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    First Certificate

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    First CertificateDirect WORKSHEET



    Vocabulary1 Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first, using the word given.

    You must use between three and five words including the word given.

    1 I really think you ought to apologise to John for not going.

    I really think ............................................................. for not going. owe

    2 Why do you have to criticise everything I do so much?

    Why are ............................................................. everything I do? so

    3 You find houses like that all over the region.

    That type ............................................................. the region. typical

    4 We could always take our new tent and camp instead.

    Why dont ............................................................. our new tent instead. camping

    5 She showed no sympathy for the problems he was having.

    She was not ............................................................. the problems he was having. all

    6 I havent seen him for two days actually.

    The last time I saw him ............................................................. actually. ago

    7 We are planning to drive round France this summer.

    We ............................................................. round France this summer. thinking

    8 How do you usually spend your time on holiday in the summer?

    What do you like to do when ............................................................. in the summer? go



    2 Match the two halves of these utterances by the same speaker.

    1 You dont have to come a youre becoming a vegetable.

    2 You mustnt go out b otherwise we wont be allowed in.

    3 You really should go c therell be plenty of others there to help.

    4 You shouldnt go without asking d its too soon after the operation.

    5 You have to come e your parents might object.6 You must make more time for going out f Ill take care of things here.

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    Verbs used with time

    1 Look at these verbs. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs.

    spend take pass go make fly have waste

    1 Dont ......................... your time like that when there are so many things to do.

    2 Thank you for inviting us, we ......................... a wonderful time.

    3 As time ......................... , I got used to the idea of being in the show.

    4 I ......................... the whole holiday with my family in Spain.

    5 I dont know why hes ......................... so much time. He only went to get a coke.

    6 I really need to ......................... more time to see my friends.

    7 Time just ......................... when the holidays come round.

    8 It seemed we were only there a few days. I dont know where the time ......................... .

    Easily confused -ing and -edadjectives

    2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the

    word given.You must use between two and five words including the word given.

    1 I was pleased by their response as well.

    I ................................................................. too. found

    2 I dont find long car journeys relaxing either.

    Long car journeys dont ................................................................. either. feel

    3 Her behaviour left everyone feeling embarrassed.

    The way ................................................................. everyone. was

    4 Uniteds results this season have been disappointing for the fans.

    The fans ................................................................. Uniteds results this season. been

    5 The thought of a whole summer without holidays is depressing.

    I ................................................................. think of a whole summer without holidays. when

    6 The sequel to the film has caused as much excitement as the original.

    People ................................................................. the sequel as they were about the original. seem

    7 The course was a real challenge for most participants actually.

    Most participants ................................................................. actually. really

    8 I have had a keen interest in local history ever since primary school.

    I ................................................................. local history since primary school. been

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    Entertainment continued



    Enjoy, amuse, entertain, occupy + object or reflective pronoun

    3 Complete these sentences with one or two words. Use one of the verbs: enjoy, amuse, occupy or entertain in each


    1 She finds it hard to ....................................................... without friends around.

    2 He didnt seem to ....................................................... being on his own.

    3 She always finds something to ....................................................... with while I am out.

    4 He loves to be the centre of attention and ....................................................... a crowd.

    5 The way I laugh really ....................................................... . He says my laughter is infectious.

    6 Youll have to ....................................................... while I get dinner ready.7 She said she had really ....................................................... on the trip.

    8 Hes been ....................................................... with getting the house ready for his friends.

    Present simple and present continuous; time adverbs

    4 Make sentences from the jumbled words below by putting them into the correct order.Think about the meaning of the

    sentence and put the verb in bold into the correct form: present simple or present continuous.

