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Community Lutheran Church

30897 Omar Road – Frankford, DE 19945 Church Office – 302-732-1156 Blog:

JUNE 2016

The Reverend Mark Molter Jim Gelato, Deacon

Dave Pittinger, Deacon Tom Richardson, Director of Music

Ted Byram, Cantor - 8:00 AM Service Norma Rodney, Cantor - 10:30 AM Service

Kathy Waluk, Assistant Organist

Vol. 22, Issue 6

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Season of Pentecost is upon us. So what is Pentecost? Pentecost is Greek for 50. It is celebrated 40 days after Easter and 10 Days after the Ascension. It is often takes place during the Jewish Harvest Festival. For the Christian church Pentecost is a celebration of out pouring of the Holy Spirit and Harvest of God’s work in the kingdom.

What does the Holy Spirit and this harvest in God’s Kingdom look like. The Holy Spirit is represented in many ways, As Wind, Fire, A dove, a wild goose. It is certainly not something we can control or tame as John 3:34 reminds us that God “gives the Spirit without measure.” The Holy Spirit most simply described is an outpouring of God’s Love upon God’s people. Think about it, Love is often depicted in the same way: as a wild animal, as fire, as a fragrant breeze. So during Pentecost we celebrate this wonderful outpouring of Love upon God’s people the Church.

During this Pentecost Season we will take a few moments to recognize during Sunday worship to celebrate the people and gifts that help the church outpour God’s love to the people around us. The Holy Spirit works and inspires so many people in our congregation, giving them the energy and gifts to Share God’s Love. We feed the hungry, provide clothing, tend the sick, often God’s presence. All this is happening here so just imagine what the Holy Spirit is doing all over the world.

So in the Month of June I would ask that you do three things. First pray that the Holy Spirit’s presence be made known to you. Second, take time to listen and observe how the Holy Spirit is working in and around you. Third, take action around something the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do. These tasks might be difficult for some of you so don’t do it alone. Ask your fellow pilgrims, pray with them, take action together. The Holy Spirit is here in and among us inspiring and moving us to share God’s love to the world.


President’s Ponderings…Ponder anew, what the Almighty can do.

But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you – from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 1 Peter 2:9,10 (The Message)

I believe it quite interesting that we tend to be what we say we are. An example of this is, is when a person calls himself healthy and he eats “clean” (modern reference to abstaining from processed food) and participates in regular exercise because as part of being. It seems the opposite is not true. A person who decides they are not healthy and wants to eat better and exercise more in order to become healthy tends to not eat better or exercise more for a sustained period. What I find to be beautiful is that I (you, too) can choose my (your) identity.

I believe a congregation also claims an identity. As the body of Christ, CLC is a congregation that claims that we are a people that seeks “To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known.” I see signs of this claim in much of what we do. What we do,

shows “the world” that we seek to know Christ and intentionally act to make Christ known to the world. We seek to invite others, welcome the stranger, and serve our neighbor.

CLC is a little church that does big things. We have a full time pastor and we have an amazing director of music. We have a place to worship and a place to learn. CLC gives a pretty good first impression because of the care given to the building and grounds. From the road, it looks like we care about our property and our cross marks CLC as a Christian place. The welcome sign is out.

Worship is well planned and our worship is robust. Visitors are welcomed. Learning opportunities abound. CLC loves ‘our neighbors’ through our Helping Ministry: quilters, knitters, CLC Emergency Food closet, the Service Team activities and Lay Visitation Team. Deacon Dave and Deacon Jim share the love of Jesus through their ministries in the community and in CLC’s community.

I have not included everything. I know you can name more signs of CLC following its mission “To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known.” I encourage you to claim yourself to be one of the faithful who identifies yourself as one seeking to know Christ and seeking to make Christ known.

When new things happen at CLC and you find you are agitated by the changes, stop to consider how important your discomfort is when you consider CLC’s Mission. If a change actually compromises our mission, it needs proper attention. Otherwise, let us learn to focus on what is right and good. Let us also focus on what we can do better. Each of us must also decide what we each can do to support our mission and ministries.

Overall, I believe CLC (you and I are CLC) is a healthy congregation knowing that we are Christ’s presence at the Omar crossroads. Let us seek the Holy Spirit that we become better at living our identity.

Your sister in service to Christ, Sandra Wachter-Myers, Council President

Jesus said to him (Thomas), “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” John 20:29

and then there was Pentecost!

