Fiscal Archiving Strategy


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Fiscal Archiving Strategy

Scoping Study & Implementation Methodology

November 12th, 2008

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved2


Capgemini’s ECM Business Card


Objective and Action Plan for a fiscal archiving strategy

The Capgemini approach

The expected gains

The target

The strategic approach to archiving

A Case Study

Questions / Answers

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved3

Capgemini’s ECM Business Card


Pascal Simons – Consulting Manager for ECM Activities - Capgemini Industry and Distribution (0)6 76 75 90 79

9 years of experience in the implementation of enterprise portals and content management solutions

Clients : Aventis, Roche, Dassault Aviation, Bnpparibas, Crédit Lyonnais, Axa Banque ,,, Décathlon, Système U, Europassistance, ...

Portal Implementation : BEA Portal, IBM WPS, Open Source JetSpeed, ATG Portal, Vignette V7, Plumtree 4...

CMS Implementation : Vignette V4 to V7, Documentum 4 & 5, Stellent 6.5, Noheto, BEA Content Manager, Interwoven 5...

Fiscal Archiving Methodology is a sample of our Content Management portfolio offers

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved4

Capgemini’s ECM Business Card

Within Capgemini, ECM offers are included within the domain of BIM / EIM (Business Information Management / Enterprise Information Management)

In France ECM upstream consulting unit in Paris : 30 functional & technical consultants with 8 to 20 year experience

ECM integration unit in Paris : 300 specialists (developers, project managers, technical experts, architects, …)

ECM integration units in Toulouse, Marseille, Nantes, Grenoble : Over 200 specialists

In Europe ECM upstream consulting units in London, Barcelona, Utrecht, Brussels : Over 250 consultants (80 in London, 150 in Utrecht, 50 in Barcelona…)

In India ECM integration unit : Over 100 specialists

In the U.S. Over 600 specialists in ECM / NTIC throughout North America

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved5

Context: The demands on accounting materials have become draconian …

Multiple reports from the French “cour des comptes” (equivalent to the Government Accountability Office in the U.S. or the National Audit Office in the U.K.) has emphasized since 2003 the lack of efficiency in fiscal controls and collections

Fiscal services were assigned to define multiple indicators allowing the monitoring of performance of their controls and collections

The titles of these texts clearly set the tone:

Combat Against Fiscal Fraud and Recover Evaded Taxes Aggressively¹ (2006)

Collection of Penal and Fiscal Sanctions: The End of Impunity?² (Source Senate Session July 11, 2007)

Defined in 2005, the indicators are currently closely monitored by an investigative financial resources administration …

Collection rate on external controls 2005 / 2006/ 2007 : 38 / 40 / 42 %

VAT recovered: + 20 % between 2005 and 2006 to 1.5 billion Euros!

Average duration of a fiscal control in 2006: 226 days !Original Titles:1 Lutter contre la Fraude fiscale et recouvrer les impôts éludés de façon offensive2 Recouvrement des sanctions pénales et fiscales : la fin de l'impunité ?

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved6

Context: The end of complacency has arrived…

The relative complacency due to the complexity of implementing an evidential fiscal archive has evaporated over time!

Information Technology, the New Weapon of the Fiscal Authorities?¹ (Source 2006 Editions Francis Lefebvre)

The administration has embraced Information Technology as a tool to ameliorate their audits. Multiple texts on the subject can be found :

BOI 13 L-1-06 (January 2006) : Controlling Computerized Accounting²

BOI 3 E-1-07 (January 2007) : Obligations related to the conservation of invoice³

In parallel, the standards and recommendations have multiplied without sufficient explanation of how they should be applied; the law reveals the end result required without explaining how to accomplish it …

Electronic, Secured Archiving – STATE OF THE ART 4 (June 2006)

Electronic, Secured Archiving – P2A – POLICY AND BEST PRACTICES OF ARCHIVING 5 (July 2006)

FSA’s Records Management Policy and Standards – RMPS (2005)

MoReq in French (2004)

OAIS ISO 14721 (2003)

Original Titles:1 L'informatique, nouvelle arme du contrôle fiscal 2 Contrôle des comptabilités informatisées3 Obligations relatives à la conservation des factures4 Archivage électronique sécurisé - ÉTAT DE L'ART5 Archivage électronique sécurisé - P2A – POLITIQUE ET PRATIQUES D'ARCHIVAGE

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved7

Context: The costs incurred by fiscal audits skyrocket…

The volume of text involved in the law and the mass of references on the subject make it difficult to summarize the subject…just as accounting reference documents are not easily identifiable within information system:

What has become of the balance sheets, tax guides, financial statements … within a modern information system ?

