^ ^ •3iWa^^%,0olaiiiiii 4»«tll«i^0KaiSi3u^. ,^$slnc$. i.leffr: yo& rountcyX sfiB : ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ r « t o ^ •.^S^Q p J ^i B SQda as ith e Qtfc : lyoor .reaSerSiiioWi. to make poultry, -• - Jrailfc w£H not tise in the same time as 51&9 rest ? afld'tralea? fc&mili: la allow- f:Wfi;tp,stand Iqngei'thkH ft; Qfchei?wis« ito.uli.befoie.being, skijajsed, will :KoferIge;atall oi.biat imperfectly, &a& A?ill .rsmaiti-iii/'tlte skitafete4ttiifci [ Agafri if t i e . twpsljSnt&Qf '-cEeath were .to be-pat "in; tJiepiiurja -togeiiieE tho featier'' fi*6m tEe; 'farrow edw's; milk > '^*saf irt large cities'IiB;e-JJew;^6y3£ ? ,, ajeftverj :; ; tEIJtey Salt*%i8&3y- : . amr-feBi; : . -""jfit 1C6J&.§0 So- 6» qea&per^aadv fexit. ;to-oblaiii^jfiese &?gii"i>|iGSstliey nptttsij T- Jsef 3aafeiie(J-.-ea*i^ JPebfaary,: Marek -. ^"d^prit'ijei^^^ .&$ '.-'~- i4^l^-jp.p|.Bet§ngp by- ;.inst|n;qt thai; : : ' earijryou;mnstiisfi;incabatoJS; - They.-.| '•• \ ^il|3batc^.*ia|#^petqeat of oJhlcto; ,-. thatt; heps,,attdtHe. (Sjicfeaardi. very '•..-• ieattiiy,;ljdag e»iH^iy"fe^.fr6mli^t3i: - I have;-Js?ft|s(eabatoiS\tbdlmaiae - : idys^l.£ vTJiey 6oSt^e;i5;0O';ea®' a P# ' .'jboid'. #$eggs\. •. Anypie" car*Jjefc xjt er, sad 'Holes* the•• whole;-were oveit ehurned:,.. wblefc is. very- undeairabfe, wottld.no't fcoins'* at all' but .xemain. iafbeb^tte^iaHk;. TJus is the theory of the inii0i aftxj.it bas-besii confirm- ed-by practice..- ;A -farmer, stated at- t|i6tisQaof tbia conversation.thathe. . f had; fiye farrow cowsitt a large dairy, •JPof a.wb;ife;.tb.9;i3giiife was, ail kept t o - gether aftd.tbea that from tbe farrow eowfi-Waa ; given ctir^et'fb the .salves,' It. was" foundthat jast as much iliotter .was made,: &s '• wfien -ajl of the milk ^as'keptfdgetli^r;- -"..- V- '•' 'Setting riwtn BteH>; "•--'."Wiierft-' a.'fettner .'.hires a man, for a .•definite t&rra of service, and-far a .de£t> .xe^oitstor-ma^^ r ^ V ;.of wages',. tq_do a specified iraae; by- wxlp%; ftK- Bafte,!^ ;;C0aq{»4.e^ Vb;e£e_tbeJarm.er. simply requests .postage.? 1^ .wetft for htm", ^d nothing jpletesgece^f-aa^;. beinggo '^^p-.-s^yfe-said-abdotrtae^ioSe or 'pay,, or where wlfhiareaSb.Qf^i^a^<j" : aayi(ady;cart}tbereiataon -of ejrigldyer said employe yna tlxeaa; ~ITi^v&MiZiieriS^waSsince' ^.MaeeK'isi Iliav&. sotd from iliese Sis •Iteaa aad iny two'iacabatOig fl^T ^4*P^ Of ^ i i ^ a aad .eggt. How-fe tke.j '..'tim6 : .io -.preparst for: tae.wMter'aad: : ; filing iiafigi '•' llateyQftt^cabatQXs: M ^ 'pieji 3?eti' : , will- be Jeady to; go to •worit laieiS^eHttyi' '•'. 1 j'.urx;ifay~jacQ-' rbftfei^tie yefepan#,aa<i;Mri;)5: titere I la ab basi^e% r^gaiHag so litti^;cai>L^| »^ai ^St";yiplds^acji\-large prefitsV . i: •wiH: soon; "wJi,te. yott- aa asfiele. oa ,*f^i[i^;;"aie;'-tBe' : ; irtosf;- grpitabie Va^ "orJeiSea japp&ni^-ta xa.fse^ f aad^^ Oa "oih^porffr^-topMSjff^on^wisfi.,-. •. -':.• '-;,•, 'i?$Sd*<3&&MTBiFoaitS?aiaB« -^ga^^io(:jyy1^rbrJK& :^ '-.;"' ' ^':#p8|gfe^Btilci ee&novby: m me0~ '•'•• .v:.$^g "eoaaeet^ 'or ife : .• *a&fae^.; : &ti&i}i§z.sKouid'belost tig •' •;'" ^r«iessTOgIect,afldeyery&BgsT5pB^^^ '; . y-bep^tiQ^OQd;age) . Jnstea^ of «>bp-. -r ; jfliig-Jaati edntiauoiisl-y withb^tma- i ' k a r a p^Testj it oagat" to- Have ^betb; • , Qoia.: stalks ougbt- to be made iatp '.'. '•_.'./ ^fee^ of; l^tiiiir% aM;not leftitp ^as'fe ;- : '-':amybatb;e'fisid,.,; Straw pugb*'So|f '•*'-'\, tOibebarfed:;.itSaafeeffg^ . r good inaaBre. Sfapn^'.-.'oiagM to be .,' cs4efa}iy ! : a^pltA ; : : ;;-'-•ifa-e^U^f^^and^Hof \leffc p dty miL '"; ;lbp ; blowa^ away by. tbe ^ad^" : '^e6d'' -; :oagbitp b^ ^iespr;yed-ia.^ ...v' lapa* ;sto0fe'sb^ . - "> 4&nildiagsj- and .ateasfls'dt^M : tp'b'e '".;• fept-\la^^ gppd'boaditiQTi;' Wbereyet ; ; _- ; : riBot or -Seeay apppate; %}W if tip^y . v /carev ; '^ ; "'* 'l- - '^-v .?•'"';%.•:•' % ''I •'•/• .-/• ; . ^ i g i i t m aaof&er (|ire'cijptt pttolpEiicge- , : ;.' - ;.pby^ope'tettb a¥ast'fi^Id w-^er&'mpst '•".- : " 'bfJbersppieets'""of-'-.snceeggfai'faTtfiing l:lMB^--[TkS^-'Ss- no age'in pultiyati^g- : : .. feil: acres M Wpcaa Bpa^s fiya ptodace i•'. .\..^ihacSa&(iaggoo i iias^tbPtea^ierpj :.;;'.. i9les3 ; prpfit iacfeariag.tettpF*fi&'ea ;-. ; ; ; / ; acr.e#<baa':M we ejear'filteea or-twpb^;] •: : ; and; marJarM, #Bi; - ptMuCfr jinp^e "'•'••< JbSiti^eaty aere^ca^te^^Jaitly^C: ,"-.% \ tedv;.ip3.'bettei:.|o: iypffi "tlbpSsoialler X ;,fi^o>-" If a ,tltfee^ea*^lS.;stee>'.'is- ,' \_^f^|(®fita&ip|ii pallettfiaa a-foad i i iff inelifefe.' 3f..|a1Ia#. }%(f: ptMoSes^' ; .ViJet^r-ero^sJE^'a^-t^ ; cfopLaas|it^tbsea. reraoye^i it IS-bet^ ; .• /'••lf^;\i6;.-^o^i'|^4^."'M^^G^-"''^i^« j:' ^^lypsJambi^fljpgSiate^ : &6zi1&m6f<g '•.,vt&'aa iiiferiprr oisesj^ih^y ar^;*be;fejes^ :-./ -oae^'tpxaise^^IfstGcfewiHvfcespbpt-: .;.'-• : -fer,tigaiiSi©Yati8V^ when. we?ii .j * .. protected''by^-Sb^ •- V-iniaaagedi sri§ :; ;pi©dfipef;aipr.p;; aiilfe, :• ;•'• fatterapd iaeat thfefi:vpaeEeS'wltfi- v "x : " <Mi. cai^i; ^ap^prpgef V:0ujturp-; ra; ; ifeB /•''•'b^feT.; •; •;;?.'f?^. ; --:V V ; ,' ; ': : ;c v , : '-: ; ^ ; ; x pMesppby is %.kind.^ ;rJ^r&o<l0£* i "v - V^er Mlr|eDS#rfafpraed; ; aiaa^ ',. 0tta^t^^1^j.cifis ; -afeffie-bptfGm .:'"' allaiafeiial;-^ ; ... / : ; geM bis ; .bas|ae^ ; :b'6IIed-;^ a; J V..-.i. ^pint.*wbBre3ip ijmfeea. lap" -best fls&'Q^ ;. ; . : ; ^.yejytMiftg; -bje;' -bM-j.,iWb'ea-\ip ,eaiij ; * inafeJe ftiprp mpaey and live Mtfer 00 : ; tea; : aeife| : oCiaad^'tiiaa ; "iaa'ny/dp; v Ga' T-'v.' ;Ia^er'fai;riafifeis©vrd'ea't^ : -.^Bta^ied ibp; phjlosop^y'or:fecra|n^;; 13 fei'me.a^withoat;.^ fiill aad dafinite [iaideis!aaa^ng,;the. contract is itapled, Brief ita- laclsiiig terms., or.'coaditiops aia'st be suppliedfeylaw. & oanbiAai of-.Mr&s for. orieyear oriess ? need, not be.ia writing. - If for moretb'aa a.year, ffiis 'OQt'biridiag. eajess-i-a ^ritmg, &n<l either party eaa tiEcafaate tbe agree-- meat'ai'pTeaspra. •-' . ' .J'xpresa. ^Qftfeacts—Where !tfie -bi'i:- ing-- Is, for a defiuitevtinie, both, parties "| arebopttd-by itaatii the tiBie'espires. .'She' eriipl05*ei iaiWi furaisb-Work^ and the etjapl'oye toast 'labort» tae'ead'. Tf tke. fljasfer discbatges the workmaa %#ith.oM.-legaI eaasa before tb»time.es- ; pfeeSj•tJbe'wotfanan.tT-iirbe entitled to lifs. Wages- tip- to' the time of hrs'd s.-'- ebargef..arid: afe&skcb rtaHQagesa§he: has suffered by .being tbro'win oat of bii? job'-'Tbiese daatages Will probably be theaajoaat of tbe^wages np to the end bf • : tbe : .'tipik .of binng^;le.s3 wbafi.tbfe wofkibair 'has earjied or might have .earned at pther employment If the. tjfprkrman leavga witjiout, legal' cause •before bis.time is up,, the great weight of authority 'is .tn'at'bejs not entitied to any. e^nipensatiua. for-_£be--tim<; titat.h'e 'has; i sy.6i'6^d t .''tli('ugb several highly re-- -speetable Gourta have held that under .saeheirciimstaaees he lias the right to jtae\.wages, due bina.up to thetfm>of his-.Ieayin.gj. ; res3 the damages oeeasioa-- e.d to his'-empioyer Tjy his Teaviag, . ©ISEASE CUBE© . I A V-aJaable TMsoftvery for su.j p'ylDgM tigttsi* ism lo (Ue Human System EleotrWity and Slftgnetl'sta utfHzed as nfYex before tot' Head- lag theSlet. . • -. - •rBasitASNJBTION'A^IAivHaSCO.'S •. ' ' aiA'aJSrElPKJ KJTO-OTY-'B.BS.T'S .'• .. .• ' FOB MEW IS--. : .'•.-' •'.-••• W AE.RA.KIE0- TO OOBJ0 Or' Ktoaey fte- fitiwled, the .following aiseiaes -without meiHclHe':—Pain -.liit'Ite, Baete, BUps t .Head or X.taiT3S, Werwius BbWUty,, Lumbago, Henefal DeWUty, Kfeetttaausm, Parsay3fe,.Near»lgia,. SOiatioa, Diseases-of tire Kitiaeys.Spiual Dis, eas?s, Torpid tiver, GoUt.Seiniiial--Emissions, »„_.-;..,.. -v_.i,w,„ Heart Disease,. Dyspep- ;,-.-Indigestion, PHes.EpUepsy, XtK'mb Ag.tie, etc.' '• . - • ' V ^ - Wb-ennrty debUity of the GENERATIVE GR(3A1SS occurg^Lo'sl-Vtallty, LiieR- at jServe-B-Qtce ftnd Vigor, -Wasting Weafcaess, i and all- tiiose Diseases, of.a.personal Hatri*e, : ' t'r.oin -whateyef cause* tli.e.ooiitm1iou8-8ti;eata of St«gaetism ..pexmeaUiig through the parts 'must restore them t o a healthy, action. There- is no nxistak»about this.applianee. T O THE LiUMES:--If you" are. afflicted with LamalJaok,' Wea.kaess of tae,Spi&ei Batting of t h e Womb, Leuoorrhoea,.' Chronic fnfl»m)iiaXi6n and Ulceration of the' Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage oi" Ftoodin^, Painiitl, Suppressed land'Irregular asfohstrijattoir, Barr renness,.and ehftngeof-Iiife, t<Ws lsthe Best Appliance andiOteatlve Agent known. . For ail for TO s of-Female Difficulties i t i s u u - sutp.assed by anything before iiivehjiHl, both- a s . a oftrp-tiiye a g e n t and as a.source of power andi!ite-Uzation. • -••' --•-- • •' ; . -fjaoe.Sf'etther.B.elt.-witlx Stagnetie Insoles, Siassnt.by express 6.:0» D,, abd'esiicminatlon allowed, '.or by mail -on receipt of price.' In .ordering send measureof waist, and sfeeof shoes.. Remittances-can beanade in Bun-enoy, sent in letter at our rlSlr. "•'-•: ' Th'eMagneton QArtaehtsare-'adapfed'toall ages, are worn overttie, under e'ldfching.'Cnot nesttothe body like the m a n y G-a-tyanio and-' ! Electric Humbugs, advertised so'exSensiTely), and. should be talieit off a t night; Ttoy hold .tneif POWEE. FOBEVEa, a n d a;r.e worn, at : - all seasons of t h e •Fear, . '• . Send staittp for the "JSFew -Departure "in Med- ical t-r9<W.ment'. W i t h o u t . i r e d M n e ; " with : tiuittsandsofiteStamoiiials.-. .- .••-•'. THE HAGNETlOIf .APPLI'AlfCE CO,, 21B atate l S£reet„ Chicago, 111. i .K'ote.-^end'tine-dollar inp-ftstagestamps-or- cuiTfincy (in.letter .at" our rlsli)' wLtb size of f shoe usually- -worn:,- and try-a pair of OUT Mvignefic Insoles, -and'he Gon-?Iuce4.of theJ. fi<jvr-T rp»idiirg to our- other Magnetic Applir ances. Pos.'ltivel-VB6.eo!d feet when l-hey are wo'rh r or moapjjYefattde'i- . 16yl A tPap-Tvar itifK.ena. Mae!ifetib--K:iuaej--J3c.ItsS'oid by Morrison & Sft-i^pe, .Lo-WVllle, H . Y , .. .... . -.'YWe I§a^n-;6ar : y4r.tue3.0:f the- bosom f#-a:fe' whp loye : u9j Qat;%nlt3 from iiie 9n.ebiy : wbc) fete 'tis..; We'eau'-ri-ot easily discover otii reafffona a tiiPad. ; ^e-ia'aniirrar/oB^Ty'hieb. t4fe;.Warmta ofplir brfeatji impederfbe elearaesa of ine ; lfieetipii.;: : -/ . "'"...'-•.'• •' ' '.?' '=. •'•..- i- N MENTION, legt*-. i.^.^^ , sBin> obgeirve.-tnefdMwlng .- te- preBHtimsarestolie - -.ffis?awte4;''M-.t-ags- »Sst.'B,ear-.oiS''onigtnal . Buai5A!3ifisi.taM,©.-S.Sev6at3feSta5np,an.a. '.^aaifcn-Holies, -Xhe,t»SaiatSt. Bs-Sosa -sjr ' «ecuiely-Jn4'pat!^e;; , ^&fean"9 : -an3-aaare«i : - . bfs'ena«^4naninnl3ero'fbRgrcon£afiieaplsia-; ages;shbtfld be" forwarded -D"eceniber-Jst, : ana iitHStli.'- i?o : inatter whe*e.yot£reslae,sena;. rour.T^SsageradvileustiynTaaaat-ybuiiafe.' ".floiie-sd.-and state lhe."ainmber-oif .bagi: sent. .' -ffanies-otsuccessfuicontestants, withjmmber'. -,New'Orleans^j?^r3D^mdCTaJ-; ; -C3ngihnati,jat-- •:- aieireff. eblcago, Baity. News; :Sa& Kaacissb, ; Won?cfe.-VAaaressl •' ;•'•'•'.—•.--; •.-.-•--• - -- •' - BEAeEWELta-DtiaHi3£ TOSSCCO C0*,~ - . . .;•?•"'.-'' "':t>VSBi3ir^,-G^--- .'•'.,- .,-i^ ::•- ;--Byeirgenuine-paelageias-pteture of Baffi ::.;"-.-. ;J^"Se6:oW.n^yambnhcSn.e'nfc^!,' ; .:'" At W*«tisr«:WlIf«<M«* p.6 Xfiie"ii;B«8*:?.. " '.^bilpal:lh&stat£0|fwajtlagfbte-tbe •A.,fealty'ojrj itiarkefe"'day-.seceri'tlir^tjbe"'. ;-,- jrapBeTs-: ; ladb;lged : .fe : soal^ '/.epn^ -:- ^c^mhi^&iAii&tdui aieeds pf ebw# ' 1 -andatbeir mattesrs.MatijiS' td^da&J^: ;-. :iagv. 1% speaMrigfof.^ifie ainpa ! nt.<3f. > - buifertiatisifeaiag made from a- 'd&ife-: > ;&fapie^'ar^^ -•'- ^-twotwiEhryear-oia KeiferaaTPcppi-': . Vsideie3.eg;tfS ^ .... butterj: and prbbably tHsfe aot^tai- 'frpin .EfgMt;^at of ;We cptttpaiatlye ,;' vidae ; of Su&e tb^ee and 'font years ':_- '.pld ; ibfe ittricri; bas'- been" said.. WB : -1 : tbanifc ' j&,-aiayjhe geneJaily- cbaGeded ' \ Vvtaat,aiBpW#iH b e a t b e r b e s t a t frpfn ;Bix% ten. years Old.;!-: Sorab cpws'will '. -^ff : '^^''"ftj^-'.i^';ib{^e&.'-afi'9:- -fifteen . ;.ye^'oJd,i»J8t tber0{^.piQrp".xisk" in, "\ - : &eepingifieni.at this age.as.tfiey ^ilj- ^p^eiiajesfaiisaddenly r .peria^^^ - ' -"--."-. Tseiag;wiaterea t&rpngbj. and -iprbvp •; a|aiost'i!t0.taf:i<)sfej. : : .J, ]:•- ^;.' ;; . : . ; ; : :-'f : •, X '..•OnB'fariaBp'^Bp^b^-arsaialf.-Sat .-, • '•eie^Heat'hettf of hfgbrgradfr'Jerseys .'• : ;stated" •' ih#tk. paerseasoa ;%he'a ..%ay •••:• ' " itei?. 4.yeiis J^'MefjhaM^ &;Mfi$~ r .-potiipdE'.'Safr. fcf>ni : efgbt 'm ohe ^$Q%^ ;. ;$b©-:»p^i-yeax :waea javeyear3: old. ' Xseyent w^atdcBU' a tab,. and, the sncr. ; ^eej^ip^"ye^ ; sM^aM do ^^^EMS, :-.^as:ias : e;yea^ lias drone •: '-'; alittlp better,baiia:tMs-case ft woitld seeiaitfe^i&ied jsix years.iora fqiti '•- • '•:;aiaiprj%r;ia;. tbp piqltietiori of• butter.. ;V '^^merswili'db weji "tomato a. note :•'•^ ;pl,t& r -aad:. 'e^eeiaHy..fiip3e'.Wboate: V -.'iasfe.- grad|n^->op;' tiieii.. dairies witb' v. iieifera Japdl young 'feft^l;' otaefwIiJe '. : . -Itfeyanayljecptiy^ diacotoagedia- thfeir . .im^ettafeg•~ ; M6W.,&/Mh&& <£'-&&. \ •; ^ iieiieK to^ dOjas^well $k Va§^e!xpeeted', ...-•'; Waifcpatieiatiy for- a^oandinaiftrity > ;jaad^"woihlr^fiipy will b&-lfked : '-bet* .; - tear ieaeb' aaceBp'dja^-yp^riaaiais-Xs bat .-'-• ©^rj^riene^aad ; also^-bfofbera;..'-; .'•"-." :: i if isibMated by-, apme tbajfc fafrpw ' .'.-eows H^Br'wIilliOt'do Weil wbeij^ iteept .' , "/alonglWltb. feax/stof tbb dawy,astbb: ' .wtmm^ikiii0.xlm-^ ^aifiiJy^apd . •' thatlf.San- not b&ebpraedl'ia tbplamo ;." vtinio" as,:, the/ -• rest,"' and iov -that; ;'" !I^e/;iea3;ofc.fbrviafsis;.af)^ to . acleaiiie aiatborifyrJhat the glbonJes lfeR|;aoi «isi,i Ax& : $6v£l£MTiey ; & :ais6Mered?| _ i'Kttofsy Wort brought nre «om my-'swave, os itta - |:Deticoife.»; 5^-.W.I)OT«^^Meawaip,.Iojda,Mie!i..g ";; : 4k& youi? teerves'iveai:? '. 1 . -'5Cid3Xfr3---W<,clr.-eurea- ine-from- nerwjis'.vreafcnessH' ]-Qoo€yr&,:sa^Shr(st!anM<>t(itor. eieyeland, Oi- H t Sa^^V-yo'a..y$Mghtf&~ Disease?! -.- "EKhi&j'mQiti <jared;mB' -wlietiiny"-vraier-was:Jnsl;t Ute-oaalk-auatlien'lik? blooi."' '""..-. '. f -. v ; "-." • '- .3E^JS~W11apS,E«!aoayi.5tos3,] . SiiflerMa'froaiJDiabetes-?. "SXOxufrWoiMa-ffiamost teccesstul xarae-ay-nuwe I* -Dit?i^iSO.BaUfti,moSiKtSn;..-ye-i |-B;aivs":^y'oti .Timst Complaiat.Si ' '^Kjaady-Wdrtcarca-ius ofchrontoldvorBIseaaes* tffeerIJ6Biye(l.to'cUe.^.--. - .' .... -- -_^'f ;•.' -Hemy Wara,-.lst£f.e^I.- ffl&Sat-GSMd^S-.M risyoai 3Bacjfc.IameaadacMng?| llama Muat to. KiE. oat-of.lssai" .. • -\ -J ' -.0,^.'!&lInttigo,JtlIj!H«Icee,.'Wis,| l^avB' joil- : 'Sidaey':. Diseasp-?? •- •''Kitofey-wotSmadiijnescraBairelb'ei' toitwanoyr iiftGF years :of irjisuccessful;. dbtitoringr-' Its '-woML: ;giaa,b<Kc"7 i Sam'I B.pdgcs, WiUjjtmstosva, Westya-J .i .&£& 'yon CToastijaated,? ,. «gsaanoy^WorJ;. catis^ 'easy oVftcoiittdiis^iia-CTirea. | I-.PI0 t i t e r . 16 yeirs- iise"6I otter. mea3cf)ie3:":' 1 ' ,-. ; .- •; . . ..' • -Ht-IscjnSdiroliiiai BC-AlBans^Tfel : - Have ybii' Malaria? - - ^Efflney^Wbrt. Sas doiie better tjian any 'oHjer-f "" - - :I>r.mS£ ' .inypra,cfeice," c ^Gtokj-South-HerOtTb J •. -'•'"." , -&FO yoii : ESiciusP- •'TSajieyiWortilws-.-aoneino morftgbda.tfiftn.'^my| :-J^J,.r.-GaU6TOsy,En:-Hat, Oregon. I -^eeyQ-atprmenteii: wiiii Kles?| ". '•SidiKS'-WorS^pentianetlfis omccl mo ot fileedine | pHfefi. Or. W. C. EliliejreconTTnenrlvd i£ to inc." f . -.- .(fei>. H..HorsCt.Qaaliita>5I. iJwnlt, Slyorstown, l J R..j Are yo-a.i&etanaSsjB.' racked?! ; **Kitoc'y--teorli.oiir,-('"-- —••—•— ——*-» die-by-physioionsaad- _. .