EYES : Meningitis, eyes, inflamed, wild, staring, pupils ...homoeopathybooks.com/Repertory of...


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EYES : Conjunctiva, Cornea, Eyelids, Iris, Lens, Pupils, Retina. The organ of sight or vision. In man, and the vertebrates generally, it is properly the movable ball or globe in the orbit, but the term often includes the adjacent parts. In most invertebrates the years are immovable ocelli, or compound eyes made up of numerous ocelli. EYES :[ABDOMEN] : Pain, alternating, with, eyes, affection of : Euphr.

EYES :[BONES] : Scraping, pain, motion, worse, from excitement using eyes : Par.

EYES :[BRAIN] : Coma, unconsciousness, eyes, cannot, open : Gels.

Coma, unconsciousness, eyes, cannot, open closing, on : Ant-t., Cann-i., Cann-s.

Coma, unconsciousness, eyes, cannot, open fixed, with : Caust., Op., Aeth., Ars., Bov., Camph., Canth., Cupr., Stram.

Coma, unconsciousness, eyes, cannot, open, with : Cic.

Coma, unconsciousness, eyes, cannot, open with swallowing agg, during, sore throat : Ter.

Coma, unconsciousness, eyes, cannot, open pressure in, and obstruction of sight, with : Seneg.

Coma, unconsciousness, somnolency, without, snoring and eyes being closed : Ph-ac.

Coma, unconsciousness, starts, up, in a wild manner, but could not keep the eyes open :


Meningitis, eyes, inflamed, wild, staring, pupils dilated, shrinking look as if from fear : Stram.

Pressing, pain, as, if, bound up forward, out of eyes : Nat-m.

EYES :[BREATHING] : Difficult, breathing, closing, eyes, on : Carb-v., Carb-an.

EYES :[CONSTITUTION] : Alcoholic, constitutions, hair, light, blue or gray eyes florid complexion fat or corpulent : Lob.

Children, constitutions, anaemic, blue, eyes and blonde hair nosebleed : Puls.

Children, constitutions, restless, school-headaches, from overuse of eyes : Ph-ac., Ruta.

Complexions, dark, brunette, eyes : Aur., Graph., Iod., Lach., Lycpr., Mur-c., Nit-ac.

Complexions, eyes, black : CAUST., Mur-ac., Nit-ac.

Complexions, eyes, blue : CALC., PULS., Brom., Lob., Caps.

Complexions, eyes, blue, blue, and dark hair : Lyc., Nat-m., Sep.

Complexion, eyes, dark : IOD., LACH., Acon., Guai., Aur.

Complexions, eyes, dark, baby, nosebleeds : Lac-ac., Phos.

Complexions, eyes, dark, disposed, to sluggishness and indolence : Lach.

Complexions, eyes, dark, sycosis : Sars., Thuj.

Complexions, eyes, fair : Puls., Bell., Brom., Caps., Lob., Spong.

Complexions, eyes, gray : Med.

Lean, thin, people, fibre, rigid swarthy black hair and eyes brunette rather than the blonde nervous : NIT-AC.

Lymphatic, constitutions, skin, light, blue eyes feeble : Apis.

Melancholic, constitutions, phlegmatic, dark, eyes indolent : Lach.

Nervous, constitutions, hair, dark, and gray eyes : Calc.

Phlegmatic, constitutions, slow, sandy, hair blue eyes pale face easily moved to laughter or tears : PULS.

Sanguine, constitutions, hair, black, dark eyes lively restless anxious : Aur.

Women, nervous, seasick, shut, their eyes to get rid of the motion of the vessel and grow deathly sick : Tab., Ther.

Women, nose, bridge, of, yellow streak, across and under eyes : SEP.

Women, nose, bridge, of, yellow streak, across and under eyes nose, red : Bor.

Young, people, blonde, hair, blue eyes delicate skin slender stature with cachectic cough diarrhea : PHOS.

Young, people, strong, sparks, before eyes :


EYES :[COUGHING] : Closing, eyes, at, night, excites cough : HEP.

EYES :[DELUSIONS] : Enlarged, eyes, are : Bell., Op.

Eyes, falling, out : Crot-c.

Eyes, falling, out, big, eyes of : Lac-c., Puls., Op.

Faces, sees, closing, eyes, on : BELL., CALC., Arg-n., Bry., Op., Tarent., Phos., Aeth., Anh., Ars., Carb-v., Caust., Chin., Euphr., Samb., Sulph.

Faces, sees, wherever, he, turns, his, eyes or looking, out from corners : Phos., Aur., Med.

Fancy, illusions, of, eyes, on closing : Calc., Led., Sep.

Figures, sees, closing, eyes, for sleep as soon as : Chin.

Floating, in, air, eyes on closing : Pen.

Ghosts, closing, eyes, on : Bry., Calc., Lach., Sulph., Thuj., Apis., Arg-n., Bell., Chin., Ign., Led., Nat-m., Samb., Sep., Spong., Stram.

Head, large, make, grimaces, evening on closing eyes : Euphr.

Heads, large, make, grimaces, evening, on closing eyes two thinks she has : Nux-m.

Images, closing, the, eyes, on : CALC., Arg-n., Caust., Sil., Tarent., Thuj., Anh., Bell., Graph., Nat-m., Puls., Samb., Sep., Sulph.

Images, closing, the, eyes, on in bed :

Cupr., Samb., Sulph.

Objects, appears, different, on, closing eyes : Scroph-n.

People, sees, closing, eyes, on : CHIN., Bell., Ars., Nat-m.

Visions, has, closing, the, eyes on : CALC., Arg-n., Bell., Bry., Chin., Ign., Lach., Puls., Sulph., Anh., Ars., Camph., Caust., Cocc., Cupr., Graph., Hell., Led., Lyc., Nat-m., Plb., Samb., Sec., Sep., Spong., Stram., Tarent., Thuj.

EYES :[CLINICAL] : Bell’s, palsy, facial, paralysis, eyes close cannot : Cadm-s.

Bell’s, palsy, facial, paralysis, eyes close cannot closed with : Apis.

Bright’s, diseases, kidneys, eyes, amaurosis with : Apis., Ars., Gels., Hep., Merc-c., Cann-i., Colch., Kalm., Ph-ac., Plb.

Bright’s, diseases, kidneys, eyes, amaurosis with amaurosis with amblyopia with : Phos., Ant-t.

Cancer, general, eyes, cancer : CALC., PHOS., Carb-an., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Aur-m-n., Carc., Con., Cund., Hep., Lach., Thuj., Puls., Ruta., Sal-ac., Sec.

Cancer, general, eyes, cancer, fungus : CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Bell., Thuj.

Cancer, general, eyes, cancer, fungus medullaris : CALC., Lyc., Sil., Bell.

Cancer, general, eyes, cancer, lachrymal glands : Carb-an.

Cancer, general, eyes, epithelioma : Lach., Cund.

Cancer, general, eyes, epithelioma, cornea : Hep.

Cancer, general, eyes, epithelioma, eyelids : Cund., Hydr., Lach., Phyt., Ran-b., Thuj.

Cancer, general, eyes, epithelioma, eyelids lower :

Apis., Cund., Thuj.

Eyestrain, agg.: ARG-N., CALC., CINA., CROC., KALI-C., LYC., NT-M., ONOS., RHOD., RUTA., SENEG., SIL., Am-c., Apis., Asaf., Carb-v., Caust., Cic., Graph., Jab., Naja., Nat-c., Nat-p., Sep., Spig., Spong.

Goitre, thyroid, light, hair, persons blue eyes fair skin : Brom.

Melanosis, eyes : Aur.

Meningitis, brain, eyes, inflamed, wild staring pupils dilated shrinking look as if from fear : Stram.

Pterygium, eyes : Am-br., Arg-n., Ars., Ars-met., Calc., Cann-s., Euphr., Form., Lach., Nux-m., Psor., Rat., Sulph., zinc., Apis., Bell., Chim., Guare., Lyc., Merc., Spig., Tell., Zinc-s.

Pterygium, eyes, pink, color, of a : Arg-n.

Retinitis, eyes, retina : Ars., Calc., Gels., Kalm., Lach., Merc., Merc-c., Phos., Plb., Prun., Sulph., Apis., Asaf., Aur., Crot-h., Puls., Ruta., Sal-ac., Sec.

Retinitis, eyes, retina, albuminuric : Gels., Merc-c.

Retinitis, eyes, retina, albuminuric, pregnancy during : Gels.

Retinitis, eyes, retina, diabetic : Crot-h., Phos., Sec.

Retinitis, eyes, retina, hemorrhagic : Crot-h., Merc-c.

Retinitis, eyes, retina, overuse, of, eyes from : Ruta., Sulph.

Retinitis, eyes, retina, pigmentary : Nux-v., Phos.

Seasickness, closing, eyes, agg.: Ther.

Seasickness, closing, eyes, agg, amel.: Cocc.

Staphyloma, eyes : Alumn., Apis., Aur-m., Caust., Chel., Euph., Hep., Lyc., Nit-ac., Thuj., Bar-m., Ilx-a., Puls., Sil.

Strabismus, eyes : APIS., BELL., CIC., CYCL., Alum., Arg-n., Calc., Canth., Chel., Chin-s., Cina., Con., Gels., Hell., Hyos., Kali-br., Kali-i., Lyc., Mag-p., Merc., Merc-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Spig., Stram., Tab., Zinc.

Worms, parasites, general, nerves, and eyes complaints : Art-v., Cina.

EYES :[DREAMS] : Dreaming, closing, eyes, on : Sep., Spong., Graph., Led., Lyc., Plat., Stann.

Closing, eyes, on : Sep., Spong., Graph., Led.., Lyc., Plat., Stann.

Eyes, stitches, in : Calc.

Frightful, dreams, closing, eyes : Chin.

Stitches, in, eyes : Calc.

Stitches, in, eyes, foot : Asar.

EYES :[EARS] : Pain, ears, alternating, with, eyes : Bell.

Pain, ears, turning, eyes, outward on : Raph.

Sharp, pain, closing, eyes, amel.: Calc.

Sharp, pain, closing, eyes, amel mouth on : Nat-c.

EYES :[EMERGENCY] : Eyes, injuries :

ACON., ARN., CALEN., HYPER., SYMPH., Euphr., Led., Staph., Calc., Calc-s., Ham., Hep., Sil., Sulph., Sul-ac.

Eyes, injuries, black, eye, ecchymosis : ARN., CACT., LED., SYMPH., Acon., Bell., Chlol., Con., Crot-h., Cupr-acet., Aeth., Am-c., Arg-n., Cham., Erig., kali-bi., Kreos., Lyss., Plb., Ruta., Ter.

Eyes, injuries, blow, to : Symph., Arn., Led.

Eyes, injuries, blow, to, glaucoma caused : Phys.

Eyes, injuries, foreign, objects, in : ACON., ARN., SIL., Calc., Puls., Calen., Sulph.

Eyes, injuries, inflammation, after, injuries : ACON., ARN., CALEN., HYPER., LED., SYMPH., Euphr., Ham., Hep., Puls., Staph., Sulph., Calc., Calc-s., Sil., Sul-ac.

Eyes, injuries, scratched, cornea : Calen., Hyper., Acon.

Eyes, injuries, splinters, in : ACON., CALEN., HYPER., Calc., Sil., Sulph.

Eyes, injuries, wounds, from, cuts surgery etc : CALEN., STAPH., Acon., Arn., Euphr., Hyper.

Falls, headache, with, sore, eyes : Hyper.

Foreign, objects, injury, from, irritation and inflammation of eyes : ACON., Sil.

Lacerations, eyes, of : Calen.

Seasickness, with, nausea, closing, eyes agg.: Ther.

Seasickness, with, nausea, closing, eyes agg, amel.: Cocc.

EYES :[ENVIRONMENT] : Sun, sunlight, agg, eyes, sensitive to sunlight :

ACON., CHIN., GRAPH., NAT-M., SULPH., Ars., Asar., Bry., Cic., Clem., Euphr., Hep., Ign., Kali-ar., Lac-c., Lith., Merc., Merc-s., Phos.

