er Fritch s -...


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•3iWa^^%,0olaiiiiii 4»«t l l« i^0KaiSi3u^.

,^$slnc$. i.leffr: y o & rountcyX sfiB : ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ r « t o ^ • . ^ S ^ Q p J ^ i B S Q d a a s i t h e Q t f c

: lyoor .reaSerSiiioWi. to make poultry, • -• -

Jrailfc w£H not tise in the same time as 51&9 rest? afld'tralea? fc&mili: la allow-f:Wfi;tp,stand Iqngei'thkH ft; Qfchei?wis« ito.uli.befoie.being, skijajsed, will :KoferIge;atall oi.biat imperfectly, &a& A?ill .rsmaiti-iii/'tlte skitafete4ttiifci [ Agafri if t ie. twpsljSnt&Qf '-cEeath were .to be-pat "in; tJiepiiurja -togeiiieE tho featier'' fi*6m tEe; 'farrow edw's; milk

> '^*saf irt large cities'IiB;e-JJew;^6y3£?

,, ajeftverj :;;tEIJtey Salt*%i8&3y-:. amr-feBi; :. -""jfit 1C6J&.§0 So- 6» q e a & p e r ^ a a d v fexit. • ;to-oblaiii^jfiese &?gii"i>|iGSstliey nptttsij

T- Jsef 3aafeiie(J-.-ea*i^ JPebfaary,: Marek -. ^"d^pri t ' i je i^^^ .&$

'.-'~- i4^l^-jp.p|.Bet§ngp by- ;.inst|n;qt thai; :: ' earijryou;mnstiisfi;incabatoJS; - They.-.| '•• \ ^ i l |3batc^.*ia |#^petqeat of oJhlcto; ,-. thatt; heps,,attdtHe. (Sjicfeaardi. very '•..-• ieattiiy,;ljdag e»iH^iy"fe^.fr6mli^t3i: - I have;-Js?ft|s(eabatoiS\tbdlmaiae - :idys^l.£ vTJiey 6oSt^e;i5;0O';ea®'aP# ' .'jboid'. #$eggs\ . •. Anypie" car*Jjefc xjt

er, sad 'Holes* the•• whole;-were oveit ehurned:,.. wblefc is. very- undeairabfe,'t fcoins'* a t all' but .xemain. iafbeb^tte^iaHk;. TJus is the theory of the inii0i bas-besii confirm­ed-by practice..- ;A -farmer, stated at-t|i6tisQaof tbia conversation.thathe.

.f had; fiye farrow cowsitt a large dairy, •JPof a.wb;ife;.tb.9;i3giiife was, ail kept to­gether aftd.tbea that from tbe farrow eowfi-Waa ; given ctir^et'fb the .salves,' It. was" foundthat jast as much iliotter .was made,: &s '• wfien -ajl of the milk ^as'keptfdgetli^r;- -"..- V - ' • '

'Setting riwtn BteH>;

"•--'."Wiierft-' a.'fettner .'.hires a man, for a .•definite t&rra of service, and-far a .de£t>

. x e ^ o i t s t o r - m a ^ ^ r ^V ;.of wages',. tq_do a specified iraae; by- wxlp%; ftK- B a f t e , ! ^

; ;C0aq{»4 .e^ Vb;e£ simply requests .postage.? 1 ^ .wetft for htm", ^ d nothing jpletesgece^f-aa^;. beinggo '^^p-.-s^yfe-said-abdotrtae^ioSe or 'pay,, or where wlfhiareaSb.Qf^i^a^<j":aayi(ady;cart}tbereiataon -of ejrigldyer said employe yna tlxeaa; ~ITi^v&MiZiieriS^waSsince'

^.MaeeK'isi Iliav&. sotd from iliese Sis •Iteaa aad iny two'iacabatOig f l ^ T ^4*P^ Of i i ^ a aad .eggt. How-fe tke.j

'..' -.preparst for: tae.wMter'aad: :; filing iiafigi '•' llateyQftt^cabatQXs:

M ^ 'pieji 3?eti':, will- be Jeady to; go to •worit laieiS^eHttyi' '•''. 1 j'.urx;ifay~jacQ-'

rbftfei^tie yefepan#,aa<i;Mri;)5: titere I la ab basi^e% r^gaiHag so litti^;cai>L^| »^ai ^St";yiplds^acji\-large prefitsV . i: •wiH: soon; "wJi,te. yott- aa asfiele. oa ,*f^i[i^;;"aie;'-tBe':; irtosf;- grpitabie Va "orJeiSea japp&ni^-ta xa.fse^f aad ^ Oa "oih^porffr^-topMSjff^on^wisfi.,-. •.-':.• '-;,•, 'i?$Sd*<3&&MTBiFoaitS?aiaB« • - ^ g a ^ ^ i o ( : j y y 1 ^ r b r J K & :^ '-.;"'

' ^':#p8|gfe^Btilciee&novby: m me0~ '•'•• . v : . $ ^ g "eoaaeet^ 'or ife : .• *a&fae^.; :&ti&i}i§z.sKouid'belost tig •' •;'" ^r«iessTOgIect,afldeyery&BgsT5pB^^^

'; . y-bep^tiQ^OQd;age) . Jnstea^ of «>bp-. -r ; jfliig-Jaati edntiauoiisl-y withb^tma-i ' • k a r a p^Testj i t oagat" to- Have ^betb;

• , Qoia.: stalks ougbt- to be made • iatp '.'. '•_.'./ fee^ of; l^tiiiir% aM;not leftitp ^as'fe ;-:'-':amybatb;e'fisid,.,; Straw pugb*'So|f

'•*'-'\, tOibebarfed:;.itSaafeeffg^ . r good inaaBre. Sfapn^'.-.'oiagM to be

.,' cs4efa}iy!:a^pltA

;::;;-'-•ifa-e^U^f^^and^Hof \leffc p d ty miL '"; ;lbp;blowa^ away by. tbe ^ad^" : '^e6d'' - ; :oagbitp b ^ ^iespr;yed-ia.^

...v' lapa* ;sto0fe'sb^

. - "> • 4&nildiagsj- and .ateasfls'dt^M :tp'b'e '".;• fept-\la^^ gppd'boaditiQTi;' Wbereyet

;;_-;: riBot or -Seeay • apppate; %}W if t i p ^ y

. v /carev ; ' ^ ; " ' * 'l--'^-v .?•'"';%.•:•' % ''I •'•/• .-/• ; . igi i tm aaof&er (|ire'cijptt pttolpEiicge-,:;.' - ;.p by^ope'tettb a¥ast'fi^Id w-^er&'mpst '•".-:" 'bfJbersppieets'""of-'-.snceeggfai'faTtfiing l:lMB^--[TkS^-'Ss- no age'in pultiyati^g-

:: .. feil: acres M Wpcaa Bpa^s fiya ptodace i•'. .\..^ihacSa&(iaggoo iiias^tbPtea^ierpj :.;;'.. i9les3;prpfit iacfeariag.tettpF*fi&'ea ;-.;; ;/;acr.e#<baa':M we ejear'filteea or-twpb^;]

•::; and; marJarM, #Bi ; - ptMuCfr jinp^e "'•'••< JbSi t i^eaty aere^ca^te^^Jait ly^C:

,,"-.% \ tedv;.ip3.'bettei:.|o: iypffi "tlbpSsoialler X ;,fi^o>-" I f a ,tltfee^ea*^lS.;stee>'.'is-,' \_^f^|(®fita&ip|ii p a l l e t t f i a a a-foad

i i iff inelifefe.' 3f..|a1Ia#. }%(f: ptMoSes^' ; .ViJet^r-ero^sJE^'a^-t^

; cfopLaas|it^tbsea. reraoye^i i t IS-bet^ ; .• /'••lf^;\i6;.-^o^i'|^4^."'M^^G^-"''^i^«

j : ' ^^lypsJambi^fljpgSiate^:&6zi1&m6f<g '•.,vt&'aa iiiferiprr oisesj^ih^y ar^;*be;fejes^

:-./ -oae^'tpxaise^^IfstGcfewiHvfcespbpt-: .;.'-•: -fer,tigaiiSi©Yati8V^ when. we?ii .j * .. • protected' 'by^-Sb^

•- V-iniaaagedi sri§:;;pi©dfipef;aipr.p;; aiilfe, :• ;•'• f a t t e r apd iaeat thfefi:vpaeEeS'wltfi-v "x:" <Mi. cai^i; ^ap^prpgef V:0ujturp-; ra;;ifeB /•''•'b^feT.; •; • ; ;?. ' f?^. ;--:V V ;,' ; ': :;cv, : '-: ;^

;; x pMesppby is %.kind.^ ;rJ^r&o<l0£* i "v - V^er Mlr|eDS#rfafpraed;;aiaa^

' , . 0tta^t^^1^j.cifis ;-afeffie-bptfGm .: '" ' a l l a ia fe i i a l ; -^ ; ... / :

; geM bis ; .bas|ae^;:b'6IIed-;^ a; J V..-.i. ^pint.*wbBre3ip ijmfeea. lap" -best fls&'Q^ ;.;.:; ^.yejytMiftg; -bje;' -bM-j.,iWb'ea-\ip ,eaiij

; * inafeJe ftiprp mpaey and live Mtfer 00 :

; tea;:aeife|:oCiaad^'tiiaa;"iaa'ny/dp;vGa' T-'v.' ;Ia^er'fai;riafifeis©vrd'ea't^ :• -.^Bta^ied ibp; phjlosop^y'or:fecra|n^;;

