Gc.Hook Mobile




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Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2007

A Platform extending Media to Mobile


Craig DaltonVP, Business Development

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

3 things about the mobile market I need you to know

1. 85%+ of the market has 12-key feature phones.

2.The majority of the market has a messaging plan, but does NOT have a data plan.

3.The majority of the market has never consumed rich media on their phone and does NOT know how to download anything to their device.

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2007

A Platform that enables ‘Going Mobile’ for Social Media

Utilizing MMS - within the existing mobile carrier infrastructure, our platform enables rich media (pictures, slide shows, audio and video) to be optimally distributed to mobile handsets regardless of device, carrier, or social networks

Who is Hook Mobile?

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

The Rich Media Opportunity


Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

The Hook Mobile Platform

•MM7 interfaces/parameters•DRM settings per carrier•Support industry standards•Formatting of SMIL•Device discovery•Carrier guidelines•Transcoding across devices•Managing shortcodes•Carrier approval process•Premium billing•User authentication•Personal settings•Etc.

Social Mobile

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

Why MMS?

MMS is rich media; yet MMS clients are resident in virtually all mass market handsets

MMS is charged as message and does not require a data plan (i.e. addresses the mass market)

Push Messaging awakens devices and users and ‘forces’ interaction vs. pull which requires user initiation. This creates market growth.

Operators have invested billions in MMS infrastructure and need partners to help drive usage

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

The iPhone and other smart phones

We know iPhone users have a data plan, therefore we can deliver content via SMS links to the Safari browser knowing that data charges are not an issue..

We deliver rich media optimized specifically for each devices’ capabilities and end user economics

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

Supported Revenue Models

Subscription- Example: VooZoo Mobile $3.99 per month

- Example: Pic2phone $1.99 per month

One Time Premium Events- Share this photo slide with friends for $.50

Advertising- Ad insertion into MMS or dynamically generated WAP pages

Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

What it looks like - Social Media


Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

What it looks like - Social Media

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.


Hook Mobile, Inc. © 2008

Where to give it a try:

Facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/voozoo-mobilehttp://apps.facebook.com/pictophone

On deck at AT&T-multimedia storefront

At Under the Radar-SMS <Demos> to 512530 follow instructions-See us in the lobby for full demos

iPhone Users-See me for beta version of MMS client

Contact me:craig.dalton@hookmobile.com