-.'- .Elteidgai ., Hiafies.'are yba suffering?:. . - -'"Eidncy-Worf. cur«d mc ot peculiar'troutiieo-ot several ytafssfcimJir-^.. Many frienda use and praise L1S." ... . :. MiB..H.:3Lafflor»;aui,IsIaLaJIotte,'^t, iK' yoii" w b a i a ..Banisfic. iOiseasei X, ','paxa g-aita; HeaI1;b f Take . THE BLOOD ..Cb?A?8sEB, ..Kidney Worth' Sold 'by'ftloi'rtson & Btoore .... LpWyilie, I<ew.is.county, M. ¥.. fCL. . ivrass.- ,r-on ---sAtE: BY ' .*jbere- was'a- party '.across tlib nv&sj the other'night. Toward.the ;close she .slipped *o '• his side-'and sweetly asked": '.. "Gtbiag b-bme by yburself, Char- ge?" ,.>' - : ' -'.-'"'• '. • . •'. "CfuesssOj" be-saidi. , -. "Would ybu like some one to see; yob home ? n ".-•'• . "Depends on. who it is." . His answers were short and crusty.' SEany a one woald have been ; dis : heartened, but iibcy was a'ot of that Mad." She stilt.'persevered, ••"--. ^Someybungiady^Iaaeaa," . -'"Depends oa who the yottng lady is," said the brute, e 'Somp one about my size,';' persist^, ed.the angel. . ...••-'. -'. 'There are several here, about your size.""-- ,' [' '• . . - . " ' "there's" only-. one exactly my a i m . ? ' - , ••';. ' -.-' .; ';•':' "See/:bere, Lucy," said- Oharles,- vjf you want to take me home yon may;^ ' . . . ' . "Ob," she replied, "I've ao particu- lar .desire to take you hoaiej but as I was going, I.thbught-you——"' He interrupted wlth.an "All right," and.together they left. He was lean- ing pa her araij and- silently they meandered over the frozen- streets." They stopped at-his dopr. He. invited her .in. . • - ' - -".-..'.' '•'..•.',' " "ISFo, Oharife', i .won't go ia, but I waHttoMl.you'someifiing;" . By the light of. the street lamp on the corner Charlie's- face was seen to grow pale as> she continued V' iC | am abuadaatly able to. support a husband. I bavea hank account of a good size. I love you, Oharlie, and can give you a good .home.. Will you be miae, .deai'§gl ?" - V . "Iiucy," gasped the'brqtej "you've no idea what it takes to support a- hu3ban;d'.—r-!' ..' . She interrupted him. . "Bailing,, if it should be necessary I would work - froto morning aatrl sight, arid even- take'Ia Washing and: sewing; you shall' want for nothing. Only say you wijl be mine." "No, Lucy; it cannot ; be. I shall always love you as a.brother, watch over your pathway through life,, and should you-stand in aeedp.f.a4vic"e or assi8tacee s 'ybu; can. rely -pa my will- iagness to. Assist y o u ; but I caa fieyer marry ybu." "Then you refuse me 2" "Yes.'^' '..'-"•-.'-- . "Base .wretch I" she exclaimed, u you. will live to repent your, aasty decision, for to-morrow my, dead body will be found in the cold waters of the river,*' . '. ..'"',. And clasping him; in. her aroas'.in 'one eonvuisiv.e. embraceisbe .fled;, into- ALWAYS BUSY i©t#§P" |. 2©0: pounds 6* G-KJB -X.tPE. fojp BiibMtt-Metai* && saS'fe' ®t the '.TfjS^g^'.-«iBI«.e, '- WE ABE ONCE MOBB ON DECK BEADY FOB ACTION, —WITH A- MAMMOTH mW STOCK -OF- BOOTS AND SHOES, : SLIPPEES, ETC, FOR OUR SPKiNC TRADS We are Coj!«p1ete in Everj flie KeweMt and .lo>.i Reliable Selection* in ISse llwiLet. BBAdoMER BW3S., No 1 SHA.PYAYKSVB l^ifVine, U, 1 HAEEBEBIEOS - AreNow Eeady"JPpr fbe ; . -AX- '"# WATERS & CO., S. A.SIXBUJRY, Real Ssiatc, Iiisairassce and G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s A.g^eitcy, " "^AJb,lBTATB\;. .FOR'SAi.?? Ofifc-B^jaFAW-fi^,; •• ' IHStJBAHOE; ';; I iepre«ent the following first-class com- panies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON*- GLOBE GERM \NIA. bANCa-SHIKE, UNION A CIEIZENS, Q,UEEN, IMPERIAL, CONTINENTAL, LONDON £ LANCASHIRE, GLLN S FALLg, PHOENIX, LONDON A«SD"RANCE, AND XKAVELERS, LIFE i ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY. izsS' •^T--. 'er Fritch 9 s THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF _ _ _ - «M —IET. ALL' &R-ATM3 OF-^ .. • ^XnSW^BIOES- In Ail'CiaSsts^f The Spring House is now open. ' N«w Din- ing -roomSB-sSO...Beautiful-"grounds and snr- rouiSdi:'gs,- .Eurnltu^e-new.. Table, theb'est, GftA'ND ePENrirG/rTHTJRSpAY, JUN1S19, . Sendforcircula-r wifhterins. • ' . '- '- : &i.:- :•'•.." -. '••". ,?f.8:.R,ATN'E;;.pr9'nrie}or. ." A Oi'«S»m of;a Mnsbauei. SatdtSe botel-keeper: "There Was; ; alady of my acq-uaiatanceonsa,. who •a?fofeeherbusbaftd m".tbe.n!gbtby the pabst .extravagant manifestations of deliribm* Whentie inquired what ailed her she told bina 'to mind his : 0Wn';bU"3ine's8aad riot bother bef; : she -was'-tbinMrigf;','•-.- " '-'-:' ,.-."/.- ' "At bifeafefast she told him she was dreaming,. - oh i.'.such .a; deligbtful dream;' She thought she was at an .auction where they, were selling men, "Oh,,tbere Were such splendid Sjpeci- . mens there: ' But they went, so. high she -feared she eouldn/i, w& one of them, At last.the atjctjotieei' took. j -cbjBpassioR on her agd' knocked ttbwn a glorious feltbw to her and —ami tbcii aijegf^^e.-:- • .... •.'-..:••.•: ",..;...''. .. ; , "'But, * pi.e&ded the ansibus .bus= band; '$dn ? t ypu ^'ee.'any 'there:;like" me?' '14We you V said tab spiteful [..beauty; .'Jaws, yes. They were' j>«t up in handles, like eekry/.atidsoid. [ for ten- -cents a buBdle.'"—JpiMt>urg\ lelegmph. .- ' . ".- '. ; ' • dtr-R 'm?M FRicfJss"ARie; itotit tTE VJ&VTL 'WMfrWFliWm SKALLJECAVE OP;jt. BEST ATTENTION. JOSS P. TTA.RF.KF.K. .GEO; /J,,HARBREfi, WHY SHOULD WE NOT BE BUSY 'When wesell a fine black dress silfc forSOc; Lyons at SI, S1.2B; Faticy OhecK SiimmersHfes .atSPc. Wortfi 75c; and Colored ;G'ro Grains Silks at'TSand 9(je per yard tbat h'a-se been Si, §1.25; Surah' SilKs in beautiful shaxles at ?!; Sat liis in Pinks, Biues, Orearns,: for iancy work', ?«c ppr yard. .WHY'SKOULP WE SOTBE BUSY When We: sell eood double fold Cashmeres at .20,. 25c.; single fold at 10 and 12c.-, C o t t o n d r e s s goods 5; 6lR,Kic.; LaeeBtotingsMc; all Wool Bu ntings ¥jp; an wool Debeges 30c; .Nuns Veil- ing 30c: FTannels 25e; all wool CashtnoSres all col<oi s sic, Jersey Cloths 45a; OttOmins 80c; ChurtdahsTOc, double fold Lice Buntings all •wool 40c, were Coc, Velvets SI 50. Velveteens S-re, 100 p i f c s Die^s Goods 12,15.2Qc; 1000 Rem- -nfcnis'.Sc pe'r'yard-worth 20 toJ5.c. : . never bad a- better stock of tb.e;fln.er. qualitiel attbe prices we are afferlng now. WITY SHOULD W B NOT -BE BUS Y When we sell good Cati-ws 3 , 4 a n d 5c; good S h e e t i n g 15,-52»4 0.aud 7c; Good Blpa,cbe3«, 7 and Sc; Gingha ui« 6.7 and 1"-°; Pis Ml inefs K.arid lOe; Cotttift^dps JH;-.1334.!jnd.2flc^-.TIefefugs8,10 and W^e; Fu.r'iifBreCali.oSand 10c; Beauti- ful Crab in ps 121, i fotton P n'ihw IS, 2flr,L.iee OWE A'-B*. ?M TVB long, SI 23 per pair \v»rr Sif hvtltt?Vildatlf) liH Ifo up ; VHra 2l\ 2->o op; Bfapk Wa'nutCoiBK'e Pn\en75<, Cmchet quilts 65c were 90"; Finer Si, ?I 25. also Maie- .Beiis -upto'SS; Cream. Bam/a* aU-MneniSe'' Wa*2-5C; finer and. Wider 25 t o Snp; .B'pacbert Damask all Linen 50a 1 , w o r t h BSc-;- finer -and wider P-'J«c' to SL.50; equal-Value?4.P}i;rimsk >'apkins 75c, were 81; flrter and larger Si to 86, .T!iwling'5c,Up; Towels 18V-; H-n"ek8'b<\efc'.'TnweiB 12Kc, Damask Towels, anhjial-pafterias 20x40, -25o, w w e -Iflc; . T u r k e y Bed Damask 3Sc; Fine I m p o r t e d §0.h. w p r e <Kj .'fllnsquit*. Bar SQo'pc--;; Cotton and Lihen Diaper 75e up, ; , "^HY-SHOULD WE NOT BE BU3Y When we sell g'oodCdreets at.25n,Erabroidfied;- •iit 50c, woriIi'75e; nice Laoe and Embroidries eh'eaper than any other bouss. EsMuiaJ Laces Chilfls Hose and .Gloves 5c upi-Ladies' S. 16.15 and 25c; Bafbriggan Fancy stripe and. -So.Ud Colors. SUkMousquetare 6-but. gloves 60c; "Mens. Socks 10,12}-£ K-C.Ganze'VestsoO aad-Toci-Jean-Di-aWersSOn;.Fans.F'-ldiJig ah'd JapanPse.l. 2,3,56; Parasols, aa Immense as- sortment a* ISc to §3; S*iaWls. at 5Q, 75c. SI un- to the finest new etn.broidpred : noveitiesrrt.ib-- bons, Pdrtrijoijles, Hftjad Bags 50, 73c a n d SI ftp; Trayaling. Bags siid Trcraks. HdopSkiifts; Paniers 35,-40.anrt50c; spot veiliner Toe; Toilet' . SoapslOcra Bpx^pb'or silk 5c; Knitting silk SJ.lk-T-w1st2c;-Plns5'c; Bubber cii'culars 87l<o to:SL5p. -• . •. .. . ^ - WHY SHOULD WE-NOT BE BUSY, Shoe department is .a grand s?uccess- Ladies Tppbble Goatbut.ga'iters §1.35; ICid bflt. gaiters j ?3.5(i;. C o m m o n Sense kid gaiters 92; Ladies .finegTove.Jjid:'foplioots. Onraoo kid foxing 2: c <}to ; 3; F r e i i e b Kid-DOots-S.-fiO to <f« everybody tiilksab^iut ourS4- kld.Watfclngshoes SI, they nVe solid goods DO paper-oou'ters and shpep skin, -uppers; Ladies Slipper's75e to'Slup! a large-lot of snft.~wifl<s. : Tow shoes for elde'ly persons'made-.for comfort.' Qh.itds' shoes'SOe to l;MIs«esjsaitej's 1,1.25.1,50;boyS Ann mens, shoes l,2C 1,50; ; 2'te Hens -flna'^udcoaTsfe boots. .We bijy direet jfront^mam^facturer, '; -. WHY SSOUL5 -WE-NOT BE BUSY •:.'-' Wban we <seli Tapestry -Brasseis cwpef.-at 75c; Tt>gra1'ri ag-in^oc; all wool rngrain..65toS'c,. •fio'rtryiil cloth 3Pc up; inats 75c.Gocoa : an(i Tnp^ estry; X ten -sef.5S'-piPceK b e s t s t o n e ehina.Si;.!. .dinner set"S8.S0.; good-.tnmblers- 25Pi-Set;..-g'ood. gofi 1 etC35o set;.glass sau'ep disb»s 50o up}- glass- sets 8 niecea SI; lamp 30c; deboiWed. lamps, ,ar- : ea-nd biirne.fs'Wit.h .sha'dfis#i; looking" grasses. 2fo to %i\ s-ton-e wire, plated-ware.; kni-ves and forks cheaper 1h»n : the. cheapest; frntf' jars ,8tto?1.25.'pfi.irdoK, . .---.'- ; ,-••.-.-••;.".•'• "•''. .'W^'Y.'SHOTJLD'.WE'NOTB.BBUSY.. ,. fifl bbis. A-. eoffoe sugar'7?^c; goodbTown'sufiar (il-ie; molasses35 to-SOci.snlengirt coffee 12.'^c p°r pound; 15 a n d 20e -roasted coffees. Be- mem-ber we lead-i-'be tna-rket .on SOc'tea.-; We havfia'lso tea"at 15anil25e^«ry:gno.dat3o.aUii: 35c; 'atBy.catiriot b'e-:ma-tcbed->. .every ope that •tim. th.em'bu'Ks..tbem'r.iab't.ftlongi- 'SoapSo; Sflbbifs 7<"y R'ce-S";E-*gUsh-ourrants;86: : ftais. "ens.roa.nd'12%(5{ Prun'es '8n; Oanhed goods- laWo^iaTclrflrs, liic; efiitod.-'oheWirig tobacco "«f(ic| Warijfck *'Bro.waSN6. t'smokiDg25c-it!:f Kerosene I3e; Brooms 206;beVst Geese Feath.ers 70an'd 75e-per pound;'. Sates matches 5c. per -boss.anaibiindredS[of- otber'- articles.; We 'ba*e.- not space to enuraai-ate. Remeiriber you will a l w a y s fl.rid the l&rKeBt-stoek,"th'#S,neBt sobcis and the lowest prices «.% ... , WA.TBRS&CO, BAILROAD TICKETS Sold to any pait of t h e TESTERS? CJOUSTTRX, STEAMSHIP TICKETS Sold to and from As cheap as any oLliei line. Office Jonruot A. RejwbTii <xv Block Of all Kinds and Q-rade-3 ever Shown in Lewis County, Jly Store is Just Crammed Full of Gents 9 Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, and Regi&jr-Made Clothing, Of every Description Kin-J and Quality that can be Found in any City. MY OUSTOIE DEPARTMENT Is Fu 1 ! to Overflowing With. Work, but any Body Wisfiing CU3 TOM Work ofuny Kind will Flnf* it to Their Advantage to Call on Ko=;rior, BLOCK, S. FBITOH, LOWVILLE, IT. Y. ! CAIPETS! Tbe Laigestand 5fo>t Bean1ifulL'n<i of Carpe-S, Brr-r Seen in Lewis County wll be Fr und at tbe ,Store of *'M^20 s '%xjfri - <?& Successors rf sw^o-«?.**s St nam Planing Kill, f.OWYTLT.E. JuilWIS, CO. K. Y TheSn'bscribehs -^euid-give -notice.'lo- thf people of Lewis COnnty,'that tb*y Sa%e alt. the 'appurtenances ^.nsf-' macijtnerj. for tbt manufactni-e of BASK, BLINDS, .BOOBS', BEACKETS '••••. . -MOOLarNes,^c;-,-&c, ...... Andean sunnlythemWitbanyttting in theli •lipe on terms to coaioet-e .wita any: atber al»OT. ... -.-'.•' ... : - ' B u i l d e r s Wi'il 0 n d i h e tnouldihgs.''. finished n the best scanner, a n d -at prices that- will Give ih#m from 25 to $0 per cent, . ; ' &V*s£itlG>'.$. W«»*S«i HjJ-.nS;ri!li and any otber W<Tk,'in cortasction With th business performed to the nios-t complet satisfaction.. . .•".•-. "•Our shop is supplied .with tas best class of macbinsry, a n d t h e most eampeteai work- men, •-.-... .-. ' All kinds' of Pan'eian'd -01a.pboaird Saw- Ing.as. well as Circiilar and. Sa.roll Sa-,vin.g don e on short notics.. . Turne-iandFtufed-Banisters.and "Newell ' Posts aoustantiy on hand, Hi made to order. Turning -of-iil.kinds'sxsctiteiiia-g'ijoSjstylr ^QslkW&m- ifc.-ssjs J ^-^J^D os i? i l OH, NEW PATTEBNS,HANDSOME COLORS BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS « V BODY BRUSSELS. TAPftSTETBRUS- SELS & ALLTTOOL T\S O & THREE PLY INGRAIN Ar Prices u Meer any an-i ail Com^ntKn at u ome r Abjoad- g i^iy-Ifctimj,.. 5fo odor.|p$tt. . BB.sure ysu gtE.^I,OivI&- p. 'S %OS{ CaioErns^signatare of itiscra: St'ilb^ N, y^oh-Bvery-« Yj-iahiih '.'^^n'F7Jct^«fe,iruc;KTgat,'if.de.^gTgla-pecfug^.,|| Piirkfr'sfiaft' B;ilsam ! :md.Fibrest(jn\Jo Ion. '• Sold by -Morrfsoi; & Moore,' . .- -. • • • - : -' Lowvilie,.-Lewis eouutyi. N.,'Y.- ; e ,r\T.,T\fortne -working class. Bend. 10 V/-iJJ-fcents- for. '.postage,' arid -we Will : ra'all-ydu free, .ajoyal,volu'abTe'box o'fsaia- ple'goods that wittp.ntyouin-.thG wny oi'mak-.- iiig'nioi<e-money its a few- days than -you eyer t&uglif .possible atariy bofiiaessj. Capitafeot;: required. We will start y.o'n, YducS-H worlsa.i-1 She time or-in spare -tiia.t.-only.' Tfe' work is 'uhiversaHy adapted to" born si?S'e< young and old. 'gou -can easily -earn from 50 cents' to S.5 ev.p^y evening. Tbatall. WHO wg;rit w o r k m » y test-Xhebusiness, we make tixw unpii»yelal offer; to all-who are ifot woll satisB'ed ^ve will send ¥1 to'pay tor t h e troub'e of writing us, .Fiill-..particulars, directions, etc,, sent free.,. Frtrtunes will be mad* b-r-those Who gi'vfl. their.whole-.timeWtbe woik« Gfreat.siicc>-e3 absolutely, sure. Don't delay.. Htart now, Ad- dr.es,if3ai[TJ!jON &eOi,.Por.tla;n-d. Maine;. not, life ii -.!,Wi.'fcpmg' by, go.,<tnd dare before you-die. «omtthtng niighty and snibl£m#tea?.- bshind to conquer tri.me.-.SeSa'weekfsyouroWn-lo^n.' S3wat8S 'fi'ee'. -No risk. EverytfiifiL' nt-w. Capital ».,: raquired. We will furnish you everything, ' Many are making for-tnises. Ladies make a^ mucfra's men, an-d boys :vnd girls makegrea" pay-aii tbe -time, wrile.-for tiai'tlcalftrs to' H, Haltetf.akL*o.,P^rt!i«»a. Maine. -. - - •fSJ mwriLis TiMm ••^r CM- ;EST. . Efe Felt Mfce J£icJslMSf BTlnsseir. '. "I ubderstarid; that you are going to- Cbicago to-day,". sai4 Noodles to a ybupg lady .acqiiajptance. ;. "yes," she replied/'Idepart at 4:30' p- tn. • " . . ..".-" .. '-.' - --••'-'... ' '-^bald-you permit me-'to bsebrt; ybu : fo tbe train ?" eagerly asked the ybiirb.:' :: .''..: ""'.. • ' MBeaHyj"-said thb'btushirig- .miss, "it would not be fight for yiju to go .to.so much trouble..^.. .' ;:, ',. "Oh,•ia'de;ed,'' , said'irooaies, eourt- esying profoundly, - "it -would give trie the •greatest. pieas'uEe to see; yptt Q&> f •:' : .;-\ : ".':.'':. '•;. ';'.;. ; . .-;,.-, ;'•: Then he felt, like. gpifig behind the house and kicking himself fery, very .•har'd%-^<S'ffMS'.»x; -.-•'-•-. St.Wi Pev YP°T, ou Bats*" eleai'i!) oat Bats, Corns," for Corns, Bun- ;Petti%'s .A»ierie^.ri. C6t*eH--0MRE. BI?B^i?iSuMP-gsai$tag, S3^-FiSE's#.CorsK'CTKE 6U- •' i'CitrjiHE'B, ' Equal- in aicrit to liiii'fie'Sli'a- iBofU-ca, SO Cente. gtffSSALfty-y..-\T.r.nivy,gKs. Hbl* by-Horacft'Susli4'S"Oia r Low!:iiie,. is. 1'. S ALESMEN : ^tdck. WANTJiDJ-To; Kell : -tiurKefy F.tiH -lino Of n e w a n d .valwilil« Sp.eeiailtlesV .-Peitoasent'"employment and goad- sataty. Jo successful agents. Addiess gltlng age arid refereht.es» The Geo. A. Skm e MOTs6ry L -.-UO.,B0fih«ster, N. - Y;' 'A Vem 'or'.tli.e:Mitn3 r ".'i T * l silm<?« .-'; n'ials;.V*:%ii!h--©.-l4., Y^boBia!