13 fei'me.a^withoat;.^ fiill aad dafinite [iaideis!aaa^ng,;the. contract is itapled, Brief ita- laclsiiig terms., or.'coaditiops aia'st be supplied fey law. & oanbiAai of-.Mr&s for. orieyear oriess? need, not be.ia writing. - If for moretb'aa a.year, ffiis 'OQt'biridiag. eajess-i-a ^ritmg, &n<l either party eaa tiEcafaate tbe agree--meat'ai'pTeaspra. •-' . ' .J'xpresa. ^Qftfeacts—Where !tfie -bi'i:-

ing-- Is, for a defiuitevtinie, both, parties "| arebopttd-by i taat i i the tiBie'espires. .'She' eriipl05*ei iaiWi furaisb-Work^ and the etjapl'oye toast 'labort» tae'ead'. Tf tke. fljasfer discbatges the workmaa %#ith.oM.-legaI eaasa before tb»

;pfeeSj•tJbe'wotfanan.tT-iirbe entitled to lifs. Wages- tip- to' the time of hrs'd s.-'-ebargef..arid: afe&skcb rtaHQagesa§he: has suffered by .being tbro'win oat of bii? job'-'Tbiese daatages Will probably be theaajoaat of tbe^wages np to the end bf •:tbe:.'tipik .of binng^;le.s3 wbafi.tbfe wofkibair 'has earjied • or might have .earned at pther employment If the. tjfprkrman leavga witjiout, legal' cause •before bis.time is up,, the great weight of authority 'is .tn'at'bejs not entitied to any. e^nipensatiua. for-_£be--tim<; titat.h'e 'has;isy.6i'6^dt.''tli('ugb several highly re---speetable Gourta have held that under .saeheirciimstaaees he lias the right to jtae\.wages, due bina.up to thetfm>of his-.Ieayin.gj.;res3 the damages oeeasioa--e.d to his'-empioyer Tjy his Teaviag, .


I A V-aJaable TMsoftvery for su.j p'ylDgM tigttsi* ism lo (Ue Human System EleotrWity and Slftgnetl'sta utfHzed as nfYex before tot' Head-l a g t h e S l e t . • . • -. -

•rBasitASNJBTION'A^IAivHaSCO.'S •. '

' aiA'aJSrElPKJ KJTO-OTY-'B.BS.T'S .'• .. • .• ' FOB MEW IS--. : .'•.-' • ' . - • • •

WAE.RA.KIE0- TO OOBJ0 Or' Ktoaey fte-fitiwled, t h e .following a i s e i a e s -without

meiHclHe':—Pain -.liit'Ite, Baete, BUps t .Head o r X.taiT3S, Werwius BbWUty,, L u m b a g o , Henefa l DeWUty, Kfeet t taausm, Parsay3fe, .Near»lgia , . SOiatioa, Diseases-of t i re K i t i a e y s . S p i u a l D i s , eas?s, T o r p i d t i v e r , GoUt.Seiniiial--Emissions, » „ _ . - ; . . , . . -v_.i,w,„ H e a r t Disease,. Dyspep-

; , - . - Indigest ion, PHes .EpUepsy ,

XtK'mb Ag.tie, e tc . ' '• . - • ' V ^ - Wb-ennr ty debUi ty of t h e G E N E R A T I V E GR(3A1SS o c c u r g ^ L o ' s l - V t a l l t y , LiieR- a t jServe-B-Qtce ftnd Vigor , -Was t ing Weafcaess, i a n d all- t i iose Diseases, o f . a .pe r sona l Hatri*e, :

' t'r.oin -whateyef cause* tli.e.ooiitm1iou8-8ti;eata of S t«gae t i sm ..pexmeaUiig t h r o u g h t h e p a r t s ' m u s t r e s t o r e t h e m t o a hea l thy , ac t ion . There-i s n o n x i s t a k » a b o u t th i s . app l i anee .

TO T H E L i U M E S : - - I f you" a r e . afflicted w i t h LamalJaok , ' Wea.kaess of tae,Spi&ei

Bat t ing of t h e W o m b , Leuoorrhoea,. ' Chronic fnfl»m)iiaXi6n a n d Ulcera t ion of the ' W o m b , Inc iden t a l H e m o r r h a g e oi" F tood in^ , Pa in i i t l , Suppres sed l and ' I r regu la r asfohstrijattoir, Barr r e n n e s s , . a n d ehftngeof-I i i fe , t<Ws l s t h e Bes t A p p l i a n c e a n d i O t e a t l v e A g e n t k n o w n . .

F o r ai l for TO s of -Female Difficulties i t i s u u -sutp.assed b y a n y t h i n g before iiivehjiHl, both-a s . a oftrp-tiiye a g e n t a n d as a . source of p o w e r andi!i te-Uzation. • -••' --•-- • •' ; . -fjaoe.Sf'etther.B.elt.-witlx S t agne t i e I n s o l e s , S i a s s n t . b y expres s 6.:0» D,, abd 'es i icminat lon a l lowed, '.or b y m a i l -on rece ip t of price.' I n .order ing send m e a s u r e o f wa i s t , a n d s feeo f shoes.. Remi t t ances -can b e a n a d e i n Bun-enoy, s e n t i n l e t t e r a t o u r rlSlr. " • ' - • :

' T h ' e M a g n e t o n QAr taeh t sa re - ' adapfed ' toa l l ages , a r e w o r n o v e r t t i e , u n d e r e'ldfching.'Cnot n e s t t o t h e b o d y l i k e t h e m a n y G-a-tyanio and-'

! E lec t r i c H u m b u g s , adver t i sed so'exSensiTely), and. s h o u l d b e ta l ie i t off a t n i g h t ; T t o y h o l d

. t n e i f P O W E E . F O B E V E a , a n d a;r.e worn , a t :- a l l s ea sons of t h e •Fear, . '• . S e n d s ta i t tp for t h e "JSFew -Departure "in Med­ical t-r9<W.ment'. W i t h o u t . i r e d M n e ; " wi th

: t iuit tsandsofiteStamoiiials.- . .- . • • - • ' . T H E H A G N E T l O I f .APPLI 'AlfCE CO,,

21B atate lS£reet„ Chicago, 111. i .K 'o te . -^end ' t ine-dol lar inp-ftstagestamps-or-cuiTfincy ( in . le t te r .at" o u r rlsl i) ' wLtb s ize of

f shoe usual ly- -worn:,- a n d t r y - a p a i r of OUT Mvignefic Insoles , - a n d ' h e Gon-?Iuce4.of theJ . fi<jvr-T rp»idiirg to our- o t h e r M a g n e t i c Appl i r ances. Pos.'ltivel-VB6.eo!d feet when l-hey are wo'rhror moapjjYefattde'i- . 16yl

A tPap-Tvar itifK.ena.

Mae!ifetib--K:iuaej--J3c.ItsS'oid by Morr i son & Sft-i^pe, .Lo-WVllle, H . Y , . . . . . . .

-.'YWe I§a^n-;6ar:y4r.tue3.0:f the- bosom f#-a:fe' whp loye:u9j Qat;%nlt3 from iiie 9n.ebiy: wbc) fete 'tis..; We'eau'-ri-ot easily discover otii reafffona a tiiPad. ; e-ia'aniirrar/oB^Ty'hieb. t4fe;.Warmta ofplir brfeatji impederfbe elearaesa of ine;lfieetipii.;::-/ . "''"...'-•.'• •' ' '.?' '=. •''•..- i-

N MENTION, legt*-.

i.^.^^ , sBin> obgeirve.-tnefdMwlng .-te- preBHtimsarestolie --. ffis?awte4; ''M-.t-ags- »Sst.'B,ear-.oiS''onigtnal

. Buai5A!3ifisi.taM,©.-S.Sev6at3feSta5np,an.a. '.^aaifcn-Holies, -Xhe,t»SaiatSt. Bs-Sosa -sjr ' «ecuiely-Jn4'pat!^e;;,^&fean"9:-an3-aaare«i:-

. bfs'ena«^4naninnl3ero'fbRgrcon£afiieaplsia-;

• ages;shbtfld be" forwarded -D"eceniber-Jst,:ana •

iitHStli.'- i?o:inatter whe*e.yot£reslae,sena;. rour.T^SsageradvileustiynTaaaat-ybuiiafe.'

". floiie- sd.-and state lhe."ainmber-oif .bagi: sent. .' -ffanies-otsuccessfuicontestants, withjmmber'.

-,New'Orleans^j?^r3D^mdCTaJ-;;-C3ngihnati,jat--•:- aieireff. eblcago, Baity. News; :Sa& Kaacissb, ; W o n ? c f e . - V A a a r e s s l •' ;•'•'•'.—•.--; •.-.-•--• -- - •' - BEAeEWELta-DtiaHi3£ TOSSCCO C0*,~ - . . . ; • ? • " ' . - ' ' "':t>VSBi3ir^,-G^--- .'•'.,- .,-i^ ::•-;--Byeirgenuine-paelageias-pteture of Baffi ::.;"-.-. ;J^"Se6:oW.n^yambnhcSn.e'nfc^!,' ;

.:'" A t W*«tisr«:WlIf«<M«*p.6 Xfiie"ii;B«8*:?..

