Govt ensuring better road connectivity NYK organises river...


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Tuesday October 24, 20174 DISTRICTS

STATE TIMES NEWS KATRA: Deputy ChiefMinister Dr. Nirmal Singhon Monday stated that sci-ence exhibitions and otherproject works being vitalaspects of our education sys-tem develop scientific tem-perament in the students.

The Dy CM, while address-ing a gathering after inaugu-rating 17th science exhibi-tion of Bhartiya ShikshaSamiti J&K, said that educa-tion plays pivotal role in pre-serving our rich cultural her-itage and historic legacy andin this regard BhartiyaShiksha Samiti is one suchexample which is sowing theseeds for fostering realIndian values and basictenets of our society.

Earlier, while inspectingthe projects and practicalworks by the students of var-ious institutions of theSamiti, Dr. Singh appreciat-ed their efforts in displayingsuch science models in a veryimpressive way.

On the occasion, the stu-dents also exhibited projectson environment, crop pro-duction, farming, disastermanagement, mathematicsetc. Dr. Singh also asked theprincipals of the variousinstitutions to promote theconcept of integrated farm-ing among the studentsthrough the assistance of

SKAUST Jammu. He saidinterested students should betaken to the University forpractically understandingthe multifaceted scientificideas which can be provedfruitful for improving theexisting agriculture system.

Referring to the scienceexhibition, Dr. Singh alsosaid that there should be no

hesitation in organising suchprogrammes which arelinked with our civilisationand foster our original valuebesides laying strong base forcoming generations to imi-tate, preserve and transmitthe same.

Minister of State forTourism, Priya Sethi, MLCVikram Randhawa, DDCPrassana Ramaswamy G,SDM Katra NeelamKhajuria, CEO B.S. Jaral,Sangathan Mantri BSSPardeep Kumar, PresidentBVM School Katra ShivKumar Sharma and variousother representatives ofSamiti, scientists, local peo-ple, teachers, students andchildren were present on theoccasion.

In three days event, thestudents would make presen-tations of various models andminiatures before the gather-ing and also exhibit their rel-evance for the present gener-ations from social and eco-nomic point of view.

17th science exhibition of Bhartiya Shiksha Samiti begins

Exhibitions, project works develop scientifictemperament in students: Dy CM

Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh lighting the ceremonial lamp at Katra.

STATE TIMES NEWS BILLAWAR: Dr ManoharLal Sharma SeniorCongress leader, formerMinister and PCC GeneralSecretary said that there isa lot of public anger in theState against BJPGovernment over a highlydiscriminatory attitude ofJammu and KashmirPublic Commission with thehighly qualified youth ofJammu. He said that thebiased approach of PSC isobjected by all sections ofsociety in Jammu evenacross the political line, butBJP is completely silentover this burning issue andremained mute spectatorsin three years.

Dr Sharma said that it isvery unfortunate that theBJP and its leadership hascompletely failed to eitheract or even discuss inCabinet over this crucialissue of PSC's selection listsadding that the PSC hascrossed all limits of discrim-ination with Jammu

province in selection listsissued during two and halfyears whether it may beassistant professor in high-er education, associate pro-fessor medical education,doctors, engineers andother Dept. gazzeted postsas also in appointment ofJudges.

Dr Sharma also ques-tioned as to why BJP-PDPgovt. is hesitating to abolishtoll tax in State and what isthe fate of slogan of singletax system under GSTregime in the State given bythe PM Modi. He said thatthe people of the State arealready over burdened withtaxes upto 28 per cent afterGST implementation andtoll tax at of Rs 80 /quintalis totally intolerable. Heelaborated that the indus-tries, business and con-sumers are badly affectedwith this toll tax and theymade a hue and cry forwithdrawal of toll tax fromthe State, but State BJP-PDP Govt. doesn't bother.

