Hill View Primary Schoolhillviewprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/... · Hill View Primary...


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Hill View Primary School

Hello everyone - Welcome back to another great half term at Hill View.

We’ve only been back two days and there has already been plenty

going on. We have had an amazing visitor for all Reception classes, and

Barnardo class in Year 2 have visited Streetwise. The other year 2

classes will be visiting Streetwise throughout the course of the week.

I am sure it is going to be an exciting and interesting half term. We have

lots planned for every year group in the run up to the Christmas

holidays, so let’s get going!

We were extremely proud to hear that two of our children have been awarded

subsidised places at the Big Little Theatre Company through the Cash For Kids

scheme. This is amazing news as only ten children across Dorset were offered

places, and two were from Hill View! Well done to Jessica Braide in Year 2 and

Corbin White in Year 5 - We wish you the best of luck with this huge


URGENT - Streetwise Visits

Darling Class need parent volunteers (from any class) to attend

their Streetwise visit on Thursday (tomorrow) or the visit may

have to be cancelled. If you are able to meet us there at 1pm and

stay until 2:30pm, please contact the school office as soon as


Coffee Morning - First Aid For Children

Tomorrow’s coffee morning (9:00am) with Mrs Jenkins will be focussed

on first aid for children. We will be hosting a fully qualified first aider

who will be providing tips and ideas which could help save a life. As

always, younger siblings are welcome to attend. We look forward to

seeing you there.

Children In Need/Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Alliance's theme for 2016, 'Power For Good'; the idea that

we are stronger when we work together against bullying.

Friday 18th November will be a 'Blue Superhero Day!'

Come dressed in blue/as a superhero/as a blue

superhero to support Anti Bullying week and Children

in Need. £1 donation will go to Children in Need.

We are also pleased to announce that we have booked a production

group who will visit school during Anti-Bullying Week to perform

‘Supercharged’ - a brand new interactive show that highlights many

forms of bullying and brings this year’s theme for Anti-Bullying Week to

life. Every child in Years 1-6 will be invited to see the show.

3rd November - Parent’s Coffee

Morning ‘First Aid For

Children’ (9:00am)

5th November - Y6 Harrow

House 1st Payment Due

7th November - Y6 Steamer

Point Visit

11th November - Remembrance


11th November - Y5 Winchester

Science Centre Visit

11th November - Y5 Leeson

House 1st Payment Due

Week of 14th November - Parent

Consultations. Details TBA.

15th November - PTFA Stocking

Filler Sale

18th November - Blue Superhero


22nd November - Choir Concert

at Bournemouth Pavilion


Please stay safe while

celebrating this weekend.

There’s a lot of guidance

available online at:


Newsletter No 8. 02/11/16

Guy Fawkes Night

Coming Up...

This weeks attendance: 95.59%

The school day begins at 8:40am


Lunchtime Supervisor


We are looking to recruit a

permanent lunchtime

supervisor (classroom based)

to work 1 hour over

lunchtimes Monday to Friday

during term time only.

We are also looking for casual

lunchtime supervisors (prep &

serve or classroom based)

who will work hours between

11:30am-1:00pm when

required on an ad-hoc basis.

More information on the role

and how to apply is available

on our website. If you have

any questions regarding this

position, please contact the

school office who will put you

in contact with the relevant


Year 2 Handwriting

Year 2 children will be awarded with handwriting certificates when they

complete each stage of letters in cursive script. This will be assessed by

correct application in their independent writing. If you would like to

practise these letters at home, see each stage below.

Stage 5: a c d g q o

Stage 6: Practise capital letter formation

Stage 7: l t j l u y

Stage 8: s f e

Stage 9: h b k p

Stage 10: n m r

Stage 11: v w

Stage 12: z x

Our school website has our rainbow cursive script.

http://www.hillviewprimary.co.uk/english/ (Select ‘Rainbow Cursive

Script’ approximately half way down the page.)

Teachers will also be awarding children with ‘perfect pencils’ when

they have met the expected standard of writing. They will be able to

use these pencils in school. Expected standards for Key Stage 1

handwriting is available in the National Curriculum which can be found

online - search gov.uk, the government’s website for ‘National


School Dinners Survey - We’re All Ears

With National School Meals Week taking place now, it is the perfect

time for Chartwells to collect feedback from parents about their school

meals service. Not only is this a great opportunity for you to help make

positive changes to your children’s school meals, but if you fill in their

survey, you will also be entered into a prize draw for a share of their

£2,500 prize fund. The survey can be completed at


On another note, our Christmas Menu for school meals will be available

on Monday 12th December. Orders for this day can be placed from

now until 4th December at the latest.