" '.^bilpal:lh&stat£0|fwajtlagfbte-tbe •A.,fealty'ojrj itiarkefe"'day-.seceri'tlir^tjbe"'. ;-,- jrapBeTs-:;ladb;lged:.fe

:soal^ '/.epn^ -:- c^mhi^&iAii&tdui aieeds pf ebw# ' 1 -andatbeir mattesrs.MatijiS' td^da&J^: ;-. :iagv. 1% speaMrigfof.^ifie ainpa!nt.<3f. > - buifertiatisifeaiag made from a- 'd&ife-:

> ;&fapie^'ar^^

-•'- ^-twotwiEhryear-oia KeiferaaTPcppi-': .;tfS ^ ....butterj: and prbbably tHsfe aot^tai-• 'frpin .EfgMt;^at of ;We cptttpaiatlye ,;' vidae ;of Su&e tb^ee and 'font • years

':_- '.pld ;ibfe ittricri; bas'- been" said.. W B :-1: tbanifc' j&,-aiayjhe geneJaily- cbaGeded ' \ Vvtaat,aiBpW#iH beat berbes ta t frpfn

; B i x % ten. years Old.;!-: Sorab cpws'will ' . -^ff:'^^''"ftj^-'.i^';ib{^e&.'-afi'9:- -fifteen . ;.ye^'oJd,i»J8t tber0{^.piQrp".xisk" in,

"\ -:& this ^ilj-^p^eiiajesfai isaddenly r .peria^^^

-'-"--."-. Tseiag;wiaterea t&rpngbj. and -iprbvp •; a|aiost'i!t0.taf:i<)sfej.:: .J, ]:•- ^;. ' ; ; . : .

;;: :-'f: •,

X '..•OnB'fariaBp'^Bp^b^-arsaialf.-Sat .-, • '•eie^Heat'hettf of hfgbrgradfr'Jerseys .'• :;stated" •' ih#tk. paerseasoa ;%he'a ..%ay •••:•'" itei?. 4.yeiisJ^'MefjhaM^ &;Mfi$~ r .-potiipdE'.'Safr. fcf>ni: efgbt 'm ohe ^$Q%^ ;. ;$b©-:»p^i-yeax :waea javeyear3: old. ' Xseyent w^atdcBU' a tab,. and, the sncr.

; e e j ^ i p ^ " y e ^ ; s M ^ a M do ^ ^ ^ E M S , :-.^as:ias:e;yea^ lias drone

•:'-'; alittlp better,baiia:tMs-case ft woitld • seeiaitfe^i&ied jsix years . io ra fqiti

'•- • '•:;aiaiprj%r;ia;. tbp piqltietiori of• butter.. ;V '^^merswi l i 'db weji " tomato a. note

:•'•^ ;pl,t&r-aad:. 'e^eeiaHy..fiip3e'.Wboate: V -.'iasfe.- grad|n^->op;' tiieii.. dairies • witb' v. iieifera Japdl young 'feft^l;' otaefwIiJe

'.:. -Itfeyanayljecptiy^ diacotoagedia- thfeir . .im^ettafeg•~;M6W.,&/Mh&& <£'-&&.

\ •; ^ iieiieK to dOjas^well $k Va§^e!xpeeted', ...-•'; Waifcpatieiatiy for- a^oandinaiftrity > ;jaad^"woihlr^fiipy will b&-lfked:'-bet* .; - tear ieaeb' aaceBp'dja^-yp^riaaiais-Xs bat

.-'-• ©^rj^riene^aad;also^-bfofbera;..'-; .'•"-." : : i i f isibMated by-, apme tbajfc fafrpw

' .'.-eows H^Br'wIilliOt'do Weil wbeij iteept .' , "/alonglWltb. feax/stof tbb dawy,astbb:

' .wtmm^ikiii0.xlm-^ ^aifiiJy^apd . •' thatlf.San- not b&ebpraedl'ia tbplamo

;." vtinio" as,:, the/ -• rest,"' and iov • -that;

;'" !I^e/;iea3;ofc.fbrviafsis;.af)^ t o . acleaiiie aiatborifyrJhat the glbonJes

lfeR|;aoi «isi,i

Ax& :$6v£l£MTiey;& : a i s6Mered? | „ _ i'Kttofsy Wort brought nre «om my-'swave, os itta -

|:Deticoife.»; • 5^-.W.I)OT«^^Meawaip,.Iojda,Mie!i..g

";; :4k& youi? teerves'iveai:? • '. 1 . -'5Cid3Xfr3---W<,clr.-eurea- ine-from- nerwjis'.vreafcnessH'

]-Qoo€yr&,:sa^Shr(st!anM<>t(itor. eieyeland, Oi- H

tSa^^V-yo'a..y$Mghtf&~ Disease?! -.- "EKhi&j'mQiti <jared;mB' -wlietiiny"-vraier-was:Jnsl;t Ute-oaalk-auatlien'l ik? blooi."' ' " " . . - . '. f -. v ; "-." • '- .3E^JS~W11apS,E«!aoayi.5tos3,]

. SiiflerMa'froaiJDiabetes-?. "SXOxufrWoi Ma-ffiamost teccesstul xarae-ay-nuwe I*


|-B;aivs":^y'oti .Timst • Complaiat.Si ' '^Kjaady-Wdrtcarca-ius ofchrontoldvorBIseaaes* tffeerIJ6Biye('cUe.^.--. - .'....-- -_^'f ;•.' -Hemy Wara,-.lst£f.e^I.- ffl&Sat-GSMd^S-.M

r i s y o a i 3Bacjfc.IameaadacMng?| l lama Muat to. KiE. oat-of.lssai" .. • -\ -J

' -.0,^.'!&lInttigo,JtlIj!H«Icee,.'Wis,|

l ^ a v B ' j o i l - : ' S i d a e y ' : . Diseasp-?? •- •''Kitofey-wotSmadiijnescraBairelb'ei' toitwanoyr iiftGF years :of irjisuccessful;. dbtitoringr-' Its '-woML: ;giaa,b<Kc"7iSam'I B.pdgcs, WiUjjtmstosva, Westya-J

.i .&£& ' yon CToastijaated,? ,. «gsaanoy^WorJ;. catis^ 'easy oVftcoiittdiis^iia-CTirea. | I-.PI0 titer. 16 yeirs- iise"6I otter. mea3cf)ie3:":' 1 ' ,-. ; .- •;. . ..' • -Ht-IscjnSdiroliiiai BC-AlBans^Tfel

•: - Have ybii' Malar ia? -- Efflney^Wbrt. Sas doiie better tjian any 'oHjer-f

"" — - - :I>r.mS£ '

.inypra,cfeice," c

^Gtokj-South-HerOtTb J

•. -'•'"." , -&FO yoii : ESiciusP-•'TSajieyiWortilws-.-aoneino morftgbda.tfiftn.'^my|

:-J^J,.r.-GaU6TOsy,En:-Hat, Oregon. I

-^eeyQ-atprmenteii: wii i i K l e s ? | ". '•SidiKS'-WorS^pentianetlfis omccl mo ot fileedine | pHfefi. Or. W. C. EliliejreconTTnenrlvd i£ to inc." f . -.- .(fei>. H..HorsCt.Qaaliita>5I. iJwnlt, Slyorstown, lJR..j

A r e yo-a.i&etanaSsjB.' r a c k e d ? ! ; **Kitoc'y--teorli.oiir,-('"-- —••—•— — — * - » die-by-physioionsaad- _.

.-.'- .Elteidgai

., Hiafies.'are y b a suffering?:. . - -'"Eidncy-Worf. cur«d mc o t peculiar'troutiieo-ot several ytafssfcimJir-^.. Many frienda use and praise

L1S." . . . . : . MiB..H.:3Lafflor»;aui,IsIaLaJIotte,'^t, iK' yoii" wba ia ..Banisfic. iOiseasei X, ','paxa g-aita; HeaI1;bf Take

. T H E B L O O D ..Cb?A?8sEB,

..Kidney Worth' Sold 'by'ftloi'rtson & Btoore .... LpWyilie, I<, M. ¥ . .

fCL. . ivrass.-,r-on ---sAtE: BY

' .*jbere- was'a- party '.across tlib nv&sj the other'night. Toward.the ;close she .slipped *o '• his side-'and sweetly asked": '..

"Gtbiag b-bme by yburself, Char­g e ? " , . > ' -:' - ' . - ' " ' • '. • . •'.

"CfuesssOj" be-saidi. , -. "Would ybu like some one to see;

yob home ? n " . - • ' • . "Depends on. who i t is."

. His answers were short and crusty.' SEany a one woald have been; dis :

heartened, but iibcy was a'ot of that Mad." She stilt.'persevered, ••"--.

^Someybungiady^Iaaeaa," . -'"Depends oa who the yottng lady

is," said the brute, e'Somp one about my size,';' persist^,

ed.the angel. . . . . • • - ' . -'. 'There are several here, about your

s i z e . " " - - ,' [ ' '• . . - . • " '

"there's" only-. one exactly my a i m . ? ' - , ••';. ' - . - ' . ; ' ; • ' : '

• "See/:bere, Lucy," said- Oharles,-vjf you want to take me home yon may;^ ' . . . ' .

"Ob," she replied, "I 've ao particu­lar .desire to take you hoaiej but as I was going, I.thbught-you——"'

He interrupted "All right," and.together they left. He was lean­ing pa her araij and- silently they meandered over • the frozen- streets." They stopped at-his dopr. He. invited her .in. . • - ' - -".-..'.' '•'..•.',' " "ISFo, Oharife', i .won't go ia, but I'someifiing;" .