Which items should be archived, how should they be archived, and for how long?

How to facilitate the rapid search and production of the desired items?

When in doubt, all of the information is archived but finding and producing the necessary information during an audit is tedious:

The average duration of an audit in 2006 was 226 days

On average, an audit occupies 2-3 people full time!

Tax specialist

Accountant and administrator

IT resources

A poorly organized archiving system significantly impacts performance and infrastructure

Storage in applications without archiving

Saving information prior to refining the content…

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved8

Context: Summary

A. Many laws, regulations and normsSome of them conflicting (Privacy vs fiscal requirements)

B. Increased pressure from the regulators and the tax departments

C. Increased complexity of IT systems dealing with accounting information

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved9

Objective and Action Plan for a Fiscal Archiving Strategy


Limit the impact of a fiscal audit on the enterprise

Action Plan: 1. Avoid the heavy financial sanctions that can result from an audit

For default in establishing a regular and evidential accounting practice

For obstruction of a fiscal audit

2. Limit the direct cost of a fiscal audit and the conservation of data

By reducing the number of person days allocated to an audit

3. Relieve the business applications unduly used to store fiscal information

By storing inactive data outside of the Production environment

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved10

What can Capgemini do to help ?

A. Help decide quickly what to archive ? How ?

B. Help implement an Enterprise Archiving Platform

C. Provide a complete Third Party Archiving service out-of-the-box

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved11

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: Determination of the applicable constraints

What are the reference text and clause ?

How does it translate into a technical requirement ?

What part of the model architecture deals with

this requirement

What texts are applicable to your enterprise : The Archiving Requirements Matrix

More than 1000


Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved12

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: The typology of data

Capgemini led a study of the typology of documents to be archived for fiscal & legal reasons

The study was led in retail, bank and telco environments, but its results are applicable across many domains



t d'





Client Documents à archiver Type de fichier Données à archiver

09 - CRR Interview Caisse_V1.0

Equipe des méthodes comptables France

Les tickets de caisse (Il faut archiver le détail des tickets de caisse correspondant à une vente.)

BDD Oracle

Entête de ticket : • Exercice (l’exercice fiscal est déterminé à partir de date de la vente), • Société fiscale (code et description), • Origine du ticket de caisse (une origine de ticket est défini par canal de vente : Magasin, Drive, Essence…), • Numéro du ticket, • Numéro de la caisse, • Description du groupe de caisse (caisse en ligne, caisse Accord, caisse Accueil, caisse Minute, caisse Périphérique des stands …), • Code et nom du magasin, • Numéro de l’hôtesse de caisse, • Date et heure de fin du ticket, • Montant total de la vente (montant du chiffre d’affaires effectué sur le ticket), • Montant total des paiements en devise du magasin (montant tenant compte des bons de réduction et du décagnottage),• Devise du magasin, • Nom du client pour tickets venant des ventes assistés EM, • Type de client (Personnel Auchan ou Autre), • Type de porteur (client porteur de la carte « ACCORD », de la carte « Whaaoh » ou client non identifié), • Indicateur abandon de ticket, • Compte Whaaoh.Détail de ticket : • Identifiant du ticket (Date de fin du ticket, Numéro de la caisse et Numéro du ticket), • Quantité vendue, • Identifiant de l’article (Code de l’EAN, code du CUG et Description), • TypoloDétail du Cagnottage : • Identifiant du ticket (Date de fin du ticket, Numéro de la caisse et Numéro du

Il faut reprendre toutes les lignes y compris celles qui correspondent à des annulations.Il reprendre les lignes de Cagnottage

What document ?

