Epicentre Quarterly Report Dec 2012


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  • 7/28/2019 Epicentre Quarterly Report Dec 2012



    Epicentre Holdings Limited(Company Registration No. 200202930G)

    Half Year Financial Statement and Dividend Announcement For The Period Ended 31

    December 2012

    1(a)(i) An Income statement and statement of comprehensive income, or a statement of comprehensive

    income, for the group, together with a comparative statement for the corresponding period of the

    immediately preceding financial year.

    Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income


    1H 1H Increase /


    FY 2013 FY 2012

    S$'000 S$'000 %

    Revenue 88,973 92,556 -3.9%

    Cost of sales (78,620) (80,514) -2.4%

    Gross Profit 10,353 12,042 -14.0%

    Other operating income 1,064 1,175 -9.4%

    Interest income - 4 n/m

    Administrative expenses (9,475) (9,025) 5.0%

    Selling and distribution cost (2,298) (2,861) -19.6%

    Finance costs (41) - n/m

    (Loss) / Profit before income tax (397) 1,335 -129.7%

    Income tax (132) (302) 56.2%

    (Loss)/ Profit for the financial year (529) 1,033 -151.2%

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    Other comprehensive income:

    Foreign currency differences on translation of

    foreign operations

    (35) 77 -145.5%

    Income tax relating to components of other

    comprehensive income

    - - -

    Other comprehensive income for the year, net of


    (35) 77 -145.5%

    Total comprehensive income for the financial year (564) 1,110 -150.8%

    (Loss)/Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the parent (411) 1,176 -134.9%

    Non-controlling interest (118) (143) -17.5%(529) 1,033 -151.2%

    Total comprehensive income attributable to :-

    Owners of the parent (450) 1,237 -136.4%

    Non-controlling interest (114) (127) -10.2%

    (564) 1,110 -150.8%

    1(a)(ii) Notes to the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income


    1H 1H Increase

    FY 2013 FY 2012 (Decrease)

    ` S$'000 S$'000 %

    Profit for the financial year includes

    the following:

    Interest income - (4) n/m

    Depreciation of plant and equipment 835 618 35%

    Amortisation of club membership 56 - n/m

    Staff cost 4,629 5,006 -8%

    Gain on disposal of plant and


    (1) - n/m

    Plant and equipment written off - 1 n/m

    Net foreign exchange (gain) (246) (204) 21%

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    Inventories written off 17 66 -74%

    1b(i) A consolidated statement of financial position (for the issuer and group), together with a

    comparative statement as at the end of the immediately preceding financial year.

    Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

    Group Company

    31 Dec 2012 30-Jun-12 31 Dec 2012 30-Jun-12

    S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000

    Non-current assetsPlant and equipment 3,087 3,606 696 732

    Club membership 167 223 167 223

    Investments in subsidiaries - - 3,476 3,476

    3,254 3,829 4,339 4,431

    Current assets

    Inventories 14,443 14,124 - -

    Trade and other receivables 7,388 7,363 3,383 3,557

    Prepayments 860 880 100 77

    Income tax recoverable 11 103 11 -

    Cash and cash equivalents 10,909 12,953 110 279

    33,611 35,423 3,604 3,913


    Current liabilities

    Trade and other payables 19,742 18,182 297 459

    Provisions 252 252 50 50

    Derivative financial instruments 21 21 - -

    Finance lease payable 42 79 42 79

    Current income tax payable 115 153 - -

    Bank borrowings 781 3,490 - -

    20,953 22,177 389 588

    Net current assets 12,658 13,246 3,215 3,325


    Non-current liabilities

    Finance lease payable 82 82 82 82

    Deferred tax liabilities 92 92 15 15

    Bank borrowings 84 87 - -

    258 261 97 97

    Net assets 15,654 16,814 7,457 7,659

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    Share capital 6,709 6,709 6,709 6,709

    Treasury shares (42) (7) (42) (7)

    Foreign currency translation account (63) (24) - -Retained earnings 9,261 10,233 790 957

    Equity attributable to owners of the


    15,865 16,911 7,457 7,659

    Non-controlling interest (211) (97) - -

    Total equity 15,654 16,814 7,457 7,659

    1b(ii) Aggregate amount of group's borrowings and debt securities

    Amount repayable in one year or less, or on demand

    31-Dec-12 30-Jun-12

    S$'000 S$'000

    Secured 42 79

    Unsecured 781 3,490

    Total 823 3,569

    Amount repayable after one year

    Secured 82 82

    Unsecured 84 87

    Total 166 169

    Total borrowings 989 3,738

    Details of collaterals

    The bank loans are secured by corporate guarantees.