By the light of. the street lamp on the corner Charlie's- face was seen to grow pale as> she continued V'

iC | am abuadaatly able to. support a husband. I bavea hank account of a good size. I love you, Oharlie, and can give you a good .home.. Will you be miae, .deai'§gl ?" - V .

"Iiucy," gasped the'brqtej "you've no idea what it takes to support a-hu3ban;d'.—r-!' ..' .

She interrupted him. . "Bailing,, if it should be necessary I would work - froto morning aatrl sight, arid even- take'Ia Washing and: sewing; you shall' want for nothing. Only say you wijl be mine."

"No, Lucy; it cannot ;be. I shall always love you as, watch over your pathway through life,, and should you-stand in aeedp.f.a4vic"e or assi8tacees'ybu; can. rely -pa my will-iagness to. Assist you; but I caa fieyer marry ybu."

"Then you refuse me 2" "Yes.'^' ' . . ' - " • - . ' - -

. "Base .wretch I" she exclaimed, uyou. will live to repent your, aasty decision, for to-morrow m y , dead body will be found in the cold waters of the river,*' . ' . . . ' " ' , .

• And clasping him; in. her aroas'.in 'one eonvuisiv.e. embraceisbe .fled;, into-


i©t#§P" |.

2©0: p o u n d s 6* G-KJB -X.tPE. fojp

B i ibMt t -Meta i* && saS'fe' ®t the

'.TfjS^g^'.-«iBI«.e, • ' -





- O F -




W e a r e Coj!«p1ete in E v e r j

flie KeweMt a n d .lo>.i Reliable Selec t ion* i n ISse llwiLet.

BBAdoMER BW3S., N o 1 SHA.PYAYKSVB l^ i fV ine , U, 1

HAEEBEBIEOS - AreNow Eeady"JPpr f b e • ; .

- A X - '"#


S. A.SIXBUJRY, R e a l S s i a t c , I i isairassce a n d

G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s A.g^eitcy,

" "^AJb,lBTATB\;. .FOR'SAi.?? Ofifc-B^jaFAW-fi^,;

•• ' IHStJBAHOE; ';; I i ep re«en t t h e fo l lowing first-class com­

pan ies :

L I V E R P O O L & LONDON*- GLOBE GERM \ N I A . b A N C a - S H I K E ,


I M P E R I A L , C O N T I N E N T A L , LONDON £ L A N C A S H I R E ,

G L L N S F A L L g , P H O E N I X ,




• ^ T - - .


• _ _ _ - «M •

—IET. A L L ' &R-ATM3 O F - ^ .. •

^XnSW^BIOES-I n A i l ' C i a S s t s ^ f

The Spring House is now open. ' N«w Din­ing -roomSB-sSO...Beautiful-"grounds and snr-rouiSdi:'gs,- .Eurnltu^e-new.. Table, theb'est, GftA'ND ePENrirG/rTHTJRSpAY, JUN1S19, . Sendforcircula-r wifhterins. • ' . '-'-:&i.:- :•'•.." -. '••". ,?f.8:.R,ATN'E;;.pr9'nrie}or. ."

A Oi'«S»m of ;a Mnsbauei .

SatdtSe botel-keeper: "The re Was; ;alady of my acq-uaiatanceonsa,. who •a?fofeeherbusbaftd m".tbe.n!gbtby the pabst .extravagant manifestations of deliribm* Whentie inquired what ailed her she told bina 'to mind his :

0Wn';bU"3ine's8aad riot bother bef;: she -was'-tbinMrigf;','•-.- " '-'-:' , .- ."/.-' "At bifeafefast she told him she was dreaming,. - oh i.'.such . a ; deligbtful dream;' She thought she was at an .auction where they, were selling men, "Oh,,tbere Were such splendid Sjpeci-. mens there: ' But they went, so. high she -feared she eouldn/i, w& one of them, At last.the atjctjotieei' took.

j -cbjBpassioR on her agd' knocked ttbwn a glorious feltbw to her and —ami tbcii

aijegf^^e.-:- •....•.'-..:••.•: ",..;...''. .. ; , "'But,* pi.e&ded the ansibus .bus= band; '$dn ? t ypu ^'ee.'any 'there:;like" me?' '14We you V said tab spiteful

[; .'Jaws, yes. They were' j>«t up in handles, like eekry/.atidsoid.

[ for ten- -cents a buBdle.'"—JpiMt>urg\ lelegmph. .- ' . ".- '.; ' •

dtr-R 'm?M FRicfJss"ARie; itotit

t T E VJ&VTL 'WMfrWFliWm


J O S S P . TTA.RF.KF.K. .GEO; / J , ,HARBREf i ,

W H Y S H O U L D W E NOT B E BUSY ' W h e n w e s e l l a f ine b l ack d r e s s silfc forSOc; L y o n s a t SI, S1.2B; Fat icy OhecK Si immersHfes .atSPc. Wortfi 75c; a n d Colored ;G'ro G r a i n s Si lks a t 'TSand 9(je per y a r d t b a t h'a-se been Si, §1.25; Surah' SilKs i n beaut i fu l shaxles a t ?!; Sat l i is in P i n k s , B iues , Orearns,: for i a n c y work', ?«c p p r y a r d .

. W H Y ' S K O U L P W E S O T B E BUSY W h e n We: sell eood d o u b l e fold Cashmeres a t

.20,. 25c.; s ing le fold a t 10 a n d 12c.-, Cot ton dress goods 5; 6lR,Kic.; L a e e B t o t i n g s M c ; a l l Wool Bu n t i n g s ¥jp; a n wool Debeges 30c; .Nuns Ve i l ­i n g 30c: FTannels 25e; a l l wool CashtnoSres a l l col<oi s s ic , J e r s e y Clo ths 45a; O t t O m i n s 80c; ChurtdahsTOc, d o u b l e fold L i c e B u n t i n g s a l l •wool 40c, were Coc, Velve ts SI 50. Ve lve teens S-re, 100 p i f c s Die^s Goods 12,15.2Qc; 1000 R e m --nfcnis'.Sc pe ' r 'yard-worth 20 toJ5.c. : . W« n e v e r bad a- b e t t e r s tock of tb.e; qua l i t i e l a t t b e pr ices we a r e afferlng n o w .


W h e n w e sell good C a t i - w s 3, 4 a n d 5c; good Shee t ing 15,-52»4 0.aud 7c; Good Blpa,cbe3«, 7 a n d Sc; Gingha ui« 6.7 and 1"-°; Pis Ml inefs K.arid lOe; Cotttift^dps JH;-.1334.!jnd.2flc^-.TIefefugs8,10 a n d W^e; Fu . r ' i i fB reCa l i . oSand 10c; B e a u t i ­ful Crab in ps 121, i f o t t o n P n'ihw IS, 2flr,L.iee OWE A'-B*. ?M T V B long , SI 23 per pair \v»rr Sif h v t l t t ? V i l d a t l f ) liH Ifo u p ; V H r a 2l\ 2->o op; Bfapk W a ' n u t C o i B K ' e Pn\en75<, C m c h e t qu i l t s 65c were 90"; F i n e r Si, ?I 25. a l so Maie -

.Beiis -upto 'SS; Cream. B a m / a * aU-MneniSe ' ' Wa*2-5C; finer and. Wider 25 t o Snp; .B'pacbert D a m a s k a l l L inen 50a1, w o r t h BSc-;- finer -and wider P-'J«c' t o SL.50; equal-Value?4.P}i;rimsk > ' apk ins 75c, w e r e 81; flrter a n d larger Si t o 86,

.T!iwling'5c,Up; Towels 18V-; H-n"ek8'b<\efc'.'TnweiB 12Kc, D a m a s k Towels , anhjial-pafterias 20x40, -25o, w w e -Iflc; . T u r k e y B e d D a m a s k 3Sc; F i n e I m p o r t e d §0.h. wpre <Kj . 'fllnsquit*. B a r SQo'pc--;; Cot ton a n d L ihen Diaper 75e u p , •


When w e sell g'oodCdreets at.25n,Erabroidfied;-•iit 50c, woriIi'75e; nice Laoe a n d E m b r o i d r i e s eh 'eaper t h a n a n y o the r bous s . EsMuiaJ Laces Chilfls H o s e a n d .Gloves 5c upi-Ladies ' S. 16.15 and 25c; Bafbriggan F a n c y s t r i p e and .