This past month I was led in my journaling to a focus on being led by the Holy Spirit to experience Christ in my life. This seems to be in sharp contrast to Jesus’ words to Thomas. Perhaps erroneously, but I broaden “to see” into “to experience.” Faith and belief should be enough; not only that but the best way! But then we celebrate Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. An enormous happening – EXPERIENCE - followed by more and more experiences in the book of Acts. The early church was very experiential; in sharp contrast to what I envision the church had become before the Reformation. Folks went to Mass and listened to a service in Latin and experienced very little. The priest was the only one having any opportunity to experience Christ. Some branches of Christianity still struggle with getting its members to be more involved even though a diverse set of opportunities are offered. Have you ever attended Healing services? Have you ever laid hands on someone and prayed with them. Have you ever gone to a Maundy Thursday service and had your feet washed by the Pastor? Just a few of the means – experiences - provided to awaken you to Christs presence in you.

My own situation has been one of extreme doubt and denial to an unquestionable YES! Christ was and is real and the Holy Spirit empowers me every single hour to know and share the Good News. I was educated in Physics and then engineering; I simply knew that religion was all hocus pocus! Then after many prayers by Barb and many others, the Holy Spirit smacked me on the side of my head, woke me up and began leading me in to things I could never have done before. I have had experience after experience that continually affirm

to me the mysteries of the Bible, Christ and the cross. Some, like me, need to be led, so to speak, by the hand.

Since we are just at the start of the Pentecost season of the liturgical year, let’s ponder a bit about what might have been happening on the day of Pentecost. First, I have studied about glossolalia (tongues) quite a bit. I am convinced that the translation that we have today is highly misleading. Tongues is NOT a language that can be translated. The visitors from so many different countries did NOT hear words that were in their native tongue. They heard sounds and knew in their hearts what was being said. The same is true when Paul admonishes the early church to not use tongues in a worship service unless a person with the gift of interpretation of tongues was present. That person will simply just “know” what was being given to the church for the edification of all.

When reading Acts, there are many references to the fact that the Holy Spirit came upon the crowd. The natural question to ask is, of course, “How did they know?”

I believe that they spoke in tongues – that was the norm. It was so common that it didn’t need to be mentioned each time. Also to the best of my knowledge there is only one situation in the Bible, other than at Pentecost, in which folks received the Holy Spirit prior to Baptism. See if you can find the description of this happening. (Hint: it’s in the Book of Acts) From my lily pad to yours, Dave Bartges (R. Jeremiah)



SIMPLY GIVING I recently read an article on the computer from Jim Kreller, Executive Vice President of Sales for Vanco Payment Solutions. I thought you all might be interested in what he has to say.

“A majority of churchgoers prefer electronic giving options, but many still want to participate in the church’s tradition of passing the plate. Can churches find solutions to solve this dilemma for their members? We believe they can, as long as they understand their members’ conflicting emotions and what’s behind them.

When we surveyed more than 1,000 U.S. churchgoers, 60 percent told us they favor e-Giving because it’s convenient and their churches benefit from consistent revenue. But a sizable portion of that group also told us they enjoy the satisfaction that comes from taking part in traditional giving and don’t want to miss out on having something to put in the plate when it’s passed. In fact, 39 percent of our survey respondents who prefer electronic giving at church also strongly identify with “liking the feeling of giving when the plate is passed.” It is interesting to note that the feeling of satisfaction that comes from “passing the plate” is strong across all age groups:

Ages 35-44 = 37 percent Ages 24-34 = 42 percent Ages 45-54 = 45 percent Ages 55-65 = 48 percent Ages 66-72 = 43 percent

Giving money to churches or other charitable organizations leads to the greatest happiness when it has a social connection. Not only do churchgoers like the tangible feeling of putting something in the plate, they also like the connection they get when they can show others that they’re financially supporting the church’s mission. Overall, churchgoers want the benefits of e-Giving, but they also want the satisfaction of taking part in giving at services.

Your church can serve both needs…

First, give members the electronic options they desire and let them decide how and when they want to give.

Next provide pew cards that say, ”I Give Electronically.” Actually we do not feel the need to do that.

Using these simple strategies, you can ensure that regardless of how your member choose to give—online or in the plate—they will always be able to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from social giving.

If you think you might be interested in e-Giving, let me know or sign up on the bulletin board and I will give you the paper to fill out.

Thanks to all who increased their Simply Giving as well as weekly donations. Keep up the good work!

Barb Bartges, Financial Secretary

Council Highlights Of Meeting

May 10, 2016

In our Bible study we discussed that during a time of grieving we need to come together rather than pulling away. We also need to ask, why are we grieving?

Pastor Mark reported that the cottage meetings have been going well. During the season of Pentecost, Pastor Mark will bless the different ministries. He will begin with the Blessing of the Quilts and the quilters on Sunday, May 22nd.

