Global History Regents Review Packet EUROPE Scientific ... · o Alliances- countries make...


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Global History Regents Review Packet


Scientific Revolution

Questioning traditional ideas on science

Experiment and Evidence

Geocentric Model: Earth-centered model of the universe, supported by the


Heliocentric Model: Sun-centered model of the universe

o Copernicus

o Galileo proved with his telescope

o Church opposed this model

Isaac Newton- Laws of Gravity

Scientific Method – systematic approach to solving

scientific problems

Enlightenment (1600s-1700s)

Age of Reason: questioning traditional ideas on government

(Absolute Monarchy- King had 100 percent of the power

and the people had 0 rights and freedoms)

Natural Rights- Rights every person is born with

John Locke (Enlightenment Philosopher)

o Natural Rights: Life, Liberty, Property

o Government should be the consent of the governed

(Government should be what the people want- people

should participate in government)

o Democratic form of government

o People can overthrow the government if the government

does not protect natural rights

This sets the stage for revolutions (American

Revolution, French Revolution, Latin American


o Opposition to absolutism

o Two Treatises on Government

o “Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.”

Baron de Montesquieu

o Three branches of government, separation of powers and checks and balances

o If power is consolidated then it will cause tyranny (abuse of power)

o Same as United States division of its federal government

o "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of

magistrates [government officials], there can be no liberty; because apprehensions [fears] may arise,

lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws to execute them in a tyrannical manner...."

Voltaire: Freedom of Speech

Rousseau: The Social Contract

French Revolution (1789-1799)

3 estates

o First Estate: clergy

o Second Estate: nobility

o Third Estate: everyone else

Tax burden fell on the 3rd Estate

Unequal land and wealth distribution

Declaration of Rights of Man and of Citizen (Limited


Louis XVI was overthrown

Reign of Terror: Jacobins

(Radicals)- Leader: Robespierre

o Human rights violations

o Used violent methods to

eliminate opponents

Napoleon (1799-1815)

Coup d’etat: quick seizure of power

French Empire

Restoration of political stability

Nationalism increased

Napoleonic Code- treated people equally under the law

Mistake: invasion of Russia (not prepared for harsh winter


Congress of Vienna

Wanted to restore pre-French Revolution conditions

Prince Klemens von Metternich

Balance of Powers- countries would be strong enough to prevent

one country from conquering

Legitimacy- only monarchs with legitimate power should be


Conservatism- return to traditional ways

Italian Unification (1840-1870)

Nationalism unites countries


Cavour (Brain), Mazzini (Soul), Garibaldi (Sword)

German Unification (1860-1871)

Nationalism unites countries

Otto von Bismarck

o Blood and Iron (War)

o Franco-Prussian War

Industrial Revolution (1700s-1800s)

Started in Great Britain: natural resources: coal and iron,

harbors, rivers, and a stable government

Change in producing goods by hand to producing goods in

French Revolution

Absolute Monarchy

Limited Monarchy

No Monarchy (Reign of Terror)

Empire (Napoleon)

factories with machines

Production increased

Urbanization: movement to cities

Adam Smith: author of The Wealth of Nations

o Capitalism

Laissez faire: government does not get involved in the economy

Supply and demand

Free market economy

Private business and private ownership

Karl Marx: author of the Communist Manifesto

o Communism

Command economy: government control of the economy

Workers overthrow the owners and create a classless society

(everyone is equal)

Bourgeoisie (“Haves,” owners) vs. Proletariats (“Have Nots,”


Marx was influenced by the Industrial Rev.

Marx influenced the Russian Rev, Chinese Communist Rev., Cuban

Communist Rev.

State interests before individual interests

World War I (1914-1917)


o Militarism- glorification of war and arms race

o Alliances- countries make agreements to support one another in


o Imperialism- competition between stronger countries for colonies

o Nationalism

Unites countries

Divided empires


o Ethnic Conflicts: Powder Keg of the Balkans (many different

nationalities that didn’t get along)

Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand (Heir to the

Austrian-Hungarian Throne) by a

Serbian Nationalist- Immediate


New Technology

o Submarines

o Poison gas

o Machine guns

Western Front

o Fighting between Germany and


o Trench warfare

Armenian Massacre

o Genocide

o Mass killing of a specific race or ethnicity

o Over a million Armenians were killed

o Armenians are Christians

Treaty of Versailles

o Treaty that ended WWI

o Germany had to take full responsibility for causing the war

o Germany lost land

o Germany lost colonies

o Germany had to pay reparations

o United States did not sign

o Caused conditions that eventually led to the rise of fascism

League of Nations

o International peacekeeping organization

o United States did not join

o Not able to stop Hitler

Russian Revolution (1917-1921)