-So.Ud Colors . S U k M o u s q u e t a r e 6-but. gloves 60c; "Mens. Socks 10,12}-£ K-C.Ganze'VestsoO aad-Toci-Jean-Di-aWersSOn;.Fans.F'-ldiJig ah'd J a p a n P s e . l . 2 ,3,56; Paraso ls , a a I m m e n s e a s ­s o r t m e n t a* ISc t o §3; S*iaWls. a t 5Q, 75c. SI un­to t h e finest n e w etn.broidpred :noveitiesrrt.ib--bons, Pdrtrijoijles, Hftjad Bags 50, 73c a n d SI ftp; Trayaling. Bags siid Trc raks . HdopSki i f ts ; Pan ie r s 35,-40.anrt50c; s p o t veiliner Toe; Toi le t '

. S o a p s l O c r a B p x ^ p b ' o r s i l k 5c; K n i t t i n g s i lk;-Plns5'c; B u b b e r ci i 'culars 87l<o to:SL5p. -• . •. .. . ^

- W H Y S H O U L D W E - N O T B E BUSY, S h o e d e p a r t m e n t is .a g r a n d s?uccess- Ladies

Tppbble Goa tbu t .ga ' i t e r s §1.35; ICid bflt. ga i t e r s j ?3.5(i;. C o m m o n Sense k i d ga i t e r s 92; Ladies

.finegTove.Jjid: 'foplioots. Onraoo k id fox ing 2:c<}to;3; Fre i ieb Kid-DOots-S.-fiO t o <f« e v e r y b o d y t i i lksab^iut ourS4- k ld .Wat fc lngshoes SI, t h e y nVe solid goods DO p a p e r - o o u ' t e r s a n d shpep sk in , -uppers ; Lad ies Slipper's75e t o ' S l u p ! a large-lot of snft.~wifl<s.: Tow shoes for e l d e ' l y persons 'made- . fo r comfort . ' Qh.itds' shoes'SOe t o l;MIs«esjsaitej 's 1,1.25.1,50;boyS Ann m e n s , shoes l,2C 1,50; ; 2 ' t e H e n s -flna'^udcoaTsfe boots . .We bi jy d i ree t jfront^mam^facturer,

• '; -. W H Y S S O U L 5 -WE-NOT B E B U S Y • : . ' - '

W b a n w e <seli T a p e s t r y -Brasseis cwpef.-at 75c; Tt>gra1'ri ag-in^oc; al l w o o l r n g r a i n . . 6 5 t o S ' c , . •fio'rtryiil c lo th 3Pc u p ; i n a t s 75c.Gocoa :an(i Tnp^ estry; X ten -sef.5S'-piPceK b e s t s t o n e ehina .Si ; . ! . .d inner set"S8.S0.; good-.tnmblers- 25Pi-Set;..-g'ood. gofi1etC35o set; .glass sau'ep disb»s 50o up}- glass-s e t s 8 niecea SI; l a m p 30c; deboiWed. l a m p s , ,ar- : ea-nd biirne.fs'Wit.h .sha'dfis#i; looking" grasses. 2fo t o %i\ s-ton-e w i r e , plated-ware.; kni-ves a n d forks cheaper 1h»n : t h e . cheapes t ; frntf' j a r s ,8tto?1.25.'pfi.irdoK, . .---.'- ; , - •• . - . - •• ; ." . • ' •

"•''. .'W^'Y.'SHOTJLD'.WE'NOTB.BBUSY.. ,. fifl bbis . A-. eoffoe sugar'7?^c; goodbTown'suf ia r (il-ie; molasses35 to-SOci.snlengirt coffee 12.'^c p ° r p o u n d ; 15 a n d 20e -roasted coffees. Be -mem-ber w e lead-i-'be tna-rket .on SOc'tea.-; We havfia'lso t e a " a t 15anil25e^«ry:gno.dat3o.aUii: 35c; 'atBy.catiriot b'e-:ma-tcbed->. .every o p e t h a t •tim. th.em'bu'Ks..tbem'r.iab't.ftlongi- 'SoapSo; Sflbbifs 7<"y R'ce-S";E-*gUsh-ourrants;86: :ftais. "ens.roa.nd'12%(5{ Prun 'es '8n; Oanhed goods-laWo^iaTclrf l rs , liic; efiitod.-'oheWirig t o b a c c o

"«f(ic| Wari jfck * 'Bro .waSN6 . t'smokiDg25c-it!:f Kerosene I3e; B r o o m s 206;beVst Geese Feath.ers 70an'd 75e-per pound; ' . S a t e s m a t c h e s 5c. p e r -boss.anaibiindredS[of- otber'- articles.; We 'ba*e.-n o t space t o enuraai-ate. Remei r iber you wi l l a l w a y s fl.rid t h e l&rKeBt-stoek,"th'#S,neBt sobcis a n d t h e lowest pr ices «.% ... ,

W A . T B R S & C O ,

BAILROAD TICKETS Sold to a n y p a i t of t h e

T E S T E R S ? C J O U S T T R X ,

STEAMSHIP TICKETS Sold to and from

As cheap as any oLliei line.

Office i» Jonruot A. RejwbTii <xv Block

Of all Kinds and Q-rade-3 ever Shown in Lewis County,

J ly Store is Just Crammed Full of

Gents9 Furnishing Goods, Ha t s , Caps, and

Regi&jr-Made Clothing, Of every Description Kin-J and Quality that can be Found in any City.

MY OUSTOIE DEPARTMENT Is Fu1! to Overflowing With. Work, but any Body Wisfiing CU3 TOM Work

ofuny Kind will Flnf* it to Their Advantage to Call on Ko=;rior, BLOCK, S. FBITOH, LOWVILLE, IT. Y.

! CAIPETS! Tbe Laigestand 5fo>t Bean1ifulL'n<i of Carpe-S, Brr-r Seen in Lewis County

wll be Fr und at tbe ,Store of

*'M^20s'%xjfri - <?&

S u c c e s s o r s r f


St nam Planing Kill,


TheSn'bscribehs -^euid-give -notice.'lo- thf people of Lewis COnnty,'that tb*y Sa%e alt. the 'appurtenances .nsf-' macijtnerj. for tb t manufactni-e of

BASK, BLINDS, .BOOBS', BEACKETS '••••. . -MOOLarNes,^c;-,-&c,...... Andean sunnlythemWitbanyttting in the l i

•lipe on terms to coaioet-e .wita any: atber al»OT. . . . - . - ' . • ' . . . :

- ' B u i l d e r s Wi'il 0 n d i h e tnouldihgs. ' ' . finished n t h e b e s t s c a n n e r , a n d -at p r i ces t ha t - w i l l

Give ih#m from 25 to $0 per cent,

. ; • ' &V*s£itlG>'.$. W«»*S«i HjJ-.nS;ri!li

and a n y o t b e r W<Tk,'in c o r t a s c t i o n With t h bus ine s s pe r fo rmed t o t h e nios-t c o m p l e t satisfaction.. . . • " . • - . "•Our shop is s u p p l i e d .wi th t a s b e s t c l a s s of

m a c b i n s r y , a n d t h e m o s t e a m p e t e a i w o r k ­m e n , • - . - . . . .-.

' A l l k inds ' of Pan ' e i an 'd -01a.pboaird S a w -I n g . a s . wel l a s Ci rc i i l a r a n d . Sa . ro l l Sa-,vin.g don e on sho r t not ics . . .

T u r n e - i a n d F t u f e d - B a n i s t e r s . a n d "Newell ' Posts a o u s t a n t i y o n h a n d , Hi m a d e t o o r d e r .

T u r n i n g -of-i i l .kinds'sxscti teii ia-g' i joSjstylr

^QslkW&m- ifc.-ssjs J ^ - ^ J ^ D os i? i l O H , NEW PATTEBNS,HANDSOME COLORS BEAUTIFUL

DESIGNS « V BODY BRUSSELS. TAP ftSTET BRUS­SELS & ALLTTOOL T\S O & THREE PLY INGRAIN Ar Prices u Meer any an-i ail Com^ntKn a t uome „ r Abjoad-

g i iy-Ifctimj,.. 5fo odor.|p$tt. . BB.sure ysu gtE. I,OivI&- p. 'S %OS{ CaioErns signatare of itiscra: St'ilb^ N, y^oh-Bvery-« Yj-iahiih '.'^^n'F7Jct^«fe,iruc;KTgat,'^gTgla-pecfug^.,||

P i i rkfr ' s f iaf t ' B;ilsam ! :md.Fibrest(jn\Jo Ion. ' • So ld b y -Morrfsoi; & Moore,' .

.- -. • • • -: -' Lowvilie, .-Lewis eouutyi . N.,'Y.-;

e, r \ T . , T \ f o r t n e -working c l a s s . Bend. 10 V / - i J J - f c e n t s - for. ' .postage,' arid -we Will

:ra'all-ydu free, .a joyal ,volu 'abTe 'box o'fsaia-ple 'goods t h a t wittp.ntyouin-. thG w n y oi'mak-.-iiig'nioi<e-money its a few- days t h a n -you e y e r t&ug l i f .possible a t a r i y bofiiaessj. Cap i t a feo t ; : r e q u i r e d . W e w i l l s t a r t y.o'n, YducS-H worlsa.i-1 She t i m e or- in s p a r e -tiia.t.-only.' T f e ' w o r k is 'uhiversaHy adap t ed to" born si?S'e< y o u n g and old. 'gou -can eas i ly -earn from 50 cents ' t o S.5 ev.p^y e v e n i n g . T b a t a l l . WHO wg;rit w o r k m » y test-Xhebusiness, w e m a k e tixw u n p i i » y e l a l offer; t o al l -who a re ifot woll satisB'ed ^ve wi l l s e n d ¥1 t o ' p a y tor t h e t r o u b ' e of wr i t i ng u s , .Fiill-. .particulars, d i rec t ions , e tc , , s en t free.,. F r t r tunes w i l l be m a d * b-r-those Who gi'vfl. t h e i r . w h o l e - . t i m e W t b e woik« Gfreat.siicc>-e3 absolute ly , su re . D o n ' t de lay . . Htar t n o w , A d,if3ai[TJ!jON &eOi,.Por.tla;n-d. Maine;.

n o t , life i i -.!,Wi.'fcpmg' by, go.,<tnd d a r e before y o u - d i e . « o m t t h t n g

n i i g h t y a n d snibl£m#tea?.- b s h i n d to conquer t r i . m e . - . S e S a ' w e e k f s y o u r o W n - l o ^ n . ' S3wat8S 'fi'ee'. -No r i sk . EverytfiifiL' nt-w. Capi tal » . , : r aqu i red . We will fu rn ish you e v e r y t h i n g ,

' M a n y a r e m a k i n g for-tnises. Lad ie s m a k e a^ mucfra ' s m e n , an-d boys :vnd gi r ls m a k e g r e a " pay-ai i t b e -time, wrile.-for tiai'tlcalftrs to ' H , Haltetf.akL*o.,P^rt!i«»a. Maine . -. - -

•fSJ mwriLis TiMm

•• r CM-


. E f e F e l t M f c e J£icJslMSf BTlnsse i r .

