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A homophone is a word that is pronounced and sounds the same as another word but is spelled differently and has a completely different meaning. For example, aisle and isle are pronounced the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings, as do their and there. There are many more.

Aaerial of or relating to the air ariel Middle Eastern and African gazelle

ait small island ate consumed

all every one awl sharp tool

alms charity arms weapons

already previously all ready all prepared

altarplace of sacrifice, commemoration, devotion

alter vary, change; modify

ante gambling stake anti opposed to

ascent act of rising assent consent, agree

aural of or relating to the ear oral spoken

aye yes eye organ of vision I possessive of ME, MY, MINE

bail security, guarantee bale package

bait tempt, entice bate in suspense, anxiously

balm fragrant ointment or oil barm frothy scum on fermenting malt liquor

balmy producing balm; soft, soothing

barmy crazy, silly (sl)

baud unit of electronic transmission

bawd procuress, brothel-keeper; prostitute

beau suitor, lover bow ornamental knot; a weapon

broach to open, to mooth brooch ornamental clasp

cache hidden provisions, treasure, arms, etc

cash money, coins, banknotes

cygnet young swan signet small seal

cymbalmetal disc which causes loud clashing sound

symbol emblem, character, letter

descent going down dissent disagreement

draft a rough copy draught current of air; drink; depth of a boat in water

dual consisting of two duel contest between two persons

ewe female sheep yewevergreen shrub or tree you

the person, animal, etc addressed

fain glad, well-pleased feign invent, pretend

faint dim, indistinct feint a pretence; faint ruled lines

flair natural aptitude flare open outwards; light, signal

flea small insect flee run away

forgo relinquish; let pass forego to go before

gait manner of walking gate opening in fence

gibe sneer, scoff, taunt gybe shift a boat's sail into wind

jibe agree, accord with; alt. GIBE & GYBE

gild coat with gold guild society of same class, trade, etc

gilt gilded; young sow guilt criminality, culpability

grisly horrible, terrible, fearful

grizzly grey, greyish; grizzly bear

guessed past tense of GUESS guest an invited visitor

jinks moves nimbly; dances; dodges

jinx bringer of ill luck

kohlfine black powder used to darken eyelids coal

hard black mineral used as fuel

cole cabbage

lo see!, behold!, look! low not high; below; moo of a cow

moan low sound; complaint mown to have cut grass etc

moat ditch round a castle, fort etc

mote particle of dust, speck, spot

pries looks closely, peeps, peers

prise wrench; force open; lever


an award; value highly

program computer application programme

list of successive items

quean disreputable woman, slut, hussy

queen female sovereign

quire 24 or 25 sheets of paper

choir organised body of singers

rack open framework; destruction; draw off

wrack seaweed; moving clouds; destruction, ruin

reek strong disagreeable odour

wreak carry out, cause

retch try to vomit; to strain wretch miserable, unfortunate person

slay put to death, kill sleigh snow vehicle, sledge

sleight dexterity; a trick, stratagem

slight inconsiderable, insignificant

slew killed; turn, twist about slue turn, twist about

vail lower or doff one's cap; to avail

vale valley; farewell veil cloth attached to headdress;

curtain; mask

vain excessively proud; empty; fruitless

vane weathercock; arm of windmill

vein blood vessel; seam; trait

vial small vessel vile foul, disgusting; depraved; morally base