    1 still look! wear jumper she that

    2 just I work this summer here

    3 never help worrying a situation

    4 hardly I out ever these go days

    5 on for I exams concentrate now my

    6 not me for ask often she advice

    7 just out us help temporarily she

    8 abroad about month travel a on twice I average

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    Travel and tourism



    Verbs of motion and prepositions

    1 Write the correct prepositions in the sentences below, or put a cross () if no preposition is needed.

    1 She left .................. the hotel last night.

    2 Huge crowds gathered to watch the ship enter .................. the harbour.

    3 This is only the second time Ive been .................. France.

    4 They should reach .................. London at about four oclock.

    5 Only locals go .................. that bar.

    6 We arrived .................. the airport just as their plane landed.

    7 The police boarded ................... our plane and arrested a man.

    8 We passed .................. a garage a few minutes ago.

    9 We stayed ................... a resort in the mountains.

    10 We approached .................. the village on foot from the east.

    11 They returned .................. home to find that they had been burgled.

    12 They asked for directions at the first village they came .................. .

    2 Now complete these boxes with verbs of motion used in the exercise above.

    Verbs not typically used with


    Verbs always used with


    Easily confused words

    3 Complete each sentence with one of the words given at the end of the sentence.

    1 The countrys most attractive resorts are all along the ......................... . (beach / coast / shore)

    2 We had a nice scenic train ......................... through the mountains. (travel / journey / trip / voyage)

    3 Im sorry but I seem to have ......................... my passport at home. (left / forgotten)

    4 Shall I put this in with the rest of your ......................... ? (luggage / suitcases)

    5 We passed him on the ......................... here. (way / route)

    6 Many immigrants first came here to work on the ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . (train / railway)

    7 We are thinking of going on a camping ......................... to France. (travel / journey / trip / voyage)

    8 Dont swim out too far from ......................... its dangerous. (beach / coast / shore)

    9 Whats the most direct ......................... between the two towns? (way / route)

    10 Ive ......................... my suncream. Can I borrow yours? (left / forgotten)

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    Travel and tourism continued



    Order of adjectives

    4 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.

    1 Le Fourquet is a (seaside / French / old / typical) town.

    2 Hes travelling around Europe in a (new / bright / big / yellow) camper van.

    3 All I want is a (relaxing / quiet / nice) time on holiday.

    4 I like travelling, but I miss (home / simple / English) cooking when I am away.

    5 I love those (African / long / straw / colourful) baskets.

    6 Theres nothing better than being by the sea on (summer / lazy / warm / Greek) evenings.

    7 I hate those (tacky / tourist / awful) souvenir shops.

    8 Vigo is a (modern / Spanish / busy) city by the sea.

    Position of adverbs

    5 Complete each sentence by putting the adverbs given in brackets in the correct place and order.

    1 The bus ................................................. gets ................................................. .

    (late / nearly / always / here)

    2 Tourist groups ................................................. stop ................................................. .

    (for long / never / here)

    3 The team have ................................................. played ................................................. .(mainly / this season / away from home)

    4 Drivers should ................................................. drive ................................................. .

    (with caution / at night / on these roads / always)

    5 The coach ................................................. stops ................................................. .

    (briefly / at a garage / usually / first)

    6 Ticket inspectors ................................................. check tickets ................................................. .

    (on the train / usually / between stops)

    7 Buses ................................................. used to run ................................................. .

    (to the airport / always / till midnight)

    8 Whole village communities emigrated ................................................. .(after the war / to Australia / en masse)

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    Expressions of distance

    1 There are many phrases in English with the words way, distance and reach which are used to talk about how far away

    something is. Complete the sentences below with way, distance or reach.

    1 The house is in a great location and only a short ...................... from the shops.

    2 We went the long ...................... round to avoid getting stuck in traffic.

    3 The village is not on the coast but it is within easy ...................... of the sea.

    4 I like living within walking ...................... of work.

    5 Prices of houses in that area are a little beyond our ...................... .

    6 The ...................... between the house and the road is about 300 metres.7 Its kind of you to take us. I hope its not out of your ...................... .

    8 I could see two cyclists in the ...................... coming towards us.


    Verbs + -ing or the infinitive

    2 Complete each sentence by using either an -ing or infinitive form of the verb in brackets in each space.

    Then complete the Study Box with more examples from the exercise.