*. ;•_" . '•': . Ikksj Refc*i3Fe'^t» :. Having used -Vrboma*t'.s fcitig Over Pain, rpsrnourineit an- ^Scettettt-.an-cJ supi»rter»r; «ple,-' -.. - \- 'l'&UMAN-l.)Avr-!, '. •FbwIeiijSt.-La.wrrenceCIo-., N . Y.- .•lJaY|ag.%sea;vxooniaaif i s ; Kf'ng-..0ver Pain *an ieeomm^Kd 'ft as- d. good medicino for paia in 'the sloxestcb, side and twee throat ,-an d t- inahy -oth^rMlls toft Bttnjai oris to meJaUon,." - 1.-.-.- •- .'•. • . A . O; JlISDLRtO.S, .. - '•' •''••"'-' "••'. B'«i.(g3:..Styer,.N, Y'. ,'• .'.•'.- - ; -8a-Ck«ts-Hai'b6r, SfvY.,-i"eb. 23*. IB.H4. ••• .Having used the OEiig OTerPai-n tttink ft o'ne,of...the., bast mad wines-In use. Have ussea it for toothaehe-and neuralgia.. I t I s t h e best-we-eyer. saw-;"•- : --'-' ' ;;. :•" 3V W. JPEBLDS saalIA»6QE FlKLDS; -"Bough Mice.' 15c-. "Bough on iohSf iac. : Thin people. •" Wei te' Health Be- neWer ,r restores health ..and 'vigor,cures dyspepsia, &e. ft. . ' . . "BoUgb oa Tootbaebe,'- 1 instant re^ Uef.. 15c. -. LatJfe wbp would re-tain fresBness' and vivacity don't fail to try "Wells' Health Betiewer." ... "Buebu-paiba," great kidney and .uri'miry. cure. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs,, rats, mice, cleared oilt'by "Bough on.Bats." .15e. "Bough ou Coughs/' troches, lot*.; liquid, 2Sc. F«r chJlrirea, slow in deve!of?ttient, puny aiid delicate, Ut<e "Welts' Health 'Rfentwei"'' .•".:• '•Boagb on I)eijtist" Tooth'Power. Try it. J-JC;. - . • . Ntrvbus"Weafeue t !S,Dvspepsra,Sesual Dt'trillty cured by "Welts' Health Ea- aewer" ,$1. . ' _. • .. . "• Mother 8wari'ti Worin Byrup, for Tv vei'i.-'b'h'js's ^«ruis, etibstipatian ; tasft> iess. 25., • - . ' ..... Sirugiii}i,.ijTi(atwn t all Kkiu.ey arid UriHftFJ cimiplaiats cun-d by "Bucliu- patl-a-" §1- .'. . "'-:•- . Night sweat*, fevor, plii-Hi, m*laria,. djApepsia.cured by "-Wells' Health Et>- aeiye. u ' J . - ' - My bunband (ivHtKHalsdy) is tbi-p.e titHi-s "tli« naan since tisiiiij . -'Weils' Health JieneWv'r/' .If you are failing, broken, worn out and- aen-ottsyuse '•'Weils' Health Re- -at'wer," ft; • • • . - . . • .PreValemee of Kidney 'cotrtplajaf in America.; "Buehu-paiba" is a quick, t eonipiete cure. $1. FofflPn enjoy iribre the., pleasure they give than the pleasure they feel- Rochepedre," ••'" ..-' .. '. lb succeedonemust sometimes be vei^y bold, and sometimes very prud- ent,—Napoleon. . Hyppcritea hide their defects with so much care that their hearts are poisoned by them. " .... '. Every, day is a -litfie life, and-, our whole'life, is but a .day- repeated! Therefore, live.every day as if it would be the,lastv-• ' " ; . " - -. fiAUfiOftB m tHl WiiiP, Let it be feeyer. remembered that the GIICMD^IOiroWElTESl Ts the b»st and shortest route to and from Cbi- csigoand P'Tuncil Bluffs (Omato), and that It Is preferred by ail -well posted travelers when passlnjj.to or from I t alHO. o p e r a t e s the best route and the snort line between OMoago _aad Si^Paui aai rIS TO TffiE FRONT WITH A- •BrOS 1 *'.: CFAkLfaMADECAI^'BESCRiPTidN. '-' ' ^d^fed^-Bi^QiiEls^ and .'-fa- •AEE- THB-;BE&T.T3AT THE -lSfiW-.tOBK- ; MAiyrE.T 4-FFORDS.' IN OUBFURNiSHmG DEPAiiTilBSfT WE. HAVE A GRAiS'D'GOOIJ :- ".-' >-;-/.- : . ; . ' . ' . ' : •'-. '8H;GWpfe?.0F : . •' , / •'. ' - - -. • SMfts, €[ol1^s,''^esv::' v Farniets, Busiriess. Slen or anyone wishing jL- Sottnd -In^nfa,iice, ;' - -^Sh'ohld apply'%<>—- ; . ..,', A-iarge number'of tfca'best CompaniesTap- Vesented.' - : ...... -..-•• .-'•,. 1 niSwahfed.'for T.be. LITOS Of . i-^i. '.x Oa'U- the Presidents of. t h e tl,-s. Tli« largest^ h&Ddsomest, besttsook ever sold for less than twice our price, Ttte-fasiest selling bi^ok.in America. Immense profits .to agents' AllintAliigent people want it. Airy .ouecaabeeo.ttte":a- micce'ssfttl agent. -Ternis- .ftee.' fiALMSTTBooK Uo.,''PorUland>Miiliie. And:.the best way iodo this i'ajjy using imzm: & $QM At! Ke\^ (xoodi) ami Seyi*-^, <m\% Than fm the U<*t 2^ year-<. Pariies Wi-b ng Crri"-^ this Spring Should not Fail to Et'Mme ou.-Sro.k ^nd P^i.-c- as <•>? F^eiC'-'-'inie'it \y& can ' Fi.eas'e, '.WSa^e Afeo- ; SliOwin«.-as"ffinea-X.iaeof"- =" -- : - •--"----"-"- ' As any House in Tbw.U 'attd.'©;(iaTanC-!ii3 tiJ Sell--Tkeui as Less k< the - r •-•"'*" .•" We buy tor Cash and.Sell fbr.Cash and Can aad-tvlii'Mak^p t ri<je&". ;;'•''. M prises'-a'Fitli -tiiaalof; : Wm& BM-\ .Otilorei /Silfe 5 .Slums? -Slli^vf&i^Siitii^ dA&fiSffiftES/AIi^^dQ'I^TitECb^iJAN^.TAFTy-iA^©, -i V;W.X-r ':•• StriT.I2>TGS, BOTH ISfPORt , ED;AS.D,-AME®E0AN,'-\. -' ' \ ' MA^tJf ACTXJKEiSOYEETY ©EH^.GOOOS,DaEHS .TRIMMINGS, MOTION'S,,G,L'OYES,-COiig'ETS, DOMBSr--' "'u.- -'. And Everything r*rtainlng to a First Class Biy" Goods Store.;-. ATa&ja Cbnapiete-' T. .-•''" -"',•'"'••' ' ' •: •"•' . : Tdn^'pf.-. ; . :".'' v""'"-'-V^ '••'/'••"• i '•-:".';. ' ; ' ; :.• ..'oS-SAT.BAEKAiss.... . -•.•-..•. . -;-V ^ •.'>'..-.• v"; •';.. .;FXT©H ; &0QWB^. - r*0- «T? ; Or-'S3 ! S^i -^Will offtrsome extra bargSins' iti^—^'. '.. -' MEB'S, YOUTHS AND BOYS' RfiADY MADJE GUSTU0Q, AT H I S . ..IT THBDOIBflL.OCm.vHiSSTGCjgpF,; '' ..-;AND THE LAIRSEST AND- FINEST t n p r O P '•/. ..".".. : MA1M ; OLOi'HIBG 'EVER BROUGHT IrfTO LE'W IS COUNTY -.' ; OIJB'OIJSTOM PEPAETMENT, s ';.... Was never in a'inore flourishing condition Be sure and call before purchasing slsewaere. ;•.;'"•' . ... '•'• Lowville, April 1st, 1884. ' W>I. -LENNOX. •'•".. COATtNG,-' •'"•", The Only Reliable Protect'on for Brpssrying ' the Shlngte Roofs o.f ' . . •I>w.el?iis'g llotwses,.'BiarKSj "• .. 'Clajsreiies, Ste,». •• • And making them. Fire'proof.'3gainst"Hpaj ; Es. and Cinders from Ohiinneys and' Burning- Buiiding!?, ' '• •: •'.-'.- -. • ' ' ,OM' ; .-FIas-tie.-. M&UmMi '•. Ce-;. :, ;'-r^^far-TM^oofei,;.-: •/••.• Is sttperior to AnyQi'mg in Use for #ear and ' . ' Stepping of Leaks, . .'' "Tt is warranted not to'Orack-or Scale^as it .'Espincisand Ooalt-acts'by fle^t and Cold; The proprietors of the Roof Coating are ap- plyiiig tln a eovert'ts; to m'-my buildings in and about Boonvilts, . Whferey.er' .Messrs Kelley & Co. aav& worked thft coAttag has gr*e.n the best ot satisfaction. lH-s.cosm&osed. •of .ingr.wliente noted.for their preservAtive. qualities.- ' . ' . ' ..- ' PROPiRTY OOTERS : ' who-have buitdfogs covered With tra-or-sMii--.' glerooi^-slintfld-consult: With the proprietors .-.of,"toe'Roor Coating,. - .. .'.-_. ;• . In tlie n-tet few W^eks.operations Willie cotnmi-'nctHl at Lowville. Orders promptly attended to. - ' . - . ' 51 wS don't die;- The action of'PE , rtlT'S.\MERlCA5J;;cO'DGH !. - CUBE - is npoii tht: entire Hyst^ni, Stimulating.iUl | the .var'iou'&.^himls ta thc.ir. joonnal action., a glow ' of uuj-iii.tili set ins. i.xS J,!^. dlFuug!-, -thu ctijil^d.cir. ( culut'ion, ihr j7.,,fbe -iiecomcs. natural and regular,'.] tlie «-l.in Iv.s-. hot ami fc-\f ri-.ii, an3 the fougli less .urgent'. ' ."' " ••'. • . - . ' ;-'-..- Cla^s aiiA.P'^^ S'^[l»»*i«l 1S||-. ).-, ita'ger.aud mot^6 complete th.dn'.eyer before^ Tafe"oal>ftc a-fi&oaraialisr'-isiT.-ited ' ' . ... .'•• ; .'" .... to«5.atai»a-lriBstofc!>'acijrlces>; .. .•"'-.- -.'.;.;''- ," .... " - On ^*-fir m.t .--rs-r-.- if^ ..a • ~ -°^3?F - ^ ^' -*rfe^ rf'rzra'W'- 'i ''&'.'. f'.'g . » u^& a iis^n.--y^is . ^4,4^ r fe^.i'>-...-~g,, M,(,.MwaU-jg• »2 -•' I • • Kiiei;wood'SKOvel&^F|rrti.Earrifisfe'.^;t-' ••••''. ' , .Jri, ,-Qjf.\ J^!!^3'^3:3IJ3ZJ[..^?5V;:''- -• -'. . • •-'.. . Itmantlneitfor'yoaysclfi';' : ,- ',."'• -.",-•'; TH'' B*siln lire World s;t-- M&M tm^0 ^B fSL|M;ESs"-fct.lfy*. ^^ '. WHO*S VfSAGQUMHTtS VVIl'H TKS CEQGfirASH^ G>; ttab.COlifctnV, "feajiV SEE f?y Ek/miniHG rms MA?J T&ig?. THE.-':;;;:.- .•/.-•'-;.' WHAT IS.IT? Milwaukee, LaOrosse, Sparta, Ha'dison, Fort U-otftwrd,(<&reMiH»y,) Wis., Winona", OwaU onnii, Maii-katj), Minn.; Cedrfr. Haplds, Des Moines, Webhter tiity Alaoria.'Ctlnlon.Mar' sluiiltown, Iowa FrePpo'rt', -Elgin. Boe'kford 111., are among the 890 local stations on its line. .-•'•',.-".' Among a feW r'f t h e numerous-points of su- periority er,ji>yed.rFy t;ho paixons "of this road are lU'D A Y COACHED ' wbi-cli aro the finest' that hnman qrl ami ingenuity can create • its .PALATIAL-. HLBEPIffG. .UARS,' .wblob 'arS- models of comfort andeletjauee; its PALAf'K D.KAWIXO ROUja UAKS, winch are unsur- passed by any; and its widely celebrated' " •ftaRTtifWB.STEJ0 MNIKG-(BAKS,."". tbe like ri'f' Which are. not run by any otiier road any Wb>ce> In whort,..it "is*fisFii,eatliat ISMTS^BVOI'EQ,UIPPED EOAD.INTHE All points of interest tSTortii, \*oWibwes't. an'd- Wttl'of Chicago, bUHliJeas.centres,.summer resocts .and noted, liuntlt.ig-and listing grbnods ; are i.cce^si-ble by the various branchesorthis It ownsand controls over 500.0 miles df-rnad sjiii has o;er toO-passoager teouilbolors cowtfn^ uajtv earing for its millions »r natrons. " - - . Ask. your 'ttcker' ivaentr for .tfekets' via «hi« joulv AND-TAKEJP.W-TE-0raES.AaTeadJmS- ticket agents sell thetn. If eosfs no. mo -refS tmv.'mtjtWH route, ibiU.gives fl-rsl--tyass"n0: asm moila.'.lonf.t.h'm-16 does to go- by tlia noo?. ly «iaipp.'d roads. . . e "-- : For r,japb, desurlpliVe circulars and sum- nierresotl papers of other information not- pbtj-tinablo at yqur joeal ticket oflice,' write to ! ^enii l?ass. Agent, tV « if.^.Eailwa^ I 27^ow.yl .'. .- OBIbAGfb,iLL;. A combination of the Finest Materials endorsed by tHe best Chemists as being not "'only Harmless but Beneficial. It. is Golorless, Odioi.iesH r Tasteless. - irpATjDPBSiTBO.? ,,••;'."", It caias Fruit, stt & snyirig of 5'f) per cent.; in s u g a r , a n i l T"5 per cent, iia wOrfe. ' =. . ' •; •.-•'" It addg to tfee Iteeping qualities of jnilk,' . .' .It makes a preserving salt for.ButtoiV preventing tHe far:ma- tion^of Butric Acid,an'd keeping the butter from becoming rancid. It^keeps Cida^.sweet } by the addition .of a b o s t o each 0 galon-cask^ '• "jr. ••: - • '"- ........ •••..' . ..',' '.. .>''' .^.'—-FOB SAJL33' O B ^ — ~ . l"erS.nn> h'avijig a. tronMesome - cougH'-\vhieh' i breaks their rest .it night,ivdl tiVul hv taiiing aldose { .of-I'ErriT-'S AMEiitCAN. COUGH CURE up- on going lj& bed, ttiev .will li-ue a sou-nd unbrt?lien .rest. Fnr-riiiM.ren it. it in%u.luabl-e. For sale.by' •all •dru-.'gist's.. If Uiken "m time it w.iH cure C?"n- sumption. ' PET-'FIt'S AAfERICAN COUGH CIBIE is. tile finest in :ide, nndis eijaal in ment to PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, wbich i^ conceded the best in.tine. Our treatise „n Consumption' free. Address H O W A K D B i t O h . ; -FRgDONiA, N» Y.. . gold bv HIIIUCH B"I t-h ,v" Sm,, i,oei 'Mc, .V. V Those laliiuia r lirei('iiie wusuiiOu's,^ t .ilts- : Jngyou tofiiet'scaieel'y-abl?.to bc.ou y-ottr ' i'eet, that cimstanl U.aip tlmt is Ur'ii'sijj.' t i e bloom lium yi'mr eljuelvs, tu'tw eimtin- j - dal strain 6u ytmr vital'it-'rces, renders ! - i.ng you imtrtbie yu'dh'etl.u-J, tarn easily r g , j jiiovetl by ."use o.f l&tt inacsylous l-emudy, .1 BETTIT'B .BWIOB rcitit'lBi:. Ineitilitf- j Hies awi'tibsiTuetii'Ms of your s'ysiera aw 't relieved.at oUee, while tUe>peeitil v-au>efe i of periodicai i*ain aiv. peraianriitly re-. moved-. Xoue receive as.inueh beneiit, or j are SQ profoundly, ;;r,uiefiil.in lvet-miurnd- , iug PKXIII'S 15iui'i»'l*i.iui;ijcK ui>y,ouien. , k)-;i iUi'^Mt' / -VT v -'^^^i'v SjiS- ^<HV«6^?-;t . .PF.Tl.TfS .RI.tKHi IH'il'tl U H L e-n-al iri merit to IfKT'J'i-r-si VXT. SVlVr »"!•"». <5 •eoncadeti best in tf;cW<.r]d, I-;p.i'i-SAJ..E E& So.ld t>$ HjiraCe BtuhAson, L'lwvtlie. N . > . Li^SHiEOS iemi Axji CJL1MATJE;§» AI*. sojtfcs, XVL ima^, t B i rt; 1 "V'li 1 Aa.-nts Ma.-.t-cd tor .-in-1 lir\.i. A ^ pj t h e m i c t>.liti>m W i l i s >HKi '• Fub.lt-bfd at Ati;-.B«'ii, bU in.rtue'.. L-tri;e; ; t,•'; h :ni]M mesf.cb-'iipest ss'ui beM. By the re-,. It'owiied l.isi,»r.rn) aid K!-'£.tN-r>hrr, Cul. C-JU-.; weli, whose !ifr ,»( G<rH'IeJd,.j>trtilHh«ii- ty 'ti«,'< outsiilil-tlie I.«I*I ty ,.tb'-rs uy ^j.:n..i.i -nn.-i-.eUs every I.,o,,k e\,r" v-ul-iKInM Ui thi--- wt»rhi; , lti-at.j-as; tits JU-" "(-H>iiK1IlH.v >Ul-ty. Agputs | art 1 niaking Innnrf-s AH ltevr !,e!>lT,t3.pi-i4*u.c- : ci'«.«tul;'i»rij»nl e l n n ^ p t-.tr- Muni..- ff! .*i0.ni:i<ii» i. by a l,.di i.a-ji-! ' L e f l ^ t Jny. Ti'tuifc must.-j ]'il)e»:>l, i'at hciilars . ficR. . BoUer send & ' eeuff. for I'li.^'U^i^ ,-fe,, cm tiee'-wnull... o.nwt rrluiy. inelndlnis large pres-pecius book, a n d '! Save vnVu'able.true. ; I \UPN'* <"o", A. K'.i^i'i, Muiae. J Being the Great 0entEalJJ»e,.affords totravelefs^ by 'teasoh&t Its tinrlvaied geb- Bfaphioal.i30sittbr>,,theBh'b.rtest:an*&BS.t r o u t e ,t>o*we'en the Ea6.tVl Nrjrtneait'.and; Southeastj atici the West, Northwest andSoutfiwest .... ''. .->';'"--'. It Is literally an*.strictly true^ that its 4afineotioas aFeCal! of'thdgflneTpatllrtes. of roatl isetwefin tise'Atiafttto.ana tfl&Pgeific, :-.-.' \; .:-.;. ' ..' •.'-:-'-- ' ----- By Its main tin© and iam.nahes. Jt reaches Chicago, iJcVHetr Peoria,'Ottawa, . Ca SADe, Ceneseoj EV!ollaa :ttnxi Eoisk'fsTatKJ,. Hi i(Iihcfe;j : Davenport, iflufecatlrtet ^lfashittston,;.K;ookul4». KnoxvUle,^: Oskaloosat •Faii'fleM, -Bed fiSolnes, Wssttlbsttyf Jowa Ofty, .Atiantlc, ftvoea, AUdtsiion, Harl3n»'Cutnj:l.s CeSterl &nd ; Oouofjil"BfuSSt,'-' In S&w&f Ctallatih; Trentpn,'.Canieron antl KaHoaaGi^jlnMfssoUrlj'aria'teavenT. wortli ana Atcbigoti in Kartsa3» egidi Jb&;fiuridrecis pf^cities, vfllases-andtowna/ •in-teTiri6diate« Th's'-I '-•'.-•••.•-' '-'•'.; •'--".•--.-.•'•>• -"•- : --. •'. -• - '-. •-.. ; -' -'•..-. ' ; '-. . 'osc/ir- mm: tmp^&mrm?' "AS It }& familiarly oallsd,. offers So. teayelere-ail the a d v a s V t S g e s a n t f :iGQiTifQrtat Inofdent-to a Bmootft track, ga.fe bridgesi .Ofiibn Seprits-at. kit 'connecting points^ Fast "Express Trains^'cosiposed of ebiVifi1O.ril'60Sj .WlEi.t;-V.ENTIfeA*ED', 'WEtfc HEAfED/ FIME4.-Y 0PH«si.S.T5f?SQ aftd EJ-JEPSNT CAV-OOflCiiESj ia lino of tfi«. MOST «!AOStlF|r>5«t KGST-Ofi HSGI.IN1H6 OlfASii CAHS:esfle"r bttifet ^UttMAN** latest designed and ftaedsomest PAtACH' StEEPINQ G.aks,'.ah.d OININO: CARS that are acknowledged by press ^nd peopio to'lie the FliSEST. RUN .UPON.'AMit ; ROAD II* THE CoilNTS!y,.ancl Jft v^tph'su'perior.meatsar.esefvpd to-^ravelers a^ . thelow'rataof ^'VEKTV>FIV.e. GESTS ^AOH,. .-,"' '.'- ."•":'----• : ;"-- " . . . '.•!• THREE TSAi&S eaan. way' Batween GH5GAGO. and. the IWtSSOORI RIVER, TWO TFfArflS each waV" betWse'n OrrlSftfi© and f35NKHAt»'Ol-IS anct ST, PAUL, ' vta the ftjmous ' V-, •; •:'"'.•'_•*-_' ^>'LL" J -"'.""; : J^'ii *J ' ,. i , „ , , . . f 0QR S.EEPS. .- ••TtdKl.tssKI-'ULCflMfA.V'fo-'J." g : S(Pfll?h": vr«*S»iSS* &' Mitpiltm'iiS, ! R-'i-'e'' ,ni(i ad'Je, finrtj l.l)t i\jie.-t<->iee ot i rlthl PtniuVnt phyKici.in^. -.-Bd <VI-I.II Minvus- , fbl bamn'&ss' riven. -A treasury of - tbe t-ne.M i , valuabis information* Price 50 cents. Malted i I pofltpflid on i-eeelpt^f price, FostageBtainps. j - Taylor iroSi,'Fnb,,'i?oolie8ter 1 3f,yv- | Jansrary U l8Sa r a new Bhe. will be opened* via SeiVeca.aridKririkakeej between Sewport Mews, Rienrriortd, dineinnati,' Sn.filanaeotls ariti .fea BayettBt .ar)d;,C'o'«ncli SlMffs, Qt. Paul. SWiRBe^-.-poils.and Jht^rmediite.p.pints.' .-- " '-.-.'-.=-'.';': r --."•" Ail Titrousii Passengers earrted pn Pa'st'ExgreteTratn^. ."'...- For wore dctafted itifof matidn, Eee^Kapaiwd Flolders, ».vhioh may be obtained, a«' »WII as Tickets,at all principal tlcketomces |ri the United States aridCanada,oro4 ^;^' v ^Mi0ftCK>*^%V;T:v':; : ^V"V^. : -"

