G-Life! December 2014



Your magazine all about YOU!

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www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




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December 2014 - Issue 01


16+pages of festive news from around our giraffe world

DUBAIPROFILESue Graham talks about our lateset venture in the Gulf with the opening of our 3rd unit


Wayne Timbrell talks about burning issues from the engine room


Fresh Food - Fresh IdeasFresh Experiences

December 2014 - Issue 01

Smile of the MonthG-FACTOR!

Pg 14

Pg 18

Pg 16

“Creating fun, fresh experiences”



THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


The journey aheadAs another year draws to a close we have time to reflect and ask what is our purpose? How can we make things better?BY ANDREW JACOBS

Let me start by saying thank you to every single one of you for all of your hard work recently.

As I hope you are aware, we have made some real progress in improving the business over the last few weeks. Well done! Let’s continue with a really strong Christmas period.

I want to share a few thoughts here with you as to what I think makes giraffe. The attitudes, behaviours, beliefs – call them what you like. Some of these we discussed at the recent GMs day and some come from a hospitality industry icon that spoke recently at a conference I attended. They are not all my words but ones that I fully believe to be right;

• People don’t want to eat low quality food, stand in queues or waste their time.

• Change is good – we need to generate change even when everything is fine. No time to rest.

• It’s increasingly difficult to separate life and work. If work is to be interesting and valuable, your personal and workplace values must be aligned.

• Never give up. Be tenacious.

• Be ambitious, optimistic and positive.

• Apply democracy in the workplace, particularly in recruitment.

• Build teams of people with warmth, tenacity and vision.

• Understand that people are people; everyone has emotions and deserves respect and development irrespective of their position.

For me, the measure of a good organisation is the extent to which we encourage and develop our people and prepare them for the next stage.

Have a great Christmas and New Year, take every oppurtunity to make people happy and thank you again.

Andrew Ja cobs

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014






THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


Hello from the Newsdesk! I’m Katie & he’s Craig, or as we’ve become known, Veronica Corningstone and Ron Burgundy! We’re here to bring you all the latest news

from the giraffe world!

Welcome to your BIGGER, BOLDER and GLOSSIER than ever before magazine! Ladies and gents, welcome to G-Life! Ohh-la-la!

G-Life! is all about you and your teams and the exceptional work that you do on a daily basis. We want to share your stories and reward those people that really do give 110% each and every day. With this in mind we need your help, we need to hear all about you and your teams, what they have been up to, charitable events, feel good stories, interesting team members, amusing guest tales, random acts of kindness, big ideas and anything else you think is relevant and printable!

Just drop us a message at newsdesk@giraffe.net

We will be out and about visiting sites to say hello and have a little chat about all kinds of exciting things we have planned and listen to your thoughts on how you feel we are doing, so feel free to grab us and give us your feedback on G-Life!

Got something to say? Fancy writing an article? Just drop us an email!

Have a great month and Merry Christmas everyone!

Craig & Katie- Stay Classy!

From the

Newsdesk delivered fresh to you!

HOME TWEET HOME!Twitter, Facebook, all things from the tinterweb with Katie Wood.........Guess what? In November we reached 11 MILLION people via our social media channels! That means 11 million people out there saw something cool about us!

We also reached the big 4-0 on Twitter. Yup, we now have 40,000 followers!

We had more than 11,000 interactions with custom-ers, who took to social media to tell us how much they love or hate us!

Our Twitter & Facebook pages are nothing without you! So keep sending your pics to social@giraffe.net

I want to see snaps of your team in their Elf and Santa hats. Pics of your Christmas trees and anything else fabu-lously festive!

And here’s a look at what our customers have been saying about you on Twitter this month:

@Glutenfree4Kids “I’m really loving the vibe in your restaurants. Nice menu, #glutenfree options,

reasonable prices and great service!”

@Louisahurrell “Had the best dinner @TweetBluewater giraffe last night - such great service too! #foodie #recommend“

@DannyLane94 “Awesome meal @giraffetweet Kensington. Delicious cocktails and one of the best burgers I’ve had in ages! #LoveEatLive”

@MissMitchell88 “Lovely food as usual at Blackheath, great service, absolutely

stuffed! Love this place!”

