Four Kinds of Schools by Katy Heyborne



Co-educational Public Schools 2 2 Co-educational Public Schools (Stonecipher, "School choice" Spin and Propaganda Forward Now! ) Most schools in America have been co-educational – that is, educating boys and girls together – since the early 20th century.

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Four Kinds of Schools by Katy Heyborne
1 1 Four Kinds of Schools by Katy Heyborne Co-educational public schools Co-ed private or independent schools Single-sex schools or classrooms within other schools Charter schools Utahs school population tops600,000 for first time .(Kolseth) Each type of school has different pros and cons. Co-educational Public Schools
2 2 Co-educational Public Schools (Stonecipher, "School choice" Spin and Propaganda ForwardNow! ) Most schools in America have been co-educational that is, educating boys and girls together since the early 20th century. Purpose of Co-Educational Public Schools
3 3 Purpose of Co-Educational Public Schools The American Common School ofHorace Mann (1848) evolved into the public school system today.Its purpose is: To give girls and boys of different backgrounds and countries an equal opportunity for education. To give children a common background in American Culture (Harvey, 50 par. 7). (Under God Under Attack Again) Pros Of Public Co-Education
4 4 Pros Of Public Co-Education The most important element of public schools is that they include ALL students, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, intellectual or physical ability (according to pg 2 of the authors of A Nation at Risk (1983)study, done by the National Commission on Excellence in Education, (Harvey 50 par )). (Barley, "The Advantages of Co-Ed Education".) Pros Of Public Co-Education
5 5 Pros Of Public Co-Education Diversity in public education allows students to receive knowledge and experience that can help them in the real world (Harvey 50 par ). / (Disruption) Pros Of Public Co-Education
6 6 Pros Of Public Co-Education Children often have to deal with a certain degree of adversity: This adversity helps them gain coping skills by overcoming struggles. This helps children to develop long-term self-confidence and learn to appreciate what they have (Weissbourd, and Dodge 77 par ) (Wolpert, Adversity Makes Us Stronger.) Cons Of Public Co-Education
7 7 Cons Of Public Co-Education Low income public schools struggle with: Deteriorating facilities and many students crammed into overcrowded classrooms (Weissbourd, and Dodge 77 par ). Less resources than average-to-higher income public or private schools(Weissbourd, and Dodge 75 par. 3-4). (Canter, It's Worse than you think.) Cons of Public Co-education
8 Cons of Public Co-education Many public school guidance counselors are ridiculously overstretched by large caseloads of students and some are losingtheir jobs due to the lack of resources (Weissbourd, and Dodge 77 par. 1-4). This negatively affects students lives as they dont get the guidance they need in school. (Millner, "Public Schools & Massive Cuts: Lack of Resources No Excuse to Fail Kids.) Cons Of Public Co-Education
9 Cons Of Public Co-Education Crowding is a problem in many public schools. (Vourloumis, "At School in Queens, Success Draws Crowd". ) 10 10 Single-Sex Schools: Where the sexes are taught separately in other wordsAll-boys and All-girls schools. Some co-educational schools offer single-sex classrooms to students and parents. (Neubecker,"Single-Sex Ed 101 Welcome to the latest educational fad.)" Purpose of Single-Sex Schools
11 11 Purpose of Single-Sex Schools Girls and boys develop differently.Single-sex schools implement gender-specific strategies to help girls and boys with the areas of learning they struggle in. (Feminist Majority Foundation) Single-Sex Schools and Girls
12 12 Single-Sex Schools and Girls (Rosevear "Do Mean Girls Rule Your School?) For example, girls have lower learning and engagement in science/ technology engage in more relational aggression in school and on the Internet have self-esteem development problems in adolescence (King, Gurian, Stevens 39 par.8) Single Sex schools and boys
13 13 Single Sex schools and boys For Example: Boystend to Have lower -achievement scores in most subject areas especially by low-income and radically/ethnically diverse students . Struggling with literacy. Lag behind in school instruction, in taking notes, and listening (King, Gurian, Stevens, 40 par.1 -5). (Paton) Struggle more in doing and completing homework than girls