er Fritch s - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1884-09-04/ed-1/seq-4.pdf•3iWa^^%,0olaiiiiii 4»«tll«i^0KaiSi3u^. ,^$slnc$. i.leffr: yo& rountcyX

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^ ^

•3iWa^^%,0olaiiiiii 4»«t l l« i^0KaiSi3u^.

,^$slnc$. i.leffr: y o & rountcyX sfiB : ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ r « t o ^ • . ^ S ^ Q p J ^ i B S Q d a a s i t h e Q t f c

: lyoor .reaSerSiiioWi. to make poultry, • -• -

Jrailfc w£H not tise in the same time as 51&9 rest? afld'tralea? fc&mili: la allow-f:Wfi;tp,stand Iqngei'thkH ft; Qfchei?wis« ito.uli.befoie.being, skijajsed, will :KoferIge;atall oi.biat imperfectly, &a& A?ill .rsmaiti-iii/'tlte skitafete4ttiifci [ Agafri if t ie. twpsljSnt&Qf '-cEeath were .to be-pat "in; tJiepiiurja -togeiiieE tho featier'' fi*6m tEe; 'farrow edw's; milk

> '^*saf irt large cities'IiB;e-JJew;^6y3£?

,, ajeftverj :;;tEIJtey Salt*%i8&3y-:. amr-feBi; :. -""jfit 1C6J&.§0 So- 6» q e a & p e r ^ a a d v fexit. • ;to-oblaiii^jfiese &?gii"i>|iGSstliey nptttsij

T- Jsef 3aafeiie(J-.-ea*i^ JPebfaary,: Marek -. ^"d^pri t ' i je i^^^ .&$

'.-'~- i4^l^-jp.p|.Bet§ngp by- ;.inst|n;qt thai; :: ' earijryou;mnstiisfi;incabatoJS; - They.-.| '•• \ ^ i l |3batc^.*ia |#^petqeat of oJhlcto; ,-. thatt; heps,,attdtHe. (Sjicfeaardi. very '•..-• ieattiiy,;ljdag e»iH^iy"fe^.fr6mli^t3i: - I have;-Js?ft|s(eabatoiS\tbdlmaiae - :idys^l.£ vTJiey 6oSt^e;i5;0O';ea®'aP# ' .'jboid'. #$eggs\ . •. Anypie" car*Jjefc xjt

er, sad 'Holes* the•• whole;-were oveit ehurned:,.. wblefc is. very- undeairabfe, wottld.no't fcoins'* a t all' but .xemain. iafbeb^tte^iaHk;. TJus is the theory of the inii0i aftxj.it bas-besii confirm­ed-by practice..- ;A -farmer, stated at-t|i6tisQaof tbia conversation.thathe.

