Engaging Young People



Speakers: Alistair Raphael, Head of Arts, Royal Parks in Conversation with Helen Ball, Head of Engagement Services, Audiences London - How do you include young people’s voices in a large scale event? This session looks indetail at the lessons from FUSE, The Royal Parks’ multi-art form festival in KensingtonGardens last summer. FUSE was co-programmed with a panel of 12 young peopleaged between 13-21 years. This session will describe the learning from the projectand cover broader principles behind engaging and maintaining relationships withyoung people.

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Why did we work together?

4 characteristics





What’s important

Building Trust

Sharing arts experiences

Connecting with individuals

AKartsBAFTA British Film InstituteCandoco Dance Company: Cando2Chinatown ArtsSpaceCrazie ProductionsDigital Media UnitDreamArts Ebony Steelband TrustEnglish National BalletFlat Feet Dance Company Glissandro Steelpan Orchestras Jermyn Street Theatre Just Dance showcaseLondon Transport MuseumLondon Youth Gospel & MetropolitanChoirMousetrap Theatre ProjectsPhotographers' Gallery

Poetry SocietyRealDeal Theatre RIBARoyal Albert HallSerpentine GalleryShapeSing London SlambassadorsSoho Theatre Tate Britain’s Tate ForumTheatre Royal Haymarket Youth CompanyUnion Dance & London Lucimi ChoirUniversity of the ArtsV InspiredV&AVital Regeneration's FreqOUTWestminster City Libraries

1307 opportunities to participate in a workshop or activity were taken up

2017 opportunities to watch a performance were taken up

95% of the audience members surveyed told us they really or quite enjoyed the event.

87% of people we spoke to said they had not been to an event like this before

40% of people told us they had met new organisations at FUSE that they did not know before

32% told us they had personally tried something new at the event

12% of people told us they had not been to Kensington Gardens before

3% of people told us they had not had an arts experience in the last 12 months

94% said there were benefits in being part of an outdoor event.

94% said there were benefits in being part of an event in a Royal Park.

94% said there were benefits in being part of a multi-artform event .

86% said they had met new organisations.

68% said that young people new to their organisation had made contact with them.

63% (20 organisations) said that they gave details of future opportunities to young people at FUSE.

The event raised the profile of both Chinatown Arts Space and Exodus. This is likely

to deliver new audiences. It also delivered useful contacts for both groups that will

make a difference in the future. We would be very keen to participate in any future

events.Jude Woodward, Director of Chinatown Arts Space

Performing at Kensington Gardens was absolutely beautiful and not a lot of us

had actually been there before. Feedback from a participating organisation, FUSE 2010

We had 80 sign ups to our mailing list, as well as 100 bags made and 200

badges made [as part of our workshop event]

Feedback from a participating organisation, FUSE 2010

“It’s good to have young

people, getting young

people’s thoughts and help to

organise this because

usually it’s just other people

doing it, but they’ve actually

given young people an

opportunity to show their

talents, show their ideas and

that’s what FUSE is all about

so thank you.”

Sharn, 18, FUSE youth team

Thank you

Alistair Raphael, Head of Arts, The Royal ParksARaphael@royalparks.gsi.gov.uk

Helen Ball, Head of Engagement Services, Audiences Londonhelen@audienceslondon.org
