Good Leadership or Great Leadership


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  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Good Leadership orGreat Leadership?

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    What Can You as anIndividual Do about This


    Far more than

    you may realize!!

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    The Importance ofTechnology

    Processes produce results;people build and execute processes

    Change management by Leadersimproves the process

    Processes retain Valued

    Knowledge Technology sustains theimprovement; prevents backslide

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Good is the

    Enemy of


  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Good = CustomerSatisfaction;

    the absence of complaints

    Great = Client Successhelping others achieve goals

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    The Search Continues

    Post World War II focus onManagement; era of hard assets

    1980s Dr. Deming and Quality 1990s Tom Peters Excellence 2000 Jim Collins Good to Great

    It is clear today that Leadership ismore valuable than Management

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Leadership Excellence

    A lifelong journey, not a destination

    Wooden: It is what you learn afteryou know it all that counts!

    Who wants to be a Billionaire?

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    One View of thePursuit of Success

    What do you learn each day?

    Who is on your team?

    Are you willing to sacrifice

    something today to have moretomorrow?

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    What is Leadership?

    Leadership is the capacity to leadpeople to a common purpose and

    goal; and the character to inspireconfidence.

    Create a disciplined environment,

    but one without fear Give Hope for a better tomorrow Courage it is contagious!

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Good is the

    Enemy of Great

    Passion for excellence Are you committed to continualimprovement? Or do you settle for

    good Impossible is merely someones


  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Level 5 Leadership

    Leadership exists throughout theorganization; not just at the top

    Ambition is focused on theorganizations success not theindividuals success

    Leaders build people and teams Leaders build improved andsustainable processes

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Level 5 LeadershipKey Adjectives

    Quiet, humble, modest, reserved Gracious and mild-mannered;

    understated Unwavering resolve to do what must

    be done for the Organization

    More plow horse than show horse;the tortoise still beats the hare!

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Level 5 Leadership -

    The Window and the Mirror

    Looks in the mirror when problems

    occur - takes responsibilityinstead of fixing blame

    Constantly looks out the window

    when things go well to give creditto others

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    A Rigorous Culture;

    Not a Ruthless Culture

    The only way to deliver to the people

    who are achieving is to not burdenthem with the people who are notachieving

    Let everyone know immediately andcontinually the rigor of the culture;failure to do so is ruthless

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    A Guide to being


    Put your best people on your biggest

    opportunity; not your biggestproblems

    Managers and Leaders argue and

    debate, sometimes violently thenunify fully behind a decisionregardless of ones personal view

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Confront Brutal Facts,

    But Never Lose Faith

    Sometimes a brilliant idea will be

    murdered by a gang of brutal facts! If decision analysis is infused with

    facts, the correct decision often

    becomes obvious People must have no fear of tellingyou that you are wrong

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    A Climate where the

    Truth is Always Heard

    Teach people how to think not what

    to think Employees must have No Fear

    when facts conflict with decisions

    Fear creeps into all organizations;you must constantly purge fear

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    A Climate where the

    Truth is Always Heard

    Lead with questions not answers

    Engage in dialogue and debate notcoercion

    Conduct autopsies without blame Listen to the whispers and you will

    not have to hear their screams

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Three Key Principles:

    Good to Great Transition

    What can we be the best at? How is that important to thesuccess of your organization?

    Are you truly passionate aboutbeing the best and doingsomething great?

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Attitude vs. Aptitude

    What is the performance rating ofyour team today?

    Attitude is a choice Attitude determines the actions

    and outcome of the team

    The Leader defines the attitudemore than anyone on the team;Look in the Mirror!

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Some LeadershipCharacteristics

    Leaders Love Life Leaders have a contagious positive

    attitude Leaders are committed; their actionsalign with the words

    (Do/Say Ratio)

    Leaders create a spirit of approval;not of criticism (3-1 minimum ratio)

    Leaders love and respect their team

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    More Leadership


    Leaders have to believe in their team

    more than the team believes inthemselves

    Leaders communicate; clearly andcontinuously

    Leaders have Courage; and couragecomes from passion, not position

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Paradox and Ambiguity!

    We do not seek consensus recognizing that consensus

    decisions are often at odds withintelligent decisions

    We are responsible for the final

    decisions; we seek input anddebate, but then we make thedecision and look in the mirror

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Change Management

    People hate change; the only thingworse than changing is what

    happens if we fail to change Feelings never change behavior;

    changing behavior will change

    feelings Leaders have the courage tochange

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    A Culture of Discipline

    Bureaucracy is to compensate forincompetence and lack of discipline

    All freedom must come with an equalamount of responsibility

    Your Stop Doing list may bemore important than your

    To-Do List!

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    The Importance ofTechnology

    Processes produce results; peoplebuild and execute processes

    Change management by Leadersimproves the process

    Technology sustains the

    improvement; prevents backslide Technology is the most costeffective tool a manager has today

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    The Flywheel Effect

    Great companies start modestly andslowly, but turn the flywheel everyday

    until the momentum propels themforward

    No one event drives the flywheel rather a thousand small pushes makesit turn and gain momentum

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    The Flywheel Effect

    Tremendous power exists in the fact ofcontinued improvement and the

    delivery of results. Show how small tangible

    accomplishments fit into the context ofthe flywheel; let everyone feel the

    momentum People want to be on a winning team

  • 8/3/2019 Good Leadership or Great Leadership


    Are you motivatedto go from

    Good to Great?

    Only you know!
