Grunts and Groans Pay Off - · J...


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Grunts and Groans

Pay Off

As usual thas years Wrestlers contmued the1r wmmng ways by comp1l10g o 1 Q.Q. 7 record 10 tournament and dual meets. Thear only toes were Canondoaguo and East Rochester, both wrestling powerhouses. Haghlaghts of th1s year were w10s over Corn10g East and coptunng the three mvatotaonoltournoments an whach they por­IIClpated Thas year four team members placed '" the sectionols. They were Dovod Hall, Dove Moreland, James Lashbrook, and Alan Calabro. Most of !has con be attnbuted to the excellent coochang of Coach Abe Meyers. He demands skalls os well os the desire to win.

The J V. wrestlers, under Mr. Robert Long compiled o 10-1-0 rec­ord whach speaks for atself. Coach Meyers hos someting to look for· word to next year, but he must also face the loss of sax seniors. Next years hopefuls ore Joe Avvedutao, Kevm Bast, and George Capac· Cl.

1 Tho leom owo•ls o vocla<y 2 Are you uphghlf

Vor~ ty Bottom llow R lyM J loshbrod 0 Moreland Coach Meyers Row '1 G. Prosser, A. Colobro 0 Ho I, S Hall Row 3 G Amodon P Kronenwelter, S Smolh, M. Bullo<.. RCIW 4 F Mi ~ J Good J Son crop• 0 WolloH, M Nozzo oo


Managers A Rosenkrord, J Wflght.

2 3 '


J.V Soffom Row So Tornow, B. Knopp, J. lorenzell•, 0 0

Romeo, K Basi Row 2 I( lorenz, G. Corool•omoo R Carbone, P Reko emeyer iow 3 J Avved\111, J Rob· bm1, R Honnonf G Copocc•. S BuHone, Jo Holey 0

I lorry Tomow traes o rever sol

2 Jotv. Holey overpowers h•s mon.

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