    1 I noticed a group of youths ...................... around outside. (hang)

    2 I cant afford ...................... there again this summer. (go)

    3 They avoided ...................... the busier route. (take)

    4 Have you considered ...................... to another part of the city? (move)

    5 He threatened ...................... the council to court about the rubbish. (take)

    6 I cant stand ...................... up to that noise every day. (wake)

    7 He advised me ...................... away from that area of the city after dark. (keep)

    8 He wont mind us ...................... there while he is abroad. (stay)

    9 Everyone could feel the atmosphere ...................... in the neighbourhood. (change)

    10 My brother chose ...................... in the country rather than the city. (settle)

    11 I really dont fancy ...................... the whole summer in such an isolated place. (spend)

    12 They were forced ...................... the long way round. (go)

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    Places continued


    Study Box

    Verbs followed by -ing

    deny postpone suggest risk



    Verbs followed by to infinitive

    fail refuse arrange offer manage



    Verbs of perception

    see hear watch observe



    Verbs of liking/ preference

    love adore enjoy hate dread



    Verbs followed by object

    + to infinitive

    warn encourage force

    persuade remind



    Past tense forms

    3 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    1 Summer ................................... fast and he ................................... that he

    ................................... no news from home for ages.

    (approach / feel / have)

    2 I ................................... her if anyone ................................... for me there earlier

    but she ................................... no-one.

    (ask / wait / see)

    3 Huge crowds ................................... outside the entrance as we

    ................................... the monument.

    (wait / approach)

    4 I ................................... my pockets before while Jim ...................................

    ready and I ................................... my wallet being there.

    (check / get / remember)

    5 Archaeologists ................................... at the site for several years before

    they ................................... what it ................................... .

    (work / realise / be)

    6 He only ................................... the other day that the police

    ................................... him for weeks.

    (find out / watch)

    7 She ................................... already ................................... the film so I

    ................................... to think of something else to do.(see / try)

    8 He ................................... abroad every year for the past five years, but this

    year he ................................... still ................................... his mind where to go

    on holiday.

    (be / make up)

    4 Choose the correct form to complete each sentence from the alternatives given in brackets.Think about how thehighlighted time phrase might guide you in your choices.

    1 By the time we got there, she .................................... . (left / had left)

    2 They .................................... the room as we entered. (had been cleaning / were cleaning / cleaned)

    3 A friend of mine .................................... in a nearby town that week. (stayed / was staying)

    4 It wasnt until after Id seen him that I .................................... who he was. (realised / had realised / was realising)

    5 I ....................................never .................................... the opportunity to go (had had / had been having)


    6 Someone broke into the flat while we .................................... abroad. (travelled / were travelling)

    7 Our dog ....................................for several hours before we got home, (had barked / had been barking)according to neighbours.

    8 I heard someone calling me just as we .................................... . (had left / were leaving / had been leaving)

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    Shopping and services



    As and like

    1 Match the two halves of each sentence

    1 Hes behaving a like my fathers.

    2 I dont feel the same way b as a shop.

    3 She has said that I can go with her c as a delivery driver.

    4 It looks just d as a guest.

    5 Hes working e like going dancing.

    6 The news came f like a spoilt child.

    7 Our old house is now being used g as a shock.

    8 Lets do something different, h as you.

    Easily confused words

    2 Complete each sentence with one of the words given in brackets.

    1 I bought this coat last year and it was a real ............................ . (discount / sale / bargain)

    2 We bought the computer in the sale and got 40% ............................ . (offer / off / reduced)

    3 I hate pushing the ............................ round the supermarket. (trolley / carrier / basket)

    4 Thats a lovely jacket, but I dont think it ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . the trousers. (goes with / fits / suits)

    5 If you only have a few items, go through the express .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . (desk / check-out / counter)6 If it doesnt work, you should ............................ your money back. (pay / get / take)

    7 When you hire a car, you also have to pay a ............................ in case of damage. (loan / deposit / refund)

    8 I cant ............................ these jeans up, Ive put on so much weight. (do / put / hang)


    Transitive and intransitive verbs

    3 The first sentences below are all correct examples of verbs used intransitively. Complete the second sentences so they

    have a similar meaning. In these sentences, note that you have to use a transitive verb: a verb which can be followed by

    a direct object.

    1 The shop remained in family hands for years.

    The family k........................... the shop for years.

    2 We just stared as they left the shop.

    We just w........................... them leaving the shop.

    3 We waited, but they didnt come.

    We had e........................... them to come, but they didnt.

    4 I listened, but couldnt understand the message.

    I played the message, but couldnt understand what I h........................... .

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    Shopping and services continued


    5 I then realised my purse had disappeared.

    I then realised my purse had been t........................... .

    6 I watched as the train slowly arrived.

    I watched as the train slowly r........................... the station.

    7 We looked for hours, but found nothing.

    We s........................... the area for hours, but found nothing.

