Flexibility. Flexibility is the ability to move body joints through a full range of motion


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Flexibility is the ability to move body joints through a full range of motion.

What is flexibility?

This is the point in which two bones come together.

What is a joint?

Strong, Fibrous tissue that attaches one bone to another

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1. Joint2. Tendon3. Ligament4. Muscle5. Cartilage

Example of Ligaments Ankle Ligaments

Connective tissue that anchors muscle to bone

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1. Tendons2. Muscles3. Cartilage4. Ligaments5. Joints

Example of a tendon Achilles Tendon surgery

Meaty tissue that surrounds bones

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1. Ligaments2. Muscle3. Skin4. Fat5. Tendons

Muscles in the body 640 muscles in the human body

Which of the following is not a type of joint

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1. Gliding Joint2. Hinge Joint3. Pivot Joint4. Slip Joint

Examples of each type of joint

Gliding joint – Wrists

Hinge joint - Fingers

Pivot joint - Neck

Stretching done in a continuous, slow and controlled manner

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1. Static Stretching2. Dynamic Stretching3. Ballistic Stretching4. PNF Stretching

Team Scores

45.71 Wonder Woman

45 Batman

44 Space Ghost

42.5 Winnie the Pooh

38.33 Superman

Type of stretching which requires the help of another person

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1. Static Stretching2. Dynamic Stretching3. Ballistic Stretching4. PNF Stretching

Holding a stretch for 15 seconds or longer

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1. Static Stretching2. Dynamic Stretching3. Ballistic Stretching4. PNF Stretching

Stretching that uses quick, bouncy movements

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1. Static Stretching2. Dynamic Stretching3. Ballistic Stretching4. PNF Stretching

Wrists, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are all examples of

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1. Tendons2. Ligaments3. Muscles4. Joints

Team Scores

0 Team 1

0 Team 2

0 Team 3

0 Team 4

0 Team 5

The two types of stretching that can safely improve flexibility

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1. Ballistic and dynamic2. Dynamic and static3. PNF and ballistic4. Static and isostatic

Which is not a benefit of stretching?

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1. Reduces Injuries2. Helps relieve

emotional tension3. Reduces cravings for

food4. Prevents post-exercise


To increase overload, you should stretch a minimum of….

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1. 2 times a week2. 3 times a week3. 5 times a week4. everyday

Intensity in flexibility is achieved by feeling….

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1. A burning pain in the muscle

2. Experiencing joint pain

3. A cramping sensation in the muscle

4. An altered state of being

5. The start of a slight discomfort in the muscle

Team Scores

84 Space Ghost

83.71 Wonder Woman

82.5 Batman

80 Winnie the Pooh

68.33 Superman

Participant Scores

100 Participant 7

100 Participant 31

100 Participant 4

90 Participant 10

90 Participant 11