.f had; fiye farrow cowsitt a large dairy, •JPof a.wb;ife;.tb.9;i3giiife was, ail kept to­gether aftd.tbea that from tbe farrow eowfi-Waa ; given ctir^et'fb the .salves,' It. was" foundthat jast as much iliotter .was made,: &s '• wfien -ajl of the milk ^as'keptfdgetli^r;- -"..- V - ' • '

'Setting riwtn BteH>;

"•--'."Wiierft-' a.'fettner .'.hires a man, for a .•definite t&rra of service, and-far a .de£t>

. x e ^ o i t s t o r - m a ^ ^ r ^V ;.of wages',. tq_do a specified iraae; by- wxlp%; ftK- B a f t e , ! ^

; ;C0aq{»4 .e^ Vb;e£e_tbeJarm.er. simply requests .postage.? 1 ^ .wetft for htm", ^ d nothing jpletesgece^f-aa^;. beinggo '^^p-.-s^yfe-said-abdotrtae^ioSe or 'pay,, or where wlfhiareaSb.Qf^i^a^<j":aayi(ady;cart}tbereiataon -of ejrigldyer said employe yna tlxeaa; ~ITi^v&MiZiieriS^waSsince'

^.MaeeK'isi Iliav&. sotd from iliese Sis •Iteaa aad iny two'iacabatOig f l ^ T ^4*P^ Of i i ^ a aad .eggt. How-fe tke.j

'..'tim6:.io -.preparst for: tae.wMter'aad: :; filing iiafigi '•' llateyQftt^cabatQXs:

M ^ 'pieji 3?eti':, will- be Jeady to; go to •worit laieiS^eHttyi' '•''. 1 j'.urx;ifay~jacQ-'

rbftfei^tie yefepan#,aa<i;Mri;)5: titere I la ab basi^e% r^gaiHag so litti^;cai>L^| »^ai ^St";yiplds^acji\-large prefitsV . i: •wiH: soon; "wJi,te. yott- aa asfiele. oa ,*f^i[i^;;"aie;'-tBe':; irtosf;- grpitabie Va "orJeiSea japp&ni^-ta xa.fse^f aad ^ Oa "oih^porffr^-topMSjff^on^wisfi.,-. •.-':.• '-;,•, 'i?$Sd*<3&&MTBiFoaitS?aiaB« • - ^ g a ^ ^ i o ( : j y y 1 ^ r b r J K & :^ '-.;"'

' ^':#p8|gfe^Btilciee&novby: m me0~ '•'•• . v : . $ ^ g "eoaaeet^ 'or ife : .• *a&fae^.; :&ti&i}i§z.sKouid'belost tig •' •;'" ^r«iessTOgIect,afldeyery&BgsT5pB^^^

'; . y-bep^tiQ^OQd;age) . Jnstea^ of «>bp-. -r ; jfliig-Jaati edntiauoiisl-y withb^tma-i ' • k a r a p^Testj i t oagat" to- Have ^betb;

• , Qoia.: stalks ougbt- to be made • iatp '.'. '•_.'./ fee^ of; l^tiiiir% aM;not leftitp ^as'fe ;-:'-':amybatb;e'fisid,.,; Straw pugb*'So|f

'•*'-'\, tOibebarfed:;.itSaafeeffg^ . r good inaaBre. Sfapn^'.-.'oiagM to be

.,' cs4efa}iy!:a^pltA

;::;;-'-•ifa-e^U^f^^and^Hof \leffc p d ty miL '"; ;lbp;blowa^ away by. tbe ^ad^" : '^e6d'' - ; :oagbitp b ^ ^iespr;yed-ia.^

...v' lapa* ;sto0fe'sb^

. - "> • 4&nildiagsj- and .ateasfls'dt^M :tp'b'e '".;• fept-\la^^ gppd'boaditiQTi;' Wbereyet

;;_-;: riBot or -Seeay • apppate; %}W if t i p ^ y

. v /carev ; ' ^ ; " ' * 'l--'^-v .?•'"';%.•:•' % ''I •'•/• .-/• ; . igi i tm aaof&er (|ire'cijptt pttolpEiicge-,:;.' - ;.p by^ope'tettb a¥ast'fi^Id w-^er&'mpst '•".-:" 'bfJbersppieets'""of-'-.snceeggfai'faTtfiing l:lMB^--[TkS^-'Ss- no age'in pultiyati^g-

:: .. feil: acres M Wpcaa Bpa^s fiya ptodace i•'. .\..^ihacSa&(iaggoo iiias^tbPtea^ierpj :.;;'.. i9les3;prpfit iacfeariag.tettpF*fi&'ea ;-.;; ;/;acr.e#<baa':M we ejear'filteea or-twpb^;]

•::; and; marJarM, #Bi ; - ptMuCfr jinp^e "'•'••< JbSi t i^eaty aere^ca^te^^Jait ly^C:

,,"-.% \ tedv;.ip3.'bettei:.|o: iypffi "tlbpSsoialler X ;,fi^o>-" I f a ,tltfee^ea*^lS.;stee>'.'is-,' \_^f^|(®fita&ip|ii p a l l e t t f i a a a-foad

i i iff inelifefe.' 3f..|a1Ia#. }%(f: ptMoSes^' ; .ViJet^r-ero^sJE^'a^-t^

; cfopLaas|it^tbsea. reraoye^i i t IS-bet^ ; .• /'••lf^;\i6;.-^o^i'|^4^."'M^^G^-"''^i^«

j : ' ^^lypsJambi^fljpgSiate^:&6zi1&m6f<g '•.,vt&'aa iiiferiprr oisesj^ih^y ar^;*be;fejes^

:-./ -oae^'tpxaise^^IfstGcfewiHvfcespbpt-: .;.'-•: -fer,tigaiiSi©Yati8V^ when. we?ii .j * .. • protected' 'by^-Sb^

•- V-iniaaagedi sri§:;;pi©dfipef;aipr.p;; aiilfe, :• ;•'• f a t t e r apd iaeat thfefi:vpaeEeS'wltfi-v "x:" <Mi. cai^i; ^ap^prpgef V:0ujturp-; ra;;ifeB /•''•'b^feT.; •; • ; ;?. ' f?^. ;--:V V ;,' ; ': :;cv, : '-: ;^

;; x pMesppby is %.kind.^ ;rJ^r&o<l0£* i "v - V^er Mlr|eDS#rfafpraed;;aiaa^

' , . 0tta^t^^1^j.cifis ;-afeffie-bptfGm .: '" ' a l l a ia fe i i a l ; -^ ; ... / :

; geM bis ; .bas|ae^;:b'6IIed-;^ a; J V..-.i. ^pint.*wbBre3ip ijmfeea. lap" -best fls&'Q^ ;.;.:; ^.yejytMiftg; -bje;' -bM-j.,iWb'ea-\ip ,eaiij

; * inafeJe ftiprp mpaey and live Mtfer 00 :

; tea;:aeife|:oCiaad^'tiiaa;"iaa'ny/dp;vGa' T-'v.' ;Ia^er'fai;riafifeis©vrd'ea't^ :• -.^Bta^ied ibp; phjlosop^y'or:fecra|n^;;

13 fei'me.a^withoat;.^ fiill aad dafinite [iaideis!aaa^ng,;the. contract is itapled, Brief ita- laclsiiig terms., or.'coaditiops aia'st be supplied fey law. & oanbiAai of-.Mr&s for. orieyear oriess? need, not be.ia writing. - If for moretb'aa a.year, ffiis 'OQt'biridiag. eajess-i-a ^ritmg, &n<l either party eaa tiEcafaate tbe agree--meat'ai'pTeaspra. •-' . ' .J'xpresa. ^Qftfeacts—Where !tfie -bi'i:-

ing-- Is, for a defiuitevtinie, both, parties "| arebopttd-by i taat i i the tiBie'espires. .'She' eriipl05*ei iaiWi furaisb-Work^ and the etjapl'oye toast 'labort» tae'ead'. Tf tke. fljasfer discbatges the workmaa %#ith.oM.-legaI eaasa before tb»time.es-

;pfeeSj•tJbe'wotfanan.tT-iirbe entitled to lifs. Wages- tip- to' the time of hrs'd s.-'-ebargef..arid: afe&skcb rtaHQagesa§he: has suffered by .being tbro'win oat of bii? job'-'Tbiese daatages Will probably be theaajoaat of tbe^wages np to the end bf •:tbe:.'tipik .of binng^;le.s3 wbafi.tbfe wofkibair 'has earjied • or might have .earned at pther employment If the. tjfprkrman leavga witjiout, legal' cause •before bis.time is up,, the great weight of authority 'is .tn'at'bejs not entitied to any. e^nipensatiua. for-_£be--tim<; titat.h'e 'has;isy.6i'6^dt.''tli('ugb several highly re---speetable Gourta have held that under .saeheirciimstaaees he lias the right to jtae\.wages, due bina.up to thetfm>of his-.Ieayin.gj.;res3 the damages oeeasioa--e.d to his'-empioyer Tjy his Teaviag, .


I A V-aJaable TMsoftvery for su.j p'ylDgM tigttsi* ism lo (Ue Human System EleotrWity and Slftgnetl'sta utfHzed as nfYex before tot' Head-l a g t h e S l e t . • . • -. -

•rBasitASNJBTION'A^IAivHaSCO.'S •. '

' aiA'aJSrElPKJ KJTO-OTY-'B.BS.T'S .'• .. • .• ' FOB MEW IS--. : .'•.-' • ' . - • • •

WAE.RA.KIE0- TO OOBJ0 Or' Ktoaey fte-fitiwled, t h e .following a i s e i a e s -without

meiHclHe':—Pain -.liit'Ite, Baete, BUps t .Head o r X.taiT3S, Werwius BbWUty,, L u m b a g o , Henefa l DeWUty, Kfeet t taausm, Parsay3fe, .Near»lgia , . SOiatioa, Diseases-of t i re K i t i a e y s . S p i u a l D i s , eas?s, T o r p i d t i v e r , GoUt.Seiniiial--Emissions, » „ _ . - ; . . , . . -v_.i,w,„ H e a r t Disease,. Dyspep-

; , - . - Indigest ion, PHes .EpUepsy ,

XtK'mb Ag.tie, e tc . ' '• . - • ' V ^ - Wb-ennr ty debUi ty of t h e G E N E R A T I V E GR(3A1SS o c c u r g ^ L o ' s l - V t a l l t y , LiieR- a t jServe-B-Qtce ftnd Vigor , -Was t ing Weafcaess, i a n d all- t i iose Diseases, o f . a .pe r sona l Hatri*e, :

' t'r.oin -whateyef cause* tli.e.ooiitm1iou8-8ti;eata of S t«gae t i sm ..pexmeaUiig t h r o u g h t h e p a r t s ' m u s t r e s t o r e t h e m t o a hea l thy , ac t ion . There-i s n o n x i s t a k » a b o u t th i s . app l i anee .

TO T H E L i U M E S : - - I f you" a r e . afflicted w i t h LamalJaok , ' Wea.kaess of tae,Spi&ei

Bat t ing of t h e W o m b , Leuoorrhoea,. ' Chronic fnfl»m)iiaXi6n a n d Ulcera t ion of the ' W o m b , Inc iden t a l H e m o r r h a g e oi" F tood in^ , Pa in i i t l , Suppres sed l and ' I r regu la r asfohstrijattoir, Barr r e n n e s s , . a n d ehftngeof-I i i fe , t<Ws l s t h e Bes t A p p l i a n c e a n d i O t e a t l v e A g e n t k n o w n . .

F o r ai l for TO s of -Female Difficulties i t i s u u -sutp.assed b y a n y t h i n g before iiivehjiHl, both-a s . a oftrp-tiiye a g e n t a n d as a . source of p o w e r andi!i te-Uzation. • -••' --•-- • •' ; . -fjaoe.Sf'etther.B.elt.-witlx S t agne t i e I n s o l e s , S i a s s n t . b y expres s 6.:0» D,, abd 'es i icminat lon a l lowed, '.or b y m a i l -on rece ip t of price.' I n .order ing send m e a s u r e o f wa i s t , a n d s feeo f shoes.. Remi t t ances -can b e a n a d e i n Bun-enoy, s e n t i n l e t t e r a t o u r rlSlr. " • ' - • :

' T h ' e M a g n e t o n QAr taeh t sa re - ' adapfed ' toa l l ages , a r e w o r n o v e r t t i e , u n d e r e'ldfching.'Cnot n e s t t o t h e b o d y l i k e t h e m a n y G-a-tyanio and-'

! E lec t r i c H u m b u g s , adver t i sed so'exSensiTely), and. s h o u l d b e ta l ie i t off a t n i g h t ; T t o y h o l d

. t n e i f P O W E E . F O B E V E a , a n d a;r.e worn , a t :- a l l s ea sons of t h e •Fear, . '• . S e n d s ta i t tp for t h e "JSFew -Departure "in Med­ical t-r9<W.ment'. W i t h o u t . i r e d M n e ; " wi th

: t iuit tsandsofiteStamoiiials.- . .- . • • - • ' . T H E H A G N E T l O I f .APPLI 'AlfCE CO,,

21B atate lS£reet„ Chicago, 111. i .K 'o te . -^end ' t ine-dol lar inp-ftstagestamps-or-cuiTfincy ( in . le t te r .at" o u r rlsl i) ' wLtb s ize of

f shoe usual ly- -worn:,- a n d t r y - a p a i r of OUT Mvignefic Insoles , - a n d ' h e Gon-?Iuce4.of theJ . fi<jvr-T rp»idiirg to our- o t h e r M a g n e t i c Appl i r ances. Pos.'ltivel-VB6.eo!d feet when l-hey are wo'rhror moapjjYefattde'i- . 16yl

A tPap-Tvar itifK.ena.

Mae!ifetib--K:iuaej--J3c.ItsS'oid by Morr i son & Sft-i^pe, .Lo-WVllle, H . Y , . . . . . . .

-.'YWe I§a^n-;6ar:y4r.tue3.0:f the- bosom f#-a:fe' whp loye:u9j Qat;%nlt3 from iiie 9n.ebiy: wbc) fete 'tis..; We'eau'-ri-ot easily discover otii reafffona a tiiPad. ; e-ia'aniirrar/oB^Ty'hieb. t4fe;.Warmta ofplir brfeatji impederfbe elearaesa of ine;lfieetipii.;::-/ . "''"...'-•.'• •' ' '.?' '=. •''•..- i-

N MENTION, legt*-.

i.^.^^ , sBin> obgeirve.-tnefdMwlng .-te- preBHtimsarestolie --. ffis?awte4; ''M-.t-ags- »Sst.'B,ear-.oiS''onigtnal

. Buai5A!3ifisi.taM,©.-S.Sev6at3feSta5np,an.a. '.^aaifcn-Holies, -Xhe,t»SaiatSt. Bs-Sosa -sjr ' «ecuiely-Jn4'pat!^e;;,^&fean"9:-an3-aaare«i:-

. bfs'ena«^4naninnl3ero'fbRgrcon£afiieaplsia-;

• ages;shbtfld be" forwarded -D"eceniber-Jst,:ana •

iitHStli.'- i?o:inatter whe*e.yot£reslae,sena;. rour.T^SsageradvileustiynTaaaat-ybuiiafe.'

". floiie- sd.-and state lhe."ainmber-oif .bagi: sent. .' -ffanies-otsuccessfuicontestants, withjmmber'.

-,New'Orleans^j?^r3D^mdCTaJ-;;-C3ngihnati,jat--•:- aieireff. eblcago, Baity. News; :Sa& Kaacissb, ; W o n ? c f e . - V A a a r e s s l •' ;•'•'•'.—•.--; •.-.-•--• -- - •' - BEAeEWELta-DtiaHi3£ TOSSCCO C0*,~ - . . . ; • ? • " ' . - ' ' "':t>VSBi3ir^,-G^--- .'•'.,- .,-i^ ::•-;--Byeirgenuine-paelageias-pteture of Baffi ::.;"-.-. ;J^"Se6:oW.n^yambnhcSn.e'nfc^!,' ;

.:'" A t W*«tisr«:WlIf«<M«*p.6 Xfiie"ii;B«8*:?..

" '.^bilpal:lh&stat£0|fwajtlagfbte-tbe •A.,fealty'ojrj itiarkefe"'day-.seceri'tlir^tjbe"'. ;-,- jrapBeTs-:;ladb;lged:.fe

:soal^ '/.epn^ -:- c^mhi^&iAii&tdui aieeds pf ebw# ' 1 -andatbeir mattesrs.MatijiS' td^da&J^: ;-. :iagv. 1% speaMrigfof.^ifie ainpa!nt.<3f. > - buifertiatisifeaiag made from a- 'd&ife-:

> ;&fapie^'ar^^

-•'- ^-twotwiEhryear-oia KeiferaaTPcppi-': . Vsideie3.eg;tfS ^ ....butterj: and prbbably tHsfe aot^tai-• 'frpin .EfgMt;^at of ;We cptttpaiatlye ,;' vidae ;of Su&e tb^ee and 'font • years

':_- '.pld ;ibfe ittricri; bas'- been" said.. W B :-1: tbanifc' j&,-aiayjhe geneJaily- cbaGeded ' \ Vvtaat,aiBpW#iH beat berbes ta t frpfn

; B i x % ten. years Old.;!-: Sorab cpws'will ' . -^ff:'^^''"ftj^-'.i^';ib{^e&.'-afi'9:- -fifteen . ;.ye^'oJd,i»J8t tber0{^.piQrp".xisk" in,

"\ -:&eepingifieni.at this age.as.tfiey ^ilj-^p^eiiajesfai isaddenly r .peria^^^

-'-"--."-. Tseiag;wiaterea t&rpngbj. and -iprbvp •; a|aiost'i!t0.taf:i<)sfej.:: .J, ]:•- ^;. ' ; ; . : .

;;: :-'f: •,

X '..•OnB'fariaBp'^Bp^b^-arsaialf.-Sat .-, • '•eie^Heat'hettf of hfgbrgradfr'Jerseys .'• :;stated" •' ih#tk. paerseasoa ;%he'a ..%ay •••:•'" itei?. 4.yeiisJ^'MefjhaM^ &;Mfi$~ r .-potiipdE'.'Safr. fcf>ni: efgbt 'm ohe ^$Q%^ ;. ;$b©-:»p^i-yeax :waea javeyear3: old. ' Xseyent w^atdcBU' a tab,. and, the sncr.