@Laurabpacheco “Just had one of your winter coffees and I must say, they’re so tasty! Better than Starbucks and they’re usually my fave!”

@gina_startlet “Just had some lovely food from your new menu. 1 word: fabtastic! Well done! The food was out of this world! #LoveGiraffe “

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




Ho Ho Ho, or Yum Yum


Christmas and coffee go hand in hand. All those Christmas parties get too

much and a much needed sweet caffeine fix is essential!

For the very first time giraffe have their very own Christmas coffee to rival the best in the business!

One autumn afternoon inside our G1 training restaurant in Hampstead, our very own Master of Coffee, Damian Wojnarowski, Marketing Manager, Georgia Peters and I supped our way through several hundred cups of caffeine trying to find the perfect Christmas beverage for our customers!

Feeling a little shaky by the end, we created the Holiday Hazelnut Latte! A deliciously festive drink, using a double

shot of espresso, hazelnut syrup, cinnamon and butterscotch sauce in a Christmassy star on top! All served in one of our fab festive cups, created by Georgia!

Recruitment: your giraffe journey...

Our lovely recruitment team spent two days at Skills London

recruitment fair in November, speaking to more than 30,000 people about giraffe and the career oppurtunities available.

And there are plenty of career oppurtunities if you are already part of the giraffe family. Check out The Hub for all the latest job oppurtunities and if you would like to have a chat about your career at giraffe then get in touch with the team....

Email Lee and Lewis for all BOH op-purtunities: chefs@giraffe.net

Chad looks after manager oppurtunities: managers@giraffe.net

Sri keeps an eye on all team member vacancies and she can be reached on team-members@giraffe.net

Fun, fresh and festive!

The Food Development team have created two wonderful

Christmas menus for our customers to enjoy this festive period.

Locked away in the basement of Kensington in the summer months, Ben and Steve cooked up a storm.

“We wanted to take customers on a taste adventure around the world with a giraffe twist on some classic festive flavours.”

“We also knew that whatever we

created had to be relatively easy to execute across the sites and not cause too much extra stress for our chefs!” Ben Martin, Food Development Chef said.



THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


the how of the wow! To serve is to sellThis month Sue Graham looks at the art of upselling, offering some simple tips and tricks on how to make sure our guests have a perfect guest experience...

Start earlyTo serve is to sell, it’s true, especially for all of us in the hospitality, or as I like to think of it - the people business. Our guests are there to buy, not browse. To those that think selling is being pushy, just ask yourself this; who would guests rather do

business with, an uniterested “order-taker” who is unsure of our dishes, or a helpful, switched on “sales-person” who takes the time to reccomend dishes, tastes and experiences? What could be more important than helping our guests make a great choice that is going to make them feel good? That’s right, nothing!

Look aroundBright eyes, big smile, relaxed body language. One of the best ways to sell any item both big and small is to be friendly, open and honest and to use a personal

reccomendation. Nothing will build a bond quicker between you and your guest than a smile.

Know your stuffI know, you hear it from us all the time, “Train it, talk it, taste it, sell it!” but it is true! It makes your shift smoother, your job easier and therefore the guest’s journey more enjoyable! Make sure you know your stuff, we know you won’t remember every single ingredient in every single dish, but if you can remember 80% or more, it just makes life easier.

TeamworkTeamwork is key, serve each other better, help each other by “paying it forward” and see what you get in return.

I hope these tips are helpful over Christmas! Good luck and happy holidays to you all xx Sue.

“When it comes to selling if you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you


www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




This month the site spotlight falls on one of our super Scottish restaurants... Katie Wood meets the team and GM Scott Robb

After an early morning flight from Heathrow to Aberdeen, I was

welcomed by the lovely team at giraffe Aberdeen in their newly refurbished restaurant. I was made a much-needed cappuccino by the lovely Lucy and set to work finding out all about our very first Scottish giraffe!

Aberdeen giraffe celebrated their 4th birthday a few months ago, some of the original team are still working for us and at other giraffe sites.