Czar Nicholas II

o Absolute Monarch

o Bloody Sunday

Peace, Land, Bread (this is what the people wanted and what Lenin

promised them)

Czar overthrown


o Communists

Lenin: Leader of the Bolsheviks

Russia became the first communist country

o Soviet Union (USSR)

o NEP (New Economic Policy: allowed for some capitalist elements)



o Totalitarian government

Government with total power



o Great Purges- killing of all opponents

o 5 Year Plan

Plan for industrialization

Less consumer goods

o Collectivization

Government run farms

World War II (1939-1945)


o Extreme militarism, extreme

nationalism and an unquestioning loyalty

to a dictator

o Cause for the rise of fascism: economic hardship in Germany and Italy and resentment toward the

Treaty of Versailles

o Hitler and Mussolini


o Giving into someone’s demands to keep peace

o Munich Conference

Hitler was able to take over the Sudetenland

Aggression of Germany, Italy and Japan

Spark: German invasion of Poland

Hitler like Napoleon made a mistake invading the

USSR- not prepared for the harsh winter conditions

Pearl Harbor: Japan surprise attacked the United


o U.S. declared war the next day

D-Day: turning point in the war

o Allies invaded Normandy France

o Caused Germany to fight a two front war

Holocaust: genocide (Jews)

Nuremberg Trials: accountability for people who

created crimes against humanity

United Nations: international peacekeeping


Cold War (1945-1991)


o United States and Soviet Union

o Capitalism and Democracy v. Communism and


Domino Theory: fear if one country fell to communism

that others would

Containment: U.S. foreign policy to stop the spread of


Marshall Plan: economic aid from the U.S. to Europe to stop the

spread of Communism

Truman Doctrine: economic aid from the U.S. to Greece and Turkey

to stop the spread of Turkey

Iron Curtain: symbol for Eastern

Europe being dominated by the

Soviet Union and blocked off

from Western Europe

Satellite Nations: Eastern

European countries dominated by

the USSR


o NATO (U.S. and Western


o Warsaw Pact (USSR and


Space Race

o Sputnik

USSR launched first satellite into space

Arms Race

o Both U.S. and USSR have nuclear weapons

o Fear of Nuclear War

o Cuban Missile Crisis

USSR put missiles in Cuba (90 miles off the

coast of U.S.)

Korean War (Proxy War)- Korea was divided along

the 38th Parallel

o North Korea-Communist

o South Korea- Anti-Communist

o North Korea invaded South Korea

o UN backed South Korea

o Armistice- Demilitarized Zone (DMZ- Korea

today is still divided)

o North Korea- Hermit Kingdom with nuclear ambitions under the

dictatorship of Kim Jung Un

Vietnam War (Proxy War)

o Vietnam was divided along the 17th Parallel

o North Vietnam- Communist (Ho Chi Minh)

o US supported South Vietnam

o Guerilla Warfare

Détente: Easing of Cold War tensions

Mikhail Gorbachev

o Glasnost- openness

o Perestroika- some capitalist elements (similar to

Lenin’s NEP)

End: Breakup of the Soviet Union (1991)

o Nationalism

o Former Soviet Socialist Republics gained




Yugoslavia- multicultural state created after WWI

Nationalism- 1991- several ethnic groups declared


Ethnic cleansing: Serbs attempted to kill all non-Serbs

Slobodan Milosevic- leader who ordered ethnic cleansing

Yugoslavia became Serbia and Montenegro

Montenegro and Kosovo gained independence



Kemal Ataturk

o Westernization and



Zionism: belief that Jews

should have a homeland-

Theodor Herzl

Balfour Declaration: British

promise to create a Jewish

homeland in Palestine (1917)

Israel Independence: 1948: resulted in conflict in the Middle East

Palestinians- want to be their own independent state (nationalism)

Conflict over the West Bank, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula

Arab-Israeli Conflict


Iranian Revolution

o Shah Reza Pahlavi


Westernization and modernization


o Ayatollah Khomeini

Islamic fundamentalism- maintain

traditional religious values in society

Women’s rights decreased

Anti-west sentiments

Iran Today

o Fear of Iran having nuclear capabilities


o Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

o Interdependence

o Oil

o Middle East

o Goal: control oil prices


Saddam Hussein- Dictator

Persian Gulf War (1990)

o Iraq invaded oil-rich Kuwait

o UN supported Kuwait

o Iraq was required to destroy all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons

2001- US accused Saddam Hussein of supporting terrorists (al Qaeda), having weapons of mass

destruction (WMDs) and committing human rights violations (using poisonous gas against the Kurds)

2003- US and its coalition invaded Iraq and captured Saddam Hussein

2011- US officially ended its military mission

Today: conflict between different factions, violence, and the rise of ISIS (Islamic State)


Soviets invaded in 1979

Taliban- Islamic fundamentalist group

Osama bin Laden- responsible for the September 11th Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center

US launched an attack on Afghanistan

US drove Osama bin Laden and the Taliban from power

Osama bin Laden was found and killed in Pakistan by US Special Forces

Arab Spring

Began in Tunisia (Northern Africa) in 2010

26 year old man set himself on fire to show frustration

against the government and the police

This event led to uprisings calling for democratic reform


o Had a repressive government

o President fled and Tunisia set up free elections


o use of social media

o Egyptian dissatisfaction with President Mubarak’s


o Protests were organized using Facebook and Twitter

o Murbarak resigned and the military took control of the



o Muammar Qaddafi was a brutal dictator for more than 40


o Protests were held against his rule

o Civil war began

o Qaddafi fled and was killed


o Protests led to the resignation of the 33 year rule of

the president


o Civil war

o Assad regime suppressed Arab Spring uprisings

o ISIS- one of the opposition groups in Syria (originally

part of al Qaeda but broke away because it was too


Sunni Islam


Latin American Independence Movements

Ideas were influenced by the Enlightenment,

American Revolution and French Revolution

Toussaint L’Ouverture (Nationalist)

o Independence movement leader in Haiti

Simon Bolivar (Nationalist)

o One of Latin America’s greatest nationalist


o Won independence for Venezuela, New

Granada (Colombia), Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

Jose de San Martin (Nationalist)

o Independence movement leader

o Helped led Chile and Argentina to independence

Mexican Revolution

Causes: Porfirio Diaz was a dictator

o Oppressed people

o Favored wealthy and foreign investors

o Most people were landless, uneducated and poor


o Emiliano Zapata

o Francisco Pancho Villa


o Constitution of 1917

Land reform

Guaranteed certain rights

Cuban Revolution

Political: oppression (dictatorship)

o Fulgencio Batista- originally ruled as president of

Cuba, but eventually became the dictator from


Fidel Castro

o Opposed Batista

o Communist

o Castro organized a guerilla army and was successfully able to overthrow Batista


o Cuba became Communist


British East India Company

Took advantage of the Mughal Empire’s weakness

Sepoy Mutiny

Led by Sepoys (Indian Soldiers)

Mutinied because they found out guns were greased with animal fat from pigs and


British lost control of the army and it took the East India Company more than a

year to regain power

This was a turning point: Britain imposed direct imperial control after this event

Similar to Boxer Rebellion in China

Colonial Rule


India became an official colony of Great Britain

Great Britain took advantage of Indian resources and labor


Pride and love for one’s country and opposition to foreign rule

Indian National Congress

Goal: Indian independence from Great Britain

Muslim League

Organized in 1906

Purpose: to protect Muslim interests

Felt they were not represented

Mohandas Gandhi


Independence movement leader

Passive resistance

Civil disobedience


Salt march

Hunger Strikes

Homespun Movement

Partition Act

Official division of India and Pakistan

Caused by religious and ethnic conflicts

Conflict over the area of Kashmir

Nuclear Proliferation

Both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons


Not siding with one of the superpowers during the Cold War

Taking aid from both sides

Green Revolution

Increase in food production due to advances in agricultural



Tokugawa Shogunate

Isolation: virtual no contact with outside world

End of Isolation

U.S. wanted to trade with Japan

U.S. wanted a port to repair and refuel their ships

Commodore Matthew Perry

o From: United States

Brought a fleet of ships

o Goal: Open Japan for trade

Meiji Restoration

Time period of major change

Westernization: contact with US

and Europe

o Diplomats are sent to study

western military and education


Modernization: change from

traditional ways

Industrialization: factories and


o Creates a need for natural resources

Restoration: brings back the emperor

Imperial Japan

Imperialism: stronger country takes over a weaker country for land, power, natural resources and new