; e e j ^ i p ^ " y e ^ ; s M ^ a M do ^ ^ ^ E M S , :-.^as:ias:e;yea^ lias drone

•:'-'; alittlp better,baiia:tMs-case ft woitld • seeiaitfe^i&ied jsix years . io ra fqiti

'•- • '•:;aiaiprj%r;ia;. tbp piqltietiori of• butter.. ;V '^^merswi l i 'db weji " tomato a. note

:•'•^ ;pl,t&r-aad:. 'e^eeiaHy..fiip3e'.Wboate: V -.'iasfe.- grad|n^->op;' tiieii.. dairies • witb' v. iieifera Japdl young 'feft^l;' otaefwIiJe

'.:. -Itfeyanayljecptiy^ diacotoagedia- thfeir . .im^ettafeg•~;M6W.,&/Mh&& <£'-&&.

\ •; ^ iieiieK to dOjas^well $k Va§^e!xpeeted', ...-•'; Waifcpatieiatiy for- a^oandinaiftrity > ;jaad^"woihlr^fiipy will b&-lfked:'-bet* .; - tear ieaeb' aaceBp'dja^-yp^riaaiais-Xs bat

.-'-• ©^rj^riene^aad;also^-bfofbera;..'-; .'•"-." : : i i f isibMated by-, apme tbajfc fafrpw

' .'.-eows H^Br'wIilliOt'do Weil wbeij iteept .' , "/alonglWltb. feax/stof tbb dawy,astbb:

' .wtmm^ikiii0.xlm-^ ^aifiiJy^apd . •' thatlf.San- not b&ebpraedl'ia tbplamo

;." vtinio" as,:, the/ -• rest,"' and iov • -that;

;'" !I^e/;iea3;ofc.fbrviafsis;.af)^ t o . acleaiiie aiatborifyrJhat the glbonJes

lfeR|;aoi «isi,i

Ax& :$6v£l£MTiey;& : a i s6Mered? | „ _ i'Kttofsy Wort brought nre «om my-'swave, os itta -

|:Deticoife.»; • 5^-.W.I)OT«^^Meawaip,.Iojda,Mie!i..g

";; :4k& youi? teerves'iveai:? • '. 1 . -'5Cid3Xfr3---W<,clr.-eurea- ine-from- nerwjis'.vreafcnessH'

]-Qoo€yr&,:sa^Shr(st!anM<>t(itor. eieyeland, Oi- H

tSa^^V-yo'a..y$Mghtf&~ Disease?! -.- "EKhi&j'mQiti <jared;mB' -wlietiiny"-vraier-was:Jnsl;t Ute-oaalk-auatlien'l ik? blooi."' ' " " . . - . '. f -. v ; "-." • '- .3E^JS~W11apS,E«!aoayi.5tos3,]

. SiiflerMa'froaiJDiabetes-?. "SXOxufrWoi Ma-ffiamost teccesstul xarae-ay-nuwe I*


|-B;aivs":^y'oti .Timst • Complaiat.Si ' '^Kjaady-Wdrtcarca-ius ofchrontoldvorBIseaaes* tffeerIJ6Biye(l.to'cUe.^.--. - .'....-- -_^'f ;•.' -Hemy Wara,-.lst£f.e^I.- ffl&Sat-GSMd^S-.M

r i s y o a i 3Bacjfc.IameaadacMng?| l lama Muat to. KiE. oat-of.lssai" .. • -\ -J

' -.0,^.'!&lInttigo,JtlIj!H«Icee,.'Wis,|

l ^ a v B ' j o i l - : ' S i d a e y ' : . Diseasp-?? •- •''Kitofey-wotSmadiijnescraBairelb'ei' toitwanoyr iiftGF years :of irjisuccessful;. dbtitoringr-' Its '-woML: ;giaa,b<Kc"7iSam'I B.pdgcs, WiUjjtmstosva, Westya-J

.i .&£& ' yon CToastijaated,? ,. «gsaanoy^WorJ;. catis^ 'easy oVftcoiittdiis^iia-CTirea. | I-.PI0 titer. 16 yeirs- iise"6I otter. mea3cf)ie3:":' 1 ' ,-. ; .- •;. . ..' • -Ht-IscjnSdiroliiiai BC-AlBans^Tfel

•: - Have ybii' Malar ia? -- Efflney^Wbrt. Sas doiie better tjian any 'oHjer-f

"" — - - :I>r.mS£ '

.inypra,cfeice," c

^Gtokj-South-HerOtTb J

•. -'•'"." , -&FO yoii : ESiciusP-•'TSajieyiWortilws-.-aoneino morftgbda.tfiftn.'^my|

:-J^J,.r.-GaU6TOsy,En:-Hat, Oregon. I

-^eeyQ-atprmenteii: wii i i K l e s ? | ". '•SidiKS'-WorS^pentianetlfis omccl mo ot fileedine | pHfefi. Or. W. C. EliliejreconTTnenrlvd i£ to inc." f . -.- .(fei>. H..HorsCt.Qaaliita>5I. iJwnlt, Slyorstown, lJR..j

A r e yo-a.i&etanaSsjB.' r a c k e d ? ! ; **Kitoc'y--teorli.oiir,-('"-- —••—•— — — * - » die-by-physioionsaad- _.

.-.'- .Elteidgai

., Hiafies.'are y b a suffering?:. . - -'"Eidncy-Worf. cur«d mc o t peculiar'troutiieo-ot several ytafssfcimJir-^.. Many frienda use and praise

L1S." . . . . : . MiB..H.:3Lafflor»;aui,IsIaLaJIotte,'^t, iK' yoii" wba ia ..Banisfic. iOiseasei X, ','paxa g-aita; HeaI1;bf Take

. T H E B L O O D ..Cb?A?8sEB,

..Kidney Worth' Sold 'by'ftloi'rtson & Btoore .... LpWyilie, I<ew.is.county, M. ¥ . .

fCL. . ivrass.-,r-on ---sAtE: BY

' .*jbere- was'a- party '.across tlib nv&sj the other'night. Toward.the ;close she .slipped *o '• his side-'and sweetly asked": '..

"Gtbiag b-bme by yburself, Char­g e ? " , . > ' -:' - ' . - ' " ' • '. • . •'.

"CfuesssOj" be-saidi. , -. "Would ybu like some one to see;

yob home ? n " . - • ' • . "Depends on. who i t is."

. His answers were short and crusty.' SEany a one woald have been; dis :

heartened, but iibcy was a'ot of that Mad." She stilt.'persevered, ••"--.

^Someybungiady^Iaaeaa," . -'"Depends oa who the yottng lady

is," said the brute, e'Somp one about my size,';' persist^,

ed.the angel. . . . . • • - ' . -'. 'There are several here, about your

s i z e . " " - - ,' [ ' '• . . - . • " '

"there's" only-. one exactly my a i m . ? ' - , ••';. ' - . - ' . ; ' ; • ' : '

• "See/:bere, Lucy," said- Oharles,-vjf you want to take me home yon may;^ ' . . . ' .

"Ob," she replied, "I 've ao particu­lar .desire to take you hoaiej but as I was going, I.thbught-you——"'

He interrupted wlth.an "All right," and.together they left. He was lean­ing pa her araij and- silently they meandered over • the frozen- streets." They stopped at-his dopr. He. invited her .in. . • - ' - -".-..'.' '•'..•.',' " "ISFo, Oharife', i .won't go ia, but I waHttoMl.you'someifiing;" .

By the light of. the street lamp on the corner Charlie's- face was seen to grow pale as> she continued V'

iC | am abuadaatly able to. support a husband. I bavea hank account of a good size. I love you, Oharlie, and can give you a good .home.. Will you be miae, .deai'§gl ?" - V .

"Iiucy," gasped the'brqtej "you've no idea what it takes to support a-hu3ban;d'.—r-!' ..' .

She interrupted him. . "Bailing,, if it should be necessary I would work - froto morning aatrl sight, arid even- take'Ia Washing and: sewing; you shall' want for nothing. Only say you wijl be mine."

"No, Lucy; it cannot ;be. I shall always love you as a.brother, watch over your pathway through life,, and should you-stand in aeedp.f.a4vic"e or assi8tacees'ybu; can. rely -pa my will-iagness to. Assist you; but I caa fieyer marry ybu."

"Then you refuse me 2" "Yes.'^' ' . . ' - " • - . ' - -

. "Base .wretch I" she exclaimed, uyou. will live to repent your, aasty decision, for to-morrow m y , dead body will be found in the cold waters of the river,*' . ' . . . ' " ' , .

• And clasping him; in. her aroas'.in 'one eonvuisiv.e. embraceisbe .fled;, into-


i©t#§P" |.

2©0: p o u n d s 6* G-KJB -X.tPE. fojp

B i ibMt t -Meta i* && saS'fe' ®t the

'.TfjS^g^'.-«iBI«.e, • ' -





- O F -




W e a r e Coj!«p1ete in E v e r j

flie KeweMt a n d .lo>.i Reliable Selec t ion* i n ISse llwiLet.

BBAdoMER BW3S., N o 1 SHA.PYAYKSVB l^ i fV ine , U, 1

HAEEBEBIEOS - AreNow Eeady"JPpr f b e • ; .

- A X - '"#


S. A.SIXBUJRY, R e a l S s i a t c , I i isairassce a n d

G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s A.g^eitcy,

" "^AJb,lBTATB\;. .FOR'SAi.?? Ofifc-B^jaFAW-fi^,;

•• ' IHStJBAHOE; ';; I i ep re«en t t h e fo l lowing first-class com­

pan ies :

L I V E R P O O L & LONDON*- GLOBE GERM \ N I A . b A N C a - S H I K E ,


I M P E R I A L , C O N T I N E N T A L , LONDON £ L A N C A S H I R E ,

G L L N S F A L L g , P H O E N I X ,




• ^ T - - .


• _ _ _ - «M •

—IET. A L L ' &R-ATM3 O F - ^ .. •

^XnSW^BIOES-I n A i l ' C i a S s t s ^ f

The Spring House is now open. ' N«w Din­ing -roomSB-sSO...Beautiful-"grounds and snr-rouiSdi:'gs,- .Eurnltu^e-new.. Table, theb'est, GftA'ND ePENrirG/rTHTJRSpAY, JUN1S19, . Sendforcircula-r wifhterins. • ' . '-'-:&i.:- :•'•.." -. '••". ,?f.8:.R,ATN'E;;.pr9'nrie}or. ."

A Oi'«S»m of ;a Mnsbauei .

SatdtSe botel-keeper: "The re Was; ;alady of my acq-uaiatanceonsa,. who •a?fofeeherbusbaftd m".tbe.n!gbtby the pabst .extravagant manifestations of deliribm* Whentie inquired what ailed her she told bina 'to mind his :

0Wn';bU"3ine's8aad riot bother bef;: she -was'-tbinMrigf;','•-.- " '-'-:' , .- ."/.-' "At bifeafefast she told him she was dreaming,. - oh i.'.such . a ; deligbtful dream;' She thought she was at an .auction where they, were selling men, "Oh,,tbere Were such splendid Sjpeci-. mens there: ' But they went, so. high she -feared she eouldn/i, w& one of them, At last.the atjctjotieei' took.

j -cbjBpassioR on her agd' knocked ttbwn a glorious feltbw to her and —ami tbcii

aijegf^^e.-:- •....•.'-..:••.•: ",..;...''. .. ; , "'But,* pi.e&ded the ansibus .bus= band; '$dn ? t ypu ^'ee.'any 'there:;like" me?' '14We you V said tab spiteful

[..beauty; .'Jaws, yes. They were' j>«t up in handles, like eekry/.atidsoid.

[ for ten- -cents a buBdle.'"—JpiMt>urg\ lelegmph. .- ' . ".- '.; ' •

dtr-R 'm?M FRicfJss"ARie; itotit

t T E VJ&VTL 'WMfrWFliWm


J O S S P . TTA.RF.KF.K. .GEO; / J , ,HARBREf i ,

W H Y S H O U L D W E NOT B E BUSY ' W h e n w e s e l l a f ine b l ack d r e s s silfc forSOc; L y o n s a t SI, S1.2B; Fat icy OhecK Si immersHfes .atSPc. Wortfi 75c; a n d Colored ;G'ro G r a i n s Si lks a t 'TSand 9(je per y a r d t b a t h'a-se been Si, §1.25; Surah' SilKs i n beaut i fu l shaxles a t ?!; Sat l i is in P i n k s , B iues , Orearns,: for i a n c y work', ?«c p p r y a r d .

. W H Y ' S K O U L P W E S O T B E BUSY W h e n We: sell eood d o u b l e fold Cashmeres a t

.20,. 25c.; s ing le fold a t 10 a n d 12c.-, Cot ton dress goods 5; 6lR,Kic.; L a e e B t o t i n g s M c ; a l l Wool Bu n t i n g s ¥jp; a n wool Debeges 30c; .Nuns Ve i l ­i n g 30c: FTannels 25e; a l l wool CashtnoSres a l l col<oi s s ic , J e r s e y Clo ths 45a; O t t O m i n s 80c; ChurtdahsTOc, d o u b l e fold L i c e B u n t i n g s a l l •wool 40c, were Coc, Velve ts SI 50. Ve lve teens S-re, 100 p i f c s Die^s Goods 12,15.2Qc; 1000 R e m --nfcnis'.Sc pe ' r 'yard-worth 20 toJ5.c. : . W« n e v e r bad a- b e t t e r s tock of tb.e;fln.er. qua l i t i e l a t t b e pr ices we a r e afferlng n o w .


W h e n w e sell good C a t i - w s 3, 4 a n d 5c; good Shee t ing 15,-52»4 0.aud 7c; Good Blpa,cbe3«, 7 a n d Sc; Gingha ui« 6.7 and 1"-°; Pis Ml inefs K.arid lOe; Cotttift^dps JH;-.1334.!jnd.2flc^-.TIefefugs8,10 a n d W^e; Fu . r ' i i fB reCa l i . oSand 10c; B e a u t i ­ful Crab in ps 121, i f o t t o n P n'ihw IS, 2flr,L.iee OWE A'-B*. ?M T V B long , SI 23 per pair \v»rr Sif h v t l t t ? V i l d a t l f ) liH Ifo u p ; V H r a 2l\ 2->o op; Bfapk W a ' n u t C o i B K ' e Pn\en75<, C m c h e t qu i l t s 65c were 90"; F i n e r Si, ?I 25. a l so Maie -

.Beiis -upto 'SS; Cream. B a m / a * aU-MneniSe ' ' Wa*2-5C; finer and. Wider 25 t o Snp; .B'pacbert D a m a s k a l l L inen 50a1, w o r t h BSc-;- finer -and wider P-'J«c' t o SL.50; equal-Value?4.P}i;rimsk > ' apk ins 75c, w e r e 81; flrter a n d larger Si t o 86,

.T!iwling'5c,Up; Towels 18V-; H-n"ek8'b<\efc'.'TnweiB 12Kc, D a m a s k Towels , anhjial-pafterias 20x40, -25o, w w e -Iflc; . T u r k e y B e d D a m a s k 3Sc; F i n e I m p o r t e d §0.h. wpre <Kj . 'fllnsquit*. B a r SQo'pc--;; Cot ton a n d L ihen Diaper 75e u p , •


When w e sell g'oodCdreets at.25n,Erabroidfied;-•iit 50c, woriIi'75e; nice Laoe a n d E m b r o i d r i e s eh 'eaper t h a n a n y o the r bous s . EsMuiaJ Laces Chilfls H o s e a n d .Gloves 5c upi-Ladies ' S. 16.15 and 25c; Bafbriggan F a n c y s t r i p e and .

