Forge Media


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Forge Media


Executive Summary

Situational Analysis

Marketing Goals

Target Audience


Media Objctives


Media Strategy

Media Execution


Executive Summary

Purchased by Kellogg’s in 2000, Kashi is a whole-grain food company based on the principles of balance and nutrition. Having started with a focus on breakfast cereals, the company has since branched into energy bars, crackers, and entrées. Kashi as multiple selections of their frozen pizza to offer and are looking to expand their sales in the market. Kashi frozen pizza would be targeting the working woman, 25-34 and mothers 34-59. These women would be attracted to the convenience of a quick frozen meal with the healthy benefits of a balanced diet. Often these women are the sole or head decision makers for food purchases in the household. Forge Media intends to adress Kashi’s goal of a 15 percent sales increase for 2013 by utilizing a national campaign while still fousing on vital spot markets. A high reach and frequency in large spot markets with a large presence of health conscious auiences will best recieve the Kashi culture and message. Through the year, key months will run advertising emphasizing the benefits and attitude of Kashi frozen pizzas that best hit home with the target. A flighting advertising strategy will take advantage of specific times of year in the lives of the audience. Forge will also launch a social media promotion to invovle and include the audience as well as increase awareness. The promotion plays into the Kashi culture and getting people to share how they express the Kashi values. Not only will this peak interest in the target, it should also draw great numbers to Kashi’s online presence. We are confident that Kashi will reach their sales goals

following this plan to utilize the audience and reach them at home. With heavy focus on the spot

markets saturated with the target, Kashi should have no roblem selling their lifestyle as well as

their pizzas.

Situational Analysis



Within the conventional frozen pizza market Kashi has very steep competition. Brands like Digiorno, Tombstone, and Red Baron control the majority of the market netting more than 200 million . These companies all have more that 200 million in sales annually. In the health food market Kashi’s primary competition comes from Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine.

Strengths- Kashi is a recognizable brand. They offer many high quality products at competitive prices. Kashi has built a consumer culture focused on healthy lifestyle. Consumers who value natural and organic living are naturally drawn to the Kashi culture.

Weakness- Due to a higher focus on quality and natural ingredients, Kashi pizzas are priced higher than their competitors. The typical people looking for pizza do not have healthy in mind.

Opportunities-High opportunity for growth within the category of natural foods as well as opportunity to transition loyal Kashi cereal customers to Kashi’s pizzas. Additional growth is expected because of the current health conscious trends.

Threats-Low exposure to Kashi products especially outside metropolitan areas. Compared to other brands Kashi is not a competitive price with other pizzas.

Kashi is a division of Kellogg’s Company and is known for its healthy foods. The company’s sales are estimated around 560 million dollars. The company trademarked slogan, “Seven Whole Grains on a Mission.” exemplifies the companies core values of making gourmet food with all natural and organic ingredients.

Marketing Goals

Target Audience


Kashi’s goal is to grow its sales of frozen pizza by 15 percent to $40 million by end of 2013. Kashi hopes to achieve this aggressive goal by a combination of growing the brand and category while simultaneously pulling from other health food competitors and attracting current Kashi customers to try Kashi frozen pizza.

Forge believes to meet the sales goals set by Kashi this campaign must make the primary target audience for advertising working caucasian women 25-34. The Secondary audience will be working mothers between the ages of 34-59. This audience makes up medium to light consumers of frozen pizzas. We chose to focus on medium to light because heavy users in the frozen categories are primarily males 18-24 whose core values do not align with Kashi. Creative strategy ad copy will focus on women in the healthcare profession because those who work in health care and nursing have a significantly high index number of 211.

PositioningKashi has taken its seven whole grains on a mission to take back something everyone loves, pizza. With its high quality natural ingredients you can feel good about what you are eating. Kashi seeks to deliver a frozen pizza that taste great and is healthy. By focusing on healthy all natural ingredients and a varieties of toppings, Kashi frozen pizza will be seen as a pizza that you can indulge in and not feel guilty.

Tagline“Healthy Indulgence”

Creative should include something with new years resolutions, or indulging on something more healthy during the holiday seasons.

Media Objectives


To achieve the goal of a fifteen percent increase in sales for Kashi frozen pizza we have set the following media goals:

• Reach- 75 • Spot-90• Frequency- 3.5 • Spot- 4.5• Total Budget- 10 million• GRPs- 280 • Spot- 405

To help achieve Kashi’s goal of 40 million dollars in sales by the end of 2013 Forge suggests a total advertising budget of 10 million dollars. This 10 million dollars represents 25 percent of the projected sales for the year of 2013. Eight million dollars of the budget will be allocated to the national campaign with the remaining two million split among the spot markets determined by the total population of the city as well as media household budget. Forge suggests that Kashi should not directly compete with other contemporary frozen pizza companies such as DiGiorno and should focus primarily in the natural and organic food category pulling sales from companies like Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine. A budget based off of projected sales is best suited to meet the goal of 15 percent increased sales.







