fellow Words for Production 1 [`fElo] n. [C] infml. a man 傢伙,小伙 子 John is a good fellow....


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fellowfellowWords for Production


[] n. [C] infml. a man 傢伙,小伙子

John is a good fellow. I

always like to be with him.

Words for Production


[] adv. in some way not yet known 不知怎麼地

He said he was OK, but

somehow I felt there was

something wrong.

Words for Production


[] n. [C] a number of people or things 群體;團體 I saw a group of students

gathering around their

teacher in front of the

classroom. * a number of = some

Words for Production


[] n. [C] infml. a man; a fellow 人,傢伙 Everybody around here likes Mr.

Wilson; he is really a nice guy.

Words for Production


[] adj. having or showing signs of experience in social life 世故的

The boy acts like an adult—

that is, he seems

sophisticated for his age.

Words for Production


[] adj. of a certain sort; single and different from others 某個的;特定的

Why did you choose this

particular brand of

toothpaste? 詞類變化詞類變化

Words for Production


[] n. [C] a large piece of stone 岩石

When driving in the

mountains, be careful of the

falling rocks. 詞類變化詞類變化

Words for Production


[] vt. to use sudden or steady pressure in order to move (someone or something) forward, away from oneself, or to a different position 推

The boy pushed the girl so

hard that she almost fell

down. 詞類變化詞類變化

Words for Production


[] adv. before long; within a short time 不久

Don’t worry; I’ll be back pre

tty soon.

* before long = soon* before long = soon

Words for Production


[] vt. to provide something that people need or want 提供

Did Tom offer any

explanation for his strange

behavior? 詞類變化詞類變化

Words for Production

culturalcultural[] adj. of or related to the particular system of art, thought, and customs of a society 文化的

Before going to a foreign

country, we should study

some cultural differences first.


Words for Production

traditiontradition[] n. [C] the passing down of opinions, beliefs, customs, etc., from the past to the present 傳統

It is a Chinese tradition to give

red envelopes to children on

Chinese New Year.


Words for Production

traditionaltraditional[] adj. 傳統的

On Thanksgiving Day,

Americans like to eat some

traditional food, such as


Words for Production

treattreat[] vt. to act or behave towards 對待

To many women, John is a

real gentleman. He always

treats them nicely.



Words for Production

generatiogenerationn[] n. [C] a single stage in the de

velopment of a family, or the average period of time (about 30 years) between each stage 一代,世代 In this family photo, you can

see three generations of my



Words for Production

nervousnervous[] adj. afraid; worried 緊張的

Whenever he talks to a girl,

he is so nervous that he do

esn’t know what to say.


** 疑問詞疑問詞 ++ 不定詞 不定詞 = = 名詞名詞

Words for Production

stuffstuff[] n. [U] infml. things in a mass 東西

This bag is so big that I can

put all my stuff in it.


Words for Production

absolutelabsolutelyy[] adv. completely 完全地,絕


It’s absolutely impossible t

o finish the work in a day.


Words for Production

absoluteabsolute[] adj. 完全的

We have waited for one

hour. It’s an absolute waste

of time to wait any longer.

Words for Production

standstand[] vt. to put up with; to bear 忍受

Your girlfriend is late again.

How can you stand being

kept waiting?



* stand = put up with = bear* stand = put up with = bear

Words for Production

sensitivesensitive[] adj. quick to show the effect of something 敏感的

I can’t drink ice water

because my bad teeth are

very sensitive to cold.



Words for Production

bothebotherr[] vt. to trouble 煩惱,打擾

I’m sorry to bother you, but

would you tell me where the

post office is?



Words for Production

marketmarket[] n. [C] a building or open place where people meet to buy and sell goods 市場 Things in a traditional

market are cheaper than

those in the supermarket.


* those : * those : 代替前面出現過的特定複數名詞代替前面出現過的特定複數名詞

Words for Production

complimentcompliment[] vt. to praise 讚美,恭維

The teacher complimented

Jean on her good job.


Words for Production

complimentcompliment[] n. [C] 讚美,恭維

“You look so young in this


“Thanks for the


Words for Production

lovelylovely[] adj. very pleasant or enjoyable 美 好的 ; 令人愉快的

“Can I get you anything?”

“A cup of tea would be



Words for Production

terrificterrific[] adj. very good; excellent 極佳的

“How did you like the party

last weekend?”

“Oh, it was terrific! I had a

great time.”


Words for Recognition

jettyjetty[] n. [C] a wall built out into the sea or a river, used for getting on and off ships or as a protection against the force of the waves 防波堤


Words for Recognition

geegee[] interj. infml. (used to express a strong reaction to something or to introduce a remark or response) 哎呀,喲,啊(表示訝異、喜悅、讚賞等)


Words for Recognition

FeynmanFeynman[] n. 人名


Words for Recognition

sissysissy[] n. [C] infml. a boy or man who looks or acts like a girl or woman 娘娘腔的男孩或男子


Words for Recognition

gloveglove[] n. [C] a piece of clothing worn on the hand, with separate parts for thumb and each finger 手套


Words for Recognition

doorstepdoorstep[] n. [C] the step in front of an outer door 門前的臺階


Idioms & Phrases

get in withget in with to become friendly with someone 結交


Though John is a new

student, he quickly got in

with the other boys.

Idioms & Phrases

sort ofsort of a little 有幾分,有點(非正式用法)


It was sort of fun yesterday,

but I got tired after a while.

Idioms & Phrases

think out loudthink out loudto speak out one’s thoughts to oneself 無意中自言自語(說出心裡的想法)


“What did you say just now?”

“Oh, never mind. I was just

thinking out loud.”

Idioms & Phrases

all the whileall the while(indicating that something happens throughout the time when something else is happening) 做…時一直


The little girl did her homework, but her brother played computer games all the while.

Idioms & Phrases

be supposed be supposed toto to be expected to 應該


You are not supposed to

wear jeans to a dinner party.

Idioms & Phrases

hand downhand downto give or leave to people who are younger or come later 流傳,把…傳下去


This gold watch was

handed down to my father

from my grandfather.

Idioms & Phrases

getget // be slicked be slicked upupto make oneself neat and attractive



Everybody got slicked up to

attend the wedding.

Idioms & Phrases

call forcall forto arrive to pick up (someone) 去接(某人)


The movie begins at 8:00,

and my boyfriend will call

for me at 7:30.

Idioms & Phrases

not…anymorenot…anymore no more; no longer 不再


John moved to Kaohsiung.

He doesn’t live in Taipei an

ymore. * not…any more = no more = no longer* not…any more = no more = no longer

Idioms & Phrases

be stuckbe stuck to be grounded or limited 困住的


Because of the heavy rain, I

couldn’t go out. I was stuck

at home all day.

Idioms & Phrases

too much fortoo much for too hard for 太難,太多


Climbing the stairs is too

much for the old man. 主詞為動名詞,後面必須用第三人稱單主詞為動名詞,後面必須用第三人稱單數動詞 。數動詞 。

Idioms & Phrases

go (out) on a go (out) on a datedate to have a date with 約會,出遊


Mary is going out on a date

tonight and is very excited

about it.

Idioms & Phrases

take somebody outtake somebody out

to go somewhere with somebody 帶某人出去


My parents are going to

take us out to dinner. I feel

very excited about it.
