort for theprotection of tbe Republic from disgrace or grievouswrongs, expressing confidence in tbe moderation ofthe Senate, and trusting to the ballet-bo- x te rdresIrthe wrongs.

Chicago, March 1. The most furious snowstormof the season 'commenced At noon to-da- y; and thereis no prospect 01 cessation now al iu r. m. "Severalhouses are reported blown down at Milwaukee.The roada are, blockaded.

- .' IWashington-- . March 2. Many CentrreAsmen be

lieve that the bill to abolish tbe office of AdjutantGeneral of the army, will become a Jaw. '

Bancroft telegraphs to the btate Department thatthe treaty with the North German Confederation wassigned and mailed Feb. 22, via England. It providesthat emigration shall be free and naturalizationchanges nationality.

It is believed that similar treaties will be netro- -tiated with other foreign powers. - ' -

The Time' Washington special savs personal 'feeling is developing into proposition to elect a newPresident of the "senate, in order that the successful issue of tlie impeachment trial would not resultin the elevation of Wade to tbe Presidency. --' a

New York, March 3. A fire after midnight thismorning burned a portion of Barnnm s Museum.occupied by Van Amburgh's Menagerie.

Chicago. March 3. Washington specials say tha' tmembers who canvassed tbe House think tbe appropriation to pay. for Alaska cannot, possibly-get-- .

tnrougn. .uucu win uepena upon tot. report of the xcommittee. Nothing is known what their actionwill be. , ..... r r . ;

Richmond, March 4. In the Convention to-d- ay aresolution approving the impeachment ofPresidentJohnson was adopted 55 to 23.

New Ohi-Ean- March 4. Jeff. Davis is here. ' 'Allthe fire companies as be passed Staples' Hotel gavehim repeated cheer. . As tbey passed GeneralHancock's headquarters they took off their hats andthe bands played tbe " Bonny Blue Flag." But sixf tbe thirty companies carried tbe national flair.

and great indignation was expressed by. the loyalcitizens. Fears are entertained or trouble to-nig-ht.

Baltimore, March 5. An immense meeting washeld in front of the Steel Theater. last night, to sus-tain President Johnson. The building was densely'packed. Mayor Banks presided, and appropriateresolution were adopted. .. . . ...l .1.

Tbe Herald . special says it is not believed that atwo-thir- rote against the President can be obtain fed in the Senate. - .

The Radical State Convention of North Carolinamet and nominated ex-Go- v. Holden for Governor

Colonel Ileaton for Coogress irom theNtwberudistrict.

The South Carolina Convention Adopted a reso-lution tendering the thanks of the loyal people. fSouth Carolina to Gen. Grant, Congress and Stan- -' "ton. . : ' ". V '

The Mississippi Convention adopted A resolution,thanking Congress for impeaching the President- -' 3'

. A strong effort is being made to secure the elee-- . .

tionf Montgomery Blair as Senator from Warvloud,- -

in place of Philip F. Thomas, rejected.It is reported that Hancock has asked to be. rev V

lieved of the command of New Orleans, on account .

of Grant's action in directing him reinstate aCouncilman whom he removed.



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0 JwTNT yxidiLiv.oia oo,a lao. AOtara or th ;

Saa Francisco and Honolulu Packet.I rsrtaiatoraUa Cra ta I

lMdlaa. IUa aaalaaaa,auylaa:a'lft wfitf- - at.

ST All fr-l- Ht artt-- f at a fralta.ky a la lAa H..antala liaa a racket. U aa farwar Jed raaa or euasiMatoa

t7 laohaar mm Itoaatola baauibt aad told. XX.aav aaaacaa

Itaaar C U aicnaaaa a Ctt...... ..UeaaJale)II UacariLA A L'e...' 0 Saaeaa C.. .............. ......Biaaoea Cav......... -- -

Pr. A W.Wlie. A H.

riyU H. Aauav A a. taw is.

aalra fwUkai,

. ALLE. 3c LEWIS,CocimbMon ITIcrcliaut!

. A3D WHOLESALE DEALERS,X9 ortlxkcl Oroeou.

KOIPT ATTEVTKI.V WILL, BICIVCMA mm all amaiaieala aC aad A4iale ahen rxaoarad.


DaWrrr, Errrta a Cov. .... ,;.'.ai fraaram.C.eaa a Couaa.. HuoolsM.


II E N It V II IT 11 E S , 'i. . -

-' - ' euTM ir ' 'I


Eea--!- a A llealiaa alveai


, HC&RY Hl'OHM, . i .

20 ttI 20 Ht'trry Utrtti.eua ty. 5d.T rd.TCMco.


vciirxc COAST14a. a



laportem and 3Ianufjctnrrn.... or ....

Hew ai.tea ky mimrf atiaer. Saila at IrM prkea Ike a mnj11 UT. tea

F O El III S A D U li.or


Legal and Business TransactionsST

R. W. IIE5T, CoaaaeloraataLaw.



Far Sale by II. X. U11IT.1CV.AO Sn

. EUREKA HOTEL--And. IRestanxant !

DURHAM BOBnJSQg, Proprietor.VVu.lLU araPECTrcLLr ixvokmSMBrlMdaaaa) Ina paaua laA Aa la folly peepafvd la

appeared atjle, aaU ropactftdiy anilana a anare mt

Xeatly FanUbed SaaaM Ta Let upmm ScAtaaAIaTeraM.


Map , of the Sand-wich Islands.

TC OtLT CORRECT MAP OF T II CARM thai mt the L. a. Aiphtria EapediUoo. pan

kVKMd ayiba AaMPTtraa Uoeeraoieat. MICT.ry farmer aha oaoarM. aawry aaatoaa wka aanaiawta a mmery Iraeaiae aka aaata aa Aad anerac tuut anddtataadeairra la be aaaceit

I Cope of if.4 A few rop.r Ml, prka t'.Oll earn.

