Fairwood Community September 2018 United Methodist Church … · 2018-09-08 · 1 September 2018...


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Worship Schedule

September 2 9:30 Synergy

Worship Sunday School

For young children


September 9 9:00 Celebration

10:30 Classic Sunday School

for All Ages

Yarn Happens!

September 9 & 23 12:00-3:00 p.m.


Bible Study Tuesday mornings

at 9:30 a.m. Beginning

September 18 In the Parlor


Fairwood Community

United Methodist Church


Two-Service Sundays To Resume September 9 The Sunday Morning Task Force met in late July to continue discussing how worship at Fairwood Community UMC should look. At the end of that meeting, the Task Force agreed to recommend allowing more time for Pastor Ferdie to get the feel of worship as it has been conducted - especially to allow him time to experience our two-service model. The recommendation was upheld in a vote by the Church Council,

and the two service model will resume on September 9th - with Celebration Worship beginning at 9am and Classic Worship beginning at 10:30am. The Worship Committee has started working with Pastors Ferdie and Carrie to consider making some adjustments to the details of worship, and The Sunday Morning Task Force will meet again after we have experienced a few weeks of double services this fall. We will continue to monitor the various elements that prompted the formation of the Task Force, and will keep the congregation updated as new recommendations are made. Please continue to share your questions, thoughts and input with the pastors and members of the Task Force: Donna Stock, Philis Bodle, Kelly Anderson, Jan Bigbee-Hansen, Carol Colborne, Rob Gilchrist, Catherine Lundy, Melissa Stewart, and Neal VanDevender.

A Reconciling Congregation

Homemade Desserts & Craft Sale Items Available Inflatables & Face Painting for the Children

Our Menu


Love Thy Neighbor Seattle:

Gathering for Ordinary


Sept 21-22

Across the Pacific Northwest there is an ordinary revival brewing. Churches are moving from: Fragmented Isolation TO Neighborhood

Presence Religious Consumerism TO Collaborative

Participation Unrecognized Privilege TO Equitable

Inclusion A Scarcity Lens TO Abundant Ecology Toxic Charity TO Community Caring On September 21-22, church leaders will gather at Tibbetts UMC in West Seattle to celebrate what God is already doing in our midst and to plot towards what is possible.

DATE AND TIME Fri, Sep 21, 2018, 6:30 PM – Sat, Sep 22, 2018, 8:00 PM Cost: $19.99 For more information and tickets type the link below into your browser: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/love-thy-neighbor-seattle-gathering-for-ordinary-revival-tickets-47235419411 Please consider attending.

Renton-area PFLAG - Supporting family & friends of the LGBT Community A monthly meeting is held on the 1st Wednesday of every month in Pritchard Hall at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (99 Wells Avenue S) from 7 - 9 PM. A typical meeting consists of a discussion or presentation followed by breakout sessions where everyone is given an opportunity to share their current situation or experience. Materials such as pamphlets and brochures are available at each meeting as well as lending library requests.

What do you see? Pastor Ferdie Llenado About 8 years ago, after a whole day of exhausting move to our new home in NJ, my son and I went out, sat on the cool grass and watched as cumulus clouds passed by. “Look Daddy, it’s a boat…and a dragon…and a cat.” “I wish I could see what those imaginative eyes can see,” I whispered. What do you see when you look at your situation? Is it an obstruction, or is it a chance to make a difference? Is it a disappointment, or is it an opportunity to strengthen your faith-muscle? Is it a mere cloud of uncertainty, or is it invitation to practice creativity? And then what do you see when you hear that phrase, “church revitalization?” Or how do you see our church 5 years from now? From my personal conversations with some of you, here are some of the things I heard:

A church engaged in the life of our neighborhood; A congregation with a strong unified vision; A community with vibrant small groups; A people proactive in social and compassionate action; A worshipping community with a growing attendance.