EYES :[EYE] : Aching, moving, eyes, agg.: BRY., Bad., Gels., Hep., Chel., Nat-ar., Phyt., Pic-ac.

Aching, above, the, eyes : CEDR., KALI-C., LAC-C., LACH., NUX-V., PULS., SIL., SPIG., Apis., Arg-n., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Calc-p., Chel., Chin., Chin-s., Croc., Gels., Glon., Hep., Iris., Kali-bi., Kali-s., Lac-d., Lyc., Meph., Nat-m., Nat-p., Petr., Phos., Phys., Phyt., Psor., Sang., Sanic., Sel., Seneg., Sep., Sol-n., Stann., Valer., Zinc.

Aching, above, the, eyes, afternoon : Lac-c., Carb-v., Cinnb., Corn., Kali-bi., Lyss., Puls., Sang., Sulph.

Aching, above, the, eyes, afternoon 1 p.m.: Chin-s., Dios., Phys.

Aching, above, the, eyes, afternoon p.m.: Hura., Pip-m.

Aching, above, the, eyes, afternoon 4 p.m.: Com.

Aching, above, the, eyes, afternoon motion : Cinnb.

Aching, above, the, eyes, air cold in : Kali-bi.

Aching, above, the, eyes, air open, in : Calc., Chel., Colch., Ham.

Aching, above, the, eyes, air open in amel.: Sep., Echi., Kali-bi., Pip-m., Phos.

Aching, above, the, eyes, alternating, sides : LAC-C., Iris., Lil-t.

Aching, above, the, eyes, bed on going to : Ferr.

Aching, above, the, eyes, breakfast after : Lyc., Hyper.

Aching, above, the, eyes, close the compels him to : Bell.

Aching, above, the, eyes, cold applications amel.: Lach., Spig., Agn., Cedr., Chel., Kali-bi., Lac-d.

Aching, above, the, eyes, cold applications amel damp weather : Sil., Spig.

Aching, above, the, eyes, cold applications amel dry wind : ACON.

Aching, above, the, eyes, contraction of brow : Arn.

Aching, above, the, eyes, coryza as from : Sulph.

Aching, above, the, eyes, coughing after : Ol-j., Spig.

Aching, above, the, eyes, dark in the : Onos.

Aching, above, the, eyes, daytime : Phos., Pic-ac., Sulph.

Aching, above, the, eyes, eating after : Bry., Colch., Nit-ac., Sulph.

Aching, above, the, eyes, after amel.: Chin.

Aching, above, the, eyes, evening : Puls., Sep., Ars., Chel., Ferr., Iod., Kalm., Lyss., Nat-m., Plan., Ran-b., Stry.

Aching, above, the, eyes, evening 6 p.m.: Colch., Dios., Lil-t.

Aching, above, the, eyes, evening 8 p.m.: Chin-s.

Aching, above, the, eyes, evening 9 p.m.: Lyss.

Aching, above, the, eyes, evening reading while : Chel., Lyss.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward : Nat-c., Sec.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward ear :

Aur-m., Glon., Lac-c., Osm.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward eyes : Con., Lil-t.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward face : Mag-p.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward head : Gymn.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward nose : LACH., Calc., All-c., Bov., Phys., Ran-b.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending, outward nose root of : LACH.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending, outward occiput : Lach., Bism., Chel., Cimic., Dios., Kali-p., Kalm., Kreos., Lyc., Naja., Sep., Zing.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending outward temples : Arn., Bor., Dios., Hell., Nat-ar., Phys.

Aching, above, the, eyes, extending, outward vertex : Arg-n., Gymn., Phos., Phys.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon : Mez., Cinnb., Glon., Rhus-t., Sulph., Thuj.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon 8 a.m.: Hydr.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon 9 a.m.: Lyss., Petr., Pip-m.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.: Caust.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon 10 a.m.: Crot-c., Petr., Stram., Tell.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Stann.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon 11 a.m.: Mag-p., Merc-i-r., Myric., Verat.

Aching, above, the, eyes, forenoon walking while : Thuj.

Aching, above, the, eyes, glasses from wearing :


Aching, above, the, eyes, heat of stove agg.: Arn.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eyes : BRY., Aesc., Ars., Chel., Colch., Ip., Kali-bi., Kali-c., Lach.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye : SPIG., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Sep., Onos., Ox-ac., Pip-m., Psor., Puls., Rhus-r., Stann., Stram., Sul-ac., Tell., Ter., Uran., Verat., Verat-v., Verb.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye extending over whole increasing and decreasing gradually : Stann.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye extending to occiput and finally over whole body : Bry.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye extending vertex to : Ferr-i.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye lying on left side amel.: Bry.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye periodical : Sep.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye sex after : Cast., Cedr.

Aching, above, the, eyes, left eye then right : Lac-c., Lach., Psor., Kali-bi., Nit-m-ac., Zing.

Aching, above, the, eyes, light from : Chel., Chin-s., Mez., Nat-m., Nux-v., Pic-ac., Spig.

Aching, above, the, eyes, looking at bright objects : Sol-n.

Aching, above, the, eyes, looking at bright objects down : Nat-m.

Aching, above, the, eyes, looking at bright object intently at anything : Puls.

Aching, above, the, eyes, lying down after : Ran-b., Sang., Chim-m., Tell.

Aching, above, the, eyes, lying down after amel.: Cupr., Kali-bi.

Aching, above, the, eyes, menses during : Lach., Lyc., Cimic., Graph., Nat-p., Sang.

Aching, above, the, eyes, menses during after : Mag-m.

Aching, above, the, eyes, menses during amel during : Kali-bi.

Aching, above, the, eyes, menses during before : Bell., Graph., Hyper., Nat-p., Sil., Xan.

Aching, above, the, eyes, mental exertion during : PIC-AC., Puls., Spig., Ph-ac., Sep.

Aching, above, the, eyes, morning : NUX-V., Arg-n., Chin., Kali-bi., Lac-c., Lach., Mez., Stann., Agar., Alumn., Chin-s., Coc-c., Dios., Nat-ar., Nux-m., Petr., Phys., Sol-n., Sulph.

Aching, above, the, eyes, morning 4 a.m.: Spig.

Aching, above, the, eyes, morning 6 to 12 a.m.: Glon.

Aching, above, the, eyes, morning bed in : Nux-v., Coc-c., Sol-n., Spig.

Aching, above, the, eyes, morning until 4 p.m.: Mez.

Aching, above, the, eyes, morning waking : Bell., Phos.

Aching, above, the, eyes, motion during : Bry., Nux-v., Sang., Spig., Cinnb., Cupr., Mag-m., Onos., Plb., Sol-n.

Aching, above, the, eyes, motion during amel.: Puls., Dios.

Aching, above, the, eyes, narrow line in a : Bry.

Aching, above, the, eyes, night : Chel., Glon., Kali-bi., Mez., Ars., Hyper., Lyss.

Aching, above, the, eyes, night midnight after :


Aching, above, the, eyes, noise : Chin-s.

Aching, above, the, eyes, noon : Form., Ham.

Aching, above, the, eyes, numbness followed by : Mez.

Aching, above, the, eyes, periodical : Chin-s., Tub.

Aching, above, the, eyes, pressure amel.: Chin-s.

Aching, above, the, eyes, pulsating : PULS., Bry., Glon., Kali-bi., Lach., Lyss., Pic-ac., Spig., Caust., Chel., Dig., Ham., Mag-m., Nat-m., Plat., Ptel., Sep., Ther.

Aching, above, the, eyes, reading : Calc., Chel., Ph-ac.

Aching, above, the, eyes, right : CARB-AC., CHEL., RAN-B., SANG., Bar-acet., Bell., Chin., Gels., Ign., Lyc., Mag-p., Nat-m., Ol-an., Spig.

Aching, above, the, eyes, right then left : Lac-c., Nat-m, Calc., Ptel., Sep., Sin-n.

Aching, above, the, eyes, sewing while : LAC-C.

Aching, above, the, eyes, sex after : Cast., Cedr.

Aching, above, the, eyes, sitting while : Ter.

Aching, above, the, eyes, sleep amel.: Kali-bi.

Aching, above, the, eyes, sneezing when : Echi.

Aching, above, the, eyes, standing amel.: Ran-b.

Aching, above, the, eyes, stooping when : Ign., Puls., Spig., Dros., Kali-bi., Lyss., Nat-m., Petr., Sin-n., Sol-n.

Aching, above, the, eyes, sudden : Mez.

Aching, above, the, eyes, supper during : Chlor.

Aching, above, the, eyes, waking on : Lac-c., Spig., Bry., Nat-ar., Sol-n.

Aching, above, the, eyes, walking while : Agar., Chin., Puls., Thuj.

Aching, above, the, eyes, waking while amel.: Ran-b., Dros.

Aching, above, the, eyes, walking while in open air amel while : Sep., Bor., Chel., Hydr., Nux-v.

Aching, above, the, eyes, warm applications amel.: ARS., Arg-m., Aur-m., Mag-p., Thuj., Sang.

Aching, above, the, eyes, warm applications amel room agg.: Puls., Mez.

Aching, above, the, eyes, warmth : Chel., Mez.

Agglutinated, eyes : ARG-N., CAUST., CHAM., GRAPH., KREOS., LYC., PHOS., PULS., SEP., Aeth., Agar., All-s., Alum., Arg-m., Bar-c., Bry., Carbn-s., Clem., Dig., Euphr., Ign., Kali-c., Mag-c., Nat-s., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phyt., Sil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Thuj.

Agglutinated, eyes, afternoon : Nat-c.

Agglutinated, eyes, air, in, open : Thuj.

Agglutinated, eyes, evening : Plat., Plb., Sep.

Agglutinated, eyes, menses, during : Calc.

Agglutinated, eyes, morning : ARG-N., CALC., CARB-S., CLEM., GRAPH., MED., RHUS-T., SULPH., Alum., Arg-m., Ars., Bell., Carb-v., Caust., Cham., Chel., Dig.,

Dios., Euph., Hep., Kali-bi., Kali-c., Mag-c., Mang., Merc., Nat-ar., Nat-m., Nat-s., Psor., Puls., Seneg., Sep., Tarent., Zinc.

Agglutinated, eyes, morning, menses, during : Calc., Mag-c.

Agglutinated, eyes, night : ALUM., CARBN-S., GARPH., LYC., SEP., Ant-c., Apis., Arg-n., Bor., Bov., Carb-v., Croc., Euphr., Gamb., Hep., Ign., Rhus-t. Sil., Spong., Stann., Syph., Thuj.

Agglutinated, eyes, sleep, after : Hydrog., Rheum.

Agglutinated, eyes, agglutinated, morning, inner canthi : Mag-c., Phos., Staph., Zinc.

Agglutinated, eyes, agglutinated, morning, inner canthi morning outer canthi : Ars., Sep.

Agglutinated, eyes, agglutinated, sensation : Carb-v., Caust., Plat.

Aversion, to, bringing, objects, near the eyes : Fl-ac., Mang.

Bleeding, from, eyes : BOTH-L., CROT-H., LACH., NUX-V., PHOS., Arn., Calc., Calen., Carb-v., Cham., Kali-chl., Sulph.

Bleeding, from, eyes, blowing, nose on : Nit-ac.

Bleeding, from, eyes, burning, with : Carb-v.

Bleeding, from, eyes, coughing, from : Arn., Carb-v., Cham., Nux-v.

Bleeding, from, eyes, inside, after injury : Arn., Sul-ac.

Bleeding, from, eyes, whooping, cough in : Arn., Nux-v.

Bleeding, from, eyes, choroid : Arn., Bell., Chin., Crot-h., Ham., Lach., Merc-c., Phos.

Bleeding, from, eyes, conjunctiva :


Bleeding, from, eyes, eyelids : SULPH., Hep., Nat-m., Nux-v., Arn., Bell.

Bleeding, from, eyes, iris, iridectomy after : Calen., Led., Phos.