General Manager, Scott Robb, has been with giraffe for just

over 3 years. Scott started as AGM to Colin Waters in 2011 and took around 11 months out from July 2013 to May 2014 to go travelling. Scott spent time in Australia, Fiji, Vietnam and Thailand. “It’s definitely an experience I will never forget and I would recommend anyone to take some time out and see a bit of the world. If giraffe ever decide to go to Australia, I’ll be putting my name at the top of the list!”

“We’ve got a great team here at Aberdeen. Kamal Rana, our Head Chef had been with us since the start and worked his way up from Junior Sous level. Lucy Sikorska-Mazur and Vicky Elder who are two of my supervisors have also been with us from the beginning.”

“Kyle Henderson, our brilliant barista who has been with us for around a year and a half is a drummer and co-creator of a band called Brace. They are very

well known on the scene both locally and nationally. Check them out

on YouTube! Kyle and Lucy very recently got engaged, so we have a giraffe romance right here in Aberdeen!”

“Our assistant manager Mark is an avid American football

supporter and plays for Aberdeens very own Roughnecks.”

“One of our other baristas Kris is a life saver! He once came across someone who was unconscious and having a

seizure alone whilst travelling so he got them into the recovery position and called emergency services.

“Cristina, one of our servers once set her Granny on fire… she’s fine but her

cardigan isn’t!”

“Pippa, our 20 year old Sous Chef is an avid knitter… old before her time!”

Did you know that Annie Lennox, Emile Sande and

Kevin McKidd (aka Dr Owen Hunt from Greys Anatomy) are all from Aberdeenshire? Scott tells me that Emile Sande’s Mum is actually the licensing standards officer for Aberdeen giraffe!

Aberdeen also has the worlds largest (killer) seagulls. These bad boys strike fear into the hearts of city residents and those visiting the city and if you’re not careful, they’ll swoop in and pinch your sandwich right out your hands. One particular gull, nicknamed Sam, is famous for his weekly thieving of cheese Doritos from a local newsagents and has won over so many residents with his antics

ABERDEENThe home of the killer seagulls!



THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


that locals have started coughing up for his stash! You have been warned!

Scott tells me there is a line of cobbles along the main street (Union Street) where the last witch was hung! There is a well known urban legend that Hitler claimed Marischal College (now home to Aberdeen Council) to be one of his favourite buildings in Britain and would have liked to have made it one of his bases, if the outcome of the Second World War had been different.

Well who knew we had such a multi talented bunch here in Aberdeen? I’m off to get the plane back to London but not without another bottle of that Irn Bru first!

Did you know that Annie Lennox, Emile Sande

and Kevin McKidd (aka Dr Owen Hunt from Grey’s

Anatomy ) are all from Aberdeenshire?

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




Worst presents EVER!We explore some of the worst presents you’ve recieved

There are few joys as exciting as opening a Christmas present!The presents sit under the tree, you inspect the package for any clues on the contents, admire the shiny wrapping paper and twirled ribbon, and pause for one last second of anticipation... and then rrrrrip... the paper comes off!And then your heart sinks, you’ve received an absolute stinker of a pressie…

“Santa has the right idea, visit people once a year.”

“Christmas of 1989 my Nan bought me Smurf Slippers, which were bad enough but they were HUGE! I fell over in them and broke my toe and spent the rest of Christmas laid up”

Jayne Gates,HR People Partner

“Years ago I was dating this guy for three months and we had booked to go to Egypt together in January.For Christmas he brought me a hideous black satin jewellery box – I don’t even wear jewellery….I am ashamed to say I dumped him the day after, he obviously didn’t know me at all if that’s what he got me! I took my Mum with me on the holiday! Don’t judge me….I was young!

Lauren Butler, Brand Trainer

“One Christmas my Mum bought me an advert calendar with lovely kitten graphics on it, what she didn’t realise was that it was for cats… With cat food instead of Chocolate!”