-So.Ud Colors . S U k M o u s q u e t a r e 6-but. gloves 60c; "Mens. Socks 10,12}-£ K-C.Ganze'VestsoO aad-Toci-Jean-Di-aWersSOn;.Fans.F'-ldiJig ah'd J a p a n P s e . l . 2 ,3,56; Paraso ls , a a I m m e n s e a s ­s o r t m e n t a* ISc t o §3; S*iaWls. a t 5Q, 75c. SI un­to t h e finest n e w etn.broidpred :noveitiesrrt.ib--bons, Pdrtrijoijles, Hftjad Bags 50, 73c a n d SI ftp; Trayaling. Bags siid Trc raks . HdopSki i f ts ; Pan ie r s 35,-40.anrt50c; s p o t veiliner Toe; Toi le t '

. S o a p s l O c r a B p x ^ p b ' o r s i l k 5c; K n i t t i n g s i lk SJ.lk-T-w1st2c;-Plns5'c; B u b b e r ci i 'culars 87l<o to:SL5p. -• . •. .. . ^

- W H Y S H O U L D W E - N O T B E BUSY, S h o e d e p a r t m e n t is .a g r a n d s?uccess- Ladies

Tppbble Goa tbu t .ga ' i t e r s §1.35; ICid bflt. ga i t e r s j ?3.5(i;. C o m m o n Sense k i d ga i t e r s 92; Ladies

.finegTove.Jjid: 'foplioots. Onraoo k id fox ing 2:c<}to;3; Fre i ieb Kid-DOots-S.-fiO t o <f« e v e r y b o d y t i i lksab^iut ourS4- k ld .Wat fc lngshoes SI, t h e y nVe solid goods DO p a p e r - o o u ' t e r s a n d shpep sk in , -uppers ; Lad ies Slipper's75e t o ' S l u p ! a large-lot of snft.~wifl<s.: Tow shoes for e l d e ' l y persons 'made- . fo r comfort . ' Qh.itds' shoes'SOe t o l;MIs«esjsaitej 's 1,1.25.1,50;boyS Ann m e n s , shoes l,2C 1,50; ; 2 ' t e H e n s -flna'^udcoaTsfe boots . .We bi jy d i ree t jfront^mam^facturer,

• '; -. W H Y S S O U L 5 -WE-NOT B E B U S Y • : . ' - '

W b a n w e <seli T a p e s t r y -Brasseis cwpef.-at 75c; Tt>gra1'ri ag-in^oc; al l w o o l r n g r a i n . . 6 5 t o S ' c , . •fio'rtryiil c lo th 3Pc u p ; i n a t s 75c.Gocoa :an(i Tnp^ estry; X ten -sef.5S'-piPceK b e s t s t o n e ehina .Si ; . ! . .d inner set"S8.S0.; good-.tnmblers- 25Pi-Set;..-g'ood. gofi1etC35o set; .glass sau'ep disb»s 50o up}- glass-s e t s 8 niecea SI; l a m p 30c; deboiWed. l a m p s , ,ar- : ea-nd biirne.fs'Wit.h .sha'dfis#i; looking" grasses. 2fo t o %i\ s-ton-e w i r e , plated-ware.; kni-ves a n d forks cheaper 1h»n : t h e . cheapes t ; frntf' j a r s ,8tto?1.25.'pfi.irdoK, . .---.'- ; , - •• . - . - •• ; ." . • ' •

"•''. .'W^'Y.'SHOTJLD'.WE'NOTB.BBUSY.. ,. fifl bbis . A-. eoffoe sugar'7?^c; goodbTown'suf ia r (il-ie; molasses35 to-SOci.snlengirt coffee 12.'^c p ° r p o u n d ; 15 a n d 20e -roasted coffees. Be -mem-ber w e lead-i-'be tna-rket .on SOc'tea.-; We havfia'lso t e a " a t 15anil25e^«ry:gno.dat3o.aUii: 35c; 'atBy.catiriot b'e-:ma-tcbed->. .every o p e t h a t •tim. th.em'bu'Ks..tbem'r.iab't.ftlongi- 'SoapSo; Sflbbifs 7<"y R'ce-S";E-*gUsh-ourrants;86: :ftais. "ens.roa.nd'12%(5{ Prun 'es '8n; Oanhed goods-laWo^iaTclrf l rs , liic; efiitod.-'oheWirig t o b a c c o

"«f(ic| Wari jfck * 'Bro .waSN6 . t'smokiDg25c-it!:f Kerosene I3e; B r o o m s 206;beVst Geese Feath.ers 70an'd 75e-per pound; ' . S a t e s m a t c h e s 5c. p e r -boss.anaibiindredS[of- otber'- articles.; We 'ba*e.-n o t space t o enuraai-ate. Remei r iber you wi l l a l w a y s fl.rid t h e l&rKeBt-stoek,"th'#S,neBt sobcis a n d t h e lowest pr ices «.% ... ,

W A . T B R S & C O ,

BAILROAD TICKETS Sold to a n y p a i t of t h e

T E S T E R S ? C J O U S T T R X ,

STEAMSHIP TICKETS Sold to and from

As cheap as any oLliei line.

Office i» Jonruot A. RejwbTii <xv Block

Of all Kinds and Q-rade-3 ever Shown in Lewis County,

J ly Store is Just Crammed Full of

Gents9 Furnishing Goods, Ha t s , Caps, and

Regi&jr-Made Clothing, Of every Description Kin-J and Quality that can be Found in any City.

MY OUSTOIE DEPARTMENT Is Fu1! to Overflowing With. Work, but any Body Wisfiing CU3 TOM Work

ofuny Kind will Flnf* it to Their Advantage to Call on Ko=;rior, BLOCK, S. FBITOH, LOWVILLE, IT. Y.

! CAIPETS! Tbe Laigestand 5fo>t Bean1ifulL'n<i of Carpe-S, Brr-r Seen in Lewis County

wll be Fr und at tbe ,Store of

*'M^20s'%xjfri - <?&

S u c c e s s o r s r f


St nam Planing Kill,


TheSn'bscribehs -^euid-give -notice.'lo- thf people of Lewis COnnty,'that tb*y Sa%e alt. the 'appurtenances .nsf-' macijtnerj. for tb t manufactni-e of

BASK, BLINDS, .BOOBS', BEACKETS '••••. . -MOOLarNes,^c;-,-&c,...... Andean sunnlythemWitbanyttting in the l i

•lipe on terms to coaioet-e .wita any: atber al»OT. . . . - . - ' . • ' . . . :

- ' B u i l d e r s Wi'il 0 n d i h e tnouldihgs. ' ' . finished n t h e b e s t s c a n n e r , a n d -at p r i ces t ha t - w i l l

Give ih#m from 25 to $0 per cent,

. ; • ' &V*s£itlG>'.$. W«»*S«i HjJ-.nS;ri!li

and a n y o t b e r W<Tk,'in c o r t a s c t i o n With t h bus ine s s pe r fo rmed t o t h e nios-t c o m p l e t satisfaction.. . . • " . • - . "•Our shop is s u p p l i e d .wi th t a s b e s t c l a s s of

m a c b i n s r y , a n d t h e m o s t e a m p e t e a i w o r k ­m e n , • - . - . . . .-.

' A l l k inds ' of Pan ' e i an 'd -01a.pboaird S a w -I n g . a s . wel l a s Ci rc i i l a r a n d . Sa . ro l l Sa-,vin.g don e on sho r t not ics . . .

T u r n e - i a n d F t u f e d - B a n i s t e r s . a n d "Newell ' Posts a o u s t a n t i y o n h a n d , Hi m a d e t o o r d e r .

T u r n i n g -of-i i l .kinds'sxscti teii ia-g' i joSjstylr

^QslkW&m- ifc.-ssjs J ^ - ^ J ^ D os i? i l O H , NEW PATTEBNS,HANDSOME COLORS BEAUTIFUL

DESIGNS « V BODY BRUSSELS. TAP ftSTET BRUS­SELS & ALLTTOOL T\S O & THREE PLY INGRAIN Ar Prices u Meer any an-i ail Com^ntKn a t uome „ r Abjoad-

g i iy-Ifctimj,.. 5fo odor.|p$tt. . BB.sure ysu gtE. I,OivI&- p. 'S %OS{ CaioErns signatare of itiscra: St'ilb^ N, y^oh-Bvery-« Yj-iahiih '.'^^n'F7Jct^«fe,iruc;KTgat,'if.de.^gTgla-pecfug^.,||

P i i rkfr ' s f iaf t ' B;ilsam ! :md.Fibrest(jn\Jo Ion. ' • So ld b y -Morrfsoi; & Moore,' .

.- -. • • • -: -' Lowvilie, .-Lewis eouutyi . N.,'Y.-;

e, r \ T . , T \ f o r t n e -working c l a s s . Bend. 10 V / - i J J - f c e n t s - for. ' .postage,' arid -we Will

:ra'all-ydu free, .a joyal ,volu 'abTe 'box o'fsaia-ple 'goods t h a t wittp.ntyouin-. thG w n y oi'mak-.-iiig'nioi<e-money its a few- days t h a n -you e y e r t&ug l i f .possible a t a r i y bofiiaessj. Cap i t a feo t ; : r e q u i r e d . W e w i l l s t a r t y.o'n, YducS-H worlsa.i-1 She t i m e or- in s p a r e -tiia.t.-only.' T f e ' w o r k is 'uhiversaHy adap t ed to" born si?S'e< y o u n g and old. 'gou -can eas i ly -earn from 50 cents ' t o S.5 ev.p^y e v e n i n g . T b a t a l l . WHO wg;rit w o r k m » y test-Xhebusiness, w e m a k e tixw u n p i i » y e l a l offer; t o al l -who a re ifot woll satisB'ed ^ve wi l l s e n d ¥1 t o ' p a y tor t h e t r o u b ' e of wr i t i ng u s , .Fiill-. .particulars, d i rec t ions , e tc , , s en t free.,. F r t r tunes w i l l be m a d * b-r-those Who gi'vfl. t h e i r . w h o l e - . t i m e W t b e woik« Gfreat.siicc>-e3 absolute ly , su re . D o n ' t de lay . . Htar t n o w , A d -dr.es,if3ai[TJ!jON &eOi,.Por.tla;n-d. Maine;.

n o t , life i i -.!,Wi.'fcpmg' by, go.,<tnd d a r e before y o u - d i e . « o m t t h t n g

n i i g h t y a n d snibl£m#tea?.- b s h i n d to conquer t r i . m e . - . S e S a ' w e e k f s y o u r o W n - l o ^ n . ' S3wat8S 'fi'ee'. -No r i sk . EverytfiifiL' nt-w. Capi tal » . , : r aqu i red . We will fu rn ish you e v e r y t h i n g ,

' M a n y a r e m a k i n g for-tnises. Lad ie s m a k e a^ mucfra ' s m e n , an-d boys :vnd gi r ls m a k e g r e a " pay-ai i t b e -time, wrile.-for tiai'tlcalftrs to ' H , Haltetf.akL*o.,P^rt!i«»a. Maine . -. - -

•fSJ mwriLis TiMm

•• r CM-


. E f e F e l t M f c e J£icJslMSf BTlnsse i r .

'. " I ubderstarid; that you are going to- Cbicago to-day,". sai4 Noodles to a ybupg lady .acqiiajptance. ;. "yes ," she replied/ 'Idepart at 4:30' p - t n . • " . . ..".-" .. '-.' - --••'-'...

' '-^bald-you permit me-'to bsebrt; ybu:fo tbe train ?" eagerly asked the ybiirb.:' :: . ' ' . . : ""'.. •'

MBeaHyj"-said thb'btushirig- .miss, " i t would not be fight for yiju to go .to.so much trouble..^.. .' ;:, ',.

"Oh,•ia'de;ed,'', said 'irooaies, eourt-esying profoundly, - "it -would give trie the •greatest. pieas'uEe to see; yptt Q & > f • : ' : . ; - \ : " . ' : . ' ' : . ' • ; . ' ; ' . ; . • ; . — . - ; , . - ,

;'•: Then he felt, like. gpifig behind the house and kicking himself fery, very

.•har'd%-^<S'ffMS'.»x; - . - • ' - • - .

St.Wi Pev YP°T,

ou Bats*" eleai'i!) oat Bats,

Corns," for Corns, Bun-

;Petti%'s .A»ierie^.ri.

C6t*eH--0MRE. BI?B i?iSuMP-gsai$tag, S3^-FiSE's#.CorsK'CTKE 6 U -•' i'CitrjiHE'B, ' Equal- in aicrit to

liiii'fie'Sli'a- iBofU-ca, SO Cente. gtffSSALfty-y..-\T.r.nivy,gKs. •

Hbl* by-Horacft'Susli4'S"OiarLow!:iiie,. is. 1'.

SALESMEN : ^ t d c k .

W A N T J i D J - T o ; Kell :-tiurKefy F.tiH • -l ino Of n e w and .valwili l«

Sp.eeiailtlesV . - P e i t o a s e n t ' " e m p l o y m e n t a n d goad- sa ta ty . Jo successful agen t s . Add ie s s g l t l n g a g e ar id refereht.es» T h e G e o . A . S k m e MOTs6ryL-.-UO.,B0fih«ster, N . - Y; '

'A Vem 'or'.tli.e:Mitn3r".'iT*lsilm<?« .-'; n'ials;.V*:%ii!h--©.-l4., Y^boBia!*. ;•_" . '•': . Ikksj Refc*i3Fe' t» :.

H a v i n g used -Vrboma*t'.s fcitig O v e r P a i n , r p s r n o u r i n e i t an- ^Scettettt-.an-cJ sup i»r te r»r ; « p l e , - ' -.. - \ - ' l '&UMAN-l . )Avr- ! ,

' . •FbwIeiijSt.-La.wrrenceCIo-., N . Y.-

. • l JaY|ag .%sea;vxooniaa i f i s; Kf'ng-..0ver P a i n

* a n i e e o m m ^ K d 'ft as- d. good m e d i c i n o for p a i a i n ' the sloxestcb, s i d e a n d twee th roa t ,-an d

t- i n a h y -oth^rMlls toft Bttnjai oris t o meJaUon,." -1.-.-.- •- .'•. • . A . O; J l I S D L R t O . S , .. - ' • ' • ' ' • • " ' - ' "••'. B'«i.(g3:..Styer,.N, Y'. ,'•

.'.•'.- - ;-8a-Ck«ts-Hai'b6r, SfvY.,-i"eb. 23*. IB.H4. ••• . H a v i n g used t h e OEiig OTerPai-n t t t i n k ft o'ne,of...the., bast m a d w ines - In use . H a v e ussea i t for t oo thaehe -and n e u r a l g i a . . I t Is t h e best-we-eyer. saw-;"•- :--'-' '

;;. :•" 3V W. JPEBLDS s a a l I A » 6 Q E F l K L D S ;

-"Bough Mice.' 15c-.

"Bough on iohSf iac. : Thin people. •" Wei te' Health Be-neWer,r restores health ..and 'vigor,cures dyspepsia, &e. f t . . ' . .

"BoUgb oa Tootbaebe,'-1 instant re^ Uef.. 15c. -..

LatJfe wbp would re-tain fresBness' and vivacity don't fail to try "Wells' Health Betiewer." . . .

"Buebu-paiba," great kidney and .uri'miry. cure.

Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs,, rats, mice, cleared oilt'by "Bough on.Bats."

.15e. "Bough ou Coughs/' troches, lot*.;

liquid, 2Sc. F«r chJlrirea, slow in deve!of?ttient,

puny aiid delicate, Ut<e "Welts' Health 'Rfentwei"'' . • " . : •

'•Boagb on I)eijtist" Tooth'Power. Try it. J-JC;. - . • .

Ntrvbus"Weafeuet!S,Dvspepsra,Sesual Dt'trillty cured by "Welts' Health Ea-aewer" ,$1. . ' _. • .. . "•

Mother 8wari'ti Worin Byrup, for Tv vei'i.-'b'h'js's ^«ruis, etibstipatian ; tasft> iess. 25., • - . ' . . . . .

Sirugiii}i,.ijTi(atwnt all Kkiu.ey arid UriHftFJ cimiplaiats cun-d by "Bucliu-patl-a-" §1- .'. . "'-:•-. • Night sweat*, fevor, plii-Hi, m*laria,. djApepsia.cured by "-Wells' Health Et>-a e i y e . u ' J . - • ' • -

My bunband (ivHtKHalsdy) is tbi-p.e titHi-s "tli« naan since tisiiiij . -'Weils' Health JieneWv'r/'

.If you are failing, broken, worn out and- aen-ottsyuse '•'Weils' Health Re--at'wer," ft; • • • • . - . . •

.PreValemee of Kidney 'cotrtplajaf in America.; "Buehu-paiba" is a quick,

t eonipiete cure. $1.

FofflPn enjoy iribre the., pleasure they give than the pleasure they feel-

Rochepedre," ••'" ..-' .. '.

lb succeedonemust sometimes b e vei y bold, and sometimes very prud­ent,—Napoleon. .

Hyppcritea hide their defects with so much care that their hearts are poisoned by them. " . . . . ' .

Every, day is a -litfie life, and-, our whole'life, is but a .day- repeated! Therefore, live.every day as if i t would be the,lastv-• ' " ; . " - -.

fiAUfiOftB m tHl WiiiP, Let it be feeyer. remembered that the


Ts t h e b»st a n d shor tes t r o u t e t o a n d from Cbi-csigoand P'Tuncil Bluffs ( O m a t o ) , a n d t h a t I t Is preferred b y ai l -well pos ted t rave le rs w h e n passlnjj.to or from

I t alHO. opera tes t h e best route a n d the s n o r t l ine be tween

OMoago _aad Si^Paui aai


•BrOS 1*' . :


^d^fed^-Bi^QiiEls^ and .'-fa-


IN OUBFURNiSHmG DEPAiiTilBSfT WE. HAVE A GRAiS'D'GOOIJ :- ".-' >-;-/.-:. ; . ' . ' . ' : •'-. '8H;GWpfe?.0F :. •' , / •'. ' - - -. •

SMfts, €[ol1^s,' '^esv::' v •

Farniets, Busiriess. Slen or anyone wishing

jL- Sottnd -In^nf a,iice, ;' - - ^ S h ' o h l d apply'%<>—- ; . . . , ' ,

A-iarge number 'o f tfca'best C o m p a n i e s T a p -Vesented . ' - : . . . . . . - . . - • • . - ' • , . 1

n i S w a h f e d . ' f o r T.be. L I T O S Of . i-^i. ' .x Oa'U- t h e P re s iden t s of. t h e

t l , - s . Tli« largest^ h&Ddsomest, b e s t t s o o k ever sold for less t h a n twice o u r p r ice , Ttte-fasiest se l l ing bi^ok.in Amer ica . I m m e n s e profits .to a g e n t s ' A l l in tAl i igen t people w a n t i t . A i r y .ouecaabeeo. t t te" :a- micce'ssfttl a g e n t . -Ternis-.ftee. ' fiALMSTTBooK Uo.,''PorUland>Miiliie.

And:.the best way iodo this i'ajjy using

imzm: & $QM

At! K e \ ^ (xoodi) ami Seyi*-^, <m\%

Than fm the U<*t 2^ year-<. Pariies Wi-b ng Crri"-^ this Spring Should not Fail to E t ' M m e ou.-Sro.k ^nd P^i.-c- as <•>? F^eiC'-'-'inie'it \y& can

• ' Fi.eas'e, '.WSa^e Afeo-;SliOwin«.-as"ffinea-X.iaeof"- ="--:- •--"----"-"-

' As any House in Tbw.U'''attd.'©;(iaTanC-!ii3 tiJ Sell--Tkeui as Less k< the -r•-•"'*" .•"

We buy tor Cash and.Sell fbr.Cash and Can aad-tvlii'Mak^ptri<je&". ;;'•''.


prises'-a'Fitli -tiiaalof; :Wm& BM-\ .Otilorei /Silfe5.Slums? -Slli^vf&i^Siiti i^ dA&fiSff i f tES/AIi^^dQ'I^Ti tECb^iJAN^.TAFTy-iA^©, -i V;W.X-r ':••



And Everything r*rtainlng to a First Class Biy" Goods Store.;-. ATa&ja Cbnapiete-' T. .-•''" - " ' , • ' " ' • • ' ' ' •: •"•' . : T d n ^ ' p f . - . ; . : " . ' ' v""'"-'-V^ '••'/'••"• i '•-:". ' ; . ' ; ' ; :.•

..'oS-SAT.BAEKAiss.... . -•.•-..•. . • -;-V ^ •.'>'..-.• v"; •';.. .;FXT©H;&0QWB^. -

r*0- «T?;Or-'S3 !S^i

- ^ W i l l offtrsome extra bargSins' iti^—^'. '.. -'


..IT THBDOIBf lL .OCm.vHiSSTGCjgpF , ;

'' ..-;AND THE LAIRSEST AND- FINEST t n p r O P '•/.


