Four Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead


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  • 8/20/2019 Four Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead


    Anne St. Hilaire

     to Get Your Company Ahead



  • 8/20/2019 Four Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead


    Job seekers create anonymous profiles

    Recruiter attracts top candidates who tell us what it would take for them

    to change jobs and join a great company like yours. We engage our

    candidates on a daily basis.

    Recruiter sends curated jobs to candidates

    We leverage our proprietary technology to find the right talent for your

    company from our pool of passive job seekers. Our algorithm learns over

    time to provide more targeted matching.

    Recruiting professionals step in and engage

    Our team of professional recruiters hand pick potential targets and workclosely with your hiring team to set up a job interview. Recruiter’s platform

    is efficient and saves you time and money.

    You’ll love working with this Recruiter.

    “Recruiter makes finding greatemployees easy. It cuts through

    the clutter and gets back to

    the basics of finding and

    hiring great people.”

    - Robert RyffDevelopment Datalytics Technologies LLC


  • 8/20/2019 Four Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead


    What’s Inside

    Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Use Mobile Recruiting

    to Communicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Never Underestimate the Power

    of Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Get Scientific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Think Outside the Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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      4 ©2015 | 4 Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead

    Effective recruitment strategies are a pivotalaspect of procuring and retaining high-quality

    talent to contribute to an organization’s success.

    The job market is becoming progressively more

    competitive and skill sets continue to grow more

    diverse. Given this environment, recruiters are

    required to be more selective in their candidate picks,

    since under-performing recruitment measures can

    have a long-term negative impact on an organization.

    Since all recruiters and companies are dealing with

    the “talent problem”, it is important that they

    differentiate themselves with new and powerful

    hiring strategies so that they can stand out in the

    eyes of candidates. So how can you get top talent

    to notice you in this extremely saturated and

    competitive market? It’s time to try these four

    unique recruitment strategies the next time you’re

    looking to fill one - or many - important positions.

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    We’re living in a mobile world—you use yoursmartphone to find out the latest headlines; tablet

    to watch videos; and E-readers to learn a little more

    about your industry. It’s hard to remember a time

    without a gadget in the palm of your hands, and whywould you want to? Everything is done at your

    convenience, whenever, wherever. Life is simpler.

    So, if you’re more prone to use your mobile

    devices to communicate, wouldn’t it make sense

    to apply that same theory to recruiting?

    Currently, 70 percent of all job seekers search for

     jobs via their mobile devices. In addition, 20 percent

    search for information about careers through these

    devices. These statistics indicate that if you don’t

    have or aren’t planning on incorporating mobile

    Use Mobile Recruiting to Communicatebased on “Perfect Your Mobile Recruiting Strategy in 4 Easy Steps” by Ziv Eltraz

    capabilities into your recruiting strategy, you’re

    losing out on candidates, some of whom may be

    pretty high caliber. When you’re ready to get started,

    you can implement and then perfect your mobile

    recruiting strategy by following these four steps:

    Create a mobile-ready career site

    While you may believe it’s obvious to have mobile

    associated with your career site, the truth is, many

    organizations have yet to come on board. In fact,

    only one in five Fortune 1000 companies hasmobile-ready career sites. Plus, since one in four

    come to career sites via mobile, you’re missing

    out on a large chunk of qualified candidates

    because they either can’t view information

    correctly or can’t apply directly.


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    However, with remote employees comes a

    certain communication barrier. They aren’t in the

    office like traditional workers, so they can’t slip you

    a lead through your employee referral program if it’s

    not convenient for them. Therefore, you have to

    ensure your employees

    can refer on-the-go. One

    tip is to create a mobile-

    ready portal or external

    website that they can

    access in the referral

    process. That way, they

    can still participate in an

    employee referral

    program, even if they

    aren’t there in person.

    Confirm your mobile recruiting strategies

    are social networking-friendly

    Along with just using mobile devices, many job

    seekers use social networking in their searches.

    To solve this, make it easy for job seekers to apply

    through their smartphones or tablets. This may

    require creating a smartphone application or

    otherwise ensuring your career site can be

    accessed through mobile devices. Either way,

    creating a mobile-ready

    career site will increase

    your chances at receiving

    those candidates who

    use their devices in the

     job search.

    Make sure your employees

    can refer on-the-go

    After career sites, referrals

    are cited as the No. 1source of hire. If you pair

    that with the fact that 30 million Americans work

    remotely at least one day a week, you have the

    potential to receive awesome candidates by way

    of your employees even if they’re on the other

    side of the world.

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    For example, 60 percent of Facebook usage is

    through mobile. Candidates also use networks likeTwitter and LinkedIn in their searches. Social is the

    way to go these days, and when you put mobile

    into the mix, you have a match made in job

    seeker heaven.

    However, to access these candidates, you have toconfirm your mobile recruiting strategies are social

    networking-friendly. For example, is it easy for

    candidates to view a job that you posted on

    Facebook through their smartphones? If they use

    the Apply with LinkedIn feature to apply for jobs on

    their tablets, can they do so efficiently? If the answeris no, again, you’re missing out on quality

    candidates. Be sure every job listing, career

    site link, or external piece of information you post

    on social networking sites can be

    accessed through mobile.

