Four Ways To Give - · Experts believe singing can help strengthen throat and palate...


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February, 2019

3612 Old Oakwood Road, Oakwood, GA 30566 Phone: 770-535-9938 Office E-mail:

Website: Office Hours : 9 am—1PM Monday thru Thursday


Pastor: Rev. Andrew Seibert


Office Administrator: Dawn Johnson


Director of Music: Diane Mulkey


Youth Director: Sarah Caruso


Custodian: Scottye Sisk


2019 Church Council

Alan Clark (President)…….…770-778-6423

Jan Clark (Administration)….. 770-965-1573

Cheryl Neller (Scribe)……..678-517-4750

Ken Hayden (V.P./Finance) 770-503-0673

John Travis (Treasurer)…..….770-967-4178

Karin Bowman(Nurture)....…..770-614-0967

Bob Falcey (Property)…….....770-967-1231

Toni Zavadil (Outreach)….....770-287-7383

“It is always the right time to do the right thing.” – MLK Jr.

I usually start my monthly From the Pastor article with a Jesus quote at the top, but I was reminded of this quote this past month as we observed MLK Day. Now I’m not trying to make Martin Luther King Jr. into the Savior, but I have to believe that

Jesus would have agreed with his thoughts here.

In fact, I have to believe that Jesus would have agreed with most of his other thoughts as well: dreaming of equality, turning the other cheek, standing up for the beaten down and searching to be light in the dark-ness.

I hope that this past MLK Day was more for you than just a day off or a time when you didn’t need to go to the mailbox to pick anything up. I hope you paused, for even a moment, to remind yourself what Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us: do the right thing.

When? Now. What? Whatever! Who? Yes, with them.

With the neighbor who needs some help around the house. With the friend whose family member is in the hospital. With the shut-in church family member who is feeling isolated. With the kid in your house that might need some extra time. With the parent who could use an extra phone call. With the spouse that deserves that apology….

Now is the right time to do the right thing.

The chances are around us all day every day. Each day, may you start it off knowing that you are already loved, forgiven and poured over with grace. And may that gift from God through Jesus Christ motivate you to know that this is the right time to do the right thing.

Lord, help us to see the times and respond! Amen

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Andy

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Four Ways To Give

All of us support our church. Most of us do this financially and by giving a 'Helping Hand'. The helping hand part is important to our many programs as it uses our time and talents. We not only serve our church but we also interact with others. Pastor begins each service by stressing the importance of attending our service and interacting with others. This is part of giving a Helping Hand!

Most of us use the collection plate to give our money to support the church. We give to the General Ministry which supports our day-to-day operation or to one of our many FUNDS in support of special interests. Both are important. During the past year, 80% of our General Ministry donations were made with the collection plate. But that is slowly changing.

Many of us now use Online Giving. The idea here is to make your donation from your checking account or your credit/debit card. Most of us do a recurring donation either weekly or monthly. The other option is to do a one-time donation. Online Giving is important to our church so your donation is made even if you can't attend the service. Over 20% of our donations are made with Online Giving. Go to

Our newest option is to use your cell phone. Yes, it really is like Online Giving, but it’s also different. You can use the Give+ Mobile app in 2 different ways. The first is to belong to Online Giving and just use your phone to make or change your donation. The other way is to make a donation using just your cell phone app – no need to register with Online Giving.

For those of us 70 ½ or over

You can make a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” to help the church and save money on your taxes.

A qualified charitable distribution is normally a taxable distribution from an IRA owned by an individual who is age 70½ or over that is paid directly from your IRA to

a qualified charity, like our church. Sometimes this is done to satisfy all or part of a required minimum distri-bution (RMD). Please note, to qualify, the contribution must be paid directly to the church.

An easy way to make this tax-saving gift to our church is to contact the financial institution that maintains your IRA. When you make this contact, they will need this information when they do the transfer. Stock transfers go to our Schwab account. Checks go to:

Christ Lutheran Church PO Box 1298

Oakwood, GA 30566

Notify Dawn if you want your donation going to something other than the General Fund.