    8 There was a nice atmosphere until John appeared.

    The atmosphere changed when John e........................... the room.

    4 In each of the sentences below there is a mistake. Find the mistake and correct it.

    1 They offered to us a very nice meal.

    2 She poured a drink to the woman next to her.

    3 He mentioned me the problem.

    4 I gave to my two nieces who I hadnt seen since they moved to Australia a present.

    5 They bought the bike to me.

    6 My cousin introduced me Simon.

    7 The company paid me the hotel bill.

    8 He suggested me that I do the course.

    Having things done (the causative)

    We often use the following structure to talk about services other people perform for us: have + object + past participle.

    Example: I had my hair cut at the hairdressers.

    NOT: I cut my hair at the hairdressers.

    5 Complete these sentences.

    1 We ............................. the car ............................. at the garage tomorrow.

    2 I need ............................. the coat ............................. at a specialist dry cleaners.

    3 She must ............................. her hair ............................. that colour while she was on holiday.

    4 The landlord promised he ............................. the flat ............................. before we moved in.

    5 The toilet is leaking even though we only ............................. it ............................. last week.6 I ............................. two teeth ............................. out thats why my face is swollen.

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    First CertificateDirect WORKSHEET

    The media


    VocabularyDifferent forms of media

    1 Look at the words below connected with the media. Put them into the correct column according to which form of media

    they are most closely associated with.

    TV Radio Newspaper editor station channel disc jockey article

    remote control documentary viewers cable

    tune to series turn to section supplement

    tabloid show (verb) play (verb) publish

    2 Complete these sentences with one of the words in the exercise above.

    1 A new drama .................................... is starting on Channel Four tonight.

    2 The story is an example of .................................... journalism at its worst.

    3 You can only see the match on ....................................TV.

    4 Stop flicking the .................................... . Its really annoying.

    5 Theres a colour .................................... inside every Sunday.

    6 Radio 3 .................................... a lot of classical music.

    7 The event is being .................................... in over a hundred countries.

    8 Which .................................... of the paper do you turn to first?

    Verbs + adjectives

    3 Complete each sentence appropriately using either the adjective or adverb form of these words:

    normal quiet funny nervous pale upset unhappy quick

    1 The actor seemed ........................ in the role.

    2 She was getting better but still looked ........................ .

    3 This fish tastes ........................ . I think its off.

    4 The producer got ........................ when she found out how much it had cost.

    5 He got up and went ........................ out of the room.

    6 The players became more ........................ as the big day approached.

    7 Is there any way I can get there ........................ from here?

    8 She looked ........................ around to see if he was there.

    9 The family appeared ........................ to me.10 He sounded ........................ . I think youve hurt him.

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    The media continued



    Future forms

    4 Complete each sentence using the correct future form of the verb in brackets.

    1 All newspapers .................................... online editions soon. (have)

    2 I .................................... anyway no matter what you say. (go)

    3 I expect it .................................... all over the front pages tomorrow. (be)

    4 Sharon .................................... me up this morning to go into town. (pick)

    5 I .................................... next season I wont have the time. (play / not)

    6 If it can do all this, the computer ....................................TV as the home entertainment centre. (replace)

    7 I .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to the dentists this morning, but I could meet you afterwards. (go)

    8 You .................................... the day you met him, believe me. (regret)

    5 Complete each sentence using an appropriate future form of the verb in brackets.

    1 I dont think I ........................................... until after the holidays. (know)

    2 I ........................................... till late tonight, so I cant go. (work)

    3 I hope I ........................................... the room in time for my friends visit. (paint)

    4 What do you think you ........................................... ten years from now? (do)

    5 I . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. and see the boss before you get here. (try)

    6 Surely your exams ........................................... by June. (finish)

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    Easily confused words

    1 Complete each of the sentences in each group with one of the verbs. Then complete the rules that follow

    each set of examples with an appropriate word or phrase.

    win / beat

    1 We cant complain, we were ............................. by a better team.

    2 United ............................. us in the last game 40.

    3 Spain took an early lead and eventually ............................. 31.

    A So you win ............................. but beat opponents.

    win / gain4 I have ............................. a lot from doing this course.

