February 2010 Kadima



Temple Beth Avodah's Newsletter

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Fund of the MonthYouth Fund

The Youth Fund helps support programs, pro-vide scholarship, and encourage participation for TBA’s children and teens. The Fund subsi-dizes the costs of NFTY events (our regional youth group) including providing ½ the tuition for the 5-day intensive Learning Institutes. The Fund also periodically hosts Youth Dinners for families with children in grades 3-12 to help foster both teen and family involvement in our Temple. Most importantly, the Youth Fund re-sponds to the needs of our youth community and encourages them to explore their develop-ing Jewish identities in new and creative ways.

PERSONALIZED WEIGHT LOSSIndividual, Family, and Group Counseling

SANDY PRESSER617-965-4822


Bikkur Cholim(Illness)


Mazel Tov





B-Ruchim Haba-im(New Members)

Temple Beth Avodah Caring Community


Carnival & Megillah Reading

Come play games, win prizes, eat Hamentashen and more!


5 – 7 PM Purim Carnival & Dinner $5 for 15 tickets for games $5 for meal ticket

7 PM Megillah Reading Costume Contest Social Action Auction

Help End Hunger!

Support Family Table and the Greater Boston Food Bank at the Purim Celebration

Bring Cereal or canned salmon for family table Bring money to donate when you buy Purim tickets Bid on the BAYGL auction and buy one of our teens services (babysitting,

yard work, lessons…)

All money raised from the auction and donations will be used by our youth to buy food for Family Table and the Greater Boston Food Bank.

Questions? Please contact Youth Educator Becky Oliver at 617-527-0045 x171 or boliver@bethavodah.org

Temple Beth Avodah, 45 Puddingstone Lane, Newton, MA 02459

Be a part of Temple Beth Avodah

The Temple Beth Avodah Players’ presentation of “Fiddler on the Roof” is May 13, 15 and 16. You can participate in our tradition by advertising in the playbill. See the specifics in the chart below.

Before March 15 After March 15 “Shout Out” $18 $25

Business Card $36 $50 Quarter Page (4 ¼" x 5 ½"

or 2 5/8" x 8 ½ ") $72 $75

Half Page (8 ½" x 5 ½" or 4 ¼" x 11")

$118 $150

Full Page (8 ½" x 11") $250 $275 Inside or Back Cover


$300 $350

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Quarter, Half, Full, and Cover: Provide us with your digital or camera-ready ad, and we’ll take care of the rest. Place your quarter- half- or full-page ad by April 1 and you will get a discount! To place your ad, please contact Michele Friedler at michele@michelefriedler.com WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! Business Card: We’ll scan your business card. Its presence in our program shows your support for Temple Beth Avodah. Shout Out: Voice your support for your friends and family in the cast. It costs just $18 to leave your personal message of 20 words or less. Use the boxes below to place your ad.

Please send this form, your business card (for business card ads), and payment to Temple Beth Avodah,

Attention: FOTR Playbill, 45 Puddingstone Lane, Newton, MA, 02459. Please make your check out to Temple Beth Avodah.