Boys also Struggle more in doing and completing homework than girls Tend to get lower-grades than girls in all classes except most science and math classes Are often less motivatedto learn Have a harder time perceiving classroom instruction as important (King, Gurian, Stevens, 40 par.1 -5.) (Tobin) Pros of Single-sex schools:
15 15 Pros of Single-sex schools: Students ages in single-sex classrooms were compared to students in co-educational classes, and it was found that 62%of students in single-sex classes could focus better without the opposite sex present(2006) (Spielhagen 69 par.6-7). (Sasson) Cons of single-sex schools:
16 Cons of single-sex schools: Bullying was a bigger problem for boys in 7th and 8th grade single-sex classes than it was in co-educational classes (2011)(Spielhagen 70 par. 10). (University of Texas "Sex-segregated schooling ineffective andincreases gender stereotyping.) Co-educational schools with a single-sex classroom option:
17 Co-educational schools with a single-sex classroom option: Co-educational schools with a single-sex classroom option give parents the opportunity to try single-sex education in a co-educational school. ( Single-Sex Education.) Co-educational schools with a single-sex classroom option:
18 Co-educational schools with a single-sex classroom option: Having the option of Single-Sex classrooms in a co-educational school lets students: 1) Interact with the opposite sex at lunch, after-school/in the halls or at assemblies. 2) Avoiddistractions of the opposite sex in the classroom. 3) Overallknow if a co-educational school with a single-sex classroom option works. ( Single-Sex Education.) 19 Charter Schools (Howell, West, Peterson.) Charter schools aretax-supported schools established by a contract between the school board, teachers, parents and community members where the established school will be. Purpose of Charter Schools
20 Purpose of Charter Schools The purpose is so the charter can set its own goals without most local and state regulations. (Allred, Utah's public schools top 600,000 students, 50,000 in charter schools.) Charter schools started to offer parents a choice in schooling for their children( ERICKSON 44 par. 2-4). Pros of Charter schools
21 Pros of Charter schools Many early advocates perceive attending a charter as inspiring and motivating. Parents often choose charters as they tend to promise more : Orderly school climates Committed Teachers And Higher levels of academic achievement (ERICKSON 45 par. 5-7). (Mack) Cons Of Charter Schools
22 Cons Of Charter Schools Charter Management Organizations (CMOs) accept fewer English Language learners and Special ED students into their schools. (Horn New Charter School Study More Bad News for Corporate Ed Reform.) Not as many students living out-of-district can attend because priority is given to students in the district ( ERICKSON 44 par. 2-4). Other Cons/ Issues with Charter schools
23 Other Cons/ Issues with Charter schools Encouraging the most highly motivated students and families to enroll in charters or private institutions results in a proportion of students in public schools that are : Troubled Challenged Not as motivated (Harvey 51 par. 1). (Vasicek, Squirrel! Distractions in the Classroom.) Performance of Black and Hispanic Students in Charter schools:
24 Performance of Black and Hispanic Students in Charter schools: Black and Hispanic students demonstrate significantly worse outcomes in educational improvement in charter schools than in public schools (Harvey par par. 1). (NewsOne. Principal Blames Black Students For Schools Poor Scores.) Private (Independent) Schools
25 Private (Independent) Schools (Both Photos by Pipkin) Secondary or elementary schools brought about, run and primarily supported by individuals or a corporation rather than a government or public agency. They have fees that must be paid so students can attend them. Purpose of Private Schools
26 Purpose of Private Schools (Olivarez). To give more resources to the students and their parents who attend these schools(Weissbourd and Dodge 74 par. 1-4). Pros of Private Schools
27 Pros of Private Schools 1)More resources like extracurricular activities are available in private schools, like art and athletic coaches . 2) As stated in Anderson's study, tutors are more available and although expensive can benefit students (Weissbourd and Dodge 77 par. 1-4). Some private schools even offer summerenrichment programs and programs abroad to students. (Millcker) Pros of Private Schools, contd.
