Exhibition Journey Reflection


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Name _______________________ Group___________

“The Journey of Exhibition” Reflection The 5 Essential Elements of PYP

These are just a few ways you may choose to complete your final reflection:1. Create a mind map as a way to reflect on Exhibition. You must use drawings and color. 2. Write a paper and include the items from the checklist.3. Use Google Presentations and create a slide show. 4. See me if you have another way you would like to reflect.

Include the following items:

____ The name of your topic

___Knowledge- At least 6 new things you learned during the processThis can be about the topic/working in a group/about yourself as a learner

____Approaches to Learning- Give examples of at least 3 approaches that you used in your learning- You must have examples, just saying I used research skills is not enough.

____Action- What action(s) came out of your experience?

____Key Concepts- What were the key concepts that you researched and learned about?

____Attitude- Which attitudes did you display? How and When?

____ A highlight or highlight(s) or your favorite part(s)

____ Any obstacles/challenges you faced