Helping Team reported that for the first two Sundays in May they have collected $70.05 for World Hunger. They will host coffee hour for both services June 5th.

We are now in the Season of Pentecost and the liturgy will remain the same for the first half of Pentecost. In late summer the liturgy will change for the second half of Pentecost.

Due to the cost of Mar-Lu-Ridge counselors, we have decided to do our own Vacation Bible School this summer, July 11 –15 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. It will be open for campers ages 3 to 12. Our theme will be:

“The Rainbow Promise.”

Respectfully Submitted, Lonnie Riley, Secretary

Organ Recital to Benefit Food Pantry

About 40 faithful servants gathered on Sunday afternoon, May 15 at 4 pm for an Organ Recital offered by our Music Director Tom Richardson who played duets with Melanie Leinbach. A light hors d’oeuvre reception was held in Luther Hall following the recital. This Recital was to benefit the CLC Food Pantry. Donations – monetary or canned goods – were accepted. Many thanks to all who attended!

Your donations to the Food Service on the day of this wonderful concert by Tom Richardson and Melanie Leinbach totaled $212.00. Thanks again for your generosity. It is definitely appreciated!!

PLEASE wear your nametag!


The Service Team is looking for a coordinator to arrange transportation to those in our congregation in need of a ride to church, doctor appointments, etc. If interested please Call Dave Pittinger or Pat and Bill Carroll. Thank you, GOD’S blessings on you always.


To my Community family: Thank you for all the prayers and phone calls I received after my car accident. May the Lord watch over all of you the way he does me. Joan Hennessey


The Service Team coordinator for “Coupon Sundays”, Mary Fern has totaled up our donations of coupons for our Military families as follows: Food Coupons Collected 1,037 Food Coupon Value $1,029.00 Non-Food Coupons Collected 2,254 Non-Food Coupon Value $4,507.00

Thank you and keep up the good work!!


WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Sandra Wachter-Myers serves as the facilitator. The purpose of this group is for women to gather to support one another. Our lives include experiences of loss and diminishment as well as joy and wellbeing. With the help of the Holy Spirit, and through conversation, prayer and inspired writings Women’s Spirituality is a safe place to come for encouragement and inspiration. On June 23 at 10:00 a.m. we will continue our learning about some of our favorite hymns. Each hymn has a story. Each woman has a story. We seek to connect our stories to God’s story.

Thanks to all of you faithful folks who gave the $71.26 to complete the cost of the

Tabernacle. The total expense with shipping and handling was $421.26 and it was

covered by your generous donations – THANKS TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS.

The Stewardship Team continues its work by wiping clean the Time and Talent records and starting anew. During this Easter season every member of Community Lutheran is asked to complete a NEW Time and Talent survey. The form is revised and in order to have complete records, you are asked to give careful attention to offering your service to CLC’s ministry. Thank you to all who have completed this survey. For those of you who have not done so, please complete a survey as soon as possible. Copies are available in the narthex, Luther Hall and the church office. Return completed surveys to the church office. The Stewardship Team appreciates the prayerful consideration you give to completing this survey.


GARDENERS NEEDED Signup sheet for interested gardeners is on the board in Luther Hall. Gardeners, please signup to help with the flower gardens around the building and the Cross Garden. Thank you!

New Schedule for Property Team/Silver Foxes

Beginning in 2016, these teams will meet quarterly. The meeting dates remaining in 2016 include July 12, and October 11 at 9:30 a.m. in Luther Hall. Anyone interested in joining or interested in helping out on many projects done for CLC, contact Doug Fields at 302-396-4163. All are welcomed!

You Are Not Forgotten! If you do not use email, you might not even know that you have not been receiving many important announcements. Until now, these announcements have been sent out to only disciples having email. But now we have implemented an abbreviated calling tree which will call those not using email at the same time that the email announcements are sent out. Ed Waluk leads the team with help from Bev Stalnaker and Barb Bartges. If you do use email, but would prefer a telephone call, please contact Ed at 302-564-7966.

Helping Out with Videos

Community used to have our weekly Liturgies recorded for posting to You Tube for availability to the homebound, but because of copyright rules, the practice had to be discontinued. However, we continue to video special Liturgies (Pastor Mark’s Installation, for example) and an occasional special event for the CLC library and archives.

We need a faithful servant with good computer skills to convert what’s recorded from a memory chip to DVD. That’s it! Someone else does the videoing and transfer to a memory chip. This is a low activity endeavor, anticipating no more than 3-4 videos per year.