BJP should clear its standover discriminatory

attitude of PSC: Manohar

Scooty rider injured in mishapSTATE TIMES NEWS

SAMBA: A sccoty rider got injured when his scooty was hitby a truck at Samba. According to a report, a scooty (PB35U-7864) coming towards Samba was hit by a unknown trucknear Ghgawal resulting in the scooty rider getting criticallyinjured. Injured identified as Narinder resident of ShahpurKandi Pathankot was shifted to Ghagwal Hospital fromwhere doctors referred him to Government Medical CollegeHospital Jammu for treatment. Police has taken cognisanceinto the matter and started investigation.

Man falls from train, dies STATE TIMES NEWS

UDHAMPUR: A middle aged person probably (pilgrim) fellfrom moving train at Mian Bagh and got critical injured.However the injured succumbed to injured while he was beingshifting to hospital.According to a report, a middle aged per-son suddenly fell from a moving train which was on its way toUdhampur from Jammu. Sources disclosed that victim suc-cumbed to his injuries while he was being shifted to DistrictHospital Udhampur. Police has registered a case for investi-gation.

Restrictions around examination centresSTATE TIMES NEWS

UDHAMPUR: For smooth and fair conduct of annual exam-ination to be conducted by J& K State Board of SchoolEducation for Higher Secondary Examination Part -II ( 12thclass) and Secondary School Examination (10th class) com-mencing from 26th October 2017, at various centers in thedistrict, District Magistrate, Ravinder Kumar imposedrestrictions under Section 144 CrPC on the general public fornot entering or gathering within a radius of two hundredmeter from the examination centers. Besides, restrictionshave also been imposed on the use of loudspeakers within aradius of 200 m from the venue of the examination.

STATE TIMES NEWS SAMBA: Minister forIndustries and CommerceChander Prakash Ganga onMonday said the governmenthas taken various path-break-ing steps for providing betterroad connectivity to the peopleof the rural areas.

The minister was speakingafter kick-starting blacktop-ping works of road link fromRamgarh to Chak Bana andChak Salarian and Smailpurto Derra being executed with acost of Rs. 1 crore.

Speaking on the occasion,the minister said road connec-tivity brings development withit and the government is work-ing relentlessly to provide allbasic amenities in rural areasat par with urban areas.

Stressing that the govern-ment is creating new assetsfor the people in rural areas,the minister said proper utili-

sation of these assets is theresponsibility of the locals andthey should take proper careof the public assets.

Interacting with the locals,the minister listened to theirgrievances and assured themthat concrete steps would betaken for improving sanita-tion, healthcare and educa-tional facilities in the bordervillages. He asked them to

take maximum benefit of thestate and centrally sponsoredwelfare schemes which havebeen implemented for uplift-ing the living standards inrural areas.

The minister asked the con-cerned to maintain qualitywhile executing works besidesensuring that the roads getblacktopped within a stipulat-ed time frame.

Govt ensuring better road connectivityin rural areas: Ganga

Minister for Industries and Commerce Chander PrakashGanga starting blacktopping of road at Samba.

STATE TIMES NEWS KATRA: Minister of Statefor Tourism Priya Sethi onMonday emphasised uponthe officers to explore all pos-sibilities for promotion ofadventure tourism in ReasiDistrict which has immensescope and potential in thisspecific tourism sector.

The Minister, while chair-ing a meeting of tourism anddistrict administration, saidthat the district is blessedwith religious tourism wherearound one crore touristsfrom across the globe visitannually. She said this hugenumber of tourists if divertedtowards adventure tourism,health tourism etc, canchange the economic profileof local areas in particularand of State as a whole.

On the occasion, DeputyCommissioner ReasiPrasanna Ramaswamy G,Director Tourism SamitaSethi and other officers were

present.The minister instructed the

officers for involving localpeople before startingtourism related activities intheir areas so that impendingbottlenecks are removed eas-ily. She also instructed theTourism Department to startadventure activities coursesfor generating employmentopportunities for local peo-ple.