With our hearts stirred again, may the eyes of our faith indeed see what energies are emerging, what visions that are forming, and the directions where the Spirit is leading. Jesus, speaking of the people’s failure of not seeing John the Baptist accurately, asked, “Well, what did you go out to see? A shaken reed? A man dressed in soft robes?” And then he explained how sad it is that because John was clothed with camel’s hair, and was vested by a prophetic voice, people missed him completely! (Luke 7). As I mentioned last Sunday, may we not miss it! Because, what if the turnaround moment that we are praying for our church is already here? What if the people who we are praying for God to send, is already you and me? So what do you see? In looking at our church, may we see the gentle move of the Spirit. In looking at ourselves, may we see the beautiful image of God. In looking at our problems, may we see an opportunity to learn. In looking ahead, may we see the potentials that the future is ushering us to become. In looking around, may we see the hands of God mysteriously at work in our homes, workplaces, our neighborhood and our world. Amen.


MARK YOUR CALENDARS… Our church’s 50


anniversary is on OCTOBER 6

TH 2018!

(5:30-9:00 p.m.) We’ll celebrate this special occasion with a potluck dinner, activities for all ages, photo memories and much, much more! Please contact Carol Colborne (cecolborne@yahoo.com) if you would like to be on the planning committee. (We need lots of party planners for such an important birthday!)

Joyful News

It is almost time for another school year to begin for our own Joyful Hearts Preschool. Time has really flown by and

this is our twelfth year of operation. The preschool is unique in that it is a ministry of our church just like children’s education, youth ministry, or missions. Joyful Hearts Preschool thrives under the leadership of our director Erin Williams and the teaching staff of Liz Anderson, Azaria Laing, Jeniffer Smith, and Trista Wilson. The program is full with 50 students. The focus of the preschool is to provide an anti-bias, play-based environment. We provide an outreach into the community. This is a ministry we can truly be proud of.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Matthew 19:14.


United Methodist

Women’s Book Club

The United Methodist Women’s book club invites all women of the church to join in reading and discussing interesting and insightful books. The meetings are on the 4th Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Parlor. Our schedule resumes on September 7th: The Girl Who Wrote in Silk

Did you know? Lions Club International is a service organization that along with other things provides vision and hearing care to people in need. Please donate your old glasses and hearing aids – a blue box can be found in the Narthex underneath the lamp table by the front door. If you have any questions about the work of Lions Club International or may be interested in joining, please contact Ron Wendt at 425-271-0826.

What’s on the Wall?

September brings a changing of the banners. The banners currently on display are the stained-glass banners. These banners were commissioned by Pastor Joyce

O’Connor-Magee and blessed in May of 2014. They were created by; Jeanne Harmon, Jewel Andrew, Carol Colborne, Karen Taylor, Kym Quinn, Margot Mead, Julleen Snyder, Dorothy Johnson, and Donna Stock. The banners have the following Christian symbols on them; the Dove and Olive Branch represent peace and the Holy Spirit, the Christian Fish represents Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Savior, the Tree of Life, Music, Seashell with three drops represents Baptism, the Lamb represents gentleness, innocence, purity, suffering, and triumph, the Sprouting Seed represents growth, and the Communion Elements.


Fall Program Kick Off and BBQ Dinner Welcome Parents and Youth to our new 2018-19 Youth Ministry Programs. The Youth Council has planned an

exciting year’s worth of retreats, outings, and youth programs. Learn about “What’s New” at the Fall Program Kick-off & BBQ on September 9th at 5:30pm. The evening activities begin with a BBQ dinner for both youth and parents. After dinner, the youth will head off with the youth leaders for an evening of fun and games. The Youth Group activities end at 8:15pm. Contact: Stephen Spates - youth@fairwoodumc.org Breakfast Club Begins September 9th Breakfast Club gatherings for middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) youth start on Sunday, September 9th. We meet at 10:30-11:30am in the youth rooms for learning about our faith and eating a bit of food. Families are encouraged to sign up to bring breakfast goodies to share; sign-ups will be on the bulletin board near the youth rooms. On September 16th, we’ll have a potluck feast for both groups so everyone should plan to bring a little something. Heather Smith, Donna Stock and Stan Ferguson are planning our gatherings for the middle school youth. Their hope for you is that you get more comfortable with digging into the Bible, asking questions and learning what the Bible stories might mean to us. Nancy Martin, Curt Stock and Laura Songras-Rosales will be leading our senior high school youth. We will be exploring our faith journey and what it means to us by investigating Bible passages and learning how they can inform our understanding of God and our relationship to God. Come! Middle School Youth Leader: Heather Smith, Donna Stock and Stan Ferguson Senior High Youth Leader: Nancy Martin, Curt Stock and Laura Songras-Rosales Mission Trip Meeting: There will be a parent and youth meeting for any youth who are interested in going on next summer’s mission trip on September 9th after the first youth group of the year. Please join us to talk about trip details and expectations for the upcoming year. Questions? Talk to Amy (amylkeough@gmail.com)

