Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH24. SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change...


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Extract the Facts, Jack!


SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

a. Compare and contrast the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) tactics, including sit-ins, freedom rides, and changing composition.

b. Describe the National Organization of Women and the origins and goals of the modern women’s movement.

c. Analyze the anti-Vietnam War movement.

d. Analyze Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ movement.

Lowndes County, AL – a stronghold of the Ku Klux Klan Population: 81% Black, 19% white.

Voter registration: Blacks 0, whites 2240 (118%)


All of the following were tactics of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) EXCEPT

Sit-ins at lunch counters March from Selma to Montgomery, AL for voting rights

Preaching a sermon of freedom on a cold winter day. From left, John Lewis of SNCC (kneeling),

Hosea Williams of SCLC (kneeling), and Andy Young of

SCLC (standing). Brown Chapel, movement headquarters, is in

the background.

voter registration drive

met with violence in Selma


All of the following were tactics of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) EXCEPT A. organizing sit-ins where segregation was very public B. working for voter registration in the South C. bombing of Sterling Hall at the University of Wisconsin D. working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) used the tactic of sit-ins, worked for voter registration in the South, and worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

a. Compare and contrast the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) tactics, including sit-ins, freedom rides, and changing composition.

b. Describe the National Organization of Women and the origins and goals of the modern women’s movement.

c. Analyze the anti-Vietnam War movement.

d. Analyze Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ movement.


What has been an ongoing goal of the modern women’s movement?


What has been an ongoing goal of the modern women’s movement? A. the possibility of labor union membership for women B. attaining voting rights C. equal pay and opportunity for women D. election of the first woman to CongressAn ongoing goal of the modern women’s movement has been equal pay and opportunity for women.

SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

a. Compare and contrast the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) tactics, including sit-ins, freedom rides, and changing composition.

b. Describe the National Organization of Women and the origins and goals of the modern women’s movement.

c. Analyze the anti-Vietnam War movement.

d. Analyze Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ movement.


What was a turning point in the anti-Vietnam War movement?


What was a turning point in the anti-Vietnam War movement? A. the killing of four student protestors at Kent State B. the election of President Nixon C. the assassination of President Kennedy D. the Democratic National Convention

The killing of four student protestors at Kent State was a turning point in the anti-Vietnam War movement.

SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

a. Compare and contrast the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) tactics, including sit-ins, freedom rides, and changing composition.

b. Describe the National Organization of Women and the origins and goals of the modern women’s movement.

c. Analyze the anti-Vietnam War movement.

d. Analyze Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ movement.


Boycotts of farm produce organized by César Chavez and the United Farm Workers led to


Boycotts of farm produce organized by César Chavez and the United Farm Workers led to A. extended work hours for union members B. higher wages for migrant workers C. abandonment of farmer unions D. federal legislation barring farm boycotts

Boycotts of farm produce organized by César Chavez and the United Farm Workers led to higher wages for migrant workers.

SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

e. Explain Rachel Carson and Silent Spring, Earth Day, the creation of the EPA, and the modern environmentalist movement.

f. Describe the rise of the conservative movement as seen in the presidential candidacy of Barry Goldwater (1964) and the election of Richard M. Nixon (1968).


What sparked the environmentalist movement?


What sparked the environmentalist movement? A. creation of the Environmental Protection Agency B. Earth Day C. publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring D. the efforts of Johnson’s Great Society

The publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring sparked the environmentalist movement.

“Pesticides poison not only pests, she says, but also humans, wildlife,

the soil, food and water.”

SSUSH24 – The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of the 1960’s.

e. Explain Rachel Carson and Silent Spring, Earth Day, the creation of the EPA, and the modern environmentalist movement.

f. Describe the rise of the conservative movement as seen in the presidential candidacy of Barry Goldwater (1964) and the election of Richard M. Nixon (1968).


The election of Richard Nixon indicated

“I call upon the great silent majority of my fellow Americans to

help me.”


The election of Richard Nixon indicated A. the rise of the conservative movement B. an expansion of social programs C. the stall of foreign relations with China D. an effort by Republicans to unseat Nixon

The election of Richard Nixon indicated the rise of the conservative movement.

Nixon started off with a huge lead over his Democratic opponent, Vice-President Hubert

Humphrey. The Democrats were deeply divided over the Vietnam War and

Humphrey’s nomination had been tarnished by the bloody televised riots at the

Democratic convention in Chicago. Barring some disaster, Nixon was a sure winner.