Faithfully yours, John Travis, Treasurer

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Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association

Imagine the comfort and care you feel when you snuggle un-

der a warm comforter made and given to you by a loved one. That’s

the feeling we share with a Lutheran World Relief quilt. LWR quilts

give families around the world a life essential as well as a reminder

that they are not alone. Quilts are urgently needed as poverty, con-

flict, drought, typhoon, all manner of humanitarian needs continue

to increase. They are used as warm bedding but also as simple tents,

floor coverings, or a wrap to hold a baby on a mother’s back.

Anyone can work on a quilt project. Instructions are given at If you would like to work with other quilters under the leadership of master quilter Mari-

lyn Johnson, join us on Monday, February 4 at 2:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall as we begin our

quilts. Bring any fabric to use, scissors, a portable sewing machine if you have one, etc. Our

finished quilts will be packed for shipment with WELCA’s health kits and school kits in August.

Contact Marilyn Johnson if you have questions.

Quilts for the World

The February WELCA meeting will be on Monday, 2/11, at 9:45 a.m. We will change our gathering format slightly by first enjoying our brunch, then Bible Study, followed by the business meeting. This will assure that we have adequate time for our study.

Brunch this month will be provided by Jill Meehan and Gerry Travis. Hope to see you there for fun and fellowship!

Can recycling

Just a quick note– we will no longer be collecting cans to recycle effective

immediately. Please use your own receptacles' to recycle at home. Thank

you to everyone who has participated in the past.

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Why Sing in the Choir?

Singing brings joy to many people – but did you know that your passion for singing can lead to incredible ben-

efits in your physical, emotional, and social health? Here are 10 reasons why singing is good for you.

Physical Benefits of Singing

Singing strengthens the immune system

Researchers have noticed that the amount of proteins in the immune system that function as antibodies,

known as Immunoglobulin A, were significantly higher after a choir rehearsal.

Singing is a workout

Your lungs will get a workout as you employ proper singing techniques and vocal projection resulting in a

stronger diaphragm and overall circulation and an increase in your aerobic capacity and stamina.

Singing improves your posture

Standing up straight is part of correct technique as you’re singing, so with time, good posture will become a

habit! As your chest cavity expands and your shoulders and back align, you’re improving your posture overall.

Singing helps with sleep

Experts believe singing can help strengthen throat and palate muscles, which helps stop snoring and sleep


Psychological & Emotional Benefits of Singing

Singing is a natural anti-depressant

Singing is known to release endorphins, the feel-good brain chemical that makes you feel uplifted and happy.

Also, singing can simply take your mind off the day’s troubles to boost your mood.

Singing lowers stress levels

Making music in any form is relaxing. Singing releases stored muscle tension and decreases the levels of a

stress hormone called cortisol in your blood stream.

Singing improves mental alertness

Improved blood circulation and an oxygenated blood stream allow more oxygen to reach the brain. This im-

proves mental alertness, concentration, and memory.

Social Benefits of Singing

Singing can widen your circle of friends and improve your social life

The bonds you form singing with others can be profound, since there’s a level of intimacy naturally involved.

Singing boosts your confidence

Performing well and receiving praise from your friends and family may be the key to boosting your self-


Singing broadens communication skills

Singing to babies helps prepare their brains for language. Music is just as important as teaching reading and

writing at a young age to prevent language problems later in life.

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Why Sing in the Choir? continued

All of these health benefits of singing may make you want to join our choir and sing joyfully during worship.

If so, don’t hesitate to get started! There is a hymn for everyone--

Dentist's Hymn: Crown Him with Many Crowns

Weatherman's Hymn: There Shall Be Showers of Blessings

Contractor's Hymn: The Church's One Foundation

Tailor's Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy

Golfer's Hymn: There's a Green Hill Far Away

Politician's Hymn: Standing on the Promises

Optometrist's Hymn: Open My Eyes That I Might See

IRS Agent's Hymn: I Surrender All

Gossip's Hymn: Pass It On

Electrician's Hymn: Send The Light

Shopper's Hymn: Sweet By and By

Realtor's Hymn: I've Got a Mansion, Just Over the Hilltop

Massage Therapist's Hymn: He Touched Me

Doctor's Hymn: The Great Physician

Thank You Letters


Dear Christ Lutheran Family,

Words are insufficient to express our thanks to all of you for the prayers, visits, meals provid-

ed to our family over the past eight weeks. Let us simply say we saw God’s face in all you did

for us.