Allocated Spot Budget


San Fransico


San Diego


Los Angeles

Media Strategy Forge’s media strategy will be a targeted national campaign focusing on health conscious women between 25-34 and working mothers 34-59. By utilizing a flighting strategy Forge hope to hit the target audience through a national campaign while also targeting important spot markets in several areas around the country that best represent the Kashi culture. This campaign will run an entire year but advertising will be concentrated to 6 key months, January, February, May, September, October and November. These months were chosen because they best support the creative strategy of the campaign. Because Kashi’s advertising budget for its frozen pizza line is less than the average budget its competitors in the frozen pizza market, advertisements are being carefully placed so they will shine through the clutter of the competitors. Selecting specific months will help to accomplish that goal. During the earlier months of the year, January, February and May the reasoning changes, yet once again inline with our creative positioning. January is the time for fresh beginnings and new resolutions. Capitalizing on the huge health food and exercise trends that many people set as their new years resolutions, we will advertise Kashi pizza as a way to indulge your unhealthy side, in a healthy way. It will be a way to still meet health goals while still eating the foods you love that would otherwise be an unhealthy choice. The later months of the year focus on the lifestyle of our secondary target audience. These are the months that school starts for K-12. This is a busy time for families. With colder weather and fall television programs kickoff, like football and other sports families will be spending more time in the home. Kashi frozen pizza is primely positioned to appeal to this market based on its convenience factor. During a families busy school schedule, throwing a pizza in the oven is not only convenient but can also save money by not eating out. Much of our advertising budget will be focused in January due to the promotion Forge will be running during that time. The goal will be to capitalizing on the creation of new year resolutions to eat healthier, a resolution that many American’s make each year. All media during this time period will go to focus on the Ellen DeGeneres competition and run through May. After reviewing MRI Mediamark data, the budget will be allocated between five media. From the frozen pizza users data Forge has found that Outdoor advertising and Magazine have the highest index numbers, coming in at 108 and 107 respectively. Magazine advertisements will be placed nationally throughout the campaign. Outdoor will be focused in spot markets in highly relevant places such as supermarkets and around work areas where women are the most likely to see them and consider purchasing Kashi frozen pizza. We will be focusing our advertising in several cities: Portland, San Diego, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Seattle and San Francisco. We selected these spot markets because they have a high population and a high median household income. These cities also contain a high number of people who value organic and all natural foods and are perceived as very health conscious individuals. These cities fit in perfectly with the Kashi culture. Radio, TV and Internet will all done nationally during the months of January and May. By doing so Forge believes there will be a stronger interest in the promotion starting in January, capitalizing on the new years resolution health trend. Forge aims to saturate the market as much as possible during these two months. A primary surge in advertising in January will help to build interest in the campaign and support the promotion. A final boost in May provide a strong finish for the end of the promotion providing additional exposure to capture an audience that the January advertisements might have missed.

Media Execution

TelevisionOnly during promo months (Jan and May)• Ellen (125)• Today Show (145)• Good Morning America (136)

Magazines• Cosmopolitan (140)• Ladies’ Home Journal (130)• Martha Stewart Living (169)• InStyle (186)• O Oprah Magazine (117)• Parents Magazine (130)• People (138)• Self (193)• Us Weekly (164)• Weight Watchers (207)

RadioNational• Adult contemporary (131)• Oldies (138)• All News (123)• Religious (133)• Soft Adult Contemporary (145)

Forge will run a Facebook based promotion that will play off of the “Healthy Indulgences” tagline. The goal is to solidify the idea that individuals can feel like they can indulge in Kashi frozen pizza without having the guilt one would feel from other cheaper and less healthy alternatives. The Facebook promotion will be a photo contest in which Facebook users can post pictures of themselves “indulging” in Kashi pizza wherever they love indulging in something less healthy. The winning submission will be decided based on the number of likes given to them by fellow Facebook users. The grand prize winner will receive $5,000. This promotion will help direct more traffic to Kashi’s social media pages as well as generate a higher awareness of the Kashi brand. To advertise this contest Forge will use the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Kashi pizzas will be donated to the entire audience, which generally consists of 150 people. Ellen will announce that Kashi has a new frozen pizza that you can indulge on without feeling guilty. She will talk about the photo contest and how it is a fun opportunity to win $5,000. Forge PR professionals will be on sight to aid in the kicking off of the promotion.


InternetOnly during promo months (Jan and May)

OutdoorOnly Spot Markets


AppendixOstrow ModelSpot Market Charts