Bleeding, from, eyes, retina : LACH., PHOS., Apis., Bell., Crot-h., Gels., Merc-c., Prun., Sul-ac., Sulph.

Boring, eyes, over : BELL., Ars., Agar., Arg-n., Asaf., Aster., Aur-m-n., Calc., Caust., Cimic., Colch., Cupr-ar., Dulc., Ip., Laur., Led., Lyc., Mag-s., Ol-an., Sep., Spig., Sulph.

Boring, eyes, over, afternoon : Sang.

Boring, eyes, over, afternoon : Sang.

Boring, eyes, over, closing, eyes amel.: Ip.

Boring, eyes, over, cold, air in : Sep.

Boring, eyes, over, evening, in bed : Mag-s.

Boring, eyes, over, forenoon, 10 a.m.: Cimic.

Boring, eyes, over, forenoon, 10 a.m. 11 a.m.: Spig.

Boring, eyes, over, left : Arg-n., Cimic., Cupr-ar., Kali-c., Lyc., Nux-m., Spig. Boring, eyes, over, morning : Sulph.

Boring, eyes, over, pressure, amel.: Ip.

Boring, eyes, over, right : Aur., Colch., Sulph.

Boring, eyes, over, thunderstorm, in : Sep.

Boring, eyes, over, waking, while : Aur-m-n.

Boring, eyes, over, walking, while amel.: Ars.

Breaking, glass, sensations, of, on opening eyes : Meph.

Burning, back, of, the, eyes : Form.

Burning, cleaning, eyes, when : Phos.

Burning, opening, the, eyes, on : ARS., Kali-bi., Mag-m.

Burning, eyes, over : ARS., Acon., Agar., Chel., Coloc., Dig., Dros., Meny., Merc., Nux-m., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph.

Burning, eyes, over, afternoon : Sulph.

Burning, eyes, over, evening : Chel.

Burning, eyes, over, night : ARS.

Burrowing, pain, eyes, over : Dulc., Kali-c., Plat.

Burrowing, pain, eyes, over, walking while : Plat.

Bursting, over, eyes : Crot-c., Kali-bi., Mag-m., Nit-ac.

Bursting, using, eyes : Staph.

Cancer, eyes : CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Aur-m-n., Con., Thuj.

Cancer, eyes, epithelioma : Lach., Cund.

Cancer, eyes, epithelioma, cornea : Hep.

Cancer, eyes, epithelioma, eyelids : Hydr., Lach., Phyt., Ran-b., Thuj.

Cancer, eyes, epithelioma, eyelids, lower : Apis., Cund., Thuj.

Cancer, eyes, fungus : CALC., PHOS., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Bell., Thuj.

Cancer, eyes, fungus, medullaris : CALC., Lyc., Sil., Bell.

Cancer, eyes, lachrymal, glands : Carb-an.

Close, must, pain, in, eyes with : Hep., Ph-ac., Plat., Spig.

Closed, eyes : RHUS-T., Calc., Cocc., Grat., Lachn., Sep., Stram., Stry., Sulph., Urt-u.

Closed, eyes, evening : Nat-m.

Closed, eyes, melancholia, in : ARG-N., Sep.

Coldness, in, above, eyes : Graph.

Coldness, in, back, of, eyes : Calc-p.

Contracted, eyes, with, headache : Sulph.

Cramps, eyes : Sil.

Cramps, eyes, eyelids : Meny., Ruta.

Cramps, eyes, eyelids, lower : Ruta.

Cutting, opening, eyes : Bry.

Discharges, mucus, pus, sensation, of a hanging over eyes which must be wiped away : Puls., Croc.

Discoloration, greenish, about, the eyes : Verat.

Discoloration, yellow, around, eyes : Nit-ac., Coll., Mag-c., Nux-v., Spig.

Drawing, between, eyes : Caust.

Drawing, closing, eyes , agg.: Carb-v.

Drawing, above, eyes : Agar,. Cann-i., Chel., Ign., Puls., Asaf., Bry., Calc., Carb-an., Colch., Con., Lyss., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Seneg., Sil., Spig., Stann., Sulph., Thuj., Zinc.

Drawing, above, eyes, blowing, nose agg.: Mag-c.

Drawing, above, eyes, extending, upwards : Staph.

Drawing, above, eyes, feel, as if projecting with sensation as if a thread were tightly drawn through : PAR.

Drawing, above, eyes, left : Chel., Mag-c., Nat-m., Thuj., Spig.

Drawing, above, eyes, mental, exertion : Calc.

Drawing, above, eyes, right : Aur., Carb-v., Dulc., Ign., Lyss.

Eruptions, about, the, eyes : GRAPH., MERC., STAPH., SULPH., Ars., Caust., Hep., Kali-s., Rhus-t., Sel., Syph.

Eruptions, about, the, eyes, boils : Sil.

Eruptions, about, the, eyes, fine : Euphr.

Eruptions, about, the, eyes, inflamed : Spig.

Eruptions, about, the, eyes, pimples : HEP., Merc., Petr.

Eruptions, about, the, eyes, rash : Sulph.

Eruptions, above, the, eyes : Ran-b.

Eruptions, above, the, eyes, bluish black vesicles : Ran-b.

Eruptions, below, eyes : Dulc., Guai., Sel., thuj.

Erysipelas, around, eyes : APIS., RHUS-T., Graph., Hep., Led., Merc., Merc-c., Acon., Anac., Ars., Bell., Com., Vesp.

Eyestrain, exertion, of, vision, agg.: ARG-N., CALC., CINA., CROC., KALI-C., LYC., NAT-M., ONOS., RHOD., RUTA., SENEG., SIL., Am-c., Apis., Asaf., Aur., Carb-v., Caust., Cic., Graph., Jab., Naja., Nat-c., Nat-p., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Phyt., Rhus-t., Sars., Sep., Spig., Spong.

Eyestrain, exertion, of, vision, agg headaches from : KALI-C., LYC., NAT-M., PH-AC., RHOD., RUTA., SIL., Agar., Aur., Bor., Cact., Calc., Carb-v., Caust., Cimic., Cina., Ham., Nat-c., Nat-p., Onos., Phos., Rhus-t., Spong., Tub.

Fringe, sensation, as, of, a were falling over the eyes : Con.

Heat, sensation, closing, eyes, on : Cor-r., Ust.

Heat, sensation, using, eyes : RUTA., Aur., Jab.

Heaviness, sensation, eyelids, using, the eyes : Nat-m., Nat-c.

Injuries, surgery, complications, of, eyes after : CALEN., STAPH., Hyper., Arn., Asar., Bry., Croc., Ign., Led., Rhus-t., Senn.

Irritation, to, eyes : Ars., Calen., Caust., Acon., Apis., Con., Fago., Iod., Lyc., Merc-i-f., Nat-ar., Puls., Ran-s., Rhus-t., Ruta., Sang.

Irritation, to, eyes, afternoon : Bad.

Irritation, to, eyes, candlelight, from : Lyc.

Irritation, to, eyes, daytime, only : Iod.

Irritation, to, eyes, evening : Ruta., Iod., Lyc.

Irritation, to, eyes, looking, through too sharp, spectacles as after : Croc.

Irritation, to, eyes, morning : Apoc.

Irritation, to, eyes, reading, by lamp-light : Apis.

Irritation, to, eyes, smoke, in eyes as if : Croc., Valer.

Irritation, to, eyes, violent, as after crying : Croc.

Irritation, to, eyes, eyelids, amel in cold air : Coff.

Irritation, to, eyes, optic, nerve : Phos.

Itching, about, the, eye : Carb-v., Agn., Apis., Ars., Berb., Con., Lach., Lyc., Pall., Sars., Til.

Itching, below, the, eyes : Nat-m., Spong.

Lachrymation, closed, eyes, with : Spong.

Lachrymation, opening, eyes, on : Kali-bi.

Lachrymation, opening, eyes, on, forcibly on : Apis., Con., Ip., Merc-c., Rhus-t.

Membrane, sensation, as, if, drawn over eyes : Apis., Caust., Daph., Puls., Rat.

Numbness, around, eyes : ASAF.

Open, eyelids, desire, to, keep eyes wide open : Onos.

Pain, around, the, eyes : MAG-M., SPIG., Cinnb., Gels., Ign., Merc., Merc-c., Nit-ac., Pall., Phyt., Puls., Sulph., Ter.

Pain, between, eyes : Asc-c., Carbn-h., Caust., Dios., Gymn.

Pain, between, eyes, eye, and nose : Mang.

Pain, covering, eyes, with, hand amel.: Aur-m., Thuj.

Pain, headache, during, stitching, pain, in eyes after : Gels.

Pain, using, eyes, when : NAT-M., RUTA., Arg-n., Arn., Bry., Calc., Lach., Merl., Nux-v., Spig., Carb-v., Cimic., Con., Euphr., Kalm., Onos., Phos., Phys., Puls., Rhus-t., Staph., Stront-c.

Pain, canthi, closing, the, eyes : Ign.

Pressing, pain, around, eyes : Bor., Kali-n., Mag-c., Mez., Phyt., Staph.

Pressing, pain, behind, eyes : Caust.

Pressing, pain, between, eyes : Caust.

Pressing, pain, moving, eyes, when : BRY., Carb-v., Hep., Lach., Mang., Spig., Agar., Brom., Camph., Chel., Clem., Crot-h., Merc., Stann.

Pressing, pain, moving, eyes, when moving amel.: Op.

Pressing, pain, opening, eyes : Alum., Caust., Croc., Upa.

Pressing, pain, opening, eyes, impossible : Alum.

Pressing, pain, orbits, of, eyes :

Bell., Caust., Con., Kali-c., Phos., Ph-ac., Sep.

Pressing, pain, straining, eyes : Ruta., Mur-ac., Nat-m.

Pressing, pain, turning, eyes, agg.: SPIG., Tub.

Pressing, pain, turning, eyes, agg to right : Sep.

Pressing, pain, turning, eyes, agg upward : Bism.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the : ALOE., BRY., NAT-M., PULS., Acon., Anac., Bell., Bism., Calc-p., Carb-v., Card-m., Chel., Crot-h., Glon., Ign., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Nat-p., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phos., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph., Valer.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the afternoon : Acon., Cann-i., Carb-v., Ph-ac., Sulph.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the air in open : Staph.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the eyes compelled to : Nux-v.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the closing the eyes amel.: Ip.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the daytime : Sep.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the dinner after : Phos.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the evening : Camph., Iod.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the extending eyes into : Con.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the extending eyes into nose to : Bov.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the extending eyes into outward : Sec.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the eyes would be forced out as if :

Cocc., Gymn., Ign., Lachn., Nat-m., Phos., Sabin., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Tarent.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the left : Acon., Nux-v., Sep., Ther., Thuj., Arg-m., Bry., Camph., Cupr., Mur-ac., Phos., Sulph., Verb.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the left extending to right : Thuj.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the light by : Sep.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the margin of orbits to temples from : Cann-s.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the menses during : Lac-c.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the menses during before : Sep.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the morning : Alumn., Kali-n., Lach., Mag-c., Petr., Sulph.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the morning waking on : Alumn.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the motion agg.: BRY., Sep.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the opening eyes agg.: Sil.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the outward : Ang., Bell., Ip., Kali-c., Lyc., Phos.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the pressing down upon the eyes : Hep., Phos., Arg-m., Bell., Hell., Plat., Sabin., Spig., Zinc.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the pressive pain above left eye pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation in head : Bry.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the pressive pain above left eye pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation in head pressure amel.: Apis., Ip.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the pressive pain above left eye pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation in head pressure so severe, when rising, could only half open eyes, could not look up : Stram.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the raising eyebrow agg.: Nat-m.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the right : Chel., Ign., Sang., Am-m., Ant-c., Caust., Con., Dulc., Nat-m., Plat., Rhus-t., Sil., Spig., Spong., Staph., Thuj., Urt-u., Zinc.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the right upward and inward : Bism.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the stooping agg.: Merc., Spong., Teucr.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the stunning : Plat.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the walking after : Con.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the walking after open air in : Sep.