In Christ!

Mark & Vicki Lewis & family

Dear Members of Christ Lutheran Church,

I wish to thank you all for your love, support, prayers and Christian family ministry efforts over the 20 years

of my membership among you.

I was and will continue to be Blessed by you all. When I am able to be back in Oakwood in the future, I hope

to see all of you again.

Love, gratitude and prayers to all of you– Donna Doughty

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ADULT FORUM– Sunday Morning’s



@9:45 am


Current Headline News Stories Discussion & Conversation. Connecting todays Christian Living with supporting Scripture Readings

Special Guest Leaders…….Adding their experience and knowledge to our topic

Military Care Boxes……packed with special items for over-seas men and women in our services

Contributing to our Cow Fund…..Supporting the needs of our World, ELCA World Hunger, Cows & Goats, Disaster Re-lief, Special Needs

Stop by for 45 minutes of sharing and fellowship. Looking forward to seeing you……Sharon and Bill

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Nurture Hi, I’m Karin Bowman the newest member of the church council. I will oversee the

Nurture Committee. My committee will oversee the needs of its members. This

means that I will be attempting to bring our church family together. Any activities

that you would like to do, let me know and we will see if we can make them hap-

pen. Also, movie suggestions are always welcome.

Our first event of the year was held in combination with

the youth group. The movie “The Star” was shown on

the big screen. With a concession stand of popcorn, can-

dy, and homemade soft pretzels. All for the great price of

taking a little time.

Our next family movie night is set for Saturday February 23rd. at 7:00 PM We will

be showing the original “Mary Poppins”. It was first released August 27, 1964,

which will make It new to some and nostalgic for others. So, mark your calendars.

Dear Friends in Christ,

I tried my hand at making quilt squares this week for Marilyn Johnsons new quilting group and thought about how that is such a beautiful example of how several people doing a little can come together as something that is a true blessing. As we start off on this New Year please consider if there is something you can do to help out some of our activities. Sometimes people can donate time or talents, other times it is something as simple as bringing in your old newspapers. We have been able to help so many with our contri-butions to the South Hall Food Pantry and Humane Society. It is truly amazing to see how many pull together to host Family Promise or VBS. Getting involved even if it is donating cookies to the fellowship, helping the youth on either Weds or Sundays, or bringing in some canned goods or a few dollars makes such an impact when we join our efforts. There are even some one-time events where you can make a difference if that is what is more up your alley. Just let us know and we will help you get started.

Yours truly, Toni Zavadil - Outreach

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Building Expansion Design Committee Update

We received the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) from the contractor on January 10. If we include the op-tion of two new restrooms and three new storage areas the GMP is $916,501. Without the option the GMP is $810,186. These GMP costs are too high for our Ministry Plan and building fund.

Since receiving the GMP, we have been working to identify areas where we can either make lower cost sub-stitutions, simplify the project, find more funds, and/or do some of the work ourselves, . We will have a final GMP and final total project cost by February 8.

We can discuss these details if we have time for a project Q&A on February 10 after the congregation meeting, at the February 11 church council meeting, and at the February 17 congregation meeting where we will discuss and vote on the project and project options.

The committee wants you to be clear on our work. If you have any questions on what we are doing, please feel free to contact any member of the committee (Bill Stevens, Russ Goodwin, Eric Bowman, John Travis, Alan Clark, Joe Vinson, and Alan Overcash) to discuss your thoughts or concerns and let us know you contin-ue to support what we are doing. Thank you,

Building Expansion Design Committee

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Finance Committee The committee completed the 2019 Ministry Plan on schedule. We are currently working with the Building Expansion Team to determine how much of additional monies can be used to fund the project. Our duty is to make sure we do not borrow any more than we absolutely have to by using money we already have that we determine to in excess of what we need have in the bank(s).

