Gas exchange Spaces and the Interalveolar Wall...Gas exchange Spaces and the Interalveolar Wall...


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Gas exchange Spaces and

the Interalveolar Wall

Alveolar Duct (AD)

leading to Alveolar

Saccules (AS)

SEM of Alveolar Saccules (AS) and Alveoli

Long injected to show vascular system of

Interalveolar wall

SEM Vascular cast of the interalveolar wall

SEM cast of vascular system and air spaces

The Interalveolar Wall

TEM of the Interalveolar Wall

Ca, capillary; Bm, basement memb

TEM of the Interalveolar Wall

Pneumocyte Type I (P) – BM – Emdothelium (E)

TEM of a Dust Cell (Alveolar Macrophage)

SEM of a Dust Cell (AP) + Pneumocyte I & II


In the next session:

the Urinary and reproductive systems

Prepare for a practice test after that - date to be communicated