    5 The party ............................. the election easily.

    6 I dont care about the pay, I just want to ............................. some experience.

    B So gain means to benefitor simply to ............................. , win means to experience successand ............................. .

    miss / fail

    7 I ............................. my chance last year when I didnt apply for the job.

    8 He ............................. to take advantage of the opportunity.

    9 I narrowly ............................. getting into university last year.

    C So you fail a test if you dont ............................. it and you miss a test if you are ............................. .D So fail is followed by an ............................. structure, miss by an -ing structure.

    miss / lose

    10 We ............................. the bus this morning and have had to walk.

    11 The ancient sites of Greece have ............................. none of their beauty.

    12 You dont know what you ............................. . The classical concert was fantastic.

    E So miss means not to be in ............................. for, lose means to no longer ............................. .

    succeed / manage

    13 How do you ............................. to concentrate with so much noise?

    14 She ............................. in passing all her exams.

    F So succeed is followed by ............................. , manage is followed by an ............................. structure.

    succeed / achieve

    15 She has ............................. fame in France and now wants success in Hollywood.

    16 We wanted to do well in the European Cup and I think weve ............................. .

    G So achieve is followed by a direct ............................. , succeed ............................. be used this way.

    defeat / beat

    17 My team has never been ............................. in the final.

    18 The advancing army quickly ............................. local forces.

    H So both verbs are commonly used in sporting contexts, but ............................. is used more to talk about battle andwars.

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    Lifestyles continued



    Quantity and quality

    2 Look at these words. Sort them into those which are typically countable and those which are uncountable.

    growth pollution land measures money

    people health poverty progress

    3 Now complete this table with words from the box above.

    the number of................................... / ................................... countable nouns

    the rate of................................... / progress uncountable nouns

    the standard of ...................................

    the level of ................................... / ...................................

    The amount of ................................... / ...................................

    4 Complete each sentence with number, rate, standard, level or amount.

    1 The ............................ of education in universities has improved.

    2 Even the smallest ............................ of cash can make a difference.3 There is a high ............................ of youth crime in this area.

    4 The ............................ of children staying on at school has increased.

    5 We are still polluting the area with large ............................ of industrial waste.

    6 The government is trying to improve the ............................ of health care.

    7 People are frustrated by the slow ............................ of change.

    8 They only grow a small ............................ of the food they need.

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    First CertificateDirect ANSWER KEY




    1 1 I really thinkyou owe John an apology for not going.

    2 Why areyou so critical of everything I do?3 That type of house is typical of the region.

    4 Why dont we go camping with our new tent instead.

    5 She was not at all sympathetic to the problems he was having.

    6 The last time I saw him was two days ago actually.

    7 We are thinking of driving round France this summer.

    8 What do you like to do whenyou go on holiday in the summer?


    2 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 a


    1 1 waste 2 had 3 passed 4 spent 5 taking 6 make 7 flies 8 went

    2 1 I found their response pleasing too.

    2 Long car journeys dont make me feel relaxed either.

    3 The way she behaved was embarrassing for everyone.

    4 The fans have been disappointed by Uniteds results this season.

    5 I get depressed when I think of a whole summer without holidays.

    6 People seem as excited about the sequel as they were about the original.

    7 Most participants found the course really challenging actually.

    8 I have been very interested in local history since primary school.


    3 1 amuse/entertain/enjoy herself 2 enjoy 3 occupy herself 4 entertaining

    5 amuses him 6 amuse/entertain yourselves 7 enjoyed herself 8 occupied

    4 1 Look! Shes still wearing that jumper.

    2 Imjust working here this summer.

    3 Worrying neverhelps a situation.

    4 I hardly ever go out these days.

    5 Im concentrating on my exams for now.

    6 She doesnt often ask me for advice.

    7 Shesjust helping us out temporarily.

    8 I travel abroad about twice a month on average.

    Travel and tourism


    1 1 2 3 to 4 5 to 6 at 7 8 9 at/in 10 11 12 to

    2 Verbs not typically used with prepositions:

    leave enter board pass approach return

    Verbs always used with prepositions:arrive stay come

    3 1 coast 2 journey 3 left 4 luggage 5 way 6 railway 7 trip 8 beach 9 route 10 forgotten

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    4 1 typical old French seaside

    2 big new bright yellow

    3 nice quiet relaxing

    4 simple home English

    5 long colourful African straw

    6 warm lazy Greek summer

    7 awful tacky tourist

    8 busy modern Spanish

    5 1 The bus nearly always gets here late.