Japan needs: natural resources

Japan created an empire


Pearl Harbor: Japan surprise attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor Hawaii

o U.S. declared war on Japan the next day

Japan was part of the Axis Powers

Island Hopping: US military strategy in Japan

Battle of Midway: turning point in the war in the Pacific

o American victory

Kamikaze: suicide pilots who would crash their planes into

American ships

Atomic Bomb: weapon of mass destruction

o Manhattan Project: led by Robert Oppenheimer

Creation of the atomic bomb

o Dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

VJ Day: Japan surrendered


European Imperialism

Opium War

o Great Britain was trading China opium (highly addictive


o Great Britain refused to stop trading China opium

o War broke out- Great Britain won

o Treaty of Nanjing

Unequal treaty

Britain received Hong Kong as a colony

Extraterritoriality: foreigners were not subject to Chinese law

o Spheres of influence

An area where foreign nations controlled trade and investment

Open Door Policy

o United States foreign policy toward China

o Proposed that China would be open to trade with all nations

Boxer Rebellion

o Nationalist movement

o Goal: eliminate foreign influence


o Sun Yixian: leader of the Nationalist Party

o Overthrew the Qing Dynasty

Civil War

Communist Party

o Mao Zedong: leader

o Ideas from Karl Marx (Communist Manifesto)

Nationalist Party

o Leader: Chiang Kai-Shek (Jiang Jieshi)

o Communists won

Mao Zedong

Great Leap Forward

o Really great leap backward (major failure)

o Communes

Government owned farms

Cultural Revolution

o Red Guards

Students who pledged their loyalty to Mao

Destroyed any “non-Maoist” things

Killed Mao’s enemies

o Ensure communist loyalties

o Shut down colleges and schools that threatened communism

Deng Xiaoping

Four Modernizations (SAID)

o Science

o Agriculture

o Industry

o Defense

Some capitalist elements

Tiananmen Square

o Students protested for more democratic rights

(100,000 people)

o The government ordered the army to end the protest

o Hundreds were killed and thousands wounded


Imperialism: a stronger country takes over a weaker country

for land, resources, power and new markets (place to sell


Scramble for Africa

European Countries were industrialized and wanted more

resources and new places to sell goods

Berlin Conference

o Official division of Africa

into colonies

o The European countries

ignored tribal and ethnic


Justification for imperialism

o White Man’s Burden (Rudyard


Promoting imperialism

Summary: duty of the

white to civilize the savage black man

o Social Darwinism

Stronger ethnic and racial groups will conquer weaker ones

Results: African labor and resources were exploited (taken advantage of)

Nationalism: pride and love for one’s country and opposition to foreign rule

Kwame Nkrumah: Nationalist in Ghana

Jomo Kenyatta: Nationalist in Kenya

Pan-Africanism: idea of unity of all Africans and people of African descent

South Africa

Apartheid: a system of racial segregation

o Unequal conditions

o Whites had superior conditions

o Blacks were forced to live in rundown shantytowns

Nelson Mandela

o Anti-Apartheid leader

o Nonviolence

o ANC leader

o Jailed for 27 years

o Symbol for freedom

African National Congress

o Anti-apartheid political party

Desmond Tutu: anti-apartheid leader

o Tried to convince nations and businesses to stop trade with South

Africa (Sanctions)

F.W. de Klerk: president of South Africa who ended apartheid and

released Nelson Mandela from jail


Ethnic tensions led to genocide

Genocide: mass killing of a specific ethnic group

Hutu extremists launched a campaign to kill the Tutsis

500,000 people were killed


Climate Change

Burning of fossil fuels

Greenhouse effect

Depletion of the ozone layer

Deforestation-cutting down trees

Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Iran and North Korea-

preventing Iran and North

Korea from gaining nuclear



EU and NAFTA- promote

trade through the

reduction of trade barriers (lowers tariffs)


Nationalism- pride and love for one’s country and opposition to foreign rule

Imperialism- when a stronger country takes over a weaker country for land, power, natural

resources and new markets

Desertification- expansion of the desert (land that can’t be farmed)

Genocide- mass killing of a targeted race, religious or ethnic group (Holocaust, Armenians,

Tutsis (Rwanda), Sudan (Darfur)

Canal- manmade waterway that promotes trade and transportation (Suez-Egypt)

Dam- harnesses water power to create energy (Aswan-Egypt, Three Gorges-China)

Famine- not enough food (Irish Potato Famine-led to mass migration)