The minister also directedthe Tourism Department forsupplementing the existingbanners and boards fromJammu to Patnitop and fromJammu to Katra with public-

ity of adventure tourism. Thedepartment was alsoinstructed to complete alltourism buildings in districtReasi for their further utili-sation at an earliest.

Earlier, AD TourismUmesh Sham apprised of thepotential of adventuretourism on 12 km stretchfrom Bara dari to DeraBanda Bhadur. He said thatthere is immense scope forpromoting zorbing, zip lin-ing, rock climbing, rappellingetc.

The minister also soughtdetails on the progress ofinfrastructural development

at Siard Baba for which itwas informed by the officialsthat tenders for raising cafe-teria, wayside amenities,landscaping and beautifica-tion of the tourist destinationhas been floated which wouldbe followed by start of worksoon.

As far as development ofinfrastructure at Bhim Fort,it was informed that all thecomponents like parking,electrification, restaurant,toilets, benching etc havebeen raised and the samewould be thrown open to thepublic shortly.

The minister asked DeputyCommissioner to identify theland and also provide otherlogistics so that adventuretourism can be developed inthe district. She also stressedfor laying focus on forthcom-ing world's highest bridge atBakkal and said that this willemerge as another tourismhub in the district.

Priya for promotion of adventure tourism in Reasi

MoS Tourism Priya Sethi chairing a meeting at Reasi.

NYK organises river walkunder Paryatan Parv

STATE TIMES NEWS UDHAMPUR: UnderParyatan Parv organised byMinistry of Tourism, Govt. ofIndia which is underway fromOctober 5 to 25, 2017, NehruYuva Kendra Udhampur isorganising various pro-grammes in different blocks.NYV Puja Devi and NYVSanjay Kumar on Mondayorganised a river walk atRiver Tawi in blockBasantgarh and NYVsRoshan Lal and VinodSharma organised a riverwalk at Block Chenani. NYVRahul Singh organised a her-itage walk at Bhimgarh Fort,Reasi. Also NYV ShubhamKumar from block Majaltaorganised an awareness pro-gramme regarding 'Start-upIndia and various JKEDISchemes' and NYV RohitSharma organised an aware-ness programme regarding'Pradhan Mantri Atal PensionYojana' in their blocks.

STATE TIMES NEWS KATHUA: To update theknowledge base and skills ofthe students and to have aface to face interaction withthe experts from Industry, aseminar on the theme'Relevance of CollaborativeParadigms for Academia andIndustry Knowledge Transfer'was organised on Monday bythe Department of ComputerScience and IT at KathuaCampus. Different expertsfrom the Industry were theresource persons wherein theyelaborated various features ofthe Sector thereby explainingthe scope and various chal-lenges of the Industry.

Prof Naresh Padha, Rector,Kathua Campus and ChiefCoordinator Campusesemphasized upon the impor-tance of such seminars andstated that such events arethe need of the time in thisprofessional world.

Providing the guidelines onthe expectations of the com-panies from the fresher stu-dents, Anjali Gupta, having arich experience as HRExecutive in JARO

Education private ltd., duringthe first session, stressedupon the participants to workupon their skills so as to pre-pare themselves for corporatelife.

The second session was con-ducted by Avinash Sharma,Senior Manager in IT havingmore than ten years of experi-ence in the Industry. Hefocused upon the problem oflack of employability skills inengineering and technicalgraduates and emphasizedupon adopting curriculumwith application of conceptsand solving real business

problems. He also highlightedthe need of original thinkingfor technical graduates andnot to replicate text books.

Samta Shastri, an expert inRobotics and Automation, inher third session while stress-ing upon the importance ofArtificial Intelligence andRobotics exhorted the need ofthe hour for the Universitiesand industry to come andwork together to undergoresearch and do more innova-tions.

In the last session, ArunSharma, an MBA with morethan seven years of experience

in Product as well as serviceMarketing explained variouschallenges the students faceduring their transition fromthe Campus to corporate. Healso highlighted various fac-tors that would help the stu-dents to sustain in a long termcareer.

