How Did You Attract and Address Your Audience q5




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How did you attract and address your audience?

In my magazine I have used a range of ways to attract my audience. On my front cover I have used direct address in my main image. This catches the eye of the consumer and draws them to the magazine. My cover lines also stand out from the image and the unique style of my magazine makes it stand out from the audience. From the survey that I conducted 60% of people said that my music magazine would stand out from the competitors. With 90% of people saying that they would have more chance of picking up my magazine based on the front cover. The affordable price could also attract a consumer to buy my magazine.

On my contents page I have ensured that the more exciting articles stand out to the target audience. I have also ensures that the page is not filled with lots of text. This ensures that the images are the main feature of the page. 3 images out of the 4, use direct address which draws in the consumer encouraging them to read the magazine. I have also split up the contents page into 3 categories this will direct the consumer to the articles of their preference. The boarders around the images also make them stand out, making them the first things that they see when they look at the contents page.

My double page spread is different to the rest of my magazine. My double page spread has more colour then the rest of my magazine. I have used a range of fonts to make sure that my double page spread looks interesting. The use of colours within the article