Irina Banciu, Marketing Manager



THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


Worst presents EVER!We explore some of the worst presents you’ve recieved

A few years ago I received a gorgeous floral pattern shirt from my Nan, it was several sizes too big! In order not to offend her I thought it

best to return to the store and get a smaller size. Upon entering into the store and asking to make the exchange imagine my horror when the store assistant told me they hadn’t sold that particular

item for at least three years… thanks Nan xxx

Craig Williams, Comms Co-ordinator

“The worst present that springs to mind was from my Uncle and Aunty who got me an Emirates travel kit that I’m assuming they

hand out as a freebie on the plane – it had a mini toothpaste and toothbrush, comb, mini-deodorant etc. A practical present but I was

about 14 so was pretty disappointed!”

Chad Smith, Resourcing Manager for the North

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




IN FOCUS Craig Williams visits Castleford to have a coffee and a catch up with Hayley Greaves General Manager of Burgers & Cocktails

Tell us a little about your journey with

giraffe so far...

I began my journey with giraffe almost 3 years ago when I was asked to go and try the cocktails in giraffe Soho. I fell in love with it the second I walked in! I was asked to open giraffe Greek Street and offer training support, I then moved on to open Castleford. I was meant to train for 2 weeks then go back to Greek Street. Over 2 years later, I’m still here but as the GM! Every day is something different, whether it’s new challenges or crazy new ideas. I wouldn’t swap it for the world.

What’s your “WHY” - what gets you out of bed

in the morning?

My team! I can safely say my team in Castleford are the best I’ve ever had. They all have uniqueness about themselves and want to succeed in everything they do. The majority have been here since the day we opened and we all class each other as a family.

Embarrassing moment – everyone has one,

what’s yours? Come on don’t be shy...

I’ve had many embarrassing moments unfortunately, especially when Mr Jack Daniels is involved as I’m sure my team can tell you!I’m afraid they will have to stay a mystery to yourselves though as they’re certainly a blur to me haha!

Tell us a little about what you do when not

entertaining our guests?

I’m a bit sad really, I love anything to do with audits. I spend my extra time helping other sites increase their scores along with training my own team.

What would you say had been your biggest

achievemnt so far?

Becoming General Manager of Castleford! I have grown

with the brand from being a trainer and my fantastic team have helped me to gain what we have today. Also, winning Audit Queen at the Goscars this year was a big highlight! I wasn’t even aware that I was in the running for it so when my name was called, I was so proud of what we had achieved.

If you won a ton on money on the lottery what

would you do with your spoils?

I would jet off and visit the 7 wonders of the world with my closest friends. I would then set up an American themed restaurant with the worlds craziest cocktails. I’d also be nice and make sure my family would have everything they would ever need.

If you could be a celebrity for the day who

would it be and why?

Either Ant or Dec, they’re hilarious! I would love to host I’m a Celebrity and Saturday Night Takeaway!

If there was only one piece of advice to pass

on, what would yours be?

Never give up no matter what hurdles are put in front of you. Things are there to challenge you and in the long run you will become stronger and (hopefully) wiser.

How would you sum up your personality?

Hmm, I’ve never been asked this before. I suppose very caring and driven, determined, thoughtful and experimental. I can be very strong minded at times but it gets things done!

Is there a guest experience that stands out ?

So many! The funniest must be when we hosted a cocktail masterclass for a hen party. Lots of games were played, cocktails and shots were flowing, the atmosphere was brilliant. The grandma of the bride who was 90 picked a card which stated she had to get the bartender to piggy back her around the room! She loved it and said it was the most fun she’s had in years!PAGE


THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


Tell us a little about your long term goals?

I LOVE everything about Burgers and Cocktails! The concept, quirkiness and individuality that it holds. My goal is to become the Brand Manager so that I can develop the brand and hopefully expand throughout the UK.

Tell us about a time you received amazing


Two weeks ago, my better half and I decided to visit Manchester for the weekend. We spent hours searching for a steak house that had availability when we passed Black House. The restaurant was very busy yet the hosts made us feel so welcome, they informed us about the wait and offered us a seat at the bar where we were met by a very knowledgeable bartender who helped us choose our wine. When we sat at the table, we were instantly greeted by the waiter who informed us of the specials and his personal favourites on the menu. The food was fantastic! So much so that we had to share with all of our friends via social media.Throughout the meal the waiter was very attentive but genuine at the same time. The manager even touched in at the table to see how everything was. We left extremely happy and I have recommended it to all my friends.