I Aar aakt at tie BOOKifruR A


GIMMMZCD ASt lVCIt4 U ire Hnp. ehirV Staalioftr. U.iaa; a:l Unml arp.ac, on handana) fa - I do paal." frm

wail kM Maaaua-etor- y K. S. N t --

A Li. tu. mm Ittt, kWMd,af whom we are Bo i(iu mm uw acidc

Shipmasters and OwnersAnt hKail that Wire la Vrrf Mefc riirprtaaa ay 11 a ( m .ha iMr.1 --cnwl MmtlL al ba aalr Mw-lw- Iba mtU eaaa4 taIha wiaa. I m mm aXt4 ai cftann 4 aeatarv. e4 UurtyyaavV espnmm IkM prd ba lawnw Mcnofwy "1

Caltaaiarl llaak-- . Talatble. A.e.

A. H. . 1. I.I OIK .A19 Prmil Xtret. Frrlr". Cat.


1,1; v pa;s:i:i.s'WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE !

LLCLA UElt Ii 1" VvXSttlSSEUl:

Tlxo Oulv Oood


M. C lL mud atiralVnl C"tJ cu;nf having; caunl errtaiadraW to apply lb trr ut H nrrb-rhi- r to llwtr

a ml- - rte can''- - ,n '" to !rrcy liUut avl iksi Utoaly sy to mw il-- r ;f.o:t', b to

ass rou lea & PEimnis' sauce,Ao4 In tr lhl thrir Dtnxr are cpoa tl wrnfptr, label,ttapprr, and tvltr.

(um af Um lurciira aarkl baui been MpaMd ilb apuraa tVBrccatcrvliir attc-- . apow the arjpi anj UUrl

nf which ib anra o Lra a it h brvu IOTKa.l. Lra aFTiB i bMice that l!y ttaw (urnUbnl Itri errrp-.rt-cnt-a

vilh pmcr ol atfnracy to tke instatU irucfftn acajmtMamulactmrtra at4 t'rudata A aucu, ar any vUtrr laiUattaoaly aiuca UatK nkM aj b iulnnirnl.

lAt i-- it PKltniyS' Smee and att .Vin

m H 'rr. LiM. iUMe, aiui Mojr.Wlx.fc--- ami ! Ki't ky lb FiTrlelrm. Worcrtr (

Cruaaa a Hlackwcd. LaoVlao. ( , Ac. and ay lirucrra andOi axu Ba4nally. IlltJK II. UAVIKA.

Oil ly (Late Janluo, Gmu A C Agcnl, lluoolulo.

THE PLE3T GOLD MEDALWaa Awarded la T. Ax K. HOW A RH, al fbe

I'arla iuabivilaaa. IUT.


loxu di:vuti:i) attk.xtioxniri: ajMaalactara o

Implements for all Parts of the World,Aad brief t&e Vnrjnl Ettairtera lo Rogtand of

Plough. Harrow aad Hwrar Itakea ITaay ara fully lb kuad mt IwpartDraia adap!( art" eanrra. Their lm t ara availe amctIIya WKOVOHT AXD M tLCEJB LK IHOM. aad ut vaiiyeaainario MMIta lk aa arvl park In the Kaallot cosa-pa- aa

la aara frAl. bat ara aa mu-iA- y araagrd aa la fca aadtficaliy la pvtbog lAra

tMfciai, wiua dm pan araarm. aaat paat irea an apyncaiMi.

Laa4aa 0IHe I I, C aeaaUde, tkree daar freis:i M. PabI!!. iy

JAMES C . lilVCa cV Co..Shipping and ConimKsion Merchant

41 riHINT JTKK.T. laiatr Jackaaa...:, SAX raAXCICU.CaUruasia. . . ly

JANION, RHODES & CO.,Commission Jlc.'chniils

"Vlrlarla, Vaacairr'. UlaaAS. A rartatalaratlaajltnapaud laewnaif naarale af inmimwB

tetand erwtaee.teaia.y. L.Jaantry I. v!3


GOODSBy Every Steamer,

Tlio Xlxkoait nnclLargest Assortment on the Islands.

iiymatx nitoTii miss,Xmiortors,


American Clothing.l.'ontV I'm rnliti I nrr lx.irK--

ViUlP a 1(1 ui vvvt.fCools, Shoes, Hats. Caps,

Yankee io(ioiifdr., A c,m Af, die.

Consisting vf the Follotcing :

fJLAlX AND FANCV (VtSSIMKKKSl ITS,Liilht aad nr.y grades.

fine tliM flannel tails.While Linen I'ack oalU,

Brown Ltor IrUl 8a.U,

F I ' K HI LK A L. IA " A COATS,fine Tern! Costa,

Fiaa Slittoa Clntk CuaM,

t.ttm Whit Linen Coats,Vine Ilrowo Linen Coata,

Fine Black Dresa Coats,y rocks and itack.

Fme B'y-- k tvarvkia PsnU. rine Bearer lanM.

f ioe Bine flaDnel Pt.Vt,gmm Watte: taaea rsnla,

FL.AIN AM F.t.M'V C.f SSI l EKE I'AXTS,, Lagbl and bxaey grades.

fia BUck Doerkiu T.stt,riaia and Fancy S.U Vests,

PUia ! laary f lk Velvet VcsU.

White and Fancy SLarwilles Vesta,

r?ia Caialaaera tnU.WHITE SHIETS of all DESCELPTI01TS.

Fancy Calico ?Mrf s of n JxriUav,Libra Cufiars, aaaurud stses,Fancy and raw W wla Uveraldrt., aB kaariptaoL arrhri and trwre. an drarriion.Black and Fancy Neck Tie, all dracriplioits.

Together with ia "iVj VurUtj ofBOOT. Ml OK.


