English Home Learning Week 6 17.5


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English Home Learning

Week 6


Come and study at the House of Wisdom

in Baghdad!

LO: To design and produce a brochure to attract scholars to

study at the House of Wisdom

You have already researched the city of Baghdad during the

Islamic Golden Age.

Your English task this week is to show your learning by

designing a brochure to advertise the House of Wisdom to

travelling scholars.

Your brochure must INFORM the reader about the

opportunities and sights on offer in the city and PERSUADE

them to come and study there.

LO: To Identify and describe how the House of Wisdom

became a centre for learning.

Think about the elements of persuasion that you have learned

about already this term:

Emotive (powerful/emotional language)

Imperative (“bossy” verbs, verb first like an instruction)

Rhetorical questions

Read the WAGOLL first.

Illustrate your brochure using the pictures in the resource to

help you.

Use the pictures to collect ideas about the most beautiful images that you can see.

Domes and minarets Buildings

Mosaics Atmosphere

Carpets Activities

Books Ceilings

Decorations Other people


Use an online thesaurus to collect more words.

Watch These Videos About the House Of Wisdom




TaskWrite a brochure for the

House of Wisdom which could be used to attract new scholars to come here.

WAGOLLWhy not come and study in Baghdad at the magnificent House of Wisdom? You will be studying in the world’s only circular city, a unique place easily access by all major trade routes.

This is a city which never runs out of clear, fresh water, with the River Tigris running close by. There is no such thing as drought here! The land is rich and fertile; it is a land of plenty!

You will be amazed at the majestic surroundings, which will enhance your studies and inspire your mind. The towering minarets reach up to the eternal blue skies, where the mighty Allah watches down over his city. Walk the marble floors and admire the luxurious surroundings of the library as you study. Relax on beautifully crafted carpets, as you read one of the carefully translated and unique books, representing learning from all over the globe.

The peaceful atmosphere will calm your mind; everyone here can be considered a friend. The world’s greatest minds gather here to break new boundaries in science, engineering and maths. There are new inventions being created here every day. Do you not want to be at the forefront of this new technology? Study here and you will lead the world! Come and be part of the Golden Age!

We have the largest collection of books from all corners of the globe, Every culture has contributed and the greatest minds have shared their knowledge. This is the most prestigious place in all the world to study. You will be in the company of the greatest scientists, engineers, mathematicians and medical practitioners.

Do not study in Europe, where there a few comforts and luxuries! Although some wonderful ideas have come from that part of the world, it is ravaged by war. Baghdad is a city of peace and safety. It is a fortress of such power, that no man or woman can penetrate its walls if uninvited. The bastions are so strong that a hundred elephants could not displace one brick.

The glittering domes, which are gilded with the finest gold, light up the skies. When you are not studying, you can feast on the world’s finest foods and admire the beautiful night sky. You could even look up using one of our telescopes, admiring the stars in all of their glory. You can shop in the markets for the most beautifully crafted carpets, lanterns and jewellery. The scent of spices and the perfumes of Arabia will lull you to sleep, as they scent the night air.

Come to Baghdad, the world’s only circular city. You will not regret your decision to study here!