Pressing, pain, eyes, over, the wavelike : Plat.

Pulsation, in, eyes : BELL., Ars., Calc., Chel., Coloc., Gels., Hep., Hyos., Merc., Merc-i-f., Nux-v., Sil.

Pulsation, in, eyes, alternating, with sharp pain : Calc.

Pulsation, in, eyes, around, the eyes : Ars.

Pulsation, in, eyes, evening : Cycl., Kreos.

Pulsation, in, eyes, midnight, after : Ars.

Pulsation, in, eyes, morning : Nux-v.

Pulsation, in, eyes, morning, lying down : Nux-v.

Pulsation, in, eyes, night : ASAF., MERC., Merc-i-f., Ars.

Pulsation, in, eyes, paroxysmal : Sil., Calc.

Pulsation, in, eyes, reading, while : Ammc.

Pulsation, in, eyes, pulsation, eyebrows : Petr.

Pulsation, in, eyes, pulsation, eyelids upper : Mang., Stry.

Restless, eyes : Chin-s., Lach., Stram., Verat., Bell., Kali-p., Lyss., Stry., Valer.

Retinitis, overuse, of, eyes, from : Ruta., Sulph.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes : ARS., CALC., CAUST., CHIN., EUPHR., FL-AC., NAT-M., SULPH., Apis., Aur., Carb-v., Chel., Cor-r., Dig., Ferr., Hep., Ign., Iod., Led., Lyc., Med., Op., Phyt., Psor., Puls., Sep., Sil., Spig., Thuj., Zinc.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes afternoon : Bry.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes evening : ZINC., Ars., Calc., Puls., Ferr., Kali-bi., Ox-ac., Petr.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes forenoon : Chel., Con.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes morning : NAT-M., Sil., Sulph., Apoc., Lyc., Sol-n., Thuj.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes night : ZINC., Calc., Kali-bi.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes open air amel.: Sars.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes right : SEP.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes sand canthi in :

Acon., Dig., Sumb., Thuj.

Sand, pain, as, if, sand in eyes sand canthi in outer : Nit-ac., Bar-c., Con., Crot-c., Staph., Sulph.

Sharp, pain, about, the, eyes : Acon., Aeth., Ant-c., Cinnb., Coloc., Hura.

Sharp, pain, about, the, eyes encircles : Cinnb.

Sharp, pain, below, the, eyes : Nat-m., Rhus-t., Spong.

Sharp, pain, closing, eyes : Cimic., Clem., Hell., Sars.

Sharp, pain, motion, of, eyes : Stann.

Sharp, pain, radiating, from, the eyes : SPIG.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over : CHEL., KALI-I., Bov., Cedr., Ferr., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Spig.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, blowing nose : Mag-c.

Sharp, pain, over, coughing : Hyos.

Sharp, pain, over, dinner : Arn., Am-c., Bor.

Sharp, pain, eyes, eating after : Am-c.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, evening : Hep., Inul., Kali-bi., Pip-m.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, left : KALI-I., SEL., Lac-f., Sep., Caust., Mag-c., Ph-ac., Ptel., Thuj., Zinc.

Sharp, pain, over, left extending to right : Thuj.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, morning : Alum., Nit-ac., Sep.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, night : Lyc.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, night a.m.: Pip-m.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, right : Bov., Cur., Lyc., Mag-p., Anac., Carb-v., Mang., Tarent.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, stooping : Ip.

Sharp, pain, eyes, over, walking in open air amel.: Phos., Sep.

Sickly, look, around, the, eyes : CINA., Guare.

Sleepy, feeling, in, the, eyes : Gels., Phos., Staph., Thuj.

Smaller, sensation, of, eyes : Alum., Bell., Bry., Croc., Merl., Nat-m.

Sore, pain, closing, eyes, forcibly : Sulph.

Sore, pain, moving, eyes : BRY., RHUS-T., TUB., Bapt., Carbn-s., Carb-v., Com., Croto-t., Cupr., Nat-m., Phys., Stict., Agar., Gels., Nat-ar., Phos., Pic-ac., Agar., Gels., Nat-ar., Phos., Pic-ac.

Sore, pain, moving, eyes, eyelids : BRY., Glon., Nat-ar.

Sore, pain, eyes, above : Kali-c., Sil., Cann-., Gels., Plan., Plat.

Sore, pain, eyes, above, opening eyes agg.: Sil.

Stiffness, of, muscles, about, the eyes : KALM., Nat-m., Agar.

Stinging, pain, about, the, eyes : Aesc., Spong.

Tearing, pain, around, eyes : Iod., Lyc.

Tearing, pain, closing, eyes : Sil.

Tearing, night, around, eyes agg.:

Acon., Coloc.

Tearing, pain, eyes, behind : Bism., Squil.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over : Ars., Chin., Agar., Arn., Aur., Aur-m., Calc., Chel., Ferr-i., Iod., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Kali-i., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Mag-p., Mang., Merc., Mez., Phos., Sang., Sep., Sil.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, afternoon : Sang., Sep.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, air open amel.: Aur-m., Merc.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, evening : Agn.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, intermitting : Ars.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, left : Iod., Merc-c., Aeth., Arg-m., Laur., Merc., Stann., Verb., Zinc.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, morning : Chin., Lyc.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, motion agg.: Agn.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, night : Lyc.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, opening eyes on : Euph.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, pressing the eye when : Arg-m., Lyc.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, pressure amel.: Anac.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, right : CARB-AC., Agn., Anac., Bism., Mag-p., Mang.

Tearing, pain, eyes, over, walking about amel.: Ars.

Tension, around, the, eyes : Nux-m., Nux-v., Alum., Par., Spong.

Tension, closing, eyes, amel.: Aur.

Tension, fixing, eyes, agg.: Aur.

Tension, motion, of, eyes, agg.: Nit-ac.

Tension, turning, eyes : Calc.

Turned, eyes : SPIG., Bell., Caust., Con., Hipp., Meph., Nicc.

Turned, eyes, downward : Aeth., Canth., Cham.

Turned, eyes, downward, convulsion, during : Aeth.

Turned, eyes, inwards : Calc., Arg-n., Bell., Benz-n., Plb., Rhod., Ruta.

Turned, eyes, left : Bufo., Dig., Hydr-ac.

Turned, eyes, outward : Crot-h., Bell., Camph., Dig., Glon., Morph., Op., Phos., Stry., Sul-ac., Verat., Zinc.

Turned, eyes, right : Ip., Camph.

Turned, eyes, upward : Acon., Apis., Bufo., Camph., Cupr., Glon., Hell., Lact., Laur., Op.

Turned, eyes, upward, convulsions, during : Acon., Cupr., Glon., Lach., Oena., Plat.

Turned, eyes, upward, falling, asleep when : Mez.

Turned, eyes, upward, fever, during : Hell.

Turned, eyes, upward, left, to : Bufo., Dig., Hydr-ac.

Turned, eyes, upward, right, to : Camph., Stry.

Weak, eyes : CON., GELS., NAT-M., RUTA., SENEG., Agar., Anac., Apis., Aur., Cann-s., Carb-an., Carb-s., Carb-v., Euphr., Ferr., Graph., Kali-c., Lil-t., Op., Phos., Phys., Sil., Thuj.

Weak, eyes, afternoon : Sin-n.

Weak, eyes, crying, as, after : Cycl.

Weak, eyes, daytime : Stann.

Weak, eyes, dinner, after : Valer.

Weak, eyes, emissions, after : Jab., Kali-c., Lil-t., Nat-m., Puls., Sep.

Weak, eyes, evening : Alum., Carb-an., Nicc., Psor.

Weak, eyes, evening, after, going to bed : Op.

Weak, eyes, evening, by, the light : Lyc., Sep.

Weak, eyes, forenoon : Ph-ac., Squil., Sulph., Valer.

Weak, eyes, light : Aster., Gins., Merc., Nat-p.

Weak, eyes, light, candlelight : Bell.

Weak, eyes, looking, intently, while : Lyc.

Weak, eyes, looking, intently, while long : Alum.

Weak, eyes, measles, after : Kali-c., Puls., Euphr.

Weak, eyes, menses, during : Cinnb.

Weak, eyes, morning :

Ars., Bry., Cina., Dig., Dios., Phos., Sang., Upa.

Weak, eyes, noon : Cinnb.

Weak, eyes, reading, while : RUTA., SENEG., Ammc., Bat-m., Sep., Agar., Bell., Kali-i., Lyc., Myric., Phys.

Weak, eyes, reading, while, after : Am-c.

Weak, eyes, sex, after : KALI-C., Kali-p.

Weak, eyes, sexual, excesses, after : Calc., Chin., Gels., Upa.

Weak, eyes, writing, while : Nat-m., Sep., Bell., Carl.

Yellowness, of, white, of, eyes is dirty yellow : Nat-p.

EYES :[FACE] : Bloated, eyes, about, the :

Am-be., Apis., Ars., Ferr., Merc-c., Phos., Bor-ac., Colch., Elaps., Merc., Nat-c., Rhus-t., Thlaspi., Xero.

Bloated, eyes, about, the, between the : Lyc.

Bloated, eyes, about, the, morning : Nit-ac.

Bloated, eyes, about, the, over the : Ruta., Sep.

Bloated, eyes, about, the, under the : Ars., Aur., Apis., Bry., Kali-c., Merc., Nux-v., Olnd., Phos., Puls.

Discoloration, bluish, circles, around, eyes : ARS., BERB., CHIN., IP., LYC., NAT-AR., NAT-C., NUX-M., NUX-V., OLND., RHUS-T., SEC

Discoloration, bluish, circles, around, eyes menses, after : Phos.

Discoloration, bluish, circles, around, eyes menses, before : Tub.

Discoloration, bluish, eyes, under : Lachn.

Discoloration, brown, eyes, around : Lach.

Discoloration, dark, eyes, around : Cimic.

Discoloration, earthy, eyes, about : Puls., Elaps., Maland., Sil.

Discoloration, greenish, about, the, eyes : Verat.

Itching, eyes, under : Con., Apis.

Pain, closing, eyes : Cimic., Med.

Pain, motion, agg. eyes, of : Bry., Kali-c.

Pain, opening, eyes : Bry.

Pain, opening, eyes, mouth : COCC., Alum., Ang., Cham., Dros., Mag-p., Merc., Phos., Sabad., Spong., Thuj., Verat.

Pale, eyes, about : Ptel.

Paralysis, facial, bell's, palsy, eyes, close, cannot : Cadm-s.

Paralysis, facial, bell's, palsy, eyes, close, cannot closed, with : Apis.

Perspiration, eyes, under : Con.

Red, eyes, about : Elaps., Maland., Puls., Sil.

Red, eyes, about, around, eyes, on crying : Bor.

Sharp, pain, extending, to, eyes :

Chin., Clem., Naja.

Sharp, pain, extending, to, eyes, chewing, when : Bell.

Shrivelled, eyes, around : Choc.

Swelling, eyes, above : KALI-C., Lyc., Chin., Nat-ar., Puls., Ruta., Sep.

Swelling, eyes, around : APIS., KALI-C., RHUS-T., Ars., Ferr., Phos., All-c., chon., Colch., Cupr., Elaps., Merc., Nit-ac., Sang., Spig., Stram., Urt-u.

Swelling, eyes, around, left, morning : Ars., Nit-ac.

Swelling, eyes, around, left, right : Rhus-v., Ail.

Swelling, eyes, between : Lyc.

Swelling, eyes, under : APIS., ARS., KALI., Aur., Calc-ar., Carb-ac., Fl-ac., Kali-i., Raph., Sulph., Thlaspi.

Swelling, eyes, under, left, left : Sulph., Colch.

Swelling, eyes, under, left, morning : Sep.

Swelling, eyes, under, left, right : Carb-ac.

Tearing, pain, nose, and, eyes, between : Mang.

Tension, of, skin, eyes, below : Nux-v., Viol-o.

Tension, of, skin, mouth, eyes and nose, around : Nux-v.

Tingling, sensation, eyes, around : Ambr.