If you had superpowers what would they be?

The power to control time! This would allow me to enjoy the best moments in life without them having to end. Plus, I’d be able to meet all my Monday morning deadlines without FnB crashing!

And now for a quick personality test, are you


Yes.Pepsi or Coke?

Coke! Big Mac or Whopper

Big Mac all the way! Vodka or Gin

Gin! And plenty of itPC or MAC

PC Pepperoni or Cheese

Pepperoni Rainbows or Rain Clouds

Rainbows Unicorns or Mermaids

Unicorns Star Trek or Star Wars

Star WarsCats or Dogs

DogsHugs or Kisses


Thanks a million Hayley!

Merry Xmas to you and all of your fab team

at Castleford xx

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




Abu Dhabi is the ca

pital an

d the second most

populous city i

n the United Arab Emirat

es, and

also ca

pital of A

bu Dhabi emirate, th

e largest o


the UAE’s seven member emirat


by Sue Graham

giraffe goes global...

Giraffe comes to

Abu Dhabi!!

Myself, Sam, Rob, Ben & Damian have

been in Abu Dhabi throughout

the month of November, tr

aining our newest team for our next g



t in the bran

d new Yas Mall i

n Abu Dhabi - right next t

o Ferrari

World, Wate

rworld (it’s not ju

st a few slid

es, it’s h

uge!) and the Formula 1

track w

here the final race

of the F1 seaso

n is held.

Located rig

ht on the prestigious main ‘To

wn Square’ is

Yas Mall.

We bring fresh,

exciting new flavo

urs, our fri

endly, attentive hospitali

ty and a v

ibrant, b


designed restauran

t to Abu Dhabi. W

ith all of our cla

ssic giraff

e favourite

s on the menu,

we also showcas

e some brand new ‘local’

style dishes su

ch as the delicio

us Lamb Kofta

with pomegranate

and pista

chio tabbouleh an

d the amazin

g ‘Yas’ S

undae packed with


praline & van

illa cre

am! We’ve als

o got some aw

esome drinks as w

ell from our bar

team - plenty o

f refreshing an

d fun non-alcoholic o

ptions to choose fro

m - Soda F

loats, Fresh

Veggie Juices & Milks

hakes to

name but a few. Not fo

rgetting our coffee - m

uch like in the UK, our



THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


Abu Dhabi is the ca

pital an

d the second most

populous city i

n the United Arab Emirat

es, and

also ca

pital of A

bu Dhabi emirate, th

e largest o


the UAE’s seven member emirat

es.giraffe goes global...

3rd UAE site opens in Abu dhabi’s Yas mall

Giraffe comes to

Abu Dhabi!!

Myself, Sam, Rob, Ben & Damian have

been in Abu Dhabi throughout

the month of November, tr

aining our newest team for our next g



t in the bran

d new Yas Mall i

n Abu Dhabi - right next t

o Ferrari

World, Wate

rworld (it’s not ju

st a few slid

es, it’s h

uge!) and the Formula 1

track w

here the final race

of the F1 seaso

n is held.

Located rig

ht on the prestigious main ‘To

wn Square’ is

Yas Mall.

We bring fresh,

exciting new flavo

urs, our fri

endly, attentive hospitali

ty and a v

ibrant, b


designed restauran

t to Abu Dhabi. W

ith all of our cla

ssic giraff

e favourite

s on the menu,

we also showcas

e some brand new ‘local’