'. " I ubderstarid; that you are going to- Cbicago to-day,". sai4 Noodles to a ybupg lady .acqiiajptance. ;. "yes ," she replied/ 'Idepart at 4:30' p - t n . • " . . ..".-" .. '-.' - --••'-'...

' '-^bald-you permit me-'to bsebrt; ybu:fo tbe train ?" eagerly asked the ybiirb.:' :: . ' ' . . : ""'.. •'

MBeaHyj"-said thb'btushirig- .miss, " i t would not be fight for yiju to go much trouble..^.. .' ;:, ',.

"Oh,•ia'de;ed,'', said 'irooaies, eourt-esying profoundly, - "it -would give trie the •greatest. pieas'uEe to see; yptt Q & > f • : ' : . ; - \ : " . ' : . ' ' : . ' • ; . ' ; ' . ; . • ; . — . - ; , . - ,

;'•: Then he felt, like. gpifig behind the house and kicking himself fery, very

.•har'd%-^<S'ffMS'.»x; - . - • ' - • - .

St.Wi Pev YP°T,

ou Bats*" eleai'i!) oat Bats,

Corns," for Corns, Bun-

;Petti%'s .A»ierie^.ri.

C6t*eH--0MRE. BI?B i?iSuMP-gsai$tag, S3^-FiSE's#.CorsK'CTKE 6 U -•' i'CitrjiHE'B, ' Equal- in aicrit to

liiii'fie'Sli'a- iBofU-ca, SO Cente. gtffSSALfty-y..-\T.r.nivy,gKs. •

Hbl* by-Horacft'Susli4'S"OiarLow!:iiie,. is. 1'.

SALESMEN : ^ t d c k .

W A N T J i D J - T o ; Kell :-tiurKefy F.tiH • -l ino Of n e w and .valwili l«

Sp.eeiailtlesV . - P e i t o a s e n t ' " e m p l o y m e n t a n d goad- sa ta ty . Jo successful agen t s . Add ie s s g l t l n g a g e ar id» T h e G e o . A . S k m e MOTs6ryL-.-UO.,B0fih«ster, N . - Y; '

'A Vem 'or'.tli.e:Mitn3r".'iT*lsilm<?« .-'; n'ials;.V*:%ii!h--©.-l4., Y^boBia!*. ;•_" . '•': . Ikksj Refc*i3Fe' t» :.

H a v i n g used -Vrboma*t'.s fcitig O v e r P a i n , r p s r n o u r i n e i t an- ^ sup i»r te r»r ; « p l e , - ' -.. - \ - ' l '&UMAN-l . )Avr- ! ,

' . •FbwIeiijSt.-La.wrrenceCIo-., N . Y.-

. • l JaY|ag .%sea;vxooniaa i f i s; Kf'ng-..0ver P a i n

* a n i e e o m m ^ K d 'ft as- d. good m e d i c i n o for p a i a i n ' the sloxestcb, s i d e a n d twee th roa t ,-an d

t- i n a h y -oth^rMlls toft Bttnjai oris t o meJaUon,." -1.-.-.- •- .'•. • . A . O; J l I S D L R t O . S , .. - ' • ' • ' ' • • " ' - ' "••'. B'«i.(g3:..Styer,.N, Y'. ,'•

.'.•'.- - ;-8a-Ck«ts-Hai'b6r, SfvY.,-i"eb. 23*. IB.H4. ••• . H a v i n g used t h e OEiig OTerPai-n t t t i n k ft o'ne,of...the., bast m a d w ines - In use . H a v e ussea i t for t oo thaehe -and n e u r a l g i a . . I t Is t h e best-we-eyer. saw-;"•- :--'-' '

;;. :•" 3V W. JPEBLDS s a a l I A » 6 Q E F l K L D S ;

-"Bough Mice.' 15c-.

"Bough on iohSf iac. : Thin people. •" Wei te' Health Be-neWer,r restores health ..and 'vigor,cures dyspepsia, &e. f t . . ' . .

"BoUgb oa Tootbaebe,'-1 instant re^ Uef.. 15c. -..

LatJfe wbp would re-tain fresBness' and vivacity don't fail to try "Wells' Health Betiewer." . . .

"Buebu-paiba," great kidney and .uri'miry. cure.

Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs,, rats, mice, cleared oilt'by "Bough on.Bats."

.15e. "Bough ou Coughs/' troches, lot*.;

liquid, 2Sc. F«r chJlrirea, slow in deve!of?ttient,

puny aiid delicate, Ut<e "Welts' Health 'Rfentwei"'' . • " . : •

'•Boagb on I)eijtist" Tooth'Power. Try it. J-JC;. - . • .

Ntrvbus"Weafeuet!S,Dvspepsra,Sesual Dt'trillty cured by "Welts' Health Ea-aewer" ,$1. . ' _. • .. . "•

Mother 8wari'ti Worin Byrup, for Tv vei'i.-'b'h'js's ^«ruis, etibstipatian ; tasft> iess. 25., • - . ' . . . . .

Sirugiii}i,.ijTi(atwnt all Kkiu.ey arid UriHftFJ cimiplaiats cun-d by "Bucliu-patl-a-" §1- .'. . "'-:•-. • Night sweat*, fevor, plii-Hi, m*laria,. djApepsia.cured by "-Wells' Health Et>-a e i y e . u ' J . - • ' • -

My bunband (ivHtKHalsdy) is tbi-p.e titHi-s "tli« naan since tisiiiij . -'Weils' Health JieneWv'r/'

.If you are failing, broken, worn out and- aen-ottsyuse '•'Weils' Health Re--at'wer," ft; • • • • . - . . •

.PreValemee of Kidney 'cotrtplajaf in America.; "Buehu-paiba" is a quick,

t eonipiete cure. $1.

FofflPn enjoy iribre the., pleasure they give than the pleasure they feel-

Rochepedre," ••'" ..-' .. '.

lb succeedonemust sometimes b e vei y bold, and sometimes very prud­ent,—Napoleon. .

Hyppcritea hide their defects with so much care that their hearts are poisoned by them. " . . . . ' .

Every, day is a -litfie life, and-, our whole'life, is but a .day- repeated! Therefore, live.every day as if i t would be the,lastv-• ' " ; . " - -.

fiAUfiOftB m tHl WiiiP, Let it be feeyer. remembered that the


Ts t h e b»st a n d shor tes t r o u t e t o a n d from Cbi-csigoand P'Tuncil Bluffs ( O m a t o ) , a n d t h a t I t Is preferred b y ai l -well pos ted t rave le rs w h e n or from

I t alHO. opera tes t h e best route a n d the s n o r t l ine be tween

OMoago _aad Si^Paui aai


•BrOS 1*' . :


^d^fed^-Bi^QiiEls^ and .'-fa-


IN OUBFURNiSHmG DEPAiiTilBSfT WE. HAVE A GRAiS'D'GOOIJ :- ".-' >-;-/.-:. ; . ' . ' . ' : •'-. '8H;GWpfe?.0F :. •' , / •'. ' - - -. •

SMfts, €[ol1^s,' '^esv::' v •

Farniets, Busiriess. Slen or anyone wishing

jL- Sottnd -In^nf a,iice, ;' - - ^ S h ' o h l d apply'%<>—- ; . . . , ' ,

A-iarge number 'o f tfca'best C o m p a n i e s T a p -Vesented . ' - : . . . . . . - . . - • • . - ' • , . 1

n i S w a h f e d . ' f o r L I T O S Of . i-^i. ' .x Oa'U- t h e P re s iden t s of. t h e

t l , - s . Tli« largest^ h&Ddsomest, b e s t t s o o k ever sold for less t h a n twice o u r p r ice , Ttte-fasiest se l l ing bi^ Amer ica . I m m e n s e profits .to a g e n t s ' A l l in tAl i igen t people w a n t i t . A i r y .ouecaabeeo. t t te" :a- micce'ssfttl a g e n t . -Ternis-.ftee. ' fiALMSTTBooK Uo.,''PorUland>Miiliie.

