Eurocode example




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Scope: These worksheets and add-ins are the product of my own work over several years, on and off. They are intended solely for my personal use in my study and day-to-day work based on the premise that I am aware of the shortcomings and potential problems inherent in them and can therefore use the appropriately. However, I am willing to share these for non-commercial use. If you find them useful or entertaining, that would please me. However, if you find a commercial or profit making use, please seek my permission first – for limited use I would only request a contribution to charity of an amount that you may determine to appropriate. Above all – anything that you use here must be checked and verified by you. I take no responsibility for the use of the material beyond what I have stated in the 1st paragraph above. These spread sheet applications are somewhat embryonic but I would gladly consider the possibility of collaboration in creating more commercial spread sheet applications. Add-ins: The Excel workbooks rely heavily on custom functions, which are contained in the Excel add-ins in this archive. Not all of the calculations use them but many do and the latter will not work without the add-ins installed on your PC. These add-ins are written for Excel 2010 but will work, I believe, in Excel 2007. There are three “xlam” files that you need to install before trying to open the workbooks. The add-ins must be installed in a particular directory or the workbook links will not find them and you will be asked for the source by Excel. If you want to find a way around this and maybe make the installation automatic, please feel free to do so – I haven’t had time. The directory that you need to put them in is as follows:

C:\Users\All Users\Custom addins …if this path does not exist, create it:

When you have copied the three ‘xlam’ files to the stated directory, you need to install them in Excel.

To do this, open Excel but do not open any of the worksheets yet. A blank sheet is OK. In Excel 2010, go to ‘Options’ (File tab) and then ‘Add-ins’, then ‘Manage’. Excel 2007 may be slightly different.

You should then find a small window for selecting the add-ins. The three you want will not appear yet. Click ‘Browse’ to browse to the installation directory and select each one in turn then click OK each time to install it. If successful, you should see this:

There is one called ‘CustomAddins’ – this has mainly general functions. The one called ‘EngCalcs’ has mainly engineering functions. The one called ‘Table 1’ is the section tables for rolled steel sections.

You are welcome to view, edit, or add to any of this and you can do so in the Excel VBA environment (Alt+F11). Only one of the add-ins is password protected – CustomAddins. The password is “onionbhaji”. There is no help or documentation. I once started a windows help file but operating systems come and go and life passes by. If you need to find out about a function, you should be able to deduce most of what you need from the function declarations in the VBA editor. I have tried to use, for the most part, intuitive names for functions and variables. I you can’t find what you want, you can ask me. Another way of finding out what the functions do is to look where they are used in a worksheet and you can see how they work. You can experiment with them. Not all of the functions are employed in the worksheets. Some functions are not thoroughly tested so you must make sure you are happy with them before you use them. There is also some unfinished work and work in progress, but you can ignore that. Worksheets: These are compiled to form fragments of calculations that you can copy and paste to other sheets or other parts of the same sheets. They have all therefore had all the absolute references removed. This allows you to copy them into other work where, for example, you may be compiling a documented set of calculations. You can then link the calculations together into a coherent whole. Of course you can also use them in place. This may be useful for, say, checking other calculations. A very few of the worksheets contain charts and, due to the way Excel works, the cell references may be absolute in the charts so you may need to re-reference these if you copy them to another location. There are also a few cases where the Excel data table function is used. Again, Excel forces absolute references in these so you may need to reset the table reference if you copy it outside the original sheet. I have tried to remember to print in red a reminder next to these tables. It is intended that all these calculations are prototypes that can be edited and expanded, or shrunk, to suit any problem. To do this, you use Excel in the normal way. Format: The idea is that the formatting is minimal so that one can insert them into calculation sheet stationery, either physical paper or pdf forms etc, and they then print out in a document of any appearance one may desire.

I am in the process of formatting and arranging the sheets to be more consistent. This is work in progress. Most of them, but not all, have been formatted so that the input areas for the user are near the beginning of the calculation. The cells with a light green background and bolt font are for input. The cells that have light grey background, bold font and underlined are the main results. I have separated the sheets into different workbooks for each Eurocode. In each there are several tabs with different groups of calculations. Where there is work in progress or development, I have placed a yellow highlighter alongside and entered some comments. These should not be used except for general interest.