style dishes su

ch as the delicio

us Lamb Kofta

with pomegranate

and pista

chio tabbouleh an

d the amazin

g ‘Yas’ S

undae packed with


praline & van

illa cre

am! We’ve als

o got some aw

esome drinks as w

ell from our bar

team - plenty o

f refreshing an

d fun non-alcoholic o

ptions to choose fro

m - Soda F

loats, Fresh

Veggie Juices & Milks

hakes to

name but a few. Not fo

rgetting our coffee - m

uch like in the UK, our

giraffe UAE coffee is s

pecially b

lended and roaste

d for us by a local

roastery, O

rbis. We

use a blend consisti

ng of beans from 3 countrie

s, Guate

mala, Ethiopia &

India and in

fact, th

e Indian beans are the much prize

d and premium quality

Monsoon Malabar

beans which make

up 30% of the blend – sm

ooth, full bodied & pungent. A

nd of

course, our friendly e

nthusiastic floor te

am, championing our Core Values w


learning our m

enu (which can be a b

ig challenge!) p

assing their d

aily tests


mini quizzes w

ith flying colours! Helping to provide that g

enuine, friendly

service that we love! It

wasn’t w

ithout its challe

nges that’s

for sure but th


all goes w

ith any NSO, Especial

ly so in a d

ifferent country! However, w


got there, an

d we have a g

reat restau

rant an

d a great t

eam. We have

also had a f

antastic w

elcome from the local

and expat communities

– everyone is l

oving the bright, funky d

esign, which is so unlike

anything else in the Mall, so it’s

a very e

xciting time for giraff


in the UAE. We look fo

rward to seeing you sometime soon in

Dubai and Abu Dhabi! -

Love and hugs to

all SUE xx

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




AND THE WINNER IS...Here is where it all hots up! Our new “Smile of the Month” competition, is the chance to reward and recognise our stars out there making customers smile! From all of the hundreds of compliments that come in via Smiles each month, we’ll whittle it down to three nomiations. Your G-Factor panel will then deliberate as to which one has been voted “Smile of the Month”. The two runners up will recieve a bottle of Prosecco. The winner of “Smile of the Month” will recieve £50 of vouchers to use on the High Street, a bottle of Champagne and will join us on our annual “Hospitality Legends Day” - but more of that in the coming edtions of your G-LIFE!

“Hospitality - Giving the guest more than they expect -every time”GENUINE SERVICE WITH A SMILE simples!

MYSTERY SUPERHERO IN POOLE?Last night my boyfriend and I decided upon a spontaneous trip to the cinema without enough time to have dinner. I phoned giraffe and asked if there would be any way to order our food before we arrived so that we could eat and leave quickly. The representative on the phone immediately agreed and explained that she would put our order through in 10 minutes giving the right amount of time for it to be prepared for our arrival. Everything worked like clockwork and she was amazingly positive and enabling. This was an excellent service from someone with a ‘can do’ attitude that made it happen easily. Really enjoyable and excellent service that I appreciate.

Having moved from London 5 years ago where I used to love eating in giraffe I am delighted that I can eat here locally now. Thank you

Well done to our Mystery Superhero!

Team Chelmsford Smash it!#CHELMSFORD CHAMPS

This month saw Team Chelmsford top our compliment leader table with no less than four compliments hitting the ‘Smiles’ inbox! These ranged from breakfast through lunch and dinner, showing your commitment and consistency in providing our guests with the perfect guest experience each and every time. Compliments included two for Stacey “Friendly service” & “Brilliant Brekkie”. Matt blew some guests away with his knowlege on our sides and cocktails on offer and we had a group of guests who were bowled over by the general warm and friendly feeling and attentive service from the whole team, along with the mouth watering delcious food they enjoyed, I am sure we will see them again.

A huge well done to Team Chelmsford for your hard work and commitment doesn’t go unnoticed. This is the difference in providing a service and giving hospitality, a loyal guest will pass by many doors to return, we have to make sure we give them a good reason, each and every time they do!








THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014



With the launch of our “Smile of the Month” competition, here is the inside scoop on our very own panel of judges. Who’s going to turn into Simon Cowell?!

Operations ManagerBRETT BOYERS

Head Of Training TRACY MCKENNA

Head Of Training - Franchise and Travel HubSUE GRAHAM

Director of OperationsTOM CROWLEY

Yes that’s me... Brett, the ugly mug in the picture! I came on board with giraffe early 2012 following a number of years in operations with Individual Restaurant Company. Originally from a hotel background in South Africa I came to the UK in 2002 and London became home.