    The finance lease obligations of the Group are secured by the rights to the leased motor vehicles.

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    1(c) A consolidated statement of cash flow (for the group), together with a comparative statement for

    the corresponding period of the immediately preceding f inancial year.

    Consolidated statement of cash flows

    1H FY 2013


    1H FY 2012


    Operating activities :

    (Loss)/Profit for the financial period (397) 1,335

    Adjustments for :

    Changes in value of derivative financial instruments - (45)

    Depreciation of plant and equipment 835 618

    Amortisation of club membership 56 -

    Interest income - (4)

    Interest expense 41 -

    Gain on disposal of plant and equipment (1) -

    Inventories written off 17 66

    Plant and equipment written off - 1

    Operating cash flows before working capital changes 551 1,971

    Changes in working capital

    Inventories (310) (574)

    Trade and other receivables (8) (3,835)

    Prepayments 20 (269)

    Trade and other payables 1,485 1,574

    Cash generated from/(absorbed by) operations 1,738 (1,133)

    Interest received - 4Interest paid (41) -

    Income taxes paid (80) (419)

    Net cash from/(used in) operating activities 1,617 (1,548)

    Investing activities

    Purchase of plant and equipment (316) (1,006)

    Purchase of treasury shares (35) -

    Contribution by non-controlling interest in subsidiary - 244

    Net cash used in investing activities (351) (762)

    Financing activities

    Dividend paid (561) (3,740)

    Repayment of finance lease payables (37) (35)

    Proceeds from bank borrowings - 1,497

    Repayments of bank borrowings (2,712) -

    Net cash used in financing activities (3,310) (2,278)

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    Net change in cash and cash equivalents (2,044) (4,588)

    Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of financial period 12,953 14,870

    Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents - 61

    Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial period 10,909 10,343

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    1(d)(i) A statement (for the issuer and group) showing either (i) all changes in equity or (ii) changes in

    equity other than those arising from capitalisation issues and distributions to shareholders, together

    with a comparative statement for the corresponding period of the immediately preceding financial


    Statements Of Changes In Equity

    Foreign Equity

    currency attributable

    Group Share Treasury Retained translation to owners

    of the




    capital shares earnings account Parent interest equity

    S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000

    Balance at 1 July


    6,709 (7) 10,233 (24) 16,911 (97) 16,814

    Profit for the

    financial period

    - - (411) - (411) (118) (529)



    income for the

    financial year:

    Foreign currency

    differences on

    translation of foreign


    - - - (39) (39) 4 (35)

    Total comprehensive

    income for the

    financial year

    - - (411) (39) (450) (114) (564)

    Purchase of treasury


    - (35) - - (35) - (35)

    Distributions to

    owners of the parent

    Dividends - - (561) - (561) - (561)

    Balance at 31 Dec


    6,709 (42) 9,261 (63) 15,865 (211) 15,654

    Balance at 1 July


    6,709 - 12,989 (2) 19,696 36 19,732

    Profit for the

    financial year

    - - 1,176 - 1,176 (143) 1,033

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    income for the

    financial year:Foreign currency

    differences on

    translation of foreign


    - - - 61 61 16 77

    Total comprehensive

    income for the

    financial year

    - - 1,176 61 1,237 127 1,110

    Distributions to

    owners of the parent

    Dividends - - (3,740) - (3,740) - (3,740)

    Transactions with



    Subscription of new

    shares by non-

    controlling interest

    - - - - - 228 228

    Balance at 31 Dec


    6,709 - 10,425 59 17,193 137 17,330

    Share Treasury Retained

    Company Capital shares earnings TotalS$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000

    Balance at 1 July


    6,709 (7) 957 7,659

    Profit for the financial


    - - 394 394

    Total comprehensive

    income for the

    financial year

    - - 394 394

    Purchase of treasury


    - (35) - (35)

    Distributions to

    owners :

    Dividends - - (561) (561)