Gilead Retreat

Our annual fall retreat will be held on September 28th through the 29th at Camp Gilead. This year’s theme is Survivor: Outwit, Outpray, Outlast. Join us as we talk about how to survive and thrive in God’s Kingdom. The cost is $50. All youth 6th through 12th grade are welcome to join us for this overnight retreat. Permission slips will be handed out at the first youth group of the year and then on the bulletin board by the youth rooms after. Questions? Talk to Amy (amylkeough@gmail.com)

September Youth Calendar 9/9 Sunday 10:30am MS and SH Breakfast Club 5:30pm Youth Group BBQ Dinner 6:30pm Youth Group Kickoff 8:15pm Mission Trip Meeting 9/16 Sunday 10:30am MS and SH Breakfast Club Feast/Potluck 11:45am Youth Council 6:30pm Sunday Evening Youth Group 9/23 Sunday 10:30am MS and SH Breakfast Club 5:30am Youth Vocal Band 6:30pm Sunday Evening Youth Group 9/28 & 9/29 Friday & Saturday Gilead Retreat 9/30 Sunday 10:30am MS and SH Breakfast Club No Sunday Evening Youth Activities


Feeding Homeless Men Sign up for HOME (Homeless Outreach Mobilization Effort)

Our church will be preparing dinner and lunches for homeless men from September 18th (Tuesday) to September 30th (Sunday) 2018. A location is yet to be determined. Signups are in the narthex. Two or more families provide a hot dinner and sack lunch for up to 25 men. You can also sign up online on the church website. GREEN TEAM NEWS - Sharon Kenyon, kenyonjs@comcast.net What fun we have had with the kids this summer with Children’s Creation Care. The “children’s butterfly garden” by the playground is blooming beautifully. The kids explored the creek and watered the ferns that were so thirsty. Children’s Creation Care Blackberry Sunday and Hike, Bike, Hybrid EV Car, Car Pool Sunday. As of this writing, the forecast is calling for 90% rain this day, during church time. So, if it rains, it is a needed blessing. Thank you to all the kids and adults who have helped this summer with Children’s Creation Care and working with the weeding, pruning and planting. Native Ferns Later, as it cools, in October, and the rains come, we will want ferns to plant. If you have any native ferns (deer, sword, licorice, or maidenhair), please bring them in a bag or in a pot. No lady ferns please. Those are the tall ones that die back in the late summer. If your ferns are smaller than 8 inches long, give them another year to grow, and we can plant them later. Look for more upcoming dates on helping Green Team or Trustees with yard, forest, and wetlands. If you are interested in being on the Green Team, or just want to be on our email list for jobs that need to be done, let us know. We are the committee that doesn’t like to sit. We haven’t had an official meeting in 8 years. We organize by email and often our planning is done while working at church forest/wetlands, garden, and playground, walking or hiking together.

Allergies & Kids We will be welcoming a child to our preschool this month with severe food allergies. Other preschools have turned away this child and their family because of the allergies. We take on a great responsibility to welcome this and all our children. To help our preschool make a safe environment for all their children we need for no one besides the preschool to play in or use the preschool. We need to keep ALL FOOD that is not prepared by the preschool out of the preschool. We will also be moving the FOOD BANK CART to the other side of the Narthex so no cross contamination occurs. If you have any concerns about this please talk to Cathy Russell, our Preschool Council Chair, or Erin Williams, our Preschool Director.