Twitching, facial, eyes, below : Choc., Nit-ac.

Twitching, facial, eyes, below, right : Bell.

Twitching, facial, eyes, left : Glon., Phel., Tell., Thuj., Ant-t., Arg-n., Bar-c., Bell., Brach., Carb-v., Chin., Con., Euph., Kali-c., Phos., Sulph., Valer.

Twitching, facial, eyes, right : Mag-c., Plb., Thuj., Am-m., Bor., Bry., Calc., Chel., Kali-n., Meny., Mez., Nux-v., Phos.

Twitching, facial, eyes, left : Glon., Tell., Thuj., Ant-t., Arg-n., Bar-c., Bell., Brach., Carb-v., Chin., Con., Euph., Kali-c., Phel., Phos., Sulph., Valer.

Twitching, facial, eyes, left, below, left : Thuj.

Twitching, facial, eyes, left, below, left right : Bell.

Twitching, facial, eyes, left, right : Plb., Thuj., Am-m., Bor., Bry., Calc., Chel., Kali-n., Mag-c., Meny., Mez., Nux-v., Phos.

Wrinkled, eyes, around : Choc.

Yellow, eyes, around : Nit-ac., Coll., Mag-c., Med., Nux-v. Spig.

EYES :[FEVER] : Eyes, symptoms, with : EUPHR.

Eyes, symptoms, with, brilliancy : BELL., Gels., Op., Apis., Euphr.

Eyes, symptoms, with, cataract, after removal of, by graefe's method : Calen., Rhus-t.

Eyes, symptoms, with, conjunctivitis, in : EUPHR., Croto-t.

Eyes, symptoms, with, dimness, of vision : GELS., Verat-v., Bell.

Eyes, symptoms, with, dullness :

Gels., Ph-ac.

Eyes, symptoms, with, hypopion : Hep.

Eyes, symptoms, with, swelling : Guai., Apis.

Intermittent, fever, prevailing, icterus, eyes yellow, stool white, urine dark yellow : Sang.

Typhoid, fever, eyes, nightly, agglutination of eyelids, injection of conjunctiva, secretion of yellow : Verat-v.

Typhoid, fever, visions, eyes, when closing : Calc., Ars., Carb-v., Samb.

EYES :[GENERALITIES] : Anxiety (physical), pains, from, the, eyes in : Acon., Spig.

Closing, eyes, ailments, on : Ther.

Standing, agg. eyes, closed, with : Arg-n., Calad., Iodof., Lath.

Walk, agg. closed, eyes, with : Alum., Arg-n,. Calad., Iodof., Zinc.

Walk, amel. by walking, closed eyes, with : Con.

Weakness, resting, head, on, something and closing eyes amel.: Anac.

EYES :[GLANDS] : Thyroid, gland, goitre, light, hair, persons, blue eyes, fair skin : Brom.

EYES :[HEAD] : Air, or, wind, sensation, in above the eyes, a current of : Bor.

Boils, boils, forehead, above, the eyes : Calc-s., Nat-m.

Constriction, tension, closing, eyes, amel.: Chel., Sulph.

Constriction, tension, extending, to, eyes and nose : Nit-ac.

Constriction, tension, thread, were, stretched from nape to eyes, as if : Lach.

Constriction, tension, constriction, forehead, band, as from closing eyes amel.: Chel.

Constriction, tension, constriction, forehead, eyes, over the : Card-m., Glon., Puls., Aeth., Anag., Apis., Ars., Asaf., Bell., Bor., Bry., Chel., Colch., Dulc., Euphr., Iod., Ip., Meny., Merl., Nux-m., Plat., Sang., Sil., Sul-i.

Constriction, tension, constriction, forehead, eyes, over the left : Bor.

Constriction, tension, constriction, forehead, eyes, over the looking intently : Puls.

Constriction, tension, constriction, forehead, eyes, over the right : Nat-c.

Constriction, tension, constriction, forehead, eyes, over the touch amel.: Meny.

Falling, sensation, forehead, in, as if everything would fall out moving the eyes, on : Puls. Fullness, sensation, fullness, forehead, closing eyes amel.: Bry.

Fullness, sensation, fullness, forehead, eyes, over : Hydr., Lil-t., Nat-p., Ox-ac.

Fullness, sensation, fullness, forehead, eyes, over with vertigo : Podo.

Heaviness, sensation, eyestrain, from : Mur-ac.

Heaviness, sensation, motion, from, eyes of, on : Rhus-t., Bry., Chin., Nux-v.

Opening, and, shutting, sensation, moving head or turning eyes, on : Cimic.

Pulsating, sensation, closing, eyes agg.: Sep.

Pulsating, sensation, eyes, behind : Hydrog.

Pulsating, sensation, lies, senseless, with closed eyes : Arg-n.

Pulsating, sensation, turning, around agg. eyes agg.: Sep.

Pulsating, sensation, pulsating, forehead, eyes, over : Bell., Gels., Kali-bi., Lac-c.., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-m., Sep., Glon., Gymn., Ign., Lyss., Spig., Stram., Ther., Vib.

Pulsating, sensation, pulsating, forehead, eyes, over arteries : Caust.

Pulsating, vertex, motion, on, of the eyes : Cocc.

EYES :[HEADACHE] : Air, cold, moving, the, eyes : Bad., Chin., Coloc., Sulph.

Air, cold, turning, eyes, out : Raph.

Air, cold, turning, eyes, out eyes up : Puls.

Blindness, heaviness, eyes, and, lids, of : Bell., Gels.

Boring, closing, eyes, amel.:


Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over : BELL., Ars., Agar., Arg-n., Asaf., Aster., Aur-m-n., Calc-caust., Cimic., Colch., Cupr-ar., Dulc., Ip., Laur., Led., Lyc., Mag-s., Ol-an., Sep., Spig., Sulph.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over afternoon : Sang.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over closing eyes amel.: Ip.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over cold air, in : Sep.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over evening in bed : Mag-s.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over forenoon, 10 a.m.: Cimic.

Boring, boring, forehead eyes, over forenoon, 11 a.m.: Spig.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over left : Arg-n., Cimic., Cupr-ar., Kali-c., Lyc., Nux-m., Spig.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over morning : Sulph.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over, pressure, amel.: Ip.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over, pressure, amel. right : Aur., Colch., Sulph.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over, pressure, amel. thunderstorm, in : Sep.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over, pressure, amel. walking amel.: Ars.

Boring, boring, forehead, eyes, over, pressure, amel. walking, while : Aur-m-n.

Boring, boring, temples, closing, eyes amel.:


Burning, burning, forehead, extending, to eyes : Spig.

Burning, burning, forehead, eyes, over : ARS., Acon., Agar., Chel., Coloc., Dig., Dros., Meny., Merc., Nux-m., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph.

Burning, burning, forehead, eyes, over afternoon : Sulph.

Burning, burning, forehead, eyes, over evening : Chel.

Burning, burning, forehead, eyes, over night : ARS.

Burrowing, pain, extending, to, cheeks eyes : Calc.

Burrowing, pain, burrowing, forehead, eyes, over : Dulc., Kali-c., Plat.

Burrowing, pain, burrowing, forehead, eyes, over walking, while : Plat.

Bursting, closing, eyes, on : Chin.

Bursting, morning, first, opening, the eyes on : Bry.

Bursting, motion, from, of, the eyes : Puls., Chin., Ptel.

Bursting, opening, eyes, amel.: Chin.

Bursting, bursting, forehead, eyes, over : Crot-c., Kali-bi., Mag-m., Nit-ac.

Clamped, together, close, eyes, compelled to : Agar., Bell., Carb-v., Sil., Aloe., Arn., Calc., Chin-s., Euph., Mez., Nat-m.

Closed, eyes, as, if, something : Cocc., Sulph.

Closing, eyes, on :

ALL-C., Chin., Sil., Ther., Aloe., Alumn., Ant-t., Apis., Ars., Ferr., Ferr-p., Grat., Hep., Ip., Lac-c., Lach., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac., Sabin., Thuj.

Closing, eyes, on, amel.: BELL., NAT-S., SIL., Acon., Agar., Bry., Calc., Carb-v., Chel., Chin., Cocc., Hell., Ign., Lac-d., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sep., Spig., Sulph.

Closing, eyes, on, amel. partially : Aloe., Oreo.

Cramping, pain, cramping, forehead, extending to, eyes : Nat-c.

Cramping, pain, cramping, forehead, extending to, eyes lower jaw : Bell.

Cramping, pain, cramping, forehead, extending to, eyes nose : Nat-c.

Cramping, pain, cramping, forehead, extending to, eyes vertex : Calc.

Cutting, closing, eyes, amel.: Til.

Cutting, motion, agg. of, eyes : Dros.

Cutting, cutting, forehead, eyes, above : Hydr., Hydrog.

Cutting, cutting, forehead, eyes, above right : Chel., Bism., Nat-ar.

Cutting, cutting, occiput, extending, to eyes : Chin.

Cutting, cutting, occiput, extending, to eyes to forehead : Arg-n., Camph.

Cutting, cutting, temples, extending, to eyes : Berb., Chin.

Cutting, cutting, temples, extending, to eyes to eyes, jaw : Glon.

Cutting, cutting, temples, extending, to eyes to eyes, temple to temple : BELL., Chin., Sulph.

Dark, spots, before, eyes, with : Aspar.

Drawing, closing, eyes : Sabad.

Drawing, closing, eyes, amel.: Til.

Drawing, extending, to, ears, eyes : NIT-AC.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, extending, to eyes : Kali-c., Agar., Cann-i., Glon., Hep., Lil-t.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above : Agar., Cann-i., Chel., Ign., Puls.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above blowing nose agg.: Mag-c.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above extending upwards : Staph.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above feel as if projecting with sensation as if a thread were tightly drawn through eyeball and backward into middle of brain, sight weak : PAR.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above left : Chel., Mag-c., Nat-m., Thuj., Spig.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above mental exertion : Calc.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, eyes, above right : Aur., Carb-v., Dulc., Ign., Lyss.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, opening, eyes agg.: Ars.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, raising, the eyes : Puls.

Drawing, drawing, forehead, turning, eyes to side : Dig.

Drawing, drawing, temples, closing, eyes : Sabin.

Drawing, drawing, vertex, extending, to eyes : Nux-m.

Drawing, drawing, vertex, extending, to eyes forehead : Led.

Drawing, drawing, vertex, extending, to eyes neck : Chel.

Drawing, drawing, vertex, extending, to eyes nose while eating : Dulc.

Drawing, drawing, vertex, extending, to eyes temple : Bor., Chel.

Dull, pain, move, must, and close eyes : Agar.

Extending, to, eyes : NIT-AC., PULS., SULPH., Arg-n., Calc., Crot-h., Kali-c., Lach., Lyss., Seneg., Spig., Asaf., Brom., Caust., Croc., Ign., Kali-s., Mag-m., Merc., Nat-m., Nicc., Rhus-t.

Extending, to, eyes, left : Ign.

Eyes, as, would, be, forced out : Ruta.

Eyes, as, would, be, forced out as if would fall out : Sep.

Eyestrain, headache, from : KALI-C., LYC., NAT-M., PH-AC., RHOD., RUTA., SIL., Agar., Aur., Bor., Cact., Calc., Carb-v., Caust., Cimic., Cina., Ham., Nat-c., Nat-p., Onos., Phos., Rhus-t., Spong., Tub.

Forehead, headache, general, closed, eyes forcibly : Cocc.

Forehead, headache, general, closing, eyes amel.: BELL., Agar., Bry., Aloe., Calc., Nat-m.

Forehead, headache, general, exertion, mental agg eyes : Bad., Crot-h., Kali-c., Phos., Spig.

Forehead, headache, general, eyes, above : CEDR., KALI-C., LAC-C., LACH., NUX-V., PULS., SIL., SPIG., Apis., Arg-n., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Calc-p., Chel., Chin., Chin-s., Gels., Glon., Hep., Hydrog., Iris., Kali-bi., Kali-s., Lac-d., Lyc., Meph., Nat-m., Nat-p., Petr., Phos., Phys., Phyt., Psor., Sang., Sanic., Sel., Seneg., Sep., Sol-n., Stann., Valer., Zinc.