And:.the best way iodo this i'ajjy using

imzm: & $QM

At! K e \ ^ (xoodi) ami Seyi*-^, <m\%

Than fm the U<*t 2^ year-<. Pariies Wi-b ng Crri"-^ this Spring Should not Fail to E t ' M m e ou.-Sro.k ^nd P^i.-c- as <•>? F^eiC'-'-'inie'it \y& can

• ' Fi.eas'e, '.WSa^e Afeo-;SliOwin«.-as"ffinea-X.iaeof"- ="--:- •--"----"-"-

' As any House in Tbw.U'''attd.'©;(iaTanC-!ii3 tiJ Sell--Tkeui as Less k< the -r•-•"'*" .•"

We buy tor Cash and.Sell fbr.Cash and Can aad-tvlii'Mak^ptri<je&". ;;'•''.


prises'-a'Fitli -tiiaalof; :Wm& BM-\ .Otilorei /Silfe5.Slums? -Slli^vf&i^Siiti i^ dA&fiSff i f tES/AIi^^dQ'I^Ti tECb^iJAN^.TAFTy-iA^©, -i V;W.X-r ':••



And Everything r*rtainlng to a First Class Biy" Goods Store.;-. ATa&ja Cbnapiete-' T. .-•''" - " ' , • ' " ' • • ' ' ' •: •"•' . : T d n ^ ' p f . - . ; . : " . ' ' v""'"-'-V^ '••'/'••"• i '•-:". ' ; . ' ; ' ; :.•

..'oS-SAT.BAEKAiss.... . -•.•-..•. . • -;-V ^ •.'>'..-.• v"; •';.. .;FXT©H;&0QWB^. -

r*0- «T?;Or-'S3 !S^i

- ^ W i l l offtrsome extra bargSins' iti^—^'. '.. -'


..IT THBDOIBf lL .OCm.vHiSSTGCjgpF , ;

'' ..-;AND THE LAIRSEST AND- FINEST t n p r O P '•/.


; OIJB'OIJSTOM PEPAETMENT, s ';.... Was never in a'inore flourishing condition Be sure and call before purchasing slsewaere. ; • . ; ' " • ' . . . . ' • ' •

Lowville, April 1st, 1884. ' W>I. -LENNOX.

• ' • " . . COATtNG,- ' •'"•", The Only Reliable Protect'on for Brpssrying

' the Shlngte Roofs o.f ' . .

•I>w.el?iis'g llotwses,.'BiarKSj "• • .. 'Clajsreiies, Ste,». •• •

And making them. Fire'proof.'3gainst"Hpaj;Es. and Cinders from Ohiinneys and ' Burning-Buiiding!?, • ' '• •: • ' . - ' . - -. • ' '

,OM';.-FIas-tie.-. • M&UmMi '•. Ce-;. :, ;'-r^^far-TM^oofei,;.-: •/••.• Is s t tper ior to AnyQi 'mg i n Use for # e a r a n d

' . ' S t e p p i n g of L e a k s , .

.'' "Tt is w a r r a n t e d n o t t o ' O r a c k - o r Sca l e^as i t . 'E sp inc i s and Ooalt-acts 'by f le^t a n d Cold;

T h e p ropr ie to r s of t h e Roof Coa t ing a r e a p -ply i i ig tlna eovert ' ts ; to m'-my bu i ld ings i n a n d a b o u t Boonvi l t s , .' .Messrs Ke l l ey & Co. aav& w o r k e d thft coAt tag h a s • gr*e.n t h e best o t sa t is fact ion. • lH-s.cosm&osed.

•of . ingr.wliente n o t e d . f o r t h e i r preservAtive. qual i t ies . - ' . ' . ' ..-

' PROPiRTY OOTERS :' who-have bui tdfogs covered With tra-or-sMii--.' glerooi^-sl intf ld-consult : With t h e p r o p r i e t o r s

.-.of,"toe'Roor Coating,. - .. • . ' . - _ . ;• . • In tlie n-tet few W^eks.operations Willie cotnmi-'nctHl a t Lowvi l l e . Orders p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d to. - ' . - . ' 51 wS d o n ' t d i e ; -

The action of 'PE , r t lT 'S . \MERlCA5J; ;cO'DGH !. - CUBE - is npoii tht: entire Hyst^ni, Stimulating.iUl | the .var'iou'&.^himls ta joonnal action., a glow ' of uuj-iii.tili set ins. i.xS J,!^. dlFuug!-, -thu ctijil^d.cir. ( culut'ion, ihr j7.,,fbe -iiecomcs. natural and regular,'.] tlie « Iv.s-. hot ami fc-\f ri-.ii, an3 the fougli less .urgent'. ' . " ' " ••'. • . - . ' ; - ' - . . -

Cla^s a i i A . P ' ^ ^ S'^[l»»*i«l 1S||-.

).-, i ta 'ger .aud mot^6 comple te th.dn'.eyer before^ Tafe"oal>ftc a-fi&oaraialisr'-isiT.-ited ' • '. . . . .'•• ; . ' "«5.atai»a-lriBstofc!>'acijrlces>; .. .•"'-.- -. ' .;.; ' '- ,".... " -


• * - f i r m.t .--rs-r-.-

i f ^


• ~ -°^3?F - ^ ' -*rfe^ rf'rzra'W'- 'i ''&'.'. f'.'g . » u^&aiis^n.--y^is . ^4,4^rfe^.i'>-...-~g,,M,(,.MwaU-jg• »2

-•' I • • Kiiei;wood'SKOvel&^F|rrti.Earrifisfe'.^;t-' ••••''. • ' ,

.Jri,,-Qjf.\ J^!!^3'^3:3IJ3ZJ[..^?5V;:''-- • -'. . • • •-'.. . I tmant lne i t for 'yoaysc l f i ' ; ' : , - ' , ." '• -.",-• ' ;

TH'' B*siln lire World s;t--


tm^0 ^ B

fSL|M;ESs"-fct.lfy*. ^ ^ '.

W H O * S VfSAGQUMHTtS VVIl'H T K S CEQGfirASH^ G>; t t a b . C O l i f c t n V , "feajiV

SEE f?y Ek/miniHG rms MA?J T&ig?. THE.- ':;; ;:.- .•/.-•'-;.'


Milwaukee , LaOrosse, Spa r t a , Ha 'dison, Fo r t U-otftwrd,(<&reMiH»y,) Wis. , Winona", OwaU onni i , Maii-katj), Minn . ; Cedrfr. Haplds , Des Moines, Webhter t i i ty A l a o r i a . ' C t l n l o n . M a r ' s lu i i l town , I o w a FrePpo'rt', -Elgin. Boe'kford 111., a r e a m o n g t h e 890 local s t a t i o n s on i t s l ine . . - • ' • ' , . - " . '

A m o n g a feW r'f t h e n u m e r o u s - p o i n t s of s u ­pe r io r i t y er,ji>yed.rFy t;ho pa ixons "of t h i s road a r e lU'D A Y C O A C H E D ' wbi-cli a r o t h e finest ' t h a t h n m a n qrl ami ingenu i ty can create • i t s .PALATIAL-. HLBEPIffG. .UARS,' .wblob 'arS-mode l s of comfort andele t jauee; i ts PALAf 'K D.KAWIXO ROUja UAKS, winch a r e u n s u r ­passed b y a n y ; a n d i t s wide ly ce lebra ted '

" •ftaRTtifWB.STEJ0 MNIKG-(BAKS,."". tbe like ri'f' Which are. not run by any otiier road any Wb>ce> In whort, "is*fisFii,eatliat ISMTS^BVOI'EQ,UIPPED E O A D . I N T H E

Al l po in t s of in te res t tSTortii, \*oWibwes't. an'd-W t t l ' o f Chicago, bUHliJeas .centres , . summer resocts .and noted, liuntlt.ig-and l i s t i n g g rbnods ;

a r e i.cce^si-ble by the va r ious b r a n c h e s o r t h i s

I t o w n s a n d c o n t r o l s over 500.0 mi l e s df-rnad sjiii h a s o ; e r toO-passoager teouilbolors cowtfn^ uaj tv ea r ing for i ts mi l l ions »r n a t r o n s . " - -. Ask. y o u r ' t t cke r ' ivaentr for . tfekets ' v i a «hi« j o u l v AND-TAKEJP.W-TE-0raES.AaTeadJmS-t i cke t agents sell t h e t n . I f eosfs n o . m o - r e f S t m v . ' m t j t W H rou te , fl-rsl--tyass"n0: asm moila.'.lonf.t.h'm-16 does to go- by t l i a noo? . ly « i a i p p . ' d roads . . . e"--:

F o r r,japb, desurlpliVe c i rculars a n d s u m -n i e r r e s o t l papers of o the r in format ion not-pbtj-tinablo a t y q u r joeal t i cke t oflice,' w r i t e t o

! ^enii l?ass. Agent, tV « i f . ^ .Ea i lwa^ I 27^ow.yl .'. .- OBIbAGfb,iLL;.

A combinat ion of t h e F ines t Ma te r i a l s endorsed by tHe best Chemis t s as being n o t "'only H a r m l e s s bu t Beneficial.

I t . is Golorless, Odioi.iesHr Tas te l e s s . -

i rpATjDPBSiTBO.? ,,••;'."", I t caias F ru i t , stt & snyirig of 5'f) per cent . ; in sugar , anil T"5 per

cent , iia wOrfe. ' =. . ' •; • . - • ' " I t addg t o tfee Iteeping qual i t ies of jn i lk , ' .

. ' .It m a k e s a p rese rv ing sa l t for.ButtoiV p r e v e n t i n g tHe far:ma-tion^of Bu t r i c Acid,an'd keep ing t h e bu t t e r from becoming rancid .

I t^keeps Cida^.sweet } by t he addi t ion .of a b o s t o each 0 g a l o n - c a s k ^ '• "jr. ••: - • '"- . . . . . . . . •••..' .

