glory be to my lord


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  • 8/9/2019 glory be to my lord.


    Oh thou! Whose being is so vast,

    The one who controleth the whole universe.

    Oh thou! On whose unseen presence,

    Even time has no effect.

    Oh thou! Whose wisdom and power,

    are unfathomable.

    Oh thou! Whose every creation speaks,

    Of his glory and majesty.

    Oh thou! One who is so beautiful,

    Yet so powerful and majestic.

    Oh thou! Who is hidden from every human eye,

    Yet one whose power radiates from every atom.

    But one who rages havoc when angry,

    One with whom I could sit and have one sided conversation,

    for so long that time loses meaning.

    Yet I wouldnt be able to comprehend,

    Even an inkling of you vast power.

    Oh thou! Who created insects the size of a pinhead,

    While creating the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    Oh thou! Whose beauty,

    No tangibles can do justice.

    Oh thou! Please accept this humble request of your servant.

  • 8/9/2019 glory be to my lord.


    Please I beg you to share,

    Some of your beauty, A little of your power

    A dash of your wisdom and a sprinkle of your calm

    With someone as powerless and helpless as me.

    Glory be to my lord. My lord and my creator.

    By Mariam Tahoora