    Open up your mobile recruitment strategy 

    We briefly touched on the power of referrals.

    These referrals aren’t limited to your internal

    network, though. External contacts, such as

    your business partners, former employees,and vendors, can also help you in the recruitment

    process. However, doing so may be harder,

    especially since they don’t have to participate in

    an employee referral program.

    To solve this, implement fun games and rewardsthat be accessed through a mobile employee

    referral program. For example, let’s say a business

    partner referred you to a candidate via a

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    mobile-ready referral portal on their tablet.

    When that candidate is interviewed, your businesspartner is placed on a mobile leaderboard for all to

    see. They can also receive rewards for their efforts.

    This method socially recognizes your business

    partner, which engages them, as well as makes

    their time worthwhile in simple way. Implementing

    mobile capabilities into your recruiting strategy isa great way to amp up your hiring efforts. We’ll

    only see the mobile trend grow, so getting on this

    bandwagon sooner rather than later will only help

    you in your journey to find the right candidates.

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    hen it comes to branding, your company’s marketing team is on

    one side of the coin. The members of the team have advanced sales,

    marketing, and promotional skills and know how to position your

    company’s product in a way that excites and engages your

    potential customers.

    Your HR/recruiting department is on the other side of

    the branding coin. Your marketing department already

    positions your company’s sales brand; how can you

    parlay the marketing department’s knowledge into the

    creation and positioning of your recruiting brand?


    Never Underestimate thePower of Marketingbased on “Recruit Like a Marketing Professional” by Liz D’Aloia

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    Marketers Get Feedback from Focus Groups

    Marketing starts on your website. For that reason,

    you need to evaluate it impartially, just as a third-

    party marketing professional would.

    Step back and consider your website from a

    candidate’s perspective. You may even want to

    convene a focus group for feedback. You can easily

    create a focus group from recent hires, job seekers,

    or from colleagues in your network. Here’s what

    you want to find out:

    Is it easy to find your career page from

    your main website?

    Does your career page reflect your

    company’s culture?

    Is it easy to navigate?

    Is it engaging?

    Does it help people visualize what it is

    like to work at your company?

    Is it mobile-friendly?

    Remember, Google changed its search

    engine algorithm to favor mobile-friendly

     sites. Make sure your career site doesn’t just

    resize for mobile. It needs to be truly

    mobile-friendly, which means easy to

    view and navigate on any mobile device.

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    Marketers Analyze What Works

    Marketers are salespeople, and salespeople love

    metrics. Many recruiters focus on metrics such as

    time-to-fill, number of open requisitions, and other

    tactical numbers. Savvy recruiters know that a

    successful recruiting initiative means more than

    posting and praying. Step up your analytics and

    start asking tough questions such as:

    How many hits does your

    career page get?

    What are the sources of the hits on

    your career page (social media, job

    postings, grassroots recruiting

    efforts, etc.)?

    How do your application views matchup to your application completion rates?

    What are the mobile application

    completion rates versus desktop

    application completion rates?

    Marketers measure the effectiveness of

    these tools. Recruiters should, too.

    Once you know what advertising source

    works for your recruiting efforts, you can

    focus on that source and create more

    opportunities to sell your open positions.

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    Marketers Tap Into Human Vision, Not Job Descriptions

    Here’s a challenge for you: Would you rather read a

    page of dense text or a page that has lots of white

    space and interesting graphics?

    Humans are visual creatures, so we need to make

    our recruitment advertising easy on the eyes,

    entertaining, and engaging. In other words: weneed to do a better job of marketing our openings.

    Consider that most applicant tracking systems are

    designed by IT, not recruiting teams. IT always

    outlines requirements prior to starting a job. Sound

    like a job description? Yes! This is why mostapplicant tracking systems allow you to upload a

     job description and then market from there.

    Unfortunately, the job descriptions that HR writes

    aren’t compelling from a marketing standpoint —

    so, stop posting them.

    Job descriptions are often full of

    acronyms that are only meaningful

    within your organization. External

    applicants don’t fully understand them.

    Job descriptions are also one-sided.

    They outline what’s required for the

     job, but they usually don’t adequately

    market your recruiting brand or company.

    Job descriptions aren’t

    visually appealing.

    Job descriptions are often written so

    narrowly that it’s almost impossible to

    find “the perfect candidate.” Are you

    demanding so much in your job

    description that qualified candidates

    don’t bother to apply?

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    Instead of posting traditional job descriptions,

    consider partnering with your marketing department

    to create job-opening collateral. Your marketing

    team can help you distill the minimum requirements

    into exciting, engaging text and also make your

    document visually compelling.

    There’s no doubt that marketing can work

    wonders for your recruitment advertising

    efforts. So, start thinking like a marketer instead

    of a recruiter, and see how quickly you’ll start

    filling your candidate pipeline!