Reception Science Dome

Reception children were very excited to have a visit from a science

dome. The immersive 360° experience was brilliant and really brought

the start of their new project, ’Out of This World’, to life.

School Council Meeting

The first School Council meeting took place before half term. It was

very productive, as we got a chance to hear the children’s opinions on

the school toilets, the use of the playground and our behaviour

policies. We look forward to hearing more from them soon.

Remembrance Poppies

Poppies are on sale from next week in school. If you would like your

child to make a donation to the poppy appeal, please give them some

money to bring in next Thursday.

Dorset Cricket Centre

We heard from a parent who

would like us to spread the word

about Dorset Cricket Centre’s

introductory coaching sessions

for 5-9 year olds. They take place

every Tuesday from 5-6pm and

are available for the special price

of only £1 per session until 6th


This is not organised by school,

but looks to be a great

opportunity for anyone


For more information, visit



Year 6 Harrow House Payments

Our ASCENT awards are chosen at

the end of each half term. This

prestigious status is awarded to those that show the ASCENT values in

the work they do and within the school community. The ASCENT award

includes a certificate and a star badge - something the children wear

with pride. The previous newsletter has the list of children who won last

half term’s ASCENT awards.

What could your child do to make sure they win the award next time?

Steamer Point

Year 6 will be going on a great visit to Steamer Point in Highcliffe on

Monday 7th. The day promises to be both exciting and interesting as

the children get to experience map reading and orienteering, as well as

studying coastal features.

Winchester Science Centre (Intech)

Year 5 will be visiting Winchester Science Centre on Friday 11th. This

trip has taken place in previous years and has always proven to be

popular, fun and hugely beneficial to the science curriculum and their

‘Chemical Chaos’ project. We’re sure everyone is excited to go!

We Found Him!

As reported in the last newsletter, Year 1 went out on a hunt for the

Gruffalo on Redhill Common. I am pleased to announce that they found

him, and managed to ask some very interesting questions about his

fear of mice, his plans for Halloween and what he likes to eat.

The Week Ahead... Thursday 3rd-

Saturday 5th-

Monday 7th-

Coffee Morning - First Aid For Kids (9:00am)

Y6 Harrow House Payment Due (£90)

Y6 Steamer Point Visit

Thursday 10th-

Friday 11th-

Lunchtime Supervisor Application Deadline

Y5 Winchester Science Centre Visit

Y5 Leeson House Payment Due (£41.50)

There are no Wizards this time

because it was half term

last week. We look

forward to celebrating

more next week.


The last week of half term was, as always, packed with sporting activities for

children at Hill View. Our teams did really well - see the results below:

Our Year 5/6 girls won both matches in their footie league against Moordown

St John's and Kingsleigh.

Our Year 5 boys won both matches in their footie league against Moordown St

John's and Kingsleigh.

Our Year 6 boys won both matches in their footie league against Moordown St

John's and Kingsleigh.

Mrs Taylor would like to thank all parents for their support in cheering the

teams on but particularly Mr Vicary, Mr Kirby, Mrs Braide, Mrs Coles and Brian,

our Governor, for help with transporting the children.

Also, our year 5/6 girls played at Littledown Predator Tournament and won all

games leading up to the final and are now through to the County Finals in


HV Sports Update

There was no weekly sports award last week as it was half term.

Fancy a new book to read?

Why not try I (Don’t) Like Snakes

by Nicola Davies?

This is an unusual and amusing

tale about a girl who doesn't

share her family's enthusiasm

for snakes. However, as they tell

her more about the incredible

reptiles, she has a change of


Read more about the book at



Reading Focus

The first Harrow House payment of

£90 is due this Saturday. This

payment is required to enable us to

secure the booking at Harrow


Payments can be made through

WisePay, which is linked to on the

School website:


Chartwells is the catering partner chosen to provide tasty and nutritious meals in your child’s school and to coincide with National School Meals Week, we’d really love to know

what you think of our school meals. Last year thousands of you completed our survey and it provided us with really valuable feedback. It helped us to understand what you

like and what you think needs improving and we’ve been able to use the information to make changes and build plans around our food for the future.


31st October - 13th November 2016



for your chance to win a share of a£2,500 PRIZE FUND





SSCT Parents Online Safety Newsletter Autumn 2016

This newsletter may be distributed electronically and on paper

See more at https://www.dorset.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/safe-schools-team/

Welcome to the latest edition of the Parents Online Safety Newsletter.