The programme was fol-lowed by 'Cultural Bonanza'that comprised of differentcultural programmes, danceperformances, songs etc.thereby rejuvenating the stu-dents.

Earlier, Sourabh Shastri,Incharge Head andOrganizing Secretary for theevent presented the welcomeaddress and introduced theresource persons during theprogramme. Amit Sharma,Assistant Professor, MCApresented the formal vote ofthanks during the inauguralsession. The faculty membersat Kathua Campus includingPankaj Khajuria, AjayLakhnotra, Riti PrakashSingh Katal, AmardeepSharma and Ankita Kangotrawere also present during theevent.

Kathua Campus, JU organises seminar

Resource persons along with students and faculty of Kathua campus.

STATE TIMES NEWS SAMBA: The annual congre-gation of Sumbria Biradariwould be held on November4,2017.

All India Sumbria BiradariWelfare Association on Mondayinformed this while constitutingzonal level committees atKarroh, Lakhanpur andBoungal Pathankot. The objec-tive of forming these commit-tees is to look into the issues of

the community in particularand others in general.

These committees wereformed during the Biradarimeetings held in these areasunder the chairmanship ofCommittee President SuratSingh Sumbria. During themeetings, various issues weredeliberated upon relating towelfare and development of thecommunity. Lal Singh wasunanimously elected as ZonalPresident and Roop Singh asSecretary for Boungal zonewho alongwith other membersvowed to work selflessly forgood of their community.

Speaking on the occasion,Surat Singh Sumbria appealedthe participants to work outplanned strategies to work witha missionary zeal for largerinterest of their community.Khajoor Singh, Chain Singh,Sukhdev Singh, Baldev Singh,Gopal Singh, Captain SubashSingh, Baldev Singh , BishanSingh , Punjab Singh, RajinderSingh and others attended themeeting. Sumbria appealed theBiradari members to ensuretheir maximum participation incongregation to be held onNovember 4, 2017 at Gari fortThara Kalyal Billawar.

Sumbria Biradari congregation on Nov 4

Newly constituted zonal committee posing for photograph.


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STATE TIMES NEWS RAJOURI: DistrictDevelopment Commissioner,Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary,conducted an extensiveinspection of developmentalworks in Kalakote besidesholding a public grievancesredressal camp and reviewmeeting.

The DDC inspected workon Tribal Hostel,Community Hall andShopping Complex anddirected the SDM for hand-ing over Tribal Hostel andCommunity Hall to RuralEngineering Wing for com-pletion under convergenceplan.

Meanwhile, five shops con-structed under TSP will behanded over to SocialWelfare Department for out-sourcing. Departments weredirected to complete theseprojects in next threemonths as more than 7-8years have lapsed beyond thetimeline for completion.

Dr. Shahid also inspectedthe proposed site for con-struction of GovernmentDegree College and askedMD J&K Housing Board for

early construction.The team of officers also

visited bus stand, revenuecomplex, Aadhar enrolmentcentres and other establish-ments. SDM Kalakote wasdirected to fix responsibilityof officials of J&K MineralsLtd for alleged encroach-ment and sale of acquiredland in Kalakote and itsvicinity.

It was also decided thatenrolment camp for migrantvoters will be organised on6th November 2017 and amega camp on educationawareness will be organisedin Moughla by departments

of education and SocialWelfare.

Later, the DC convened areview meeting of sectoralofficers to assess theprogress on various develop-ment works and welfareschemes in Kalakote con-stituency. The DDCexpressed concern over poorperformance of BDOKalakote in completion ofschools under projectTameer owing to shortage ofcement. He directed the offi-cers of PDD, PHE, andMechanical wing for disposalof all pending public issueswithin a week's time.