Messrs. II yman DrotheraWoo!. I kef respectfony ta Call the attention of

THE PrBLIC IAD CUt MQl DF.IL1CS IT LiK.E,Ta their feu ami varted kseoTtiKeot of


Fsisliiomiblc Clotliin,Bixr. fuot-- .


xll.isfcrs oT Wlmle.HXiipsA al si

DE.ILERS FROM THE OTHER tSLXKDS,Would dw trcB la anil oa as brtiee parchaatuf etsewbere.

CapL Snow's Building, llerchant SL,Aa ly Hanoi a!a. Oaka. II. L.

METALLIC PAINT,CoBtnnt!f oo Hand.

rVIIAT t V.IM AIlL.:.Dl RABLE,ri.E.t.tM. prrsrvlr.r. ami rnrroaiva

METALLIC PAI5TForCanlera. H!Vt--. Rmfa. Steam Fi.fioes, Caal Pluwt, Iluaaes.Fsneaa. Srttooaars, Sieaaaera,AXD Al.I.OTIIRR IRO ar WOODWORK.cut r.Kiet-- r c. br:ti:r a cv

Tlic American ftatiirnlizationQuestion in England.

IIi6torica." who. it will be renieniCercd, ae--1 uirrl coneiJcrable in Hnla nd m a! vwitrr on iDterrmtioual law upon the varijuJ int elicit 3J during the Antcrk-a- civil war, ur

to answer the quvttin who ia a BritishruM?' In a lon letter to the Luixlun Titus.t Iliatoricua" (Mr. Ilarcourt) write under the; influence of tins abstract of PrceidontJoiiiumn'a ioeas- - relative to the TrifH-it- r upon

I wl.i h t!-- c English (j veminent baie its ofHriti-w- i cttimiobip. ami tin inability of an hiigli!i

t fuijt-- t to exiAtriate liiniirlf ;t irt, Mr. Ilarcourt etvhTortofV.-?rtai- w!m.

' aurordiri to ti.e law of EnLmJ, i natural-bur- n

i lriti.li pu! ji-t- , aitd n huch entitloil to the pn- -'

tet'tiwn of lite Rri:h Cruwn. The eimt le doctrinef t!.ex.uiun law in tlmt every mnn brn wit'tin

I the d'dumiuna of tlie C'rvm i Nrn within tl.c! lir(iricc of the t'ruwn and ia a Rriliih fubject,I wU-the- r tle jarenta are Ilritiah fuhjiTta or alien.; l'v a aUtute of tieire II. all chiMren of natural-- ;lorn RritHi uljcctif horn abnasd, were madenntural-bor- n Hibjrrta. Tlie mnxiiu of iivlirwtluhlecl'.i ,;i irx-- e wLieS ia here laid d wn lina no lace inthe dit-trin- e of law. It hnd ita origin in a fjctetu

j )im-I- i it oWIete, and f und itd apik-atio- n in acondition of aucii-t- r which haa pahocd awaj.

! A new order of tlangs liaa arisen. 1 hat uroatand never g tide of emigration, in which the

I rviiui of En;Iiti aoil eeck in other laud a fortune: ahicii the limited reeoum.-- of tlteir ow n country! denv to them, ia a phenomenon for which tlecn--crptiona of tho feudal law made do ro iion. Tlieorti-L- f juenfe i, t!.-a-t the Engitah Jovcrtiment iain the pretence of roIitical fatta which are whollyirreconcilable with any Ical theory.

Mr. Jlircourt cava : .It ia in vain that we r.ro--ciniui i ne uocirins, inito jmiesi exuere vainam.while year by vear thouKand and term of thou- -Kino oi our BubjLvts are traribJemnj; their allegiance to other Ooverumeiita, aud incorpomtui

c in otl.cr btatctt. lUeare tacla whiclithe technicality of tlie law mny refuoe to recognize,but of which an cnlighleued tuteMiiuiifhip miietnecda take account. Mr. Ilarcourt believe thatthe .ll-gianc- e Acta hliouM be recuntrtu-ted- , bothwith rcrtext to the acquisition of citizciii-liin- , anda!o aa to esutriatioii. Here are hi iU2irtt ions :

First British citizciIiiji ahould tcIong, aa ofcourvc, only ta pcraotia born of Jlritioa istrcnts.Uomiciled in the isntmti djniiniona.

J Tlie chiMren brn to f reigners in theT'ritit-- h dominiam hliould, ua in France, have the

! ity to take up their cituciinhip.'Third .a tj descendants born abroad of En

c!ih rarentj who are domiciled abroad, an election (thou Id Ik! iiiven to Inxume citi-iif- , to lietotificd by certain prescribed formal it it.

fourth Every iJritidi auhject should be allowed to witlidraw himself from the State by 'somelormal act ui.claiming Jiii cilienrthip.

Fifth Certain acta nhould bo dctined aa conetituting in thcniM-lv- c a forfeitute of lilizenahip,vt netlier ao UiM laimeU or not.

The IaJialoii Tunes editorially uriortd thevivwa of" HUtoricue," and auva :

The imjiortunt queatiou, tiowever, ia one of policy rather Unit of law, aud we Irccly admit that,on ground of policy, not tu Mty oi common horuc.tlie argument Ibr revision is irroFidtible. Thereate certainly hundred id" thousands, and rmbabvDiilliona, of citizen, of tl.c United States whom ourlaw regard as Liilhdi fuhjecta to nil intenta andparpmw whativer. No atateaman can justifyrucb an anomaly, which, it muot be rcmeiulHrreu,haa tWo nipectal If all thctm Irish euiirauta owofull alleiaiK--e to her Majesty, it tnuy also ledoubted, at least, whether they ore tut cntitlcl toour protection aaitir--t i'iuct yet it wouldhate been utterly i mr"ei hie for our Minister atAYahiiigtoii to grant theui audi proU t ion duringthe late Americuu t ar. In abort, our preventtLcory ta quite untenable when any practical((ram cornea to be put upon it, and, aa Jliotori-cun- "

ju.-ll-y contende, ita maintenance may at anyDiotueiit ljet)ine tlie aource ofverv neriouaembar-mMexncn- t.