When FCUMC folks go out into the community, whether it be at the CROP walk, serving meals, or going on mission trips near and far, we want to show to the world who we are and what we stand for. Therefore, Heart for Others team is having a t-shirt design context. Entries must include the church’s name in long form, i.e. Fairwood Community United Methodist Church, and some element repre-senting us as a reconciling congre-gation (e.g. a rainbow or the RMN logo). The contest is open to anyone in the church who wishes to submit a design. To enter, please email a PDF of the design to cailintrimble@gmail.com, or if you prefer to work on paper bring your design to the church office and place in the Heart for Others box. Submissions are due by Wednes-day, Oct. 31st, 2018. On the morn-ing of Sunday Nov. 4th, we will have all the submissions available for viewing, and will hold a vote for the congregation’s favorite!

T-Shirt Design Contest


Wednesday Walkers Wednesday Walkers - September 5th We will be walking around Seward Park in Seattle concluding with a picnic lunch for those who want to stay a little longer. We will carpool from the

Church parking lot leaving at 9:30.


Wine. Dine. Auction.

Saturday October 6th at 5:30pm Renton Technical College 3000 NE 4th St., Building I Renton, WA 98056 Buy your tickets today at https://waybackinn.ejoinme.org/auction $65/person (advance purchase) $75/person (after Sept. 30) Way Back Inn serves homeless families by offering: - short & long-term transitional housing - rental assistance to families on the verge of eviction We would love to have you join us at this most worthwhile event! When you sign up, ask to be seated at the Andersen table(s). Thank You! Don and Joan Andersen

You’re the Best Type - GIVE BLOOD Saturday, September 15

9 am to 3:00 pm (closed 11:00-noon) Fairwood Community United Methodist Church in Benedict Hall Please sign up online at www.bloodworksnw.org or Book an appointment at schedule@bloodworksnw.org or Call 800-398-7888 Ext 2 For more information, please contact Pastor Carrie.

Volunteering Online You may sign up on our church website to volunteer for church jobs. To find the page: go to the website, hover over "community life," go down the list to "volunteering" and click on it. You will find a simple page with a BIG "sign up here" button. Select that. Password is "skittles". This will bring you to the list of volunteer opportunities. If you need help with signing up for a church job - like ushering or lay reading or helping in the Sunday School contact Pastor Carrie and she will get you signed up. Prefer to use your phone? Scan this QR code to go straight to the volunteering portion of the website.

Stewardship Give+

Church App

If you like the convenience of online shopping and banking, then check out this easy to use app for giving to the church or donating for special projects. You can donate offerings or respond to special appeals from your smartphone. Go to your app store for Android or iTunes. Download and install the Give+ Church app. Search by zip code (98058) or type Fairwood to look for our church. Then click on the plus sign at the bottom to enter your donation. Choose one time and amount or set up a repeating donation. Donations can be made with all major debit/credit cards. Use your phone’s camera to quickly scan your card information or enter it manually. You can also give or pay using your checking or savings account.

Android Apple


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 11:00am Memorial

Svc (Bev Allebrandi)

