Ergonomics Introduction



A presentation on Ergonomics at HFES competition, and try to make Ergonomics easy to understand to the public

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• Ergonomics is the discipline that fits the

workplace(like chair, table) and product(like

computer, cell phone) to you

• Ergonomics relates to you in life and work everyday

•1.8 million U.S. workers experience Musculoskeletal

Disorders(back, shoulder, elbow, wrist pain) each year

•# 1 Injury Risk Factors are Static Posture and

Repetition Motion

3 Ways Cell Phone Can Hurt

1 Cell Phone Elbow •Cause: Long chats stretch the nerve and choke the blood

supply to the ulnar nerve inside your elbow

•Symptom: Numbness, tingling in the forearm and hand

•Chronic Problem: Difficulty in writing and typing •Chronic Problem: Difficulty in writing and typing

2 BlackBerry/Texting Thumb•Cause: Long time typing makes thumb repetitive strain injury

•Symptom: Sore and numbness in the base of the thumb

•Chronic Problem: Chronic pain in tendon region of thumb,

some cases need operation some cases need operation

3 iPhone/iPod Ear•Cause: iPhone/iPod can put out sound around 120 decibels,

which is past people’s pain threshold

•Symptom: Hearing loss, headache, internal ringing

•Chronic Problem: Hearing impairment, ear damage is •Chronic Problem: Hearing impairment, ear damage is

cumulative and hearing loss is permanent

3 Ergonomics Tips for Cell Phone Users

•Spend less time on the phone, alternating hand every 10minutes and use Hands-Free headset if possible

•Decrease repetitive typing on cell phone– use shortcut, •Decrease repetitive typing on cell phone– use shortcut, abbreviation and physical keyboard

•Follow 60/60 Rule—listen to music via Headset at less than 60% Max Volume for less than 60 minutes per day

Helpful Stretches Exercises

1 Back and Shoulder Exercises 2 Hand Exercises

Computer Can Hurt

CTS-Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCTS is the #1 reported medical problem in U.S.

8 million Americans are affected

36% of CTS patients need Unlimited medical treatment

Right way to avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Ergonomic Products that can help you

Following 20-20-20 Rule Can Help

� Every 20 minutes

Take a 20 seconds break� Take a 20 seconds break

� Look 20 feet away and do some Stretches

Helpful Stretches Exercises

1 Hand Exercises 2 Head and Neck Exercises