Forehead, headaches, general, afternoon, close the eyes compels him to : Bell.

Forehead, headaches, general, afternoon, extending outward eyes : Con., Lil-t.

Forehead, headaches, general, eyes, behind : Bell., Fl-ac., Hydrog., Podo., Sel., Ther.

Forehead, headaches, general, eyes, behind warmth eyes between : CUPR., Hep., Ictod., Kali-bi., Lach., Lyc., Phos.

Forehead, headaches, general, eyes, extending to upper jaw : Fl-ac.

Forehead, headaches, general, eyes, using agg.: Nat-m., Plat., Ruta.

Forehead, headaches, general, frontal, eminence extending to ears eyes : Calc-acet., Thuj.

Forehead, headaches, general, motion, on eyes of the : BRY., Bad., Hep., Pic-ac., Bapt., Bell., Chel., Chin-s., Cimic., Dros., Gels., Ign., Jug-r., Kali-c., Mur-ac., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Spig., Valer.

Forehead, headaches, general, turning, eyes upward : Lac-c.

Hold, must, head, and, eyes down must : Apis.

Jerking, pain, raising, the, eyes : Ign.

Lancinating, pain, moving, eyes : Dros.

Morning, headaches, waking, and, on opening the eyes on first : NUX-V., Bry., Nat-m., Bov., Graph., Ign., Kalm., Onos., Stry., Tab.

Morning, headaches, waking, and, on opening, the eyes on first preceded by disagreeable dreams : Murx.

Morning, headache, waking, and, on opening the eyes on first until 10 a.m.: Arn.

Motion, agg, eyes, of, agg.: BELL., BRY., NUX-V., Caps., Chin., Colch., Coloc., Hep., Nat-m., Op., Sep., Sil., Spig.

Occiput, closing, eyes : Calc., Lach., Stram., Ip., Op.

Occiput, closing, eyes, amel.: Hell., Sep.

Occiput, drawing, the, eyes, together : Nat-m.

Occiput, extending, to, eyes : LACH., SPIG., Glon., Petr., Sep., Sil., Verat., Atro., Chin., Ery-a., Gels., Nat-s., Pic-ac., Sang., Sanic., Sars., Stry., Zinc.

Occiput, menses, during, contracting, the eyes during : Carb-v.

Occiput, turning, eyes, agg, upward : LAC-C.

Occiput, turning, eyes, agg, upward eyes agg.: Sep.

Occiput, turning, eyes, agg, upward head : Carb-v., Op., Mang.

Pinching, pain, pinching, forehead, above eyes : Ars.

Pressing, closing, eyes, amel.: Chel.

Pressing, extending, to, eyes : Sil.

Pressing, extending, to, eyes, forehead left : Ph-ac.

Pressing, extending, to, eyes, neck nape of : Kali-c., Lyc.

Pressing, eyes, from, using : Gent-c., Helon.

Pressing, forehead, band, as, from closing eyes amel.: Chel.

Pressing, forehead, close, the, eyes compelled to : BELL., Nat-m., Calc., Carb-v., Nux-v., Plat.

Pressing, forehead, closing, eyes, amel.: Chel., Nat-m.

Pressing, forehead, exercise, after, eyes : Chel., Phos., Asar., Bell., Carbn-s., Carb-v., Caust., Ign., Kali-bi., Kali-c., Kali-n., Laur., Mur-ac., Nux-m., Op., Samb.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over : ALOE., BRY., NAT-M., PULS., Acon., Anac., Bell., Bism., Calc-p., Carb-v., Card-m., Chel., Crot-h., Glon., Ign., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Nat-p., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phos., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph., Valer.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, afternoon : Acon., Cann-i., Carb-v., Ph-ac., Sulph.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, air in open : Staph.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, close, the, eyes compelled to : Nux-v.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, closing the eyes amel.: Ip.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, daytime : Sep.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, dinner after : Phos.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, evening : Camph., Iod.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, extending to eyes into : Con.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, extending to nose to : Bov.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, extending to outward : Sec.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, eyes would be forced out as if :

Cocc., Gymn., Ign., Lachn., Nat-m., Phos., Sabin., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Tarent.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, left : Acon., Nux-v., Sep., Ther., Thuj., Arg-m., Bry., Camph., Cupr., Mur-ac., Phos. Sulph., Verb.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, left extending to right : Thuj.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, light by : Sep.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, margin of orbits to temples from : Cann-s.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, menses during : Lac-c.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, menses during before : Sep.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, morning : Alumn., Kali-n., Lach., Mag-c., Petr., Sulph.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, morning waking on : Alumn.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, motion agg.: BRY., Sep.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, opening eyes agg.: Sil.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, outward : Ang., Bell., Ip., Kali-c., Lyc., Phos.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, pressing down upon the eyes :

Hep., Phos., Arg-m., Bell., Hell., Plat., Sabin., Spig., Zinc.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, pressive pain above left eye, followed by a dull, pressive pain in occipital protuberances, thence spreading over whole body, on quick motion and after eating, pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation in head : Bry.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, pressure amel.: Apis., Ip.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, pressure so severe when rising could only half open eyes could not : Stram.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, raising eyebrow agg.: Nat-m.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, right : Chel., Ign., Sang., Am-m., Ant-c., Caust., Con., Dulc., Nat-m., Plat., Rhus-t., Sil., Spig., Spong., Staph., Thuj., Urt-u., Zinc.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, right upward and inward : Bism.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, stooping agg.: Merc-c., Spong., Teucr.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, stunning : Plat.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, walking after : Con.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, walking in open air : Sep.

Pressing, forehead, eyes, over, wavelike : Plat.

Pressing, forehead, frontal, eminence, close the eyes compelled to : Calc.

Pressing, forehead, motion, on, eyes, of : Chel., Puls., Dulc., Ph-ac.

Pressing, forehead, opening, the, eyes : Ars., Ph-ac.

Pressing, forehead, opening, the, eyes opening the eyes hindering : Bell.

Pressing, forehead, outward, brain, would come out as though eyes would spring out as if : Kali-n.

Pressing, motion, on, eyes, of : Bell., Chel., Puls., Hep.

Pressing, occiput, closing, eyes, agg.: Ip.

Pressing, occiput, extending, to, eyes : Carb-v.

Pressing, opening, eyes, after, sleep : Rhus-t.

Pressing, raising, eyes : Bry.

Pressing, sides, extending, to, eyes : Lyss.

Pressing, sides, turning, eyes, to painful side agg.: Con.

Pressing, turning, eyes, sideways : Sil.

Pressing, turning, eyes, sideways, toward affected side : Con.

Pressing, temples, closing, eyes, amel.: Ip.

Pressing, temples, extending, to, brain, eyes above : Alum.

Pressing, temples, extending, to, brain eyes : Anac.

Pressing, temples, eyes, in, as from strabismus : Podo.

Pressing, vertex, draw, eyes, together must :


Pulsating, pain, menses, after, with sore eyes : Nat-m.

Sharp, pain, extending, to, eyes to : SULPH., Calc., Kali-c., Lach., Spig.

Sharp, pain, extending, to, eyes out of : Sep., Sil.

Sharp, pain, moving, arms, eyes on : Caps., Hyper., Kali-c.

Sharp, pain, forehead, behind, eyes : Phos.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over : CHEL., KALI-I., Bov., Cedr., Ferr., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Spig.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over blowing nose : Mag-c.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over coughing : Hyos.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over dinner : Arn., Am-c., Bor.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over eating after : Am-c.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over evening : Hep., Inul., Kali-bi., Pip-m.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over left : KALI-I., SEL., Lac-f., Sep., Caust., Mag-c., Ph-ac., Ptel., Thuj., Zinc.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over left extending to right : Thuj.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over morning : Alum., Nit-ac., Sep.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over night : Lyc.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over night a.m.: Pip-m.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over right : Bov., Cur., Lyc., Mag-p., Anac., Carb-v., Mang., Tarent.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over stooping : Ip.

Sharp, pain, forehead, eyes, over walking in open air amel.: Phos., Sep.

Sharp, pain, forehead, moving, eyes : Dros.

Sharp, pain, forehead, raising, head amel raising the eyes : Arn.

Sharp, pain, forehead, sides, opening eyes : Sil.

Sharp, pain, sides, exerting, arms eyes and : Hyper.

Sharp, pain, temples, extending, to eyes to : Ant-c., Berb., Graph., Lec., Ph-ac.

Shooting, pain, turning, eyes, up : Arum-t.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes : CEDR., Acon., Kali-bi., Prun., Sep., Agar., Am-c., Ant-c., Berb., Bov., Bry., Caust., Kali-p., Lyss., Nat-ar., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Ph-ac., Sulph., Zinc.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes 4 p.m.: Sol-n.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes 4 p.m. extending occiput to : PRUN., Sol-n.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes afternoon : Sulph.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes left : CEDR., Acon., Sep., Agar, Nat-ar., Pip-m., Sulph.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes left 3 p.m.: Pip-m.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes left extending occiput to : SEP.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes left extending vertex to :


Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes morning on waking : Agar.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes outward : Bar-acet., Bell., Con., Ferr., Glon., Gran., Lyc., Ph-ac., Puls., Senec., Sep., Sulph., Verb.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes, pressure amel.: Kali-p.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes right : PRUN., Bry., Nat-ar.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes rubbing amel.: Kali-p.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes upward : Ph-ac., Scut.

Shooting, pain, shooting, forehead, over eyes violent shooting pains from root of nose along left orbital arch to external angel of eye, with dim sight, begins in morning, increases till noon, and ceases toward evening : Kali-bi.

Shooting, pain, shooting, occiput, turning eyes upward : Arum-t.

Sides, of, head, general, turning eye outward eyes to affected side : Con.

Sore, pain, bruised, closing, eyes amel.: Chin., Plan., Sil.

Sore, pain, bruised, turning, eyes : Cupr., Hep., Mur-ac.

Sore, pain, bruised, sore, forehead eyes above : Kali-c., Sil., Cann-i., Choc., Gels., Plan., Plat.

Sore, pain, bruised, sore, forehead eyes above opening eyes agg.:


Sore, pain, bruised, sore, forehead moving eyes : Hep.

Sore, pain, bruised, sore, sides, extending to ears eyes : Crot-h.

Sore, pain, bruised, sore, sides, turning eyes toward painful side : Con.

Stunning, pain, stupefying, stunning, forehead eyes over : Ars., Euon., Stann.

Stunning, pain, stupefying, stunning, forehead eyes over right : Ars.

Tearing, pain, moving, eyes, agg.: Mur-ac., Bry., Dros.

Tearing, pain, moving, eyes, agg head agg.: Coloc.

Tearing, pain, moving, eyes, agg upper eyelids : Coloc.

Tearing, pain, forehead, extending, to eyes : Kali-c., Mur-ac., Nat-c., Nat-m., Samb., Spig.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, behind : Bism., Squil.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over : Ars., Chin., Agar., Agn., Aur., Aur-m., Calc., Chel., Ferr-i., Iod., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Kali-i., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Mag-p., Mang., Merc., Mez., Phos., Sang., Sep., Sil.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over afternoon : Sang., Sep.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over air open amel.: Aur-m., Merc.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over evening : Agn.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over intermitting : Ars.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over left : Iod., Merc-c., Aeth., Arg-m., Laur., Merc., Stann., Verb., Zinc.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over morning : Chin., Lyc.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over motion agg.: Agn.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over night : Lyc.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over opening eyes on : Euph.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over pressing the eye when : Arg-m., Lyc.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over pressure amel.: Anac.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over right : CARB-AC., Agn., Anac., Bism., Mag-p., Mang.

Tearing, pain, forehead, eyes, over walking about amel.: Ars.

Tearing, pain, forehead, frontal, eminence left under extending to eyes : SPIG.

Tearing, pain, temples, raising, eyes on : Puls.