Why is the document relevant ?Who needs it ? Where is it ?

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved13

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: Gathering information via interviews

The study of the clauses is complimented by interviews with key users for archiving

The users are guided during the interviews via the support that is provided to them in advance

The conclusion of the interviews are put into a summary document which is provided to the interviewee for review and corrections

During the gathering phase we use the following metrics:

1.5 days for each individual interview

0.5 day to prepare for the interview

0.25 day for the interview

0.75 day for the summary and corrections

2.5 days for a group interview

1 day for the interview preparation

0.5 for the interview

1 day for the summary of the corrections

1 day per person per 50 pages of documentation to be read

This point is critical to facilitate a thorough comprehension of the context!

1 day per consultant for meeting coordination (management committees, etc…)

Stratégie d'Archivage Fiscal 2007 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved12

L’entretien (1/3) : Comment va se passer notre rencontre ?

Première étape : La lecture de ce document La lecture de ce document vous apportera les bases nécessaires au bon déroulement de l’entretien. Nous vous invitons à le lire dans son ensemble. La dernière partie de ce document (liste de mots clefs autour desquels nous échangerons) vous donnera quelques indications concernant ce qui est recherché en priorité. N’hésitez pas à venir avec vos réponses voir vos idées déjà formulées par écrit.

Seconde étape : L’entretien La durée sera approximativement d’une heure. L’entretien aura comme objectif de relever des informations autour de la gestion d’information afin d’en faire ensuite une synthèse. Vous serez maximum trois personnes de profils probablement différents. La bonne préparation de cet entretien par vos soins permettra un échange de qualité.

Troisième étape : Le compte rendu Le compte-rendu vous sera envoyé après l’entretien avec le résultat de nos échanges. Vous trouverez une liste de points qui auront été traités. Il est probable que tout ce qui a été dit ne figure pas, car le compte-rendu vise à être synthétique. Toutefois, il vous reviendra la responsabilité de valider ce compte-rendu et si un point particulier mérite d’être indiqué, n’hésitez pas à demander à rajouter une information spécifique.

Stratégie d'Archivage Fiscal 2007 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved12

Présentation des notions ECM / Archivage (1/4)«Une information est un fait, une idée ou un concept qui a été enregistré, analysé et organisé de manière à faciliter l’interprétation et ultérieurement initier une

action (connaître, faire, …) »

Une information est porteuse de nombreuses caractéristiques, par exemple : Une origine (une loi, un fait, une décision, email, site web, ..) et une destination (décideurs, presse, légal, enseignants, …) Un contexte (une date, une culture, une situation politique, …) Une forme (papier, vidéo, email, fichier informatique, …) Un contenu (résolutions, rapports d’expert, décisions, communiqué de presse, …) Un cycle de vie (durée, des états (modifiable, supprimable, …), …) Un classement (type d’information) Des droits (qui peut en prendre connaissance, comment, …) Des dépendances techniques (durée de vie du support, de l’outil de lecture, ..)





Classem ent


Dépendances techniques

Origine DestinationCapgem ini BIM – ECM Conseil de l’Europe

Stratégie d'Archivage Fiscal 2007 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved12

Le projet se déroule de Novembre 2007 à Avril 2008. Il est composé d’un moment fort en Décembre et Janvier : Les entretiens

Le projet intègre un grand nombre d’entretiens avec un échantillonnage maximal en termes de services et en termes de profils :

Utilisateurs occasionnels et experts, managers, gestionnaires, techniciens...

L’ensemble de l’étude sera retranscrit à travers 4 livrables majeurs : Etude de l’existant et des besoins, Convergence avec les modules de suite ECM qui existent sur le marché, Définition d’un système cible vers lequel se diriger, Plan d’actions qui précise les orientations à prendre.

Comment se déroule ce projet ?

