Evergreen Corridor Management Strategy - Vancouver, …...Pedestrian Pathway Segment Begins/Ends...


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Evergreen Corridor Management Strategy

September 26, 2016 Vancouver City Council Workshop

Jennifer Campos, Senior Planner

1. Background and Context

2. Project Need and Purpose

3. Public Outreach Process

4. Roadway Analysis

5. Traffic Study

6. Safety Recommendations

7. Implementation Strategies

Presentation Overview

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Corridor Background

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Corridor Background

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1920: Original concrete roadway built

1954: Roadway transferred to Clark


1978: Designated a scenic route

1990: Friends of Evergreen Highway


1994: Clark County adopts trail plan

1997: City annexes roadway

2011: OEHNA and CRNA adopt NAPs

2015: Evergreen CMS project begins

Project Context

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Evergreen Today

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• A pedestrian pathway has been built along 1.1

miles of the 7 mile corridor

• The remaining 5.9 miles without a pathway is a

shared use facility

• 85th percentile driver speeds are between 39 and

45 MPH

• Most roadway segments have a failed pavement

condition index

• SR-14 by-pass traffic is creating an additional 200-

600 westbound driver trips in the AM peak period

Pedestrian Pathway

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Pedestrian Pathway Segment Begins/Ends Length Status Funding Gap

A Chelsea to Image 1.1 Design in progress. $1,125,000

B Image to 100th 0.4 Design 75% complete $750,000

C 100th to Ellsworth 0.4 Complete (2015) --

D Ellsworth to Columbia Springs 0.7 Complete (2001) --

E Columbia Springs to 164th 2.3

Community fundraising effort enabled

preliminary design work to be

completed by BergerABAM

To be


F 164th to City Limits 1.8 Conceptual design complete $3,000,000+*

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* Cost estimate from 2007 and needs to be updated

The Evergreen Corridor Management Strategy (CMS)

provides guidance, direction and documentation for future

decisions and actions related to corridor improvements,

operations, and maintenance for the purpose of improving safety

and enhancing conditions for all residents whether they are

walking, riding their bike, or driving

Project Purpose

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Process and Inputs

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1 Past

planning efforts

Current design and constructed


Traffic analysis

Public engagement

Comp Plan Policies


Highway CMS

Traffic Study

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Traffic Study

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Location Posted Speed


Westbound 85th

Percentile Speed

Eastbound 85th

Percentile Speed

Evergreen Highway/SE 101st Ave 35 mph 41 mph 39 mph

Evergreen Highway/SE Riverwood Ct 40 mph 45 mph 44 mph

Evergreen Highway/SE 139th Ave 40 mph 44 mph 42 mph

Evergreen Highway/SE 147th Ave 40 mph 45 mph 42 mph

Community Outreach

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• Presentations at two neighborhood

association meetings (100+ participants)

• Online community survey (321 respondents)

• Eight small group meetings (61 participants)

• April 16 Open House

• June 18 Open House

• Ongoing email and website updates

Community Outreach

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Historical Signs or Markers

Signs at the Entrance of the Corridor

Signage and Wayfinding

Landscape Enhancements

Stree t and Intersection Lighting

Traffic Calming Elements

Pedestrian Pathway

Well-Maintained Roadway Surface

Overall importance of improvements to the corridor

Very Important Important Moderately Important Slightly Important Not Important

The City has 1,810 lane miles of streets

• 185 total lane miles are “failed”

• “Failed” is a pavement condition index

(PCI)< 40 for arterials, 35 for residential

Average PCI of Evergreen Highway

• Chelsea to SE 164th Ave. = 34

• SE 164th Ave to City Limits = 46

• Enhanced cape seal section = 83

Roadway Conditions

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Roadway Conditions

Class Arterials/Collectors Residential

5 Less than 40 Less than 35

4 40 to 50 35 to 50

2/3 50 to 70 50 to 70

1 70 to 100 70 to 100

Roadway Conditions

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(costs per Mile)

Create a corridor that works for all users

o Considered driver speed impacts on people walking,

riding a bike, and driving the corridor

o Recommend reduced speed limits in combination with

speed management tools

• SE Chelsea Ave to SE Ellsworth Rd – 25 MPH

• SE Ellsworth Rd to City limits – 30 MPH

Safety Recommendations

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Safety Recommendations

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Safety Recommendations

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Strategy Objectives

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1. Deliver a Well-Maintained, Smooth


2. Build a Continuous, Context-Sensitive

Pedestrian Pathway

3. Design a Corridor that is Safe for all Users

4. Provide Key Amenities and Celebrate the

Corridor’s Historic and Natural Importance

Implementation Strategies

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Objective 1: Deliver a Well-Maintained, Smooth Roadway

Strategy 1.1 - Mill off deteriorated asphalt throughout corridor

Strategy 1.2 - Complete short-term repairs of highly distressed areas

Strategy 1.3 - Complete pilot project asphalt overlay from SE Image Road

to SE 98th Avenue

Strategy 1.4 - Restripe centerline and add reflectors throughout corridor

Strategy 1.5 - Assess conditions of culverts throughout corridor to identify

replacement needs

Strategy 1.6 - Prepare a pavement rehabilitation plan for the corridor

Implementation Strategies

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Objective 2: Build a Continuous, Context-Sensitive Pedestrian


Strategy 2.1 – Pursue funding opportunities to complete pathway construction

Strategy 2.2 – Provide a continuous minimum pathway width of 8 feet wide

Strategy 2.3 – Provide public input opportunities during future pathway design

Strategy 2.4 – Unify corridor pathway system with consistent design elements

Strategy 2.5 – Preserve adjacent landscaping and trees wherever feasible

Strategy 2.6 – Complete routine maintenance on existing pathway segments

Implementation Strategies

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Objective 3: Design a Corridor that is Safe for all Users

Strategy 3.1 – Use Lighting in focused areas to improve pedestrian safety

Strategy 3.2 – Reduce speed limits to levels that are safe for all users

Strategy 3.3 – Implement a package of speed management tools

Strategy 3.4 – Monitor speeds and assess safety one year after implementation

Implementation Strategies

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Objective 4: Provide Key Amenities and Celebrate the Corridor’s

Historic and Natural Importance

Strategy 4.1 – Repurpose historic concrete date stamps within the

pedestrian pathway

Strategy 4.2 – Pursue opportunities to install benches along the pathway

Strategy 4.3 – Construct pedestrian overlook points in select locations

Strategy 4.4 – Commemorate sites of historic and natural importance with

markers and/or interpretive panels

Strategy 4.5 – Install gateway signs to reinforce the neighborhood and

historic character of the corridor

Strategy Implementation

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• Amend VMC Title 11 Streets and Sidewalks to include

language that allows for policy and strategy documents like

the Evergreen CMS to identify specific design guidelines for

subareas that are different from the City’s general street


Questions and Discussion


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