ESR - FM 3 Structure Cells, Flagella, Dll



mikrobiologi dasar

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  • Lecture 3Overview of cell structure and significance of smallnessCytoplasmic membrane: structureCytoplasmic membrane: functionCell wall of prokaryotes: peptidoglycanOuter membrane of gram negative bacteriaCell wall synthesis and cell divisionArrangement of DNA in prokaryotes

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Mikrobia pada makananSpiralBacteriaRod-ShapedBacteriaMoldsYeastStaph aureusCocciBacteriaC. botulinumListeriaE.coli 0157:H7Salmonella

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Sel prokariot dan eukariot

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Bakteri Sel tunggal (uniseluler)Tidak memiliki membran inti (prokariot)Bentuk :Bulat (cocci) dengan ukuran 0.4-1.5 mContoh : Staphylococci (kluster seperti buah anggur) Streptococci (berantai)Batang (rods) dengan ukuran 0.25-1.0 m atau 0.5-6.0 mContoh : bacilli (batang lurus)Spirilla (batang spiral)

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • EndosporaBeberapa bakteri mampu membentuk endospora Endospora dihasilkan saat bakteri mengalami stress lingkungan seperti kekurangan nutrisi, kekeringan, dsb.Endospora digunakan untuk mempertahankan diriEndospora tidak melakukan metabolisme (berada dalam bentuk dorman) dan tahan terhadap suhu tinggi, disinfektan, sinar UVSaat kondisi lingkungan membaik, endospora melakukan germinasi dan tumbuh menjadi sel bakteriContoh bakteri penghasil endospora : Bacillus dan ClostridiumDiperlukan sterilisasi untuk membunuh sporaSpora Clostridium Spora Bacillus

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Endospora

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Bakteri - Reproduksi / Berkembang biakAseksual melalui pembelahan sel (fission)Waktu ganda (waktu generasi) : 20 menitSatu sel setelah 11 jam dapat menjadi 1,0 x 106Namun demikian di alam pertumbuhan bakteri dibatasi oleh kekurangan nutrisi, akumulasi toksin dan metabolit, suhu yang tidak sesuai, kekeringan, dllJumlah maksimum bakteri 1x109 CFU/g atau ml CFU - Colony Forming Unit

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Reproduction Binary fission12 4 8 16 32 64 128Millions

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Waktu yang diperlukan bakteri untuk tumbuhDalam kondisi ideal, beberapa bakteri dapat melakukan duplikasi dalam waktu 15-30 menitContoh bakteri dengan doubling time 20 menitSTART20 menit40 menit1 jam

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Latihan (diasumsikan waktu ganda =20 menit)1 bakteri terdapat pada hamburger dengan suhu kamar (30 C) Berapa jumlah bakteri setelah 1 jam? 4 jam? 8 jam?Apa yang terjadi jika jumlah bakteri awal pada hamburger tersebut adalah 10.000 ?

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Yeast Ukuran lebih besar dari bakteriMemiliki membran inti (eukariot)Uniseluler (bentuk : bulat, elip, silinder, 5-8 mPseudohifa

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Yeast - ReproduksiAseksual :Fission : pembelahan sel

    Budding : pembentukan tunasSeksual :Pembentukan spora

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • MoldBerfilamen, multiseluler, ukuran lebih besar dari bakteri dan yeast (10-40 m)Hifa (masing-masing filamen)Miselia (kumpulan hifa)

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Mold - ReproduksiAseksual :FragmentasiPembentukan spora aseksual (konidia, sporangium)Seksual :Pembentukan spora seksual

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • MoldsMucorRhizopusPenicilliumGeotrichumFusariumNeurosporaBotrytisAlternariaAspergillusPenicillium

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • MoldPertumbuhan Aw rendahInterval pH yang luasMesophilic and PsychrotrophicaerobSignificancePembusukanIndex sanitasiHealth IssuesMenghasilkan makanan

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Different Shapes

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  • Different Sizes

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  • Surface Area vs. VolumeFig. 3.15Size affects rate of nutrient and waste transport across the cell membrane

    Small size more efficient exchange, support of higher metabolic rate

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  • Phospholipid BilayerFig. 3.16