Macro – planning de l’étude

R éc upérat ion de l’ex is tant

Préparation des entret iens

Etu d e d e l’existan t

Sy s tèm e c ible

Etu d e d es b eso in s

Entret iens de rec ens em entProc ess us, f onc t ionnel, et t ec hnique

Lanc em ent du projet R es t itut ion

Plan d’act ion (détaillé )

Etu d e des mo d u les d e su i tes EC M

FévrierNovembre Decembre Janvier

LégendeCom m unication

Liv rable


Validation qualité



Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved14

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: The organizational aspects

Constraints can be functional or technical, but they are also organizational

All of the constraints gathered are assembled in a requirements document internal and external to archiving


RisqueRisqueArchive Flow





Deciding factors for the flowDeciding factors for the flow

Legal demands

Expected service levels

Volume of data

Format of data sources

Format of output

Application source

Criticality of information

Frequency of archiving

Legal demands

Expected service levels

Volume of data

Format of data sources

Format of output

Application source

Criticality of information

Frequency of archivingPeople



Nature of impact

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved15

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: The selection of an archiving solution

The requirements gathered via the clauses and the interviews are assembled into a Requirements Document and a Request for Proposal (RFP)

Requirements Doc

Internal audience


External Audience

Below, several screenshots of typical documents supplied with this method:

Analysis of possible solutions in a spreadsheet format

Presentation of the information for the defense of a proposal

Presentation summary document provided as needed

Full score view













Functional view



Technical view







Global score view








Links Category Weighting

Maximum score IBM EMC MOEBIU

SFunct A = ADMINISTRATION 8% 0,40 0,32 0,36 0,35Funct B = CAPTURING RECORDS 8% 0,40 0,30 0,22 0,34Funct C = ACCESS 8% 0,40 0,26 0,34 0,29Funct D = LONG TERM PRESERVATION 8% 0,40 0,26 0,29 0,34Funct E = STORAGE MANAGEMENT 8% 0,40 0,27 0,31 0,27Nfunct A = SECURITY and INTEGRITY 5% 0,25 0,00 0,16 0,15Nfunct B = AVAILABILITY 3% 0,15 0,05 0,12 0,12Nfunct C = RECOVERY 4% 0,20 0,04 0,19 0,17Nfunct D = PERFORMANCE 4% 0,20 0,10 0,14 0,18Nfunct E = OPERATION 2% 0,10 0,01 0,09 0,09Nfunct F = INTERVENTION 4% 0,20 0,00 0,16 0,18Nfunct G = COMPLIANCE 5% 0,25 0,15 0,21 0,19Nfunct H = MONITORING 3% 0,15 0,06 0,11 0,12Nfunct I = INTEGRATION 6% 0,30 0,16 0,23 0,23Nfunct J = RELEASE MANAGEMENT 2% 0,10 0,02 0,10 0,09Nfunct K = DEPLOYMENT 2% 0,10 0,06 0,09 0,10Company Background'!A

Company background & references 3% 0,15 0,00 0,00 0,00

Implementation Implementation 3% 0,15 0,05 0,08 0,10Support et maintenance'! Support et maintenance 3% 0,15 0,00 0,00 0,00Pricing!A1 Pricing 8% 0,40 0,00 0,00 0,00Overall response Overall response quality 3% 0,15 0,09 0,11 0,11

Control (have to be equal to 100%) = 100%Total Weignted score by Repartitio Max Score IBM EMC MOEBIU

Functional 40% 2,00 1,42 1,50 1,60Technical 40% 2,00 0,66 1,60 1,62Global 20% 1,00 0,14 0,18 0,20


S5,00 2,21 3,29 3,42

Final Weighted Score =


2 – In-house knowledge of the solution

- Mobius is unknown to Euroclear + EMC’s Documentum suite is already in place at Euroclear+ Development, administration

and operations skills are already available.

+ Procedures and best practices are already available.


Package is known to Euroclear employees (for custom, maintenance operations purposes)


1 – Archive structure complexity

+ Mobius manages all archives elements as identical items, leveraging a single module for all information assets

- Archive elements are managed by 3 different modules- DiskXtender for files- EmailXtender for email- Documentum for documents

- This will lead to additional complexity when trying to recover Archive contents


Package involves fewer packages to install and configure


Conclusions of analysis

?0 - Functional and technical evaluation

?5 - Fewer expected bespoke developments

?4 - Integrated access control (security)

?3 - Platform agnostic (HW & SW)

?2 - In-house knowledge of the solution

?1 - Archive structure complexity


Both solutions are workable against the Euroclear requirementsHere are the differentiators :

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved16

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: Selecting an archiving solution




Subcategory Weighted





? Clarify what metadata is standard and what are user-definable.