    2 Tourist groups neverstop here for long.

    3 The team have mainly played away from home this season.

    4 Drivers should always drive with caution on these roads at night.

    5 The coach usually stops briefly at a garage first.

    6 Ticket inspectors usually check tickets on the train between stops.

    7 Buses always used to run to the airport till midnight.

    8 Whole village communities emigrated en masse to Australia after the war.



    1 1 distance 2 way 3 reach 4 distance 5 reach 6 distance 7 way 8 distance


    2 1 hanging 2 to go 3 taking 4 moving 5 to take 6 waking

    7 to keep 8 staying 9 changing 10 to settle 11 spending 12 to go

    Verbs followed by -ing

    avoid, consider, cant stand, mind, fancy

    Verbs followed by to infinitive

    afford, threaten, choose, force

    Verbs of perception

    notice, feel

    Verbs of liking/preference

    cant stand, mind, fancy, choose

    Verbs followed by object + to infinitive


    3 1 was approaching / felt / had had

    2 asked / had been waiting / had seen

    3 were waiting / approached

    4 (had) checked / was getting / remember(ed)

    5 had been working / realised / was

    6 found out / had been watching

    7 had (already) seen / tried

    8 has been / is (still) making up

    4 1 had left 2 were cleaning 3 was staying 4 realised 5 had (never) had

    6 were travelling 7 had been barking 8 were leaving

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    Shopping and services


    1 1 f 2 h 3 d 4 a 5 c 6 g 7 b 8 e

    2 1 bargain 2 off 3 trolley 4 goes with 5 check-out 6 get 7 deposit 8 do


    3 1 kept 2 watched 3 expected 4 heard 5 taken 6 reached 7 searched 8 entered

    4 1 They offered us a very nice meal.

    2 She poured a drink for the woman next to her.

    3 He mentioned the problem (to me).

    4 I gave a present to my two nieces who I hadnt seen since they moved to Australia.

    5 They bought the bike for me. / They bought me the bike.

    6 My cousin introduced me to Simon. / My cousin introduced Simon to me.

    7 The company paid the hotel bill (for me). / The company paid my hotel bill.

    8 He suggested (to me) that I (should) do the course.

    5 Possible answers

    1 We are having the car serviced at the garage tomorrow.

    2 I need to have the coat cleaned at a specialist dry cleaners.

    3 She must have had her hair dyed that colour while she was on holiday.

    4 The landlord promised he would have the flat decorated before we moved in.

    5 The toilet is leaking even though we only had it repaired last week.

    6 I have had two teeth (taken) out thats why my face is swollen.

    The media


    1TV Radio Newspaper

    channel, station, editor, article,

    remote control, disc jockey, turn to, section,

    documentary, tune to, supplement,

    viewers, cable, play tabloid, publish

    series, show

    2 1 series 2 tabloid 3 cable 4 remote control 5 supplement 6 plays 7 shown 8 section

    3 1 unhappy/nervous 2 pale/upset 3 funny 4 upset 5 quickly/quietly 6 nervous

    7 quickly 8 nervously/quickly 9 normal/nervous/upset/unhappy 10 upset


    4 1 will have 2 am going 3 will be 4 is picking 5 am not playing 6 will replace

    7 am going 8 will regret

    5 1 ll know 2 will be working 3 will have painted/will have finished painting

    4 will be doing 5 will try 6 will be finished

  • 8/14/2019 FC Direct worksheets.pdf


    First CertificateDirect ANSWER KEYLifestyles


    1 1 beaten 2 beat 3 won 4 gained 5 won 6 gain 7 missed 8 failed 9 missed

    10 missed 11 lost 12 missed 13 manage 14 succeeded 15 achieved16 succeeded 17 beaten 18 defeated

    A a game/match, etc B get victory C pass absent D infinitive E time have

    F an ing structure infinitive G object cannot H defeat


    2 Countable nouns: measures, people

    Uncountable nouns: growth, pollution, land, money, health, progress, poverty

    3the number of people / measures countable nouns

    the rate of growth / progress uncountable nouns

    the standard of health

    the level of pollution / poverty

    the amount of money / land

    4 1 standard 2 amount 3 level 4 number 5 amounts 6 standard 7 rate 8 amount