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Structure of Cytoplasmic MembraneFig. 3.18

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Lipids in Bacteria and Archaea have different chemical bondsEster - BacteriaEther - ArchaeaFig. 3.20

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Table 3.1 Comparative Permeability of Membranes to Various Molecules

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    Rate of Permeability













  • Fuction of Cytoplasmic MembranePermeability Barrieronly small, uncharged, hydrophobic molecules can pass through by diffusion (see Table 3.1)Protein Anchortransport, generation of energy, chemotaxisGeneration of proton motive force

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Different types of transportAccumulation of solutes against the concentration gradientSpecificity

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Cell Walls of BacteriaPeptidoglycan is found only in bacteriaKeeps cells from lysing, due to turgor pressure

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Protoplast FormationHigh solute solutionLow solute solutionLysozyme -- a protein that breaks 1,4-glycosidic bonds in peptidoglycan

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Peptidoglycan Structure

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Peptidoglycan SheetGlycosidic linksPeptide cross-links

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Teichoic AcidsAcidic polysaccharides found in gram positive cell walls

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Gram Positive Cell Wall

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Archaeal Pseudopeptidoglycan

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)Only in gram negative bacteriaPart of the outer membrane

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Gram Negative Outer MembranePorins - proteins that allow small molecules to cross membrane -- specific and non-specific

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Cell Wall SynthesisCell wall is opened up by autolysins, and new peptidoglycan is deposited

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Peptidoglycan SynthesisBactoprenol (a C55 isoprenoid alcohol) -- lipid carrier that transports dissacharide pentapeptide from cytoplasm to periplasm and inserts it into growing cell wallThe next step, transpeptidation, is inhibited by penicillin

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Transpeptidation

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Genome Size

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Chromosomal DNA

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Lecture 4.Flagella and motilityBacterial behavior: chemotaxis, phototaxisBacterial cell surface structures and cell inclusionsGas vesiclesEndospores

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • The Flagellum> 40 genes involved1000 H+ / rotation

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Absence of chemical attractantPresence of chemical attractant chemical gradient sensed in a temporal manner

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Other types of taxesphototaxis - lightaerotaxis - oxygenosmotaxis - osmotic strength

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Cell structures and inclusionsfimbriae - aid cell adherence to surfacespili - conjugation, attachment to host cellglycocalyx - polysaccharide layer outside cell, attachment to host cells, protection from host immune system, resistance to dessicationpolyhydroxyalkanoate deposits - intracellular carbon and energy storepolyphosphate - intracellular reserveselemental sulfur - intracellular granulesmagnetosomes - intracellular magnetite crystals (iron oxide)gas vesicles - cell buoyancy

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB)

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB)Carbon and energy reserveAccumulates intracellularly when carbon source is not limiting for growthCan be utilized under carbon starvation conditionsBiodegradable bioplastics CH3OCHCH2C O[]n ~ 25,000

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Gas Vesicle Proteinswatertight, gas-permeable structure(hydrophobic proteins)

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • EndosporesResistant to heat, radiation, acids, drying, chemicalsDo not contain RNADehydrated (only 10-30% H2O as vegetative cell)

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

  • Dipicolinic acidCharacteristic of endospores

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  • How long can spores survive?See page 92, report that 25-40 million year old spores have been revivedThese spores were preserved in the gut of a bee that was trapped in amber

    Endang S. Rahayu Fak Teknologi Pertanian UGM

    Problem in grainspH of 2.0 8.5 spoilage in acid products

    Can grow at refrigeration temperatures, but low temps slow growth

    SpoilageCan grow/spoil in lower Aw/higher NaCl content foods, but do not compete well with bacteria

    Mycotoxin ProductionAFLATOXINS are concinogenicMainly produced on grain and nut productsFeeding high moisture corn to dairy cattle can cause aflatoxins to show up in milkAflatoxins Aspergillus Flavis carcinogenicRye Ergot Claviceps purpurea neurotoxin

    Toxin effects carcinogenic, liver damage, neurotoxins, rashes, kidney damage

    Mold Allergies

    Sanitation IndexYeast and molds are less resistant to sanitizers therefore if they are present, sanitizers are not working

    FoodsBlue cheese, Brie, Roquefort, Sake