FR 1.2

At which levels in the classification scheme (class, file, record) is it possible to define metadata? Which metadata are provided as standard? What are the limitations for user-defined metadata?

6% 0,30

Pros(+) Cons(-) Risks(!) Questions(?)

0,15FR 1.1What are the possibilities / limitations in defining a classification scheme (see terms in section 1.1) for the archive?





Category Weighted Score




Back to summary


FR 1.4

Describe how the archive could be configured (e.g. retention policies) taking into account the different business documents, country specific regulations, etc...?

7% 5 0,35

FR 1.3 At which levels in the classification scheme and how retention schedules can be defined? 4% 5 0,20

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved17

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: Expected gains ?

Evaluation of the average cost of an audit Evaluation of the potential negative impact

People involved in the audit

Degradation of performances for Production applications

Reevaluation of the turnover calculate with a coefficient

Tax increase of 100%

Calculation based on the fiscal administration mean

Calculation based on the company’s history

Calculation of the storage cost (rapid support)

Calculation of the cost of partially existing solutions

Cost of audit + Occurrence x cost of remedy

Cost of archiving project

Cost of risk =

Cost of coverage =

Cost of risk – Cost of coveragePotential gain =

The figures are calculated using the data supplied by the fiscal administration

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved18

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: The target


Archiving Module

Regulatory data and documents

Handling Documentation

Documentation of accounting handling

Implementation environment

completes the handling of accounting

The target solution consists of 3 axis and potentially 3 types of tools

Configuration Management

Documentation Management

Unique foundation for data preservation

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved19

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: The target

The complete set of deliverables for the archiving strategy methodology:

All of the deliverable types for the proposal, including the evaluation of the ROI for the project

The information proprietary to your environment (interview reports, selection of evaluation criteria, weighting used for evaluation, …)

The project’s summary presentation file

The background documentation associated with the proposal:

All of the reference texts used

Best Practices gathered and applied

The implementation plan for the chosen solution with all of the options integrated into the package

The service integration proposal

The software proposal

The third party archiving proposal…

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved20

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: The Capgemini approach

The pattern of the deliverables represents their dependencies. The duration for each deliverable and phase varies per project. Capgemini supplies a template for each deliverable in French and English.



RFI RFI eval. RFP RFP eval.




Risk Analysis


BC Memo

Requirements gathering

Requirements gathering

Selection of the software solution

Selection of the software solution

Analysis and design of the solution

Analysis and design of the solution

Implementation plan and evaluation of the project cost

Implementation plan and evaluation of the project cost








Elaboration of functional,technical, and

organizational requirements






















Copyright Capgemini 2008 –ECM / BIM TeamCopyright Capgemini 2008 –ECM / BIM Team

An average effort of 100 person days

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved21

Fiscal Archiving Strategy: Summary

A. Leverage the Archiving Requirements Matrix to identify applicable regulations

B. Analyze your context via interviews to complete the vision

C. Leverage the Archiving Requirements Matrix to generate :A. Requirements documents,B. Request For Information / Request For Proposals.

D. Leverage Capgemini tools to launch your archiving initiative faster

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved22

How can Capgemini help implement an Archiving Platform ?

Capgemini provides expertise in the design of Archiving platforms

Capgemini is a leading system integrator with strong capabilities on :


Oracle Applications,



Document management systems…

Every single vertical applications will have archiving needs in the future

Connectors & product expertise will be key success factors for Archiving projects

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved23

How can Capgemini help implement an Archiving Platform ?