2 Communion 9:30am Summer

Synergy Worship &

Sunday School for young


3 Labor Day Office Closed

5:00pm Serve Salva-tion Army Community Supper

4 First Day Back Joyful Hearts Preschool

12:00pm Staff Meeting

- Parlor

7:00pm AA - BH-2

5 9:30am Wednesday

Walkers: Seward Park -


6:45pm Alanon - BH-3

7:00pm Choir practice -


7:00pm Opening the

Bible (group closed) -



7:00pm Worship Com-

mittee - Parlor

7:00pm AA - BH-2


10:00am Game

Group - Parlor


2-7 Chicken BBQ

MPR - Eat in, Take


9 Rally Sunday

9 Celebration Worship

& Sunday School classes

10:30am Classic Worship

11:45am Trustees - BH-5

12:00-3:00pm Yarn

Happens! - Parlor

5:30pm Youth Groups Kick

-off BBQ - BH

6:30pm Youth Groups - BH

8:30pm Youth Mission Trip

2019 Planning meeting -


10 Lead Pastor Day Off

7:00pm Signs for

Glory - Parlor

7:00pm Boy Scout

Troop 455 - Sanctuary,



7:00pm AA - BH-2


10:00am Quilt Group -


6:30pm Scoutmasters -


6:30-9:30pm Intercul-

tural Workshop

(Church Council &

SPRC) - MPR, Parlor

6:45pm Alanon - BH-3

7:00pm Choir practice -


7:00pm Opening the

Bible (group closed) -



7:00pm AA - BH-2

7:00pm Church Council

- Parlor


10:00am Game

Group - Parlor

15 9-3 Blood Drive - BH


9 Celebration Worship

& Sunday School classes

10:30am Classic Worship

11:30am Heart for Others -


11:45am Youth Council -


6:30pm Youth Groups - BH

17 Lead Pastor Day Off

5:00pm Serve Salva-tion Army Community Supper

7:00pm Boy Scout

Troop 455 -

Sanctuary, M-7

7:00pm Signs for

Glory - Parlor

18 9:30am Bible Study -


7:00pm AA - BH-2


10am Quilters - BH-5

6:45pm Alanon - BH-3

7:00pm Choir practice -


7:00pm Opening the

Bible (group closed) -


20 Deadline for October


7:00pm SPRC - BH-5

7:00pm AA - BH-2


10:00am Game

Group - Parlor


4:00pm Interfaith

Event - MPR

23 9 Celebration Worship

& Sunday School classes

10:30am Classic Worship

12:00-3:00pm Yarn

Happens! - Parlor

5:30pm Youth Vocal Band -


6:30pm Youth Groups - BH

24 Lead Pastor Day Off

7:00pm Boy Scout

Troop 455 -

Sanctuary, M-7

25 9:30am Bible Study -


7:00pm AA - BH-2


10:00am Epistle

Mailing - Parlor

10:00am Quilt Group -


6:45pm Alanon - BH-3

7:00pm Choir practice -


7:00pm Opening the

Bible (group closed) -



7:00pm AA - BH-2


10:00am Game

Group - Parlor


30 9 Celebration Worship

& Sunday School classes

10:30am Classic Worship

No evening youth activities

September 2018

Clergy Retreat through Tuesday

Youth - Gilead Retreat

Love Thy Neighbor Seattle Tibbets UMC Friday 6:30pm - Saturday 8:00pm


Fairwood Community

United Methodist Church

15255 SE Fairwood Blvd.

Renton, WA 98058-8645



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Worship With Us This Sunday Beginning September 9:

Celebration Worship at 9:00 and Classic Worship at 10:30

Update on the Commission on a Way Forward

At the global meeting of United Methodists in 2016, the General Conference, the Council of Bishops of the UMC charged a 32 member group to make a recommendation on overcoming the impasse facing the church with regard to the status of LGBTQ people. Earlier this month the Council of Bishops re-leased the legislation to be discussed at the Special General Conference held from February 23rd to

February 27th of 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. The Council of Bishops released two competing pieces of legislation to address the issue. The Commission recommended plan is titled the One Church Plan. This legislation would change language from the Book of Discipline that defines marriage as between "a man and a woman" to "between two adults." The second plan is titled the Connectional Conference plan. This plan would split the American United Methodist Church into three separate "Connectional Conferences": a progressive conference, a traditional con-ference, and a unity conference. Individual churches, clergy, and Annual Conferences would choose a Connec-tional Conference to join. Two other less formalized plans will be considered. A third plan was released as an outline by the Commission on a Way Forward and is titled the Traditionalist Plan. This plan would keep the existing discriminatory lan-guage in the Book of Discipline while adding additional enforcement strategies. A fourth plan was proposed by the Reconciling Ministries Network and the Queer Clergy Caucus to remove all of the discriminatory language while maintaining the language that “all people are of sacred worth.” All of these options will be on the table during the Special General Conference in February.