It’s the Wow factor! It’s the small things that we do for a guest that make them feel special, the actions that make them want to return time and time again, that never say no approach,what makes them tell other about us, what makes us proud to say I work with person that gave you that experience.

Hi I’m Tracy, I have worked for giraffe for 3 years now. My role is to ensure that we have a fully trained team both back and front of house delivering great food and great hospitality to our guests every time! I have an amazing team of commited people to ensure this happens.

I think I’ll be the harsher of the judges, I might get a bit of a repuation as the Simon Cowell of the giraffe judges! Above all I’ll be honest!

Having been part of the giraffe family for nearly 10 years in management, operations and training, I am looking for those outstanding hospitality moments that really come from the heart – genuine and memorable moments! It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture – sometimes the smallest things can mean the most and can be the most magical.

Be the best person you can be & good things will happen, I look forward to reading and choosing many wonderful winning Smiles!

I head up the the Operations Team in giraffe and spend most of my time on the road visiting sites and working with the Operations Managers, General Managers and support teams to ensure everybody is focussed on our goals whilst at the same time listening to feedback from our restaurant teams about what we are doing well and what we could improve.

For me its about exceeding the everyday, making memories and not just ticking boxes, what will our guests be saying in two years time? not so much about what sets us apart, more about what makes us unique.




www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




FEATURE ////////

WAYNE’S WORLDthe heart of any restaurant machine, lets take a closer look at the back of house with Wayne Timbrell...

Asuper busy month ahead in the kitchen, lets focus and create

dishes we’re all proud to serve!

Xmas menu, during December one of the BOH training team will be visiting to make sure that all food looks amazing for our guest to enjoy!

How to keep your kitchen safe, all of you have attended a training session on how to keep your kitchen safe and one of the BOH training team will be visiting to make sure that all

kitchens are up to standard. Food alert are out and about again this month and will also be doing weekend visits so lets get the results that you are all capable of.

Food focus, is used as a training tool for BOH and FOH. The aim is the Head Chef makes the food to spec and teaches the kitchen team the two dishes. The team then presents it to FOH for training and tasting and

these two dishes are the focus of the week not just one day!

Food focus should never be sent without the

manager being present to check the quality. Since

the new menu has been launched food focus has

dropped in quality, so lets focus on this and make sure all food is cooked to spec and looks great

each and every time.

Welcome! I would like to say Congratulations to

Alecio Mendes who will be joining the BOH training team in January, over the last few months Alecio has been working hard in new site openings such as Poole and Bournemouth, I’m sure you all join me in welcoming Alecio into the team look out for him he will be coming to your restaurants soon.

Got any questions? Check The Hub for all up to date Specs, ask your BOH trainer or get in touch with me!




THE FEEL GOOD NEWS www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014


CULTURE ////////

MAN BEHIND THE LENSA mad Italian on a scooter armed with a camera and a whole heap of enthusiasm, what could possibly go wrong?

He’s normally tapping away at a calculator, but when he’s not

our very own senior finance controller Antonino Russo, picks up his camera and creates magic!

So Antonino, these fab photographs, tell us about them... “I was really excited for the opportunity to go around our sites and try to capture our fantastic staff at work but in a different way.My only brief was “there is no brief!”.

What would you say your motivation behind the project was? “I could finally show our teams in the informal and quirky way I saw them, when dining with family and friends”

When you got home and looked back at all the photographs what was your reaction? “I wanted to capture the staff when they were having fun, were relaxed and above all up for a laugh! I wanted the photos to say: we laugh. we have fun, we work hard but we don’t take ourselves too seriously!

I must thank everyone who got involved with the project and gave up their time to pose for me. It was great fun

and I hope you all enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them, wishing you all the very best over the festive period”

Awesome job Antonino !

www.giraffe.net Issue 01 - December 2014




Thank you for all of your continued hard work and support throughout 2014, here’s to a

successful and prosperous 2015 for all

-Andrew, Tom, Paschalis, Will-