Freshmen Seminar #4...7. Back on the main resume page, Click Print/Export Resume 8. Click the PLUS...


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Welcome to Freshmen Seminar!

Seminar # 4

Naviance! We will be using Naviance over the next 4

years to help you explore your values, interests, strengths, areas of growth and how that relates to your goals after high school.

Today we will:

Create/update your resume

Take a Multiple Intelligence Assessment

Explore your strengths, areas of growth and how those can relate to future careers!



Multiple Intelligences

Intelligence is the potential to solve problems and to create ideas and things that are valued in the current culture. A person's intelligence can vary over different areas such as science, art, athletics and social interaction.

Strengths usually come from a combination of natural ability and a lot of practice and support in that area.

Knowing your intelligence profile will help you to take advantage of your strengths and develop your challenge areas.



MI continued Reminders:

• Everybody has all the intelligences.

• Your strengths can be used in many ways to help you be successful.

• Intelligences can always be developed further - both strengths and challenges.

• Profiles can change as intelligences are developed.

Once you finish, you will get a MI profile report

Try out some of the suggested strategies to make the most of your strengths and improve your challenge areas - in school, your future career and your personal life.

Check out the careers related to your areas of strength



FUTURE FRIDAYS 2020Flex, Room 262

Welcome to Naviance Family Connection! Naviance Login Instructions

1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Log into CLEVER and choose Naviance Family Connection

OR 3. Go to 4. Username and Password: FirstnameLASTNAMEGraduation year

a. Ex: CourtneySTERN2022 b. Password: School ID

*If these do not work, have your seminar counselor check it.

How to check your profile and update your email address

1. At the top of the page, click the About Me tab 2. Scroll down to Official Things and click Profile 3. Check to make sure your name, date of birth and counselor are correct- if any of

these are wrong please tell your seminar counselor 4. Scroll down to email and click the little pencil to edit your account 5. Enter the email address that you use most frequently. Please make sure this is an

appropriate address. 6. Click Update

How to begin your resume

1. At the top of the page, click the About Me tab 2. Scroll down to My Stuff and click Resume 3. Under Add/Update Sections, use the PLUS SIGN and select Objective 4. Add your objective. Examples could be:

a. To attend a 4 year public or private college/university b. To gain employment in the automotive repair industry c. To attend a community college d. To join the military after high school e. Click Save and Continue

5. Go back to the drop-down menu and choose Education a. Add the School information

i. Brighton High School ii. 1150 Winton Road iii. 9th grade iv. Dates Attended: September 2018-Present v. Click Save and Continue

6. Add any other extracurricular activities you are a part of (athletics, clubs, volunteer, etc.).

a. Typically you only report what you’ve done in high school UNLESS you have been a part of something for a long time (ex: Boy Scouts, volunteer work, youth groups)

7. Back on the main resume page, Click Print/Export Resume 8. Click the PLUS SIGN to start a new one

a. Enter your name b. Choose a style c. Choose whatever you would like for references d. Check both Objective and Education

9. Click Save and Close 10. Go to the small printer icon and view what you have so far

It will now be your responsibility to update this as needed. This will be the resume you use for your college and/or job applications.

Multiple Intelligences

1. At the top of the page, click the About Me tab 2. Under My Assessments click MI Advantage 3. Click Let’s Get Started 4. Please take your time and answer honestly! If you have questions, please ask. 5. Your answers will save as you answer. If you cannot finish with the remaining time,

please go back and finish this when you can. 6. If you do finish in class, take the rest of the period to read your full report and explore

the careers that they suggest! 7. How could you explore these in high school?

a. Clubs & Activities b. Future Fridays c. Job Shadows & Internships