Throbbing, closing, eyes, agg.: Sep.

Throbbing, eyes, behind : Hydrog.

Throbbing, lies, senseless, with, closed eyes : Arg-n.

Throbbing, turning, around, agg, eyes agg.: Sep.

Throbbing, forehead, eyes, over : Bell., Gels., Kali-bi., Lac-c., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-m., Sep., Glon., Gymn., Ign., Lyss., Ptel., Spig., Stram., Ther., Vib.

Throbbing, forehead, eyes, over, arteries :


Throbbing, vertex, motion, on, of the eyes : Cocc.

Torn, pain, as, if, moving the eyes : Rhus-t.

Torn, pain, as, if, moving the eyes agg or sitting up in bed amel moderate exercise : Mur-ac.

Vertex, headaches, extending, to, eyes : Ign., Nux-m.

Vertex, headaches, motion, on, eyes of : Sep.

Wandering, pains, mist, before, eyes, then fleeting pains, agg at occipital protuberance down neck and : Podo.

EYES :[HEARING] : Noises, closing, eyes : Chel.

Noises, covering, eyes, with, hands amel.: Spig.

Noises, ringing, closing, eyes : Chel.

Noises, ringing, eyes, after, using, right, in : Puls.

Noises, ringing, forehead, with, pain in, and eyes : Cact. Noises, roaring, holding, hand, over eyes, amel.: Spig.

Noises, singing, closing, eyes, on : Chel.

EYES :[HEART] : Eyes, amblyopia, with, heart, affections : Lach.

Eyes, amblyopia, with, heart, affections protrusion of, in morbus basedowii : Lycps.

Heartbeats, hard, followed, by, faintness, with darkening before eyes : Manc.

Heartbeats, tumultuous, eyes, with, protrusion of : Lycps.

Palpitations, morning, waking, on, must lie still with closed eyes : Carb-an.

Palpitations, opening, eyes, on : Carb-an.

EYES :[INTESTINES] : Worms, parasites, general, nerves, and eyes, complaints : Art-v., Cina.

EYES :[KIDNEYS] : Bright's, disease, eyes, amaurosis, with : Apis., Ars., Gels., Hep., Merc-c., Cann-i., Colch., Kalm., Ph-ac., Plb.

Bright's, disease, eyes, amaurosis, with amblyopia, with : Phos., Ant-t.

EYES :[LEGS] : Paralysis, legs, jerking, of, eyes, with : Alum-m., Arg-n.

EYES :[LIVER] : Eyes, liver, derangement, causes, obscuration of vision : Sep.

EYES :[MIND] : Abusive, scolds, until, the, lips are blue and eyes stare and she falls down fainting : Mosch.

Anxiety, closing, eyes, on : CARB-V., Mag-c-., Psor., Calc., Carb-an.

Anxiety, confusedness, before, eyes, after :


Anxiety, evening, bed, in, closing the eyes, on : Mag-m.

Anxiety, exertion, of, eyes, from : Sep., Ruta.

Anxiety, pains, from, the, eyes, in : Acon., Spig.

Closing, eyes, amel. mental, symptoms : Zinc.

Company, avoids, the, sight, of people and lies with closed eyes : Sep.

Company, desires, solitude, to, indulge her fancy lie with closed eyes : Sep.

Concentration, difficult, attempting, to, concentrate it becomes dark before the eyes, on : Arg-n.

Confusion, closing eyes, on : Atro.

Confusion, dimness, of, eyes, with : Til.

Crying, desire, to, cry, but eyes are dry : Camph., Nat-m.

Delirium, closing, the, eyes, on : Bell., Bry., Lach., Bapt., Calc., Graph., Led., Pyrog., Sulph.

Delirium, nonsense, with, eyes, open : VERAT., Canth., Hyos., Stram., Ars., Anac., Bapt., Cham., Coll., Coloc., Crot-h., Op., Tarent.

Depression (sadness), eyes, closed, with : Arg-n.

Dullness, closing, eyes, on : Zinc.

Dullness, closing, eyes, on, amel.: Kali-c.

Eyes, closing, agg.: Kali-c.

Eyes, closing, agg. amel.: Kali-c., Zinc.

Eyes, evades, look, of, other persons : Stram., Ant-c., Lyc., Sil.

Eyes, evades, look, of, other persons walks with downcast : Cham.

Fantasies, exaltation, of, closing, the eyes in bed : Calc., Graph., Sulph., Bell., Camph., Led., Lyc., Sep.

Fear, closing, eyes, on : Caust., Carb-an., Aeth.

Fear, sleep, close, the, eyes lest he should never wake : Aeth., Ang., Hypoth.

Fear, suffocation, of, closing, eyes : Carb-an.

Frightened, eyes, on, closing : Calc., Op.

Ideas, abundant, closing, the, eyes : Led., Spong.

Indifference, lies, with, eyes, closed : Sep., Arg-n., Cocc., Ph-ac.

Insanity, staring, of, eyes : Bell., Camph., Croto-t., Stram.

Mania, wild, wild, look, in eyes : STRAM., Cupr-s.

Quarrelsome, staring, of, eyes, heat of face, bluish lips, dry mouth, with : Mosch.

Restlessness, eyes, on, closing, at night, agg.: MAG-M., Sep.

Restlessness, midnight, at, closing, eyes agg. on : MAG-M., Sep. Thoughts, intrude, and, crowd, around each other closing eyes, on :


Thoughts, vagueness, of, closing, eyes, on : Ther.

Trance, state, playing, on, piano with closed eyes, writes letters in an acquired language : Camph.

EYES :[MOUTH] : Pain, mouth, pain, palate, in eyes and root of nose, to : Phos.

EYES :[NERVES] : Epilepsy, epilepsy, attack, of, during eyes turned upwards to right : Hydr-ac.

Epilepsy, epilepsy, attack, of, during eyes turned upwards to right downwards : Aeth.

Epilepsy, epilepsy, attack, of, during winking of eyes : Kali-bi.

Epilepsy, epilepsy, aura, of, eyes, sparks before : Hyos.

Epilepsy, epilepsy, aura, of, eyes, sparks before turned upwards to left : Bufo.

Fainting, faintness, eyes, closing, agg.: Ant-t.

Weak, nerves, sex, after, especially eyes : Kali-c.

EYES :[NOSE] : Discharge, excoriating, bland, discharge, from eyes, with : ALL-C.

Discharge, watery, sudden, copious, from eyes, nose and mouth : FL-AC.

Drawing, pain, extending, to, eyes :


Pain, extending, to, eyes : HEP., Lyc.

Sneezing, general, eyes, opening : Sang., Am-c.

Sneezing, general, eyes, opening, closed : Gamb.

Sneezing, general, opening, eyes : Graph., Am-c., Sang.

EYES :[PERSPIRATION] : Closing, the, eyes, on : CON., Bry., Lach., Calc., Carb-an., Thuj.

Daytime, closing, the, eyes, when : CON. Sleep, during, eyes, even, when closing the : CON., Carb-an.

EYES :[PREGNANCY] : Childbirth, general, eyes, glittering : Coff.

Childbirth, general, eyes, glittering, extreme sensibility to light : Con.

Confinement, puerperal, convulsions, eyes, immovable, open : Cocc.

Confinement, puerperal, convulsions, muscles, action of, of face, eyes, etc.: Chin-s.

Confinement, puerperal, convulsions, muscles, action of, of face, eyes, etc. rigid, and distorted feat : Op.

Confinement, puerperal, eyes, iritis, from loss of blood : Cinch.

Confinement, puerperal, eyes, iritis, from loss of blood sensitive to light, six weeks after, hydrogen : Nat-s.

Confinement, puerperal, eyes, iritis, from loss of blood sudden blindness : Aur-m.

Eyes, dim : Puls.

Eyes, dim, diplopia, and, dim vision : Gels.

Eyes, dim, hemeralopia : Ran-b.

Eyes, dim, mist, before : Calc.

Eyes, dim, nephritic, retinitis : Merc-c.

Eyes, dim, retinitis, albuminurica : Kalm.

Eyes, dim, sunken, after, night watching and mental disturbance : Puls.

Eyes, dim, spots, yellow : Am-c.

Miscarriage, ailments, eyes, weak : KALI-C.

EYES :[SLEEP] : Comatose, sleep, eyes, one, eye open : Verat.

Comatose, sleep, eyes, one, eye open, with : Caps., Coloc., Samb.

Comatose, sleep, eyes, one, eye open opening difficult : Aeth., Cham., Cocc., M-arct.

Disturbed, sleep, ciphers, before, eyes : Ph-ac., Sulph.

Disturbed, sleep, visions, by, closing the eyes, on : Calc., Graph., Sulph., Thuj., Apis., Bell., Camph., Lach., Led., Lyc., Spong.

Dozing, eyes, are, closed, as soon as : Adon.

Insomnia, evening, bed, after, going to closing eyes, and : Mag-m.

Insomnia, eyes, closed, eyes, with : Staph.

Insomnia, eyes, closed, eyes, with inability to open, with : Carb-v.

Insomnia, eyes, closed, eyes, with will not close eyes : Phos.

Insomnia, open, the, eyes, with inability to : Carb-v.

Insomnia, pains, from, eyes : Carb-v., Rheum.

Insomnia, visions, from, closing, eyes, on : Led., Thuj

Sleepiness, eyes, closed : Acon.

Sleepiness, eyes, half-closed : Bry., Kreos.

Sleepiness, eyes, heat, with, the sensation of : Plat.

Sleepiness, eyes, opening, difficult : Con., Lach., Phel., Sabad., Staph.

EYES :[STOMACH] : Heat, and, flushes, in, extending to, eyes : Stram.

Nausea, general, anxiety, with, exerting eyes, on : SEP.

Nausea, general, closing, the, eyes : Lach., Ther., Sabad. Nausea, general, closing, the, eyes closing, amel.:


Nausea, general, eyes, symptoms, with : Kalm., Calc., Laur., Manc., Nat-m., Nat-s., Puls., Raph.

Nausea, general, eyes, symptoms, with closing, from : Ther., Lach., Thuj.

Nausea, general, eyes, symptoms, with exertion, after, vision, of : Sars., Sep., Ther., Con.

Nausea, general, eyes, symptoms, with using, the : Ther., Con., Graph., Jab., Piloc., Puls., Sep.

Nausea, general, motion, on, eyes, of agg.: Sep., Bry., Con., Graph., Jab., Puls.

Nausea, general, opening, eyes, after : Ther.

Nausea, general, opening, eyes, after siesta, after : Arn.

Nausea, general, seasickness, with, closing eyes, agg.: Ther.

Nausea, general, seasickness, with, closing eyes, agg. amel.: Cocc.

Vomiting, general, closing, eyes, on : Ther.

Vomiting, general, closing, eyes, on amel.: Tab.

Vomiting, general, water, from, sight of must close eyes while bathing : Lyss., Phos.

EYES :[TEETH] : Drawing, pain, teeth, extending, to eyes : Chel., Kali-c., Nat-m.

Pain, teeth, toothaches, extending, to eyes : CAUST., Calc-p., Mag-c., Bar-c., Bell., Calc., Cham., Chel., Chim., Clem., Con., Hydrog., Hyos., Kali-c., Kreos., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nicc., Nux-v., Puls., Rob., Sel., Spig., Staph., Sulph., Tarax.

Pain, teeth, toothaches, extending, to eyes on going into cold air : Camph.

Sharp, pain, teeth, extending, to eyes : Bov., Calc., Camph., Nat-m., Samb., Sulph.

EYES :[THROAT] : Inflammation, throat, alternating, with, sore, eyes : Par.

Pain, throat, alternating, with, sore eyes : Par.

Pain, throat, extending, to, eyes : Merc-c., Tarent.

EYES :[TOXICITY] : Tobacco, eyes, weak, sighted, after smoking : Asc-t.

Tobacco, eyes, weak, sighted, after smoking pressure in eyes, after smoking : Calad.

EYES :[VERTIGO] : Closed, eyes, cannot, walk, with : Alum., Arg-n., Ars., Stram., Thuj.