The Finance Committee needed a system to accomplish this in a logical way. We modified the CLC Continuing Resolution to provide a method of assuring we have an ample “emergency fund” savings account and do not borrow any money that is determined to be in excess. The CR specifies that the Finance Committee deter-mines at the start of each year how many months of expenses need to be set aside in the savings account. For 2019 we decided on 2 months of expenses or $54,000. This account is set up by the Treasurer and moni-tored by the Finance Committee. The CR modification was approved by Council at their January meeting.

The Internal Audit of the 2018 financial system was completed in January. We were fortunate to have Freda Bair leading the Audit Team this time. Her team members were Bill and Sharon Stevens, Jeanne Lewis and Arnie McCleese.

The Finance Committee and Church Council are always seeking to improve things. One of the major responsi-bilities of the Audit Team was to make recommendations for improving our financial procedures and systems. Be sure to read Freda and her teams’ Audit Report including their recommendations which is included in the Annual Meeting Packet.

A final thought regarding the new mortgage for the Building Expansion if the project is approved by the con-gregation. Hopefully everyone remembers the great accomplishment that you did in paying off the old mort-gage early. That mortgage was paid off 14 months early via contributions to a Mortgage Reduction Fund over the final 20 months. This effort saved about $1600 in interest.

If we begin a similar effort except begin it at the start of the new mortgage, it will reap far greater rewards. We will pay off the new mortgage several years early and save huge interest dollars over the mortgage life. When we know the final numbers, I will communicate with everyone scenarios showing what we could ac-complish.

Ken Hayden

For the Finance Committee

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Upcoming Events:

Youth Group for ages 4-18 every Wednes-

day from 6-7:30 pm.

February 3rd: Souper Bowl Sunday

February 16th: Youth Glow Party 6-8 pm

March 23rd: AFFIRM Fundraising Dinner

February 3rd, 2019 We will be collecting money and canned food donations benefiting the South Hall Food Pantry. Join us for soup and sandwiches after the 11:00 am service.

Join us for our very first Glow Party!!!!

February 16th, 2019

6:00-8:00 pm Dancing, Food, Fun & Fellowship!

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Be on the lookout for our communication ministry! We are getting ready to roll out our new communication books for nursing homes and communication cards for police and fire! The kids have been working

hard getting this all put together.

Kids Worship Volunteers Schedule:

February: March:

2/3- Alan Clark 3/3 Emma Seibert

2/10- Josh King 3/10 Dixie Bryson

2/17- Karen Legg 3/17 Janet Cboski

2/24- Janel Brooks 3/24 Denise Simpson

3/31 Maddie Caruso

Page #12 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine February , 2019

Jim & Elke Trimboli 2/10

Sandy & Cheryl Fuller 2/17

2/1 Ali Winiesdorffer

2/3 Marilyn Johnson

2/3 Bill Stevens

2/4 Marilyn Muckenfuss

2/7 Betty Harris

2/8 Alan Overcash

2/16 Alan Clark

2/17 Mike Random

2/17 Gerry Travis

2/18 Rick Miklos

2/20 Michael Marien

2/20 Elaine Miklos

2/22 Jim Ellis

2/22 Heather Moore

2/22 Lucy Terry

2/26 Norman Sage

South Hall Community Food Pantry (SHCFP)

We have been very busy in 2018. We served 1113 fami-lies, 3786 individual neigh-bors and received over 5 thousand lbs of food in dona-tions.

The picture is the CLC group one Saturday morning. It in-cludes Gene Ferg, Arnie McCleese, Ken Hayden.