Main SAP FI tables that require archiving

FI_DOCUMNT Accounting documents

FI_BANKS Primary banking data

FI_MONTHLY Monthly balance reports for customers, providers, accounts…

FI_SCHECK Pre-numbered cheques

FI_PAYRQ Payment requests

FI_ACCOUNT Primary general accounting data

FI_ACCRECV Primary customer accounting data

FI_ACCPAYB Primary provider accounting data

AM_ASSET Primary data for assets and transactions

AM_STEUER Order tables


Main FI-CA objects :

FI_MKKDOC FI-CA documents

FI_FICA Contract accounts

FI_MKKPAYL Payment lots

FI_MKKRET Refused lots


An example with a SAP FI / CA implementation

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved24

How can Capgemini help implement an Archiving Platform ?

Sample of raw data analysis & capacity planning for SAP Archiving needsTable Indexes Table size Index size DB Disk (MB) (36 month) DB Disk (12 month) Arch. available

DFKKOPK 2 1.940.984 168.944 2.109.928 703.309 X

DFKKOP 7 380.386 56.913 437.299 145.766 X

DPAYH 4 274.393 36.675 311.068 103.688

DPAYP 1 168.789 13.256 182.045 60.682

DFKKKO 4 114.652 47.463 162.115 54.038 X

Table Indexes Table size Index size DB Disk (MB) (6 month) DB Disk (12 month) Arch. available

DFKKOPK 2 323.497 28.158 351.655 351.655 X

DFKKOP 7 63.398 9.487 72.885 72.885 X

DPAYH 4 45.732 6.113 51.845 51.845

DPAYP 1 28.132 2.209 30.341 30.341

DFKKKO 4 19.109 7.911 27.020 27.020 X

Table Indexes Table size Index size DB Disk (MB) (18 month) DB Disk (12 month) Arch. available

DFKKOPK 2 970.492 84.472 1.054.964 703.309 X

DFKKOP 7 190.193 28.458 218.651 145.766 X

DPAYH 4 137.196 18.338 155.534 103.689

DPAYP 1 84.395 6.628 91.023 60.682

DFKKKO 4 57.326 23.732 81.058 54.038 X

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved25

How can Capgemini help implement an Archiving Platform ?

Report Transaction Report Description (in french)Access to DB ?

Archive access

M / Y

General FI accounting book S_ALR_87012282 RFSOPO00 Postes individuels compte général X Y

General FI Balance S_ALR_87012277 RFSSLD00 Soldes cptes gén. X Y

Compact FI object log S_ALR_87012289 RFBELJ00 Journal compact des pièces X X Y

FI object log S_ALR_87012287 RFBELJ10 Journal des pièces X Y

RMCA object log FPS_RFKKBELJ00 RFKKBELJ00 Journal des pièces X Y

Generic tax N/A FKK_GENREP01 Reporting taxe générique X M

VAT on inbound cash flows F.38 RFUMSV25 Virement de TVA sur encaissements X M

VAT declaration S_P00_07000111 RFUMSV00 Déclaration préalable de TVA sur CA X M

VAT base check N/A ZFCR0002 Contrôle des Bases TVA X M

Refused payments N/A ZFCR0001 Etat lié aux Rejets de Paiement X M

Sample of raw data analysis & capacity planning for SAP Archiving needs

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved26

Providing a complete Third Party Archiving service out-of-the-box

Capgemini has designed a standard / out-of-the-box archiving web service

Software & storage technology are provided by EMC

Capgemini Technology Services deliver :

Consulting services on Archiving issues,

Integration and connectors between your vertical applications and our platform

Capgemini Outsourcing Services deliver :

Platform hosting,

Capacity planning,

Platform operation,

Platform support & helpdesk.

Capgemini can deliver a all-in-one archiving package from study to hosting

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved27

Providing a complete Third Party Archiving service out-of-the-box

« » « »

«» «»

« » « »« » « »

Archiving service logical view and model mapping

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved28

Large Financial Institution : Selection of a strategic solution for legal archivingOne of the world's largest settlement system for securities transactions, covering both bonds and equities internationally and domestically.

