Grade 6 ESL Cover Sheet- Spoken Words


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Spoken Words

Guiding Question: How is telling a story different than writing one?

Area of Interaction: Human ingenuity

Student Learning Expectations:You will examine the changing nature of story telling, from oral to text, and now back to oral?

Objectives:• present your ideas, giving details where


• communicate information, ideas and opinions

• use clear pronunciation and/or intonation

• correctly use a range of vocabulary

• correctly use a range of grammatical structures

AssessmentYou will retell a traditional story from your culture to retell as a recorded podcast.


You will create a reworked version of your short story from Language A and record a podcast of the oral piece.


You will tell the original story you create din class on StoryBird as a recorded podcast.

By the end of the unit you should be able to understand that

• a written story can be altered to have a different effect when spoken.

• that a story can be told in different ways.

• the basic core of what makes a story effective- both in written and oral forms.

Criteria to be assessed

Criterion A: Oral communication—message and interaction

Criterion B: Oral communication—language

Grade 6/7 ESL Unit Overview