Front row Barbara Todd, Phyllis Solgere and Edna Jackson.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

8 pm AA



8:30am Worship service

9:45 am Adult Forum

Confirmation class w/ Pastor Andy

11am Worship service w/ Kid’s worship

12 noon Souper Bowl of Caring

1PM Spanish speaking Worship


2 pm Quilt Project

8 pm AA



6:45 am Lutheran Men in Mission Prayer Break-fast

10 am Bible Study

6 pm Youth Group

6:45 pm Adult Choir


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology


8pm AA



8:30am Worship

9:45 am Annual Congre-gation Meeting

Confirmation class

11am Worship w/ kid’s


1PM Spanish speaking Worship


9:45 am WELCA

6:30 pm Church Council

8pm AA



6:45 am Lutheran Men in Mission Prayer Break-fast

10 am Bible Study

12 noon Good News

6 pm Youth Group

6:45 pm Adult Choir


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology


8pm AA


6-8 pm

Youth Glow Party

17 Hunger Relief Sunday

8:30am Worship

9:45 am Building expan-sion Meeting

Confirmation class w/ Pastor Andy

11am Worship w/ kid’s worship

1PM Spanish speaking Worship


8pm AA

Dawn will be out of office



6:45 am Lutheran Men in Mission Prayer Break-fast

10 am Bible Study

6 pm Youth Group

6:45 pm Adult Choir


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology


8pm AA



Movie Night: “Mary Poppins” 7 pm


8:30am Worship

9:45 am Adult Forum

Confirmation class w/ Pastor Andy

11am Worship w/ kid’s worship

1PM Spanish speaking Worship


4-6 pm SHCFP

8pm AA



6:45 am Lutheran Men in Mission Prayer Break-fast

10 am Bible Study

6 pm Youth Group

6:45 pm Adult Choir


10 am—12 noon

CLC staffs South Hall Food Pantry

7 pm Pub Theology

Christ Lutheran Church 2019

February , 2019 Page #12 Christ Lutheran Church, Oakwood, GA Newsletter The Vine

READERS 2/3 Judy Kaczorowski 2/10 Kay Knight 2/17 Toni Zavadil 2/24 Jan Clark ALTAR GUILD

2/3 Kay Knight 2/10 Sue & Jim Joninas 2/17 Mindy & Jim Ellis

2/24 Gerry & John Travis

COMMUNION BREAD 2/3 Kay Knight 2/10 Ginger Huddleston 2/17 Diane Bohn 2/24 Gerry Travis



2/3 Ann McDivitt

2/10 Jim Trimboli

2/17 Alan Clark

2/24 Kay Knight


2/3 2/3 Dale Osterloh & Jim Joninas

2/10 Jan & Alan Clark

2/17 Gerry Travis & Ginny Huseby

2/24 Jim Ellis & Don Finfrock

Go in Peace, Serve the Lord Serving at Worship for February

8:30 am Worship Service


2/3 Jeff Winiesdorffer 2/10 Pat Freeman 2/17 Ron Goetzke 2/24 Karen Legg Kid’s Worship 2/3 Alan Clark 2/10 Josh King 2/17 Karen Legg 2/24 Janel Brooks


2/3 Don Woosley 2/10 Karin Bowman

2/17 Cindy Grastat

2/24 Jenny Goodwin USHERS

2/3 Phyllis Solgere & Carol Farrell

2/10 Janet & Austin Seibert

2/17Alan Overcash & Eric Bowman 2/24 Richard Morhard & Ken Uyl


2/3 Don Finfrock & Eric Bowman

2/10 Phyllis Solgere & Michelle Bair

2/17 Cheryl Neller & Ken Hayden

2/24 Jan & Dane Clark (Barbara Tiszai, Ron Goetzke)


2/3 Diane Morhard

2/10 Marilyn Johnson

2/17 Karen Legg

2/24 Marie Umberger


2/3 Souper Bowl of Caring 2/10 Melinda Parmer & Lynn Whitener 2/17 Lynn Thomas & Marie Umberger 2/24 Janet Seibert & Dixie Bryson 3/3 Kathie Wilson & Karen Vinson 3/10 Karin Bowman & Nancy Garland 3/17 Marilyn Johnson & Diane Morhard 3/24 Jeanne Lewis, Penney Stettler (Carol Farrell, baked good) 3/31 Cheryl Fuller & Peggy Goodwin

11:00 am Worship Service