28 and Dodge 77 par. 1-4). Pros of Private Schools, contd. 3) Private schools often have moreguidance counselors to help students get into high-status or at least high-quality colleges as found by Berfield & Tergesens 2007 study. 4) Some offer summerenrichment programs and programs abroad to students. (Weissbourd, and Dodge 77 par. 1-4). (Kibiliko) Final Reason Supporting Private Schools
29 Final Reason Supporting Private Schools I can predict that, because public schools are free and have crowded classrooms, that the expense of private schools results in smaller class-sizes for students. (GreatSchools Staff. "How important is class size?) Cons Of Private Schools
30 Cons Of Private Schools 1.According to Twenges 2006 study, parents whose children attend private schools may be at greater risk of feeling arrogant and entitled to things most kids dont have.Some parents of children in private schools spoil their child, paying for unnecessary tutors and extracurricular activities that many parents cant afford (Weissbourd, and Dodge 77 par. 1-4 & 9-12). (Gainsborough, Is Private School Not Expensive Enough?) Cons of Private Schools, continued
31 Cons of Private Schools, continued Giving into every-want and need a child has can result in the child not learning to appreciate what they have and having lower self-esteem in the future (Weissbourd, and Dodge 77 par. 1-4 & 9-12). Private schools exclude certain individuals because of fees and restrictions they have for students attending them (Harvey 50 par. 12). (Jackson) Importance of Knowing About Different Types of Schools
32 32 Importance of Knowing About Different Types of Schools (Achieve Guilford) (ThinkStock) It is important that parents are aware of the different options of schooling and the pros and cons of the different kinds of schools . Why Its Important to know About Different Types of Schools:
33 Why Its Important to know About Different Types of Schools: It is important to know about different types of schools so parents can decide on the type of school that will best meet their needs as well as their needs of their child. (Merrill) 34 Works Cited: Achieve Guilford. "Free Conference empowers parents and aids success., Greensboro. Web. 13 Nov 2012. Allred, Jeffrey. Utah's public schools top 600,000 students, 50,000 in charter schools. Deseret News, Salt Lake City . Web. 10 Nov 2012. Barley, Angela. "The Advantages of Co-Ed Education". N.d. eHow Mom. Web. 12 Nov 2012. Canter , Marc. "It's worse than you think" Marc's Voice Web. 12 Nov 2012. Chilcott , Tanya. " Single-sex class trials in Queensland state
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Horn, Jim. New Charter School Study More Bad News for Corporate Ed Reform Common Dreams Building Progressive Community, Cambridge. Web. 12 Nov 2012. Howell, William, Martin West, and Paul Peterson. "The 2008 Education Next- PEPG Survey of Public Opinion." Vol. 8 No. 4. Education Next, Web-only content Copyright 2011 President & Fellows of Harvard College Journal content Copyright 2011 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Jr University . Web. 12 Nov 2012. Jackson, Kevin. Educational Grants for Private Schools. N.d. Ehow mom Web. 13 Nov 2012. Kibiliko, John. A School Counselor's Starting Salary ehow moneyWeb. 13 Nov 2012. 38 King, Kelley, Michael Gurian, and Kathy Stevens. "Gender-Friendly Schools." Educational Leadership 68.3 (2010): ERIC. Web. 21 Oct. 2012 Kjolseth , Francisco. Utahs school population tops 600,000 for first time. Mack, Julie. Michigan. Digital image. The Kalamazoo Gazette. N.p., 16 Jan Web. 02 Dec Merrill , Mary . "Haiti earthquake: Parents try to shield children from the horrors." The Christian Science MonitorWeb. 13 Nov 2012. Millner, Elliot. "Public Schools & Massive Cuts: Lack of Resources No Excuse to Fail Kids." Bv on Money and HuffPost BlackVoices Web. 17 Nov 2012 . Millcker, Anastasia, and Christinia Johnston Ed
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