Meanwhile, two officialsnamely Jaswant SinghMPW and Kuldeep SinhTechnical Asstt were placedunder suspension for unau-thorised absence from duty.Officers of Revenue,Agriculture andHorticulture were directedto submit joint reportregarding crop losses forproviding relief to affectedfarmers. Earlier, the DDCtook stock of public griev-ances and demands relatedto improvement in conditionof roads, educational infra-structure, teaching staff andwater supply. People appreci-ated the initiative of districtadministration for providingcertificates at doorstepsunder PSGA camps.

SDM Dr. Khalid Hussain,CMO Dr Suresh Sharma,ExEn PWD Pervez Ahmed,ExEn PDD Umesh Parihar,ExEn STD Hussan Mohd,CAO M Y Choudhary, CHODr Dil Bahadur Singh,DSHO Dr Satish Gangwal,DSWO Dr Abdul Khabir,DSEO Rashid Azam andother serior officers accom-panied the DDC.

DDC inspects developmental projects

MLC concerned over delayin completion of worksSTATE TIMES NEWS

NOWSHERA: MLCSurinder Choudhary touredthe interior of Nowsheratown alongwith SDM AbdulSattar, Executive OfficerMunicipality Kasturi Laland SHO Kuldeep andchecked the quality and paceof ongoing civic works oflanes and drains.

The MLC asked theauthorities to accelerate theprogress and also improvethe quality of work. Duringhis visit to Ward No 9 hefound that the work onGurdwara wali Gali andadjoining streets has notcommenced in spite of hav-ing been sanctioned longback.

He expressed his unhappi-ness and directed the EO tostart work on these laneswithout any delay andensure its timely completionto avoid inconvenience to thepeople.

DDC Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary taking stock of works.

STATE TIMES NEWS RAJOURI: J&K Pahari Joint Front(JKPJF), movement for welfare ofPaharis with an aim to project longestpending demand of ST status before Stateas well as Central Govt organised a signa-ture campaign at Gujjar Mandi onMonday wherein a large number of peopleincluding students, political students cut-ting across party lines actively participat-ed and pledged to achieve the ultimategoal of ST status.

The main attraction of event was Pahariactivists putting down their signaturewith their blood and tooking an oath tocontinue this struggle till its logicalresult.

Speaking during the event Tazeem Dar,Sayed Shadab, Nadeem Mirza and RafiMalik said that time has come for Paharisto rise above party, religious and regionallines and get united for the goal of reser-vation.

Chairman Students Wing JKPJF, AquibWani, Abdul Rehman Khan, Shadab AliMir, Intkhab Malik, Irfan Malik, Zia

Mirza, Shamrez Khan, Kuldeep RajGupta, MoS, Vibodh Gupta, MlC, FarooqInqlabi, Asif Bhat, Mushtaq Bhat, ShoketShawl, Adv Qadar Khan, Amjid Khan,Shafqat Wani, Firdose Shawl, HaroonLone, Ali Mirza, Nisar Rahi, Tosif Khan,Mustafa Khan, Umer Mirza, Abir Bhatand Sharukh Khan were also present onthe occasion.

JKPJF organises signaturecampaign for ST status

People participating in signature campaign at Rajouri.

People protest poorAirtel mobile services

STATE TIMES NEWS SUNDERBANI: People onMonday staged a protestagainst private limited compa-ny Airtel for bad service andalleged that the company is notgiving perfect service in villageKalideh, Besia, Benigala andKuldabi. The protest washeld under the supervision ofSingh Youth Club Sunderbani.While speaking on the occasionPresident of Club ZorawarSingh said company gaveadvertise for 4G services butnow service is similar as zero.He said irked over poor servic-es people complaint to concernTelecom Service Manager butnothing has been done so far.Sanjeev Kumar, SanjayKumar, Rattan Lal, GarvaRam, Narinder Singh,Ravipaul Singh, formerSarpanch Yashpaul Singh,Vinod Kumar, Rajesh Sharmaand Shakti Sharma were alsopresent in this protest.