If you can help out, please contact Dick Riehl at home 410-641-2173 or cell 301-509-8860.

OPERATING FUND REPORT As of March 31, 2016

Income Compared to Budget: Received $61,587 Budgeted $63,465 Difference ($ 1,878)

Actual Income and Expense: Received $61,587 Expenses $65,746 Difference ($ 4,159)

Thanks for your continued support.

Plan a Trip in 2017 for 11 Days

following the Footsteps of Martin Luther: September 18-28, 2017

Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation where it all began! Visit Wartburg Castle in Eisenach. . . the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt. . . Luther’s birthplace in Eisleben. . .the Castle Church in Wittenberg. . . Leipzig where Luther debated Johann Eck. Travel through the beautiful Rhine Valley and also visit the historic cities of Augsburg, Nuremberg, Berlin, Dresden and Munich. All for only $3,749 per person. This trip is being hosted by Pastor Harry Biles. The tour includes roundtrip airfare from Washington, D. C. (air/land tour price $2,819 plus $660 govt. taxes/airline surcharges), first class/select hotels, most meals, services of a professional tour director, comprehensive sightseeing, hotel service charges/taxes, porterage and entrance fees. If interested, flyers with information to obtain a brochure with complete details are available on the table in Luther Hall.


(CLC) The Rainbow Promise Genesis 9:17 For Children Age 3 Through Age 12

July 11 – 15, 2016 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Each Morning

Please share this information with neighbors, friends, and family members who have children. Registration is open now.; forms are available in the Narthex and Office.

WANTED – Willing servants to help with VBS: Shepherds – lead a small group of children from one activity to another and share in the activities.

Helpers – crafts, arts, recreation and snack need helpers to set up, clean up and help with leading activities.

Registration and welcoming crew – be present early each day to help welcome our children.

NEXT VBS PLANNING MEETING IS JUNE 1st AT 4:00 p.m. All interested or just curious are welcome to join in this meeting!

Attention All Ushers

The 2016 schedules are compiled monthly. For ushers serving at the 10:30 service, please contact Dick Riehl to let him know of any dates you are not available to serve; for ushers serving at the 8:00 service, please contact Deacon Jim Gelato. Many thanks to all who continue to serve in this very important role.

ALTAR GUILD Thanks to all our Altar Guild members for your continued service. We are in need of more members. Please see me about joining this group. Thanks, Bev Stalnaker

CLC DIRECTORY Add to your directory list:

Please continue to report any changes or corrections to our Office Secretary Dee, as changes will be made regularly and updates issued on a current basis. Jim & Janet Gelato: 32664 Captain’s Way Millsboro, DE 19966 302-231-8796

Ruth & David Bishop: New E-mail

Lee Driscoll: new telephone 443-727-3118


The Rev. Wolfgang D.

Herz-Lane was elected the fourth bishop of the Delaware-Maryland Synod on June 12, 2010. Synod meeting will be held in Ocean City, Maryland on June 2, 3 and 4, 2016. In 2017, ELCA members will join Lutherans and other Christians around the world in observing the 500th anniversary of the spiritual reformation that began when Martin Luther posted his “Ninety-five Theses” on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517. In the years leading to 2017, ELCA members, congregations and synods will observe the anniversary of this evangelical reformation in a variety of ways with numerous partners. Watch and future issues of Seeds for the Parish for more information about opportunities and resources for observing this milestone in the church’s ongoing life.


Thank you for all donations of food and money that allows us to continue this mission. Continued Food Service Needs:




PAPER TOWELS SHAMPOO TISSUES TOOTH PASTE and BRUSHES TOILET PAPER DEODORANT LAUNDRY SOAP BAR SOAP If a monetary gift is easier for you, just write “Food Service” on the outside of love envelope and place in offering plate. Food requests taken Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. only. Please call 302-732-1156 for an appointment. Dick Riehl, Hans Neas, Larry Forster and MaryEllen Engler

Sponsoring Altar Flowers, Candles and Weekly Bulletins

Sponsorship is a wonderful way to memorialize or honor a loved one or event. The cost for sponsoring bulletins/candles is $5 each; and flowers is $26 you can also split with someone else and pay $13 each (sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board in Luther Hall). To pay for sponsorship, place your check or cash in an offering envelope and mark it with your name and “flowers”, “bulletin”, or “candle” and place in the offering plate.