    Balance at 31 Dec


    6,709 (42) 790 7,457

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    Balance at 1 July


    6,709 - 4,474 11,183

    Profit for the financialyear

    - - 164 164

    Total comprehensive

    income for the

    financial year

    - - 164 164

    Distributions to


    Dividends - - (3,740) (3,740)

    Balance at 31 Dec


    6,709 - 898 7,607

    1(d)(ii) Details of any changes in the company's share capital arising from rights issue, bonus issue,

    share buy-backs, exercise of share options or warrants, conversion of other issues of equity securities,

    issue of shares for cash or as consideration for acquisition or for any other purpose since the end of the

    previous period reported on. State also the number of shares that may be issued on conversion of all

    the outstanding convertibles, as well as the number of shares held as treasury shares, if any, against the

    total number of issued shares excluding treasury shares of the issuer, as at the end of the current

    financial period reported on and as at the end of the corresponding period of the immediately

    preceding financial year.

    31 Dec 2012 30 Jun 2012

    No. of shares at beginning of period 93,481,600 93,501,600

    Less : Treasury shares (100,000) (20,000)

    No. of shares at end of period 93,381,600 93,481,600

    1(d)(iii) To show the total number of issued shares excluding treasury shares as at the end of the current

    financial period and as at the end of the immediately preceding year.

    31 Dec 2012 30 Jun 2012

    Total number of issued shares 93,501,600 93,501,600

    Total number of treasury shares (120,000) (20,000)

    Total number of issued shares

    (excluding treasury shares)

    93,381,600 93,481,600

    1(d)(iv) A statement showing all sales, transfers, disposal, cancellation and/or use of treasury shares as

    at the end of the current financial period reported on.

    31 Dec 2012 30 Jun 2012

    No. of treasury shares at beginning of period 20,000 -

    Additions during the period 100,000 20,000

    No. of treasury shares at end of period 120,000 20,000

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    2) Whether the figures have been audited or reviewed and in accordance with which auditing standards

    or practice.

    The figures have not been audited or reviewed by the Company's auditors.

    3) Where the figures have been audited or reviewed, the auditors' report (including any qualifications

    or emphasis of matter)

    Not applicable.

    4) Whether the same accounting policies and methods of computation as in the issuer's most recent

    audited financial statements have been applied

    Save as disclosed in paragraph 5 below, the accounting policies and methods of computation applied by

    the Group are consistent with those used in its most recently audited financial statements for the

    financial year ended 30 June 2012.

    5) If there are any changes in the accounting policies and methods of computation, including any

    required by an accounting standard, what has changed, as well as the reasons for, and the effect of the


    On 1 July 2012, the Group adopted the new and revised Financial Reporting Standards ("FRS") and

    interpretation of FRS ("INT FRS") that are relevant to its operations and are effective in the financial year

    ending 30 June 2013. The adoption of these new and revised FRS and INT FRS where relevant has no

    material impact on the Group's accounting policies or the financial statements for the current financial


    6) Earnings per ordinary share of the group for the current period reported on and the corresponding

    period of the immediately preceding financial year, after deducting any provision for preference



    1H 1H





    Earnings per ordinary share attributable to owners of the parent during thefinancial period / year:

    (a) Based on weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (cents) (0.44) 1.26

    (b) On a fully diluted basis (cents) (0.44) 1.26

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    7) Net asset value (for the issuer and group) per ordinary share based on the total number of issued

    shares excluding treasury shares of the issuer at the end of the:-

    (a) current period reported on; and

    (b) immediately preceding financial year

    Group Company

    31 Dec


    30 Jun


    31 Dec


    30 Jun


    Net tangible asset backing per ordinary share based on existing

    issued share capital as at the end of the period reported on


    23.23 24.76 10.93 11.10

    Net asset value backing per ordinary share based on existing

    issued share capital as at the end of the period reported on

    existing issued share capital as at the end of the period reported

    on (cents)

    23.49 25.09 11.18 11.43

    8) A review of the performance of the group, to the extent necessary for a reasonable understanding of

    the group's business. It must include a discussion of the following:-

    (a) any significant factors that affected the turnover, costs, and earnings of the group for the current

    financial period reported on, including (where applicable) seasonal or cyclical factors; and

    (b) any material factors that affected the cash flow, working capital, assets or liabilities of the group

    during the current financial period reported on.