..',' '.. .>''' . ^ . ' — - F O B S A J L 3 3 ' O B ^ — ~ .

l"erS.nn> h'avijig a. tronMesome-cougH'-\vhieh' i breaks their rest .it night, ivdl tiVul hv taiiing aldose { .of-I 'ErriT- 'S AMEii tCAN. COUGH C U R E up­

on going lj& bed, ttiev .will li-ue a sou-nd unbrt?lien .rest. it. it in%u.luabl-e. For ' •all •dru-.'gist's.. If Uiken "m time it w.iH cure C?"n-sumption. '

PET-'FIt 'S AAfERICAN COUGH CIBIE i s . tile finest in :ide, nndis eijaal in ment to P E T T I T ' S E Y E S A L V E , wbich i^ conceded the best in.tine. Our treatise „n Consumption' free. Address

H O W A K D BitOh. ; -FRgDONiA, N» Y. . .

gold bv HIIIUCH B"I t-h ,v" Sm, , i , o e i 'Mc, .V. V

Those l a l i i u i a r l i r e i ( ' i i i e wusuiiOu's,^ t .ilts- : J n g y o u to f i i e t ' sca iee l 'y -ab l? . to b c . o u y-ottr ' i'eet, t h a t c i m s t a n l U . a i p t lmt is Ur'ii 'sijj . ' t i e b loom l i u m yi'mr eljuelvs, tu'tw e imt in- j

- d a l s t r a i n 6u y t m r vi ta l ' i t - ' rces , r e n d e r s ! - y o u i m t r t b i e yu'dh'etl.u-J, tarn e a s i l y r g , j

jiiovetl by ."use o.f l & t t i n a c s y l o u s l-emudy, .1 B E T T I T ' B . B W I O B r c i t i t ' l B i : . I n e i t i l i t f - j Hies awi't ibsiTuetii 'Ms of y o u r s'ysiera aw 't r e l i e v e d . a t oUee, w h i l e tUe>peei t i l v-au>efe i

• of pe r iod i ca i i*ain aiv. p e r a i a n r i i t l y r e - . moved-. Xoue r ece ive a s . i n u e h bene i i t , o r j a r e S Q profoundly , ;;r, lve t -miurnd- , i u g P K X I I I ' S 15iui'i»'l*i.iui;ijcK ui>y,ouien. ,


iUi'^Mt' / -VT v - ' ^ ^ ^ i ' v


. .PF .T l .TfS .RI.tKHi IH'il 'tl U H L e-n-al iri merit to IfKT'J'i-r-si VXT. S V l V r »"!•"». <5

•eoncadeti best in tf;cW<.r]d, I-;p.i'i-SAJ..E E&

So.ld t>$ HjiraCe B t u h A s o n , L' lwvtl ie . N . > .

Li^SHiEOS iemi Axji CJL1MATJE;§» AI*. sojtfcs, XVL ima^,t

B i rt; 1 " V ' l i 1 Aa.-nts Ma.-.t-cd tor .-in-1 l i r \ . i . A ^ pj t h e m i c t>.liti>m W i l i s >HKi '• a t Ati;-.B«'ii, bU in.rtue'.. L-tri;e;;t,•'; h :ni]M mesf .cb- ' i ipes t ss'ui beM. By t h e r e - , . It'owiied l.isi,»r.rn) a i d K!-'£.tN-r>hrr, Cul. C-JU-. ; wel i , whose !ifr ,»( G<rH'IeJd,.j>trtilHh«ii- t y 'ti«,'< outsiilil-tlie I.«I*I ty , . tb '-rs uy ^j.:n..i.i -nn.-i-.eUs • every I.,o,,k e \ , r" v-ul-iKInM Ui thi--- wt»rhi; , lti-at.j-as; tits JU-" "(-H>iiK1IlH.v >Ul-ty. Agputs | art1 n i ak ing Innnrf-s AH ltevr !,e!>lT,t3.pi-i4*u.c- : ci'«.«tul;'i»rij»nl e l n n ^ p Muni..- ff! .*<ii» i . by a l,.di i.a-ji-! ' L e f l ^ t J n y . Ti'tuifc must.-j ]'il)e»:>l, i 'at hc i i la rs . ficR. . BoUer send & ' eeuff. for I'li.^'U^i^ ,-fe,, cm tiee'-wnull... o.nw t r r lu iy . inelndlnis large pres-pecius book, a n d '! Save vnVu'able.true. ; I

\ U P N ' * <"o", A. K'.i^i'i, Muiae . J

Being the Great 0entEalJJ»e,.affords totravelefs^ by 'teasoh&t I ts tinrlvaied geb-Bfaphioal.i30sittbr>,,theBh'b.rtest:an*&BS.t route ,t>o*we'en t h e Ea6.tVl Nrjrtneait '.and; Southeast j atici the West , Northwest andSoutf iwest . . . . ''. . - > ' ; ' " - - ' .

• It Is literally an*.strictly true^ t h a t i ts 4afineotioas aFeCal! of'thdgflneTpatllrtes. of roatl isetwefin tise'Atiafttto.ana tfl&Pgeific, :-.-.' \ ; .:-.;. ' .. ' •.'-:-'-- ' -----

By Its main tin© and iam.nahes. Jt reaches Chicago, iJcVHetr Peor ia , 'Ot tawa, . Ca SADe, Ceneseoj EV!ollaa :ttnxi Eoisk'fsTatKJ,. Hi i(Iihcfe;j: Davenport, iflufecatlrtet ^lfashittston,;.K;ookul4». KnoxvUle, : Oskaloosat •Faii'fleM, -Bed fiSolnes, W s s t t l b s t t y f Jowa Ofty, .Atiantlc, ftvoea, AUdtsiion, Harl3n»'Cutnj:l.s CeSterl &nd; Oouofjil"BfuSSt,'-' In S&w&f Ctallatih; Trentpn,'.Canieron antl KaHoaaGi^jlnMfssoUrlj'aria'teavenT. wortli ana Atcbigoti in Kartsa3» egidi Jb&;fiuridrecis pf^cities, vfllases-andtowna/ •in-teTiri6diate« Th's'-I '-•'.-•••.•-' '-'•'.; •'--".•--.-.•'•>• -"•-:--. •'. -• - '-. •-..;-' -'•..-. ';'-.

. 'osc/ir- mm: tmp^&mrm?' "AS It }& familiarly oal lsd , . offers So. t e aye le re -a i l t h e advasVtSges an t f :iGQiTifQrtat Inofdent - to a Bmootft t r a c k , ga.fe b r i d g e s i .Ofiibn S e p r i t s - a t . k i t ' c o n n e c t i n g p o i n t s ^ F a s t "Express T r a i n s ^ ' c o s i p o s e d of'60S j.WlEi.t;-V.ENTIfeA*ED', 'WEtfc H E A f E D / FIME4.-Y 0PH«si.S.T5f?SQ af td EJ-JEPSNT CAV-OOflCi iESj ia l ino of t f i« . M O S T «!AOStlF | r>5«t KGST-Ofi HSGI.IN1H6 OlfASii CAHS:esfle"r b t t i fe t ^ U t t M A N * * l a t e s t d e s i g n e d a n d ftaedsomest PAtACH' S t E E P I N Q G.aks , ' .ah .d OININO: C A R S t h a t a r e a c k n o w l e d g e d by p r e s s ^ n d p e o p i o t o ' l i e t h e FliSEST. RUN .UPON.'AMit ; ROAD II* THE CoilNTS!y, .ancl Jft v ^ t p h ' s u ' p e r i o r . m e a t s a r . e s e f v p d to -^ rave le r s a ^

. t h e l o w ' r a t a o f ^'VEKTV>FIV.e. G E S T S ^AOH,. . - , " ' ' . ' - ."•": '----• : ; " - - " . . . '.•!• • • THREE TSAi&S eaan. way' Batween GH5GAGO. and . t h e IWtSSOORI RIVER, • T W O TFfArflS e a c h waV" betWse'n OrrlSftfi© a n d f35NKHAt»'Ol-IS anct S T , P A U L , '

vta the ftjmous 'V-, •; •:'"'.•'_•*-_' ^>'LL"J-"'."";:J^'ii *J '

, . i , „ , , . . f 0QR S.EEPS.

.- ••TtdKl.tssKI-'ULCflMfA.V'fo-'J."

g :S(Pfll?h": vr«*S»iSS* &' Mitpiltm'iiS, !

R-'i-'e'' ,ni(i a d ' J e , finrtj l.l)t i\jie.-t<->iee ot i r l t h l PtniuVnt^. -.-Bd <VI-I.II Minvus- , fbl bamn'&ss' riven. -A t r e a s u r y of - t b e t-ne.M i

, v a l u a b i s informat ion* Pr ice 50 cents . Malted i I pofltpflid o n i-eeelpt^f pr ice, Fos t ageBta inps . j

- T a y l o r i roSi , 'Fnb, , ' i ?ool ie8ter 1 3f ,yv- |

Jans ra ry U l 8 S a r a n e w Bhe. will be opened* v ia idKrir ikakeej b e t w e e n S e w p o r t Mews, Rienrriortd, d ine inna t i , ' Sn.filanaeotls ariti .fea BayettB t .ar)d;,C'o'«ncli SlMffs, Q t . P a u l . SWiRBe^-.-poils.and Jh t^ rmed i i t e . p .p in t s . ' .-- " ' - . - . ' - .= - ' . ' ; ' : r --."•"

Ail T i t rous i i P a s s e n g e r s ea r r t ed p n P a ' s t ' E x g r e t e T r a t n ^ . . " ' . . . -For w o r e dctaf ted itifof m a t i d n , E e e ^ K a p a i w d Flolders, ».vhioh m a y b e o b t a i n e d , a « '

»WII a s T i c k e t s , a t all pr incipal t l c k e t o m c e s |ri t h e Uni ted S t a t e s a r i d C a n a d a , o r o 4

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