• Move towards an IT infrastructure based on a data center organizational model in order to optimize costs by decommissioning certain solutions in place

• The strategic archiving should offer a unique platform available to the suite of applications. The platform should be put into place gradually considering the archiving projects piloted by the Business

• Move towards an IT infrastructure based on a data center organizational model in order to optimize costs by decommissioning certain solutions in place

• The strategic archiving should offer a unique platform available to the suite of applications. The platform should be put into place gradually considering the archiving projects piloted by the Business

Considerations for the client• Mainframe IBM• Unix• Windows

• Mainframe IBM• Unix• Windows

Technical environment

• Selection of a global archiving solution (software and hardware)• Proposition of an implementation project for a pilot site with an initial

custody application (application to administer client deposits) • The assignment consisted of:

• The formalization of the functional requirements documents containing requirements based on interviews as well as the strategic vision of the enterprise

• The preparation and distribution of a Request for Proposal, the management and analysis of responses to the RFP, and the proposal of a selection

• The formalization of costs, planning, and organization of the project to implement the pilot site

• Selection of a global archiving solution (software and hardware)• Proposition of an implementation project for a pilot site with an initial

custody application (application to administer client deposits)• The assignment consisted of:

• The formalization of the functional requirements documents containing requirements based on interviews as well as the strategic vision of the enterprise

• The preparation and distribution of a Request for Proposal, the management and analysis of responses to the RFP, and the proposal of a selection

• The formalization of costs, planning, and organization of the project to implement the pilot site

Solution proposed and results obtained

• Project duration : 4 months, 210 person days• Geographical diversity : 4 countries were involved in the legal archiving:

Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Great Britain • Volume: several hundred terabytes.

• Project duration : 4 months, 210 person days• Geographical diversity : 4 countries were involved in the legal archiving:

Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Great Britain • Volume: several hundred terabytes.

Key figures

Selection of a solution :• Suitable for the entire group taking into account local legislative

requirements • Adaptable according to the considerable on-going increase in the volume of

data to be archived

Selection of a solution :• Suitable for the entire group taking into account local legislative

requirements• Adaptable according to the considerable on-going increase in the volume of

data to be archived

Key success factors

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved29

Our approach to ECM projects: A modular methodology


Dashboard and managing

Calculation of ROISummary to management /

Business plan

Requirements Analysis

Requirements both functional and technical


Audit et diagnosticsAudit report and


Assistance in choosing a solution

Portfolio of choices

Assistance with kick-offProject plan and action items list


Change Management

Consulting Phase : Scoping, Audit, Diagnostics, Prototyping

Technical Expertise


Project Phase

Our targeted involvement during the conceptualization constitutes a gauge of success in the promotion of your project

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved30

Our approach to ECM projects: Our value-added consulting proposal

Our services are pre-packaged per functional offer adapted to your situation

Each proposal offers a set of deliverable types (Presentation of the proposal, contextual documentation repositories, deliverable types, client references,…)

The list of our proposals :

•Archiving of emails•Positioning of experts•“Localization” of a Web site•Library management tools •Creation of an editorial charter•Creation of a translation hub•Training of contributors•Legal archiving•ECM & Pharmaceuticals

•Sharing of content repositories / Industrialization of Web initiatives•Migration of unstructured data•Definition of an architecture to support the content•Audit of production documentation•Management of product catalogues (PIM)•Definition of a repository for the Master Data (MDM)•Implementation of a paperless process•Maintenance of SEVESO documentation

Fiscal Archiving Strategy 2008 - © Capgemini - All rights reserved31

Your contact for NETHERLANDS :

Rik Kop – rik.kop@capgemini.comManager for ECM Activities – Capgemini NETHERLANDS+31 6 461 718 48

Your contact for UNITED KINGDOM :

Lee C. Smith – lee.c.smith@capgemini.comManager for EMC Activities – Capgemini UK+44 870 238 29 50

Your contact for BELGIUM :

Yannick Muriat – yannick.muriat@capgemini.comManager for ECM Activities – Capgemini BELGIUM+32 4 970 533 60


Pascal Simons – pascal.simons@capgemini.comManager for ECM Activities – Capgemini FRANCE+33 6 76 75 90 79

Questions and answers – YOUR QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME !

