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The negative effect of gamblingCha chingthis sound sure is pleasant to hear because it reminds us of money.Money sure is essential.We can do various activities such as buying houses,daily necessities and others with money.Therefore,many youngsters gamble in order to earn money.From casino-style card games,sport betting,lottery tickets,Mahjong and much more.We can see that there are many types of gambling activities.Gambling can actually be a healthy activity but it depends on how the person gamble.For instance,gambling with family members and relatives during festive days is a healthy activity.This is because kinship between family members and relatives will be improved and prevent misunderstanding between them.It is a great activity to do instead of busy staring at our smartphones and sliding all over the screen all day.This type of gambling activity is far cry from unhealthy gambling which is for earning money purposes.There are many reasons to quit gambling as it merely brings a lot of disadvantages to our life.According to the newspaper,sport betting has become the latest trend among the younger generations.Sport betting is an activity of predicting sports results and placing a wager on the outcome.The most popular type of sport betting is futsal betting.Many youngsters jumped on the bandwagon and joined this trend in order to fit in their group of comrades who gambles .This is an unhealthy activity as the person who gambles will lose their confidence when it comes to communicating with others.This is because they will keep avoiding others as they feel ashamed of involving in negative activity.This might cause them to have social phobias which is very bad for their mental health.Furthermore,gambling can also destroy ones relationship with family members.Many youngsters gamble unbeknownst to their parents .Therefore they will avoid communicating with their family members to avoid the secret to be revealed.Lack of communication destroys relationship and causes misunderstandings.Other than that,youngsters will also stress out their parents because their parents are forced to pay expensive and extravagant debts for their child.In long terms,they will face financial problems which is a severe hardships to handle.This will also destroy their kinship.Gambling can also cause family violence such as scolding,fighting and abusing.This will badly disturbs their emotions and mental health.Ones reputation will also be destroyed once involved in gambling.This will cause loss of thrust from other people.They will also be looked down by others.Those who is involved in gambling will not have an everlasting friendship as their friends wil avoid them as they will always borrow money from their friends.Other than that,they will also have difficulty finding a job as their bad reputation will cause many companies to reject to employ them.Gambling may be a fun activity and help ones to relieve stress at first.However,they will face many stress caused my financial problems.For example,gambling will cause bankruptcy which is a headache for everyone.In long term,it will disturb their mental health and might cause them to have a suicidal thoughts as they have no idea on how to handle those financial problems.Furthermore,parents who is involved in gambling will also affect their children.Parents who devoted most of their time solely on gambling will be most likely to neglect their children. Neglected children will have mental problems because they didnt get to feel loved.Parents who neglected their children will also destroy their physical health as parents tend to forget about feeding their child or fulfilling their daily necessities as they only care about gambling.Moreover,youngsters who gambles will also affect their academics or curriculum .Students are most likely to flunk in test as they are easily distracted once involved in gambling.Therefore,they do not have a bright future.Lastly,gambling can also affect ones health.This is because most of the gambling activities are done at night.Therefore,they will become a night owl in order to gamble.In a nutshell,gambling is a negative activity and must be avoided.Please advise your loved ones to quit gambling if they are involved in gambling if you really care for them.