    Revenue decreased by 3.9% to S$89 million compared to S$92.6 million in the corresponding preceding

    period. Revenue contribution by geographical location is as follows:


    1H FY 2013 1H FY 2012 Increase / (Decrease)

    S$'000 S$'000 S$'000

    Singapore 74,226 75,253 (1,027) 1.4%

    Malaysia 14,307 16,866 (2,559) 15.2%

    PRC 440 437 3 0.7%

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    Revenue from Singapore experienced a slight reduction of approximately 1.4% while revenue from

    Malaysia experienced a decrease of 15.2% due more conservative buying behavior by the consumers as a

    result of uncertainty in the macro-economic conditions. Inventory constraints for certain new product

    models that was launched in 1H FY2013 also limited our revenue growth. Revenue from the PRC also did

    not meet the Groups expectations as a result of challenging market conditions.

    Gross Profit

    Gross profit decreased from S$12.0 million in 1H FY2012 to S$10.4 million in 1H FY2013. Gross profit

    margin declined from 13.0% in 1H FY2012 to 11.6% in 1H FY2013. The decline was due to lower margin

    contributed by Apple branded products. Apple Branded products contributed to approximately 87% of

    our Group revenue in 1H FY2013. The aggressive promotional bundle created to promote our sales also

    had a negative impact on our profit margin.

    Other Operating Income

    Other operating income decreased from S$1.2 million in 1H FY 2012 to S$1.0 million in 1H FY2013. The

    decrease was mainly due to a fall in sponsorship income from vendors.

    Administrative Expenses

    Administrative expenses increase by approximately S$450,000 in 1H FY2013 as compared to 1H FY2012.

    The increase is mainly due to the following reasons:-

    (1) Increase in our rental expenses of approximately S$919,000 as a result of an increase in the number of

    outlets from 14 outlets in 1H FY2012 to 19 outlets in 1H FY2013. In 1H FY2012, 3 outlets commenced

    operations during the period under review. As such, the rental expenses for these outlets were not

    captured in all six months of 1H FY2012. However, in 1H FY2013, the rental expenses for these 3 outlets

    plus the 4 out of 5 additional outlets that commenced operations in the 2012 had contributed to the

    rental expenses for the full 1H FY2013.

    (2) Increase in depreciation of approximately S$217,000 as a result of the opening of 4 additional

    Epicentre outlets, of which 2 were in the PRC, 1 in Singapore and Malaysia respectively. A new Epilife

    outlet that was opened in March 2012 also contributed to the increase in depreciation charges in 1H

    FY2013 as compared to 1H FY2012.

    The increase in rental expenses and depreciation is offset by a reduction in staff cost of approximately

    S$377,000, resulted from our continuous efforts of controlling staff cost.The Group has also embarked invarious cost-cutting measures in 1H FY2013. These cost cutting measures has successfully brought the

    cost for travelling and business development as well as other miscellaneous expenses down by

    approximately S$300,000.

    Selling and Distribution Cost

    The selling and distribution expenses decreased by approximately S$600,000 or 19.6%, from

    approximately S$2.9 million in 1H FY2012 to approximately S$2.3 million in 1H FY2013. This is due to the

    success in managing our advertising and promotion expenses in 1H FY2013.

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    Finance Cost

    Finance cost relates to interest expenses from bank borrowings for Shanghai operations and for working


    Arising from the above, loss before income tax was S$0.4 million in 1H FY2013 compared to profit before

    tax of S$1.3 million in 1H FY2012. The reduction in profitability is primarily attributable to the operating

    losses from our PRC entity resulting from low revenue and an increase in operating expenses in the PRC


    Tax expense was calculated according to the statutory tax rates of the respective countries in which the

    Group operates. Tax expense relates to income tax paid in advance for the current year of assessment for

    Malaysia subsidiary adjusting for non-deductible expenses.

    Consolidated statement of financial position review

    Non-current assets decreased from S$3.8 million as at 30 Jun 2012 to S$3.3 million as at 31 Dec 2012.

    This is mainly due to the capital expenditure incurred for our new outlet in Malaysia that commence

    operations in July 2013. This was offset by the depreciation charges and amortization of club


    Current assets decreased by approximately S$1.8 million, from S$35.4 million as at 30 Jun 2012 to S$33.6

    million as at 31 Dec 2012. The decrease in current assets is mainly attributable to the reduction in cash

    and cash equivalents of approximately S$2.0 million, from S$13.0 million as at 30 Jun 2012 to

    approximately S$11.0 million as at 31 Dec 2012.