Closing, eyes, on : ARN., CHEL., LACH., Alumn., Ant-t., Apis., Arg-n., Ars., Hep., Ph-ac., Pip-m., Sil., Stram., Thuj.

Closing, eyes, on, amel.: Con., Gels., Pip-m., Alum., Dig., Ferr., Graph., Phel., Sel., Sulph., Tab., Verat-v.

Closing, eyes, on amel. lying, while : Lac-d.

Closing, eyes, on, focus, when out of : Alum.

Closing, eyes, on, nausea, with : Lach., Ther.

Closing, eyes, on, opening, or : Alum.

Closing, eyes, on, sitting, while : Thuj.

Looking, general, eyes, turned, with : SPIG.

Lying, while, opening, eyes : Lac-d.

Motion, from, eyes, of : Con., Bell., Chel., Cocc., Mur-ac., Petr., Plat., Puls., Spig.

Nausea, with, closing, eyes, on : Lach., Ther.

Rubbing, the, eyes, amel.: Alum.

Staggering, with, eyes, closed, with, or in the dark when walking : Alum., Arg-n., Gels., Stram., Apis., Carbn-s., Iodof., Zinc.

Stars, white, before, eyes : Alum., Ant-t.

Wiping, eyes, amel.: Alum.

EYES :[VISION] : Amblyopia, eyes, from, overexertion, of : RUTA.

Amblyopia, eyes, from overexertion, of hysterical, from onanism or ciliary neuralgia : Ign.

Amblyopia, sewing, overuse, of, eyes, from : Crot-h. Asthenopia, motes, with, black, before eyes : Lith.

Asthenopia, muscular, general, weakness, spinal irritation and overuse of eyes, or reflex irritation from uterus : NAT-M.

Asthenopia, muscular, inability, to, keep eyes fixed on reading : Agar.

Black, figures, floating, before, eyes : Cocc.

Black, spots, eyes, are, closed, when : Con., Elaps.

Blindness, fixing, eyes : Nat-m., Ant-t., Euphr., Kali-bi., Mag-c., Nit-ac., Spig.

Blindness, head, on, turning, pain in head and eyes, after : Con.

Blindness, hemeralopia, menstrual, disturbances, with, as if eyes were tightly bound : Puls.

Blindness, hemeralopia, swelling, of, eyes, with : Petros.

Blindness, hepatitis, in, eyes, open, but cannot see : Bell.

Blindness, light, by, eyes, does not affect : Cocc.

Blindness, sudden, violent, pain, in occiput to eyes, with : Chin.

Blindness, transient, pain, from, occiput over head to forehead and eyes, with : Petr.

Blue, closed, when, eyes, are : Thuj.

Blurred, vision, aching, in, and over eyes, after using eyes and straining them at fine work, with : RUTA.

Blurred, vision, closing, eyes, amel.: Calc-f.

Blurred, vision, heat, in, lids and eyes, with : Lil-t.

Blurred, vision, holding, eyes, to left for some time, on : Merc-i-f.

Blurred, vision, turning, eyes : Gels.

Blurred, vision, writing, after, with aching, better closing eyes and pressing tightly : Calc-f.

Circles, objects, move, in, a circle on closing eyes : Hep.

Clearer, rubbing, after, eyes : Cina. Darkness, before, eyes : Psor., Eug., Puls.

Darkness, before, eyes, attempting, to fix thoughts, on : Arg-n. Darkness, before, eyes, attempting, to fix thoughts, on to rise, in paralysis of bladder, on : Cic.

Darkness, before, eyes, complained, of, wanted a light : Stram.

Darkness, before, eyes, could, not read or see thread when spinning : Stram.

Darkness, before, eyes, evening, with aching pains and slight epistaxis : Ferr.

Darkness, before, eyes, faintness, with, following pressing in cardiac region and hard heart-beats : Manc.

Darkness, before, eyes, giddy : Ferr.

Darkness, before, eyes, heaviness, of head, with : Phos.

Darkness, before, eyes, looking, sideways, when : Olnd.

Darkness, before, eyes, menses, during : Graph., Cycl.

Darkness, before, eyes, morning, on rising from bed : Puls., Com.

Darkness, before, eyes, vertigo, with : Op., Dulc., Ox-ac.

Darkness, before, eyes, vertigo, with hemiplegia, in : Elaps.

Darkness, before, eyes, vertigo, with menses, before : Puls.

Darkness, before, eyes, vertigo, with stooping, on : Calc.

Darkness, before, eyes, waking, on : Dulc.

Darkness, before, eyes, warm, room agg. before menses : Puls.

Dazzling, vision, spot, before, eyes : Chel.

Dim, dilatation, of, pupils, holding hand before eyes amel. with : Ph-ac.

Dim, exertion, of, eyes, after : Calc., Nat-m., Petr., Mang., Nit-ac.

Dim, exertion, of, eyes, after on fine work : RUTA., Calc., Nat-m., Agar.

Dim, eyes, with, inflammation, of : Mag-c. Dim, floating, as, if, something were, before eyes, obliges him to wipe them constantly : Kreos.

Dim, membrane, as, though, were over eyes : Daph., Caust.

Dim, shadow, as, if, a were flitting before eyes : Ruta.

Dim, straining, eyes : RUTA., Calc., Agar.

Dim, thick, it, seems, before eyes : Viol-o.

Dim, white, objects, fixing eyes upon :


Dim, wiping, eyes, amel.: Alum., Cina., Euphr., Lyc., Nat-ar., Nat-c., Puls., Sil., Arg-n., Carl., Croc.

Drops, before, the, eyes : Kali-c.

Double, vision, eyes, using, after : Camph.

Double, vision, left, eye, more affected on holding eyes to : Merc-i-f.

Double, vision, motes, with, black or specks, before eyes worse rising from bed or chair : Verat.

Double, vision, rubbing, eyes, amel.: Carb-an.

Double, vision, turning, eyes, to right on : Dig.

Eyestrain, agg.: ARG-N., CALC., CINA., CROC., KALI-C., LYC., NAT-M., ONOS., RHOD., RUTA., SENEG., SIL., Am-c., Apis., Asaf., Aur., Carb-v., Cic., Graph., Jab., Naja., Nat-c., Nat-p., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., phyt., Rhus-t., Sars., Sep., Spig., Spong.

Eyestrain, back, pain, strain, of, eyes on looking at near objects : Aml-n.

Eyestrain, bones, agg, feeling, as if a were scraped : Par.

Eyestrain, brain, produces, fatigue : PHOS.

Eyestrain, brain, produces, fatigue, agg tense feeling in eyes and skin : Par.

Eyestrain, dread, of : Apis.

Eyestrain, eyesight, causes, weak : RUTA., Carb-v., Bell.

Eyestrain, eyesight, causes, weak, worse from, exerting better in dark : Nux-m.

Eyestrain, headache, from : KALI-C., LYC., NAT-M., PH-AC., RHOD., RUTA., SIL., Agar., Aur., Bor., Cact., Calc., Carb-v., Caust., Cimic., Cina., Ham., Nat-c., Nat-p., Onos., Phos., Rhus-t., Spong., Tub.

Eyestrain, headache, from, intense, over eyes : Sep.

Eyestrain, headache, from, looking, downward : Alum., Kalm., Nat-m., Olnd., Phyt., Spig., Sulph.

Eyestrain, headache, from, looking, downward fixedly at anything : ONOS., Aur., Ign., Nat-m., Puls., Ruta., Spig., Spong.

Eyestrain, headache, from, looking, downward upward : PULS., Calc., Ign., Lac-c., Sulph., Thuj., Acon., Aeth., Arn., Arum-t., Bapt., Bell., Calc-s., Caps., Caust., Coca., Colch., Cupr., Glon., Gran., Graph., Lach., Plat., Plb., Sep., Sil., Stram.

Eyestrain, headache, from, school, children in : Ph-ac., Ruta.

Eyestrain, light, after, excessive, use by insufficient loss of use of left eye vision of right income : Lith.

Eyestrain, needle, eye, worse, from, looking fixedly at an object cannot thread a : Croc.

Eyestrain, pain, as, if, strained : RUTA.

Eyestrain, pain, as, if, strained artificial light using eyes by after : Lith., Cina., Sep.

Eyestrain, pain, as, if, strained nausea with : Jab.

Eyestrain, pain, as, if, strained objects when trying to look at :


Eyestrain, pain, as, if, strained overexertion as from : RUTA., Phys., Meph.

Eyestrain, vertigo, causes : NAT-M., PHOS., Graph., Mag-p., Sil., All-s.

Eyestrain, vertigo, causes, looking, fixedly from : Caust., Kali-c., Lach., Olnd., Tarent.

Farsighted, hypermetropia, overuse, of, eyes in fine work : Arg-n., Sil., Ruta.

Fiery, points, moving, with, the eyes : Am-c., Nat-m.

Fire, a, sea, of, on closing, the eyes : PHOS., Spig.

Flashes, closing, the, eyes, on : Nat-c., Ail., Phos., Sep., Spong., Sulph.

Flickering, vision, closing, eyes, when : Nat-ar., Ther.

Flickering, vision, wiping, eyes, agg.: Seneg.

Foggy, vision, closing, eyes, amel.: Nit-ac.

Foggy, vision, headache, during, mist before the eyes : Podo.

Foggy, vision, motion, during, of, eyes amel.: Nit-ac.

Gauze, as, if, looking, through looking steadily or reading better by wiping eyes when : Cina.

Golden, chain, dangling, before, eyes : Chin.

Gray, covering, before, eyes : Phos.

Hazy, vision, vision, good, for fixed objects, but when put in motion before eyes there is a haze and dull producing vertigo :


Hemiopia, eyestrain, from : Aur.

Indistinct, vision, straining, body, mind or eyes from : Calc.

Indistinct, vision, using, eyes, after : Camph.

Luminous, objects, jumping, covering, eyes : Dig.

Luminous, objects, jumping, covering, eyes dark in : Valer.

Luminous, objects, jumping, covering, eyes surgery after : Zinc.

Nearer, objects, seem, eyes, to : Valer.

Nearsighted, myopia, exerting, the, eyes after : Carb-v.

Net, before, eyes : Carb-an., Chin-s., Anac., Hyos.

Net, before, eyes, swimming : Carb-an.

Obscured, vision, glistening, before, eyes worse from rubbing : Seneg.

Obscured, vision, inflammation, of, eyes with : Mag-c.

Reading, inability, from, weak, eyes : RUTA., Cann-i., Kali-c., Asar., Calc., Gels., Jab., Lac-c., Meny., Nat-m., Onos., Phos.

Reading, inability, eyes, give, out while : NAT-M., Phos.

Reading, inability, eyes, give, out while film, over reading or looking closely : Lac-c.

Reading, inability, pain, in, eyes cannot read much :


Reading, inability, sight, objects, seem to swim before weak must wipe eyes which aggravates : Seneg.

Reading, inability, type, seems, to move could hardly see large when held close to eyes during daylight : Phos.

Red, closing, eyes : Elaps.

Round, objects, rise, before, eyes while lying : Caust.

Sparks, before, the, vision, closing, eyes on : Hydr., Mang.

Spots, before, the, vision, closing eyes on : Hydr.

Triplopia, turning, eyes, to, right : Dig.

Vision, sees, on, closing, eyes : Calc., Spong.

Weak, vision, with, pressure above, goes off after vomiting : Raph.

Weak, vision, eyes, with, pressure above goes of after vomiting worse from excitement and using : Par.

Weak, vision, headache, with, pain, in eyes with : Meph.

Weak, vision, morning, as, if the eyes were strained : Ruta.

Weak, vision, strained, as, if eyes were : Ruta.

Weak, vision, using, eyes, agg.: APIS., NAT-M., RUTA., SENEG., Am-c., Arg-m., Carb-v., Piloc., Phos., Agar., Alum., Caust., Gels., Par., Sulph.

Writing, letters, become, darker, eyes give out : NAT-M., Zinc.

Writing, letters, become, darker, glimmering, glittering before eyes : Aran.