Help for parents: Internet Matters

InternetMatters.org are a not-for-profit organisation

that has a simple purpose – to help keep children safe

in the digital world. They are backed by some

prominent internet industry players, e.g. BT, Sky,

TalkTalk and Virgin Media, and supported by leading

child online safety experts. It is a site aimed at parents

looking to help them make the right decisions for

themselves and their families.

The website is split into sections covering issues,

advice and controls and the approach is to help

parents to have relevant conversations with their

children in order to:

Encourage them to behave safely online

Help them identify potential risks

Help limit the risks they may face online

Know what to do and where to go if they need


They have some useful videos and checklists and

plenty of links to other useful sources of information.

The material is appropriate for parents of pre-school

children through to teenagers and includes how to

research issues, have conversations with children and

set up devices.

NSPCC Helplines

The NSPCC have a dedicated helpline

for parents who are concerned about

online safety issues.

In addition, if you are concerned about

radicalisation or extremism you can call the NSPCC’s

general helpline.

Report inappropriate content to ParentPort

ParentPort is run by the UK’s media regulators.

They set and enforce standards across the media to

protect children from inappropriate material including

programmes on TV or

online, films, adverts, video

games or magazines. At the

ParentPort website you can

find out about the

standards set for the

media, make a complaint

or share your views.


Top tips for being a good online role model

Children will model what they see family and friends

doing: this applies just as much online as elsewhere in

life. It is important that parents and carers show

Parents Online Safety Newsletter

Like us on Facebook @DorsetSSCT Search for Dorset SSCT

SSCT Parents Online Safety Newsletter Autumn 2016

This newsletter may be distributed electronically and on paper

See more at https://www.dorset.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/safe-schools-team/

children and young people how to behave safely and


Limit the time that you spend online: make

sure there is some family time where you are

not all plugged in

Be careful what you post: for example many

parents post pictures of their children in

school uniform – this is putting your children

at risk

If your child can see your social media

postings, are you sure everything you and

your contacts are writing is suitable for your

child – sometimes there are better ways to


For more tips go to



What is Pokémon Go?

Pokémon Go was released in the UK just before the

summer holidays and has been phenomenally

popular. It uses ‘augmented reality’ where the camera

on a smartphone is used to show the landscape

layered onto mapping software so it looks like

Pokémon creatures are in the environment. Pokémon

are creatures that can be captured by Pokémon

Trainers using a small spherical device called a Poké

Ball. There are different types of Pokémon, with

different moves, abilities and stats. The aim of the

game is to capture as many Pokémon and to win as

many ‘gyms’ for your team as you can and become a

Pokémon Master. The Pokédex is an electronic device

which stores data from Pokémon once they’re

captured. One of the other goals of the player is to

attempt to fill their Pokédex by capturing all of the

different types of Pokémon. Furthermore there are

Poké Gyms, which are buildings located throughout

the world where Pokémon Trainers can train, and

Poké Stops where you can collect Poké Balls and other

items. These are usually located in places of interest,

like parks, art installations, churches and other public

buildings. This can encourage congregation of people

at these places.

This is undoubtedly a novel way to play games as the

player has to walk around outside rather than sit at

their console but there have been concerns over

safety. As a parent or carer you need to consider the


It is likely that your child will meet other people while

playing the game. It is essential that they understand

who it is safe to interact with: this will depend to

some extent on the age and maturity of your child.

Players may be so involved in the game they may

forget about their ‘real life’ surroundings. While

walking with one of my children in town over the

summer I noticed two teenagers playing Pokemon Go

on their bikes and one crashed into the other as he

was trying to catch something exciting. Other issues

such as walking out into traffic without looking or

going into areas that may not be suitable are also


The game does contain in-app purchases so make sure

these are passworded so your child does not run up a

large bill. In addition, the game will use quite a lot of

battery and data from the 3G/4G signal so ensure that

you child understands the limits of this.

One of the best ways to keep children safe playing this

game is to go with them – I certainly went down some

streets I had never seen before and learnt some

history of my town playing the game with my children

and we did it on a shopping day to break the day up.

For older children and young people who will not

want your company, you still need to have

conversations with them before they go: find out

what routes they will be using,

agree when they will be back and

it is better if they go with friends

rather than on their own.

There are also some parental controls available to

limit game play time.

For more information see