; OIJB'OIJSTOM PEPAETMENT, s ';.... Was never in a'inore flourishing condition Be sure and call before purchasing slsewaere. ; • . ; ' " • ' . . . . ' • ' •

Lowville, April 1st, 1884. ' W>I. -LENNOX.

• ' • " . . COATtNG,- ' •'"•", The Only Reliable Protect'on for Brpssrying

' the Shlngte Roofs o.f ' . .

•I>w.el?iis'g llotwses,.'BiarKSj "• • .. 'Clajsreiies, Ste,». •• •

And making them. Fire'proof.'3gainst"Hpaj;Es. and Cinders from Ohiinneys and ' Burning-Buiiding!?, • ' '• •: • ' . - ' . - -. • ' '

,OM';.-FIas-tie.-. • M&UmMi '•. Ce-;. :, ;'-r^^far-TM^oofei,;.-: •/••.• Is s t tper ior to AnyQi 'mg i n Use for # e a r a n d

' . ' S t e p p i n g of L e a k s , .

.'' "Tt is w a r r a n t e d n o t t o ' O r a c k - o r Sca l e^as i t . 'E sp inc i s and Ooalt-acts 'by f le^t a n d Cold;

T h e p ropr ie to r s of t h e Roof Coa t ing a r e a p -ply i i ig tlna eovert ' ts ; to m'-my bu i ld ings i n a n d a b o u t Boonvi l t s , . Whferey.er' .Messrs Ke l l ey & Co. aav& w o r k e d thft coAt tag h a s • gr*e.n t h e best o t sa t is fact ion. • lH-s.cosm&osed.

•of . ingr.wliente n o t e d . f o r t h e i r preservAtive. qual i t ies . - ' . ' . ' ..-

' PROPiRTY OOTERS :' who-have bui tdfogs covered With tra-or-sMii--.' glerooi^-sl intf ld-consult : With t h e p r o p r i e t o r s

.-.of,"toe'Roor Coating,. - .. • . ' . - _ . ;• . • In tlie n-tet few W^eks.operations Willie cotnmi-'nctHl a t Lowvi l l e . Orders p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d to. - ' . - . ' 51 wS d o n ' t d i e ; -

The action of 'PE , r t lT 'S . \MERlCA5J; ;cO'DGH !. - CUBE - is npoii tht: entire Hyst^ni, Stimulating.iUl | the .var'iou'&.^himls ta thc.ir. joonnal action., a glow ' of uuj-iii.tili set ins. i.xS J,!^. dlFuug!-, -thu ctijil^d.cir. ( culut'ion, ihr j7.,,fbe -iiecomcs. natural and regular,'.] tlie «-l.in Iv.s-. hot ami fc-\f ri-.ii, an3 the fougli less .urgent'. ' . " ' " ••'. • . - . ' ; - ' - . . -

Cla^s a i i A . P ' ^ ^ S'^[l»»*i«l 1S||-.

).-, i ta 'ger .aud mot^6 comple te th.dn'.eyer before^ Tafe"oal>ftc a-fi&oaraialisr'-isiT.-ited ' • '. . . . .'•• ; . ' " ....to«5.atai»a-lriBstofc!>'acijrlces>; .. .•"'-.- -. ' .;.; ' '- ,".... " -


• * - f i r m.t .--rs-r-.-

i f ^


• ~ -°^3?F - ^ ' -*rfe^ rf'rzra'W'- 'i ''&'.'. f'.'g . » u^&aiis^n.--y^is . ^4,4^rfe^.i'>-...-~g,,M,(,.MwaU-jg• »2

-•' I • • Kiiei;wood'SKOvel&^F|rrti.Earrifisfe'.^;t-' ••••''. • ' ,

.Jri,,-Qjf.\ J^!!^3'^3:3IJ3ZJ[..^?5V;:''-- • -'. . • • •-'.. . I tmant lne i t for 'yoaysc l f i ' ; ' : , - ' , ." '• -.",-• ' ;

TH'' B*siln lire World s;t--


tm^0 ^ B

fSL|M;ESs"-fct.lfy*. ^ ^ '.

W H O * S VfSAGQUMHTtS VVIl'H T K S CEQGfirASH^ G>; t t a b . C O l i f c t n V , "feajiV

SEE f?y Ek/miniHG rms MA?J T&ig?. THE.- ':;; ;:.- .•/.-•'-;.'


Milwaukee , LaOrosse, Spa r t a , Ha 'dison, Fo r t U-otftwrd,(<&reMiH»y,) Wis. , Winona", OwaU onni i , Maii-katj), Minn . ; Cedrfr. Haplds , Des Moines, Webhter t i i ty A l a o r i a . ' C t l n l o n . M a r ' s lu i i l town , I o w a FrePpo'rt', -Elgin. Boe'kford 111., a r e a m o n g t h e 890 local s t a t i o n s on i t s l ine . . - • ' • ' , . - " . '

A m o n g a feW r'f t h e n u m e r o u s - p o i n t s of s u ­pe r io r i t y er,ji>yed.rFy t;ho pa ixons "of t h i s road a r e lU'D A Y C O A C H E D ' wbi-cli a r o t h e finest ' t h a t h n m a n qrl ami ingenu i ty can create • i t s .PALATIAL-. HLBEPIffG. .UARS,' .wblob 'arS-mode l s of comfort andele t jauee; i ts PALAf 'K D.KAWIXO ROUja UAKS, winch a r e u n s u r ­passed b y a n y ; a n d i t s wide ly ce lebra ted '

" •ftaRTtifWB.STEJ0 MNIKG-(BAKS,."". tbe like ri'f' Which are. not run by any otiier road any Wb>ce> In whort,..it "is*fisFii,eatliat ISMTS^BVOI'EQ,UIPPED E O A D . I N T H E

Al l po in t s of in te res t tSTortii, \*oWibwes't. an'd-W t t l ' o f Chicago, bUHliJeas .centres , . summer resocts .and noted, liuntlt.ig-and l i s t i n g g rbnods ;

a r e i.cce^si-ble by the va r ious b r a n c h e s o r t h i s

I t o w n s a n d c o n t r o l s over 500.0 mi l e s df-rnad sjiii h a s o ; e r toO-passoager teouilbolors cowtfn^ uaj tv ea r ing for i ts mi l l ions »r n a t r o n s . " - -. Ask. y o u r ' t t cke r ' ivaentr for . tfekets ' v i a «hi« j o u l v AND-TAKEJP.W-TE-0raES.AaTeadJmS-t i cke t agents sell t h e t n . I f eosfs n o . m o - r e f S t m v . ' m t j t W H rou te , ibiU.gives fl-rsl--tyass"n0: asm moila.'.lonf.t.h'm-16 does to go- by t l i a noo? . ly « i a i p p . ' d roads . . . e"--:

F o r r,japb, desurlpliVe c i rculars a n d s u m -n i e r r e s o t l papers of o the r in format ion not-pbtj-tinablo a t y q u r joeal t i cke t oflice,' w r i t e t o

! ^enii l?ass. Agent, tV « i f . ^ .Ea i lwa^ I 27^ow.yl .'. .- OBIbAGfb,iLL;.

A combinat ion of t h e F ines t Ma te r i a l s endorsed by tHe best Chemis t s as being n o t "'only H a r m l e s s bu t Beneficial.

I t . is Golorless, Odioi.iesHr Tas te l e s s . -

i rpATjDPBSiTBO.? ,,••;'."", I t caias F ru i t , stt & snyirig of 5'f) per cent . ; in sugar , anil T"5 per

cent , iia wOrfe. ' =. . ' •; • . - • ' " I t addg t o tfee Iteeping qual i t ies of jn i lk , ' .

. ' .It m a k e s a p rese rv ing sa l t for.ButtoiV p r e v e n t i n g tHe far:ma-tion^of Bu t r i c Acid,an'd keep ing t h e bu t t e r from becoming rancid .

I t^keeps Cida^.sweet } by t he addi t ion .of a b o s t o each 0 g a l o n - c a s k ^ '• "jr. ••: - • '"- . . . . . . . . •••..' .

..',' '.. .>''' . ^ . ' — - F O B S A J L 3 3 ' O B ^ — ~ .

l"erS.nn> h'avijig a. tronMesome-cougH'-\vhieh' i breaks their rest .it night, ivdl tiVul hv taiiing aldose { .of-I 'ErriT- 'S AMEii tCAN. COUGH C U R E up­

on going lj& bed, ttiev .will li-ue a sou-nd unbrt?lien .rest. Fnr-riiiM.ren it. it in%u.luabl-e. For sale.by ' •all •dru-.'gist's.. If Uiken "m time it w.iH cure C?"n-sumption. '

PET-'FIt 'S AAfERICAN COUGH CIBIE i s . tile finest in :ide, nndis eijaal in ment to P E T T I T ' S E Y E S A L V E , wbich i^ conceded the best in.tine. Our treatise „n Consumption' free. Address

H O W A K D BitOh. ; -FRgDONiA, N» Y. . .

gold bv HIIIUCH B"I t-h ,v" Sm, , i , o e i 'Mc, .V. V

Those l a l i i u i a r l i r e i ( ' i i i e wusuiiOu's,^ t .ilts- : J n g y o u to f i i e t ' sca iee l 'y -ab l? . to b c . o u y-ottr ' i'eet, t h a t c i m s t a n l U . a i p t lmt is Ur'ii 'sijj . ' t i e b loom l i u m yi'mr eljuelvs, tu'tw e imt in- j

- d a l s t r a i n 6u y t m r vi ta l ' i t - ' rces , r e n d e r s ! - i.ng y o u i m t r t b i e yu'dh'etl.u-J, tarn e a s i l y r g , j

jiiovetl by ."use o.f l & t t i n a c s y l o u s l-emudy, .1 B E T T I T ' B . B W I O B r c i t i t ' l B i : . I n e i t i l i t f - j Hies awi't ibsiTuetii 'Ms of y o u r s'ysiera aw 't r e l i e v e d . a t oUee, w h i l e tUe>peei t i l v-au>efe i

• of pe r iod i ca i i*ain aiv. p e r a i a n r i i t l y r e - . moved-. Xoue r ece ive a s . i n u e h bene i i t , o r j a r e S Q profoundly , ;;r,uiefiil.in lve t -miurnd- , i u g P K X I I I ' S 15iui'i»'l*i.iui;ijcK ui>y,ouien. ,


iUi'^Mt' / -VT v - ' ^ ^ ^ i ' v


. .PF .T l .TfS .RI.tKHi IH'il 'tl U H L e-n-al iri merit to IfKT'J'i-r-si VXT. S V l V r »"!•"». <5

•eoncadeti best in tf;cW<.r]d, I-;p.i'i-SAJ..E E&

So.ld t>$ HjiraCe B t u h A s o n , L' lwvtl ie . N . > .

Li^SHiEOS iemi Axji CJL1MATJE;§» AI*. sojtfcs, XVL ima^,t

B i rt; 1 " V ' l i 1 Aa.-nts Ma.-.t-cd tor .-in-1 l i r \ . i . A ^ pj t h e m i c t>.liti>m W i l i s >HKi '•

Fub.lt-bfd a t Ati;-.B«'ii, bU in.rtue'.. L-tri;e;;t,•'; h :ni]M mesf .cb- ' i ipes t ss'ui beM. By t h e r e - , . It'owiied l.isi,»r.rn) a i d K!-'£.tN-r>hrr, Cul. C-JU-. ; wel i , whose !ifr ,»( G<rH'IeJd,.j>trtilHh«ii- t y 'ti«,'< outsiilil-tlie I.«I*I ty , . tb '-rs uy ^j.:n..i.i -nn.-i-.eUs • every I.,o,,k e \ , r" v-ul-iKInM Ui thi--- wt»rhi; , lti-at.j-as; tits JU-" "(-H>iiK1IlH.v >Ul-ty. Agputs | art1 n i ak ing Innnrf-s AH ltevr !,e!>lT,t3.pi-i4*u.c- : ci'«.«tul;'i»rij»nl e l n n ^ p t-.tr- Muni..- ff! .*i0.ni:i<ii» i . by a l,.di i.a-ji-! ' L e f l ^ t J n y . Ti'tuifc must.-j ]'il)e»:>l, i 'at hc i i la rs . ficR. . BoUer send & ' eeuff. for I'li.^'U^i^ ,-fe,, cm tiee'-wnull... o.nw t r r lu iy . inelndlnis large pres-pecius book, a n d '! Save vnVu'able.true. ; I

\ U P N ' * <"o", A. K'.i^i'i, Muiae . J

Being the Great 0entEalJJ»e,.affords totravelefs^ by 'teasoh&t I ts tinrlvaied geb-Bfaphioal.i30sittbr>,,theBh'b.rtest:an*&BS.t route ,t>o*we'en t h e Ea6.tVl Nrjrtneait '.and; Southeast j atici the West , Northwest andSoutf iwest . . . . ''. . - > ' ; ' " - - ' .

• It Is literally an*.strictly true^ t h a t i ts 4afineotioas aFeCal! of'thdgflneTpatllrtes. of roatl isetwefin tise'Atiafttto.ana tfl&Pgeific, :-.-.' \ ; .:-.;. ' .. ' •.'-:-'-- ' -----

By Its main tin© and iam.nahes. Jt reaches Chicago, iJcVHetr Peor ia , 'Ot tawa, . Ca SADe, Ceneseoj EV!ollaa :ttnxi Eoisk'fsTatKJ,. Hi i(Iihcfe;j: Davenport, iflufecatlrtet ^lfashittston,;.K;ookul4». KnoxvUle, : Oskaloosat •Faii'fleM, -Bed fiSolnes, W s s t t l b s t t y f Jowa Ofty, .Atiantlc, ftvoea, AUdtsiion, Harl3n»'Cutnj:l.s CeSterl &nd; Oouofjil"BfuSSt,'-' In S&w&f Ctallatih; Trentpn,'.Canieron antl KaHoaaGi^jlnMfssoUrlj'aria'teavenT. wortli ana Atcbigoti in Kartsa3» egidi Jb&;fiuridrecis pf^cities, vfllases-andtowna/ •in-teTiri6diate« Th's'-I '-•'.-•••.•-' '-'•'.; •'--".•--.-.•'•>• -"•-:--. •'. -• - '-. •-..;-' -'•..-. ';'-.

. 'osc/ir- mm: tmp^&mrm?' "AS It }& familiarly oal lsd , . offers So. t e aye le re -a i l t h e advasVtSges an t f :iGQiTifQrtat Inofdent - to a Bmootft t r a c k , ga.fe b r i d g e s i .Ofiibn S e p r i t s - a t . k i t ' c o n n e c t i n g p o i n t s ^ F a s t "Express T r a i n s ^ ' c o s i p o s e d of ebiVifi1O.ril'60S j.WlEi.t;-V.ENTIfeA*ED', 'WEtfc H E A f E D / FIME4.-Y 0PH«si.S.T5f?SQ af td EJ-JEPSNT CAV-OOflCi iESj ia l ino of t f i« . M O S T «!AOStlF | r>5«t KGST-Ofi HSGI.IN1H6 OlfASii CAHS:esfle"r b t t i fe t ^ U t t M A N * * l a t e s t d e s i g n e d a n d ftaedsomest PAtACH' S t E E P I N Q G.aks , ' .ah .d OININO: C A R S t h a t a r e a c k n o w l e d g e d by p r e s s ^ n d p e o p i o t o ' l i e t h e FliSEST. RUN .UPON.'AMit ; ROAD II* THE CoilNTS!y, .ancl Jft v ^ t p h ' s u ' p e r i o r . m e a t s a r . e s e f v p d to -^ rave le r s a ^

. t h e l o w ' r a t a o f ^'VEKTV>FIV.e. G E S T S ^AOH,. . - , " ' ' . ' - ."•": '----• : ; " - - " . . . '.•!• • • THREE TSAi&S eaan. way' Batween GH5GAGO. and . t h e IWtSSOORI RIVER, • T W O TFfArflS e a c h waV" betWse'n OrrlSftfi© a n d f35NKHAt»'Ol-IS anct S T , P A U L , '

vta the ftjmous 'V-, •; •:'"'.•'_•*-_' ^>'LL"J-"'."";:J^'ii *J '

, . i , „ , , . . f 0QR S.EEPS.

.- ••TtdKl.tssKI-'ULCflMfA.V'fo-'J."

g :S(Pfll?h": vr«*S»iSS* &' Mitpiltm'iiS, !

R-'i-'e'' ,ni(i a d ' J e , finrtj l.l)t i\jie.-t<->iee ot i r l t h l PtniuVnt phyKici.in^. -.-Bd <VI-I.II Minvus- , fbl bamn'&ss' riven. -A t r e a s u r y of - t b e t-ne.M i

, v a l u a b i s informat ion* Pr ice 50 cents . Malted i I pofltpflid o n i-eeelpt^f pr ice, Fos t ageBta inps . j

- T a y l o r i roSi , 'Fnb, , ' i ?ool ie8ter 1 3f ,yv- |

Jans ra ry U l 8 S a r a n e w Bhe. will be opened* v ia SeiVeca.ar idKrir ikakeej b e t w e e n S e w p o r t Mews, Rienrriortd, d ine inna t i , ' Sn.filanaeotls ariti .fea BayettB t .ar)d;,C'o'«ncli SlMffs, Q t . P a u l . SWiRBe^-.-poils.and Jh t^ rmed i i t e . p .p in t s . ' .-- " ' - . - . ' - .= - ' . ' ; ' : r --."•"

Ail T i t rous i i P a s s e n g e r s ea r r t ed p n P a ' s t ' E x g r e t e T r a t n ^ . . " ' . . . -For w o r e dctaf ted itifof m a t i d n , E e e ^ K a p a i w d Flolders, ».vhioh m a y b e o b t a i n e d , a « '

»WII a s T i c k e t s , a t all pr incipal t l c k e t o m c e s |ri t h e Uni ted S t a t e s a r i d C a n a d a , o r o 4

^;^'v^Mi0ftCK>*^%V;T:v':;: ^V"V^.:-"