JUNE 2016

Birthdays: Carol Clarke 6 Glenda Glenda 6 Kline, Fran 8 Tom DeShazo 12 Jim Landis 13 Dick Riehl 14 Bev Stalnaker 15 Debra Stark 16 Brantley Thompson 16 Norma Willis 19

Anniversaries: Hans & Judy Neas 1 Ed & Kathy Waluk 1 Tom & Deb Koerner 4 Gary & Ann Scott 4 Larry & Melinda Forster 7 Gary & Anne Hanna 10 Alan & Joan King 10 Eric & Kerin Magill 20 Charles & Harriet Pickel 20 Bob & Sally Druckenmiller 28 If your birthday or anniversary is not shown please give to the church office, write on page on bulletin board or send info to: beverlystalnaker615@outlookcom


Military families stationed overseas are often living on one income and money can be scarce. Let’s support our military by showing them some coupon love. Please join the Service Team in bringing in your coupons so our coordinator Mary Fern can send them to one of our many adopted bases. The following are March totals:

Food Coupons 320 = $352.45 Non-food Coupons 1,417 = $2,572.85


Assisting Minister

Communion Assistant


Altar Guild


8:00 a.m.

June 5 Suzy Schaeffer Ted Byram Doris Egbert Linda Byram Mary Fern

June 12 Ted Byram Jim Gelato Linda Byram Doris Egbert Doris Egbert

June 19 MaryEllen Engler Joan King Vernon Miller Susan Pittinger Susan Pittinger

June 26 Jim Gelato Suzy Schaeffer Mary Fern Linda Riehl Linda Riehl

Assisting Minister

Communion Assistant


Altar Guild


Counting Team

10:30 a.m.

June 5 Sophia Riehl Cathy Tice & Jim Gelato

Wally Shifflett & Gary Tice

Karlyn Fields Carol Clarke Neas & Fields

June 12 Dave Bartges Gene Schaffner & Jim Gelato

L. Lauterbach & Andrea Booth

Bev Stalnaker Bev Stalnaker Levine & Clarke

June 19 Cathy Tice Sophia Riehl & Dave Bartges

Hans & Judy Neas

Judy Neas Judy Neas Pittinger & Shifflett

June 26 Joanne Strunck Jim & Janet Gelato

Ruth & Harry Sacona

Lesley Shuey Judy & Don Striebig

Sacona & Schaffner

JUNE 2016

This Calendar is Subject to Change. Please check before attending.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday Sat. AA Meets Every Monday & Thursday @ 8:00 p.m.

**Breakfast with Bob at Country Kitchen on Main Street in Millsboro

***FMS – Feed My Sheep Ministry

1 8:15 am Men’s Group 10:30 am Hospitality/ Fellowship

1:30-4:30 pm Cards H&F

4 pm Vacation Bible Sh. Plng.

2 8 am Breakfast with Bob** 10 am CCC meeting

Synod Assembly in Ocean City

3 Synod Assembly in Ocean City

4 10 am Worship @ Atlantic Shores Synod Assembly in Ocean City

5 8 am Worship 9 am Bible Study 9 am Choir Rehrs 10:30 Worship & Children’s Sunday School Coffee Hour

6 9:30 Service 9:30 Knit & Crochet 12N Bible Study

7 9:30 am Quilters

4:00 pm EXCOM

8 8:15 am Men’s Group

9 8 am Breakfast With Bob **

4 pm Christian Communication

5:30 pm Food Delivery FMS*** Ministry



12 8:00 Worship 9:00 Bible Study 9 am Choir Reh. 10:30 Worship & Children’s Sunday School

13 9:30 Knit & Crochet

12N Bible Study

14 9:30 am Quilters

12 Noon Lay Visitation

2 pm Stewardship

4 pm Council

7 pm Point Farms HOA

15 8:15 am Men’s Group

1:30-4:30 pm Cards H&F

16 8 am Breakfast With Bob ** 1 p.m. Finance



19 8 a.m. Worship 9 am Choir Reh. 9 am Bible Study 10:30 Worship & Children’s Sunday School Father’s Day

20 9:30 Knit & Crochet 12N Bible Study GRAPEVINE DEADLINE

21 9:30 am Quilters


8:15 am Men’s Group

23 8 am Breakfast With Bob **

10 am NEW Women’s Spirituality

5:30 pm Dinner Group

5:30 pm Food Delivery FMS*** Ministry



26 8 a.m. Worship 9 am Choir Reh. 9 am Bible Study 10:30 Worship & Children’s Sunday School

27 9:30 Knit & Crochet 12N Bible Study

28 9:30 am Quilters 9:30 am Mutual Ministry

2 pm Worship & Music

29 8:15 am Men’s Group

10:30 am Worship Svc @Renaissance 1:30-4:30 pm Cards H&F

30 8 am Breakfast With Bob **