    Current liabilities also decreased by approximately S$1.2 million, from S$22.1 million as at 30 June 2012

    to S$20.9 million as at 31 Dec 2012. Trade and other payables increased by approximately S$1.6 million

    or 8.6%, from S$18.2 million as at 30 Jun 2012 to S$19.8 million as at 31 Dec 2012. This is mainly

    attributable to the additional purchases made as a result of the opening of our new outlets during the 1H

    FY2013 as compared to 1H FY2012. The increase in trade and other payables is offset by a reduction in

    short-term bank borrowings of approximately S$2.7 million, resulting from the repayment of these short-

    term bank borrowings in 1H FY2013.

    Arising from above, working capital decreased by approximately S$588,000 to approximately S$12.7


    Cash Flow

    Cashflows from operating activities was an inflow of approximately S$1.6 million for 1H FY2013 as

    compared to an outflow of approximately S$1.5 million for 1H FY2012. This was primarily due to the

    increase in trade and other payables.

    Net cash outflow from investing activities amounted to approximately S$0.3 million for 1H FY2013

    resulting from the renovation and fi ttings of our new outlets during the year.

    Net cash outflow from financing activities amounted to approximately S$3.3 million, resulting from

    dividend payment amounting to approximately S$600,000 and repayment of bank borrowings amounting

    to approximately S$2.7 million.

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    9) Where a forecast, or a prospect statement, has been previously disclosed to shareholders, any

    variance between it and the actual results.

    Not applicable.

    10) A commentary at the date of the announcement of the significant trends and competitive

    conditions of the industry in which the group operates and any known factors or events that may affect

    the group in the next reporting period and the next 12 months.

    The Group expects business conditions to remain challenging, amidst uncertainties in the major

    economies. However, the Group remains focused to widen its distribution network in existing markets.

    The Group will continue to enhance its operational efficiency and monitor its operating expenses in the

    face of higher cost environment.

    11) Dividend

    (a) Current Financial Period Reported On

    Any dividend declared for the current financial period reported on?

    No dividend has been declared for the 6 months ended 31 December 2012.

    (b) Corresponding Period of the Immediately Preceding Financial Year

    Any dividend declared for the corresponding period of the immediately preceding financial year?

    Name of Dividend: Final Dividend

    Dividend Type: Cash

    Dividend amount per share: S$0.006

    Tax Rate: Tax exempt (one-tier)

    (c) Date Payable

    Not applicable

    (d) Books closure date

    Not applicable

    12) If no dividend has been declared/recommended, a statement to that effect.

    No dividend has been declared for the 6 months ended 31 December 2012.

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    13) If the Group has obtained a general mandate from shareholders for Interested Person

    Transactions (IPT), the aggregate value of such transactions as required under Rule

    920(1)(a)(ii). If no IPT mandate has been obtained, a statement to that effect.

    The Company does not have a shareholders mandate under Rule 920 of the Listing Manual

    Section B: Rules of Catalist of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.

    14) Negative Assurance Confirmation on Interim Financial Result Pursuant to Rule 705 (5) of the

    Listing Manual

    We, the undersigned, hereby confirm to the best of our knowledge, nothing has come to the

    attention of the Board of Directors of the Company which may render the unaudited interim

    financial results for the half year ended 31 December 2012 to be false or misleading in any

    material aspect.

    On behalf of the Board of Directors

    Jimmy Fong Teck Loon Brenda Yeo

    Executive Chairman & CEO Executive Director

    By order of the Board

    Jimmy Fong Teck Loon

    Chief Executive Officer

    8 February 2013

    This announcement has been reviewed by the Company's Sponsor, RHT Capital Pte. Ltd., for compliance

    with the relevant rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST). The Company's

    Sponsor has not independently verified the contents of this announcement.

    This announcement has not been examined or approved by the SGX-ST and the SGX-ST assumes no

    responsibility for the contents of this announcement including the correctness of any of the statements or

    opinions made or reports contained in this announcement.

    The contact person for the Sponsor is:-

    Name: Mr Wong Chee Meng Lawrence, Registered Professional, RHT Capital Pte. Ltd.

    Address: Six Battery Road #10-01, Singapore 049909

    Tel: 6381 6998