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    Get Scientificbased on “5 Ways to Use Big Data to Get Scientific About Recruiting”  by Meredith Amdur

    As a discipline, recruiting has always been on

    the front lines of competitive strategy for any

    business: finding the talent to execute the vision

    while providing valuable insight back to the

    business on how factors influencing hiring and

    ongoing cultivation of talent might impact

    company development. Recruiters are key to

    finding the people who will execute their

    company’s vision, and are increasingly on the

    front lines of the talent wars, especially in markets

    where specific skill sets are in high demand.

    Until recently, however, recruiting has been more

    art than science, requiring a lot of hustle, a rich

    rolodex (or LinkedIn network), and — occasionally —

    a good-sized checkbook. Practitioners were (and

    still should be) valued for their instincts and

    market experience. But adding some data science

    (in the form of facts, probabilities, and market

    clues) to the mix can really kick the strategic

    power of the recruiting discipline up a notch. In

    fact, research conducted by Wanted Analytics

    shows that more and more jobs in the HR field

    require analysis of large quantities of data, with

    hiring professionals being called on to use big

    data in their everyday workflows.


    Engaging big data as it relates to talent supply and

    demand can help the recruiting team prove its case

    for specific hiring strategies and tactics and bring

    useful market context to a variety of workforce and

    operational decisions. Here are five key areas where

    recruiting can use talent market analytics to more

    proactively support the overall goals of the business:

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    1. Hiring

    How would a recruiter’s job change if they knew

    before a position was open how difficult or easy it

    might be to fill, whether or not the salary proposed

    was competitive, and what other companies were

    competing for the same skills and roles?

    In today’s tight talent market, understanding both

    the local and macro conditions that may impact

    talent availability, salary and benefit decisions, and

    hiring timelines helps recruiters set expectations

    and adjust their approaches to attract candidates

    for hard-to-fill positions.

    Are other companies in the area currently on the

    hunt for similar skills? Is the salary being offered

    lower or higher than average? Is the skill set

    needed easier to find in a different geographic

    area? Data captured from job boards and other

    sources of information on talent supply and

    demand can help answer these questions and give

    recruiters the ammunition they need to get business

    buy-in on key decisions related to hiring strategy.

    Armed with data, recruiters’ discussions with hiring

    managers change: recruiters build immediate

    credibility and transform their roles from advisors

    to decision makers.

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    2. Training and Development

    Talent market analytics can also inform training

    and certification strategies. If the data shows that

    specific skills are in extremely high demand,

    recruiters can advise the business when it might

    be beneficial to invest

    in training resources in-

    stead of seeking out new

    hires. Rather than spinning

    wheels in an environment

    where hiring is especially

    difficult and time-

    consuming, training

    existing employees may

    be the more economical

    or timely approach to

    acquiring the needed skills.

    3. Operational Strategy

    Backed by data analytics, recruiters can additionally

    help the business make important operational

    decisions. For example, choosing the location for

    a new manufacturing plant or office expansion

    should include the analysis of the local talent

    supply and demand data. Getting a read on the

    local workforce conditions

    can help recruiters estimate

    how quickly the business

    will be able to staff up when

    expanding operations, and

    how much budget should be

    set aside for staffing costs.

    4. Competitive Intelligence

    Beyond identifying when

    rival businesses are

    competing for the same

    talent, hiring data can also serve as a bellwether for

    other competitive moves, such as the introduction

    of new product lines or the opening of a competitor’s

    office nearby. Job ads often list locations and

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    detailed descriptions of responsibilities, and this

    information can reveal clues about what the

    competition might be planning. Recruiters can

    serve as valued sources of business intelligence

    by giving management a head-up when top talent

    may be in danger of being poached by a rival, or

    when it looks like a competitor’s hiring spree is

    related to a new product push.

    5. Forecasting and Planning

    Finally, recruiters can use talent data to help the business forecast the feasibility of future plans. For example,

    an organization that commonly submits bids for projects might want to analyze the talent supply in a

    specific location before submitting a proposal. If the needed skill sets in the project area are scarce, it may

    not be worth it to make a bid. Conversely, a talent-rich location will give the business the confidence that

    it can deliver on the customer’s expectations.

    Big data and talent analytics are empowering recruiters to play more influential roles in their organizations’

    overall business strategies. Talent is often one of a business’s most valuable assets, impacting the ability of

    an organization to grow, compete, and prosper. By applying data science to decisions made around hiring,

    training, development, and more, recruiters can bring considerable value to the conference table.

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      18 ©2015 | 4 Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead

    Although they still prove to be effective in some hiring

    situations, most traditional recruitment strategies are too

    outdated to provide any kind of competitive advantage

    for companies using them. In order to stand out and

    find the best employees for their teams, employers have

    to get very creative in their recruitment methods - or

    risk falling behind in their industry. Today, the only way

    to attract new candidates and hire the best talent is to

    differentiate yourself, so why not adopt these new and

    innovative recruitment strategies?

    Think Outside of the Box

  • 8/20/2019 Four Recruitment Strategies to Get Your Company Ahead


    You’ll love working with this Recruiter.