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  • 8/2/2019 FINALSUnderwood.PR.FinalPurposal[1]


    Underwood 1

    Sydney Underwood

    Ms. Caruso

    English 1102-059

    April 10 2012

    Fireproof Flameproof

    September 11th

    , 2001 was a day that not only America, but the world will never forget. Its

    tragic happenings left the nation devastated. The World Trade Centers being hit by hijacked

    planes, was not what the nation was expecting at all. No one really knew how to take this

    terrorist attack. Some turned from religion, while others strayed; some became more patriotic,

    while others blamed the government; and families fell apart, while others were brought closer.

    No matter what happened that day, we all look back and remember those that lost their lives,

    gave their lives, the survivors, and what we could or could not have done differently. Regardless

    of our personal feelings, as a country we came together and became stronger. There have been

    countless documentaries, autobiographies, and interviews of survivors telling their story, but not

    a novel like this one. This novel is different in the way that it depicts an all-American family

    struggling and how the tragic event may temporally pull them apart but in the end, it pieces a

    broken family back together, which is focused towards teenagers that are beginning to stray

    away from their families and push away the ones they love the most, young couples who may be

    struggling through a marriage that they are beginning to question, and even families that are

    starting to fall apart unwillingly.

    For John McWilliams and his family, this tragic day affected them in many ways. John

    was a New York City firefighter, who worked long days and nights, to provide the best for his

    high school sweetheart, their son, and daughter. John was raised in a strong Christian home and

    Comment [US1]: Added this to cla

    historical event quickly.

    Comment [BC2]: Work to give qu

    concrete details.

    Comment [US3]: Added a little m

    who this novel was written for earlie

    the proposal

    Comment [US4]: Combined these

    sentences for a smoother flow.

  • 8/2/2019 FINALSUnderwood.PR.FinalPurposal[1]


    Underwood 2

    wanted to instill these values into his own family. As the head of the household and the bread

    winner, John continuously works long days to provide for his family. Because of his absence at

    many of his childrens important functions, his children begin to react in a negative way and

    show resentment towards their father. His wife is raising the kids practically by herself, and is

    literally worn and burnt out. Tension begins to rise in the McWilliams household. Not only is

    there tension between John and his wife, but also his children. His son starts to stray from the

    Lord, and begins heading down the wrong path, by hanging out with the wrong crowd,

    experimenting drugs, and using females for the wrong reasons. No matter how hard John tries to

    be there for his son and lead him down the right road, his son only gets pushed further and

    further away.

    Johns family tensions dont stop there. His daughter begins to get involved with older

    guys in negative ways to gain the male authority figure and attention that she isnt receiving from

    home. All of this tension isreally putting a toll on the family.

    As this All-American family is struggling behind closed doors, like many American

    families, John is seen working hard each and every day to provide for his family. He continues to

    work long hours at the fire department, devoting his time to give back to the community and

    serve for a greater purpose.

    September 11th, 2001, John is headed to work just like a normal workday. Around eight

    in the morning he is called to the scene of the World Trade Centers. Upon his arrival, he realizes

    that this is serious, and the biggest call he has ever arrived to, feeling very unprepared for what is

    to come. At this moment, he puts all family issues aside to rescue these individuals, envisioning

    them as his own children. One after one he is seen carrying bodies out of the building, saving life

    Comment [BC5]: Informal.

    Comment [US6]: Removed this w

    more professionalism

    Comment [BC7]: Informal.

    Comment [US8]: Removed due to


    Comment [BC9]: Elaborate on the

    importance of this.

  • 8/2/2019 FINALSUnderwood.PR.FinalPurposal[1]


    Underwood 3

    after life, and heads right back into the building without hesitation. About thirty minutes later,

    Johns coworkers realize that he hasnt come back out after the last run in. They begin risking

    their own lives to save one of their own. A few minutes later, after frantically searching, he is

    found trapped in some debris. His coworkers struggle to free him immediately, but are

    unsuccessful. They call for back up and an hour later, are able to free him from under the pile of

    debris. He has third degree burns all over his body and unconscious. John is rushed to the

    hospital and wakes up to his family by his side.

    After the competition of that day and the several thereafter, John and his family continue

    to live their life. But something seems different. September 11th

    , 2001, was an eye opener for this

    family. They saw how closely they came to losing the one they love most. John cut back his

    hours at work to spend more quality time with his family. He began to focus on the little things

    that the past few years, he was too busy to realize. John was able to first piece his marriage back

    together, bring his son back to the Lord, and give his daughter the attention she longed for and

    needed. This once All-American family now truly is All-American. They live each and every

    day for the next and realize that anyone of them can be gone in a heartbeat.

    This book is geared towards mainly teenagers, newlyweds, and families of all ages. The

    reader will be able to relate to John and his familys lifestyle, struggles, and triumphs; realizing

    that Johns family was fireproof. They will take with them that families shouldnt focus on the

    money, material things, or wants; but focus on the irreplaceable things.

    Comment [BC10]: Rather than jus

    skimming over this section, give deta

    the reader what it is that we can env

    Comment [BC11]: Sydney,

    You have a well-thought-out concep

    and I certainly think that people wou

    interested. I can also tell that you ha

    worked hard on this paper, and it ha

    As you look to revise, Id like you to

    giving more of a focus to the events

    Give description of what was happe

    you dont seem to talk about the pu

    the text. Work to give a clearer state

    purpose so you can continually cont

    your ideas within that purpose.

    Also, I try giving the marketing ideas

    paragraph other than the conclusion

    your conclusion for concluding your

    about the concept as a whole.

    Im looking forward to seeing what y

    revise in the portfolio!

    -Ms. C