' We ree, then, no pxxl reason why theliritinh ivernment uliould decline any friendlyoverture thai may lo made by tlie United Slutcawith a view to ita amendment.

Proposed Treaty With IlritiliAiiiti.c.a.

On the It of February in the United StatinSririite, Uwj fdlowing resolutions were submittedby S nator liamm-j- , to bo substituted for one sub-mitted by him on tho 9th of leeuiler, 1?G7 :

Ih solved. That the Committee on Foreign Kela-ti.- .n

ia liereby directed to inquire into tlie ey

of a treaty b. t ween the United States andthe Dominion of Cnmt'Ia, whicli sliall contain thefollowing rovis'ums:

Eirst That a duty of five per cent, ad ro.'orenstall be i m jawed uion all imprjrtationa from Can-a- di

to the United SuttM, or from the UnitedStates to Cana.Li, being tho exclusive taoduetionor manufacture of the resfctie countries. .

second that the excise duties of the UnitedSlates oikI of Canada bluill be assimiLited by con-eurrv- nt

legislation.third fhat the navigation of tlie great lakes

und or tho canals ami channel if the St. Iaw-- rci ice Bivcr ' and its tributaries shall be forever

free and open to citiens ol the United States andCanada.

Fourth That Canadian vessels in Americanlrte f!inll Ik? entitled to all the privileges of.rueru-a- vessels in t anauan orts.

Fifth That the lisheries of the Atlantic coastlie five to the cilizcns of both countries-- .

Sixtii-r-Th- at a coiuuion system of law s regulat-ing copyrights, patent-right- s, ami rales of post-age, le extended over both countries.

Seventli Tliat Canada, with the consent of(Jrcut Britain, shall cele to the Unircd Statt-- a thedistricts of North America west of longitude'J0C on condition fill owing, namely:

1. The United Stttes will my $C.Of0,lMi(l tothe Hudson Bay Company in lull dist'harge of allttjivcraory rights, and all elaiuis to territory orjurisuictmn in .oriu .niorn.-.-i, whetlier tounuedon tlic eliaracter of the Company, or any law,treaty, or isage.

2. The I nitel States w ill assume the publicdebt of British Columbia, nd exceeding the sumot $2.tHH,HHI.

3. To aid the construction of a mil road fromtlie western extremity of Ijikc Suerior to PugetSound, in the United States, in addition to thegrant of land heretofore made, will guaranteedividends of five per cent. uon tlie ktock of theNorthern Pacific Bail road ComjAny; providedthat the amount of stock guarantied as aforrsuidsludl not exceed $20,000 per mile, and Congresstliall regulate tho securities for advances on ac-

count thereof. i4. The northwest territory shall l divided and

organized into Territories of the United States,not less than three in nuuiWr, with all rights andprivileges of the citizens and Government of Mon-tana Territory, so far as tl.c same can bo madeapplicable.



IS'KNV GOODS!Jut rccalrrd, tocMiog New Kilka, sold at f'rrjr firasoaa- -

R-- ti:

X. MIXV, THE STORK IS 'a. I O.FTlaarr TL ls. 613 1m

To Change Owners.i

. . .

1 1ST Ft Ft'EI VKI A LARGE AND p j ea ittjiiKAKLk. LOT ut j


Which Lava area parrhaaeU fur th anderaigned at tb

LOWEST EUROPEAN COST!iAnd are very soluble for the Trad of these Island.i


JOHN T IIt)S. WATERIIOISE,613 In Hum.' W hart


Kona CoIIoc i


ConstAmlj Ilaid aaa Fwr Sale la Lot to Salt.raiip. rxnRKii(..:ii informs t ii kJL poU that he is prepared lo fur eli

Choice und U-- ll Dried Kona Coffee j inHaving a arrncy of the foltowtng prtis in Kona

Mers. !tmui A Psarrrr. Kepula. isH. X. UaisswsLU Siorth Ks.1'. M.kT'Mf , KaiUa


Uditorial IlcniM and Clippings.Tlve Western Union Telegraph Company have a

capital of $40,000,1X10.There are 600 newspapers in tlie State of New

York.The lafly isue of t!ic New York Herald num-

bers f5,000 copies.Eight inter in tlie United States are edited by

colored men.Henry Ward Ccecher received $30,000 for Nor-woi- aj,

instead of 2o,0o0, aa irotniexl. Generous.Bonner. W1h would not write novels?

They liave a fog in Sitka 300 days out of theyear.

I New York pays her clergymen $5,000,000 peryear.

A spirting man in Liverpool, dying recently,iejt a lortune ol I,"i,UUU, One rich man, iu amillion or una prosi.iM'ion.

Trains between London and Liverpool run 81miles f?r hour.

Napoleon haa built 1 new bridges aerobe theS ine, at a coat of $5,0U0,0o0.

Tne Duke of Wellington id printing his illustri-ous father's japers.

ihe Uxlord Lniveritv was roundest A. 1. cSo.a aaas a aa aca a a a a ' s V aw a

There is a religion1 sect in Germany which wor-ship in silence and darkness.

A liorsc was put under the influence of cldoro-for- ui

tiie other day, for a surgical operation.It has been discovered that Queen Victoria is

descended from CaractacusIA lady in England claims to own a ring givi)

to S.lomon bv the Queen of Sheha.The UnitcJ States imported 35,325,151 pounds

of wool last year.The cotton yield of Egypt this year will be

1(MH) times larger than six years ago.Iauid near Jacksonville, Florida, is offered at 50

cents per acre.Boss Winans, tlie celebrated Baltimore million-

aire, is 70 years old. He sold $40,000 worth ofmilk last year from his farm.

James Brown's building, in Wall street. NewYork, rents for $lo0,C00 jier annum. Tho proj-ert- y

cost $100,000. Pretty good annual interest !

The sales of the American News Company in1CG were $3,209,53 20. Who will say nowthat the public do not rend?

The United States owns 1,400,000,000 acres ofland. Bich enough to give every man a farm.

Disasters happened to 5,525 ships aud 500steamers during the first half of 1807, accord-ing to the returns of the London Lloyds. Ofthese, 1,072 shijej and 37 steamers were tjtallylost, with 087 human lives.

A Boston naturalist says that the strains pro-duced by grasehopjiers are obtained by playing ontlieir legs like a liud'e, with their hind legs usedas a bow. Different kinds of locusts play differ-ently, in time and in tune.

Tho famous American clown, called the Maufly,committed suicide recently at Berlin, in the pres-ence of two thousand spectators, by firing a pistolin his mouth at the moment he was hanging byhis feet to the ceiling of tlie theatre.

At her wedding the Queen of Grceco wore arbe of cloth of silver embroidered with bouquetsof silver flowers, buttoned down the front byenormous diamonds, fastened around the waist bya belt in tho Greek jet tern of diamonds, asmaller trimming to mutch running round thetop of the corsage and sleeves; necklace, brace-lets, etc, in diamonds, a diadem in the forehead,whilst tlie royal crown in diamonds was fastenedat the back of the bride's head. The train, ofseveral yards in length, was of crimson velvetlined with ermine.

United States Natal On icers as Consuls. AWashington dispatch, dated December lSth, saysthe tWnate Committee on Naval A flairs has in-

structed its clmirman to rcort favorably on thebill authorizing the lreeident to apfioint navalothi-er- s on tho retired list, not below the rank ofcommander, to consular positions under tho gov-ernment with short piy.

This is one or many schemes of retrenchmentlooking to a reduction of the public exjietiditures.It is stated that it will be a saving of many hun-dred thousands dollars annually.

India. Twenty-fiv-e protcstant missionary societies are labouring in India, ami support iu thatcountry upwards of 550 missionaries. The amountof money expended in India for evangelizing pur--

is annually about $1,250,000. The IndiaGovernment expends every ear, in secular educa-tion, more than $3,500,000. In British India.including Burmah and Ceylon, there are upwardsof I'Jii native missionaries, 1550 native churches.n.lHXJ native oanuiuuicants, ami at least onehundred thousand native boys and girls receivingChristian instruction. .. ..

Tuk BuiTisii Amir. Tho London 'Sjnxtatorsavs:

'c keep up in India, at a cost of 17,000,000a vear. an army of 250.000 men. We keen tinin tho rest of "the British ' Empire, at a cost of I

A'ld.UtNMMM), an army of 12U,HiO men; and wespend i,'10,OUO,IK)0 on a tiVct. "In short, wepjndaltogether X42.0y0,()0O a year, twh-- the French

, uion inferior armaments; and then,when u mere section of that force is required foractive :jr ice, we have at once to spend millionsmore in a frantic hurry. Surely there is somegrievous waste, some evidence of defective organ-ization. " "

Enoch Arukn Case. An Enoch Arden case haa!ecn decided in one of the Courts at 1'oehester.Tlie litigants were two young men, who. in theirfriend.-hi- p at the outbreak oi the rebellion, hadagreed tliat if the one who wna married aud whohad enlisted should fall, the one who had re-

mained at home should marry the widow. Thesoldier went to the war. After a while the re-p- rt

came that he was killed in battle, and hiswife mourned for her lost husband, lie did notreturn, even at the end of the war, and at lengththe widow became the wife of the hiisbund'efriend, and tlieir joy was crowned by tlie birth ofa handt-otii- e child. A short time ago that longalisent soldier reapj-.vroi- l, explained tlie reason ofI. is long absence, and claimed Ins wile, llio soo-oi- hI

husband was loth to surrender his wife, whowui the mother of his child also, and le declinedto iiive her up. The question as to who hnd thebest right to the woman was submitted to a legaltribunal, and, on tho last day ol 1M7, tlie Courtdecided that the first man iage was binding, audthe wife must pass to tlie former husband.

Ueti rxing Reason. The English Governmentand people seem to be gradually working roundtoward a --correct knowledge of the way to dealwith Fenianism. Mr. Gladstone's frank declara-tion that it was caused by Engli-- h misgovemmentin Ireland, is producing a good e fleet, and thocable flab I iet to us the news tliat public sentimentnow fa vui j a redress of Irish wrongs. This ideawas soiuewliat tardy in its development. Itwould have been much more creditable to thereputation of the English ieople, if they had acquired this knowledge in a di til-re- manner. Solong as the Irish )eoplc eonfine I themselves to

moral suasion," their complaints were treatedwith indifference and contempt. But since tlieyhave organized themselves for war, and made itevident that the pillows and the bayonet cannotfrighteu them, tho abuse that was to liberally

ujou them is Riving way to wholesomefeelings of resjwt. English statesmen discernthat with Ireland disloyal to the core, Englandeea-ie- s to be a first-cla- ss power. It now looks aaif the Fenians may be able to extort, in time,everything from England short of absolute indcrpendence.

The Newspapfr Law in England. A letter totlie X. Y. Herald dated Lond-jn- , Dec. 21st, says :

A case of great importance to tne jengunn press,ana iLo, aa a rreccdent, to the prees of the L nkedStates, was dcviJeJ yeeterJaj ia the Court ofQueen Bench lv the Lord Chief Justice anl a

:..i T:v, .n,i . .iai jut Jf. li un.ii .c.tiiv.a n j'cuiiuu

to l'arliaiuent last iun, accusing tlie ChiefHuron, Sir Fitzroy Kcllj, with having pludged hishonor to a fal.e etateinent pome 32 years nzo.For reporting the debates upon this absurd jieti- -j

tin and for commenting upon these debateseditorially, Mr. Nnnon brought a libel suit ngainstthe Tinn's. The jury found for the defendant, ofcourse ; out tlie important point wan that tlie IordChief Justice empliatically and authoritatively de--:clart--1 that a fair and imjiarti.il rep.rt of Parlia-- Inii-nuir- debater waa a matter of privilege, aa waaaU an honeet candid editorial Uon the Btibject.Thin doeieion will cover all ncwtjej?r reports ofpublic meeting and isof inestimable value in pro- -i

tecting the iirees from annovance. No similardecision has ever been given in England liefore,aixl tK.np, I think, in the United States. The oldopposition to reporters, w Inch once displayed ittelf

vehement attacks upon the A". Y. Herald ftrpublishing accounts of the anniversary meetings,

now Kgally muelched by the Lord ChiefJustice,who had thii earned the gratitude of all

China.Our advices from Hongkong by the Great Re

public are to January 17th.- Hov. - Anson Bi rungak'u Misnov. Great

excitement was occasioned among the foreign res-

idents of China by the announcement of theof L. S. Burlingame aa

Minister Plenipotentiary to the Eun.iean Powersrrom Cbjni. The British organs manifest a greatdeal of irritated superciliousness at the selectionof an Amerii'an, and talk as though the ChinaGovernment had lowered its dignity a great deal.The North China JNVar of Deoeiuln'r 3d says:

On tlie evening of Saturday, the 23d ultimo,the community ot" Tientsin were startled by theastounding news, just received from Pekin, thatHon. Anson Burlingame, tho United States Min-- aj

inistc r to the Court of lVking, had been accredited i

I Amlavssador to the Courts of Earoi and Wash- -ington by the Government of his Imperial Majesty j

' the Einta?ror of China; and that his Excellencytakes with him as attache Mr. Brown, of her Bri- - j

tannic Majesty's legation, and M. Desebanips.ofthe Chinese customs service. It is supposed that

I other gentlcmeu will be attached to the mission! but on the despatch of the letter from Pekingtheir names were not known to the public. HisExcellency was to leave Peking on tne 25th ulti-mo for this place and lie is of course now momen-tarily expected here. What does this step of theChinese Government mean? As yet this commu-nity are completely in tho dark as to the specialobjects for sjiecial we take them to be on whichthe mission goes to Europe and America. Itseems so strange for the representative of a foreigngovernuieut at Peking to be suddenly transformedinto a Chinese Ambassador that we are lost inamazement at the change.

Mr Burlingamo's salary is $40,000per year,and this affjrds the Mail an opportunity to say:

" Neither in his capacity as U. S. Minister, norin his newly-fledge- d appointment as ChineseEnvoy, haa Mr. Burlingame had the honor of aninterview with the Son of Heaven, and his rank,anomalous and equivocal at the best, will not bemagnified by any undue pretensions to the positionof an Ambasador. It would be impossible for themost ardent hater of American governmental in-

stitutions to wish for a more practical comment-ary upon Yankee diplomacy and diplomatists thanis afforded by Mr. Burlingame's acceptance of thoappointment under discussion. Let any one im-

agine the apjiointmcnt of Chinese Envoy offeredto the Minioter of France,' of Utissin, Prussia,Great Britain, or even of Spain. He would bean old Chinaman who would venture to make

j such a proposition tu the representative of any oftlie European powers., Uur American irieuuswill of course say that it is a mere question of4 dollars ' with all, but Europeans may safely reply j

that thet 'almighty dollar' will not induce an Eu- - j

ropcan diplomatist to fell himself and his servicedto the Court to wnicn ne lias not been accreoiteu.

Tho Ttsunle Yaman liave addrcsml deppatcheato the foreign Ministers with reference to thestatus of the Chinese officials who accompanyMr. Burlinganic. The document is to the effectthat the Chinese gentlemen are novitiates in theart of foreign diplomacy,, and that one object intheir appointment is to fit them to representChina at the of the Treaty Towers at afuture date. Tlie document expresses a strongwih on the part of tlie Chinese to become betterunderstood by Foreign Powcrsnnd evinces a de-sire to enter upon a course of progress.

poTAL. During 1867 there-wer- e received attho San Fnincico.Pott Office 1,854,8.0 letters,of which 803,540 were for distribution letterssent from what office 2,559,468 of which S.GOOwere registered ; C,02G were sent to the Dead Let-ter Office for being insufficiently stamped. Theenvelope sold there brought ij;G 1,005 CO theMamps .told for .$119,400 42 and the "stampsand envelopes "canceled in that office were worth$114,703 88. During tho year one hundred andeightv-si- s mails overland from Jthe Atlantic Statesand lEuropo have been received. One ' thousandone hundred and seventy-nin- e and one half tonsof printed matter, consisting of newspapers,magazines, pamphlets, books, etc., have been re-ceived and delivered.



And for Sale by


Dry Goods,nU E FLANXELS, IJLVCK.AM) blue


Black Ca.hnieres and Baratheas,Cobourg. Dowlas, BUnkcts.

dotllillS". &Ca, wCa.Heavy Wuol Pantaloons, fancy colored FUnni-- l Shirts,Madapol. Shirts, Linen Bosom Shirts, Printed Shirts,Sup. Regatta aud Hickory SliirtH, Silk Under Shirts.

ISoofs sincl S.IOCS,A superior lut of Meus Calf Boots, Gaiters and Shoes. -

lrovisioias &, Groceries,Crushed Sugar, Loaf Snpar, Sardines in hf and qr hoxt-a-.

Plums in boxes and j iirs, Westplialia ITanis, Anchovies,Boliazna Sau.apes, Swiss Clut-v.--, Fruit Syrups. Aliumida,Vinegar in S and 5 gall, kuiij.ih.ns. Fruits iu Sugar.

Spirits ovisac?, rand H2cc2Sup. Hulland Gin, of 5. Rysculx-ndi- ; ft 'on, Schiednra,Pale Brandy, Uehfrauenmilcli, Chiimiuipir,Sparkling Hock, Medoc, Bnurdeaux. Suuterne,

Ale and Pcrter, in quarts and pints.From the Brewery of Deetjen k Schroeder, Hamburg.

, SaiBils, Oils. Arc,Super. White Lead, White Zinc, Boiled Liuseed Oil,Window Glass, large aud assorted six?s.

Sundries,Playing Cards, Xeedles, Water Monkey, Spur,Utru.au aud llarana Cigars, Wrapping Paper,Ctxks. Superior Side Sldks, Felt Uats, ic, 4c. ic

mi 99

FROM BOSTON.Hunt's nandled A :., Native Spades, Charcoal Irons, Card

Matches, Downer's Kerosene Oil, McMurrayOysters, Cone Ink, Cut Nails asst'da

sixes, Tobacco, &c-,t-c.-


Taelt.er wills tlse Slock on band.For Sale at Reasonable Prices !

615 3t Bv TIIEOO. C. IIKI CK.


"R. W. WOOD!"II. JACOBS Master,

--A. ecl from IInnitiTij-- !






English, French and Gorman Goods.

l U. 1IACKFELD k CO.Hi t.) lvin. Fl iraiy 21. 613 lm

Ed-- HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co..- - - n




!' Black Silks and Fine Dress Goods,

Thibet and Moslin de Laines,

Dark blue Flannels, TsrUled colored Shirt Funnel,

Colored Barege. Imperial Linen,

Union Damask Cloth, While Moleskin,

Linen Dock, Russia Diaper,Cotton Sheeting, Tallied Lining,

Craah, Linen and Cotton Drill, Wkita Cotton,

Moquito Netting, beary Blue Denims.

English Prints, Fine French Merinos

Curtain Muslins, Sewing Eilk,. Cotton, Linen and Flannel Shirts,

Caahemere rant. Cotton Pants, ... s

Vine and Black Cloth rants,Orleans Sack Coats, Hick cur Shirts, "

, Woolen and Cotton Uudei shirts aud Drawers,r :

A Variety of Socks and Stockings, --

Cobnrss and Alpacas

White Marseilles, Linen Checks, . i


Black Silk 0 lores, Silk Stockings,

Colored and Blsck Silk Neckties,1 Black Silk Handkerchiefs, - . --

Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs,Woolen and Barego Handkerchiefs,

Black and Brown Belt Ribbon,Garters, Corset. Woolen Shawls,

Fine Silk Umbrellas,, Black Crape,Q lazed Spool Cotton,

Black aud colored Braids,'

Silk Umbrellas and FarftSOlS,

Purses, Feather Dusters, Suspendees,

Gentlemen's Hats and Caps,

Boj' Uats and Caps,

JBdots and. Slices !

Woolen It Lin bets, superior quality,Best French Extracts, a

S ADDLPlaying Cards, Candles, Wrapping Paper,Shot and Oonpoader,

CUTLERY :Such as Pocket Knives, ..

Table Knives,

Hatchets and Axes, best American,Handled Oo's, Nails,

, . . Cigars and Tobacco, . . ' .: .l--


Briar aud India Rubber Pipes,i : 1 ' ' ' .'j -'

Very fine Brandy. Nordhauser Whisky, Qln, . )Port Wind, Uock.Wiae, - 1

Oysters, Vinegar,

Furniture Tarnish,Black Metallic Paint, White Lead,

Black and Blue Ink, . I

Shoe Brashes, Blacking, ' I "

Nests of Tubs and Tails, !.:....Wood Seat Chairs, Cottage Clocks, . ,

And a variety of other article.



For Sale CIiesij ?

BY '


. . T1COON TEA) In baxea,

Souchong, Orange Pekoe and FloweryPekoe Teas, in small boxes. .

Splendid Oregon Ila ins and Bacon,!' CURRANTS, IX SM ALL JARS. ?"

Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel.While Vermicelli,'

'" ;White Maccaroni?

Cutting's ITablc-Fruits- ,

.? Peaches, Apricots, Erg Plums, Arc. - 5 f


Cream Cb.eeso,Wine, iiodn, Water und Wafer Crackers, -

Jenny Lind Ckes,Ginger Snaps,

California MuUrd,


Westphalia hams, small sized, Bologna Sausage,

Downer's Best Kerosene Oil, ..

Balty's Jams, Jellies and Pic Fruits.



SAM. SAVIDCE.IT Ufacoanl off"for Cos.

Golden Gate Family Flour !



Humboldt Potatoes, ?ery Choice !




. HATTY'S PICKLES,Columbia River Salmon.

Columbia River Salmon, in 1 lb tins fresh, yA new lot of Spiced Oysters,

A new lot of Fresh Oysters, Itr Jars Faleratiu, .

Jars best Soda, '

Oswego Corn Starch," .'

Choice Lot of Preserved Meats,A

A Choice Lot of Fresh Meats,Smoked Tongues, ..--

Superior Salad Oil qts,1 " Snpertor Lea & Perrin's Sance.


613 lm SAM. SAVIOGE."

fj.iniorni.-i-. ureson and jiwrSteamship Co.' s

- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

San Francisco and Honolulu. RoB(.Tlie C.nipaaT'. r ise

jnm"i daho!"F. CO.VXER,;! : Coaonsaader,T 1 X TI ait til run ofiicciiL sicnonuu and San JV- - -

DcrsKTrsis. 1 aaaiTALs.

From' Honoialn.. Feb. 26' A t San Francisco. ' '

From San Kninaiseo... Wr. 16 At Honulnln w !From Honolulu April SjAtSan Frantico """ aFrom San Francisco... A prit 22 i At Honolulu .. '"-t- 9 MFrom Honolulu Maj At San Franciaca."

Rates of Passage have been Ecducedto.;$50 - - CABIN, j $30 STELRace

Through Freifilit lo Portland and Victoria m t treasonable rates, and

LIBE&1L IDVJAfES MADE 0 ILL SM1FJII3TSPES STEUIEK.Iotoraoce guaranteed at lower rates than bj taQlua

Particular care taken of shipments of Frolt. .All orders for Gouts, to le purchased In Sao Frandm

be received and filled by return of steamer.BIS Sm II. I1ACKFELD k CO A.tor liiio and Ouomea, Hawaii

Sclrobner --Anm'oWill run as a Regular Packet to the above ports. ForFr- -

or Passage ar ply toolo 8m " WALKER' jk ALLEN, Ajrt,

For Rilo and Kaupakuea, Hawaii.

Schooner A.ctive,Wilt ran as a Regular Packet to the above ports, teaching a

LA U A IN A. For Freight or Passage apply to615 6m ' WALKKR k ALLBS, AeohL


For Lahaina and Makee'i Landing.."Jv ;. Ok.- - i. rtl xuc fine, oiinnca V upper

Qcnooner Ivate iee.CO AUK Master.Will run regularly and punctually on the above route, Forfreight orAassage apply to the Master on board, cr to695 6m : CBRKWKR k Concents.

ForHana, Kaupo and Ufaliko

SS Sclir. Manuokawai,Will run regularly. For freight or passage apply to695 6m C. BRKWJ.lt & Co. agmu.

The Schr. ODD FELLOW. Is.regnlariy laid on aa a packet . ., . '

BETWEEN' HONOLULU AKD HILOI""""""" For Freight or Passage apply to' 7 : "607 ly . v i . CI1CNQ HOON A Cow, Agents. '

FOR' KAWAIHAE.i :Schooner ::Marilda,

- Will run as a regular packet to tlie above port. For freightor passage apply to Captain no beard, or to Uie Agenta. ; B

. r WALKKR "t ALIJU, Ajtnti."Agents at Kairaihae, t '.'i'.--


a aa c sr a , Bj- -

Scli'66ner iLiliii 5 '

Will Ji.ua. Regularly to liana, HUal, totrblngSInlnkal oeeavlnnallr.

For frripht or passave, apply to the Captain on board, or 'F. 8 eKATT, at the offlcy of (57 ?oi; O A, WltUAili

V---v . .TUB .... -

tfaUM Schooner Owana,Will ply us a CAster to Torts to Jtola, Oaji.For freight apply fcthe Captain m board, or to F. 8. P ATT

at the etttca ol . fun 6in . i C. A WILUASnUL.j . m


, BATIJBL'N. Master, " .

Witt rait regularly between this, port d It&l" " 'and Kan.For Freieht or Passage, apply o the Caain on board, or to

F. 8. PUA rr at the office ot (&ft-6m- ) C. A. WILLIAMS.


am J--. o xjl tt xt sl c; K ei,U MAK.CJIANT, Maater.

it ill Una Begalarly between tbls Port and KuFor frelrht or passage apply totheCsptain on board, or to F"a PRATT at the office of 695 6m C. A. WILLIAMS.

FOR IIANALEl A XD MOLUAA, KAVAI.. ;..-.- . . . . .

.- a 4 J. i

-- c Scliooncp Yetic,. , , ; - .. . .A. JOil NSOS. Master.

- Win run as a regnlar packet to the above ports.' For trrijlt .or imssafte, apply 10 tne laptatn on Hoard, or to

ftiXI 6m-- ' A. WHTTE,"Arrot

Best Portland Cement.(,::,::::;:;::,:::-:;;:::::- :::


03 : It Moderate' Prices, by : : a


Fort and Merchant Streets. Ia

CO 607 J4SUAHY, 1863. 3m ;o OfBtUJOJII'BO qsa .



THIS ESTABLISHMENT JS "wopen for the reception of JLiJL

- Visitors - to the Volcano !n ; I ; Who may rely on finding


Exprricacrd G aides far Ihe Crater always InReadiness. ...Steam and Sulphur Batlis, Horses Stabled tni

tralued if Desired.CHARGES REASONABLE.

Parties visiting the Volcano via Ililo can procure animalswarranted to make the journey, by applying to D. II. Hitchcock. Esqr.. Ililo. , 664 1

SPECIAL NOTICE.''TJpham's Hair Gloss and Curling Fluid

IS THE BEST HAIR DRESSING IN THEworld It imparts a beautiful gloss to the hair, keeps it in

curl and promotes its growth. -

Upham's Toothache Cure,Cures the most violent toothache in one minute.

CPHAM'S .MARACIIELLA.Prevents the hair frr.ro falling out. ami for promoting the growtbof the beard and hair it has no equal, it ia the tuiracal of the age.

UPHAM'S DEPLATORY,Removes soperflous hair from all parta of the bodf in reminutes without injury to the skin.

Upham's Fester Ointment,Is a sure and speedy cure for Festers, Salt Rheams, ChappedHands, and Barber'a Itch.

TJpham's Asthma CureRelieves tbe most violent paroxysms of Asthma in ten buduMand effects a speedy cure.

Upham's Freckle, Tan & Pimple Banisher,PRemovca frickles, tan, senburn, pimples on the face. Softenthe skin and beautifies the complexion, warranted not to injarsthe akin.

Dr. La Porte's Life Elixir.The 'real Nervine and Rejuvenating Remedy, restore to Buaiy

r an wno are suQennK rrom Iiupured cpinat wiNervous Debility, Ac , arising from whatever cause.

The Japanese Hair Stain, ,

Colors the Whiskers and Moustache a licsutiful black or br";consists of on I v one ureiu-nitioi- i. Colur will not wash

fade out.Fiery Serpents,

OR EGUS OF PHARAOWS SRPKXTS.new chemical toy, an interesting and arousing toy, eoosW--

Ing of small eis:-tik- e cones, which, when ignited, erolre in Jfew seconds, a lone twisted anake. rsmtinir nniversal sroaoer,auJ as harm I. s as stmnre.

aii me above preparations are sold by" 'C. F. PFLrOKR.

Agent for . C. TphWiMB ly , Fort St., HooolB"- -

Plantat&tion Lahor BbolWy '
